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Evidence of ancient feederism? Anonymous 10/28/2020 (Wed) 15:22:26 Id:78bac7 No. 4623 [Reply] [Last]
Excavated in Catahoyuk in Turkey and thought to be around 8000 years old, this statue is just one amongst a handful that feature similar proportions. Although there are similar statues across the world, none feature such accurate features as this (pretty sexy statue if you ask me but also in my reckoning, rules this out as a "goddess"), which suggests that it was modelled on a real woman. Some experts believe that they could be modelled on elderly women in this society who had reached a high status and were no longer required to work, therefore remaining sedentary. Although perfectly feasible now, many woman have reached such epic proportions whilst remaining sedentary and consuming a diet of tasty and highly processed foods: how could someone become as fat as this whilst eating a neolithic diet without near constant consumption? This is where my hypothesis comes in which so far experts do not seem to have seriously considered: are we looking at evidence of an early society of "feeders"? To maintain such a body whilst on a Neolithic diet would certainly require constant eating which would likely need to be enabled by the surrounding culture and not just the work of this individual. Could this mean that perhaps this society fed its women, a selection of women or even a single woman in order for them to become as fat as this statue depicts. Although we may never know, I like to imagine that this is the case. Let's rub one out for these early architects of feederism. Godspeed you you fat loving, Neolithic bastards!
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As appendix, i add recently (in 2019) found Venus of Piatra Neamț, She is of just the same figure type and iconography as Venus of Willendorf, but she is even fatter. It was made thousands of years later than Venus of Willendorf by Epigravettians - direct descendants of Gravettian tribes who made Venus of Willendorf. These three related groups: Gravettians, с. 31 000 - 19 000 BCE, Epigravettians, c. 19000 - 8000 BCE amd Magdalenians, c. 15 000 - 9000 BCE (and their later descendants) are responsible for the great majority of ssbbw and bbw Stone Age images in Europe. Cf. la Marmtta Venus c. 4500 BCE (see next two images) and famous Malta Venuses. As for the Grotte de la Marché, its drawings are especially valuable in that they completely resolve the endless debate about whether the fat Venuses of the Stone Age were fantasized, unrealistically deformed and symbolic figures representing the ideas of ​​​​fertility, wealth and the mother goddess, or whether they convey the appearance of real women who were considered beautiful, or both. The drawings from the grotte de la Marche convey completely realistic everyday scenes, the faces and figures there are realistic and clearly not related to any myths, it is impossible to attach ritual significance to them. There is a scene where a young aroused man dances joyfully while his beloved awaits him in sexual pose (above of him on the drawing, https://www.donsmaps.com/images33/p1130774marche.jpg ), there are tens of faces of common people ( https://www.donsmaps.com/marche.html , in the middle of the article), there are two compositions where a plump daugher stands behind her fat sitting mother ( see last two attaches, they are different drawings). Even Gimbutas wouldnt have dare to say that they are fantastic symbolic transformations of human body with ritual aims. Thus, the corpulent Venuses, regardless of whether they also depicted a female deity, conveyed the appearance of real women who were considered beautiful. In fact, it is not surprising that this was the case during the eras in question, because it was a time of massive hunting of huge quantities of megafauna species. The males were engaged in this hunt, there was an incredible amount of food, and women generally did not need to move much or go far from the camps. The situation was different only while climatic deteriorations, when the quantity of animals was sharply smaller, and it was necessary to move from place to place in order to get enough of them. But for more than 20,000 years of Gravettian, Epigravettian and Magdalenian cultures , there were more than enough centuries and millennia when this did not happen. Gravettians>
>>50350 Great stuff, thanks for reviving this thread in a meaningful way.
Let me return to this topic on a new basis. Now here https://www.deviantart.com/eightynineone you can see galleries of texts and images contributed by online team to the owner of the page. It is like a club with materials on bbws and ssbbws in history, old arts and folklore, and with modern illustrations depicting historical bbws and ssbbws. I have studied this issue and can share my ideas, although it may be too long and boring. (1) Males' attraction to women is based narurally on preferences tied to the differences between women and women's bodies from men and men's bodies. These differences are a complex of three components: A) Having body parts that men do not have, or body shapes that are not expressed usually in men. That is, the female breasts, the womanhoodf, more roundness of the hips, greater roundness of the buttocks. B) Greater gracefulness and gracility, higher pitched voices, less physical strength, less muscle girth, softer hair, less body hair. Everything that gives the impression of more tenderness, fragility and softness. C) And, finally, a greater amount of normal fat layers necessary for healthy life, quite different ratio of fat-to-muscle in the medically normal body , and more roundness of the body, where men do not have it. (2). At the same time, human sexuality is generally characterized by a desire to enhance, strengthen and extrapolate qualities which are naturally attractive

