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Fat Shit our Partners Do Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 12:43:07 Id:86a7d7 No. 58763
First time looking at Gen and didn’t see a thread, so I’m starting one. Wanted a place to just share the random fat things that our girlfriends, wives, etc. do that turn us on that most “normal” people won’t get. Like, last night, my wife (35, 5’ 10”, 430) made and ate dinner for us before meeting friends for dinner at a local restaurant. In a span of 2.5 hours, she had two full meals, dessert, and a margarita.
Unbuttoning her pants either as soon as she gets home or right after dinner. Recently we went to a korean bbq buffet and as soon as she walked out the door was complaining about her pants being too tight and in the car ride home she let me squeeze all that ooze
This is so basic it's almost not worth mentioning but 3-7x per week she comes up with some plan for us (her), like quitting sugar or no pasta or whatever, and then sometimes within the hour she'll send me out for ice cream or cookies.
>>58770 Mine does this a lot. Best time was when she did it, forgot, and hit up a Dairy Queen on the way home.
Just a few, but: Having a snack because she's "starving", even though she just had a meal she's already forgotten about. Having a meal because she's "starving", even though she's been obliviously snacking all afternoon. Proclaiming "I have to burp" before letting out belches in front of friends, coworkers, family, etc. The time around last Thanksgiving when we left a karaoke bar, and her ass crack was sticking out of her pants. I caught a few eyeballs on her and she was not aware until we got out of the Uber at home. I could go on for ages. Things like this are where the real hot shit comes from, especially in a long term relationship.
>>58771 My girl grew up only a little chubby, not fat, so she vasciallates between wanting to be healthy as hell and being the gluttonous queen she naturally is. We've been together almost 5 years now (!) and about once a year she'll get so serious about going back to her "old ways" that she'll actually lose a little weight, stick to healthy food, keep up a fitness routine with lots of walking and yoga. But between her piggy instincts and my support (a.k.a. bad influence), she has so far always backslided and ended up a bit fatter than she was before.
>>58781 Holy fuck How much does she weight?
>>58784 Last she weighed herself was back in October, she was 325. She's probably bigger now, after the holiday, but not by a noticeable amount. Based on her talking and mood lately, another fitness phase might be around the corner
My wife (36, 5’8”, 340-ish) will let me know she’s hungry by walking into the room, lifting her shirt, grabbing a double handful of her own belly fat and jiggle it at me while making overly-dramatic grumbling noises.
My wife is dieting right now so I'm living vicariously through this thread. I love when she overdoes it (usually from mindless snacking) past a certain point and can't stop burping. The whining is hot.
>>59153 Mine’s trying to diet as well, just to try and get down to 300 from 340. But at heart she’s still a hungry little piggie, so we have a lot of mornings like today where she eats a huge breakfast and then lays in her recliner moaning about how stuffed she is and how stretched her stomach feels.
>>58771 Lol yeah, adding another fat girl to the pile of constantly trying to slim down a bit. She's mostly confident in her status as a BBW but she's crept up to 320ish since we've been dating and just wants to be under 300. I don't even have to do anything, she'll declare she's going to start working out, work out precisely one time, and then she's back to being my adorable fatty.
Stopped worrying about diets. Let them try, it’ll keep em busy for a bit before they fall back into old habits. Works that way for my wife. And exes. Pigs is pigs.
>>58763 My wife was on Monjauro all last year and by the end had completely stalled with weight loss. She’s starting to slowly gain again which is wild on weight loss drugs. We did keto a few years ago back when she hit 400 and before we’d start on that she’d send me big texts about wanting to diet and lose weight before telling me we should have pizza for dinner. One time this occurred in the same sentence.
