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BBWchan improvement thread Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:14:00 Id:27dfd1 No. 41857 [Reply] [Last]
Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
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>>59723 https://a.architect.coffee/ It's no Desuarchive, b4k or 4pblebs, but it's the only actual archive this site has. Don't expect it to be like the aforementioned archives, though. You won't be getting full images, unless you're viewing a thread that's currenly active on the site through the archive. All the pics on a.architect are thumbnails. I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer.
>>59724 I'm talking links like >>1 or maybe only >>10000. >I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer. Reporting necroposts should be a bannable offense. Edit: deleted because chance had it post 50000 was itt.
>>59265 FIX THIS SHIT!!!
>>60567 Can we do a series of investment funding rounds? It sucks this place finds just enough money to stay alive and nothing for RnD.
>>60567 >>60583 First you need investors.

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burning money Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 01:33:01 Id:a705aa No. 61411 [Reply]
I checked my card and I burn a lot of money on content, way more than I should tbh, so what are yall's biggest splurges you ever did for this kink?
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>>61412 >>And it's watermarked with my username so I can't share it either. Can't you just crop or blur/pixel it out? I use an old version of Movavi video editor for such an occasion.
>>61420 I promise you it's prominent enough where it's near impossible to get it out clearly. It's not a stamp at the bottom of the videos or anything that can be easily cropped. Had I known I would have gotten a prepaid card or something.
I'm old so I used to buy individual VHS tapes and DVDs for $25-75, 90s money. Not knowing the future would bring near-limitless, mostly free pron, I'd say 1/3 of them were satisfying purchases. In this era it was the two customs I commissioned from Ivy and Rennaye, at $200 each. No regrets, they delivered promptly and understood the assignment.
Bought a dozen eggs to make challah to celebrate Ramadan bombing campaign of Gaza. It’s expensive but if Trump can deliver the Jewish people the final solution to their problems it will be worth it.
Married a woman who buys more junk food that I thought possible.

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Whatever Happened To? Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 01:05:32 Id:e5212a No. 52191 [Reply] [Last]
Here’s a thread for models that seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Or if you’re wondering the status of someone, post here. I’ll go first: What happened to the red hair chick that modeled with Spanx Beluga?
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>>60626 it´s okay if you only know her scenes of her second run as a ssbbw. Her first tattoo less run as a bbw was a total different game
I’m definitely going to need more of obesity Glorifier.
https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/7304&acs=Obes Seriously hands down the hottest woman on the internet.
what happened to spankbang it used to be so good for bbw porn but nothing new in years
>>61533 right? It's pathetic now

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Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:37:21 Id:50716e No. 52934 [Reply] [Last]
What is the psychology of lard fetishism? Does anyone have any insight? As far as I know, no research has ever been done. We all have different awakening stories but our brains must have something in common. Why are we like this?
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>>53608 This aligns with my experiences. I'm only romantically interested in women but when it comes to fatness and related fetishes my sexual orientation is much more flexible. Having an innate fat fetish, which led to other fetishes developing at a young age (vore, burping, giantess, etc) seems plausible.
>>60478 I wish Giò Scotti was fat.
>>60514 Seriously go check out the beluga Spanx page. This dudes calling me a faggot for finding some pear shaped fat men attractive if their unrecognizably obese.
>>52943 Who is this???
I have a personal answer to this. I underwent a form of hypnotherapy in which you prepare the questions for the therapist to ask you while you're 'under.' One of my questions about the origins of my sexuality and I answered that it was the result of being hungry for a prolonged period of time as a baby.

