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The Insane Asylum Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 02:42:25 Id:708ede No. 54261 [Reply]
Why does this image board attract so many mentally ill trolls? >Kilotroll >Wafflestomping troll >Animal crushing troll Are there any other's I'm forgetting about? Why are they so dedicated?
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I dunno, the Ukrainian Army doesn't want unbalanced schizos
Kisame here, now that P Diddy is going to jail, Dems have nobody but themselves to blame. Schizos like me with our shoddy skills are busy
Cause we’re legends.
Playhouse imaginami/Tanner appears to be another schizo autist a la Wildcat, but I haven't seen him do anything egregious yet.
The trolls were the main reason I was so adamantly against the now current norm of lax modding... pretty much every thread nowadays deviates from actually sharing content and instead is filled w/ walls & walls of text (usually the nonsensical ramblings of virgin trolls OR illogical advertising from subscribe-shills).

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College Advice/Stories related to Feederism Anonymous 09/01/2023 (Fri) 06:37:45 Id:413443 No. 34717 [Reply] [Last]
Just wondering if any college students past or present have had any experiences related to feedism while they were in school. And where would be the best classes/places to find possible big girls around a campus.
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I think I computer science might be the place to find girls into this, but I’m still looking
>>54078 Keep your findings posted here then cause I’m a computer science major surprisingly XD
>>52064 Enjoy what you’ve got. Keep all of her favorite food around for a year, and if she ends up gaining weight see if she enjoys it when you bring food into bed. You just might convince her yet through experience
What do you guys think the biggest dynamic of fat girls are? Black girls/White girls/Asians/Latinas/Arabics/Other
>>54364 White girls down south are the perfect mix of: obese, dumb, submissive, traditional gender norms and cheap dates because of the economic depression. They’re too bigoted to date out of their race and think having a college degree means your gay. Easy Pickens.

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Any Czech speakers here? Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 18:10:54 Id:ca69f9 No. 51917 [Reply]
Don't know who remembers Cecile/Cleopatra/Adrianna from back in the day. I found this clip (https://xhamster.com/videos/swingers-and-a-very-very-fat-and-horny-woman-xhw6fx7) which I hadn't seen before. I'm curious as to what her and the cameraman say 9:20 minutes in. I thought it was amusing that he came so fast after pounding the biggest girl there.
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>>52293 Some may have been from Arabian countries or gypsies (maybe Turkish too). It is possible that in Southern Europe are more fat people than in Scandinavia (where the average height is probably higher), although Sweden has also some overweight women. In Spain are many more obese women than men I think, these are BBW to SSBBW, but are rather Mediterianian taint, African or Arabian mainly. Somebody mentioned here Malta; that is since the second world war close connected to Australia.
What are some of the Czechs plans?
Here in Wroclaw are also some female fatties (if not many), espcially at the Zoo and around it They use to have pretty big tummies and wore often either tight clothes of have parts of the belly uncovert
>>53154 But these are in general white (narrowly all), very rare black or Arab BBWs.
>>53284 Přečetl jsem si v místních novinách, že ve městě byla velká žena. Je hledaná kvůli výslechu ohledně legálních i nelegálních aktivit. Muž je prý v kómatu.

Manlets & BBW's Anonymous 07/20/2024 (Sat) 15:44:53 Id:451ca6 No. 51914 [Reply]
Any manlets here? Just curious about how dating treats you with bigger girls. It seems like to me that it's even more difficult since a lot of BBW's have so many insecure issues that they want to be with someone bigger. I bring it up because I matched with this girl last year, she was probably nearing SSBBW at that point. Anyways she had a pretty face, and plump thighs and ass like I love...pretty good tits. But she was like 5'10 5'11 and I'm only 5'6 Anyways we talked for a couple of days and had a date set, she thought I was cute and was really into me. Right before the date was set, she asked my height and I told her and she broke the date. Said because of her big size, it makes her feel huge being next to a small man. It was really a punch in the gut. It's especially sucky since being this small with a bigger girl is really taking the giantess fetish to a whole new level. Anyways, if any manlets here...how do you convince a girl out of that thinking? Or is it possible?
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>>54317 Shorties have little dicks. This is known. In America we have a thing called “gym class” as well as “showers”.
I note this is a thing in Japanese BBW porn. Either live action stuff or drawn Hentai, they really seem into stuff where a tiny, thin man is bossed around by tall BBWs. Like to make women 6-10 ft. (2m-3.05m tall and bossing around teensy 5ft-5ft 5in man. It amazes me because it plays into stereotypes that Japanese men are tiny and short and passive. Just amazes me to see people embrace stereotypes about them. It's like finding porn made by black people where the dude is sexually aggressive, endowed with a big penis and gets it on with a sassy jive talking black woman. Guess for short Japanese men, a bbw would be gigantic and overwhelm them and easily boss them around and them to be into the thought of a bigger woman bossing them around. I note this happens a lot more in Japanese BBW art over western stuff which doesn't indulge in this at all.
>>54351 I don't know what you mean as Sailor Jupiter is considered big despite being 5`6. Trunks is considered big against despite being the same height as Sailor Jupiter.
Not in Mainstream works, porn with BBWs that Japanese creators made, it could be live action stuff, or drawn Hentai. Not protagonists/characters from mainstream anime like Dragon ball, sailor moon, Pokemon, One Piece, naruto, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Yu-Gi-Oh!, I was saying that most BBW porn done by Japanese creators, when they have men, they tend to be short and bossed around by BBWs who the creators draw to be super tall in contrast with the tiny thin men in these stories. I noted that Heroherotom does this, as does Squarewave29 in some pieces and artist Namio Harukawa. Bits of live action porn from what I've seen also has this, the dudes gettng bossed around by BBWs. Feels sort of BDSMy.
I went with 5ft to 5 ft 5 in because that's pretty short. Though yeah, as you said, the art can often present characters as taller that what's in an official bio. Like it will say that a woman is short/medium height in an official bio, when the art draws her to be much taller and possessing long legs.