GF doesn't want to go over 300 so trying not to eat too much sugar and never orders large anythings but loves snacking and totally gives into cravings --- will never overdo it when we're together but can eat serial meals and snack all day if it's my idea and I have some. Will drive around all afternoon looking for parking close up to a store or eatery bc she hates to walk and always buys millions of snacks for home and her kitchen closet looks like a prize closet. It is cute and delightful but there is one thing I need to watch out for: don't ever let her get hungry! It's nasty and she has a melt-down!!! It's like the end of the world! LOL Lucky me! (And she is so sweet)
>>59154 Update for you fat fuckers: she stuffed herself twice yesterday, eating a huge breakfast and then laying in her recliner moaning about how full she was, and then at dinner inhaled half a large pizza, 10 wings and 3 brownies - and then lay in her recliner moaning about how full she was. I only recently came out as having feeder fantasies and while we agreed it was fine as fantasy we weren’t going to undermine her weight loss and send her up to 400+… she might be subconsciously embracing it? She’s never gorged twice in one day like that before.
My gf isn't massive. (About 5'5 and around 210lbs give or take a bit) But she is a chef with wide ass hips. She knows she will never be "skinny", and accepts that she will always have weight on her. With her being a chef, she is constantly talking about food. She often tells me about the extra food she gets to eat at work, like last week she got a full roast chicken dinner for lunch because a customer didn't want it for some reason. One time she told me about how her belly gets in the way when she is working at a table and her solution is to just lift up her gut and set it on the table, says it is way more comfortable. (Here's a random Ai image for reference to her body shape)
My gf keeps saying she doesn't wanna get over 300lbs, but she always eats ramen or drink lots of soda. We found this brand of ramen she adores and will eat the whole thing extremely quickly and get bloated as hell and have me massage her belly. Lately she's been either eating a whole bowl twice a day or she eats two servings and says she feels like she'll throw up if I rub her belly too hard. She won't check her weight but I'm pretty sure she's at least 330, it's all gone to her ass and belly.
>>59200 Mine typically decides that she wants to be “more active”, which is less of a diet and more of an offset for her dietary habits. But our schedule doesn’t it lend itself in a way to make being more active consistent, so we just and up doing the occasional activity (walking long distances or playing Just Dance) that just ends up making her ravenously hungry right before bed.
>>59215 My wife carries all of her weight around her hips. There’s something so hot about watching her stand at an angle because her belly pushes her too far way from the counter.
>>59315 Yep, mine walks on the treadmill 20 minutes a day (and invites me to watch) and tries to watch her calorie intake but is inconsistent about the calorie tracking at best. And sometimes I get really good days where she goes “Oops! I’m 1000 calories over my limit today!” because she’s just fucking hungry. She made a batch of brownies last weekend and asked me to put them in the freezer so they’re out of sight and she’s less likely to pig out on them. But 3X a day she bats her eyelashes at me and says, “can you warm up a brownie for me?” I fucking love it.
Constantly asks me to get her things because she doesn't feel like getting up. The remote, her phone, etc. The noise she makes with any physical exertion no matter how small. Grunts, groans. All the food blogs she scrolls through on her social media, and the way she moans if she sees something that looks particularly good. Logic like: doesn't want to eat more than one big package of cookies a week so she offsets them with chips or brownies. If I'm cooking anything with cheese or something in it, coos from the living room for me to bring her some. And so on.
>>59335 Really cute, seems like she's the rather logical type.