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The culture was not repressive, it was hedonistic, it was favourable and positive towards food, sex and all bodily pleasures, and so it legitimized the most wide range of preferences (including, by the way, male and female bisrxualty and homosexuality; females identificating themselves as men and males identificating themselves as women were usually well known and quite normally accepted, see examples in Inuit culture, and many other far Northern primeval cultures). And this range was wide indeed, because among the figurines of this time there are figurines of women with thin bodies as well as figurines of hugely large ones, and figurines of averagely plump and larger, but still not huge women, too, that is, all these types of beauty and preferences were legitimized, it’s just that the greatest fatness seems be the most popular among them. As a result, it is during these times that the images of very obese women were produced, although in the same cultures there are also some images of thin and average women. E.g., a bunch of drawings from Cave Marche with commentary to them can be seen here https://www.deviantart.com/eightynineone/gallery/92456177/tribute-to-cave-marche It must be emphasized, is that there is not a single example of unrealistic image of fat woman of the time (as well as in Neolithic and Bronze Age). The fattest examples if Stone Ages are Venus of Willendorf, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339444366/figure/fig4/AS:861904226492417@1582505389371/The-Venus-of-Willendorf-46-is-a-small-11-cm-figurine-carved-from-ooelitic.ppm and Romanian Venus, https://bbw-chan.link/.media/8361890afc891e8aba50502897087749bef775fb9c85468b2d0ea088752c2429.jpg Both of them are not larger than real ussbbws (even not with records of weight), cf. Isabella Jazmin.from Argentina at 30 years and c. 780 lbs, https://thumbs.web.sapo.io/?W=910&H=0&delay_optim=1&webp=1&epic=YTAysSH+jc+bdtc3P5OBji0znSqIf/g5SYqR3nwCLw8eM6Dx5+XYSlENt8i94BFVeF4msI3c274gDcREcjTL6ShmkrbeLXSPWCA7Bx++hRNB1bc= This fact is another proof, that the Venus figurines represent the real women, and are not creation of imagination, stimulated by symbolic of fertility or any other kind. They just were deoicting large and largest women who could be seen in real life. Be it a work of imagination, it will immediately lead them to such images as

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(9) When Christianity was adopted rather superficially, the larger bbws and ssbbws preferencing could be widespread even in the lands with not very rich harvests. For example, in Russia in the 15th - 17th centuries, the optimal weight of a beautiful woman who could afford it, according to the most popular preferences variant then in circulation, was considered to be from 7 to 7.5+ poods, that is, from 250 to 270 pounds. The average height of a woman then was 152 cm (5 ft 1 inch), so this weight on her looked like the average modern woman (168-169 cm) weighing 335 - 365 pounds. This ideal was then shared equally by the people and the elites. Moreover, they were so widespread that the very word of Russian language which means "thin", "hudoy" in Russian has the literal meaning "bad, unconvenient". And the word meaning "to gain weight, "popravitsya" in Russian, means literally "to get yourself in the right condition, to make yourself better". (10) By the end of the 18th century, due to deteriorating of living conditions and increasing repressivenesx if culture, in Russia this standard dropped to a range of 5.5 - 6 pounds, 200 - 215 pounds for the same height, which with a modern average height would give a weight range of 270 -290 lbs. And in the 18th century Russia, this ideal was already shared only by wealthy peasants, merchants and the simplest nobles. According to the adopted European fashion, the elitary ideals were already different. By the end of the 19th century, this ideal was already shared onky by a minority of the population in Russia, primarily among the merchants and wealthy peasants, not to say of course about individual fat admirers, that exist in any time and any society. (11) In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, throughout the developed world, the needs of the clothing industry began to have the strongest additional negative impact on the situation. Sewing clothes for a full figure not only requires more fabric consumption, but it also requires much more labor-intensive fitting work. The objective ideal for the clothing industry would be just a stick; its cover is the easiest to produce. Of course, mass production of clothing implies that standardization is desirable for the manufacturer, too. At the same time, the physical labour of working and housekeeping women still remained high. Thus, the 20th century turned out to be the time of greatest suppression of attraction to overweight and very overweight women. Now, at least in the United States, major changes are afoot. The culture has become somewhat less repressive and standardizing. But most importantly, for the first time in history, a huge mass of the population has the opportunity to receive a huge amount of high-calorie food, without spending a lot of calories on its production and on living. Water no longer needs to be carried from a well, cooking does not require kindling, vacuuming requires significantly fewer calories than hand cleaning, washing in a washing machine requires immeasurably less calories than hand washing. In this situation, a lot of people give themselves free rein, and the number of overweight and very overweight women becomes such that even a repressive culture is forced to take this into account and begins to retreat under the pressure of changing reality. This is what we are seeing in the United States, but we can talk about making the decisive pass only when, e.g., the Hollywood films show plump and very fat women as attractive, successful, sexy and beautiful characters. I think that this time is not far off.

