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ATTENTION! NEW RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE! LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:39:08 Id:c6699b No. 48318
Due to continued abuse from both CP and complete nonsense astroturf posts, new posting restrictions are now in place. All known abusive ASNs as defined on spamhaus.org have been banned, indefinitely. Additionally, we now use their automated IP-scanning DNSBL service. This change may impact your ability to post, and I'm sorry for that, but this is non-negotiable. These changes may be rolled back if they produce no noticeable improvement. Please disable your VPN / Tor services if you intend to post and are having trouble doing so. You may contact me on discord if you have a VPN with a DEDICATED IP that you would like to whitelist (this generally costs a bit extra than a regular vpn, most have it as an add-on for less than $10/month). Also, I'd like to clarify that the correct response to CP is to NOT reply to their threads, ONLY REPORT. Do not reply to a CP thread. That moves it UP the list and keeps it on the first page and overboard. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. If anything, if you WANT to help, report AND reply to as many OTHER *legitimate* threads on the same board as possible, to limit it's exposure on the first page and give time for mods to be notified. Or ping us on discord and hope it wakes us up. We have to sleep. Sometimes, you guys make that shit stay on the front page instead of burying it, and that's not very helpful. I apologize that we are human and require rest, because if I was an immortal golem I would have the overboard open at all times. Alas, we lapse.
Edited last time by admin on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 02:07:44.
Restricting the opening of new threads to one every 24 hours is a much simpler solution. You Europeans unnecessarily overcomplicate everything.
>>48321 My self, I tend to agree there is almost next to no need for more than 1 thread per day in any one board, but that is, at the end of the day, highly restrictive. Another admin thinks we should increase it from our already quite low per hour limit though. After this latest experiment, if things don't improve, I'll consider lowering the limit even further.
Edited last time by admin on 04/28/2024 (Sun) 23:22:00.
>>48323 Is there an appeals process? My normal IP is listed as spam, and I'd rather not have to post through my phone
>>48324 Are you getting a specific IP block or ASN block? What did the message say?
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What about mods banning threads on /bhm/ and /furry/ without any reason?
>>48323 Thank you for your consideration.
>>48326 I was getting that notification too. For reference, I was the guy helping with reporting all the CP stuff and bumping/necroposting going on. In multiple boards.
>>48327 Said the same thing as this person.
>>48330 Is there a way to resolve this yet, or are you using a different network like I am?
>>48332 At the risk of getting myself in trouble to answer your question, I just turned off the WiFi on my phone.
>>48333 Ah, ok. Doing the same.
>>48321 >>48323 >>You may contact me on discord if you have a VPN with a DEDICATED IP that you would like to whitelist. >>Or ping us on discord and hope it wakes us up. We have to sleep >>I apologize that we are human and require rest Yeah why are purposely making all of this harder than it needs to be? So you're telling us that you'd rather your mods through more trouble by making them camp out waiting for discord pings than just limiting the number of new threads per day? If the solution has been there the entire time, then why are you waiting until now to do something about it? This isn't TMZ or Daily Star where a new thread is needed every other hour. But no, let's instead piss off even more users on here who'll end up confused onto why they've been banned for no reason. It's not like even half of users visit the gen threads to begin with....
>>48336 In his defense and from my recent experience it's an American thing to say "keep it simple, silly." t. American working in Germany
>>48318 Thank you. Also, Total Pedo Death Total Spammer Death
>>48318 Seriously, is the only way to resolve this though the discord? If so, could you at least post an invite?
>>48337 You'd think after nearly losing the site last year due to funding, that he'd at least try to make operations smoother for everyone going forward instead of making everything harder. I don't see how the Discord thing is going to work when you can't even find it if you didn't already know where it's at. It's the same issue last year with trying to raise funds and the lack of communication from him and the mod's end.
>>48341 The intent is smoother operation. However, I did realize our filter was much too strict: I was using spamhaus's combined mega ZEN list instead of just their simple SBL list. Everyone who had issues posting, please report if this change had any impact.
Edited last time by admin on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 01:51:02.
>>48342 Testing, if this posted, the change worked
>>48342 I'm back baby
>>48343 >>48342 Works on my machine, many thanks bossman
>>48340 Check links (from homepage)
Edited last time by admin on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 02:17:53.
>>48342 >>48339 >>48341 There's really no need for a filter if you can stop more than 14 threads from being opened every day. Introducing a reports general to /dis/ will also remove the need to use a disharmony client.
>>48348 The problem is, a super low limit, say 1 per board, per day, has limitations. The first thread posted on any board, IS THE TOPIC OF THE DAY. There's no going back. Even if it gets no replies, even if it gets DELETED, it still counts as a thread. So, in the worst case scenario, the "lucky" person who happens to post the one thread allowed per day just as the timer expires, if they don't make it quality, that board is fucked that day. And if it happens again the next day? Now you've got 48 hours where there's no new shit. Could we do that? I suppose. But I think many would find it annoying that 99.9% of the time they want to post a new thread, the board has already hit the limit for the day.
fuck those creeps, they don't deserve mercy in the justice system.
>>48349 Optimally this incentivizes the userbase to think before posting and thus makes the board community come up with fewer but higher quality threads. My main motivation for the suggestion is crippling the spammers and making your job easier.
>>48318 is there a way to report those threads from the catalog instead of going to the thread? i dont even want to look at the thread's image when it happens >>48321 >>48351 i dont feel like there's been a problem of too many threads, and worst case scenario this makes it so that useless threads of literal-who artists and niche split scenarios take priority over restocking old threads bbfurries already deals with at least 5 wildcat threads of begging for a random artist, but the best case scenario is actually getting people to think about what thread they want to make i just want to browse the humble loli threads but the faggot posting actual cp needs to die, even if behind a wall of bots
So why is my IP banned when i'm not a spammer? I've been posting content here for a bit and now suddenly i'm banned?
>>48356 You seem to be posting now? Was it a specific ip block or an ASN ban message? Search your usual IP on stopforumspam.com or spamhaus.org, if it shows up in those lists, it's blocked here. If you're on VPN, try another region. If you're on mobile internet, try switching to airplane mode and back to LTE to grab a new IP. If you're not on VPN, maybe try getting a legitimate one. All I can say is I've enabled some low-level industry standard blocking that should have been in place long ago, and the VAST majority of people on home internet or major telecoms should not have an issue posting at this time, unless I'm mistaken.
Edited last time by admin on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 03:36:37.
>>48355 Once a board userbase notices they can't make more than one thread a day they'll prioritize more general threads over extremely specific ones. By the way I never said one post per day, only one thread every day. You can restock old threads to keep them afloat. /bbwalt/ had some threads made over two years ago.
>>48359 High level blocks is weak. I been evading it for years
>>48361 Then... what's the issue for you, specifically?
>>48362 Make me mod
>>48364 Sorry you work for minium wage here kill yourseld
We allowed to test in this thread? Test!
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can we just subject pedos and pedo spammers to "human" experimentation and horrific torture like scaphism I want to see horrible things happen to them and every judge that lets them off with anything less than life in prison
>>48370 Before we can do that we need to stop them from trying to take this website down. Making it more difficult for them to keep posting and a lot easier for the mods to find and eliminate them is our goal.