My girlfriend is on this weird pseudo pescatarian/morally sound diet, where she only eats fish as a source of protein most of the time but also eats meat when its from a cruelty free farm. Fish aside she also eats alot of high protein vegetables to satiate her hunger for meat when I can't buy her cruelty free meat, things like tofu, beans, tempeh,.. Well those foods make her gassy which leads to alot of tomfoolery. Whenever she drives and feels a fart coming she always arches her back and farts through the gap between the back rest and seat, normally right into me because she'd use the seat next to her for her backpack that she carries everywhere that contains condoms, snacks, her phone, lip balm, etc... Which would stink up the whole car for hours. During major events, like weddings, my son's musical plays, the movies and dates she'd excuse herself to go fat or burp in the bathroom if its a large one which would scare the people inside. *Noteshe does not do the same when the setting is casual, if we are at an outdoors coffee shop, cheap restaurant, at Tesco or on a walk she would just let loose. Causing people to look at us. She would sometimes burp when we kiss to "mark me" and make me smell breath which was normally good because she eats alot of candy. Whenever I am down because work or something bothering that she doesn't know she would occasionally do a fart joke to cheer me up which works very well. During sex she would sometimes fart when I give her backshots which feels really good because its warm and oddly enough sometimes they dont smell or have a really light smell that does not bother us or ruins the moment. Ok gassy shenanigans aside... She remains pretty independent despite carrying 400lbs on her but she has had to adapt in certain ways. Most of her clothing comes from thrift stores which does not provide a wide selection. Most of her clothes lack pockets so she improvises by carrying things in her belly folds or under her boobs (she cant store things in her cleavage) Things like keys, snacks, utensils, her pocket knife are all things she stores on her body pockets as she called them. Sometimes she'd forget and we'd find a melted chocolate bar under her folds. Our kitchen isnt the biggest and normally she cooks but some of our cookware are on the bottom cabinets. To access them, she uses a garbage picker stick to grab them. Our bathrooms have all been modified to meet her needs so we have this thing called a bidet hose on all our toilets that spray water up your bum. Its keep her nice and clean, better than toilet paper. There are alot of other things that I may have overlooked because how used to it we are. I'll come back and share more if you guys want but I have to ask her first because thats all I can think of for now.
Sometimes when we get in the car I’ll have the door open. Then when she gets in the whole car drops like an inch and and the door gets stuck on the curb and she’s gotta get out so I can close the door lmao.
My gf enables me really heavily. I'm trying to lose weight or at least get in better shape because I've been really sluggish and sleepy lately. She's a big stoner so she always keeps me super penjamined when we hang out over the weekends and we always hit a drive-thru and get me like $20 worth of food before she drives me home. Sometimes she sends me home with edibles so my weekly workout plan is shot bc I take them right after work instead of going to the gym and usually end up snacking all night. I'm a dyke so probably not presenting myself by the standards you guys are into but you might appreciate or at least find interesting that I almost always wear guys clothes and am lately starting to outgrow XLs and have to size up to 38 waist jeans despite being only 5'4".
>>59460 that's hot. Do you know how much you've gained?
My gf is nearing 400 and will probably hit it soon (if she hasn’t already, been a minute since I weighed her). She’s also kinda short so for her height that’s pretty big. She doesn’t necessarily eat often as much as she just eats a shit load of food at every meal. Also lots of soda, fast food, and junk food. I like feeding her greasy fatty unhealthy shit. She’s a messy eater. I used to tell her to spread her ass cheeks while I was hitting from the back and now she can barley even reach them which is honestly hot to me. I love watching her struggle to get her hands to her ass because her arms are so fat. She can barely wipe it. She has broken lots of furniture and it honestly pleases me to know she’s so heavy. Always out of breath. Sweaty, hates too much movement, but will still get on top. She’s such a pig and I love her
My wife is well on 300 lbs and wants to lose weight and get back down to the low 200's like when we'd first met. She's was prescribed ozympic a few months ago. I was upset that it seemed like the end of an era but i support her. Only thing is that she's completely ruined her willpower. No attempts to work out, no eating the diet food she gets. Just laying around naked in bed waiting for the ozympic to work. She eats way less, sure, but it's always fatty, sweet, or deep fried. And in the last few months she's only lost 20 lbs, 5 of which over the last month, which leads me to believe she's hitting a wall. She complains that it's not working as advertised. The whole situation is ironically hot af for me. Not just because of what I mentioned so far, but because I know that the second she's off ozy, she's going to blow past 350 easy.
>>59625 Wife who swore she was only gonna eat sugar on weekends as of 1/2/25 got in the car last night at 10pm, 9 degrees and snow all over the place to go get cookies. She wanted me to clean the car off for her and I was like fuck no lol. I guess I'm not as dedicated an FA as I thought I was. >She eats way less, sure, but it's always fatty, sweet, or deep fried. Surprising because I've heard it kills the craving for those things. Junk food companies are panicking because their sales are way down. Encouraging though. Maybe we're not in the GLP1pocalypse after all.
She seems to still have all the cravings she used to, but just can't eat as much. It lead to situations where she'll order a big meal and only end up eating a fraction of it. So there might be a chance it just works better for some people than others.
