My second fattest was my most unsatisfying. She was 320 lbs (actually told me) and short, so she was fat-fat, walked with a waddle, breathed heavy and so on. She was very attractive too, an Italian brunette with great skin, very round but with a shape. Good hygiene, fully shaved which was a novelty for me. Thing is, her fat was super-firm, with very little jiggle. Very little cellulite too, but then I consider dimples a feature, not a bug. We only had one date, wound up back at my place. She was up for anything, which was cool, and I tried to just get into her size, weight, and roundness but I didn't like the density at all. Years before that I had a girlfriend who was the same height, 5'1" or so, but 175-185 or so and sex was way better because she was super-soft.
My fattest was 5'3" and somewhere between 350 and 400. I didn't ask, she didn't say (and she didn't own a scale) but she made a lot of references to being "over 350 pounds" when she was describing certain situations. Way older than me (11 years, I was in my early 30s att) but very pretty and looked much younger with makeup. Pear shaped o/a with gigantic legs and a deep ledge butt but fat all over — huge boobs, belly, etc. She had relatively narrow hips though, which was odd but viva la difference and all that.
She groomed but didn't shave, which was fine, pretty strong pussy smell when she was aroused but not out of line and the rest of her was clean. Anyway density-wise she was the opposite of the #2 I describe above in that she was super-soft, especially her belly and back fat — with the exception of her ass, which was huge and round but fairly firm (though it moved when I played with it at least).
The best thing was that she was intrigued by feedism and fetishy stuff, which was fantastic, but she was too aggressive for me, always wanted to be on top and talked a lot, giving me directions. She was very free with her body — zero hangups — but if I wanted to spend some time on, say, her back fat (a favorite of mine) she'd get bored and move away or pull me away. I like when a woman knows what she wants and asks but there's gotta be give and take.
Ultimately it was a Monkey's Paw type sitch because while sexually she was pretty damn close to my fantasy, the reality of making a life with her was untenable. We were personally very compatible though I sensed a crazy side she was keeping under wraps. She was also very social while I'm not. There were issues with her weight as well, she got around okay in basic situations but she wasn't great with stairs and had limited endurance in general. I'm not a jock or adventure traveler, but I'm active in other ways and like walking, exploring places and so on. She was also the first woman where I really noticed people staring at us, which was sometimes a turn on but also annoying.