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ATTENTION! NEW RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE! LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:39:08 Id:c6699b No. 48318 [Reply] [Last]
Due to continued abuse from both CP and complete nonsense astroturf posts, new posting restrictions are now in place. All known abusive ASNs as defined on spamhaus.org have been banned, indefinitely. Additionally, we now use their automated IP-scanning DNSBL service. This change may impact your ability to post, and I'm sorry for that, but this is non-negotiable. These changes may be rolled back if they produce no noticeable improvement. Please disable your VPN / Tor services if you intend to post and are having trouble doing so. You may contact me on discord if you have a VPN with a DEDICATED IP that you would like to whitelist (this generally costs a bit extra than a regular vpn, most have it as an add-on for less than $10/month). Also, I'd like to clarify that the correct response to CP is to NOT reply to their threads, ONLY REPORT. Do not reply to a CP thread. That moves it UP the list and keeps it on the first page and overboard. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. If anything, if you WANT to help, report AND reply to as many OTHER *legitimate* threads on the same board as possible, to limit it's exposure on the first page and give time for mods to be notified. Or ping us on discord and hope it wakes us up. We have to sleep. Sometimes, you guys make that shit stay on the front page instead of burying it, and that's not very helpful. I apologize that we are human and require rest, because if I was an immortal golem I would have the overboard open at all times. Alas, we lapse.
Edited last time by admin on 04/29/2024 (Mon) 02:07:44.
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>>49484 I've said discord several times and haven't gotten banned. Then again that dude probably wasn't using a VPN.

State of BBW-Chan End of March LtBarclay##vOgLqq 03/28/2024 (Thu) 21:22:51 Id:a9b665 No. 46924 [Reply] [Last]
Hey all, probably about time I check in. So, for two months now, we have paid our bills with the generous donation we received in October of last year. Once again, thanks to the anon who did that. As for the mod situation. Semi-recently, an older mod who took a long break was re-instated, and had incorrectly done a few things. Namely, accidental permabans for minor infractions based on not correctly inputting the date codes, and moderating discussion here on /gen/.As of today all those accidental permabans should be lifted, and that mod *should* no longer be moderating /gen/ as hard for comments. That said, with reduced modding of general comments, it damn sure looks like /gen/ is often derailed by schizoid posts, politic posts, and other stupid things. That's a shame and it's always hard to strike a good balance modding a place like /gen/. Now, as for a small update on possibly re-instating the array. The array went through many forms, but in today's day and age, I have to say, it could really only exist in it's old form again: IRC. I couldn't make it interact with the board again, that's impossible with the Captchas we now have. So, with that said, it needs to be re-coded, specifically, it's file host intermediary. It exclusively used wetransfer, but it appears wetransfer has fallen out of favor and now gofile is preferred. Is that the general consensus? That's easily changed. The other part is, while the array uses far, far less resources than the site, it still needs to make some amount of money back, somehow. This is a tricky situation because it immediately becomes scummy: you're paying a third party, who already received that model's work for free, to give you that content. We tried many ways to fund the array, and none ever worked. So, something creative would have to come up on that front. Something like, idk, say the array has a list of crypto donation addresses, if any one receives any donation worth more than a dollar, the array opens for everyone for 24 hours, after which, it closes down again until at least another dollar comes in, that sort of thing. That way, it's slightly less scummy: you're not paying for pirated content directly, you're just funding and opening the library for everyone and everyone gets a 24 hour ticket to browse and download. Anyway, if there's anything you'd like to bring up that got lost in the last thread, let me know.
Edited last time by admin on 03/28/2024 (Thu) 21:30:16.
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>>49391 You're a fucking leaf. You lot were somehow worse than Californians back before I moved.

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 10/18/2023 (Wed) 14:22:57 Id:e65076 No. 37826 [Reply]
In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