>>59519 >She doesn’t necessarily eat often as much as she just eats a shit load of food at every meal. How much is a shit load of food? And what's the most you've ever seen her eat in a sitting?
>>59670 For example When we go get fast food (often) she usually gets like a huge burger and large fries and large nuggets and a large shake and a chicken salad and sometimes she might even get a second burger or chicken sandwich. If we go out to a sit down dinner she usually gets like two meals.
>>58781 This one's pretty relateable for me. Not quite the same but similar. My wife doesn't bother announcing burps or farts in front of her friends or family anymore, she just goea for it. Doesn't excuse herself unless she was in the middle of talking or it was particularly disruptive. She just assumes everyone knows that she's gassy. The snacking is pretty constant these days. She'll buy chips and tortillas and cookies and chocolates for herself, then has fairly heavy meals throughout most of the week, and will occasionally goad me into going out to get her snacks. She sort of ebbs and flows on how much she snacks, but this is about the most I've seen in our relationship. Her only internal "check" seems to be that she can't eat the *entire* package herself. That's not allowed. So she'll offer me one or two cookies from the 24 pack for example, and as long as I've had those she technically hasn't eaten the whole thing and is good to have the rest.
>>59681 Lol, buys a salad
My girlfriend is pretty damn fat (53 BMI), but since I've known her she doesn't really seem to eat that much normally. It's a different story when she's had weed, though! My girl becomes a shameless piggy after a few edibles. Last night she was asking for snacks every hour, ordered food twice, and just before bed told me her belly was so full it was hurting a bit.
>>59519 Fuck man, living the dream
My missus has packed abit on recently. When we’ve been for a bit of a walk we get back to the car she’s breathing quite heavily/hot and flustered. Struggles to get in (I have van and it’s quite high up to get in the front seat) sometimes she forgets her ass gets in the way of the door closing and it bounces off it. Always laughs it off and jokingly says the booty is just getting too dang big. 🤤 It’s so hot and cute and I love it.
Currently dating someone that is 220 lbs. Told her about the fetish, which she found strange and funny, but also endearing in the way I talk about fat being attractive. She never found someone with a fetish like mine and in the few weeks we've been dating she has come around to it. Sometimes she talks about wanting to go back to her slim body because she just "felt better" but much of it is based on microagressions and being told since birth that "fat = ugly". She wished she had a bigger ass, I told her I can help her with that *wink wink*, at which she got excited. Dunno if she will gain or lose in the coming months. Either way, I'm happy with someones that indulges or RP without getting disgusted.
In bed, she used to be able to turn around on the spot with some effort, but since gaining even more she can no longer do that so easily. She's become much wider and lazier so that now she just pivots from her hip rather than turning on the spot. Manoeuvre that requires most of the bed to execute. So now I move over or get off the bed entirely to give her room to turn.
my girl was around 200 when we met. Now she’s up at 275 and the last week has been great. came back from a big vacation where food was included. Ice cream everyday, huge portions. Now we’re back and she’s been smoking weed so much it’s making her down like half a quart of ice cream a night. She thought she was pregnant and got a test. Nope. Just fat. She’s been saying “oh wow, these overalls are tight and they shouldn’t be. I need to lose weight” then immediately talks about how hungry she is. I know it’s kinda autistic, but I’ve been tracking her calorie intake for the past week or so. For her height and weight, her calorie needs are like 2500. She’s been hitting over 4K almost everyday. No complaints here.
Not partner, but I don't know where else to post this. We have this take away joint near us and they do these big tubs of their signature gravy. It's quite creamy compared to normal gravy. Really nice stuff. Anyway, I saw this fucking beluga drinking the shit straight from the tub like it was water. She was probably 50 years old and not very good looking, but she was fat as fuck and her behaviour was peak slob. Probably the fattest thing I've seen someone do IRL.
>>60259 Proof that gluttony is hot when you see stuff like this.
