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Remember to follow the rules

R: 109 / I: 4 / P: 1


We have tried and failed to stop the CP spam with all our current tools, so more strict enforcement is being applied. This thread is for VPN users affected by the current ban on VPN posting which will (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for a long time at this point. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which is EXEMPT from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD (8 CHARACTERS MAX) when you make the post (click the 'More' link under the captcha). If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block when used elsewhere on the site in the password field when posting. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation. These requests are manually approved by me, LtBarclay, and only me. If you want to speed your approval along, make sure to link to a few posts you've made on other boards with your password request. Otherwise, your approval may take 24-96 hours.

R: 293 / I: 39 / P: 1

Ask a moderator

With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.

R: 42 / I: 7 / P: 1

Summoning Successful. Mission accomplished. All stretch goals complete.

See attached. We are funded. As promised, I will begin arcane rituals to revive the array as funding is more than secured. Thank you again to all donators. What a thanksgiving miracle. Stay tuned and rejoice.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

R: 366 / I: 51 / P: 1

Boberry: Project 2025

Last fred hit the bump limit, here's a new fred. Assuming it lasts until the new year, I hope you all have a special, loving Christmas with your family or other loved ones. Fill it with laughter, peace and precious memories. I hope that 2025 brings you bright new adventures, opportunities, and that each of you are able to stick firmly to your resolutions. Whatever you want to achieve, remember, it's NOT too late to start! Doesn't seem like there's any NEW content to share, but here's a much-requested reup of the measurements: [Expires in 3 days] So long!

R: 27 / I: 1 / P: 1

Feabie update?

Anybody still on this site? Is it still toxic? is it still an echo chamber? Are there still scammers? Any updates from the void will be appriciated

R: 114 / I: 18 / P: 1

Reiina sharing

Old thread is gone, was wondering if anyone could share their collection of reiina vids since old links always die Here's what I have already:

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

What is your favorite kind of content?

Eating videos, before-and-afters, clothing try-ons, belly button fucking, exercise, weigh-ins, etc. Which categories get your dick hard?

R: 33 / I: 14 / P: 1


Has this become a Trump worship site?

R: 65 / I: 1 / P: 1

Share your predictions for 2025

- SpanxBeluga breaks 700 pounds before fall and has an extended run as a quasi-immobile model similar to MassivelySweet - FatMissT and/or Supersoft call it quits, insisting it has nothing to do with their health - Sadie's onlyfans experiment becomes the new bbwchan punching bag, replacing boberry's current site - bigcuties somehow keeps chugging along despite our continued speculation of its downfall, but Heather never actually models again like she was talking about - UdderlyAdorable is completely unable to lose weight or maintain her current size and gets crazy fat, catapulting her into the elite bbw chan fan favorite tier - complete shot in the dark for these next two: demand for fart and vore content drops (I have always felt they were disproportionately popular?) and "strong fat"/weightlifting becomes fashionable in fat porn. Kellie Kay was a big proponent of that in her heyday because it kept her heavy af and reasonably mobile. - breakout stars: mozzarellasticklover and mileydy

R: 64 / I: 4 / P: 1

Thoughts on the current state of the Feedism scene?

There are some great content creators out there today but I must admit I feel like it's degraded over the years. More commercialized, less intimate... curvage feels like OF for feedism, girl next door style Youtube accounts with women exploring feedism are no longer, everything feels less personal and more transactional. It's cool they're being paid more for the content they make but it's come at a heavy cost. Back in the day a cute feedee would pop up, I would shoot her a message and before I knew it we were snap chatting naturally like two people who share the same kink - nowadays you're lucky to get a response and usually that's just to appease you so you keep buying their content. Plus as a guy into smaller feedees with round bellies, it feels like the scene doesn't really cater to my taste anymore - years back most feedees had this shape, now it seems that most are shooting for BBW status if not SSBBW There used to be women who could put away a huge amount of food, these days most stuff themselves with no more than what you or I would have for dinner and moan and groan when it's like come on most women I see at restauants are eating as much as you are There seem to be more women hiding their pregnancies as well and it's obvious more than ever that many content creators don't really have a kink and are just in it for the $ There are some diamonds in the dirt but all up I don't really like the direction the scene has gone Anyone else?

R: 58 / I: 3 / P: 1

How often y'all fuckin?

How often do you, you who frequent this fat fetish board, have sex with fat women? I'm curious if the folks here are incels like the bitterness of the posts here might suggest, or if there are some people that have healthy sex lives too. Maybe you have a gf you love. Or hate. A wife that won't put out. A scandalous affair to find satisfaction. Perhaps you're drowning in lonely desperation on the apps, swiping away endlessly, waiting for a match. O maybe you are an Muhammadan sultan with a harem of fat beauties in the royal palace. No LARPing allowed. Or if you are gonna LARP, don't be boring. For your truly, its been quite a dry spell for a few months now. I last had sex in early fall with a lovely prostitute , but haven't had a relationship in over a year now. It's mostly alright with me, it's more a result of my unique life circumstances for now, and once I'm back home I'll be "back on the prowl" for fats.

R: 43 / I: 1 / P: 1

Fattest Fuck of all time

How big was the biggest girl you've ever fucked and what was it like?

R: 59 / I: 5 / P: 1

What Happens When Ozempic-like Drugs are Cheap and Ubiquitous?

What is the future of being a FA? Are we doomed to extinction, AI porn or ultra-expensive "models". What happens to all the wonderful fatties as these weight loss drugs improve and get cheaper and easy to get. Should we start bombing the pharmaceutical companies now???

R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 1

Satan eradicated the multiverses within the bible. All its peoples and cities destroyed. Time writes itself.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 2

burning money

I checked my card and I burn a lot of money on content, way more than I should tbh, so what are yall's biggest splurges you ever did for this kink?

R: 20 / I: 0 / P: 2

Biggest girls you fucked

Mine personally was probably 5'9 450. Sexy asf. Kinda built like Brianna with an ass. Latina. I was 18 at the time

R: 182 / I: 21 / P: 2

Drama/gossip/rumors/shit talk/town square 4.0

Last one bumplocked. Have at it, boys and girls.

R: 26 / I: 1 / P: 2

Who here has approached a fat chick in public?

I'm just curious how many posters here have actually approached a bbw in public and asked them for a date/hook up? Where you successful and how did she respond?

R: 24 / I: 6 / P: 2

Muscular women

I've been a fat fetishist for roughly half my life but over the last year or so I cannot get enough of huge muscular women. It's like a switch flipped in my head like "oh yeah, guess this is my thing now". I lean toward the hyper jacked amazonian types who still maintain a lot of their femininity - like Vladislava Galagan (pictured), Shannon Seeley, Maria Wattel, Blakelee Ortega, Ranya Dally, etc. I think I am just a fan of extreme proportions/size and it's manifesting in many ways after years of consuming mostly the same types of fat porn. Anybody else?

R: 38 / I: 10 / P: 2

Top ten SSBBW

Who are your favorite top ten models? The reasons don’t matter but I want to know why you like them. I was going to ask for five but the same hot models are always in those lists, so who and why? I’ll sub to a couple of their OF’s and upload them on coomer

R: 170 / I: 21 / P: 2

Lauren Lush

Is anyone else super disappointed and grossed out with how much weight Lauren Lush has lost? She looks like an empty ball sack now or a deflated balloon. So gross… not only that I also heard she put down Kaybearcutie95 for actually gaining weight and was fat shaming her! lauren lush was a scammer fake from the start.

R: 57 / I: 21 / P: 2

last thread got deleted lol so ill ask something else why cant an 18 yo alt fat bitch like myself get a feeder bf? ive tried dating apps and whatnot but it seems like guys on there only wanna goon and nothing serious. ive seen hundreds of ppl on here saying that they have skinny gfs and wives. do guys who like fat girls just prefer to goon to them? why do you guys date skinny girls instead? i am genuinely curious and im lowkey becoming a femcel dawg

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 2

Would you join a religion that worships and deifies the fat female body?

Imagine if you found a religion that says that fat women are like goddesses or angels and male followers are required to only date and marry and have sex with fat women, female followers are required to be bbw or ssbbw. Picture related is the Venus figurine from the paleolithic era over 20,000 years ago, it's assumed it was worshipped and it's a bbw.

R: 237 / I: 80 / P: 2

Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such

Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.