>>48318 Thanks, keep up the good work.
>>48323 One IP per 24 or how many hours would do it.
>>48318 Mods = Gods. Keep up the good work. Hoping to see a notable decrease in the schizoposting and spam.
Yeah honestly, this is one of those moves that had to come down. Sad that it's come to this, but big props to the Mods here. Like, ideally, I think VPNs are important tools of the web, and really are vital for so many things in life. *however*, that bieng siad, it is clear that they put the website into disrepute, cause the mods greif and obvious damage, and generally are degenerates. Good call.
So I take it the problem only applies to having vpns enabled that's fine by me as long as you're not retaining my info to sell off to some third party I really don't give a shit as the last thing I need is to be doxed for dumb Internet shit. But I'm glad you're finally taking care of the fucked up cp and dead fetuses threads that keep on popping up. Honestly getting sick of the mini jump scares when I come to check on the tmc threads because some edgy loser in there basement decided haha I'm so cool me smooth brain gonna post edgy shit for Internet point. Goofy laughter. But yeah I'm fine with that honestly as long as it ends the whole cp jump scares crap. FYI I hope you report their ips to the FBI. Give these dumbasses a wake up call
>>48318 exactly. >>48321 >>48323 a limit to 1 new thread per 24 hours (or any duration) sounds like an open invitation to abuse: imagine the daily battle of mischievous scripts (or idiots) trying to automatically create random trash threads on random VPN IPs, just to keep other anons from creating new legitimate threads.
Edited last time by g_janitor on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 12:59:35.
>>48342 I can post now, so I'll say what I was going to say then: thanks for this change, Lieutenant. I hope this cuts down on off-topic schizoposting. I've always been in the "/gen/ should be a free speech zone" camp, but over the past couple months it was becoming borderline unusable.
>>48386 Also, please ignore and perhaps IP ban the guy who won't shut up about being an American expat in Germany and his harebrained schemes to "improve" the board. The rest of us are sick of him.
>>48342 I'm also able to post again.
>>48385 When you find them you can ban them. To be honest, my real goal is bringing a board together and you can do that only with less insular threads. Disabling the spammers is a consequence I'm more than happy with.
test vpn bypass
>>48404 Ayy I'm not banned anymore Thanks based Barclay
>>48318 I don't want to disappoint you but the random non sequitur responses haven't stopped.
>>48424 I admit this one's funny.
>>48425 Tell me about it. Soon as I leave the apartment it stops. Because she cant do it outside
barely post any but still marked as spammer
Greetings from sister site pregchan. I also recently blocked all VPNs, which has all but eliminated the CP. I also blocked T-Mobile ranges 2607::fb90 and 2607::fb91. My whitelist system involves users setting a password that can bypass the block. It's a bit more manual work, but doesn't require a fixed IP. I'm also on Discord (couchy3102) if you want to see my lynxchan addon.
>>48434 >bans posting cheese pizza >runs a site for panzerotti What did he mean by this?
>>48341 Fair on communication point joining the discord is impossible I tried at least on my end didn't succeed. >>48339 I mean unless that happens to be one of the main threads posted that 24 hours? That's the flaw. The problem is it will lead to the less openings that will lead to more spam getting in as results. The ONLY WAY a system like that would work is if mods had access to remove the 24 hour limit or reset it. So that way when spam or particularly this crap does happen it can be deleted and the limit reset until something interesting pops up that day that is worth keeping around. That is the ONlY way the 24-hour thing can work is if it's heavily modded.
>>48349 So maybe bump it to 5 or 6 and moderate/reset the ones that are spam?
>>48370 Blow them up like balloons and tie them to the welcome banner as a warning to all who enter. If you break any rules we may forgo your human rights and use you as a beach ball .
LtB, should we report off-topic schizoposts (you-know-who and the guy who makes non sequitur threats) so that those IPs can be blocked?
>>48457 What for? They're using different IP addresses nearly every time they're on here. They're accessing through cell networks. It would honestly make more sense to block out as many NY-based ASNs as possible to ensnare at least one of them. It will suck for anyone wanting to post from that part of the world but it should theoretically cut down on at least some spam. And anyone who really feels compelled to post can get a whitelist. Either way, it wouldn't be for forever.
>>48457 >>48458 I am barely on your site. If anything the increase of CP is due to a lack of trolling. You can only blame your imaginary friend so many times before people get bored
>>48458 Pointing that out doesn't make you a genius. Only fans models will just scam you and laugh everytime you mumble. Normies aren't going to give up Instagram and TikTok just so Pregchan can be the cool kids on the block.
I'm baffled by this. I'm not saying my posts are always 24 carat gold but if I do anything that could be considered shitposting it's here in /gen, where obviously my comments are still welcome (or at least tolerated). In fact I've contributed a shitload of relevant commentary and content to /SSBBW, including stuff you can't buy anymore. There were probably a few times I bit back at schizos or trolls — my bad — but I've never started a useless thread or trolled myself. Wtf.
>>48386 Early results don't seem exactly promising on stopping the schizo posting (However, since I disabled the more strict ZEN posting almost immediately, it's unclear if that would have stopped him and many other innocents from posting). We're going to need to collect more data and possibly introduce some additional measures to deal with that specific issue. The issue with the ZEN list is almost every IP in the world has had at least one spam report, and one is all it takes to be blocked. >>48457 Yes, report them, but mods, we need to collect data on this issue before deleting. We need to know every ASN he uses, and be VERY careful about applying ASN bans at this time. I've already seen him use general Cloudflare ASNs that, if banned, could stop the site from communicating with ITSELF, which is just bonkers that he's adapted this fast. I'm thinking a daily/weekly password type system like pregchan's admin suggested might be the eventual solution. >>48458 Correct. They don't even wait for bans to be applied, generally each and every post is from a new ASN and IP.
Edited last time by admin on 04/30/2024 (Tue) 18:02:35.
>>48471 I don't see this ban ID anywhere in our system, was this ban lifted?
This is as much of a trainwreck as I have predicted. Regardless the site's going to end up with way less traffic since innocent users are getting banned.
>>48478 One new thread per day, and less boards will require less readiness by any one mod. This will also help with traffic if users can intuit where to go. There absolutely is such a thing as too much choice.
>>48493 Sounds like you're trying to make excuses for a poorly ran site. Never have I encountered a place that bans users who've done nothing wrong for the sake of trying to stop a handful of trolls. This is the equivalent of setting your house on fire just to get rid of a rodent problem.
>>48499 just glossing over the constant CP i guess
>>48499 I'm being serious right now when I say I don't understand what you're getting at. Currently the moderation is trying very hard to stop the CP problem and you're comparing the closing of the door to setting a house on fire? >>48500 The CP is overwhelmingly posted as threads. Stopping threads will stop the illegal content until you can come up with a better idea.
>>48500 Oh please, the CP issue should've been stopped on day one. The fact that they've waited this long to finally do something is pathetic. >>48501 "The moderation is trying very hard" my ass. I get you're a buddy of the mod trying to help them stay face, but don't bullshit me when they've spent more effort getting rid of the schizos and regular trolls over the dipshit russian spreading CP around the site. Again, this should've been dealt with MONTHS ago, so apparently the CP wasn't that big of a deal until 3 days ago.
