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Swiss military girls are of the fattest of the world. Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 22:13:39 Id:cb4d0e No. 61003
The Swiss often crucified vast numbers of enemies and had the enemies screaming constantly if an invading army was near. And army of Israelis from the ruins of the Vatican lost morale when hearing how loud and constant the screams of their captured leaders were, hanging around the paths on crucifixes and such. “The Swiss have ways of making the Israeli scream exceptionally loud.” Much of the destruction upon the Vatican was because of the Swiss vs Vatican war, hence why Swiss guards are rumoured to be occupiers not neutral protectors. Swiss are said to always engage in cannibalistically eating invading armies. Hence why Swiss military girls weight gains are a status symbol, often associated with rank. Over half of the Swiss army is girls. These sorts of watches are common in the Swiss military. Sometimes knives and forks. And far stranger.
>>61004 That sort of girl gets eaten by Swiss girls. Swiss girls sift girls so much, because Swiss girls care about preventing bad girls that would bring bad boys. To the Swiss girls, a bad girl that would cause bad boys to be around is as worthless as bad boys. Just a matter of survival. However typically for Swiss, girls are of a higher class than boys. The special soldier verity rank known as a GirlEater still exists as a Swiss rank from the Swiss vs Vatican war.
>>61006 Neptune is a good pantheon, the rest is none of your business
>>61005 Only girls can be GirlEaters. They clearly care much about the MeanGirl energy species growing and thriving. I feel the MeanGirl energy species have been attacked too much. Some verities of bullies are good and important.
Some of the deep Swiss are said to be like Terraria tier Petty queendom wars of the deep are apparently still ongoing
The world is full of immensest activity
(59.80 KB 792x767 takem.jpeg)
>>61025 Seems you haven’t been around a true Austrian. How many Lebanese & Slav sniper~rifles are Swiss? No, that’s unthinkable. Did you know that chaos is idealistic?