R: 73 / I: 12 / P: 2

Fat Shit our Partners Do

First time looking at Gen and didn’t see a thread, so I’m starting one. Wanted a place to just share the random fat things that our girlfriends, wives, etc. do that turn us on that most “normal” people won’t get. Like, last night, my wife (35, 5’ 10”, 430) made and ate dinner for us before meeting friends for dinner at a local restaurant. In a span of 2.5 hours, she had two full meals, dessert, and a margarita.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 2

I Saw You

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a "hat tip" signal to greet a fellow FA out in the world. And since this chan is probably the only place we might all have in common... I SAW YOU... MoC off Cornell on Sunday 3/2, afternoon. You in black shirt, blue jeans. Her in black top, dark grey tight jeans, redhead, 400+(?). In the checkout line you put your hand on the small of her back (really the glorious shelf of her butt), and then possessively around (or partially around) her waist. She was gorgeous. I was jealous. So hat tip to you sir. Congrats.

R: 62 / I: 46 / P: 2

The Fat Friend

Show me more of these photos

R: 21 / I: 3 / P: 2

Lack of new SSBBW/USSBBW on the scene

Is it just me? Or has there really been no notable new SSBBW or USSBBW over the past few years? Just feel like it's been the same handful of girls representing that weight class for like the last 5 years or so. We need some new blood!

R: 93 / I: 14 / P: 2

Dumbest Models Hall Of Fame

This has no real rules but here are some that I'm going to follow: 1. I am personally disregarding participation in feedism/intentional weight gain as criteria for entry in most cases. Yes, it's dumb, but if we nominate every girl who got fat for money and sexual pleasure we'd be here all night. I might make exceptions in certain cases depending on how fucked up a certain situation is (Mochii speedrunning herself into ill health and having to quit, Echo becoming massively immobile and winding up in a nursing home in her 30s). 2. Try to provide examples if you can - I am going with someone who seemed pretty empty headed in her content but we also have some real deal evidence that she's a dunce in her day to day life as well. You can definitely use stuff from content as an example, though. 3. I am personally not going to factor in severe mental illness - Jae, Reenaye, etc. But I may already break this rule depending on how you feel about my second nominee. So, first up: I nominate BBBXXL. She obviously seems dumb as a sack of bricks when you watch her porn, but then there's her notorious domestic violence arrest and mugshot. And being named "Jonda Sue" has to earn you stupidity points, right? I also nominate Big Cutie Britt - which I acknowledge is a grey area because she allegedly fried her brain on rave drugs. But her ranting and raving on social media and even on bbwchan that she transcended her form and became god is gloriously unhinged stuff. Maybe she's more crazy than she is dumb.

R: 92 / I: 90 / P: 3

Women You Wish Made Content V2

I'll start @_paris1891_

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 3

Burping - who are the best burpers?

Who are the best burpers, BBW, SSBBW or USSBBW?

R: 28 / I: 24 / P: 3


There are two threads indexed by google, that have been taken down in the past 72 hours: bbw-chan is supposed to be in a country that doesn't respond to dmca takedowns, so wtf? Are mods simping?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 3


G-d has truly abandoned us...

R: 23 / I: 1 / P: 3

Your Four Mount Rushmores

This is a game I just made up. List your 4 Mount Rushmores of models based on the following criteria: 1. Looks. Self-explanatory. 2. Content. Who makes the best content? 3. Talker. Best talkers who seem like they can hold a conversation. 4. Beliveabilty: Who gives the best vibe they love being big, wants to get bigger, all about the lifestyle? Even if you suspect they’re faking it, they so a good job of suspending your disbelief. Then, if you want, pick one from each category and there’s your Mount Rushmore of Mount Rushmores of models.

R: 28 / I: 5 / P: 3

Fat preferences reassurance

Every time I visit general discussion, I stumble across threads about quitting this fetish, or just guys that are not sure that they want to pursue their fat passions in real life. The theme of separating sexual preferences from real relationships is constantly recurring in our community, and I want to assure you that there is completely nothing wrong with searching for girls with specific types. It's absolutely socially acceptable to date only thin chicks, so why do we have to be any different? I was in doubt myself. Even after years in relationships with chubby and straight up fat women. People always say to us that only personality matters. Fuck this shit. This mentality will only lead you to feeling sorry for your own preferences, Not to mention, that those “only personality matters” faggots will never date a fat girl with nice personality. Attraction is a very complicated process, and looks REALLY DO MATTER. Of course you shouldn't be looking for a very specific type of woman, with specific hair colour etc, or you will end up as a lonely coomer. But if you dick responding only for the fatties, what can you fucking do about it? It's just impossible to ignore your fundamental instincts. All you can achieve is to suppress your true self and get depression or other mental health crap. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life silently watching your skin and bones wife constantly dieting, eating only salads? And just thinking about how cool would it be if she suddenly ballooned out of proportions? And just realising that it's never going to happen. No, this bullshit isn't for me. After years of self doubt i realise that all that i need to accept, is that it will be difficult to find the right person with my fat preferences. Yes, it really will be hard, but not impossible. I just love fat squishy bellies to much, to fucking live the rest of my life without such a belly in my hands. Believe in yourself, handle this burden with strong posture, and stop whining. Because you are all Kings here. I know it's hard to be different, but you live only once. Do you really want to waste your single try without fat cutie cuddling with you around? I don't think so.

R: 30 / I: 4 / P: 3

It seems that bigcuties has entered the stage of its last days, so I would like to remember and pay a little tribute to this site, which opened up such gems as jae, miley, kennedy, sasha, mizzpuss, britt, brianna, msfatbooty, caitidee, jolene, molly, trysta, lisalou, cherries, beccabae, chloe, bonnie, skylar Bobbery, Steph, Sadie, Lily and Marilyn. I remember the days when stars like Jae, msfatbooty, caitidee, Sasha and Boberry shone in the same row, and juicyjackie and sweetadeline were guest models, now it's hard to imagine. It was a whole golden era of bbw-ssbbw, which is unfortunately over. Thanks to its creators and models for all the work done. What do you remember from this site and what models it opened for you?

R: 19 / I: 6 / P: 3

Holy Shit

Dobson is back.

R: 309 / I: 266 / P: 3

BBW Meme Thread

Post some of your best and dankest BBW or FA related memes

R: 90 / I: 19 / P: 3


Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 3

Bbw bash

Hi all I’m planning on doing a trip over to America this year to go to a bbw bash but I’m not quite sure which one to go to, any recommendations for someone in there late twenties?

R: 107 / I: 136 / P: 3

Cute fat girls

In your opinion, who's the prettiest fat girl out there? It has to be Katie Brown for me.

R: 283 / I: 21 / P: 3

Unpopular Feederism/Gaining opinions

What are some hot takes and unpopular opinions you guys have about fat fetishism?

R: 17 / I: 26 / P: 3

Send more Images that activate my neurons

R: 390 / I: 1018 / P: 3

Neuron Activation

Images that activate my neurons

R: 64 / I: 5 / P: 4

Little moments from videos that live in your head rent free

Post whatever you want, my first list i all feedist/weight gain oriented. Include links when you can! 1. Miley in this video, about halfway through she looks at the guy and goes "what are you gonna do if I get any bigger?": 2. Jae almost being unable to fit through her bathroom door in the last weigh-in and then being visibly rattled when she realizes she's pushing 700 pounds. 3. In one of PurpleWings long-lost YouTube vids, she's stuffing herself with a huge fast food order in her car, looks down at herself and goes "look at my belly, it's growing so much already". She then laments that she won't be able to drive or turn her steering wheel if she keeps eating (she keeps eating). 4. The infamous Ash double weigh-in where she's less than a pound away from 600 and Kellie Kay taps in to give her cookies and push her over the edge. I don't care if this was fake/planned, it basically altered my brain chemistry when I was younger. 5. Juliet Summers. Twelve-ish minute in: "It's like foreplay, I'm so ready to fuck right now." Enough said. Base64 link: aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFua2JhbmcuY29tLzhqbGJvL3ZpZGVvL3doYXQrYSt3b25kZXJmdWwrZGF5K2ZvcitwaWUrdXNzYmJ3K2p1bGlldCtwaWUrc3R1ZmZpbmcg

R: 44 / I: 12 / P: 4

Is China an untapped market for fat women?

The obesity rate in China is increasing and it's made me think that it might be an untapped market for dudes with fat fetishes. According to this study the overweight and obesity rate for women in China is 17.6% and 9.6% respectively (keep in mind the BMI rating for an overweight person in China is 24 and for obese is 28) and the rate of obesity for 18-29 year old women is 4.4%. Even though a 9.6% isn't that high compared to Western countries, it still means there are 66 million obese women in China due to population being 1.4 billion. So my thoughts are that the market is there for us to go and fuck/date/marry fat Chinese women. Even if you only intend on dating women in the 18-29, the obesity rate is still 4.4% which is still millions of obese women. To add on top of that, being a white Western male in China has it's benefits. Having spoken with Chinese people about it, you get treated better if you are white and in some cities it can be very rare for Chinese people to see a white person so that can be help in scoring fatties. And if you want you can go the route of being an architect. This could be a gold mine of fatties and especially for dudes like me with yellow fever. Asian fatties are the hottest types of fatties so this could be one of the best ways to score one. Are there any geomaxxers on this website that have experience getting fatties in China or other Asian countries and if so how did it go? Sources: Obesity study: China population by gender:

R: 7 / I: 4 / P: 4

Swiss military girls are of the fattest of the world.

