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Bbw bash Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 17:15:14 Id:f582cb No. 60905
Hi all I’m planning on doing a trip over to America this year to go to a bbw bash but I’m not quite sure which one to go to, any recommendations for someone in there late twenties?
>>60905 I know there's one in Las Vegas that looks very fun. Pretty sure New Jersey and Florida have ones as well. I believe the closest one to me is in Toledo, Ohio. I don't know when exactly they are, I imagine in the summer time.
I'm doing the same! I'm heading to the USA in October, going to go to the BBW Bash in Chicago on Halloween.
Vegas is probably the best one because there still a lot to do outside the bash event. The hotel its hosted at is fine and the area around it has some cool stuff but its like 20 minutes from the strip, where all the real vegas action happens. Last time I was there a lot of people at the bash went on a party bus to the strip to hang out at some of the hotel pools. it was pretty cool, and its a good wya to kind of mingle with people. These events get pretty cliquey and the worst part IMO is waiting alone at the party for people you know to arrive. The hot tub at the vegas bash is good for meeting people too because you dont have to yell to talk to anyone. Anyone with a non-american accent at those events get a lot of attention though so if you sound pretty aussie meeting people should be easy
>>61118 >>61171 Notice: if you can’t get laid IRL you will strike out hard at bashes. If you don’t normally leave the bar with a fat hottie, you’re gonna waste your money here, especially if you’re an antisocial online autist with no ground game. (Assuming he’s the same miserable strayan with the driest dick ever.)