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Any other women in a love/hate relationship with this fetish? Ffff 05/13/2024 (Mon) 23:31:52 Id:fcb988 No. 49180 [Reply]
I gotta vent somewhere and I thought fuck it, why not here? Being a woman with this fetish is so fucking confusing sometimes... This is the only porn I really watch, but I don't really want to gain weight myself. The problem is that it turns me on so god damn much that I start stuffing myself and end up putting on weight anyway. Eventually I freak out and realize that oh shit, I'm getting fat for real, then try to lose it so I cycle back and forth and it's just ugh. Right now I'm sitting at about 40lbs over my normal weight, I gained it pretty damn fast too and it turns me on so much but in the long run, I just don't want to be fat. I can't be the only woman out there dealing with this right?
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>>49346 You don't believe there are a lot of gay men attracted to big dudes? Have you heard of Bears? There are entire clubs and social scenes dedicated to fat gay dudes lol.
>>49346 I guess too, we're taught that all women want thin, ripped dudes, we're rarely taught to expect women to want larger men. A lot of works with the fat guy and thin hot woman shows the woman unhappy with her fat husband. Plus we're often taught that it's okay for dudes to go on and on about their sex fantasies. Those dudes talk about wanting women and we have to either fantasize about women a lot, or constantly be sleeping with women. Hearing about female sexual desire is often treated as gross and disgusting. Or we're taught all women want thin, ripped dudes. Rarely hearing about women wanting stuff like BDSM, furry stuff or larger men. I agree that it is impossible to know who on this site is male or female and what their sexual orientation is. I disagree, there are a bunch of gay men into plumper guys. Bears and Chubs exist and there are gay artists that go for heavyset/stout men that are tough and manly. There's no one way to be gay, different dudes go for different stuff. Some are campy and effeminate, some are tough and manly, some are average dudes, some are gender neutral, it varies. What they're attracted to could also vary. Some are into muscular dudes, some lithe and thin, some into plumper men. I also don't doubt there are bisexual men that are attracted to larger men too. We often focus on gay/straight people in these discussions and never think what Bisexual people are into. Are there any bisexual people out there into plumper people? Like any Bisexual women into larger ladies or Bisexual men into plumper men? For attraction can it be to like plump men and women? Or like plump men, thin women or plump women, thin men?
>>49340 I guess you haven’t met many women in the community. The women who don’t show their faces, gain without a feeder, and cum from playing with their own bellies are autistic. Some autistic ones have turned models and are faking the normie act. Or autistic women like CC who come here because they find the white supremacy fun.
>>49180 Trans
>>49508 Agreed, or LARP

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The Ladies of BBWChan Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:17:36 Id:205a6e No. 49259 [Reply]
Just curious to hear the perspective of those women who happen to have this fetish. I’ve heard plenty of guys’ experiences involving this fetish, but I want to hear some from the gals whether it be good or bad experiences. How you initially got into liking this fetish? Are you a gainer/feedee or feeder? What’s your plan on gaining if you are a feedee? How much would you like your partner to weigh if your a feeder?
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>>49492 Fairly certain this whole post is click bait but it is what it is.
>>49497 Thank you I was embarrassed to be jacking off to it feeling bad about myself. But if it’s clickbait, I’m not complicit in shit.
>>49498 I hate borden school. It was so private
I was always into fat men. I guess my brain is just wired that way because I remember being so fascinated with those weight gain sequences and gags in cartoons. It was weird for me because when I hit puberty I didn't want to accept I like fat guys so I always mistake my feeling of horniness for something else. I even thought I was asexual because skinny guys got no reaction out of me. This changed with a grand revalation in the form of discovering the "deviant" part of deviantart. I guess it was prisonsuit rabbitman. I don't like their art anymore (it's pretty mid tbh) but back then it was like my world turned upside down. I still feel ashamed for my fetish and I don't know if I want to try it out irl. I guess I would like to? But then again I live in a shithole of a town and there is no feedies near me. Sometimes I even snap back and feel disguised by my feelings. Right now, I'm content with my chatbots and lurking for bhm art. Anyway, what are my plans? I think, my best bet is finding a long distance feddie. I guess it's as good as it can get. I'm myself don't want to get fat and the thought of it does nothing for me. I even had a anachan phase in college kek. Also, I guess I love creating eleborate and autistic lore for my chatbots and fanfics.
>>49514 Damn no kind words at all. Blocked.