The Swiss often crucified vast numbers of enemies and had the enemies screaming constantly if an invading army was near. And army of Israelis from the ruins of the Vatican lost morale when hearing how loud and constant the screams of their captured leaders were, hanging around the paths on crucifixes and such. “The Swiss have ways of making the Israeli scream exceptionally loud.” Much of the destruction upon the Vatican was because of the Swiss vs Vatican war, hence why Swiss guards are rumoured to be occupiers not neutral protectors. Swiss are said to always engage in cannibalistically eating invading armies. Hence why Swiss military girls weight gains are a status symbol, often associated with rank. Over half of the Swiss army is girls. These sorts of watches are common in the Swiss military. Sometimes knives and forks. And far stranger.

R: 7 / I: 1 / P: 4

I think the Enigma code was never cracked.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

Fat fetish art reference thread

I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I thought it would be a coo ideal to make a thread for examples of fetish artists using actual models as reference

R: 5 / I: 4 / P: 4

Respect to the energy of the girl owned internet.

R: 10 / I: 0 / P: 4

I know alot of you like to Larp about being with an SSBBW here but has anyone ever larped in real life?

Yesterday, I went to every furniture and mattress store in my area and pretended to be someone who was shopping for sturdy furniture for my 730 pound girlfriend. Most of the shopping experiences were similar. I would confidently walk into the store and begin examining furniture, measuring the dimensions, reading the product cards and just look like a serious customer. I would usually be greeted by a sales person asking me if i had any questions. I would then ask about weight capacity, especially per seat, and allude to the fact that that is a concern for me. Im a smaller guy (160 pounds), so most would quickly follow up with like a "Oh, our furniture is rated up to 500 pounds, so you should be good" Thats where i would break the ice and just say "yeah, look, my gf is about 730 pounds and i am just looking for assurance that this coach/bed will be able to support her." It was surprising how professional and non-chalant alot of sales people were after that. Every sales person believed me, or atleast went along with my LARP with no push back. Most sales people would mention they do get that question alot. They would show me some of the reinforced and heavier duty options. Lots of options with very wide seating. At Ashley furniture, they literally had two heavy set dudes (like 200-250 each) jump on coach cushions together to prove how sturdy it was. For bedding options--most of the sales people recommeded a king temperpedic with the matching power reclining base because the power base is rated for up to 850 pounds. It was just alot of fun to play that out. Almost makes me sad that this isnt my real life. Im a normie tho with a 250 bbw gf, so, i dont know if ill ever get to really experience that. It was fun to role play. No matter how autistic it actually was.

R: 187 / I: 70 / P: 4

Hottest BBW's aged 18-22

Does anyone have some good suggestion for BBW's and SSBBW's on the younger end of the scale? I'm 19 myself and I want some variation from the ladies on /ssbbw/ that are closer to my mum in age than myself.

R: 129 / I: 19 / P: 4

Whatever Happened To?

Here’s a thread for models that seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Or if you’re wondering the status of someone, post here. I’ll go first: What happened to the red hair chick that modeled with Spanx Beluga?

R: 75 / I: 14 / P: 4

What do women think about guys who are into BBWs?

Hey everyone, I’ve got a question: what do women think about guys who are into BBWs? Do they see them as 'creepy' or what? I’ve always wondered about this. I mean, while chubby women, BBWs, and SSBBWs are beautiful, it’s also true that outsiders might see it as some sort of sexualization or fetishization, making it seem like the attraction is only based on looks.

R: 20 / I: 0 / P: 4

Bigger girls on vanilla dating apps?

Alright lads, I'm just coming off a long-term relationship with a skinny girl. I thought she was my everything -- we'd been friends a long time, got along well, and the sex was great, even though she was a lot thinner than I preferred -- but I guess she didn't feel the same way. Now I'm trying to get back into the dating scene, and this time, I want to pursue girls who fit my preference. Only thing is, I've been out of the scene long enough that I don't really know where to find chubby/fat/BBW/SSBBW girls anymore. I have a Feabie but I also find the pickings pretty slim around where I live, not to mention the toxicity of that site. I regularly see complaints from non-fat fetishists about matching with a lot of bigger girls on sites like Tinder and Hinge, but I don't see a lot of obviously thick girls, let alone match with them. I admit I'm not a crazy looker but I take reasonable care of myself and make good money. I'm also not specifically looking for body-positive girls, but even just from the pictures I seem to consistently find twigs. Does anyone have any tips for manipulating the algorithm to find these mythical bigger girls? Am I stuck endlessly swiping or trying my luck on Feabie? Also general dating app tips, esp. as a feeder/fat fetishist, may be helpful too. I don't know if this matters but I'm based on the East Coast in a college town, although I don't go to school anymore. I'm 26M and looking for anyone 18-40, with a preference of 24-30.

R: 319 / I: 43 / P: 4

Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION

Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!

R: 231 / I: 27 / P: 4

What got you into this fetish?

Pretty sure this topic had a thread a while ago so I thought it'd be a fun idea to bring it back. What got you into this whole thing? To me it was that one Beccabae pic where she looks like a pear lol.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 4


Jewish girls are eating all the Jewish males. Clearly jewish girls have declared war on jewish males.

R: 5 / I: 0 / P: 4

As we all know most feedees on coomer have a few hot pics and dozens of previews pointing to extra paywalls. This thread is for finding the queens who do the opposite, places on coomer full of easy to access full length vids ripe for the plucking. I'm also including similar ones for kemono (k), stufferdb (s), and the internet archive (i). Note: I don't really give a damn if the coomer's been updated recently or if the girl's even active, just easy to access full vids. Mochiibabii Bellaabbondanza (s also) Tiffany Cushinberry (s only) Vampyfeedee Thickhungryhoney Tianastummy Cakedupkayyla Ryliehaze Mariaalive Mistress Bianca (s only) Helena Strong (s only) Bigbellybenni Curvygothgf catsncake Rosiemariefeedee (s also) Chloe (s and a only) Myfatblondegf Woodskinkcafe (s also) Agirlwholikestoeat (k and s only) Marzipan Feedistdani Bellasbelly (k also) Bellabbw (a only) Kristy_kreme_89 Elea.goddess Growinggirl1617 Lharmon2920 Fatphrodite (a only) Squishy-brat Softnsweet0 Thepiggygirls Livpat3 Chub-bee Stuffybunnylove (s also) Thiccollegegirl (s and a only) Isabella (s only) Fertileandferal Mysticbaby Bloatedbellybabe Bloatedbabey u104698871 (growinggeekycow) Candiikayn (k only) Ero-hime (a only) Cow-girl (a only)

R: 149 / I: 34 / P: 5

How come 9/10 threads here end up having some maga/israel schizo meltdown down the line, and how can we prevent it

R: 51 / I: 2 / P: 5

What is the psychology of lard fetishism? Does anyone have any insight? As far as I know, no research has ever been done. We all have different awakening stories but our brains must have something in common. Why are we like this?

R: 10 / I: 0 / P: 5

Gf’s cousin

I have a fat girlfriend and I really do love her. I’m not always happy with her but I do like being with her. That being said, she has a cousin who I’m desperately in love with. This cousin is pretty chubby and has a HUGE natural ass. Perfectly shaped, great size. I have taken pictures of her ass and I jerk it to them pretty often. She has a chubby belly too. I would LOVE to get her fatter. I want to know how big her ass gets. She is a foodie, I always see her eating unhealthy food. Lots of meat, sodas, candy sometimes. I know she’d get fat easily if I buy her junk food. She is so pretty. Ever since I met her I have wanted her badly. She is also such a cool person, I love being around her. I love her more than I love my gf. I don’t know what to do tho. I can’t leave my gf just to be with her cousin. That’s just weird for everyone. The family is pretty close. The cousin doesn’t seem like the type to let me make her a secret side piece. Sometimes I think about asking her out but I’m scared she will tell my gf. I really love my gf. I also don’t want to leave her because then I can’t be around her cousin anymore. I think about this cousin everyday. If she didn’t exist I know I’d be happier with my gf but I can’t help but think of her cousin. My gf has so many hot relatives. Her mom is fat with a huge ass, she has other cousins who id totally fuck. A couple fat relatives. My gf is so hot too but I fantasize about being with her relatives constantly.

