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Used panties review thread Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 21:50:56 Id:edeac3 No. 59856 [Reply]
Does anyone here purchase/own through whatever means used panties from BBWs or SSBBWs? I've purchased a few, off the top of my head from 55inchesofpassion and Siena Naples (picrel and haven't seen any content from her lately). Willing to review those and anyone else I can remember over the years if this post garners enough interest.
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>>59868 First: kek Second: I'd rather not. I'd guess sniffing panties was a braapfag adjacent thing but it's a 'nornal' kink behavior used as a meme in media so it must be more widespread
>>59868 >>59876 You don’t truly like fat girls if you don’t like the smell
>>59856 cant find anything from sienna naples online anymore but her etsy page
>>59971 This is absolutely true and not spoken about enough. Same thing for sweat.
>>59976 She must have stopped posting on IG and it seems she's stopped making photos on her Etsy. Kinda sucks as she was super nice and I thought she was very sexy

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Help looking for OC BBW character on Twitter anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 21:33:49 Id:f457eb No. 59503 [Reply]
There's this OC BBW that has some really great art that I sadly can't find cause I don't remember her name or OG artist's account. Basically she's this pure white humanoid lady with no nose and sharp teeth, who's characterized as this very suggestive, teasing punk girl, with one notable sequence with her smothering someone with her fat belly. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
might be sugar, artist is dabbledraws

Drug habits of bbws? Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 11:24:50 Id:2d6c3c No. 56604 [Reply]
Do big girls do different drugs to skinny girls? Been getting into chemsex porn recently, but there seems to be a complete lack of fat chicks getting high online (weed doesn’t count). IRL I go to raves and see plenty big girls rolling their heads off, so I assumed drug habits were distributed evenly across weight classes, but maybe there’s some selection bias in the type of people I hang around with. I need to see videos of fat ass girls hopped up on MDMA to satisfy my pornbrain. So far only have two, and one isn’t even porn: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=63fc61a7085e4 https://www.instagram.com/reel/DB6wgm7xQGm/?igsh=MWJtdnFmbjRjZnRoMg== Pic unrel (self-portrait)
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How would an MDMA-fuelled orgy work? This makes getting an erection virtually impossible
>>56604 thought pornhub had pretty much banned those types of videos years ago. Pornhub link just looks like two junkies fucking. Reminds me awhile back there was this porn of this blonde chubby girl title "He has a good friend" where this guy shares his drunk girlfriend with his buddy and they DP her. The girl was obviously drunk and high af while they were filming but she was fucking like it was her first time experiencing dick. It disappeared after they banned drunk and high videos
>>59601 Dick pills and sex toys bro >>59599 Poast vids now!! >>59611 I have had no trouble finding all sorts of shit on pornhub. There’s an endless amount of explicit meth pnp videos many of which show people smoking the stuff. Probably more extreme stuff is banned, haven’t seen any intravenous drug use (and I don’t really want to). Certain keywords in a search will force zero results, but you can bypass this by using google search instead. If it is banned, they’re doing a really shit job of moderating. Also if you can find that video post it. Sounds hot.
Been adding to the playlist slowly, using my intuition to judge whether the girls in some of these videos are high or not. I’d appreciate some feedback from people if they think I’ve mischaracterised a video.
Just came across an instant classic: https://pornzog.com/video/12942200/homely-sloppy-molly-orgy-mdma-freaks/ Still yet to find any fat girls hopped up anywhere close to how fucked up this skinny German girl gets in every video I’ve seen of her: https://pornzog.com/video/10280478/blonde-euro-high-on-molly-mdma-taken-advantage-of-by-two-men/ If I wasn’t into fat chicks I would stalk this girl and ask her to marry me. There’s more footage around of her even more fucked up, gurning like a junkie while she pleasures herself.

Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 21:37:47 Id:3410da No. 59902 [Reply]
Polska were not landlocked. Polska had agreements, often resulting in ~mile-wide Polska territory lines snaking along the boarders of nations to the ocean. With bridges and tunnels so boarders had intersections. Like a Polska national tunnel going under a Pogesanian national bridge. Polska often offered extra defence to the nations that agreed to the Polska roads. And the roads often got ultra dense Polska housing so it was an economic boon. Kinda like the densely populated old London Bridges that had apartments going across the water. By the way, the Teutonic order never existed as a nation. Regardless their effort of trying to make the world disregard the vast verities of other unique diverse nations that exist in these regions referred to. Often these unique nations had strings of Polska territory weaved through in ways that blocked any parasitic cults. It’s sad that the stories of these diverse peoples do not seem to emerge much in current day. Likely many of their books were destroyed by the cultists known for having books that critics gave consistently 0/10 reviews globally.

Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 21:03:21 Id:3ea87e No. 59899 [Reply]
Most of Ukraine belongs to Polska. Hence why Polska military will not leave. drafting is also a crime. The true locals are appalled by the lack of diplomacy. If there was no drafting, there would of never been a war.
There is a gross amount of propaganda basically pretending Slavs are megalomaniacs about territory, in order to pretend a war is difficult to avoid.
The world should not be such a challenge for its peoples.

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 05:35:38 Id:7198db No. 59594 [Reply]
Anyone else notice a relatively high amount of BBWs in Fine Arts Programs? I'm in college right now, at a place with a relatively low obesity rate (it's rough), but even then every art elective I've taken has had at least 3-4 big girls in the class; even more so outside at club events. I wonder why that is, compared to other majors. Anybody notice any other majors rife with fatties?
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>>59671 as a bbw in fine arts rn, and has been fat and interested in art ever since i was a social reject internet kid, this is 100% true
>>59673 Make thread.
>>59671 That's a negative stereotype of art from people who don't live in the art world. We're way past the time Basquiat died of a drug overdose or Woodstock. I argue art is going back to its Catskill-Norman Rockwell roots. Progressives are just defaulting to hating billionaires
>>59682 i know i know don’t feed the trolls but “art is going back to its Catskill-Norman Rockwell roots” is the most hilariously out of touch braindead take i’ve heard in a minute. thanks for the laugh.
>>59877 I meant that post modernism, dada, and pop art doesn't dominate art scene. Art has gotten conservative and Catholic in terms of design with Europe and Asia dominating. America cares about the Cheifs-Eagles. Conservatives don't like modernism to begin with so there's no real incentive for me to be Kisame17

