Okay couple things recently, my wife has gone from 150ish, kinda thick and sporty at 5’7”, to a very cushiony 250. It’s been a very slow and steady gain but it’s definitely to the point in her life where most people consider her a fatty. Couple hot things that have happened recently that have really hit home just how fat other people see her:
- one of my best friends is kind of a dumbass, extremely nice guy but very prone to saying dumb stuff. Anytime him and his wife come over for dinner (wife and I both love cooking for people obviously lol) he makes comments about how amazing the food is and how his wife (who weighs about 90 pounds at 5’3”) doesn’t ever make food like we do, and then he’ll look straight at my wife, let’s call her Jen, and say something to the effect of “I just don’t want skinny people making my food, it makes sense you’re such a good cook Jen.” Funny thing he’s not trying to be mean he’s just a dumbass, the image of a guy pissing off his skinny wife because she can’t cook while praising a fat girl for being a good cook while also calling her fat to her face is just all around a perfect encapsulation of how socially clueless my friend is lol.
- My wife’s three coworkers are all women and they’re all on Ozempic, leaving my wife as the office fatty. Her boss will routinely come in and offer Jen her old “fat clothes” saying stuff like, “yeah I’ve just lost so much weight and so have the other girls in the office so you’re the only one who could fit into this stuff, why don’t you take them?” Then Jen will bring them home and not even be able to fit into them, so she’s too fat for her boss’s fat clothes which is pretty hot. Her boss and coworkers are also wops with busted faces and leathery Italian skin and my Jen is pretty and soft and pale, she’s very obviously more attractive than them regardless of weight. I think they’re probably jealous that they’re all losing weight are still mid at best.
- Last thing, and I’ll have to update on this, but Jen was a college rec league athlete back when we met, and after she stopped playing her sport, let’s say it was soccer, was when she started ballooning up. All her close friends are casual jocks, super nice and sweet people who care about her as a person and would never make her feel bad about her weight, but definitely all still athletic people who spend a lot of time playing sports even years after college. They’ve stayed fit and Jen has slowly been getting fatter and fatter over the years to the point she’s pretty much 100 pounds heavier than when her friends knew her in her athletic prime. These days we live about 4 hours away from most of them so we see them to hang out a few times a year. This weekend she has a soccer tournament at our old college and all her old rec league buddies are gonna be there and are expecting her to play in a tournament over the weekend. So my fatty, who hasn’t exercised or even jogged lightly in 7+ years, is going to have to huff and puff all up and down a soccer field this weekend in her mostly outgrown athletic clothes trying to keep up with her fit friends. Also a lot of them have had babies recently but bounced back and got fit again quickly, my wife and I have no kids and she’s by far the fattest one of her group still. Naturally she’s nervous about the weekend and looking like an out of shape piggy in front of her friends. Ultimately she knows they love her regardless but she’s been dreading this weekend, on the phone last night she was saying, “I know there’s nothing I can do about it, it’s my fault I’ve turned myself into such a fucking tub of lard.” I hate to hear her upset but that shit had me diamonds lol. Also she’s never played in glasses before (she used to have contacts for sports, no sports, no need for contacts.), so just picture a 250 pound belly and tit-heavy blonde girl running around in too-tight athletic clothes, red faced and out of breath while all her skinny friends run circles around her. I really want Jen to have a good time this weekend with her buds and I hate that she’s nervous but the evil feeder part of my brain can’t help but think that’s the hottest shit ever.
Anyway sorry for the novel I figure some of yall would appreciate some of the unintended consequences of allowing your girl to slowly but surely become a total out of shape big. I’m hoping for 300 before long