Should I tell my fat girlfriend I like fat bodies? Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 14:57:03 Id:e3b3aa No. 49456 [Reply]
Hello /gen/, long time lurker here. I made recently a new girlfriend, and all seems fine and dandy between us, but I don't know if I should be open with her about this thing of ours. In all fairness, I would not categorize myself as a feeder, more of a fat admirer who enjoys weight gain but it's not a necesity. I like my fatties ready made. In the past with other fat girls (and just plain chubby or overweight), the simple idea that I enjoy their bodies from a sexual or even fetishistic point of view was somehow for them a major problem, as most had the negative idea that their bodies where inherently ugly or undesirable because they are fat. With this girl it seems she dosen't have a problem with me grabbing and playing with her fat during sex, and dosen't have a problem beeing naked with me. I don't know if opening up and saying that I don't just like her body, but the fact that her body is fat would be a good idea, other than being open with her about what I like. From one perspective, I think it is kinda easy to tell and she probably understands that I like her body as is. But from the other, I think there is an sort of idea in a fat girl's mind, that her body cannot be sexualised and a romantic partner can only love her for herself, not her body. Telling them you are sexually attracted to fat shatters that ideal. Or it's just my mind trying to normalize my preference by speaking about it. What do you guys think? Image for reference of how her body looks
> In the past with other fat girls (and just plain chubby or overweight), the simple idea that I enjoy their bodies from a sexual or even fetishistic point of view was somehow for them a major problem, as most had the negative idea that their bodies where inherently ugly or undesirable because they are fat. The issue is you’re ugly and/or creepy. Imagine thinking, as a fat chick, you got some nerd to SIMP for you despite being fat (lose the weight and you could upgrade from this loser). Finding out that nerdy loser only likes her for her fat is gonna break her brain.
Considering you're not a feeder there isn't really any point in telling her. It's better for you to just love her body because it's hers rather than making her feel fetishized. If you were trying to do something exceptionally kinky like feeding it would be a while different story
>>49456 >dosen't have a problem with me grabbing and playing with her fat during sex Unless she has zero experience with sex she already knows that you're a FA.
>>49489 Seconding this reply. People without some kind of fat fetish aren't going to do stuff like this; she already knows. Whether or not you want to crystallise that knowledge through direct communication is up to you. Me personally, I would never lie, if a girlfriend asked me about it or it came up in some way I'd be honest, if not then I probably wouldn't feel the need to mention it. I'd focus on having/building a nice relationship with a person I'm very much attracted to. But yeah, be aware that she already knows regardless.
>>49512 Oh yeah and by the way, congratulations. If she looks like the reference pic you've done well lad, I'd be a very happy man if I were you.

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A little help with links Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 06:35:21 Id:390bf1 No. 49510 [Reply]
Hey, I've just discovered this site a couple days ago and it's absolutely amazing. I have found a veritable wealth of amazing videos, you guys are great. The one hitch is that I have seen several "links" like these and do not know how to use them "aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVVwVUxNOVZCRE8"
Figured out how they work, sorry for cluttering the board mods

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Fat Crushes Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 04:59:36 Id:8766dd No. 47670 [Reply]
Post about the fat girls that you've had a crush on
I have crush on fat ex We no talk
Fascinating thread
>>47717 I feel like you're being sarcastic
I’ll go first I guess. This was back in high school but I had a crush on a girl with the most perfect body. She wasn’t really FAT fat, more so bordering chubby, but all her friends were skinny so she looked a bit larger than she really was. She essentially had an hourglass body but enlarged, with a bit of a belly in front and a round and wide ass in the back. Best thing is, I didn’t even fall for her because of her body, it was because of her face and her personality. She was very good looking and had a very cool and alluring personality, so the body was just a plus. Then again, the fact that she always wore tight pants that made her ass pop but showed her lower belly outline was certainly helped. If I wasn’t such a depressed loner in high school I might’ve shot my shot, but she didn’t seem all that interested in me anyway. Good times lol

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Weight estimation 05/12/2024 (Sun) 19:52:51 Id:f4b658 No. 49146 [Reply]
Hello /gen/, I met this girl through a friend who is an absolute hottie recently. I told my friend my opinion of her (room temp response there, she probably wouldn’t have pinned me as a bbw fan) and I have a feeling that she relayed that information, as I anticipated. Because, you know, women. Anyways I’m not a fanatic about knowing the weight of women normally, but evidently it is different for irl women. I have the good sense not to outright ask about it, so here I am to defer to the experts for an estimation. I would absolutely describe her as a BBW at least, with SSBBW being up for discussion. She is approximately 5’5 to 5’7. I’ll upload a few photos of women with similar body shapes to give you an idea, and I’d like you to estimate her weight if you have a moment. None of the photos are her, of course. She doesn’t have as big of a butt as the girl in green pants. I think the shape and size of the girl in the tan leggings is pretty close, although she may be a bit bigger. What do you guys think as far as the weight goes, given the height estimate of 5’5-5’7? Would you call that size BBW or SSBBW?
280 - 320 lbs estimate. Most people consider SSBBW status to be 350 lbs+ so she's close in that regard.
This site is a crowdsourced visual representation of various height and weight combos. Interesting because if you poke around you see how different the same numbers can look like on different people. https://height-weight-chart.com/heightweight.html
>>49146 320 lbs with 88% certainty
Yeah that wild dude. Sorry you went through that.
>>49146 >>49412 bruh 5'7 at that size... she's over 350. pushing 400. thighs hold a LOT of weight