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Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 06:05:42 Id:966d69 No. 51016 [Reply]
Her name is Kali Kakes, anyone know what happened to her? I checked her social media account's and looks like she just vanish.

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Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 08:54:36 Id:68cf56 No. 45510 [Reply] [Last]
Are there any ecelebs/online personalities that you suspect are in to feederism or are chubby chasers? >pic semi-related, it is pyrocynical, a youtuber who has a fat fetish.
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Jschlatt shared that he got fat on purpose on a podcast with Anthony Padilla. So do what you will with that information.
>>50937 The incident of 99 is catching up with him
>>50482 >>50486 I thought Gooseworx is asexual. I wondered if she's more into the shape of fat bodies or how it looks versus its sexual appeal. Like how a gay fashion designer could like dressing women in beautiful attire, or a straight guy idolizing and admiring handsome/muscular men. To not be into something sexually, rather how it looks and admire it in an aesthetic sense. They could just be interested in these artists skills improving. There are also loads of women online and some can have a lot of online activity. They aren't all trans. I don't find it bad to know someone is trans.
>>50946 He has an inflation fetish.
>>51012 She, she's a woman and I thought I heard she's asexual which means not interested in sex. She doesn't get turned on by stuff. She can still have sex/masturbate just not fantasizing about anything except the feeling and still pursue romance. Some asexuals could have sex to please a partner, others could be uninterested in sex 100% and not want to do it with a partner. I know of an artist named Plus-Stars who admitted to being asexual yet still draws fat women and thin women. I just thought Gooseworx isn't into fatter bodies in a sexual way, rather liking them in an aesthetic sense. Like how you can enjoy beautiful architecture, flowers, sunsets, etc. Just saying she would be into larger bodies in terms of aesethics not she masturbates to them and thinks of them. I don't know if someone who likes fat bodies in that sense would count since we go on and on about how sexy fat bodies are. People like Gooseworx and Plus-stars aren't like us, they may like how fatter bodies look but not be interested in sex fantasies, having them nude or putting them in sexual scenarios or imply them having sex.

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How to pull older BBWs Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:33:45 Id:429369 No. 50997 [Reply]
I'm in my mid 20s and have been finding myself increasingly more attracted to older bbws (30s to 50s). How do I as a younger guy go about seducing them for a hookup or fwb situation? Where do I even start to look?
Literally just talk to them and don't be weird. Start with an opener about their outfit or a question about where they are. If they aren't open to talking to you you'll know. You're in your mid-20s and the best years for these women are behind them. As long as you put effort into your appearance, you'll do fine.
Go on the apps with your age range. If you’re at all attractive it will be easy. Aim for single moms. We know they fuck and probably don’t have a lot of free time for real dating.