Fattest Fuck of all time Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 17:25:31 Id:bd0810 No. 58066 [Reply]
How big was the biggest girl you've ever fucked and what was it like?
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>>58066 TBH, I can't remember who was the biggest because one was roughly 18 years ago and the other was 10 years ago. I'm not into super massive chicks but a curvy bbw is always on the menu if everything lines up for me. One was a hispanic girl who was married, but the guy couldn't have sex for some reason. She probably weighed 250-300lbs but she was like 5'0. She had enormous tits but a strangely shaped ass. Big hips but not a big ass for some reason. She had gorgeous eyes and lips though and had been sending me signals for months that she wanted to fuck but we both worked with my GF at the time... For some reason she had rich friends and was housesitting at some mansion or something. She invited me over, fed me a steak, glasses of good whiskey, and a xanax and then we were off. We to an upstairs bedroom, we made out and she rode me while I sucked on her huge tits and then I pulverized her flat ass until I came. I can't remember if she came or not but she was loving it. She wasn't very energetic but she was loving the pounding I gave her, I didn't even get a blowjob... I haven't fucked a ton of girls but out of the 15 or so, I'd say she was 12 or 13. The next time I fucked her, it was literally on a pile of dirty laundry in a shack. Not joking... The next girl was another girl I worked with, I knew she wanted to fuck me for like 6 months. She was black, maybe 250-300lbs and another short girl, perhaps 5'1? Curvy as fuck. Massive tits and huge ass. I gave her a ride home from work because she was having car trouble one night and asked her out for a drink before taking her home. We went out, had a couple, went back to my place and as soon as we got through the door I pulled her towards me and started kissing her and grabbing her ass. She got super shy for some reason and after a few minutes of that, I turned her around and forced her against the wall. I started rubbing my hands all over her ass after putting them up her dress and she was just getting more and more shy, so I told her we could stop. I took her home and thought the night was a waste of time but when we got there she invited me up. Again, as soon as we got through the door we started kissing but this time I got her tits out and started sucking on em. They were so massive and she was loving it. I sat on a small loveseat she had and she just got on her knees and gave me the best blowjob I've ever had. She did everything right and for those of you who might be hesitant about fucking black chicks, some of my friends are... I pity you. So after sucking me off for just a few minutes, I fucked her doggystyle on that small chair for about 5 minutes. Her ass looked so awesome slamming down on my cock and her pussy was so tight it still surprises me when I think about it. As stupid as that sounds, most girls have a tight pussy but not as tight as this was because it definitely made an impression. She was in the process of moving and she didn't have a bed in her apartment yet, so when I asked to take things there, it didn't happen. This chick was so wild she even wanted me to cum in her mouth which I was all too happy to do. Crazy girl, and later when that bed came in, I fucked her 4-5 more times maybe? I wanna say she had issues and thats why the free fucks fizzled out but what girl wouldn't have issues being fucked hard, swallowing a guy's cum and then saying "have a nice day til next time."? I had a gf already and wasn't going to leave her for this girl but man, she could fuck. For a heavier girl she could do a lot of twisting and turning while being fucked and was so passionate. Almost like she was acting but fuck it. It worked on me. Sadly, that was the last black girl I ever had sex with. I still wonder what other black girls are like or if I just got lucky with that one.
Gaining Gabi, 530 lbs, she is mentally the dumbest craziest human being on the planet if she is still alive after all the benzos she did.
>>61461 Used to chat with her, can confirm. You literally fucked a retard bro. Like, if this bitch is alive right now she's probably a ward of the state
About 440-450. I would have preferred a pear-shape but she was pretty round.
My second fattest was my most unsatisfying. She was 320 lbs (actually told me) and short, so she was fat-fat, walked with a waddle, breathed heavy and so on. She was very attractive too, an Italian brunette with great skin, very round but with a shape. Good hygiene, fully shaved which was a novelty for me. Thing is, her fat was super-firm, with very little jiggle. Very little cellulite too, but then I consider dimples a feature, not a bug. We only had one date, wound up back at my place. She was up for anything, which was cool, and I tried to just get into her size, weight, and roundness but I didn't like the density at all. Years before that I had a girlfriend who was the same height, 5'1" or so, but 175-185 or so and sex was way better because she was super-soft. My fattest was 5'3" and somewhere between 350 and 400. I didn't ask, she didn't say (and she didn't own a scale) but she made a lot of references to being "over 350 pounds" when she was describing certain situations. Way older than me (11 years, I was in my early 30s att) but very pretty and looked much younger with makeup. Pear shaped o/a with gigantic legs and a deep ledge butt but fat all over — huge boobs, belly, etc. She had relatively narrow hips though, which was odd but viva la difference and all that. She groomed but didn't shave, which was fine, pretty strong pussy smell when she was aroused but not out of line and the rest of her was clean. Anyway density-wise she was the opposite of the #2 I describe above in that she was super-soft, especially her belly and back fat — with the exception of her ass, which was huge and round but fairly firm (though it moved when I played with it at least). The best thing was that she was intrigued by feedism and fetishy stuff, which was fantastic, but she was too aggressive for me, always wanted to be on top and talked a lot, giving me directions. She was very free with her body — zero hangups — but if I wanted to spend some time on, say, her back fat (a favorite of mine) she'd get bored and move away or pull me away. I like when a woman knows what she wants and asks but there's gotta be give and take. Ultimately it was a Monkey's Paw type sitch because while sexually she was pretty damn close to my fantasy, the reality of making a life with her was untenable. We were personally very compatible though I sensed a crazy side she was keeping under wraps. She was also very social while I'm not. There were issues with her weight as well, she got around okay in basic situations but she wasn't great with stairs and had limited endurance in general. I'm not a jock or adventure traveler, but I'm active in other ways and like walking, exploring places and so on. She was also the first woman where I really noticed people staring at us, which was sometimes a turn on but also annoying.