R: 21 / I: 3 / P: 5

Public Encounters

Curious to know what memory sticks out when thinking about BBWs/SSBBWs you saw in public? Any huge ladies cause you to do a double-take at the pool/beach/mall buffet/store? What was it that made it so memorable for you?

R: 203 / I: 32 / P: 5

BBWchan improvement thread

Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.

R: 66 / I: 4 / P: 5

Quitting this fetish

Finally quit this fetish. All 200GB deleted. I’ve had this feederism kink/fetish since I was a kid. Always been in the back of my mind, it’s basically a sexuality for me. I realised that watching this sort of content started to corrupt my brain. We are all watching and promoting mental illness through this fetish. Continue to watch the video after you’ve nutted, study the models you watch. Do they seem happy? I have decided to separate this weird fetish out of my life in the hopes I can recover and become a better person. Although part of me has resentment, I thank this website for opening my eyes on this fetish and helping me understand myself. Good luck everybody

R: 36 / I: 0 / P: 5

OF models to be avoided

I'd like to start a topic where we suggest and we do not suggest OF models to avoid waisting money. It is quite easy to do. I start: #AVOID: vampychou. I wasted 15$ for one month to see photos and videos of max 5 seconds. Is it worth it? I don't think so.

R: 166 / I: 46 / P: 5

Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit. Mods wrote that I'm banned because "You're a retard" just for everyone to know the type of people who are running this website.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 5

coomer problems

i'll keep this brief. coomer is now requiring a ddos check, but it won't work automatically. ordinarily, that wouldn't be a problem, but the captcha isn't showing up. i'm a complete computer illiterate, so all the articles i looked up to fix it may as well have been in phoenician. can anyone help me out here lol

R: 99 / I: 18 / P: 5

Overweight Relatives

Does anyone here have any stories that might invoke them having a fat relative, or a friend with a fat relative. Whether it be a mom, sister, cousin, aunt, stepmom, stepsister, mother in law or sister in law. Feel free to share anything you have from childhood or recent events.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 5

Do any trans people have a butt that size?

R: 34 / I: 3 / P: 5

Real Life Social Consequences

I (Male 19) know this is in the territory because of how people see this stuff. I need to preface that I have never formally admitted to anything regarding this fetish but my friends and family have been observant to the women I had been bringing around the past couple years. They all happen to have been 200 and above so it’s pretty obvious. I’ve been a ridicule before and I used to not care. People would point it out and I would just deny, plausibly deniability is wonderful. Now the ante has been upped and now people are call me a “degenerate who blows up women to kill them”. Now people are starting to to spread that around and avoid me. Even my family have been asking me why my last two gfs were above 200 pounds and that “I know you can do better so there must be a reason you like to date them.” I don’t know I’ve been called a degenerate on the internet a lot but now that it’s becoming a part of my real life I don’t know what to do. I just like fat women but I just want to keep my head down and not get singled out for it. I just needed to rant somewhere.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 5


If Jews want to surrender to true goodness, then the Jews will have to surrender the churches and the rest of their other hate mongering evil fake-religions crap and surrender the economic suppression. Being cancerous does not protect them, it only makes things worse. The jews problems core is the belief that being a cancer is a safety & power, and that’s kinda what their religion is about. They will have to never bother the Philistinas again, especially staying away from the Philistinas water supply. Jews will have to stop being invasive in every way, including economically. Did you know that most people are just vibing and aren’t invasive whatsoever? It’s not difficult. Most people see the world as a garden of all potential, not something condemnable and temporary before charging off to some afterlife entirely different world of pure racism. Most peoples souls are here on the current world and don’t see the world as like a toy. Plenty of people are stateless people and are perfectly happy, it is clearly not a smart choice for the world to ever accept the existence of Israel. Civic nationalism naturally happens when people let true community thrive instead of cults. Ever noticed all the crucifixes? Respecting boundaries is an entire thing. Respecting peoples economies, religions, turf, and vibes…. is all encompassing. Pushing others down instead of being able to read~the~room and respect the vibe~democracy….. is always a mistake. Sort yourselves. I hear the democracy of vibes screaming at y’all 24/7 because y’all have yet to relent to what truly matters to people. Like clearly y’all expend a crazy amount of effort harming the world and your only excuse is fear. It would be so strange if French and Deutsch mortally insisted on replacing eachothers community centers with deranged zombie cults about worshiping the monarchy of eachothers opponent. Do you think people in Paris need dominating buildings about religiously worshipping Deutsch monarchy instead of having a community center? No? Then fuck off. Also I really hate how y’all backstabbed the Yankees and Soviets, respects to the unique soul and good will that y’all lied about respecting.

R: 11 / I: 2 / P: 5

OF Review Thread

There used to be an onlyfans review thread here that I really enjoyed. Starting this up again. Looking for reviews of current/active OF models

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 5

girl I jacked it to died from gastric bypass

I kind of knew her but never interacted, she was fat AF. Saw on the news a couple days ago she died after a failed bariatric surgery. Now I feel weird, maybe if I came onto her she'd never have to go through the operation and she'd still be alive. Also unsure how to feel about keeping a folder of her fb pictures now that she's dead. Can any anon relate? Pic attached, she was only 27.

R: 13 / I: 0 / P: 6

Need relationship advice

Been in a relationship with my gf for some months now. We came together with some good chemistry but with one big issue, she's really thin. I let her know early on I had an attraction to fat and it was a big thing for me, and she seemed cool with it. She's really not into any of it lately and seems to have sorta grown to hate when I show love to her belly which in turn has kinda killed my attraction to her but she doesn't want me to leave and begged for me to stay after we nearly broke up. What should I do?

R: 20 / I: 3 / P: 6

Secretly Fattening My Wife

So a few months ago, my wife glomed on to some protein shake and has been drinking it every day since. I found they made a powder and told her "yea I can make this cheaper just using the powder." She bought in, and slowly I started swapping it with straight up Serious Mass weight gain powder and heavy cream. I created a recipe that mimics one of her favorite Starbucks drinks, and she just sucks it down. I do 400ml of heavy cream a half scoop of that Serious Mass 1tbsp of espresso powder and 4-5 tbsp of chocolate syrup I'm about to start mixing appetite enhancers into it too. I got some Feast Mode pills and the flavor is kinda mild, so I think the rest of the drink will mask it. The shake is just shy of 2000 calories per drink, and at her height/weight, she's getting almost all the calories she needs for the day before she even gets to the office. She has been in a plateau for over a year, but now I can clearly see the results. She's chesty, but now her belly goes past her boobs, and she has a certified fupa now. She was right at 200 when we started dating, and she's over 320 now. When we were still dating, she worried about how much weight she was gaining as she had put on 40lbs in a year. One night, we were in a drive-through at one of her favorite places right next to my house and she placed a huge order. I asked her, "well, you say you are worried, but that's a big order, what are you gonna do after you move in with me and you can eat this all the time?" Her answer: "get fatter."

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 6

If you’re a female feedee in the Arizonan area message me at brandoncarson0796 on discord. I would love to become someone’s personal feeder :)

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 6


LISTEN. Yall mofos need to go to Colombia (Cartagena). There's a whole damn Brigade of BEAUTIFUL ass bitchs out here and cheap AFFFF like 50-100 USD for an hour and they are NOT lazy AF like American chicks.

R: 33 / I: 14 / P: 6

This shit

I’m sure many of us who are online enough to know about this place are used to seeing these images in comment sections and forums dogging on guys who like big girls. I noticed a surprising uptake in frequency over the last couple of years. How do we feel about them? Because they turn me on :/

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 6

who's the fattest ever porn star? (girl)

R: 13 / I: 0 / P: 6

biggest feedee ever

Who are some of the biggest SSBBW / USSBBW creators out there? I think the largest ever recorded probably wouldve been vanilla hippo a her heaviest

R: 60 / I: 6 / P: 6

How does one fight off all the black dudes taking all the fat women?