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Body odor on SSBBW women.... yuck or yum? Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 15:23:37 Id:c29931 No. 59496 [Reply]
This might just be a thing for the autists among us lol, but am I the only one who is obsessively turned on by the smell of the deep folds and crevasse on a super fat woman who hasn't showered in a few days? I think it's the most erotically intoxicating... intimate things you can get with being with a super fat. I can't get enough of it. It's just so private, that I get to swim around in their deep, deep moist fat folds that no one else even wants to think about, and then when I leave I"m marked by her fat girl smell. It's a smell that, like their body shape, is unique to each women. So it's not a universal thing, not just any random fatty... I basically have to be in love with her to like her smell. Like, I can put my hand under her belly and my hand will smell 'fat' all day. I love it. Or when we're cuddling under the bed sheets and her fat smell is just trapped under there with us... literally heaven. The hardest thing about breaking up with my ex was never getting to smell her again, she could smell up a whole house permanently in just a day or two. But I almost never hear anyone talk about this stuff, and it's weird to me because, like... if you are actually into ssbbw/ussbbw sized women and you aren't at least a little bit into that musty sweaty smell of their private permafolds... do you even like really fat girls?
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>>59496 What I'm reading from you here is an extremely niche fantasy level fetish. You're basically on the level of SSBBW porn centered on 1000 pound furries. Absolute extreme. You do you. I'm personally fine with a little bit of BO and ripeness, I think it's unrealistic not to be if you're planning on being around 300+ pound women. But no, not even remotely on the level you're describing. I personally find that pretty gross.
>>59717 >This was the subject of another thread and yeah I sincerely believe there are pheromones coming out of buttholes. I get high off the ass smell wafting in my face during doggystyle, leads to the most intense orgasms for me. Do all fat women buttholes smell bad during doggystyle? I find this disgusting but every fat women I've had sex with in doggystyle (my body count is low btw) exude a really bad smell.
>>59775 I've never encountered a fat woman with a bad smelling asshole, but I think it's mostly pheromones/brain chemicals that are the cause of this. With my ex-wife I could spread her cheeks at any time and it smelled potent, ripe and heavenly. The two women I'm seeing now casually, one doesn't have much of a butthole smell, but her pussy smells amazing... she's a SSBBW. The BBW is a little younger, her butthole smells amazing as well as her pussy. My ex gf from over a decade ago, she was more thick than BBW and her pussy and asshole smelled amazing as well. Since I don't really do one night stands, I can't really report on that.
>>59776 >With my ex-wife I could spread her cheeks at any time and it smelled potent, ripe and heavenly. Based. How big was she you'd say? Was it typical wife nagging over her not showering and getting her ass sniffed? I've been curious of the sweet spot of weght that is the hard limit when you're worried about BO on a woman from pheromones to repulsive.
>>59835 I'd say about 350lbs but she's also 5'11". Wide hips, bigger ass, big thighs, nice soft tummy, medium sized tits and nice pink nipples. Pale Armenian. I made her grow her bush out, explicitly saying never to shave or wax. Her asshole was always kinda hairy but not as hairy as my other exes. When we were both going hard, exploring my smell fetish she had no problem not shaving her armpits as well which I enjoyed her stink there too. I even licked her multiple days old armpits. She never nagged, she wanted to know just how ripe I could go, because honestly I think she enjoyed being lazy and not needing to shower. She thought it was funny and interesting about my asshole sniffing obsession, never nagged the either. I think the longest she went was 8 days and my goodness it was amazing.

Question Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:50:38 Id:9367d8 No. 55317 [Reply]
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>>55317 How does one not find it attractive?
me like soft big woman very soft much soft make me very hard
Can't speak for anyone else of course, but for me specifically, what you're asking is a multi-faceted question that I'll try to seriously answer (and treat as if it isn't a likely shitpost, you never know for sure); In regards to fat women in general, I like that they're big, soft, warm and heavy, and that bits of them jiggle and wobble in motion, basically the same principle as big tits but applied to the rest of the body and magnified significantly as they get bigger. The side aspects of the needed financial/resource stability required for someone to get seriously-fat and the physical pleasure of being that obese for those who are into it are also nice bonuses to add into the mix. Plus, it's kind of a badge-of-honor in a weird way to know that you're able to keep your partner fat, perpetually-full and comfortable, at least as someone who was raised in a pretty unstable, chaotic and stressful household growing up. For feeding specifically, the act of feeding someone you care for romantically can be quite sweet, even if the thought of their BMI going through the roof as a direct result doesn't get you horny, though it naturally doesn't hurt any if so. It's a close and intimate thing for lovers to do, and it just gets even better when one of them is a fatty with an immense appetite as well, especially when the direct result of said feeding is that there's more sensitive softness to grab hold of every time things get hot and heavy. With the whole "giant helpless immobile mound of flab" thing, that's a concept very commonly seen in fat fetish fantasy on the far extreme of possibilities, which falls apart conceptually the exact moment you think about how the hell someone like that would be able to do much of anything normal in reality, up to and especially including using the bathroom. Even ignoring those obvious issues it's not for me, I prefer things to stay within the realm of "still able to walk unassisted" sizes, if for no morally-better reason than because I want to see all that flab jiggle as much as possible. There's people out there who genuinely want to try and fatten up their actual IRL partners to immobility, but considering the human body doesn't take well to that health-wise to say the least, alongside the aforementioned obvious logistical issues of being too heavy to stand/walk or do basic self-care, I shouldn't have to point out why that's a horrendous idea. And lastly, given both parties in the image are clearly enjoying what's going on, I'll give my two cents on the topic and say that I find consensual feeding and gaining vastly superior to forced, even if the latter can still be decently-arousing if written well in stories. Something about someone being all-for-it and enjoying being fat/being fed/gaining weight makes it so much hotter to me than if it's secretive or forced on them. Also, should go without saying, but it absolutely should be consensual and out-in-the-open for any IRL relationship too, no good and healthy relationship was ever built off of lies and deceit no matter what kinks were involved. Anyways, thanks to coming to my TED talk on fat chicks and why they're the best shit ever. If you'd like more info, just look around literally anywhere on here, can't shake a stick without it getting stuck in a fat roll
>>55317 #1 Being attracted isn't a logical thing. People rationalise it but its all BS. You like what you like because you're wired for it for the large part. You can be slightly influenced by exposure but its mostly there. When I was young I tried to fit in with mainstream attraction for a time but it never felt natural, I always had an eyes on thicker to fat women. But if you want my rationalisation here it is. Femininity is soft and curvy. Fat women are the softest and curviest. I also am attracted to the size because well, being a bigger person is superior.
>>59788 soft women make men hard