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>This was considered comically obese in the 2000s Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 04:55:23 Id:003130 No. 48647 [Reply]
I know some of you jerked off to Toot
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>>48647 Toot was always chubby, and then would wind up considerably fatter after binge eating. Those scenes were for comic obesity.
>>49248 And she does nude too https://www.aznude.com/view/celeb/j/jessicagunning.html
>>49247 It's becoming more prevalent. Christy Metz comes to mind, and there's a red headed plus-size actress that's the main in some British Drama that I forget.
>>49465 If you visit some random website online, you'll usually see those clickbait ads at the bottom where it will usually say shit about weight loss, lottery, CBD, y'know stuff like that, her name seems to appear quite a bit on it.
>>49505 Ok I will use vpn I always knew seeing if you noticed lol

Turning point Anonymous 03/17/2024 (Sun) 07:48:29 Id:edd17c No. 46237 [Reply]
Without realizing I've been developing a fat fetish for almost 3 years now, I've noticed lately that not only can not hard for regular porn,my other fetishes are disappearing e/g pseudo-homosexuality/trannies, race mixing with black girls, hairy girls, GILFs etc are just boring and kinda gross to me now. Meanwhile I get an erection easily for even non-nude fat girls just existing. The fetish is so dynamic I like feeding, stuffing, weight gain, face sitting, exhaustion/breathing easily. And fat women just look amazing. I love giant SSBBW ass and boobs and even bellies and facial fat. The phrase it's like a boob all over really resonates with me. It gives me such strong orgasms, and I feel like my libido is waay higher than before I had a fat fetish. i realize If I want to avoid this fetish becoming anymore dominant I should probably take measures now like avoiding fat fetish content, but it certainly takes a lot of willpower and the more I miss fat porn the better it is when I return to it. What I came to ask is whether I should bother fighting it? Fat women maybe are a little embarrassing to be out with although I actually don't care about that much cause I'm sort of autistic. But they do have worse genetics If I ever want to have children though. On the other hand. Dating normal women is so much effort,and every other guy is an incel. I'm 5,10 but rather handsome I get tonnes of attention from fat women and they treat really well. I'm deeply insecure not for my looks so much but because I ruined my life by having strong depression and becoming NEET for like 4 years. But around fat women I feel like I bring something good to the table just by being myself and the relationship is just so much more naturally balanced to my favour which I enjoy . I guess if you had a choice would you be a fat fetishist? It's somewhat of choice I guess for me. I'm getting a job and plan to start dating again shorty after. Pic is around the smallest I'd be willing to date right now
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I’m with you that it’s liberating. I’m almost 30 and I spent my whole life dating thin girls and jerking it 500+ lbs girls in the closet. I had to get really good at closing my eyes and going somewhere else during sex. Fast forward to my partner now, she was thin when we met but a few years ago she was 300+. She’s always yo-yo’d. From early on I told her I preferred her bigger. She’s probably high 200s now and agreed to go to low 300s, 400 if she doesn’t have to work anymore. Having all of that been said she still has some body issues but wow if I don’t love showing her off. She wears two pieces at the beach, half shirts when we go out, and she’s just super confident. Point being is don’t live in the fucking closet and man up. Nobody gives a shit what your partner looks like. If your family is going to judge you then fuck them.
>>49175 I've kinda reached the point where I don't care either way, I'm quitting porn entirely because I believe it has no place in my life. (If you like it to each your own,) I have decided to embrace my sexuality, which is fat and mild gaining and feedism. I don't care what others think, any more and I don't really even care if my future partner is big or not, as long as she loves me who cares. What I will not do is be in the closet about it, that being said I have decided to break away and move on but I accept this part of me and y'all should too.
>>49493 Because you know we about to troll you so severely
>>49494 You're just providing an example of the Crab Bucket theory you piece of shit
>>49503 Dont hate the player. Hate the game. Miss that booty