First off, I should preface this by saying that I genuinely have no issue with black guys, it's just that they seem to be gobbling up so many (ss)bbws. I'm just curious to know how I can get the edge over them and bag a bitch for myself We have all heard the stereotype of black guys going for fat white women but where did this actually come from? When it's a white guy with a fat woman it's seem as a fetish but when it's a black dude its seen as him "moving up the social ladder". I'm not from the US so this is just an assumption from what I have been able to gather so far but I would like to go there for a while as it seems to be the place to be to find big women. I wanna come prepped before I eventually go there. If this stereotype has some truth to it and that black dudes who date fat white women often do so just to “level up” and not because they actually find them very attractive, it seems like a waste for that woman to be with someone who doesn’t find her attractive and is only with her for climbing the social ladder. I understand that there are many black lads here who don’t have this mindset and actually like bigger women, but for the rest that I mentioned, is there any truth to this? Also, what makes black men so appealing to big women? Obviously, there is a stereotype of their “bigger members” but it would seem odd to me if it was purely down to fetishisation of black men for that reason that that couple would be together. Are they both then just fetishising each other for different reasons? You could just say “what if they both just like each other and its none of the things you mentioned”. That could very well be true but it seems this particular paring of obese white women and black dudes is too common for it to be merely a coincidence And lastly, how do you defeat them? My country doesn’t have these deep-seated racial issues that the US does so I don’t know how all of this works. From what I gathered, when I arrive in the US I can apply for my white privilege card and basically pull it out whenever something doesn’t go my way. So, I’m assuming if I just pull up to a happily married interracial mixed race couple, I can just show my white privilege card and take her away, is this how it works? Or apparently if I approach fat women who are in the water at the beach black men can’t get to them? I also heard that if I hold up a job application it helps ward off the dark forces. Let me know if any of these methods are effective

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 6

Need feedee gf in Texas


R: 15 / I: 0 / P: 6

Issues being with fat women

What are the main issues you face dating/being in a relationship with a fat woman? My girlfriend is 5' 8" and about 300 lbs. She snores like a freight train and I literally can never get a full night of sleep.

R: 16 / I: 0 / P: 6

Cruel twist of fate

Does anybody have the issue that they attract the opposite of their type? >be me, into bbws and ssbbws. >with friend whos taste is pretty standard. >out for drinks on saturday, in the smoking garden when a skinny blonde girl approached me, she was exactly my friends type. >asks for a light then starts up small talk with me. >her friend approaches, pear bbw about 250, exactly my type, starts talking to my friend. >my friend starts trying to talk to the skinny girl, i try to talk to the bbw. >no luck for either of us. >they ask us if we want to go back into the club with them. >start dancing, again both of us try and switch partners. >no luck again. >end of the night we just go on home. This has happened on multiple ocassions, the one guy in the group who actually likes bbws ends up attracting the skinny girl, while the guys with normal tastes attract the hamplanets. Has anybody else had issues with this?

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 6

Used panties review thread

Does anyone here purchase/own through whatever means used panties from BBWs or SSBBWs? I've purchased a few, off the top of my head from 55inchesofpassion and Siena Naples (picrel and haven't seen any content from her lately). Willing to review those and anyone else I can remember over the years if this post garners enough interest.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6

Help looking for OC BBW character on Twitter

There's this OC BBW that has some really great art that I sadly can't find cause I don't remember her name or OG artist's account. Basically she's this pure white humanoid lady with no nose and sharp teeth, who's characterized as this very suggestive, teasing punk girl, with one notable sequence with her smothering someone with her fat belly. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

R: 32 / I: 1 / P: 6

Drug habits of bbws?

Do big girls do different drugs to skinny girls? Been getting into chemsex porn recently, but there seems to be a complete lack of fat chicks getting high online (weed doesn’t count). IRL I go to raves and see plenty big girls rolling their heads off, so I assumed drug habits were distributed evenly across weight classes, but maybe there’s some selection bias in the type of people I hang around with. I need to see videos of fat ass girls hopped up on MDMA to satisfy my pornbrain. So far only have two, and one isn’t even porn: Pic unrel (self-portrait)

R: 262 / I: 109 / P: 6

Evidence of ancient feederism?

Excavated in Catahoyuk in Turkey and thought to be around 8000 years old, this statue is just one amongst a handful that feature similar proportions. Although there are similar statues across the world, none feature such accurate features as this (pretty sexy statue if you ask me but also in my reckoning, rules this out as a "goddess"), which suggests that it was modelled on a real woman. Some experts believe that they could be modelled on elderly women in this society who had reached a high status and were no longer required to work, therefore remaining sedentary. Although perfectly feasible now, many woman have reached such epic proportions whilst remaining sedentary and consuming a diet of tasty and highly processed foods: how could someone become as fat as this whilst eating a neolithic diet without near constant consumption? This is where my hypothesis comes in which so far experts do not seem to have seriously considered: are we looking at evidence of an early society of "feeders"? To maintain such a body whilst on a Neolithic diet would certainly require constant eating which would likely need to be enabled by the surrounding culture and not just the work of this individual. Could this mean that perhaps this society fed its women, a selection of women or even a single woman in order for them to become as fat as this statue depicts. Although we may never know, I like to imagine that this is the case. Let's rub one out for these early architects of feederism. Godspeed you you fat loving, Neolithic bastards!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7

Polska were not landlocked. Polska had agreements, often resulting in ~mile-wide Polska territory lines snaking along the boarders of nations to the ocean. With bridges and tunnels so boarders had intersections. Like a Polska national tunnel going under a Pogesanian national bridge. Polska often offered extra defence to the nations that agreed to the Polska roads. And the roads often got ultra dense Polska housing so it was an economic boon. Kinda like the densely populated old London Bridges that had apartments going across the water. By the way, the Teutonic order never existed as a nation. Regardless their effort of trying to make the world disregard the vast verities of other unique diverse nations that exist in these regions referred to. Often these unique nations had strings of Polska territory weaved through in ways that blocked any parasitic cults. It’s sad that the stories of these diverse peoples do not seem to emerge much in current day. Likely many of their books were destroyed by the cultists known for having books that critics gave consistently 0/10 reviews globally.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 7

Most of Ukraine belongs to Polska. Hence why Polska military will not leave. drafting is also a crime. The true locals are appalled by the lack of diplomacy. If there was no drafting, there would of never been a war.

R: 25 / I: 2 / P: 7

Anyone else notice a relatively high amount of BBWs in Fine Arts Programs? I'm in college right now, at a place with a relatively low obesity rate (it's rough), but even then every art elective I've taken has had at least 3-4 big girls in the class; even more so outside at club events. I wonder why that is, compared to other majors. Anybody notice any other majors rife with fatties?

R: 14 / I: 0 / P: 7

Body odor on SSBBW women.... yuck or yum?

This might just be a thing for the autists among us lol, but am I the only one who is obsessively turned on by the smell of the deep folds and crevasse on a super fat woman who hasn't showered in a few days? I think it's the most erotically intoxicating... intimate things you can get with being with a super fat. I can't get enough of it. It's just so private, that I get to swim around in their deep, deep moist fat folds that no one else even wants to think about, and then when I leave I"m marked by her fat girl smell. It's a smell that, like their body shape, is unique to each women. So it's not a universal thing, not just any random fatty... I basically have to be in love with her to like her smell. Like, I can put my hand under her belly and my hand will smell 'fat' all day. I love it. Or when we're cuddling under the bed sheets and her fat smell is just trapped under there with us... literally heaven. The hardest thing about breaking up with my ex was never getting to smell her again, she could smell up a whole house permanently in just a day or two. But I almost never hear anyone talk about this stuff, and it's weird to me because, like... if you are actually into ssbbw/ussbbw sized women and you aren't at least a little bit into that musty sweaty smell of their private permafolds... do you even like really fat girls?

R: 14 / I: 6 / P: 7



R: 12 / I: 0 / P: 7

old commercial - possible lost media

There was this one commercial where two large women were sitting on a bus. When the bus stops, they get up, revealing that they were sitting on a man the whole time. The commercial had a captain like "need more space?" I don't know what the product was. This commercial used to be easy to find on YouTube but now it is gone. I believe one of the women in it is a European model, possibly from Hungary or Czech, but I'm not sure. There is another commercial with her that has her setting up a hammock. A caption then appears saying "need a miracle?" It then cuts to black and you hear the hammock snapping and her screaming. This commercial can also no longer be found on YouTube. If anyone has a copy of these saved or has any insight into it, I would greatly appreciate it.

R: 41 / I: 3 / P: 7

How many of you had fat moms? Genuine question

I always wondered if my own mom being overweight had some kind of Freudian influence on my preference for fat girls growing up. Could also be childhood abuse and overcontrolling parents, resulting in a desire to control someone else/dominate them? Or projecting your own insecurities from childhood abut being called lazy etc. onto the fat girls? Not meant to be a schizo post, just kind of interested in where you all think this fetish stems from.

R: 16 / I: 2 / P: 7

Colleen Williams’ Ex?