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old commercial - possible lost media Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 18:34:03 Id:bc215d No. 55055 [Reply]
There was this one commercial where two large women were sitting on a bus. When the bus stops, they get up, revealing that they were sitting on a man the whole time. The commercial had a captain like "need more space?" I don't know what the product was. This commercial used to be easy to find on YouTube but now it is gone. I believe one of the women in it is a European model, possibly from Hungary or Czech, but I'm not sure. There is another commercial with her that has her setting up a hammock. A caption then appears saying "need a miracle?" It then cuts to black and you hear the hammock snapping and her screaming. This commercial can also no longer be found on YouTube. If anyone has a copy of these saved or has any insight into it, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Here is an old Japanese commercial that includes an small scene where three women gain weight instantly: https://youtu.be/wfQhm3Y9FGk?si=PcnybWpMU5fnSyFX
>>59454 I don't know if it counts as solely weight gain since it has the three become sumo wrestlers. So it would count as female to male gender bender as well as weight gain. I do recognize it from the simpsons, when Homer saw a Japanese soap mascot that looks like him and we got treated to an insane commercial.
>>59456 Also it's from a Simpsons episode so it wouldn't count as a Japanese commercial, rather a commercial featured in a cartoon.
Specifically an American cartoon.

How many of you had fat moms? Genuine question Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 06:25:07 Id:2c6137 No. 54907 [Reply]
I always wondered if my own mom being overweight had some kind of Freudian influence on my preference for fat girls growing up. Could also be childhood abuse and overcontrolling parents, resulting in a desire to control someone else/dominate them? Or projecting your own insecurities from childhood abut being called lazy etc. onto the fat girls? Not meant to be a schizo post, just kind of interested in where you all think this fetish stems from.
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my mom was fat. not mordibly obese but she had a big butt, hips, and chest.
>>54907 My mom is skinny as a rail and no one in my family is fat nor are really any of our family friends. Some how I ended up being the guy who comes to my 600lb life lol.
>>54907 This has been studied and the only tenuous link is adversity in childhood. Mostly its just a normal preference excepting feeders. If you think we are all supposed to like the same thing then you should take a biology course.
Petite and fatphobic mom here. I am convinced it goes back to the beginning for me though. I remember being mesmerized by an obese preschool teacher to the point where my mom said years later "yeah I was happy to get you off to kindergarten, I was worried she'd make you start liking fat women or something."
>>59800 Can you direct me to where you read that? Not debating it, rather I'm curious because I've been looking for serious studies about FAism for years and haven't found much.