How to have success on feabie? 05/26/2024 (Sun) 00:46:02 Id:cdc1b4 No. 49964 [Reply]
Im a younger guy (in college) who is pretty good looking and has good success in person and on normal dating apps. I wanted to give feabie a try but i’m finding it a bit difficult for a couple reasons. One is that i don’t really know how to properly find women around my age (without premium the search doesn’t show many options and most people in the global feed are much older) another reason is that it feels so much harder to start conversations on the app, and once i’ve started them it’s hard to continue them. There’s never a lot of info for me to work with to initiate conversations, and i don’t get many girls who put effort into their replies and make it easy to keep the convo going. any tips/ personal success stories would be appreciated.
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>>50934 if you really are in college and do have success in traditional dating/ apps, then i recommend you keep playing to your strengths there. I've spent less time on curvage and fantasy feeder, but curvage is like a content-creator's dream with way less potential for meets and dates, and FF is better about dating prospects but both dead and facing a bot crisis i think. Otherwise, play to your strengths online as you would in person: just being an attractive partner, not necessarily good looking but being someone ladies would look your way for. Online, this means posting pics and showing your an actual real person, and not just another pfp in an ocean of half-baked profiles
>>50935 I’ve found the trick to feabie is to be less pushy about what you want and accept what’s available and local. I wasn’t looking for a mural gaining situation but it was my best lane being a fat guy while liking fat women.
>>50665 if this is who I think it is I have talked with multiple women from feabie about how creepy this guy is lmao
>>50979 I never sent anything disrespectful or had any bad interactions so I doubt it There are a lot of fucking weirdos on feabie, not just people who are a bit quirky but school shooter types and public transport masturbators Then again women are pretty liberal with how they define creeps, for some women it's anyone they find unattractive who gives them any attention. I was blocked a few times for just messaging to ask if they would be up for chatting.
>>50667 How high/low are your standards? Even for something casual I still need to be attracted to a woman besides just having a common fetish and if they seem completely socially inept or rude or anything I'm not interested. I'm in Perth and from what I saw there were a few more decent looking options over east. I've tried to compromise and find women with chubby bellies on dating apps but very few women actually show off that aspect of their body and I think being fit actually works against me because I seem to have a better chance of connecting with thin women than chubby ones, they just don't fucking match with me for some reason. The last date I had was literally just walking up to a hot chubby girl in the street and asking her out to a drink. Even that is tough these days since women usually wear earphones when they're by themselves and you feel like you're interrupting them. I've accepted I'll probably never get a chance to indulge in this kink in the real world.

Talk about life and stuff 2: The Return Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:06:42 Id:b7645e No. 48047 [Reply] [Last]
I have returned, how has everyone?
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>>50002 Well I finally saw her again, but now even if I wanted anything it's too late. I'm moving 6 hours away in a week. It doesn't really matter though, she's too young for me. She's only 23. And I don't even live where she does so it'd be an hour trip to go see her and an hour back. It just won't work out. At least I can be happy in the fact that an actual flesh and blood BBW found me attractive, even if I'm well over 10 years older than her.
I was with my mother the other day. A chubby woman walked by and she says to me "there's a big woman for you". So I told her she wasn't big enough for my tastes. What she said next caught me right off guard. She literally said to me "Yeah, but you could just fatten her up with all the great things you cook." I'm not a feeder, but here my mother is encouraging me to go full architect. I don't even know what to think.
>>50849 How does she know what you’re into? Just your dating history?
>>50936 I was just upfront with her and told her I like fat women. She knows I like them as big as Pear Bottom and Asshley.
>>50849 WFT?

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BBW Meme Thread God-Help-Us-All 05/25/2020 (Mon) 02:04:22 Id:c21fa9 No. 1855 [Reply] [Last]
Post some of your best and dankest BBW or FA related memes
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>>31193 forgive my ignorace, but what's up with echo?
>>49962 ...and she's not into it either, just fucking the guy because she's lonely and any attention is good attention. It's a happy world these channers live in.
this one's for the /preg people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_zqVngyHVk
>>47614 Sorry
>>47614 Who made this?

The Mexican Chad The Disciple of Brosnan 06/22/2024 (Sat) 21:36:44 Id:156afd No. 50939 [Reply]
Yo man, Mexican guy with Massive Filipina gf. You there?
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>>50952 That pride month globohomo merchandise is in the trash for a reason. Gays won't stop gaslighting themselves and getting into dumb fights cause the left can't run an organization to save their lives. It's the same reason Trevor Project is dead. Without the smoke and mirrors, it's run by elderly liberals in their enclaves who want to grift
>>50952 I think you're an impersonator.
>>50958 You found the imposter.
>>50958 No. I am the real boyfriend. I have a massive Filipino girlfriend.(no one’s uses feminine nouns in English amigazo).
>>50967 How did you guys meet?