Anonymous 03/04/2025 (Tue) 16:29:09 Id:dfe58c No. 61366 [Reply]
Satan eradicated the multiverses within the bible. All its peoples and cities destroyed. Time writes itself.
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>>61389 >>61391 >>61394 I just give up on all this online and shut off the drugs.
>>61373 > Go commit suicide if you don't like living under fascism. Solid advice. Trump pardoned the J6 scapegoats, fixed the military of its liberals problem and is protecting the police from murder. Gays, commies, trans child groomers and liberals are gonna find out what it feels like to have the boot on their necks for a change.
>>61450 You’re the junkie. All these pink haired queers on SRIs are gonna find out what it’s like to be the new boogie man in the room. Straight white men are off the menu and it’s hunting season on freaks buddy.
this is bbw chan jesus get over yourselves, gay ass thread

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 21:45:09 Id:ac7429 No. 58577 [Reply] [Last]
last thread got deleted lol so ill ask something else why cant an 18 yo alt fat bitch like myself get a feeder bf? ive tried dating apps and whatnot but it seems like guys on there only wanna goon and nothing serious. ive seen hundreds of ppl on here saying that they have skinny gfs and wives. do guys who like fat girls just prefer to goon to them? why do you guys date skinny girls instead? i am genuinely curious and im lowkey becoming a femcel dawg
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>>60832 Ok I'll explain to you ... (>>58674 Try 5"7) since Mary Boberry is the same height, she recently got harassed by "an overly aggressive fan" and with my researches I think I got it what really happened: I can tell by this THREAD that it's like all AI generated, especially because these kind of things happen when the AI Clones of "SOMEONE" appeared on weird sites for "roleplay" ... because I discovered who created the AI version of Mary Boberry, a person that tried many times to hack and impersonate me, probably a "jealous brony" that I won't say the name because I AM MORE PROFESSIONAL THAN HIM at this weird "fetish game". (>>60834) <-- should I consider this as a threat or maybe you realize how dangerous is to stalk and harass people?! By the way YES I know these people and I KNOW WHAT THEY WANT FROM ME, but it won't happen ... me and Mary don't need to explain or share with you losers those private things, so again I'll repeat: NICE TRY "Mr Square Pancakes"!! Maybe next time instead of stalking HER try to go outside and TOUCH THE FUCKING GRASS! Especially because YES Mary eats a lot, we don't need to know how much you enjoy jerking off every day behind the screen!
this isnt the autism board
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>>60853 LIZARD MAN
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>>60871 yes it is
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>>60876 Ok then, try to explain me this ... PLEASE! I'm too ignorant and stupid to know the answer. The first one it's just AI generated but ... the others, OOOOh the other things smell delicious!