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Colleen Williams’ Ex? Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 15:40:53 Id:0630f2 No. 55932 [Reply]
Is Colleen Williams (RIP) ex now with Amberlynn Reid? Maybe I’m mixing up my lesbians, but according to my DMs with Colleen in the past this girl is definitely a feeder lol. I’m not into Amberlynn Reid by any stretch, but if a few hundred pounds are about to pile on, I’d definitely watch people’s reactions 🤫
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It's apparent Amberlyn changes her personality based on who she is with. She is gaining weight and denying her gf is a feeder. Likely thinking only about death feederism and that this is just relationship weight. If she isn't careful she could become the fattest she has ever been by a long shot and I doubt she would recover if she hit 600lbs
Alright boys, we had the Crumbl cookie video going around??
i'm curious about this too. Seems like someone here would have seen it? My guess is that the haters made that all up, because that's what haters do.
>>59635 All I have is this preview that was circulated. I don't know if anything more is out there for the public.
>>59637 This seals the deal she did this for Emily for sure as feedist content. Anyone denying that is oblivious. Recently saw that Amberlyn invited people to join a weight loss app and her weight was listed there. When she noticed she removed everyone and closed it down. It said she was 615lbs!!

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Body Positivity and its Consequences have been a disaster for the Feeder race Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 19:56:36 Id:78b317 No. 54367 [Reply] [Last]
Things were so easy back in ~2014-2016. Being fat was still a universal mark of unattractiveness, so if you've had this fetish, it was like a gift from god. Fat chicks were SO easy to get, and they were always so grateful for finding someone who found them attractive (as long as you weren't a fucking creep about it). Now 10 years later, and everything's fucked. There are more fat girls around than ever, but being fat isn't something to be ashamed of. Women in the 30-35 BMI range think they're hot stuff, and the chubbies of 25-30? They're "hot" now. This also might be anecdotal, but this fetish seems weirdly common among zoomers. It used to be a taboo thing, now it feels like a good 5-10% of young guys are into chubby girls. When I admitted to my first gf that I actually like the fact she's chubby, she was so grateful and happy. She stopped trying to diet and it was so awesome. Now I went on a 4th date with this girl who, by any REASONABLE standard would be considered a fucking whale, yet she's described herself as "curvy". I grabbed her belly during sex and afterwards she out and asked if I had a thing for that, and I said "yes", and she got all surly and shit and told me it's not going to work out. Why? Because she's had a bad experience with another fat fetishist guy who tried to manipulate her into gaining weight. Thank a lot, asshole. I hope you're reading this. Because your retarded moves just clockblocked me through time and space.
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>>59478 shut the fuck up and take your meds, old man
>>59479 Nobody wants your garbage my dude. The problem with artists is they have yes man who never told them their ideas are bad.
OP is proof 6 million wasn’t, you know the rest
You're completely wrong. You don't want to be with someone who hates themselves or their body, it just sucks for everyone involved
>>59525 Normies are turning against influencers in the wake of the LA fire arguing they don't know what it's like to be an everyman.

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Anyone know what happened to these vloggers? Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 04:43:29 Id:4e50c1 No. 59482 [Reply]
First of all I am new here, but previous BBW chans have had DNP lists, so I won't post pics of them or links. Not asking for dox, but I am wondering about a few chubby women who used to post sexy content online regularly, and then one day suddenly stopped. Hoping somebody may know something about their fate: AdeleSexyUK: Youtuber who posted vlogs and Tryon hauls, also OF. Content is still up but has not been active in 2+ years LilithEnkur: Posted solo vids on porn tube sites and also did custom results, same thing. c4d3nz4: From way back in the Tumblr days, she had other usernames like fat and naked and ermagherd, then vanished, way before Tumblr deleted all the nudes.

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Asexuality Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:15:16 Id:e42c4e No. 55316 [Reply] [Last]
I identify myself as an asexual because I never wanted to fuck anything, not even a fat girl, even though I can get sexual arousal from seeing feederism and fat stuff. Anyone else in the same boat or something similar? This thread is for discussing asexuality in the realm of fat fetichism. Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences on that.
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>>57795 Is the Fatsexual flag a flag that looks like a hamburger?
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>>57795 No Patrick, your fetish is not its own sexuality
>>57795 I consider myself ridersexual, nothing turns me off more than a rider who refuses to fight.
>>59390 Roasted chicken would make more sense.
>>59390 The most commonly used fat fetish / fat pride flag is actually supposed to look like Neapolitan ice cream

