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Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 21:45:09 Id:ac7429 No. 58577
last thread got deleted lol so ill ask something else why cant an 18 yo alt fat bitch like myself get a feeder bf? ive tried dating apps and whatnot but it seems like guys on there only wanna goon and nothing serious. ive seen hundreds of ppl on here saying that they have skinny gfs and wives. do guys who like fat girls just prefer to goon to them? why do you guys date skinny girls instead? i am genuinely curious and im lowkey becoming a femcel dawg
> ive seen hundreds of ppl on here saying that they have skinny gfs and wives. do guys who like fat girls just prefer to goon to them? why do you guys date skinny girls instead? Different types of people: -Chad isn’t gonna ruin his reputation for a cheap fuck of a fat bitch: marry someone whose skinny and pretty and cheat on her. -Your average man here knows that as a 5’9” 170 pound man earning $56k I have nothing these women want except maybe my dignity and pride if I let her walk all over me, won’t get laid much neither. Juice isn’t worth the squeeze compared to jacking off and going to be with my bank account as full as it’s going to be and no ogre nagging me about doing chores in addition to paying her bills.
like on this site? variety of reasons, including: >lots of guys here are just embarrassed for their bros/family to see them spending time with a fat girl, and don't want to field the "can't you find someone skinnier?" or "do you have a fat fetish" questions or face silent judgment (i'd like to think I'm better than this but I'd be lying if it wasn't something that crossed my mind). obviously this isn't as bad as what the fat girl herself has to deal with, but nonetheless >lots of guys here are attracted to fat sexually, but are grossed out by it/look down upon it in everyday life. i.e. they find fat girls sexy but they have very little personal respect for them >more innocently, being an actual feeder implies a time/money commitment that a lot of guys just can't make -- especially a long-distance feeder who doesn't get physical intimacy out of it >i'm personally not all about the 'feeder' thing and would rather be with a girl who's already really really big. a girl who's mildly chubby but looking to grow doesn't do it for me. i'm sure there are other guys here who feel the same way
>>58577 Real answer: a lot of guys at that age are really insecure about their preferences. As you get older most people realise that no one gives AF and will feel more confident dating super fat women. Source: was that dude at 18, now have fat GF. Also a lot of my skinny friends are dating fatties now and life is good.
>>58577 I’ve never wanted to see dick pics in my life until now. You’re a cis man post them
>>58594 i have a POOSAY!!!!
post the belly
>>58611 that's too slutty but hmu on pisscord if u wan
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bored asf bump still looking for ppl to discuss this with
>>58587 Maybe being 6'2" is a way bigger advantage than I thought because I've never made over 15k a year and I can get with any fat girl I want and have them pay rent for me. Or maybe my dick is just that much bigger lmao
>>58672 genuinely yes, a man’s height plays a HUGE role lmao
>>58673 being 5’9 sucks brother
>>58674 Try 5"7 Own your height and max out your charisma
From talking to her can say she's a nice girl just lonely, don't be too harsh.
>>58577 drop a social or discord or smt i am so down for a serious feeder/feedee relationship IVE WAITED ALL MY 20 YEARS OF LIFE FOR THIS
>>58577 Just curious how fat are you? Like how much do you weigh?
>>58700 come back anon :(
>>58709 dc is mitskigf :<
>>58713 i just checked last night, i weigh a bit over 260 lbs now (it’s not a digital scale) but that thing is pretty old also i am op im just on a different network rn lol
>>58709 where are youuuu anon………
>>58713 okay officially i am 267 lbs :3
>>58794 how tall r u
>>58717 Sent you a request. Wet_parapluie
>>58796 5'1" x3 but im def nowhere near my goal weight so bear w me
>>58799 Whatever you do, don’t post any face pics, belly pics, or private’s. Not on this website for earth sake. Always look after yourself, especially online. Keep yourself private as much as possible, because you never know who or what might take advantage of you.