Is Colleen Williams (RIP) ex now with Amberlynn Reid? Maybe I’m mixing up my lesbians, but according to my DMs with Colleen in the past this girl is definitely a feeder lol. I’m not into Amberlynn Reid by any stretch, but if a few hundred pounds are about to pile on, I’d definitely watch people’s reactions 🤫

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7

Today I learned the word "belly" evolved from the word "bag." So now I understand why people call it pouch sometimes.

R: 102 / I: 6 / P: 7

Body Positivity and its Consequences have been a disaster for the Feeder race

Things were so easy back in ~2014-2016. Being fat was still a universal mark of unattractiveness, so if you've had this fetish, it was like a gift from god. Fat chicks were SO easy to get, and they were always so grateful for finding someone who found them attractive (as long as you weren't a fucking creep about it). Now 10 years later, and everything's fucked. There are more fat girls around than ever, but being fat isn't something to be ashamed of. Women in the 30-35 BMI range think they're hot stuff, and the chubbies of 25-30? They're "hot" now. This also might be anecdotal, but this fetish seems weirdly common among zoomers. It used to be a taboo thing, now it feels like a good 5-10% of young guys are into chubby girls. When I admitted to my first gf that I actually like the fact she's chubby, she was so grateful and happy. She stopped trying to diet and it was so awesome. Now I went on a 4th date with this girl who, by any REASONABLE standard would be considered a fucking whale, yet she's described herself as "curvy". I grabbed her belly during sex and afterwards she out and asked if I had a thing for that, and I said "yes", and she got all surly and shit and told me it's not going to work out. Why? Because she's had a bad experience with another fat fetishist guy who tried to manipulate her into gaining weight. Thank a lot, asshole. I hope you're reading this. Because your retarded moves just clockblocked me through time and space.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7

Anyone know what happened to these vloggers?

First of all I am new here, but previous BBW chans have had DNP lists, so I won't post pics of them or links. Not asking for dox, but I am wondering about a few chubby women who used to post sexy content online regularly, and then one day suddenly stopped. Hoping somebody may know something about their fate: AdeleSexyUK: Youtuber who posted vlogs and Tryon hauls, also OF. Content is still up but has not been active in 2+ years LilithEnkur: Posted solo vids on porn tube sites and also did custom results, same thing. c4d3nz4: From way back in the Tumblr days, she had other usernames like fat and naked and ermagherd, then vanished, way before Tumblr deleted all the nudes.

R: 75 / I: 10 / P: 7


I identify myself as an asexual because I never wanted to fuck anything, not even a fat girl, even though I can get sexual arousal from seeing feederism and fat stuff. Anyone else in the same boat or something similar? This thread is for discussing asexuality in the realm of fat fetichism. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences on that.

R: 8 / I: 1 / P: 7

>Is my size really not a problem to you? And >what is it about big/fat girls do you like? If a fat girl asks you either of these questions, how do you respond without creeping her out?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 7

My girlfriend wore a blue tracksuit for me

Berryfag shit first off, I’d post it in /inf but there’s not a thread to post this under and I really need to brag :) Basically ended up telling my girlfriend about my blueberry kink, and to my complete shock (after I had told her more about it) she said she’d be willing to wear a tracksuit if I bought it, put makeup on her nose, etc. Long story short I bought her one and good lord. I’ve never felt more turned on in my life. We fucked last night while she was wearing the top and I maybe??? Lasted a minute??? It was too much for me man. Best part is right before I nut she went, “Anon…I feel funny…” and just fried my brain. So ye :) again sorry for anyone who don’t fuck with this but I fear I need to brag and again again /inf doesn’t have a place I could put this so…yea :)))

R: 76 / I: 3 / P: 7

College Advice/Stories related to Feederism

Just wondering if any college students past or present have had any experiences related to feedism while they were in school. And where would be the best classes/places to find possible big girls around a campus.

R: 151 / I: 10 / P: 8

Let's hear your BBW/SSBBW butthole stories

Any good or bad experiences with eating BBW/SSBBW ass? Anything goes as long as it has to do with assholes. Try to keep the scat shit to a minimum. Brap stories are fine. I'll share a few if this subject garners interest.

R: 5 / I: 3 / P: 8

Motivational posters

(Self explanatory)

R: 31 / I: 3 / P: 8

General WG advice thread

A thread for tips and tricks to more efficiently pile pounds onto yourself or your feedee. Recipes, things to look out for at the store, strategies, whatever, just drop it here

R: 22 / I: 0 / P: 8

Advice needed: Relationship or dive into the fetish

Need some advice from those that have been in similar situations. I'm in my early 30s been with my gf for nearly 2 yrs, she's gained like 20kg taking her up to ~300lbs while we've been together. She's just decided to go on weight loss meds and wants to get down to like 200lbs, for her health and cause she doesn't like how she looks. I'm super torn, I want to support her and help her lose weight and have a future with her like marriage and kids and buy a house, but the other part of me wants to end it and fully embrace this fetish and fuck really big women and even end up dating a feedee and helping her gain weight. I wasted the majority of my 20s dating skinny women and have only fucked 2 fat women (inclufing my gf) but none have been into the fetish. my gf lets me grab her belly when we fuck and we have played around with whipped cream a bit, so I kind of get that outlet for the fetish, but I find myself still wanting more. I'm feeling old though and think this is my opportunity to have a family and kids, and if I go chase feedees I'm giving that up. I'm in Australia so the feedee scence is a bit average but may have an opportunity to move to the USA for work which would make finding feedees a bit easier. Any advice? Pic for attention and the type of woman I'd love to be with haha

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 8

VR Content

Does anyone have any VR content? Some Lexxxi Luxe VR :

R: 13 / I: 0 / P: 8

Became a BHM and sex is hard now/ general BHM experience thread

So I'm a feedee who's met a girl feeder. She's crazy but my kind of crazy, love her to death and we've been going strong for a few years now. She' put on maybe 80lbs on me and it's been quite an adjustment. Like it would come in bursts, I'd put on maybe 10-20lbs in a month, plateau for a few months and then it would creep back on again, so I've been obese for a while but it also simultaneously just blorps on me out of nowhere, and every time I have these bursts there's something new to get used to. >not seeing my own cock when I look down even when bending over >standing or walking for hours simply just sucks hard >reaching my back or ass >getting used to sleeping with neck/chest/collar blubber pushing on me All things I've gotten used to. Sleep apnea sucks but eh, a cpap machine basically helps me ignore that problem. What I'm struggling with now is sex. We still get off but it's very hard for me to perform. She's even fatter than I am, so reaching inside blind is an effort, and frankly my stamina sucks. Now those are fixiable, and I don't even need to lose weight to do that, just hitting the gym for energy and flexibility would help. What I'm REALLY struggling with though is my cock. It's so much more difficult to get hard, stay hard, and not lose it. When my muscles get exhausted from just regular positions, I lose my boner. But sometimes even when I'm horny, It'll just go down. I'll still be aroused in my head and even feel that stirring in my loins but my dick just taps out. I think a part of it is my dick juat doesn't feel anything as much as it used to. Like everything's just a smidge more numb. Perhaps this is a bloodflow problem? Maybe exercise can help me there but I'm worried this is just a fat problem. Like, this feels independant of the fact I also can't touch the base of my shaft nearly as easily anymore. I have to basically lay down and spread my legs like a fat girl trying to let a cock in to reach my deep base, otherwise digging into my fupa to grab the bottom quickley becomes too tiring for both me and my girl. She's even lent me her wand before, and it feels good and fun but kind of same issue, things start to feel a little numb and it just goes down. Honestly it's kind of really cute how buried I am, me and my love get off to how effeminite it looks and sounds to go from having a cock to basically a fat pad burying it inside some crotch hole. Really, a lot of weight gain stuff is super hot on paper but when my fat ass is tired or my muscles feel sore it also just drains my head and makes getting off to it hard. I don't regret getting fat though I feel like I've gone past the stopping point (a lesson for any prospecting gainers out there, set goal weights, if you lossey goosey say "oh Ill just stop when it stops feeling right", you're fucked because once you've gone too far it will both feel like it but also never far enough. Your body has gotten used to your diet (quantity or quality) and you will have to seriously convince yourself to stop to actually maintain or make progress losing.), but it's still fun both conceptually and in practice, but I just wish the practice worked as smooth as it did before I gained. Am I fucked and have an ultimatum (to pull back on my fetish or deal with the weakened numbing) or is there a solution that lets me stay this way and still perform? Also I notice a lack of bhm discussion and personal gaining talk here, so I want to open the floor to anyone else seeking feedback and advice. I sure don't mind sharing more about my morbidly obese experience.