Hottest BBW's aged 18-22 Anonymous 04/15/2023 (Sat) 09:46:15 Id:f35724 No. 28636 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have some good suggestion for BBW's and SSBBW's on the younger end of the scale? I'm 19 myself and I want some variation from the ladies on /ssbbw/ that are closer to my mum in age than myself.
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>>48218 >he is my wife >he the world has changed
Emohottopic on Reddit claims to be 18.
>>28730 Have fun getting fat republican women when the patriarch demands skinny women as the proper image of a woman.. >>28733 Actually wouldn't leftists be for porn because sex work is a valid work force for them & most of their criticism is how porn is flowing in an exploitive capitalist state? Do you actually know any politics or just see Hitler call himself a socialist and go along with it?
>>50845 Crazy to think that she was born in 2005 or 2006
>>50938 Probably not 2006, because it seems she hasn’t been active in 170+ days

Caretaker job Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 21:50:03 Id:1f3163 No. 49558 [Reply]
Have anyone ever had a job where you take care of ssbbw at a large size like example like echo below here before?
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>>50159 I'm curious too but can't find stats except for so-called superobese, which is "only" 100lbs over the obese threshold. I live in a relatively thin part of the country but I travel through the South and Midwest a few times a year on my way to and from visiting relatives and for vacations. 300-400lb folks are dime a dozen, and while >500lb people are less common they're not super-rare. I've seen more than a few people hobbling on canes, or more often riding scooters and in powerchairs that appear as fat or fatter than many of the folks on My 600lb Life. Mind you, these are just random encounters, in the wild. I'd be not at all surprised to find out there are a quarter million or more half ton Americans.
>>50401 Seems like a sizable estimate but I'm all for it. A fantasy I have is that sometime in the future, we will start to see communities of bedbound-level obese people crop on online (i.e. a subreddit) in a completely unrelated to feederism/fat fetish context due to the sheer prevalence of it. Something like this but catering to some size demographics up: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperMorbidlyObese/ I know it will be filled with mostly depressing, decrepit 30 somethings if it were to exists, but please give it to me anyway
>>50444 I like to message extremely obese women on here and try to get them to ditch their diets.
A friend of mine was wondering if it's possible for him to get a job to take care of an obese women at home.
>>50444 It's bound to happen eventually. It feels more and more common to see and hear about people being over 300 or 400 lbs. What used to be rare decades ago is getting more common.

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Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:42:21 Id:5818f2 No. 50439 [Reply]
What is the strangest thing that you've done to satisfy your fat fetish?
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Not fat fetish. One girl I dated/friendship-with-benefits'd started drawing guts. They were cute chibi drawings.
>>50599 This story is hilarious lol, thanks for sharing. I wish I had a better story to tell, but here goes. This isn't a "weird thing I did for the fetish" story so much as a "weird/awkward hookup" story, which is why your story reminded me of it. This happened just before covid, literally like the week before the pandemic was all over the news and the lockdown came. I met a BBW on Tinder. Kinda mid face but a really nice big gut. Almost the platonic ideal of a fat bimbo in terms of aesthetic; she looked like a hybrid of Shar and Layla. In the course of texting before meeting IRL, we agreed ahead of time that we would just have a one night stand. Also during that preliminary texting phase she sent me a few lewd pics and pics of herself eating, which was nice. So we meet up for a drink and it goes well enough. I go in for a kiss - I was expecting to make out, but she literally just gives me a quick peck on the lips- and she says "let's go back to mine to fuck". Turns out she lives in college dorms on campus nearby - that is not actually too common in Ireland (in Dublin at least), those rooms would be very highly sought after by students. Anyway we get to the entrance to the dorm building and there's a turnstile (not waist-high but full body height, with a fence with sharp spikes all around). She says bringing me in is a big no-no (no surprise there). She has to scan her student ID and the thing only turns around enough to admit one person, so the two of us have to squeeze in at the same time - obviously that was fun, squeezing against her fat like that - but it was a tight squeeze, and I actually thought it would get stuck. We sneak up to her dorm room and it's tiny. Just a shoebox room with a desk, bed and bathroom. More like one of those fancy Swedish prison cells than an actual living space. The bed is hilariously tiny; I'm a tall dude and my legs hang off it, and it's narrow enough (and she's wide enough) that the two of us can barely fit on it together. I go to the bathroom to freshen up, and I come out and see her lying on the bed wearing nothing but a babydoll, striking a "paint me like one of your French girls" pose. She says "I think I'm just gonna go to bed". I say okay and start unbuttoning my shirt. She says "no, I mean I'm literally just gonna go to sleep". I'm pretty confused. I say "do you want me to leave?" She says "up to you". It's late so I suggest just cuddling a bit and going to sleep, to which she agrees. So we get to cuddling in this stupid tiny bed. After about 20 minutes, we start hearing a couple in the dorm next door fucking quite loudly. I guess she must be jealous, because she says "I've changed my mind, let's fuck". I say "Are you sure?" and she says yes, several times. So we get to fucking, and it's the worst sex I've ever had. She just lies there like a dead fish the entire time. I couldn't even cum, it was that bad. We go back to cuddling and I somehow manage to fall asleep in that tiny-ass bed. I wake up early in the morning (it was like 6AM if I recall correctly) and she pretty much kicks me out. As I'm leaving, she does her "sexy" pose on the bed again. And that was that.
I let a fat women peg me pretty hard.
sims 4 and mods
>>50711 Sounds like a very bad fever dream Lmao