>>58800 thank u for the concern anon >>58819 come bacckkkkk :<
>>58799 Damn girl you're already above 50 obesity and talking about "nowhere near my goal weight" Fattassss Hot as hell though
>>58820 how many friend requests have you ended up getting? 🤔
>>58823 600 is my goal weight :3 >>58826 uhh abt like 30 give or take cuz i also posted on /soc/
>>58827 Is that why I was ghosted frame one 😭
Look, I rreeeeaaaalllyyyyy don’t mean to be a pain in the neck, but for any woman on this site who is looking for a relationship, or a feeder partner, I recommend trying to find a sorta more stable community. On here we just goon on images of fat ladies, talk about them, and then complain about this or that. Some of us are a bit mentally unstable, some not. some only have this fetish for fantasy reasons, while others are in it for real. And then you’ve got a few who hate this fetish, and have it stuck with themselves for god knows what reason. No matter what you do, the fetish never goes away. And then y’know, there are those who actually love this fetish and crave it every way possible. That’s really about it. Some of us are nice and reasonable, some may not be so nice, but it’s really all about the luck of who you talk with.
>>59122 The crazies are also the most motivated to message. They do not care about you, they are a rabid dog out to get their nut. Some women might read that and think that's hot, until they're messaging your mother, cousin and brother for pictures of you, making 50 alternate accounts for when you block them or mad because you aren't exactly like their wg fic. You'd be better finding a disc on Reddit or something that
rabid dog here looking for a fat bitch to infect with rabies
>>58577 i prefer to goon to them, or hook up. generally, i have found out that fat women are not really good relationship material.
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>>59128 >rabid dog here looking for a fat bitch to infect with rabies
>>58577 guys i have successfully found tru love on bbwchan never giv up
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>>59672 >guys i have successfully found tru love on >bbwchan never giv up
>>58577 Consider dating a girl who's into fat bitches. Until then, you deserve to be alone, you dirty het.
>>59709 I met my fat feedee wife on bbwchan.
>>60603 dude whats with this community's obsession with fat lesbians, it has to be fetishization of some sort cuz yall dont wanna look at men in fat art
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>>58577 Well well well ... I might think to have found the crazy stalker trying to impersonate me, how is it going Aury? How many hackers and crazy psychopaths do you need to find me? Oh by the way OF COURSE I watched Mary Boberry, mind if I call you for your REAL NAME "Mr Square Pancakes" do you like when you walk or make old memes?! Eheheh .. you thought to do that?
>>60813 this is not a schizo thread sybau
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>>60813 LIZARD MAN
>>58577 More of an encourager here. Started dating her when she was 320 lbs. Now she's approximately 480 lbs. Good times all the time
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>>60832 Ok I'll explain to you ... (>>58674 Try 5"7) since Mary Boberry is the same height, she recently got harassed by "an overly aggressive fan" and with my researches I think I got it what really happened: I can tell by this THREAD that it's like all AI generated, especially because these kind of things happen when the AI Clones of "SOMEONE" appeared on weird sites for "roleplay" ... because I discovered who created the AI version of Mary Boberry, a person that tried many times to hack and impersonate me, probably a "jealous brony" that I won't say the name because I AM MORE PROFESSIONAL THAN HIM at this weird "fetish game". (>>60834) <-- should I consider this as a threat or maybe you realize how dangerous is to stalk and harass people?! By the way YES I know these people and I KNOW WHAT THEY WANT FROM ME, but it won't happen ... me and Mary don't need to explain or share with you losers those private things, so again I'll repeat: NICE TRY "Mr Square Pancakes"!! Maybe next time instead of stalking HER try to go outside and TOUCH THE FUCKING GRASS! Especially because YES Mary eats a lot, we don't need to know how much you enjoy jerking off every day behind the screen!
this isnt the autism board
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>>60853 LIZARD MAN
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>>60871 yes it is
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>>60876 Ok then, try to explain me this ... PLEASE! I'm too ignorant and stupid to know the answer. The first one it's just AI generated but ... the others, OOOOh the other things smell delicious!
