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bigdankdemoss Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 03:54:01 Id:60436c No. 60081 [Reply]
There are two threads indexed by google, that have been taken down in the past 72 hours: https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/145500.html https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/145607.html bbw-chan is supposed to be in a country that doesn't respond to dmca takedowns, so wtf? Are mods simping?
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She would probably be insufferable IRL, but I find it really hit just how entitled and bitchy she seems to be despite being an enormous pig of a woman.
Have some standards OP. We may be fat bitch enjoyers but at least you could be into someone actually attractive instead of female Dave Blunts
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>>61253 Tf do you mean Dave Blunts is peak male performance
You guys are so wrong, she is insanely hot. Everybody is always complaining about SSBBW’s who just sit there and don’t do anything in content. Who else is her size out there moving around like her and getting notoriety outside of bbw modeling? The fact she isn’t an intentional gainer and has her public persona is built around something else makes it even better. The Lyft lawsuit thing is hot too. If anyone has videos from her OF please do post, never seen them reupped anywhere before
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IT'S OVER Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 16:55:01 Id:b7acc9 No. 61308 [Reply]
G-d has truly abandoned us...
>>61308 Oh no. How Sad. Next!
>>61308 Who?

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Your Four Mount Rushmores Anon 07/23/2024 (Tue) 03:55:30 Id:c2fb11 No. 52027 [Reply]
This is a game I just made up. List your 4 Mount Rushmores of models based on the following criteria: 1. Looks. Self-explanatory. 2. Content. Who makes the best content? 3. Talker. Best talkers who seem like they can hold a conversation. 4. Beliveabilty: Who gives the best vibe they love being big, wants to get bigger, all about the lifestyle? Even if you suspect they’re faking it, they so a good job of suspending your disbelief. Then, if you want, pick one from each category and there’s your Mount Rushmore of Mount Rushmores of models.
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>>57453 Glad you emphasized early days Plump Princess because she fell off hard after those days and has never been the same since. We like bbw to become ssbbw and ssbbw to get bigger over time but Princess was one of those where she was way hotter when she was considerably smaller >>58696 What makes you say upper-middle class? I’d figure she’s just upper in general. Her lifestyle is very expensive and she has a lot of custom, specialized clothes and I’m pretty sure she’s owned multiple pools.
>>61260 >Glad you emphasized early days Plump Princess because she fell off hard after those days and has never been the same since. We like bbw to become ssbbw and ssbbw to get bigger over time but Princess was one of those where she was way hotter when she was considerably smaller Fag
>>52027 Roxxie does it on all four points. But to make a list, and with each of these models qualifying for each of the criteria, I’d go: 1. Roxxie 2. Jackie 3. BoBerry 4. Ash In particular, I don’t think anyone has been as clearly into the fetish and actually gained as Ash. Not until Haley came along, who has already gained more than Ash did.
>>58696 Lisa is only 5'4
>>61286 he misspelled "talker" lol