>>48476 I'm serious when I tell you're overcomplicating things. Less boards will also reduce the time needed to check every board yourself once or twice a day. >>48504 How do you deal with someone who deals with illegal content who're most likely equipped with technology to evade IP bans? BBWchan's far from being the only website targetted. I've noticed one thing: it's pretty much always threads - so restraining threads, including the case when one gets deleted, will make it impossible to continue until the 24 hours pass.
>>48506 Please mods either take this guys suggestion or ban him so he can shut the fuck up about it
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>>48507 Webm related is for you.
>>48477 Nope. Oh well, guess I'm a lurker til further notice.
>>48508 What the feeeek
>>48530 Fixed, thanks.
>>48459 are you retarded
>>48583 I currently wear custom made glasses that blocks our LCD light from the internet.
>>48584 I think I will focus my vacation on getting back social skills
Ah, glad I've seen this now. Had an issue last night where I was getting a message saying "Auto-ban triggered". I rewrote my message though to alter the name of a site I mentioned and then it went through. Also I was at a mates flat so afaik no IP history there. Is there now a blacklist for certain words on top of the IP restrictions? This is something I'd support but it was a bit alarming thinking I'd been banned for no reason last night, so clarification on this would be great. (Unless this is smthn that's been in place for a while and just never encountered)
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND the CP is back. Please try the one-thread-a-day-keeps-the-spammer-away idea first. We can discuss reducing the number of boards to a manageable level later.
Urgent mods someone posted cp again in inflation! Seriously I thought this issue was fixed up ban them asap
>>48651 Again one thread a day isn't gonna fix it unless mods can reset quo! Otherwise every day this assholes gonna be the one and only thread for the day posted.
>>48655 It's every board. >>48656 Reducing the number of new threads every day and the number of boards to less than 10 can make a single mod take care of the whole website.
>>48646 is this one of the complete nonsense astroturf posts in question >>48378 >>48379 seconding this, props to the mods for having a good plan for finally addressing this issue even if we're just trying out the new solutions
>>48318 Something I'd like to see happen is there being more punishments against people who bump or necropost inactive threads. If that's not possible, then something that would automatically bumplock a thread if it's inactive for too long, like say a week. Getting sick of people being able to save threads because they stalled long enough for someone else to pull something out of their butt after a week or two of absolutely nothing on a thread. It's the most frequent thing I report.
>>48665 Strongly disagree. Spamming and archiving are problems that need to solved and until then bumping threads is a necessity.
>>48672 That's on the people themselves for not archiving what they want saved, not the site itself. What you're suggesting is encouraging freeloaders.
>>48665 Maybe if a warning could appear encouraging folk to sagepost if it looks like the thread is being necro'd might be an idea. I've never used any other chan-style boards so didn't know what that was until I got yelled at a wee while ago (deserved tho ngl)
>>48673 What are you on about? The entire website is freeloading. Either you upload files to share with others or you're an editor, an artist, or a writer taking requests. >>48681 Bumping is a healthy thing to do when spam is occuring. "Necrobumping" is only a problem when a board catalog has too many threads or otherwise is very slow. Solve the spam problem and necrobumping disappears.
>>48685 >The entire website is freeloading. What are you smoking? Posting and contributing art to a thread is not freeloading. Like >>48681 said, people can sagepost if they've got nothing to contribute, so they can at least say something without bumping the thread. >Bumping is a healthy thing to do when spam is occuring. "Necrobumping" is only a problem when a board catalog has too many threads or otherwise is very slow. Solve the spam problem and necrobumping disappears. That wouldn't solve the necrobumping problem. Doing that would shove the more populated threads down the board, and puts them at risk to get swallowed up by the spam instead of the inactive threads.
>>48685 >>The entire website is freeloading. >>Either you upload files to share with others Are you slow or something? How do you contradict yourself within the same comment? Just because you freeload and only share the hot air from your breath doesn't mean that the users who actually purchase and upload content here should be in the same boat as you.
>>48687 >>48690 Necrobumping isn't a problem if there's no spam and not too many threads. Reduce the number of boards to concentrate the userbase and no board will have a thread waiting over a year to get bumped. Now that's necrobumping. I swear you people have never used an anonymous image board before.
>>48693 >>Reduce the number of boards to concentrate the userbase Doing that would mean boundaries getting broken and people getting exposed to fetishes they don't care for. The amount of boards we have now is to try to make people stay in their own areas, and reducing that would only make things worse.
>>48697 >getting exposed to fetishes they don't care for This is happening right now. By reducing the boards to subjects like small fat, big fat, slob, furry, and some more, you can *erect* boundaries (pun inteded) to bring together users while signalling what they won't see. For example, you won't find fetishes on /v/ and you won't find video games on /d/, the video game and fetish boards respectively. These are boundaries we don't have right now. Every board should have its own draw and write threads, and artists and writers should have a reasonable expectation what to find or not to find by looking at a board title alone.
>>48698 >to bring together users while signalling what they won't see. You're crazy if you think everyone here would honor that given how many trolls roam here, not to mention that would also be very harmful to the more populated boards. You'd effectively be making another 4chan where there's no breathing room at all and where you'd have to scroll through 6 or so futa threads just to reach the one fat thread you're looking for. Your idea would ruin this site.
>>48704 You don't need to honor an idea when mods have so much breathing space they can autosage reported repeat threads while the board users will tell the offending OP to use an already established general. From experience I can tell you the ones who start repeat thread *HATE* it when you tell them to check the catalog. It's as if they needed their own insular spaces just for themselves. Besides this is BBWchan. I expect 6 or so fat threads for every futa thread.
>>48705 We all know who’s doing the child porn. It’s those angry Jews in the threads accusing the Jewish people and Jewish ethnostate of systematic pedophilia and genocide. Remove the Jews and the child porn will naturally stop.
>>48759 I'm not a jew and they still aren't letting me post
it'll choke the chan slowly. You should auto-hide posts from "suspichious" IPs (Tor, VPN, other DNSBL), leaving them visible only for the poster IP and mods/veteran users, not block them entirely. Mods or veteran users should be allowed to remove the post entirely, approve the post (making it visible for others), remove all hidden posts from a certain thread, certain IP etc. Criteria of a "veteran" user may vary, I suggest a "valid tripcode, cookies enabled, over 5 existing posts in more than a month".
>>48785 a horde of anonymous pseudo-deputies sounds like an excellent idea. the smelly perfume of the wagner group, the oath-keepers, the proud boys or any organized and armed group of bullies will certainly make this site a peaceful place...
ITT: obsessed guy ranting: >>48321 >opening of new threads to one every 24 hours >>48348 >stop more than 14 threads from being opened >>48351 >come up with fewer but higher quality threads >>48360 >can't make more than one thread a day >>48478 >One new thread per day, and less boards >>48506 >Less boards >>48651 >try the one-thread-a-day-keeps-the-spammer-away idea >>48658 >Reducing the number of new threads every day >and the number of boards to less than 10 >>48693 >not too many threads >Reduce the number of boards >>48698 >reducing the boards >>48787 >Less than 10 new threads every day max >The less boards we have here's a solution: >>48507 >Please mods either take this guys suggestion or ban him >so he can shut the fuck up about it
>>48791 Kevin was not your best friend stop lying rip though
>>48798 >Thank you so much, my brother. >Thank you my Nigerian friend. your cynical comments are not part of any solution. also, i'm neither your friend nor your brother. you can skip that, along with the whining and the endless repetitions of your "suggestions".