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Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:15:44 Id:d5f92e No. 31020 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
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>>53642 I'd be interested in more stories like this
>>54248 I already posted another story >>53873
I saw my cousin for the first time in two years at a birthday party and god damn. She has blown up. She used to be thin when she was like 19-20 years old but she got really fat after getting pregnant. Like at least 250 pounds. But her weight has been stagnant for like 10 years, but wow it seems she has been letting go. I guess hitting 30 did it in for her. She looks like she's at least 300 pounds, probably more. Her arm has gotten a small roll in it. Her face and chin look so fat these days. Her thighs looked fucking huge in her jeans and you could see her huge vbo. She went for seconds on dinner and dessert and was out of breath the whole time while she was standing. She is getting close to ssbbw size, it's crazy to see. Her parents were both 350+ pounds at one point so I'm hoping she ends up surpassing them. I shouldn't say this but i really want to see her at 400+
>>54343 Just say u from Alabama bro
>>54345 No need to be weird

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Petition to permaban Kilotroll Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:43:40 Id:e69762 No. 54020 [Reply]
Why was this guy unbanned to begin with? I want him gone.
>>54020 no, he’s far too funny
Seconding this. We Allies sacrificed way too much for evil Germans like him to still walk the earth.
Killotroll is great. I’m not as big of fan of when he discusses models popping habits, or worse his forays into documented animal crushing
>>54314 It’s wild you can crush a kitty to death island get away with it if your a too their model.

What will improve the energy? Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 15:10:45 Id:a68fad No. 54065 [Reply]
Regards to how things should be.
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>>54302 Nobody likes Israel enough to defend it. Netanyahu stays in power by using Christian Fundamentalists in America and appearing before the Cowboys game. My fundamentalist pastor doesn't care, Christianity cares about Vietnam, Manilla, and China. They're now using Joe Rogan and whatever N Korean with an awesome rack to get people to vote whatever. Meanwhile, Trump is winning cause he trolls these assassins so hard despite subsisting on McDonald's. >>54305 I think Canuck cuck could be those Catholics who hate liberalism. Then again, the Klan was based on Christian law and mellowed out. Catholics are just mad the goth chick didn't blow them
>>54281 >>54300 >>54302 >>54303 >>54305 >>54308 Leave my internet, Jew-faggot invaders. None of my world is ewfag apocalypse-worshipers. Y’all aren’t of any of my peoples. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240619-number-of-israeli-disabled-soldiers-exceeds-70000-since-7-october-report/ Get shot like the rest of y’all. Scaring the girls away. And only jews are afraid of nations&societies/NAZISM because y’all already condemned the world to apocalypse and are merely trying to treat it like a temporary carnival ride. Y’all scared of the empowerment of anyone who isn’t Jewish. YALL AINT OF US. LEAVE.

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>>54312 Mmmm...blueberries.
>>54312 >Using Assassin's Creed to show us you're bad-ass Oh my god you ARE 16 aren't you
>>54312 I'm gay and my dick is small

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Neuron Activation Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:25:00 Id:42f8a1 No. 48916 [Reply] [Last]
Images that activate my neurons
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What are dogs planning? Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 01:21:00 Id:5981af No. 54258 [Reply]