Acceptance 05/18/2024 (Sat) 00:06:41 Id:5f627a No. 49496 [Reply]
So I imagine by now that people on /gen/ are used to the posts often where the OP lamenting having a fat fetish/sexuality etc. I honestly felt the same way but recently I have decided that instead of lamenting about my desires, instead I will accept and embrace this side of me. I love fat woman, since as long as I can remember, I love how it looks and feels and how it moves. I have always been fascinated with people who gain weight, intentional or not. Fat, muscle it's all the same to me, and I have always been drawn to the nurturing aspects of feedism. Growing up in the south where I live, gaining weight and nurturing is pretty normal but I have come to realize that it really doesn't matter. My life and what I do is my business and I want to live it on my terms. For me that means enjoying life, quitting porn and getting fat. I hope to someday find a partner, even if she's not fat or in to it, I don't care I can find most body types attractive. I definitely prefer bigger woman but I have no issue with smaller woman. I have however decided to quit porn and work on myself and try and be a better person. I no longer care what others think and that includes here. I'm making this post not for any other reason than simply to post something positive for once in hear. At the end of the day I'm just a another anon in /gen/ but I figured I could change things up. Ultimately it doesn't matter because I think my time here is done. It's been fun gents I have lurked here for awhile and honestly I don't consider this place all that bad all things considered but I wish ya'll good luck in whatever ya'll are doing whether it's simply pirating fat porn or whatever, it doesn't matter but I'm not going to be in the closet about what I want. That of course doesn't mean I want to be a creep or a gooner but I'm not going to let others define my life or my choices and neither am I letting my desires and impulses control me. In any event I'm just happy to finally get this off my chest and I apologize for wasting peoples time but I felt like saying something. Live your live and accept yourself gents.
>>49496 Best wishes man and I hope you find the women of your dreams
>>49500 Show her your cock then wait for her to deep throat it

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curse of this fetish Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 00:53:47 Id:34f467 No. 48773 [Reply]
-girlfriend is slowly becoming bigger and more out of shape -she does not feel healthy, and therefore does not want to have sex how do we get around this, anons? how do you make someone feel healthy when they're not?
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>>48773 Maybe it was because she was unhinged and mentally handicapped but I Was in Love with Gillian aka Spanx Beluga and she wouldn't get married because she wanted a poly relationship. In fact, since I've talked to more and more people that have had relationships with her, as well as more "models" in the community, it seems to be the norm that their perspective on a healthy relationship is so toxically jaded that they've become unlovable. Maybe it is this community or probably something to do with how they get attention through exposing themselves through porn and becoming prostitutes. I feel bad for them and I don't know how to handle my own circumstance because I'm naturally drawn to 400lb plus women with huge guts and fat asses. They're seemingly all crazy though, and the more time goes on the more I feel like we are helpless on both sides. Fatty Morgan in St. louis too.
>>49455 That's kind of the curse with getting involved with models - they're open to poly relationships because they have a lot of men desiring them. Whether they just like the attention or know they can get more money by having more partners spoil them, it's almost expected for them to be more available than small-time content creators or non-models. Plenty of them still want healthy relationships based on mutual respect and adoration, but they've also resigned themselves to be someone's fetish and thus not able to find many people looking to treat them as a romantic interest. Maybe there's some damage in there, too. The vast majority of women out there don't want to be shared. Take it from someone who is poly and has tried his luck with women who could absolutely be models but don't want to put themselves out there - they exist. But if you're in a job where you have hundreds of men wanting a piece and some of them have money and aren't total creeps, well, that's just a perk of the job.
>>48774 This is true
Is anyone else turned on my the mental health aspects of this fetish? For some reason and I didn’t realize until recently that finding comfort in food, or having an unhealthy relationship with food is as much of a turn on for me as the physical aspects of it. I talked with a girl kinda on the scene once who I’m pretty sure is dead now or something who in detail described to me what food did for her and made her feel like, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.
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>>49455 >"models" in the community >so toxically jaded that they've become unlovable

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Neuron Activation Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:25:00 Id:42f8a1 No. 48916 [Reply] [Last]
Images that activate my neurons
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>>49439 Whoa, who's the third pic?

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Mental Health buffalokid 05/17/2024 (Fri) 20:58:43 Id:5416e8 No. 49482 [Reply]
Is anyone else turned on my the mental health aspects of this fetish? For some reason and I didn’t realize until recently that finding comfort in food, or having an unhealthy relationship with food is as much of a turn on for me as the physical aspects of it. I talked with a girl kinda on the scene once who I’m pretty sure is dead now or something who in detail described to me what food did for her and made her feel like, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since.