Fat preferences reassurance Fat preferences reassurance 02/20/2025 (Thu) 19:09:43 Id:dbd81b No. 60817 [Reply]
Every time I visit general discussion, I stumble across threads about quitting this fetish, or just guys that are not sure that they want to pursue their fat passions in real life. The theme of separating sexual preferences from real relationships is constantly recurring in our community, and I want to assure you that there is completely nothing wrong with searching for girls with specific types. It's absolutely socially acceptable to date only thin chicks, so why do we have to be any different? I was in doubt myself. Even after years in relationships with chubby and straight up fat women. People always say to us that only personality matters. Fuck this shit. This mentality will only lead you to feeling sorry for your own preferences, Not to mention, that those “only personality matters” faggots will never date a fat girl with nice personality. Attraction is a very complicated process, and looks REALLY DO MATTER. Of course you shouldn't be looking for a very specific type of woman, with specific hair colour etc, or you will end up as a lonely coomer. But if you dick responding only for the fatties, what can you fucking do about it? It's just impossible to ignore your fundamental instincts. All you can achieve is to suppress your true self and get depression or other mental health crap. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life silently watching your skin and bones wife constantly dieting, eating only salads? And just thinking about how cool would it be if she suddenly ballooned out of proportions? And just realising that it's never going to happen. No, this bullshit isn't for me. After years of self doubt i realise that all that i need to accept, is that it will be difficult to find the right person with my fat preferences. Yes, it really will be hard, but not impossible. I just love fat squishy bellies to much, to fucking live the rest of my life without such a belly in my hands. Believe in yourself, handle this burden with strong posture, and stop whining. Because you are all Kings here. I know it's hard to be different, but you live only once. Do you really want to waste your single try without fat cutie cuddling with you around? I don't think so.
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>>60918 Lol I feel you, there is another Norwegian frequent poster here who has made a few posts in the same style as me, maybe even two users. Likely two others who aren't as frequent as well. >>60938 Russian regional stereotypes always fascinate me. Briefly dated a girl from there, she would always say "I'm not Russian, I'm karelian". Don't blame her, think only one grandparent was actually slavic russian and the rest was a mix of various minorities. Didn't look or act anything like Russians are stereotyped as here.
>>60918 He also thought an Aussie was the same person.
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The idea is good that you just need to accept yourself but there are other problems for example I am a real schizophrenic with bipolar disorder who wants a girl and at the same time does not because I think too much and can I please her and feed her because Jewish blood flows in my blood because even my toad chokes me when I buy kfc 250 rubles and when I feed a girl even more the toad chokes and on the other hand I am so envious chokes when I see couples because they are so happy then the question is how I am worse than them but I remain alone because girls do not particularly like me and that's right why would anyone need a 21 year old guy who is a real lover of anime and games whole because my friend has already had 3 girls so far I have not had one and at the same time he drinks like crazy and smokes and behaves like a bandit while I am a simple boring guy who is not against even engaging in self-development then I study English then I try to learn to draw in the end I do not understand anything it seems the city is not big but just a big village with the name Volgograd (for foreign friends this is a city Stalingrad) or just the problem is in me?
>>60980 There are two or three men on this site coming from American colonies like Ireland and Australia who think they are catches, talk about their height and such, yet only come here to post about striking out with women, and creating vast conspiracy theories that are easily disproven by census data. There’s nothing stopping these men from scoring with women except narcissistic beliefs, FAS facial structure, and hardcore autism. The sooner they realize the problem isn’t everyone else but actually themselves the sooner we’ll all be free of their interchangeable postings. Fat women are easy and plentiful—we’re living through a global epidemic of obesity and these faggots can’t find fat pussy. 🤣
>>61290 >>61290 > and hardcore autism. The most retarded part of this harsh truth, is if these basement goblins had a shred of capacity for self-reflection, they could turn being autistic into pretty hardcore dating game. Women want safety from men, especially fat women, and if you can show them that you really understand yourself as a neurodivergent person who is also in a vulnerable group like the fat girl.... they will open their doors to you and throw away the key. Another pro tip: a lot of obese women are obese because they have ADHD or autism or some other form of neurodivergence. If you're autistic and you can't find a fat chick do date, then you are LITERALLY RETARDED

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Holy Shit Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 03:00:43 Id:1f7a16 No. 61018 [Reply]
Dobson is back.
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>>61172 >he's non binary now Of course he fucking is. Sorry, "they". Does anyone else remember the fiasco (many years ago) where it turned out he had an alt account where he was LARPing as a teenage lesbian? I thought for sure he'd end up transitioning eventually (and/or get exposed as a pedo). I guess I wasn't too far off. >>61174 You probably saw most of the stuff on google already, but this guy has a list of controversies as long as your arm. He was a big laughing stock on the internet a few years back. To cut a very long story short, he was basically a webcomic artist (initially known for non-inflation stuff) who was notorious for being incapable of taking any criticism or constructive feedback on his art. He got "exposed" for also being an inflation artist when somebody figured out that he was the person behind the aforementioned "teenage lesbian" account; that was the account he used for posting his inflation art. As someone else already mentioned in this thread, he basically quit the internet because his brother got fired from a very important government job - purely because the US government figured out that he was Dobson's brother, which is fucking hilarious. But that's only the tip of the iceberg, there are so many controversies with this guy. There are documentaries about him on YouTube and everything.
>>61172 Dobson is a never ending source of enjoyment.
>>61184 I don't think that inflation artists are that popular because they're straight white men with no proper etiquette. Dobson is an arrogant know it all who tries too hard to be famous 🐁
>>61227 The media doesn't want anything to do with the online left. Anarchists keep costing donors their chance at wealthy enclaves.
Dobson's problem is that the left is going frustrated with these niche ideas and obscure trivia to the point Cuomo could get elected by a landslide. Anarchists can't realistically run on the platform of Luigi, The Unabomber, or Ruby Ridge.

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BBW Meme Thread God-Help-Us-All 05/25/2020 (Mon) 02:04:22 Id:c21fa9 No. 1855 [Reply] [Last]
Post some of your best and dankest BBW or FA related memes
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>>58833 The undeniable sexyness of the Colombian futa enjoyer.
>>58832 absolutely vile, get this fucking shit off here
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>>61229 My pronouns are Execute/Zelenskyy

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Autism Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 02:05:11 Id:d93a14 No. 59400 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone here on the spectrum? I’m curious about overlap between autism and certain fetishes/porn addiction and I’m wondering if anyone could speak to that.
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>>61220 You are in an autism thread, wtf do you expect
>>61221 Exactly that. I'm just saying that it's comical how it happens every time.
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>>61220 I think people are getting filtered by the Bobs. DEI exists in the first place because minorities wanted to be corporate stooges. Now that MAGA shops at Whole Foods, Starbucks, Trader Joes, the left has no space.
>>61220 When the political autism overrides the gooner autism you KNOW you’re doomed
>>61225 I am not really impressed by Gen Z. They want a blonde haired and blued eyed woman in a bikini which is very bland. There's just no effort in their vision.