Reduce the number of new threads opened on every board to one every day ie 24 hours to cripple the spammer and the CP poster and to make the board users come up with fewer but higher quality threads. Reduce the number of boards to stop too many threads from being opened every day. I'm actually grateful for Nigerian anon for helping me. >>48803 You need to take the chill pill and try having fun on an image board. I was literally in the process of collecting my own posts when you posted yours.
This site is dying.
>>48704 I'm sorry for not catching that earlier. When using an image board I expect posters to know about 2chan and 4chan. Try this link: https://boards.4chan.org/d/catalog#s=bbw >>48812 Be honest. Never used a chan before, have you? >>48831 This is exactly why I'm telling you to imitate one of the world's most popular websites in Internet history.
>>48853 >When using an image board I expect posters to know about 2chan and 4chan. I've known about the site for years, but didn't know that you could filter to find specific threads.
>>48858 Dumb ass
>>48858 Search and filter are two different functions. At first I wanted to give you the same link with "fat" in place of "bbw" but I wasn't sure if you knew how to apply the filter. If you like Western cartoons you can replace "/d/" with "/aco/", one of the newer boards. >>48859 That's why oldfags used to say "lurk moar."
>>48859 You make it sound like it's obvious that it's a thing, along with finding how to do so. >>48861 In my defense, I had no reason to "lurk moar" on 4chan after seeing how much the place where the fats were was flooded with futa shit. Seeing that stuff makes me gag.
>>48862 >makes me gag SAME HERE. That's why you can click on the search link in the catalog or use the link I gave you. Since boards are differentiated by subjects you get regular hentai on /e/ and /h/, kinky hentai on /d/, comic porn on /aco/, and furry in /trash/, one of the newest additions. Content creators are used to this system so you can expect to find willing fat artists or writers on /d/ while willing furry writers and artists on /trash/. There's also a very old and slow board about cooking.
>>48862 Here's an external archiving website for past threads of the BBW generals of /d/ and /aco/, fetishy hentai and adult cartoons respectively. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/aco.d.desu.meta/text/bbw/type/op/ I would give you the /trash/ list too if Desuarchive had a filter.
>>49005 Nice enough utility. Can it combine the boards into fewer boards in the archive? I don’t like having to see so many boards.
>>49019 Do you mean not showing results for a selected board? You can uncheck the board if you click on the search. There are more archives but this one specializes on the "slower" boards. There are many more functions such as finding a post by the name of an attached upload or finding only deleted posts.
>>49036 I mean, if you just condensed a few related boards *on the archive* it’d be less space to look over and less to manage. Something to think about.
>>49044 You can ask in the meta board. Channers are usually open to suggestions and more often than not they'll share progress if it's taking longer.
>>49047 Make it better. Reduce the number of new threads opened on every board to one every day (ie 24 hours). Fix this shit you numbskull. Make the board users come up with fewer but higher quality threads. To manny. Toooo many. Reduce the number of boards to stop too many threads from being opened every day.
>>49069 Did the Germans get sick of you and kick you out?
Is it really that bad, nit saying it's cool but I've seen cp once on this site , which shocked the fuck outta me cause I've never imagined seeing something so horrifying. U guys day it's in here a lot but that was my first and I've been using this site for 2 years.
>>49110 You Europeans don't understand how much we hate the probability of such a thing happening at all. We Americans hate it so much the report is enough to get the fattest fatfag to run faster than Noah Lyles. >>49096 They did kick me out again. But I'm back. >>49069 Not gonna lie this is uncanny but not unwelcome.
>>49128 I’m just a friendly neighborhood tech evangelist
>>49133 Nice.
>>49134 Would you like to connect over slack? I’m trying to bring my dream of bbw Chan meets 4chan+2chan…I’m thinking at like 8chan, maybe 64chan if we don’t strike while the iron is hot my dear comrade
>>49137 Like to nut so what. Im here
>>49137 >>49138 Nice. Although I would like to save Bbwchan first.
>>49140 don't. go explore other sites.
>>48321 Addendum to my own post and to >>48809: A new thread can only be opened with the subject field containing a minimum of 7 letters; The message field does not display in the side catalog on the right but it does show in the board's catalog.html page, and the attachments in the opening post (the first post which isn't a response) can't be spoilered. In addition to that, a pop up pops up asking the OP if s/he has checked the catalogue. Explanation: The word "general", the term for a recurring thread, has 7 letters. I hope this helps in fighting against the spam. A thread a day keeps the spammer away.
>>48507 >>Please mods either take this guys suggestion or ban him so he can shut the fuck up about it More than a quarter of all the comments here are from the German fucker. How do we know he's not one of the spammers?
>>49185 I'm reporting them, son of a gay mom.
>>49186 That's something a spammer would say. Make yourself the obnoxious meat rider while "reporting" spammers. If you were actually trying to help out, you'd wouldn't be bringing this much attention to yourself or be replying to every other comment.
If you wasn't so much of a sperg, Barclay would probably invite you onto the Discord.
>>49187 What part of "I'm a rabid channer" is new to you? I wish I didn't leave my architecture at home because sharing it with you would free you from the need to ask for donations. >>49188 Discord is the cancer killing image boards and the anonymous Internet.
>>49190 Aw, sounds like someone got banned from (by the looks of it, multiple) discord groups and is angwy.
>>49191 I have never used one in my entire life. Why would you assume that? You sound like the Germans I have to deal with every day except weekends because everything's closed on Sunday.
Oh right. A leaf. I'm never getting used to the flag I'm posting under now but at least I'm not a leaf.
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Big mom post big mom post any dumbassery is instantly eaten by her. She consumes negativity to fuel her radioactive organs
>>49199 How cute, he changed his flag and still proved my point.
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>>48318 The pedo posters have returned.
>>49222 Genuinely, how many times are you going to bring up the same exact pitch? Mods, Barclay, either seriously respond to this guy's proposal or ban him. But I'm tired of seeing this presented like it's some new idea and not the same thing over and over again.
>>49226 The point is you've been proposing the same idea for months despite people telling you it's not a compatible idea for this site. You've had this discussion over and over again. Either Barclay likes your idea or he doesn't, but don't pretend it's new or innovative.
I honestly have to wonder what these people get out of posting illegal material on the internet like this. This an issue on damn near every alt-chan too.
>>49236 People just want to be edgy and subversive like ECW.
>>49293 There’s a difference between being “subversive and edgy” and breaking federal law and putting yourself on a sex offender list for life. The sharty actually discovered a youtube channel that was peddling this shit (ON FUCKING YOUTUBE BTW) and it took the site a week to ban them. It’s that bad.
>>49295 I dunno. I live in a law abiding world. I think people just want to shut the site down
>>48786 >a horde of anonymous pseudo-deputies ...who have the power to delete/approve only posts from DNSBL+TOR+VPN IP list, which are banned totally by default. Are you blind, or missed this part intentionally? Approved and other common posts can be deleted by mods only, as usual. If one approves a spam post, ban him, it's easy because "anonymous pseudo-deputy" needs some time to gain this right to approve/delete.