At her heaviest my wife weighed about 600lbs, but has lost a bit of weight since then. While she was actively gaining, she would always ask me to bring her snacks and food while laying in bed or sitting down, because she was too lazy to get up. At buffets she would also get me to go up and get more plates of food for her, while she chowed down on the ones already at the table, so she didn't have to get up or come across as eating a lot to anyone else. She teased me about how much weight she had put on and how much I would struggle to have her on top of me. She wasn't wrong either, it's so hot struggling to breathe under her while her fat sags around me. That's just the tip of the iceberg though!
>>60279 tell us more please
>>59460 I find it interesting to hear about. I don't hear about many lesbian feeders, is your gf a feeder or are you just letting her enable you?
>>60307 When she was gaining, her fat ass broke quite a few sofas and bed frames, before we ended up reenforcing the ones we have now. She also went through a few scales as she got heavier. She'll make huge takeout orders and completely stuff herself, complaining about being too full. Then less than an hour later will order desserts or ask me to go to the supermarket and pick up cakes, chocolate or whatever treats shes wants Walking has become much more challenging for her as she's gotten fatter and will often ask me to drive her as close as possible to the enterence of shops or restaurants.
Mine moans loudly when her food tastes good.
met my girl @ 260lbs 5'3 shortly after wls (330lb peak) during the 1st year she got down to 220. i'd hype her up to her friends and family saying shes done so good. slowly but steadily her capacity has increased with the ol "eat the last bite" and being stoned b4 atleast 1/2 the meals. sitting right above 300 rn and loves how i handle her body and playfully call her fat. my fav fat shit she does is jiggle and squeal with joy when we go get food or i bring it to her. i playfully say "let her out" and she pulls her belly out of her pants or un zips them. this is a cool thread idea
>>60434 My girls pretty similar. She’s spend hours in the same spot on the couch all weekend. The shower smells like death. It’s really a shame she’s doing it this way but I don’t really know how to motivesate her to be cleaner and maybe use the toilet more often. I’ve tried getting her a bidet and she said she didn’t like it. I can’t afford a heated unit right now, because I’m saving up for a sleeve and other things that would mean a lot to my mental health.
I love it when she kicks her legs over my lap and feeling how much her weight traps me in place on the couch. She does this when we're watching movies or shows and it always makes my legs fall asleep.
>>59469 I don't weigh myself too often (or my scale is bad) so it fluctuates a lot but somewhere between 15 and 20 lbs. >>60345 She self-describes as ffa but honestly I can't tell if she's into feedism or if she's more into intox. She definitely likes smoking. She did show me her tumblr and I snooped with the "[user] liked" google trick and she had liked some old tianastummy stuff so idk. We just went to a drive-thru on a weeknight which is new.
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Overview: My gf was 17 5”7 and 120lb when we got together at the end of secondary school in 2021. She did cheerleading and was very fit / toned. Not long after finishing school she quite cheer and got a job at a nursery. So she went from being active all day and weekends to sitting around with baby’s all week and laying in bed on the weekends. She’s up to 240lb now and still slowly gaining. Her lifestyle has completely changed. Iv turned her into a right pig lol. Things she does: So after being with her for a while I got her used to having a microwave meal before bed. Aswell as making all her portions bigger. This then tuned into her having a “to share” meal. But on top of this recently she has been having a school lunch aswell as the lunch she brings with her. And this school makes full blown meals lol. Sunday roasts, steak pie etc. (it’s a private nursery/school so it’s fancy) And she even has sandwich’s when they make them for the kids in the morning. So now her daily meal routine goes as follows, breakfast and a Starbucks drink at 7ish. Steals a few sandwich’s when making them at 10am. 12pm have lunch x2. 5pm come home have a large dinner. Snack all evening. 9pm ish have another large dinner. Even the snacking has gotten ridiculous cos she will have 6packs of crisps at a time. Or have a whole bag of cookies at once. I was to blame on the beginning but now she does it off her own back. I’m a very proud feeder. Her body has begin to let go now aswell. She’s swapped out a lot of her muscle for fat. Even in the periods of not gaining any weight she’s gained stretch marks and gone up clothes sizes. She did have a Reddit account we posted but after dealing with some weird people decided to come away from it. Anyway idk if I went on too much but felt good to type it all up. Have a pic 👍