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Biggest Gains Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 04:16:57 Id:00fbf2 No. 50852 [Reply]
Male or female, who has had the most extreme gain? Like sheer amount of weight, who has gotten the fattest?
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honourable mention to Eliza Allure. probably not the extreme gain but on her it looks completely insane.
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>>50854 Discovered her after the op of her thread went schizo in >>162657 fixed
Adeline gained like 300 pounds over her career
>>50922 my god. i know she's huge, but i forget that she went from "big" to a complete behemoth.

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The Ladies of BBWChan Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:17:36 Id:205a6e No. 49259 [Reply]
Just curious to hear the perspective of those women who happen to have this fetish. I’ve heard plenty of guys’ experiences involving this fetish, but I want to hear some from the gals whether it be good or bad experiences. How you initially got into liking this fetish? Are you a gainer/feedee or feeder? What’s your plan on gaining if you are a feedee? How much would you like your partner to weigh if your a feeder?
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>>49514 I know this is very late, but could you share some of your chat bots?
i’m actually so glad you asked because i’ve almost never seen people talk about it. i’m a lesbian and an FA (probably a super rare combination). my awakening was very similar to that of the guys on here - weirdly obsessed with fat teacher from school / photos of weight world record / etc., learned that ssbbw was a thing, started watching stuff, and eventually found this site. also: please send recommendations for lesbian ssbbw content because there’s basically nothing out there
Saw a girl I served with in the military years ago the other day. Very stereotypical dominant, muscular dyke, short hair, baggy clothes and she hed this femme girlfriend waddling right behind, long blond hair, incredibly beautiful face, significantly younger than the dyke. Probably some 350 pounds, Could've been a hit SSBBW model. In general a very stereotypical lesbian couple. Considered hitting her up if she even recognised me just so I could be introduced for her girlfriend, but then again what's the point when I'm a straight dude.
>>50876 Do you think you’d become just as big as your teacher once was
I’m more of a feeder (I’m kinda overweight myself and trying to lose some. I however do advertise myself as a feeder/feedee/bbw on feabie for more interest and matches). I’m here for that BHM content, there’s just no where else to see helpless fat blob men other than here. I’m working overtime to make my sub into a blimp but otherwise this is it for me.