>>49222 At this point with how much this dude so hard on for this shit I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one posting the fucking co to further this fucking agenda. But that said if it was the case we'd be able to id it via IP. So sadly this nightmare never ends
So what you're saying is that this is another pointless thread of retards screeching at each other? If you can't fix the CP problem, then what's the point of even having a damage control thread?
>>49328 Why should I care? I finally got a goods nights rest and saving up for a car by the summer. I am tired of Americans with their war on terror, drugs, and vices. Just don't look at the internet.
>>49224 >>49231 >despite people telling you it's not a compatible idea for this site You mean the people who don't know how to use 4chan? I'm really struggling to see the point in an image board which doesn't copy 4chan's success story which it got from 2chan. All you've been doing is finding faults. And maybe it's the jet lag I can't shake off for almost three years but I'm getting the idea you don't want to try to save this website.
>>49385 Nah, that computer whiz made sense in the 90s. I wonder if German anon is one of those boomers why want coding and STEM to compete with China and India. Geek culture in America is not mainstream.
>>49389 >that computer whiz made sense in the 90s Abandoning what works for something that doesn't is why we're in the absolute state right now. Don't fix what isn't broken but you don't even try to use what works.
>>49390 America is an anti intellectual country.
>>49222 >>49226 2chan was such a hit that Christopher "Moot" Pool, the founder of 4chan, introduced the very website genre you're using right now. He made image boards available to the United States. Were these posts really so dangerous that they needed to be deleted? >>49394 Intellectuals don't block when challenged with uncomfortable ideas.
>>49383 >>49384 >>49389 And the retards have returned. Now to suffer through another 12 hours of useless banter while Barclays and his croonies stay silent in their little discord group. This site is more neglected than a black child in detroit.
>>49399 Have fun with the German anon. He's way more schizo than me Kisame. At least the Unabomber and Ruby Ridge was entertaining. I think he might be those smug libertarians who drive Teslas
>>49399 How about you suggest some positive change for a starter. I feel like I'm the only one trying to find a solution. BBWchan can only grow when it becomes "4chan for fat".
>>49402 >>How about you suggest some positive change for a starter For starters, you can take the hint and shut the fuck up. That'll cut the spam comments down significantly since you alone account for more than 30% of the comments. Your head's so far up your own ass that you didn't even notice that all of your suggestions have either been shot down or straight up ignored.
>>49432 They've even been straight up removed at this point! How much more of an indicator is this German jackass looking for that his aren't welcome here? "Oh I just want to grow the website" No one fucking asked for that you autistic dweeb. This place is much better when there's less people. Almost all of the new regulars don't contribute content and frankly they can fuck off.
The german guys suggestions are funny because it's the full stereotype that Germans need a lot of rules or they turn into Hitler. Anyway, the BEST course of action for this site is to add more mods for each board, /bhm/ and /furry/ are the ones that suffer the most atm.
>>49432 >>That'll cut the spam comments down significantly since you alone account for more than 30% of the comments. Not including the deleted comments, 42 out of the 168 responses are from him alone an even 25%. So yeah, you're pretty much on point.
>>49432 >>49434 >>49441 >>49442 Lt. Barclay and I are the only ones who made any suggestions. And as much as I love this Brit I'll never meet he's a typical European when it comes to solving a problem with the maximum possible complication. All you're doing is nagging like you use Reddit religiously. You don't even use 4chan, and yet you're on an image board complaining about a lifelong channer telling you why 2chan and subsequently 4chan work so well. They just do. Getting ignored and your posts deleted is why we call janitors "janny". 2 mods, 6 boards, and you're guaranteed reduced costs.
You know what? Someone asked for a seperate /h/uman board for real life content made by 3dpd's. /bbw/ would be almost exactly like /gen/; /c/, /f/, /h/ would become the "bread'n'butter" of BBWchan; /i/, /s/, /z/ would be the "garbarge boards" to move all undesired content into.
>>49448 This could be considered spam at this point. No one likes your idea. Give up already.
>>49448 >>49451 What you're not understanding is that no one wants this place to be more like 2chan BUT YOU. Getting more people on this site is going to make more work for mods however you slice it. You've autistically made the well-being of this place your personal goal and it never was to begin with. Barclay and the mods have absolutely considered your suggestion by now and the fact that he hasn't addressed it means it's not going to happen. So either come up with a new suggestion or stop recommending it. Here's an example of a new suggestion: implement a cookie-based literacy test that forces everyone to read the rules just once. No account needed since it would be cookie-based. Everyone is barred from posting until your browser is whitelisted from answering a bogus question on the rules page, like "What color was George Washington's favorite white horse?". Inconvenient for maybe 3 minutes then you never have to worry about it again unless you flush your browser data. And since the shitty reading comprehension folks and schizos rarely have any context for what they're spouting, it would actually catch them too in the process. See? Like that. Unique idea. I don't even care if it's bad or can't be coded in with lynxchan - at least I'm not clinging onto an idea no one likes.
>>49459 Holy fuck dude. Now that's an idea. Would save me a shit load of time deleting stupid shit.
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>>49314 >Open /inf/ >CP spammer on the first page >An anon bumped the thread FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
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this just in, luckily I have images turned off bcuz im a nofapfag
I'm about to pass out >>49473
Off topic issue but mods explain? Now I don't know the full details of the person and everything but the person I know is a mild quaintance and they are hitting me up in conversation and then they casually drop this bullshit out of the blue! For one I want to know if it's true and for two if it is true why the fuck are you now issuing TEN YEAR IP BANS for mentioning the website that shall not be named? I hope this is a lie I hope this is fake because of this a serious that is extremely messed up! I get it you don't want the site mentioned you don't want people sharing tmc clips and all kinds of other bull through other platforms using you as a bridge between which could get you in trouble yourself and honestly I'd say you'd probably get in legal trouble just for hosting clips videos lol so I really don't see the issue there outside of just having people piggyback off you which can be insulting. All the grapes in the world and issues regarding the subject none of which justifies the action of TEN year Ip bans! That's excessive don't you think? Honestly I'm wondering what this website is becoming with what measures the mods have taken regarding actions to its users.
I don't know I don't like trick question trivia games too much although I think it's a fantastic idea I'd admit although I've always known George Washingtons horse was white without looking it up how would I know it was a "perfect white" literally meaning if I type White without "perfect" I fail. But I guess as long as it doesn't issue a 24 hour lock out or up ban I guess it's alright? Also keep in mind to make sure to implement it in both lower and upper case letters because if let's say the answer is "P"erfect white with a capital p instead of lower case it will open it's own can of worms But great idea anon I'm for it as long as it isn't buggy trash that IP bans you >>49459
>>49484 I've said discord several times and haven't gotten banned. Then again that dude probably wasn't using a VPN.
>>49473 Google call on turning off images. This is page three of /SSBBW/ atm. Still there, needs to be purged, and need all the IP bans possible.