R: 32 / I: 4 / P: 8

For men who like good fat 450+ woman

M//21 Don’t you ever feel weird about liking women so big. I do but I love Jackie, Jae, Lisalou. I like the way their bellies hang and ass looks. I feel wrong though liking it. To me it’s morally wrong to make your girlfriend gain until she can’t walk anymore or play with her pussy. But the thought of my girl being 550 just makes me wanna fuck idk man it’s a two way street. My question is how do you live with it

R: 12 / I: 2 / P: 8

Never underestimate your own stupidity

Hi all, I am 35 years old. I have been into BBWs since I was 0. I have a clear memory of the 1989 earthquake. My mom's friend was over, and she was quite obese for that time. I remember her an my mom just came in from the pool. She wasn't wearing a bikini, but it was a swimsuit that showed her belly. Once everything started shaking, this massive woman also starting shaking. Everywhere. My crotch tingled and I remembered thinking the feeling was similar to when I would hold crawl up the side of my crib by grasping the panel with my legs. I was absolutely mesmerized. My mom was freaking out. I remember she blocked the fat friend trying to keep me safe. I started crying. But then her fat friend fell over and her belly popped out of her swimming bottoms. Immediately, I was happy again. I was laughing with joy, and I got as close as I could to her to to get as much of a view as I could. It was glorious and my first sexual experience. Anyway, I tell that story to make something clear: I like fat women. The bigger the better. Always have, always will. Earlier this month, I was reading something about food addiction and a lightbulb turned on in my head: there are 12 step meetup groups for food addicts. I started off with an online meeting, and it was cool. I saw some very fat women cry and talk about crazy shit, like hiding a pie that their husband found and threw away and eating it from the garbage as soon as he left. Tonight, I went in person. I told them that I binge and purge and made up some stories. Afterwards, while talking to one massive fatty, I faked some tears and got a hug. I know she felt the boner in my pants, and she pulled away quickly. After that, she kept glancing at me all through the night. I could smell her arousal. Anyway, this took me 35 years to figure out. Food addicts anonymous has serious fatties that are hopelessly addicted to food. Go some time, and thank me later!

R: 4 / I: 2 / P: 8

Need help ID'ing but didn't save pic

Ok first off, YES I know there is an ID thread but everyone there posts a pic when they're asking for ID. Also most of the posts there just get skimmed over and never responded to anyway So story is I followed this chick on IG for a while when I had my old account. Interacted a few times via DM but I never saved any pics of her. I deleted IG and was off it for a year before creating a new acct. Problem is I forgot her username and can't find her anywhere. The reason why I'm posting here is bc I vaguely remember a thread about her on this site. What I do remember about her... Name: I think Lissette or Lissy or some variation - Latina or of that descent but lives in Miami area - absolutely gorgeous face, wears glasses, slim waist with wide hips and an absolute dump truck of an ass - there's one picture of her that's burned in my mind, she's got her hair tied up and wearing her glasses, white tee shirt tucked in and form fitting jeans TLDR - Latina smokeshow wearing glasses, white tee and jeans but I don't have pic saved If you can help me ID her or her IG account then thank you in advance and you're the real MVP If this post breaks rules then go ahead and delete

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 8

Something for the FA geographers amongst you A webmap application mapping US counties, tracking obesity rates versus diabetes rates. Interesting data, not immediately sure what conclusions could be gleaned from it. The obvious correlations that pop out to me, the Midwest has the highest rates of obesity with lower diabetes rates. The South has high obesity and diabetes. The Intermountain west and New England has lower rates of both, with spotty exceptions. The Southwest and CA has high diabetes, lower obesity. Womp womp. Some more obvious hypotheses - take it with a grain of salt - demographics and economics. Caucasians, especially northern Europeans, are probably better adapted to being fatter without being diabetic. Lot of them live in the Upper Midwest. It's also a more economically stable region, seeing struggle and deindustrialization, but not the generational poverty of much of the South and Appalachia. Now I figured Black populations are well suited to be obese as well, but I don't know. I think it probably comes down to generational and demographic poverty and diet more than genetics. But obviously, the south is purple here. It's hard to be too fat in Colorado, and the same with the wealth and urbane fitness culture of the Northeast probably suppresses obesity. The Cadillac desert of the southwest makes for prime fatty lifestyles in many ways, and most of this region isn't too impoverished (outside of rez lands), but I think there's probably something demographic with Hispanic population developing diabetes easier than other people groups. Agree or didagree? Any other conclusions or thoughts to be derived from this data?

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 8

Just watched "Three Thousand Years of Longing" … and wow, those BBW scenes!

Have you seen the movie Three Thousand Years of Longing? I watched it a few days ago, and it’s really nice, but I was pleasantly surprised to see BBWs nude so clearly. Below, I’ll share the scenes where they appear.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Girls of /qa/ govern this website.

So the future is fat.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Tech tips

I've seen morph videos of people expanding and am wondering what's the best program to make those types of videos?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Did Gofile just block my fucking country

So uhm I think I'm screwed - I tried sending some files through gofile but the site would never load, then searched if it was down and the page said it was working fine I tried opening it on a different device and with a different network - nothing, the site wouldn't load I finally decided to open a VPN and would you fuckin believe it, it opened in mere seconds. I turned off the VPN and the site showed an error message immediately. All I can infer from this is that somehow my region/country blocked access from gofile? Anybody experienced anything similar? It sucks because as the go-to way to share content here I won't be opening a slow-ass VPN to see which mid video got shared on any thread. I am extremely weirded out because Gofile was useful to me outside of porn, since it helped me to share large files (I am a video editor).

R: 10 / I: 2 / P: 8

Fattest Rapid Gain of all time

Who would we say has had the fattest, most rapid transformations in the feedism world? Mochii is an obvious one but im sure there are others

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 9


The vore girls respect the vore girls that prefer eating the disgusting people. Thus the ecosystem is safe. Also I think our internet is being hacked by aliens that are not of our multiverses. Solve that. Those who condemn the world are not of the world. Infinite verities of energy are, and some are not of the true universe. Cancer dies

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 9

Tier list of anime women who would hot as a BBW

R: 14 / I: 4 / P: 9

Favorite video of all time

What is your favorite video of all time? I'll go first: Impossible for me to find now, but it was an OG Plump Princess video trying on jeans.

R: 14 / I: 3 / P: 9

How do I secretly fatten up my girlfriend?

Okay but for real - how do I secretly fatten up my girlfriend? She already knows that I'm into fat fetishism and feederism. She gained already about 10 kilos since the start of the relationship (with me not influencing it that much). I think she recently started enjoying her weight gain more, but probs still wouldn't gain weight intentionally. She isn't "fat" by any means right now and I wouldn't call her even chubby. What would be the best methods to blow her up secretly? I already cook for her most of the time - should I add extra butter/coconut oil into her portions? Are there any good supplements? She doesn't drink Milkshakes. She is already pretty lazy and lies on the bed most of the time. How do I foster her relationship with food to be a sexual one?

R: 23 / I: 1 / P: 9

geneaology - where does she come from?

Ever wondered where do bbws/ssbbws come from? what combinations of genes creates such nice bodies? for example I know Randalin has a polish gene side. And bobery probably a brazilian side. I still wonder for the following: Mall malloy lady sublime jexkawolves any thoughts?

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 9

>anxious all the time >feel nothing about anything >sex drive at an all time high, scrolling through porn everyday like it’s tik tok >notice a girl in a server looking for a feeder >notice I have some extra cash on me >fuck it, why not >strike up a chat >she’s actually really nice and cute >suddenly can’t stop thinking about her >we keep talking >she enjoys talking to me beyond the fact I send her money to stuff her face >we start using pet names casually >wait a minute, did I just get a girlfriend? >self confidence skyrockets >completely lose interest in all other bbw models >I look forward to every day >she’s my everything >I love her so much :) Bros, it actually was a happy new year.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9

My bedroom kinda smells like shit - is that because I’ve been wacking it into toilet paper and leaving them under my covers? I have also been leaving dirty laundry under wet towels on the floor for days and that might also have something to do with the smell

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9

This is funny.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 9

How do?

