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Acceptance 05/18/2024 (Sat) 00:06:41 Id:5f627a No. 49496
So I imagine by now that people on /gen/ are used to the posts often where the OP lamenting having a fat fetish/sexuality etc. I honestly felt the same way but recently I have decided that instead of lamenting about my desires, instead I will accept and embrace this side of me. I love fat woman, since as long as I can remember, I love how it looks and feels and how it moves. I have always been fascinated with people who gain weight, intentional or not. Fat, muscle it's all the same to me, and I have always been drawn to the nurturing aspects of feedism. Growing up in the south where I live, gaining weight and nurturing is pretty normal but I have come to realize that it really doesn't matter. My life and what I do is my business and I want to live it on my terms. For me that means enjoying life, quitting porn and getting fat. I hope to someday find a partner, even if she's not fat or in to it, I don't care I can find most body types attractive. I definitely prefer bigger woman but I have no issue with smaller woman. I have however decided to quit porn and work on myself and try and be a better person. I no longer care what others think and that includes here. I'm making this post not for any other reason than simply to post something positive for once in hear. At the end of the day I'm just a another anon in /gen/ but I figured I could change things up. Ultimately it doesn't matter because I think my time here is done. It's been fun gents I have lurked here for awhile and honestly I don't consider this place all that bad all things considered but I wish ya'll good luck in whatever ya'll are doing whether it's simply pirating fat porn or whatever, it doesn't matter but I'm not going to be in the closet about what I want. That of course doesn't mean I want to be a creep or a gooner but I'm not going to let others define my life or my choices and neither am I letting my desires and impulses control me. In any event I'm just happy to finally get this off my chest and I apologize for wasting peoples time but I felt like saying something. Live your live and accept yourself gents.
>>49496 Best wishes man and I hope you find the women of your dreams
>>49500 Thank you buddy best wishes.
>>49496 Good luck and wonderful message of self acceptance. As someone secure in their preference and Kink I offer you 1 regret from someone in the space. I have no fucking sexual stamina with the bigger women I lust after. Overstimulated and not able to fuck as long as I want. Its not two pump chump bad, but its a frustratingly shorter road to my climax than I want. Chubby and skinny women? Even doing other interesting play. Even being fed by a scrawny bony little feeder, I have time and control. Why the fuck can’t I have this with the expansive bodies I want to fuck?! Why the fuck can’t I have time to enjoy pounding and watching a big bitch move like a fucking lake beneath me our riding above me hitting like an extinction event asteroid? I’ve been getting the shit I want but can’t fully enjoy it and it frustrates me to no end.
>>50005 Been a few months still struggling with porn but feeling so much better and secure about this part of myself. Turns out people also do not care if your not a creep.
>>49496 I want to create a new feedist community. I want this community to be free from porn. It is about authentic expressions of feedism that can be sexual or non sexual and the whole idea is to create a safe vibrant community to explore feedism as a sexuality. Was inspired by the catholic anon about it. I'm a christian or at least trying so I want to give it a shot.
>>52257 I think a lot of people across the feedism spectrum online would be interested in that. An anon message board with no identities, no egos, no porn or meetups or promotional links. Just platonic discussion.
>>52259 How do you think we could start ? What would we name it ? That plus we need mods and a structure.
>>52257 >I want to rid this kink-based community of porn um, good fucking luck buddy. Every discussion here is inherently sexual, and to outlaw that would destroy all common ground. What would anybody discuss? What would any of these people have in common? What the hell are you people talking about hahaha
>>52267 You are mistaken I never said I want to stop people from discussing kink but you can express you sexuality without porn. We don't need porn we have this place for that. Feedism at least to me is so much more than a kink and yes it is sexual but porn is poisonious.
>>52267 I don't expect many people to agree with me or even much support but I feel passionate enough go start my own community elsewhere if it fails at least I learned something.
>>52273 What do you think give me the blunt truth.
>>53357 There will be no community without women and there are few women willing to do this for free.
>>53358 I see hmm okay how do we improve engagement ?