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Would you join a religion that worships and deifies the fat female body? Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 02:10:31 Id:1f319f No. 60439 [Reply]
Imagine if you found a religion that says that fat women are like goddesses or angels and male followers are required to only date and marry and have sex with fat women, female followers are required to be bbw or ssbbw. Picture related is the Venus figurine from the paleolithic era over 20,000 years ago, it's assumed it was worshipped and it's a bbw.
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>>60463 Sounds great to me but Wiki wants to harsh our mellow: "They were fairly slender and normally weighed between 67–73 kilograms (148–161 lb), although they would likely have had a higher ratio of lean muscle mass compared to body fat in comparison to modern humans as a result of a very physically active and demanding lifestyle. The females of the Gravettian were much shorter, standing 158 centimetres (5 ft 2 in) on average, with an average weight of 54 kilograms (119 lb)."
>>60493 Wikipedia is not accounting for the additional 400 lbs of fat each woman had.
I would never worship a woman, or a man. So I would never worship a fat woman.
>>60495 Good point, I should go in and correct that.
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Anon, these elk skins are getting too tight, can you go hunt a mammoth for me?

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Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 22:52:56 Id:db609d No. 35100 [Reply] [Last]
Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.
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>>58138 >girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair OP? The Japanese housewife?
I apologize for not clarifying; it was the image OP had used for the banner here. My fault!
Might be strethcing the rules with "isn't porn but" rules here but "My Big Fat Fetish" was a channel 4 docco a few years back on this kink, and has a few shots, scenes, and tidbits from models and the scene that really did make it easy to be treated as porn. https://gofile.io/d/gBMgRo
Latest obesity figures: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/mar/03/more-than-half-of-adults-worldwide-obese-by-2050-report-says The future looks bright, despite o zempic. I still recommend planting many seeds to keep the momentum.
As a teen, the fat girl in the shower scene in Porkies pretty much turned me into only wanting fatties. I nutted to that loads before fat porn became a thing. There was an article about a East German woman starring in a porn scene in an English newspaper that made me nut loads too. Turned out the woman was actually Teighlor

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Fat Shit our Partners Do Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 12:43:07 Id:86a7d7 No. 58763 [Reply] [Last]
First time looking at Gen and didn’t see a thread, so I’m starting one. Wanted a place to just share the random fat things that our girlfriends, wives, etc. do that turn us on that most “normal” people won’t get. Like, last night, my wife (35, 5’ 10”, 430) made and ate dinner for us before meeting friends for dinner at a local restaurant. In a span of 2.5 hours, she had two full meals, dessert, and a margarita.
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>>60941 Oh my God man, this is brilliant! She's defo a keeper. Love the little fupa pouch too
My last relationship was with a very short (4’10) woman who wasn’t into feedism, but was very kinky and into degradation and let me indulge in many ways that I still think about often. She always had a massive ass, and shortly after we got together she told me she had to take a hormonal medication which had caused her to put on weight in the past. I was delighted and told her I was actually very much into that. Sure enough, within a few months she had put on about 20 lbs, which at her height made her already chubby belly quite a lot larger and rounder, covered in stretch marks. Her boobs had always been small but they started getting much larger as her belly swelled, and she was quite proud and would often send me photos of her looking extremely bloated and swollen after meals, and made sure I would see her new stretchmarks whenever they appeared. We also smoked a lot of weed together. When she did edibles, she turned into a massive glutton, and could eat a ridiculous amount of food for someone her size. The night that always sticks out in my mind is once when for her birthday, I took her out to a hot pot place down the street, she ate a few edibles before we got there because she wanted to be able to eat a ton and take full advantage. After sharing a massive meal, we went to see a movie, where she put away most of a large popcorn with a ton of buttter (popcorn with tons of butter was her favourite snack at home as well). By this point, she was breathing heavily as we walked home, and had to unbutton her pants as her belly was extremely swollen. She was looking very very round at this point. Somehow (due to the edibles) she was still hungry and luckily there was a McDonald’s nearby, she got me to go in and order her a burger and fries. At this point even I was thinking this might be too much for her but as soon as we got home she polished it all off quickly. After that we had sex and it was incredible feeling how full she was, moaning softly and whimpering because she was so full and telling me to be gentle. Later on, she started feeling sick because of the massive amount of food, and got me to rub her belly until she fell asleep. One of the hottest experiences of my life tbh. This part might sound made up but she would also binge eat randomly at night. She took sleeping pills every night that would usually knock her out within 10 mins, but if she woke within a few hours of taking them, she would essentially be extremely stoned in almost a dreamlike/sleepwalking state (that’s how she described the feeling). Usually when this happened, she would plant herself infront of the fridge and gorge on whatever leftovers were available, or just straight up eat a bunch of cheese, peanut butter, whatever she could get her hands on. She would text me about it in the morning sometimes about it feeling guilty with very little recollection of even waking up and doing it, but was reassured after I told her how hot I thought it was. Anyways. By the end of our relationship she was had probably put in about 60 lbs, probably around 180, and loves going on top during sex, but by that point it was quite exhausting for her and she made me do most of the work while she laid there on top of me (which was incredible, feeling how much larger and softer she had become since when we had started dating). Broke up about a year ago, we had an amicable breakup and she told me to keep the many photos she sent me and I had taken over the years, I’ve moved on now but sometimes still jerk off to the many comparison photos, post stuffing vids etc that I still have.
>>61238 would love to see some of those pics and videos if you're willing (and allowed) to share, or if you can crop out her face
Fat shit our partners do.... The best is when she's drunk and horny. Any fat inhibitions go out of the window, she'll strip and put 450 pounds of tits and belly in my face in full knowledge that I love that she's 120 pounds heavier basically because she knows I love how much fatter she has gotten. Had we met each other in our teens there's no doubt she'd be 600+
>>61360 Enjoying the ride whilst I can, she's 32 now so I reckon she'll only keep gaining for another 3-4 years. She'll make 500 for sure, one of the few who fucking loves it. I guess she knows I'll never ever cheat if she keeps getting fatter