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Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:15:44 Id:d5f92e No. 31020 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
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>>50889 She complaining about how full she is and yet still filling up that gut?
>>50901 Actually yes She's not a gainer or feedee, so that's special Also things like I should stop eating shit, I'm sure I've gained a ton this vacation and similar stuff Great to see, as she's not always like that ;) Her double belly does definetely look bigger too, after she's lost a bit, but didn't really manage to keep it much below 400.. Now she's definetely back at where she was She has those things it takes to be really fat Especially for German standards
>>50912 I wonder how her wardrobe will fare with these extra pounds, she sounds lovely!
>>50913 She complained that her shirts are kinda shorter and end a little higher on her belly (still fit tho) That's true and you see little more backfat now since there's a little less room.. She should stay within that size tho, there's not a lot of clothes after size 64, or 32 in us size, at all in standard online stores over here It usually ends there ^^
>be me >go into dollar store >see's girl, early 20's >wearing bikini top on small tiddies >huge belly >spilling out with deep innie >like full term pregnancy >jean shorts are ready to pop a button >largeish ass >hot af >notices other girl >maybe 2 or 3 years younger >modestly dressed >big belly poking out from shirt and pants >realize they're sisters >mfw I got a live before and after

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Dating Life Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 01:16:30 Id:1b4e12 No. 39659 [Reply] [Last]
So I guess this is the board to place this question. How do you guys deal with the looks and stares people give you while out with a BBW or SSBBW? What about your friends and family? Have they ever said anything negative about it?
118 posts and 7 images omitted.
>>50150 > I am kinda ugly and shy so everybody just assumes that I'm "settling" for my big girlfriend I’d say they are right. If you can’t pull a normal sized woman of similar attributes you probably are settling. It might not be settling for “this fat chick” rather than “a fat chick”. But in general there are two kinda guys with fat fetishes: the ones that have casual/kinky/demeaning sex with girls and the men’s whose only chance of getting laid was wifing up a land whale.
>>50218 Hard disagree on these comments, there are a shit tonne of people on here who will tell you otherwise. I'm a hard FA through preference, I just like very fat women, always have, always will.
>>50380 > If you can’t pull a normal sized woman If you meet the criteria of being able to only pull obese, diseased and ugly women then yes. Otherwise my comment doesn’t apply.
>>50101 My answer to you, if you love this woman and want to enjoy life with her to the fullest for as long as possible, is help her lose the weight and, more importantly, be as fit as possible at whatever weight she is. I'm 63 and have been married almost 44 years to the most wonderful woman in the world. 44 years ago I could barely admit to myself that I liked fat girls, much less to anybody else. It wasn't as accepted as today. Nevertheless, I fell in love with a small girl, about 120lbs, with a bubble butt and DD boobs. She did it for me. She always thought she was too fat, especially after she had our two boys and ballooned up to about 230lbs to GG boobs and an amazing pear bubble butt. That might not sound very big but she's only 5'2" and her fat is unusually soft and light - softer than a baby. She's low density. So she jiggles if you just breath on her. As my wife got fatter I realized I was more turned on. She was always ashamed of her weight and trying to lose. I told her it didn't bother me when perhaps I should have told her the truth - I loved it. She was never a glutton or lazy, loved athletic activities and the outdoors, and we had a great sex life. She just couldn't take the weight off. But this took a toll as we got older. She couldn't keep up on hikes or bike rides and eventually she "didn't want to slow me down". I should have insisted she go with me and that I'd keep to her pace. But I was selfish. In her 40s the obesity increasingly took its toll to today through multiple surgeries for knee replacement, constant foot problems, pain, depression, and reduced libido (we still have great sex - but its down to once a week and she only climaxes about half the time). She had to make 4 breaks when we walked together to the mailbox today to catch her breath. I fear we won't have many more years together and I can't imagine life without her. I don't know what to do.
Couldn't find a better thread to post about this, but I wanna share it somewhere. I found my current partner through bbwchan. I'm sure other people have as well and I'm not too special, but I'm still just kind of astonished. We met through an RP request I posted on bbwalt, and we ended up just being a really good match with both our personalities and our kinks. We ended up chatting casually much more than roleplaying, through which we found out that we're both around the same age, and live literally 20 minutes from each other. What are the fucking odds. Few weeks later, I end up driving to his house, and we have a really good time in-person. No kissing, no sexual stuff, no nothing, just two guy being bros. It went so well in fact, that a couple days later I tell him that I love him, and the feelings are more than reciprocated. About a week later (aka today), we met again and have the time of our lives together. I've been so incredibly happy these past few days. Being with someone that I can talk to about our interests and favorite fat artists is so refreshing, it feels dream-like. I know that a relationship like this might not last forever based on our long-term goals, but at the very least I can enjoy the time that we're spending together now. I know that he's gonna be reading this, so to my bf, I love you <3