>>60555 I found a fellow British dude
Okay couple things recently, my wife has gone from 150ish, kinda thick and sporty at 5’7”, to a very cushiony 250. It’s been a very slow and steady gain but it’s definitely to the point in her life where most people consider her a fatty. Couple hot things that have happened recently that have really hit home just how fat other people see her: - one of my best friends is kind of a dumbass, extremely nice guy but very prone to saying dumb stuff. Anytime him and his wife come over for dinner (wife and I both love cooking for people obviously lol) he makes comments about how amazing the food is and how his wife (who weighs about 90 pounds at 5’3”) doesn’t ever make food like we do, and then he’ll look straight at my wife, let’s call her Jen, and say something to the effect of “I just don’t want skinny people making my food, it makes sense you’re such a good cook Jen.” Funny thing he’s not trying to be mean he’s just a dumbass, the image of a guy pissing off his skinny wife because she can’t cook while praising a fat girl for being a good cook while also calling her fat to her face is just all around a perfect encapsulation of how socially clueless my friend is lol. - My wife’s three coworkers are all women and they’re all on Ozempic, leaving my wife as the office fatty. Her boss will routinely come in and offer Jen her old “fat clothes” saying stuff like, “yeah I’ve just lost so much weight and so have the other girls in the office so you’re the only one who could fit into this stuff, why don’t you take them?” Then Jen will bring them home and not even be able to fit into them, so she’s too fat for her boss’s fat clothes which is pretty hot. Her boss and coworkers are also wops with busted faces and leathery Italian skin and my Jen is pretty and soft and pale, she’s very obviously more attractive than them regardless of weight. I think they’re probably jealous that they’re all losing weight are still mid at best. - Last thing, and I’ll have to update on this, but Jen was a college rec league athlete back when we met, and after she stopped playing her sport, let’s say it was soccer, was when she started ballooning up. All her close friends are casual jocks, super nice and sweet people who care about her as a person and would never make her feel bad about her weight, but definitely all still athletic people who spend a lot of time playing sports even years after college. They’ve stayed fit and Jen has slowly been getting fatter and fatter over the years to the point she’s pretty much 100 pounds heavier than when her friends knew her in her athletic prime. These days we live about 4 hours away from most of them so we see them to hang out a few times a year. This weekend she has a soccer tournament at our old college and all her old rec league buddies are gonna be there and are expecting her to play in a tournament over the weekend. So my fatty, who hasn’t exercised or even jogged lightly in 7+ years, is going to have to huff and puff all up and down a soccer field this weekend in her mostly outgrown athletic clothes trying to keep up with her fit friends. Also a lot of them have had babies recently but bounced back and got fit again quickly, my wife and I have no kids and she’s by far the fattest one of her group still. Naturally she’s nervous about the weekend and looking like an out of shape piggy in front of her friends. Ultimately she knows they love her regardless but she’s been dreading this weekend, on the phone last night she was saying, “I know there’s nothing I can do about it, it’s my fault I’ve turned myself into such a fucking tub of lard.” I hate to hear her upset but that shit had me diamonds lol. Also she’s never played in glasses before (she used to have contacts for sports, no sports, no need for contacts.), so just picture a 250 pound belly and tit-heavy blonde girl running around in too-tight athletic clothes, red faced and out of breath while all her skinny friends run circles around her. I really want Jen to have a good time this weekend with her buds and I hate that she’s nervous but the evil feeder part of my brain can’t help but think that’s the hottest shit ever. Anyway sorry for the novel I figure some of yall would appreciate some of the unintended consequences of allowing your girl to slowly but surely become a total out of shape big. I’m hoping for 300 before long
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>>58802 Is this you?
>>60654 No it's not. I was OP on that first story, the second one you linled was somebody else.
>>60764 Would you tell me her height, BMI and appearance?