>>49521 Her booty was monstrous this month last year. Jesus christ. Backshots can give you a heart attack after you nut. I know you know that feelinng my boy feel like your soul about to jump out getting hit with a electric shock. Thats how huge soft & phat her booty was. Then she lost weight
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Mods can you please order a nuclear strike and IP ban the absolute shit out of this anon. They are literally bumping the CP threads and it's not even the first time they've done this! Not only that, this anon is just a genuine nusiance and one of the worst regular users to ever touch this site. They've been here for like two years and intermittently come to the alt and draw boards to do nothing but post absolute fucking garbage and mass create nonense threads. They're an actual sperg and are weirdly hyperfixated on this one furry artist and will constantly post their art outside of the furry board even when told not to. They necrobump near-dead threads with incomprehensible posts linking to other threads for no reason and every single time they've been called out on their behaviour they just respond with incomprhensible retard world salad and weird attempts at gotchas. The fact they've been allowed to remain on this chan unchecked for so long is just mind boggling, it shouldn't have to come to this person bumping a CP thread for you guys to take notice.
>>49526 I don't consider myself an ableist, but...
>>49533 Based?
Its fucking back again can someone take care of this problem I just wanna browse without fucked up shit in my face
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>>49537 how about you lick my balls and crawl back up your mother's cunt where you belong like the accident of a cum swallowing creation you shit creden! Every board you ever post on you offer nothing interesting to say outside of the cum you gurgle out you're damn throat at least if you plan to clap back at someone like the great broly plan something other that a goblins fart of a sentence out that dessert of a skull of yours!
>>49538 Shiiit I need that. Lol
>>49536 >>49538 >>49539 Holy shit just shut the fuck up. You're not adding anything of value to this thread, all you're doing is making more shit for the jannies to clean up. We don't need some cringe ass 15 year old who made liking dragon ball their entire personality belting out schoolyard level clap backs for the mods to clean up the CP. And FYI you don't have any leg to stand on here when you don't even have an understanding of basic fucking grammar, idiot.
>>48318 >Do not reply to a CP thread. That moves it UP the list and keeps it on the first page and overboard. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS You need to start fucking permabanning people that bump these threads in addition to nuking the OPs from orbit. Add it to the rules and there's no issue. I really don't give a fuck if people think they are trying to help. The result is the same - the thread is bumped.
>>49459 i am seconding this idea because generic bots won't instantly pass, and those that do can be labeled as even more of a schizo only problem is that this screws over some browsers that clear your incognito tab data after a few minutes of inactivity, but it's a small price for getting better smarter posters >>49539 even if i call you doug your posts aren't funnie >>49549 i know 4chan itself has a rule against announcing/explaining what "sage" does, but i think more people need to learn about it if they want to post without bumping if they're going to post at all also is it really that scary to hit the arrow and hit global report
So it's been the better part of a month and still no solution? If all of this trouble is over 1 person posting CP, you may as well shut the site down if an actual group of hackers show up.
>>49566 /inf/ seems to be dealing with it a lot
>>49585 Inf, bbw, gen, tits, fur seem to be the worst for it this time around. Just report and do not respond to it.
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Time to catch up a bit. >>48504 >Oh please, the CP issue should've been stopped on day one. The fact that they've waited this long to finally do something is pathetic. Somewhat true. The thing is, we've been trying slowly for over a year to at least stem the tide with different methods. Some work for a week, others for a day, but always, they come up short. Only recently have we stepped up enforcement to a rather extreme degree, and still... it's here. We're coming to a point where we might force spoilers on all images, or do something else drastic. Should it have taken this long? No, but we had every reason to be cautious about the approach. Look at the shitstorm that was generated by enforcing a DNSBL. >>48645 Auto-ban messages are for the word filter list yes. They are just 30 minute temp bans. We have had many "join my D - chord group" spams over the years. >>49328 This isn't damage control. I just wanted to tell people I'm fucking TRYING my best over here to stop this shit, but it comes in so many forms and my tools are so limited. We're doing more than we ever have, and it's still not enough, I'll grant you that. And a couple of suggestions here are not complete bullshit. >>49484 We don't give 10 years bans automatically for D -chord spam, the auto-ban is 30 minutes. However, a mod could apply a 10 year ban manually. I could see that happening for someone like big M A R -v, who just does not give up. >>49560 something similar is being examined. Pregchan uses a password system like this. >>49566 No solution, but lots of data, and at least a couple more things we can try.
>>49689 Barclay I appreciate what you do but the situation is becoming untenable, and I'm sorry to say a lot of fault lies with the mods, on /inf/ for example CP threads can stay up for hours but the mods rush and jump to delete any posts that criticize shitposting berryfags making a mess of threads within minutes. Either more mods need to be hired or the ones that we have now must be replaced.
>>49693 Timing my dear boy. Take your meds and have a seat
>>49694 Nah fuck that. If the mods can speedrun deleting shitposts in record time, then there's no fucking excuse for CP to be up for hours. Either train the current mods to fix their priorities or replace them. You people act like it's a chore to assign a mod to one thread to make it easier for everyone.
>>49702 It is amazing how clueless you are. Do you honestly think it's by choice there are so few of us left. Imagine that. I have a life and sleep occasionally. We came up with a partial plan though. Should help us catch it faster
>>49704 Oh boo-hoo someone call the Wahbulance. First off you chose to volunteer here, so I don't want to here you bitching about sacrificing your time. Second, you'd probably get more mods if you dipshits actually reached out inside of making people decipher a series of riddles just to get to the Discord. Imagine that, not being cryptic would actually improve your current situation.
>>49732 If they can't even find a link under a tab called links. Are they really worth a fuck. Hell of a head scratcher
Making a test post. Running my VPN, and Spamhause SAYS that there's no problem... let's see. https://check.spamhaus.org/not_listed/?searchterm=212238
>>49744 Fuckin' whaddya mean ROMANIA? My endpoint is in Oklahoma City!
>>49689 Lieutenant, I beg of you. Please consider >>47778
>>49750 You are more than welcome to go make your board.
>>49751 No. But u request we remake this board aligned to fetish alignments rather than arbitrary cities (bbw vs ssbbw? It’s all fat fetish.) Why are we bundling feeder fetish content with slot fetish content, with plus size models, alongside conversations about inflation/scat-play/feet and dozens of other DIRECTLY MAPPABLE fetishs. Just fix the alignment to fetish specific boards (you’ll need fewer of them with these arbitrary divisions). Fewer boards = more agile and efficient. Efficiency decreases your work in the long run bro. Stop fighting good ideas.
>>49763 THANK YOU.
>>49765 It’s insanity. No one can navigate this board to find what they want. Sometimes I want to see fat fetish content: weigh ins, feedings, belly play. Instead I have to wade through /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ and others to get my fix. Then next day I’m not at all in the mode for fat fetish porn (sometimes it’s gross) and now I can’t even wade thru SSBBW because Boberrys softcore content is next to gross out shit like JJ’s slob content. Organize it by value stream. Folder them by the fetish being consumed not arbitrary and poorly defined delineations categories of human body producing content.
