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Fat preferences reassurance Fat preferences reassurance 02/20/2025 (Thu) 19:09:43 Id:dbd81b No. 60817
Every time I visit general discussion, I stumble across threads about quitting this fetish, or just guys that are not sure that they want to pursue their fat passions in real life. The theme of separating sexual preferences from real relationships is constantly recurring in our community, and I want to assure you that there is completely nothing wrong with searching for girls with specific types. It's absolutely socially acceptable to date only thin chicks, so why do we have to be any different? I was in doubt myself. Even after years in relationships with chubby and straight up fat women. People always say to us that only personality matters. Fuck this shit. This mentality will only lead you to feeling sorry for your own preferences, Not to mention, that those “only personality matters” faggots will never date a fat girl with nice personality. Attraction is a very complicated process, and looks REALLY DO MATTER. Of course you shouldn't be looking for a very specific type of woman, with specific hair colour etc, or you will end up as a lonely coomer. But if you dick responding only for the fatties, what can you fucking do about it? It's just impossible to ignore your fundamental instincts. All you can achieve is to suppress your true self and get depression or other mental health crap. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life silently watching your skin and bones wife constantly dieting, eating only salads? And just thinking about how cool would it be if she suddenly ballooned out of proportions? And just realising that it's never going to happen. No, this bullshit isn't for me. After years of self doubt i realise that all that i need to accept, is that it will be difficult to find the right person with my fat preferences. Yes, it really will be hard, but not impossible. I just love fat squishy bellies to much, to fucking live the rest of my life without such a belly in my hands. Believe in yourself, handle this burden with strong posture, and stop whining. Because you are all Kings here. I know it's hard to be different, but you live only once. Do you really want to waste your single try without fat cutie cuddling with you around? I don't think so.
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Dear diary! Today, for once, OP was not a faggot. What a day to be alive.
>>60817 Confidence suits you well. Too bad there are so many closet cases out there.
I thought there were few fat girls in Russia.