>>60555 Damn you really should post more about this complete piggy of yours heheh
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I’m back to share more fat gf lore. Right so she’s been on the pill since we got together. On her first pill she gained over 2 stone in a short amount of time. At one of her 6 monthly pill reviews they decided to change the pill she was given. This new pill deffo slowed down the rate she has gained at. So for me I was very sad and always hinted at going back on the first one. Well my luck came thru cos she’s changed doctors and they have put her back on the original one. Now I didn’t expect much of a change and didn’t wanna focus on it too much and disappoint myself but damm. She has become a black hole for food. Even she has mentioned how she is eating so much more. For example the other day she came home from work and told me about her extra lunch (this is normal now tho) and then she started to make dinner. She was that hungry she decided to make herself a meal while cooking the dinner. And then had a huge dinner and then ordered her usual 20 nuggets double cheese burger chips mozzarella sticks before bed. I wish I had counted her calories that day must had been insane. Even on Saturday when we had breakfast she had like 7 bacons 3 eggs 4x avocado on toast. So she’s gone from eating extra meals to making these meals massive. Finishes a “for 2” microwave meal like it’s nothing now. Obvs I’m over the moon but I hope it lasts. I know with some pills you gain some weight initially so might just be that. Once we do a weigh in I’ll update you guys. We even went thru her nhs history and all my weigh in pics so I could right up a weight gain timeline. I’ll share that one day aswell:)
>>60776 Man your writing is so compelling, I'm very intrigued by the little tidbits you've given us, from one UK man to another one thanks for the updates you've been giving us, makes me proud to have a UK person in the community.
>>60776 that's awesome, keep us posted. Are you open to her about your desire to see her get bigger?
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>>60792 Thank u sir. It Feels good to write this stuff up and tell people. Sometimes we both feel like we are living a secret life. >>60854 Yeh she knows I want her to be atleast 300 and that I’m into ssbbw beasts. Iv always liked what I like. It’s just coded into my brain. So was quite hard for me to be completely honest with her but we both agreed its best that we always say it how it is. Currently she’s willing to get to 300 and see how she feels then, but she likes to slowly gain. Not a bad thing I guess cos Iv been and will be riding this fetish train for years to come with her. Anyway I’ll share some more about her fat lifestyle. So since finishing school she’s had a few jobs. Footasylum- quite active lots of walking around Tesco- very active filling trolleys for online orders Victoria secret- quite active lots of walking around But now she’s decided on a career and has been working in a nursery for over a year. She now spends all day sitting around with kids and is a lot less active at work. She even told me how everyone there is fat lol. That combined with being even more lazy at home has really turned up the gain rate. When she started at the nursery she was size 18 in trousers. Over time the bending down and getting onto the floor meant the zips or seems on her trousers kept ripping. And it’s not like u can just get bigger ones cos they will fall of when standing normally. But overtime she’s gone up to a size 24 cos her waist/ belly is so round now. She did actually pop a button once so since then has stuck to zips. The money id pay to have seen that happen :0. This job also provides food which is why she eats 2 lunches 2 breakfasts most days lol. I don’t think she could’ve got a better job to get fat with. She’s also told me before that when she was with the older kids for a few days they asked if she was pregnant. So her work life is super lazy loads of food and her home life is super lazy loads of food. Destined to be a wale. Beware tho this isn’t cheap for me. We spend like 150£ a week on the food shop cos of all the extra meals. And then order food atleast once a day. But her having unlimited food funds has really helped her let go completely. If anyone’s interested I could write up some tips on how to treat your gf if you want her to gain. Obvs it works best if she’s also willing to gain. I feel like Iv perfected how to be a feeder bf.
>>60879 Yeah I mean the important thing you were honest with your partner. You're closest person knowing takes the loneliness of it. I often candidly say I like girls with thic thighs so they're vaguely aware what I might be into. I've asked out a couple girls with some sort of success so soon I will probably have something too.
>>60879 Good for you man, interested in hearing more. Any before pics where she was skinny, for comparison?
>>60879 >If anyone’s interested I could write up some tips on how to treat your gf if you want her to gain Yeah! I'm eager to know. Thanks
>>60879 You guys should look into making you guys/her its own thread! Really happy for you brother!