>>49772 Just a real good way to create more fighting. Have you seen what happens when a 300 pounder gets posted on bbw or when 350 gets posted in ss. Let's just stick everything from slightly chubby to fucking blimp together. That will go over super smooth. You two retards are the only ones that think it's a good idea. Other idiot has spammed it across the board many times already. Do it again and I will go on a cleaning spree
>>49776 > Have you seen what happens when a 300 pounder gets posted on bbw or when 350 gets posted in ss. Let's just stick everything from slightly chubby to fucking blimp together. That will go over super smooth. Exactly. If all fat fetish content is on one board we don’t have to debate if someone’s bbw or ssbbw.
>>49780 Tell me you're new without outright saying it. The reason we have the division in the first place was because no one liked having to be subjected to models they had zero interest in; BBW fans hated seeing whales and SSBBW fans hated feeling marginalized over how little threads they were "allowed". The BBW and SSBBW boards aren't fetish-centric, they're model-centric. There is a reason we had the split in the first place.
>>49772 EXACTLY.
>>49776 Can we have improvement threads please? You allow 1 (one) improvement thread per board and let anon's tell us what they like about this website and how they would further help the mods improve the experience. It'll be an exciting experiment. Let's see what they come up with. >>49781 This is such an un-intuitive design choice. Making threads for models who don't have 100s posts worth of content calls for spam. We're already losing posters and posters are only a fraction of lurkers who could be potential donors.
>>49785 Explain to me right now what your vested interest in the site is and why you're obsessed with making it popular. You're approaching this like some sort of venture capitalist and it's driving me mad.
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>>49786 More than 40% of the Internet since 2013 is gone. I. Don't. Want. This. To. Happen. To. BBWchan.
>>49787 >>More than 40% of the Internet since 2013 is gone Wtf is there to preserve here when the links already don't last more than a week?
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>>48318 >All known abusive ASNs as defined on spamhaus.org have been banned, indefinitely. Additionally, we now use their automated IP-scanning DNSBL service. >>49819 Good morning sirs
>>49819 I'm sorry but why are you in a thread about rescuing BBWchan if you don't care about preserving a website used to host and preserve content?
>>49872 German, boomers don't like the internet. When something doesn't go their way, they blame video games or the internet rather than their own police force. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins because normies are tired of Biden's army of mentally handicapped civil servants begging MAGA doesn't insult them
Can you please stop deleting images? It's not a good look. >>49883 Not a German dangbabbit all I want is to advertize BBWchan on 4chan which I'm already trying. You can help me.
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>>49906 >advertize BBWchan on 4chan which I'm already trying. OK you've said the first thing in awhile that's worth responding to. DO NOT DO THAT. HOLY FUCK. Do you even comprehend the LEVEL of autism on that site? We don't need ANYONE from there. We are dealing with enough schizos as is. Also, some people HATE, LITERALLY HATE, when people advertise smaller chans on larger ones, and will GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO ATTACK THAT SITE FOR DOING SO. DO NOT ADVERTISE BBWCHAN ANYWHERE, EVER. As to all your other, let's say, enthusiastic support of BBWChan: look, this site is what it is. You can take it or leave it. At some point, way down in the future, lynxchan is going to be replaced, or at the very least, moved to a kohlchan like instance. WHEN that happens, we can talk about re-orgs and homepage changes and all that fun stuff. UNTIL then, IT IS WHAT IT IS.
>>49910 youre just biggest hating mod.
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>>49910 I'll take it, then leave it, and take it again. Have a nice day.
>>49910 So youre the mod deleting everything.
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>>49916 You mean the literal hobo at the train-station word-salad that's been shit-blasted at us 12-16 hours a day for weeks? I'm ONE of them, yeah, but we all take turns. This person is off their meds whackadoodle and has way, way too much free time. Something set them off, idk what, but bbwchan has become the place where they just type all the insane stuff they hear in their head and go through captcha after captcha, ban after ban, just to post nonsense. It's wild. I've never seen insanity at this level.
>>49924 Man, I love you, Barclay.
>>49924 I know it's been assumed that the mods aren't happy with him but it cathartic to read how much you hate him too. And you can just tell he's not even doing it to provoke a reaction at this point since every unhinged reply is so off-the-goddamn-wall that it barely merits a response anytime you see it, and most threads I see no one is taking the bait. Trolling at least has more finesse to it - dude doesn't even care if you remove his posts since there's no coherent thread to what he's saying in the first place. But at least it's good to hear from you. >>49927 Barclay don't love you, you fucking shitstirrer.
>>49931 Unrequitted love it is.
>>49933 Look I don't hate you. I'm always shocked anyone likes this site enough to support it in any form, especially in it's current state. It's just our hands are full, and your suggestions are things that, if the site were already in a decent state of balance, might get looked into further. As it stands, you don't ask firefighters to start working on a new foundation for a building in flames. That's just not their priority. >>49936 So clever. It's really a shame you're wasting all that talent here.
Edited last time by admin on 05/25/2024 (Sat) 15:05:31.
>>49937 Look, I love image boards and I love you. And I *am* the autism of that site personified. Have you heard about the US army using, I kid you not, 4chan threads to teach cadets how to triangulate positions by using publicly available satellite info? Of course they don't show that on TV. Firefighters need to tear out the faulty wiring if need be to save a building that keeps catching fire. Less houses, less fires. 6 subforums, 900 threads, 270.000 posts. That's almost a 1/4th of the current bloat. Pun intended.
>>49872 >>if you don't care about preserving a website used to host and preserve content? First off there's hardly shit here to preserve. Anything that is uploaded here is already on another site. Second, the links posted here by default lasts a week at most, so fuck off with your preservation quest. The main point of this site is to host content right? So why the fuck is 95% of it filled with retarded arguments and spergs screeching at each other? I don't give a fuck about the troubles and issues this site has currently. When it gets to the point where the thread that's aimed at trying to resolve the CP dissolves into nothing but more shitposting then any effort on "saving the site" becomes less and less. Almost all of the people who upload content already moved to other sites, which just now leaves the burned out mods and a group of spammers and larpers pretending to be models. So explain to me why this site should be saved and preserved when it hasn't changed in years and the site is getting worse by the day? While you're at it, name another site that requires a VPN just to use the site.
>>49946 >So why the fuck is 95% of it filled with retarded arguments and spergs screeching at each other? This is how you build community. This is how you get artists, editors (incl. morphers), writers, and real life triers. This is how you have fun on a chan. For example, the now defunct Inflatechan as a whole was dedicated to introducing newcomers. The current social climate allows BBWchan to do exactly that: introduce normies to what we like. >I don't give a fuck about the troubles and issues this site has currently. I do. >So explain to me why this site should be saved and preserved Anonymous posting needs to be preserved because the alternative is doing accounts. >when it hasn't changed in years and the site is getting worse by the day? What do you think this thread's about?
>>49948 >>This is how you build community. This is how you get artists, editors (incl. morphers), writers, and real life triers. More like this is how you kill off your support and are left with freeloaders. If it wasn't for one anonymous donator, this site would've died last year. Artists and writers mean nothing when you don't have the finance to back them. >>Anonymous posting needs to be preserved because the alternative is doing accounts. I rather deal with an account than hoping I don't show up here and the off chance of seeing CP. At least then you can regulate the amount of spam better. >>What do you think this thread's about? You mainly having a schizo episode and commenting more than everyone else here. You talk too fucking much and spend more time kissing ass than anything productive to resolve the issues. It's been almost a month and the mods are still at square one.