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Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 19:45:13 Id:f88326 No. 50310 [Reply]
Is it really that weird to jack off to AI porn. On the one side it’s not real, on the other side I see people calling models beautiful who are absolutely average at best without makeup and post-production…I’m torn. What does the community think?
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I can't get off to AI shit the same way I can't get off to drawn shit the same way I can't get off to studio shit. Porn without the human element just does nothing for me. Amateur passionate fucking is the absolute minimum for me. Kinda jealous of people who can have their wildest imaginations realised.
>>50310 Not really. One of my favourite things to do lately is take people's prompts from OnlyFakes and add "obese" to them so that I have "before and after" pics
>>51457 This is probably what people who don't like ai fats imagine when they think of ai fats
>>51800 > what people who don't like ai fats imagine when they think of ai fats Dude. My mom asked me if my wife was a wafflestomper. TikTok has ruined the world
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I didn't want to open a new board, but, is bbwchan mods aware of this https://blogs.novita.ai/mastering-weight-gaming-with-bbwchan-ai/ Kinda shady Found it using duck duck go as my first result

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Fun Bedroom Moves Advice/Tips 08/31/2024 (Sat) 20:37:34 Id:4187da No. 53783 [Reply]
Does anyone have any tips/ideas for new bedroom moves with a bbw/ssbbw partner? Im looking to spice things up with my wife who is 5’9” and probably close to 350lbs. She’s not into feeding, but she likes when I play with her belly or grab her other fat areas. That being said, we tend to fall into a pattern where we make out, I move to kissing her body all over while squeezing her, she uses a vibrator while Im doing this, and then we end with missionary position. Sometimes she rides me instead of ending in missionary. It’s fun for both of us, but Im just looking for ways to surprise her. Any tips on either new positions or fun moves you’ve tried/know of would be appreciated!
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>>53783 My gf is the same height as yours and 330lbs. I indeed like missionary as it lets me play with her best assets (boobs/belly) on full display. However, whenever we do doggy I really like that too. Her hanging belly is really nice to feel from there, and the width of the ass when bent over is a plus (even though I'd never describe myself as an ass man). That's a least one additional position for you, OP.
Bite her FUPA.
>>53783 My wife is about the same size. Those sex wedges are nice but you definitely need to buy the expensive ass one or they just go flat. Its been worth it for us. You can use it doggy or missionary. I also got a BDSM thing you can tie her to the bed, but we mostly just tie her legs over her head.
Our routine lately (wife’s currently 5’9” and over 450lbs), I finish in her missionary which gets her revved up. I then position myself under her ass and finger her clit and stick my finger in her ass, she LOVES this and cums a ridiculously long time. When she finishes, she rolls on top of me and we 69 until I finish.
How do you do face sitting? Know MFB crushed a man into a coma face sitting during a session, I’m kinda scared to let SWs sit on my face.

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Nutritional advice Peptippacid 09/13/2024 (Fri) 23:38:57 Id:6a1d6e No. 54239 [Reply]
I like to bake so I would like you to tell me tricks to carry a little more calories on the goods I make without compromising the flavour or texture aka adding to much sugar. Looking for more creative advise like, use heavy cream instead of milk and that nature!!! Thanks beforehand!

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Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 02:02:38 Id:bd837e No. 54155 [Reply]
>be me >open /pol/ >see thread with picture of ex https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/481385041
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>>54171 I mean, why do people here act like it’s impossible to be attracted to women you despise and find disgusting? Shit play, geriatric fetishes, amputees, midgets, etc are all objectively gross and weird but people still get off to it. Fat people are dead weight on society and evidence of decadent societies. Fat women get a pass because they don’t need to perform physical labor or get drafted into war.
>>54155 >That fat and no ass >Dressed like that in public Anon you dodged a bullet
>>54175 Haha definitely. Main reason I broke things off with her was because of her lack of respect for her father while he provided so much for her. New girl has much better fat distribution.
>>54158 Holy shit she's really something wow
>>54178 Told your ex had daddy issues. What’s it like fucking the town bicycle? Did you at least get her tested before and during the relationship?

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Who is a future GOAT? Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 04:40:39 Id:063f15 No. 54080 [Reply]
This is very subjective, especially since we got many who are more into bbws or ssbbws, but it can be both ways. We already know who are the best, but who do you think could reach GOAT status in the future? This is also a good way to introduce models.
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This is a fun exercise but we won’t really know until we get there, tbh. LisaLou is a good shout because she’s young and actually seems to take fat fetish modeling seriously, but I’d be lying if I said I thought she was “special” or potentially GOAT tier. I agree that there is no next Boberry, she’s an extremely special case.
>>54140 The future goat is not some grandma aged deflating bag of ugly.
>>54140 Think Roxxie and Jackie are well established as goat-level and not in the spirit of the OP. FatMissT is closer to what I think is being asked. If we’re doing like a hall of fame Adeline has a spot in mine simply for the extremity of her gain
>>54151 >Roxxie and Jackie are well established as goat-level Mary is GOAT but they’re are level beneath goat. Roxxie is fine if she’s your type but Jackie is a fluid filled cave troll.

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The Fat Friend Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 23:46:50 Id:279655 No. 53288 [Reply]
Show me more of these photos
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>>54056 4 is a morph, no?
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>>54032 Who??