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I Saw You Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 14:46:41 Id:9ad5d9 No. 61298 [Reply]
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a "hat tip" signal to greet a fellow FA out in the world. And since this chan is probably the only place we might all have in common... I SAW YOU... MoC off Cornell on Sunday 3/2, afternoon. You in black shirt, blue jeans. Her in black top, dark grey tight jeans, redhead, 400+(?). In the checkout line you put your hand on the small of her back (really the glorious shelf of her butt), and then possessively around (or partially around) her waist. She was gorgeous. I was jealous. So hat tip to you sir. Congrats.
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>>61311 Exactly! I'm staring cause God Damn! High five!
>>61311 Live in a small city so I know a lot of the big girls I have seen have overlapping dating histories. One of them is a dude I have some mutual friends with, I think we both know about eachothers dating preference but haven't exactly discussed it. I know we have slept with at least 3 of the same fat girls. He's a typical gym bro, so continuing the stereotype I guess. Second is a guy has hit on probably every girl in our age range that has SSBBW status, but he's really fat himself so might just be dating within his own equals. His girlfriend is some smoking hot SSBBW so I'm a bit jealous to say.
https://youtu.be/gPGVuOaugQc A guy I know IRL liked this video on instagram. He has an SSBBW gf. For the unaware, the things you like on instagram are public. I just thought it was funny that he publicly liked this. I wonder what his gf thinks. I posted this in this thread because I had a similar reaction to OP. Thinking "one of us, one of us!" I'd like to think that whenever I get an SSBBW gf again, the four of us might go for a double date.
>>61311 At 180 kilogramme, there's little room for doubt.
>>61350 I'm pretty much known by all my friends and family that I like girls who are considerablly fatter than fat. So much so friends of friends used to find it funny to try and point out girls of a certain size and be deflamatory to them which usually resulted in them getting verbal for doing so from me and me try and give them the come on, usually with success. Worked with a guy 15 years ago who clearly liked bigger girls and had an affair with his fat team leader and ended up marrying her. His jaw dropped like fuck when he saw how fat my now wife was back then.