>>49946 Kisame here, amateur videos and productions are dead in America. People don't have the free time to make home videos and boomers are waging a war against Ticketmaster or AI cause it's mean. Unless you live in a suburb with cover bands or low key conventions, you're out of luck.
>>49952 >>Kisame here Shut the hell up. Fucking rando.
>>49951 Hyperpreg is dead because it's an adult day care facility at best or a retirement community. If you want a serious answer, people don't like how the internet is regulated and bundled like cable
>>49953 I was trying to answer your question. Imaginary Kisame17 isn't going to make art just do you can be a Chad, Stacy or whatever people are calling it. Chan culture is now mainstream that lizards can't hold a conversation.
Have fun with Germanbro cause he's your sites demographic.
At least the schizo Kisameposters have the decency to stay on /gen/ >>49952
>>49988 Who? Your AI friend?
>>49989 How do the mods choose what to leave up and what to take down? They seem to leave up death threats and racial slurs when they come from white supremacist yet delete comments that are on topic but not deep throating that mayo hotdog.
>>50131 Generally if someone is saying "I wonder what her shit tastes like" it will be deleted. 90 percent of your so called on topic shit, should be in gen. Look at the boberry thread. No content and bump locked. Just idiots fighting
>>49988 Ok. Mods can have fun with imaginary Kisame17 then.
Fine, I will be on topic. Everyone's making AI WG porn instead of paying for porn. Prompts make it easy to get far of she. Trolls can also make an AI of Kisame17.
>>49951 With all respect I don't see who doesn't want more users and less work. Less boards = less tabs = less work. More users = more lurkers. More lurkers = more posters. More posters = more contributors. More contributors = more potential donors. >>50131 >>50141 In general nothing should be deleted unless reported by a userbase that's been told to report unfunny schizo posts. The funny ones can stay.
>>50341 if the user base would consist only of users and lurkers... your plan of a clean master community will not work with all the nutcases, bullies, loudmouths, whiners, complainers, racists, clowns, spammers and notorious reformers defecating in every thread.
>>50349 Surprised that you didn't mention the autists, at least half the people who are spewing vitiriol on this site 24/7 are jaded because genuine sub-50 IQ level 'tards have been coming here in swathes for the past couple of years to do nothing but make terrible threads centred on their weird hyperfixations, necrobump and ask pointless and barely comprehnsible questions. It's tanked the board quality on this site tremendously and they're especially prevalent on the draw and alt boards. The mods being lax af and refusing to enforce a basic level of quality control when these threads pop up just aggravates the problem, like obviously subjectivity is a thing and everyone has their own tastes. But I don't think any normal functioning individual would have to strain themselves to justify why obejctively terrible non-artists like Robot001 shouldn't be allowed to be posted this site at all, especially when content like that being here attracts autismos like flies to manure and causes them to spread around the site like rats. Like obviously you can't prevent those kinds of users from posting or forsee them, but the quality defecit that happens when they post or make threads is pretty apparent and it would cost nothing for the mods to scan boards/threads for this stuff and prune the obvious sperg shit to maintain a better quality balance. Would at least partially give a reason for the shitheads around to shut up for once, partially anyway. Shit-fling between users just inherently comes with the terriotry for chans.
>>50360 The humanities in North America is on the decline cause artists won't stop acting like violent tards. Everything nowadays is about Drake v Kendrick Lamar, P.Diddy. I guess Kanye hypnotizing his wife into getting naked and using the Kardashians as a breeding cow doesn't hurt his image. We're close to electing Trump as president. Moviebob, Jim Sterling could be president, but they blew it by being too spergy. As for expansion art, it was always bad cause publishers refuses to pay artists. It's the same reason indie publishers are flopping. This despite Garfield beating Furiosa
>>49954 That place is one of Chounyuu variants it didn't stop there Meta and Superfuta met a similar fate Meta became unbearable to go because no posts their plus there are better places then Chounyuu can ever face in the future so yeah it had competition.
>>50141 >>Generally if someone is saying "I wonder what her shit tastes like" it will be deleted. So the line is drawn with eating poop but slurs and off topic political rants are allowed?
>>50366 Depends. You can call Jews kikes but you can’t complain about Israeli policies. You’re allowed to use death threats and hard-r slurs but you can’t call white people ”mayonnaise”. In general it’s only free speech for Nazis, Zionazis, the KKK, and inbred drunken euros
>>50366 Off topic shit goes away as I find it or once it's reported. >>50367 Same goes for most slurs. It's generally used in an off topic way. So nothing of value is lost. Just retards attacking each other. Gen is a totally different animal. After a very long time we are finally trying to clean it up some. A certain level of autism is expected on a chan. We just have some extra special fuckers
>>50365 >>50367 >>50369 Honest answer, people are more schizo than Kisame now or are imitating his mannerisms to get free art. That's what they're sperging on Chounyuu and BBWchan
How can we publicise to everyone to stop using mab and WeTransfer and just use gofiles? I mean it's faster - it's got previews and stuff stay up for weeks. And don't get me started on encoded links - they're so pointless - it's like children using to show how great they are that the can encode a link - please ppl stop encoding. Sadly this message will just get buried in this thread and 99.9% won't read it - it's very important to the success of the board.
>>50379 We can’t. There’s too many boards to put the notice out on, no way you could achieve the critical mass needed to enact change.
>>50402 >There’s too many boards Nice.
>>48318 That's not enough. We have cyberbullies and discriminatory people here.
>>50460 I say that as one who wants to use a safe site to converse about everything bbw.
>>50461 So then go literally anywhere else? Who goes a chan board expecting policed discussion?
Was just wondering what the mods @ is on discord. Want to message them about something Thanks
I made a thread yesterday and it got deleted.i posted content and everything. What am I missing?
>>50467 please cite the thread from a.architect.coffee and I'll let you know.
>>50349 >>50360 >>50367 >>50369 >>50460 Bring all of them together and watch them fight. >>50465 >policed discussion You what? We can expect polite discussions in red boards on 4chan precisely because autists are forced to confront other autists and the result is nearly always politeness.
>>48318 Whatever block you have in place IS NOT WORKING. At this point I think you legitimately might be malicious over grossly incompetent. You NEED to do something else to handle the CSAM. Jesus Christ, it’s like talking to a brick fucking wall. Implement a 1 thread per day rule, use the pregchan admin’s password system he graciously offered to you, do ANYTHING other than adding random ASNs to a block list and kicking your feet back for two weeks with your thumb up your ass “seeing how it turns out.”
>>50467 Let me guess, the "content" you posted was like 3 pictures while you begged for a whole siterip or something like that?
>>50529 Nah man. I uploaded one of my favs from her (that I've never seen anywhere but her store) to gofile and just used it as the start of the thread.
>>50467 If this post is anything to go on maybe your bitchy tone >>50552 Bruh, he tried to help you but you’re really this in denial? Bruh.
>>50469 Here is the thread https://a.architect.coffee/bbw/thread/161449/#161449
>>50522 >Implement a 1 thread per day rule THANK YOU.
>>50557 Post content in op. Was in reports
>>50522 I am modifying pregchan's password system and it will be implemented shortly. Locking this thread in anticipation of a new one regarding it.
