My last relationship was with a very short (4’10) woman who wasn’t into feedism, but was very kinky and into degradation and let me indulge in many ways that I still think about often. She always had a massive ass, and shortly after we got together she told me she had to take a hormonal medication which had caused her to put on weight in the past. I was delighted and told her I was actually very much into that. Sure enough, within a few months she had put on about 20 lbs, which at her height made her already chubby belly quite a lot larger and rounder, covered in stretch marks. Her boobs had always been small but they started getting much larger as her belly swelled, and she was quite proud and would often send me photos of her looking extremely bloated and swollen after meals, and made sure I would see her new stretchmarks whenever they appeared.
We also smoked a lot of weed together. When she did edibles, she turned into a massive glutton, and could eat a ridiculous amount of food for someone her size. The night that always sticks out in my mind is once when for her birthday, I took her out to a hot pot place down the street, she ate a few edibles before we got there because she wanted to be able to eat a ton and take full advantage. After sharing a massive meal, we went to see a movie, where she put away most of a large popcorn with a ton of buttter (popcorn with tons of butter was her favourite snack at home as well). By this point, she was breathing heavily as we walked home, and had to unbutton her pants as her belly was extremely swollen. She was looking very very round at this point. Somehow (due to the edibles) she was still hungry and luckily there was a McDonald’s nearby, she got me to go in and order her a burger and fries. At this point even I was thinking this might be too much for her but as soon as we got home she polished it all off quickly. After that we had sex and it was incredible feeling how full she was, moaning softly and whimpering because she was so full and telling me to be gentle. Later on, she started feeling sick because of the massive amount of food, and got me to rub her belly until she fell asleep. One of the hottest experiences of my life tbh.
This part might sound made up but she would also binge eat randomly at night. She took sleeping pills every night that would usually knock her out within 10 mins, but if she woke within a few hours of taking them, she would essentially be extremely stoned in almost a dreamlike/sleepwalking state (that’s how she described the feeling). Usually when this happened, she would plant herself infront of the fridge and gorge on whatever leftovers were available, or just straight up eat a bunch of cheese, peanut butter, whatever she could get her hands on. She would text me about it in the morning sometimes about it feeling guilty with very little recollection of even waking up and doing it, but was reassured after I told her how hot I thought it was. Anyways. By the end of our relationship she was had probably put in about 60 lbs, probably around 180, and loves going on top during sex, but by that point it was quite exhausting for her and she made me do most of the work while she laid there on top of me (which was incredible, feeling how much larger and softer she had become since when we had started dating). Broke up about a year ago, we had an amicable breakup and she told me to keep the many photos she sent me and I had taken over the years, I’ve moved on now but sometimes still jerk off to the many comparison photos, post stuffing vids etc that I still have.