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Bbw bash Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 17:15:14 Id:f582cb No. 60905 [Reply]
Hi all I’m planning on doing a trip over to America this year to go to a bbw bash but I’m not quite sure which one to go to, any recommendations for someone in there late twenties?
>>60905 I know there's one in Las Vegas that looks very fun. Pretty sure New Jersey and Florida have ones as well. I believe the closest one to me is in Toledo, Ohio. I don't know when exactly they are, I imagine in the summer time.
I'm doing the same! I'm heading to the USA in October, going to go to the BBW Bash in Chicago on Halloween.
Vegas is probably the best one because there still a lot to do outside the bash event. The hotel its hosted at is fine and the area around it has some cool stuff but its like 20 minutes from the strip, where all the real vegas action happens. Last time I was there a lot of people at the bash went on a party bus to the strip to hang out at some of the hotel pools. it was pretty cool, and its a good wya to kind of mingle with people. These events get pretty cliquey and the worst part IMO is waiting alone at the party for people you know to arrive. The hot tub at the vegas bash is good for meeting people too because you dont have to yell to talk to anyone. Anyone with a non-american accent at those events get a lot of attention though so if you sound pretty aussie meeting people should be easy
>>61118 >>61171 Notice: if you can’t get laid IRL you will strike out hard at bashes. If you don’t normally leave the bar with a fat hottie, you’re gonna waste your money here, especially if you’re an antisocial online autist with no ground game. (Assuming he’s the same miserable strayan with the driest dick ever.)

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Neuron Activation 2 02/24/2025 (Mon) 17:08:02 Id:132c33 No. 60985 [Reply]
Send more Images that activate my neurons
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>>61089 Do you have some pics or massages from her stil?
>>61089 I snaped with her had some really nice pics from her but she ended up blocking me😿
>>61033 Who is in the second pic?
>>61078 who is the girl in the 5th pic?

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Neuron Activation Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:25:00 Id:42f8a1 No. 48916 [Reply] [Last]
Images that activate my neurons
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Little moments from videos that live in your head rent free Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:21:45 Id:0d36f9 No. 56561 [Reply] [Last]
Post whatever you want, my first list i all feedist/weight gain oriented. Include links when you can! 1. Miley in this video, about halfway through she looks at the guy and goes "what are you gonna do if I get any bigger?": https://stufferdb.com/picture?/425213/category/475 2. Jae almost being unable to fit through her bathroom door in the last weigh-in and then being visibly rattled when she realizes she's pushing 700 pounds. 3. In one of PurpleWings long-lost YouTube vids, she's stuffing herself with a huge fast food order in her car, looks down at herself and goes "look at my belly, it's growing so much already". She then laments that she won't be able to drive or turn her steering wheel if she keeps eating (she keeps eating). 4. The infamous Ash double weigh-in where she's less than a pound away from 600 and Kellie Kay taps in to give her cookies and push her over the edge. I don't care if this was fake/planned, it basically altered my brain chemistry when I was younger. 5. Juliet Summers. Twelve-ish minute in: "It's like foreplay, I'm so ready to fuck right now." Enough said. Base64 link: aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFua2JhbmcuY29tLzhqbGJvL3ZpZGVvL3doYXQrYSt3b25kZXJmdWwrZGF5K2ZvcitwaWUrdXNzYmJ3K2p1bGlldCtwaWUrc3R1ZmZpbmcg
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>>56829 Theres an early bc vid where she nonchalantly remarks “I have been getting bigger and bigger and bigger” with a little smile. This was way before she even broke the 500 pound threshold and I would kill to see her do a vid with the same attitude now
Can't take credit but someone in /ssbbw/ posted the Purplewings car stuffings I talked about in the OP. The Taco Bell one has the "I'm growing so much" moment: https://gofile.io/d/IEWj3v
https://cdn.stufferdb.com/picture?/352502/category/8498 It’s short and terrible quality, but this celestial vid was incredible to me, since at that point, she had only been naked like once (iirc), and she was visibly so huge in this one.
when I was just a kid, I saw this video of Stuffer31's Cambria sat on the floor with her tummy out, talking about eating, getting fat. Then she lets out some burps, and I feel like that changed the chemistry of my brain. I don't even know how to find that video anymore.
Jodie scoffing when her mum walks in Never seen anything like that before