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Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 17:19:55 Id:0dcce9 No. 59279 [Reply]
>Is my size really not a problem to you? And >what is it about big/fat girls do you like? If a fat girl asks you either of these questions, how do you respond without creeping her out?
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>>59279 1) "No it isn't." If she pushes: " You're beautiful. I wouldn't be here with you now if it was a problem." 2) "I'm not really sure, I've just always found bigger women attractive." If she's asking stuff like that right off the bat it's potentially a red flag for jealousy issues so keep your guard up. It's not a guarantee of issues, some bigger women have just gotten burned by bad dates so they're trying to weed out issues early on, but if she keeps asking that insecurity could cause trust issues, and that's when things get ugly.
>>59330 >There’s nothing to be gained from women who haven’t ever questioned the social superiority of skinny women. I love the unfathomably quotable one-liners the threads on /gen/ produce at times. Too bad I'll never be in a situation I could reference a bbwchan thread.
>>59279 >Is my size really not a problem to you? I would say that I have a preference for ‘plus size’ or larger women. I wouldn’t say ‘fat’. Women get really weirded out if you say ‘fat fetish’ it implies something untrusting and dark I was once asked straight out by a girl in the bedroom if I have a fat fetish or something and I was like a deer in headlights. I played the dumb card and was like “no, what do you mean?” 💀 For context we just finished sex and I asked if I could lay my head down by her thighs and gave it away completely when I couldn’t stop grabbing everything, kissing her thighs and burying my face in them. I touched on the subject a month or two later and told her I hope I don’t make her feel like I am fetishising or objectifying her and she told me no, that she really liked how I loved every part of her body enthusiastically and made her feel super sexy. I also said I had a ‘preference’ for larger women so she definitely knew Is it a ‘fat fetish’ at the end of the day? Probably, but I think women stop caring and don’t really get you to spell it out if you make them feel good and care about them personally. The only reason it's called a fetish is because it’s not mainstream. It’s only really seen as a fetish if you just want to fuck and nothing more, no emotional connection. Only fat activist radfems would say even if you love them while being attracted to them being fat are you still a piece of shit and a fetishist. It’s like the whole “would you love me if I was a worm” type shit. I can’t help what I find attractive so stop shitting on me Also I was once asked by a girl on a date what kind of women I normally go for and I probably shouldn’t have said this as it wasn’t directly related to but I said I have a preference for larger women. Then did a super beta move and was like “not to fetishise you or anything, I just have a preference for larger women”. She didn’t seem fazed and was fairly confident in herself it didn’t matter >what is it about big/fat girls do you like? Most of these have been said already but Things I would tell them: - I love the softness and warmth that comes from larger women. There is something so nurturing and loving about it. I just get this immense feeling of satisfaction from cuddling. I think this softness and warmth from the fat compliments their femininity that just makes them so feminine and sexy

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The whole 'preference' vs 'fetish' thing is a distinction without a difference and it is caused in large part by cope. If you didn't have a fat fetish, you wouldn't be posting on BBWChan. Preference is a gentler word and it's the better word to use when pressed about it by a partner, but if you actually believe it's some how different, you're lying to yourself.
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>>59379 I agree with most of what you've said, but as >>59380 said (or at least that's what I inferred from his post), you may be inviting trolls with the length of this post. You've gotta let go of that "I'm just a 4/10" shit though. >I can’t imagine most normal guys being this stoked about their partner's body, but maybe I’m wrong You would be surprised. >>59381 I agree but I think the cope goes both ways. Men might say they have a preference instead of a fetish as a cope, but I think fat women also make that distinction as a cope, if that makes any sense. Most of the women I've been with would've been horrified by the notion that I had a fat fetish, but most of them were fine with me saying I had a preference. I only ever met one who was okay with me having a fetish. More than that, she was turned on by it. She even chastised me for using the word "preference" instead of "fetish", if you can believe that. But girls like her are definitely the exception rather than the rule.