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The Fat Friend Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 23:46:50 Id:279655 No. 53288 [Reply] [Last]
Show me more of these photos
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>>58737 Goddamn what a waste. Hope your current GF is just as fat and has less involved parents. And fuck I bet that sex was amazing, she looks like she can really handle all 400 or so pounds of her. Then again she did move away from home so maybe she'll blow up where she lands.
>>58734 > She turn you down too, huh? You know this girl sucks anyone dick buddy? If she could turn down opening her mouth she wouldn’t hate her body enough to fuck your tiny dick.
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Old friend of mine, don’t have anymore since we moved away
>>58785 i think the point is for them to be next to skinny friends, not at an angle that doesn't give us any fucking clue how fat she is or isn't

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Dumbest Models Hall Of Fame Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 22:38:28 Id:395f49 No. 57433 [Reply] [Last]
This has no real rules but here are some that I'm going to follow: 1. I am personally disregarding participation in feedism/intentional weight gain as criteria for entry in most cases. Yes, it's dumb, but if we nominate every girl who got fat for money and sexual pleasure we'd be here all night. I might make exceptions in certain cases depending on how fucked up a certain situation is (Mochii speedrunning herself into ill health and having to quit, Echo becoming massively immobile and winding up in a nursing home in her 30s). 2. Try to provide examples if you can - I am going with someone who seemed pretty empty headed in her content but we also have some real deal evidence that she's a dunce in her day to day life as well. You can definitely use stuff from content as an example, though. 3. I am personally not going to factor in severe mental illness - Jae, Reenaye, etc. But I may already break this rule depending on how you feel about my second nominee. So, first up: I nominate BBBXXL. She obviously seems dumb as a sack of bricks when you watch her porn, but then there's her notorious domestic violence arrest and mugshot. And being named "Jonda Sue" has to earn you stupidity points, right? I also nominate Big Cutie Britt - which I acknowledge is a grey area because she allegedly fried her brain on rave drugs. But her ranting and raving on social media and even on bbwchan that she transcended her form and became god is gloriously unhinged stuff. Maybe she's more crazy than she is dumb.
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Hayley... she doesn't come across full blown retarded but just kinda stunted and awkward. Like she looks childish in a deeply uncomfortable way to me.
>>61199 I honestly think that's just the extent of it. She likes anime, is young, was probably in that nerdy awkward group in high school where they were all just kinda losers. I don't think she expects to make it big on TikTok but she had the right proportions and had cute outfits. 300lbs later she's making measuring videos for OnlyFans. Girl might get more comfortable the more she does, but I don't think she's stupid or anything.
>>61199 autism
Looking through this thread I don’t think I saw Sadie? Many have speculated that she’s autistic. On the bbw side, how bout Body Auty? She kinda ruined her looks and fits that cliche IG thot mold. Also, any bbl bitch ever but especially Gracie Bon she seems like a special level of stupid >>57495 >>58000 Randalin is one of my favorites but I can’t deny how stupid she has come across. Although I will say, I like that she ditched the ghetto demeanor. Randalin’s stuff gets leaked every time new content drops and yet she never stops it. We’re glad she never stops it but it makes you wonder what’s going on? Is she okay with it, does she genuinely not except it or know about it, or what?
>>61328 Meant to say expect it

>>60961 I've no doubt that this is a picture of a massive fatty, but this *is* undoubtedly morphed.
When you see her profile, you'll see it isn't. Plus no moroh marks around the sea
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>>60989 She really does look morphed You’ll never look at a morph after seeing her PastaJunkie on feabie, these pics are like a year before the new one >>60961 I need to find her and marry her
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>>61002 It's a pretty good morph, but come on.
Milfs and latinas that clearly want to show themselves off especially their huge asses but just don't show it off in OF style for some reason. Just A Mom at least has something that looks like it could lead to OF. Those 2 non milf latinas are honestly blue balling trolls, Why they don't have OFs is beyond me but they need to hurry and get on it already

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Burping - who are the best burpers? Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 14:17:02 Id:61148a No. 59527 [Reply]
Who are the best burpers, BBW, SSBBW or USSBBW?
Cakedupkayyla gets the number one spot of any category to me. The consistency, the sound, the loudness, the sheer gluttony behind it and the fact that she does it all the time. Same case as ThiccCollegeGirl too. I've always felt like Roxxie's burp were underrated tho I haven't seen a good burping vid of her in a while. Then there's Sabrina who burps like a pig. And for ogs Candy Godiva made the earth quake every time she belched.
Arilove is definitely up there
i think Jazmine Torres is very underrated