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Is China an untapped market for fat women? Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 05:00:44 Id:f9e1a7 No. 60679 [Reply]
The obesity rate in China is increasing and it's made me think that it might be an untapped market for dudes with fat fetishes. According to this study the overweight and obesity rate for women in China is 17.6% and 9.6% respectively (keep in mind the BMI rating for an overweight person in China is 24 and for obese is 28) and the rate of obesity for 18-29 year old women is 4.4%. Even though a 9.6% isn't that high compared to Western countries, it still means there are 66 million obese women in China due to population being 1.4 billion. So my thoughts are that the market is there for us to go and fuck/date/marry fat Chinese women. Even if you only intend on dating women in the 18-29, the obesity rate is still 4.4% which is still millions of obese women. To add on top of that, being a white Western male in China has it's benefits. Having spoken with Chinese people about it, you get treated better if you are white and in some cities it can be very rare for Chinese people to see a white person so that can be help in scoring fatties. And if you want you can go the route of being an architect. This could be a gold mine of fatties and especially for dudes like me with yellow fever. Asian fatties are the hottest types of fatties so this could be one of the best ways to score one. Are there any geomaxxers on this website that have experience getting fatties in China or other Asian countries and if so how did it go? Sources: Obesity study: https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.15238 China population by gender: https://www.statista.com/statistics/251129/population-in-china-by-gender/
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Beware of Israeli remnant raids. Cheers to Chinese. True Yankees are utmost wanting Chinese help and immigration. And such.
True Yankees and True Euros want as many Chinese as possible, as well as Chinese military bases everywhere. As many Chinese as possible in Europe and “America”. And Chinese military in Europe and “America” permanently, as much as possible. Scandinavians for example have been recently fighting off weird Israeli creep raids. So Scandinavians decided that in opposition to bad energy-collectives closed boarders to anyone of bad-energy ilk, that’s good. Scandinavians do eat certain vibes of tribes sometimes. The rest of the world & universe is learning from Scandinavians. Certain species of bad-energy are not ok. We are not apocalypse ego-tripper energy-species. Paganism isn’t extortion. The universe is eternal. Invaders are unacceptable. Cheers to Lebanon. We also heard that in Ukraine was an Israeli attempt to colonize after the locals left the town, but the locals returned like the three bears from goldy-locks. And the bears have weapons and are expanding a vast diversity of mini nation collectives.

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>>61038 https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/498390439#p498393781
>>61026 >you've never heard of a self-hating Jew?
>>61074 I dunno anon. I might quit art and being Kisame to be a hobo

Swiss military girls are of the fattest of the world. Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 22:13:39 Id:cb4d0e No. 61003 [Reply]
The Swiss often crucified vast numbers of enemies and had the enemies screaming constantly if an invading army was near. And army of Israelis from the ruins of the Vatican lost morale when hearing how loud and constant the screams of their captured leaders were, hanging around the paths on crucifixes and such. “The Swiss have ways of making the Israeli scream exceptionally loud.” Much of the destruction upon the Vatican was because of the Swiss vs Vatican war, hence why Swiss guards are rumoured to be occupiers not neutral protectors. Swiss are said to always engage in cannibalistically eating invading armies. Hence why Swiss military girls weight gains are a status symbol, often associated with rank. Over half of the Swiss army is girls. These sorts of watches are common in the Swiss military. Sometimes knives and forks. And far stranger.
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>>61005 Only girls can be GirlEaters. They clearly care much about the MeanGirl energy species growing and thriving. I feel the MeanGirl energy species have been attacked too much. Some verities of bullies are good and important.
Some of the deep Swiss are said to be like Terraria tier Petty queendom wars of the deep are apparently still ongoing
The world is full of immensest activity
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>>61025 Seems you haven’t been around a true Austrian. How many Lebanese & Slav sniper~rifles are Swiss? No, that’s unthinkable. Did you know that chaos is idealistic?

Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 14:43:50 Id:401fe0 No. 60892 [Reply]
I think the Enigma code was never cracked.
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>>60897 yes but since you're a schizo it doesn't matter what you believe because you're a schizo
>>60913 Ok Austria
genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, you're retarded
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>>60892 I don't know what an Enigma code is and don't care to ever crack it.
It was cracked. My grandma’s first cousin was part of the team that cracked it

Fat fetish art reference thread Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 06:38:14 Id:78e716 No. 60923 [Reply]
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I thought it would be a coo ideal to make a thread for examples of fetish artists using actual models as reference
>>60923 Also from left to right, the artist and models here are: -what-you-deserved and Erotika -better-with-salt and Boberry -@quetzaltecaq and Jae