>>60443 This sounds like my gurlfran. The constant bed rotting and half assed waffle stomping is making the situation unstable. I don’t know if I can put up with her but I’m also pretty sure I’d rope myaelf with out her
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>>60900 1st pic is July 2021 2nd pic is April 2024 3rd not sure 4th not sure 5th was yesterday :) 6th pic September 2024 part 4 coming soon Note the most recent pic all the stretch marks she’s gained in the last 15 ish pounds. The red set is only sep24 and she had like none on her belly. I’ll have to get a good pic cos she’s covered now. Hope u guys enjoy as much as I do 🤌
>>60941 Oh my God man, this is brilliant! She's defo a keeper. Love the little fupa pouch too
My last relationship was with a very short (4’10) woman who wasn’t into feedism, but was very kinky and into degradation and let me indulge in many ways that I still think about often. She always had a massive ass, and shortly after we got together she told me she had to take a hormonal medication which had caused her to put on weight in the past. I was delighted and told her I was actually very much into that. Sure enough, within a few months she had put on about 20 lbs, which at her height made her already chubby belly quite a lot larger and rounder, covered in stretch marks. Her boobs had always been small but they started getting much larger as her belly swelled, and she was quite proud and would often send me photos of her looking extremely bloated and swollen after meals, and made sure I would see her new stretchmarks whenever they appeared. We also smoked a lot of weed together. When she did edibles, she turned into a massive glutton, and could eat a ridiculous amount of food for someone her size. The night that always sticks out in my mind is once when for her birthday, I took her out to a hot pot place down the street, she ate a few edibles before we got there because she wanted to be able to eat a ton and take full advantage. After sharing a massive meal, we went to see a movie, where she put away most of a large popcorn with a ton of buttter (popcorn with tons of butter was her favourite snack at home as well). By this point, she was breathing heavily as we walked home, and had to unbutton her pants as her belly was extremely swollen. She was looking very very round at this point. Somehow (due to the edibles) she was still hungry and luckily there was a McDonald’s nearby, she got me to go in and order her a burger and fries. At this point even I was thinking this might be too much for her but as soon as we got home she polished it all off quickly. After that we had sex and it was incredible feeling how full she was, moaning softly and whimpering because she was so full and telling me to be gentle. Later on, she started feeling sick because of the massive amount of food, and got me to rub her belly until she fell asleep. One of the hottest experiences of my life tbh. This part might sound made up but she would also binge eat randomly at night. She took sleeping pills every night that would usually knock her out within 10 mins, but if she woke within a few hours of taking them, she would essentially be extremely stoned in almost a dreamlike/sleepwalking state (that’s how she described the feeling). Usually when this happened, she would plant herself infront of the fridge and gorge on whatever leftovers were available, or just straight up eat a bunch of cheese, peanut butter, whatever she could get her hands on. She would text me about it in the morning sometimes about it feeling guilty with very little recollection of even waking up and doing it, but was reassured after I told her how hot I thought it was. Anyways. By the end of our relationship she was had probably put in about 60 lbs, probably around 180, and loves going on top during sex, but by that point it was quite exhausting for her and she made me do most of the work while she laid there on top of me (which was incredible, feeling how much larger and softer she had become since when we had started dating). Broke up about a year ago, we had an amicable breakup and she told me to keep the many photos she sent me and I had taken over the years, I’ve moved on now but sometimes still jerk off to the many comparison photos, post stuffing vids etc that I still have.
>>61238 would love to see some of those pics and videos if you're willing (and allowed) to share, or if you can crop out her face
Fat shit our partners do.... The best is when she's drunk and horny. Any fat inhibitions go out of the window, she'll strip and put 450 pounds of tits and belly in my face in full knowledge that I love that she's 120 pounds heavier basically because she knows I love how much fatter she has gotten. Had we met each other in our teens there's no doubt she'd be 600+
>>61360 Enjoying the ride whilst I can, she's 32 now so I reckon she'll only keep gaining for another 3-4 years. She'll make 500 for sure, one of the few who fucking loves it. I guess she knows I'll never ever cheat if she keeps getting fatter