Plus size on disablity bc of a life long sleep disorder, late diagnosed autism as part of getting diagnosed with autoimmune disorder. I don't work my partner 10 years younger (37/27)is my care provider. It works it pays the bills~☆ but like tism life if i cant get married without losing both our lively hoods, and I can't get pregnant cuz absolutely the fuck not the vibe for either of us. What do I say as like a scripted hot thing to say? I'm AFAB but too gay to identify as a chick. But too sad sick girl in snow snort thicc for my body to survive any kind of surgery. He and I share a really special bond in that we both have lost respective fiance/submissive/kitten's to overdose from hard drugs, and come from abusive narcissistic households. It's so good to have a partner that get it, are weebs, and love all the butt stuff~☆ Used to post on here like ten years ago so hoping for good advice~☆

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 9

Here’s a story: I smacked the evil singularity of all the forces that we don’t want on our internet. And the smack was so hard that the evil singularity relented entirely forever.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

Old feeder game/simulation

Trying to find information about an old computer game where you fatten up a girl. Probably talking about Dimensions era. You had a set amount of money and you could either buy food or take someone out on dates I think. The challenge was balancing your feedee's happiness with wg. TY bbw-chan hive-memory

R: 20 / I: 0 / P: 9

Theoretically, if you abstained from all porn and FA stimulus, didn't date fat girls for a while, would this fetish go away?

Im not ashamed of this fetish/sexuality. I really really like fat girls, and it feels so authentically true to myself. More than almost anything else, I love fat women and desire the softness of the touch of their skin, the squishy and ample curves, the feeling of comfort, security, luxury and sensuality that the fat divine feminine exudes. However, there are no fat women around me and it's driving me wild. I see twiggy, skinny, small women that I feel almost nothing to, and it makes me feel broken. The plump women here are covered up in draping dark clothes cause it's a source of shame, and are probably a decade or 2 older than me. If I abstained from all FA stimulation, would I form a more normie sexuality? I masturbate like once a day or two, usually to porn but sometimes not. Yes always to fat girls but not like ssbbw all the time. I like where I live all and all, but it drives me crazy sometimes how this sexuality is near incompatible with it.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

Sexy Caro

Can anyone point me to the curvycaro section?

R: 19 / I: 8 / P: 9

Your Favourite FA/Feedism/WG Tropes

Saw there used to be a thread on this that died, and was kinda disappointed to see it get forgotten. So thread summery: What are your favorite tropes in this kink? This can be very broad, anything from fantasy stuff, roleplay, erotica, or IRL feedism. Tropes being any types of cliches, themes, subkinks, or anything that you see in FA-related content that you go feral for. Pic only semi-related. While stereotypes are a trope, they aren't the only ones.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 9

Mmmmm wanna lick your sweet pussy


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

What will happen to prices if Deutsch and Brits unite? How fat will girls get?

R: 8 / I: 0 / P: 10

Constant Internal Struggle

My girlfriend is awesome. She’s thin and very beautiful. But I am constantly coming back to BBWs. It’s confusing because while I know she’s gorgeous, I’m not sure if I feel fully physically attracted to her. My idea of beauty has always leaned toward BBWs (which she knows), and it’s leaving me feeling conflicted and frustrated. Does anyone else deal with this kind of internal struggle?

R: 44 / I: 1 / P: 10

Do y'all have a sort of "double-life" when it comes to having a fetish like this?

Me personally, most of my close friends and family know but I don't go telling everyone about it.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

Best subreddits to go to find hookups

I could obviously search r4r posts in my city for big girls, but are there any places on the site that are particularly good for finding fatties? I gotta know, it's been real dry lately.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 10

LARP Thread

I can't be the only one who gets off to LARPing. Let's put them here since folks seem so distressed by anything that might even have a hint of LARP in it. I'll go first: I opened a restaurant of fattening food. To top it off, all women over 18 eat for free! The only catch is they cannot waste any food. So, I started out just serving normal portions, then I put some appetite boosters in the food. The ladies in my town started getting chubby, fat, and huge. I was losing a lot of money, but it was a drop in the bucket because I'm a billionaire. I ended up convincing some of them to work for me, stating that I pay $1000/hour. The catch? They gotta test all the food. I had one girl that started out at 120 pounds and now rolls around my restaurant on her scooter. She is easily 800 or 900 pounds now, constantly eating the most fattening of foods. I basically get to swim in fat. I even monitor their poops now, and their poops are fat and pee is sugar with a little bit of normal poop. They are so fat and I am so happy! My wife and her female family were already living on my fat farm, being fed constantly. Once these girls graduate from their scooter jobs to being pure fat beings, my wife and her family will get some company. For some reason, they lactate once they reach about 1600 pounds. I think it is the body trying to get rid of excess calories. Perhaps the body is smart enough to know that a human being can't possibly get that fat naturally, so they must be being fed, and perhaps it is a way to spread the wealth. The milk is basically pure fat and sugar. My solution here was to attach their tits to the machine that feeds them, so as they start to lactate, it goes right back into their body as calories. There is some efficiency loss here, but I am working on it iteratively. I really can't wait to start adding a variety to my fat farm! They are all white/Hispanic right now, because my wife is Hispanic but some of her family is white. Eventually I want to "catch 'em all" and have every race of hog! Anyway, I'm gonna go off to swim in the fat of my fat farm women, then check on the progress of my restaurant fatties. Toodles!

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 10

Soft Fat Girls

Genuinely don’t understand why everyone doesn’t love fat girls. There is nothing better after a long day of work than to put my head on a big soft belly with boobs bigger than my head pressing into my face. Holding her is like having a giant plushie. Fucking her is like fucking a cloud.

R: 35 / I: 16 / P: 10

Which (ss)bbws have the best fat distribution?

Title says it all, so which bb/ssbbws have your favorite fat dristribution(s)? I'll share some of my top choices (not ranked): -Foxy Roxxie -Olivia Jaide(not a fan of her botox) -Ella Eats -Kennedy -Fluffy Barbie -Rikarika707 -Sara Aikawa -Tess Holliday

R: 14 / I: 8 / P: 10


Anyone else here into pokemon? List your top 5 lineup and why

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 10

Mystery Poster on Reddit

Says she's a 29yo OF model I top 3% who's gained up to 530 pounds (over 300 since 2019). Any guesses as to who this is? I'm mostly curious. Pic unrelated

R: 3 / I: 3 / P: 10

The original inspiration for the generic basic stereotype of the Kamen raider, astro boy, and Ultraman and such……. could mainly be a group of samurai that protect the Ainu of the Amur river region. Been doing it for a long time. They have a unique energy. Able to end the baddest. Some are sooooooooooooooo Ora Ora

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 10

I need advice: my gf is new to this fetish and wants to gain

Hey /gen/, as I said, after showing my gf about our thing, she wants to gain, but it's a slow and bumpy start for more than a month now. A few details for the problem: She is fat. The fattest I've dated at around ~120 kg She has a good relation with her body and likes her body fat. She never lost weight in her life, only slowly gained, but the stigma made her not like eating, so she dosen't really eat alone or have a big appetite. I am also new to feeding, because she is the first to like it. We set a reasonable goal for 10 kg to see how she feels with the new fat. She likes teasing and really wants to see results and be called fat. So, what I need help with is actually feeding her and keeping her on a caloric surplus, but still keeping it easy on her and likeable. She likes to be hand-fed and said she would like me to force her more if she feels full, but she dosen't have the appetite for it most of the time. If I stuff her it's max once or twice a week. So I would like to hear your advice. Pic not related.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 10

Meeting with a feedee in 2 weeks

yo I have a feedee friend i met on feabie and we organised a meet up at the start of the new year She's lowkey a freak and wants me to force feed her with a funnel lol Anyways does anyone have any advice to make it fun for both me and her and like any advice to make sure it's not awkward asf cheers

R: 52 / I: 1 / P: 10

Looking for Advice

I’ve been trying for months to find a big girl to date and I’ve had 0 success. I’m 5’10, in decent shape, and have been told by many I’m a good looking guy. But I’m almost 30 now, and I can’t find any ssbbw women who are near my age and single, even though I’m trying different dating apps and keeping an eye out when I’m out in public. I had a rough time in my 20s getting my life off the ground and because of that I haven’t dated in forever. When I was in my teens and early twenties the only girls around who were interested in me were skinny as hell and are to this day my only experience with dating. Now I’m finally in a good spot and looking to try dating women that actually fit my preferences, but it feels like the pool is completely dry. I really don’t know what to do at this point. Any advice?

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 10

Feedism Hidden Gems

What are some feedism hidden gems for you? For me, the progressively worsening stamina resulting in subtle constant heavy breathing

R: 15 / I: 7 / P: 10

What denomination are you?

What specific boxes of this fetish and surrounding kinks are checked for you? For me, I am primarily into comparisons of when a woman goes from fit to fat. I also love stuffing and immobility/extremely unrealistic sizes. I also love curvy women in general and enjoy both ass and breast expansion content. Vore does nothing for me, and I’m not the biggest fan of belly only expansion. I am very curious where the overlap is for everyone. For me, the general progression was breast expansion -> stuffing -> weight gain -> ass expansion as I delved deeper and explored more.