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Are most inflation people just fucking retarded? Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 16:02:25 Id:ade59c No. 61916
Genuinely, I've never come across any other crowd so obtuse and cripplingly autistic until I find myself in an inflation-based Discord server. People are typing like they're fucking 12. Everyone has the same basic ass sense of humor and music/film tastes. I don't wanna see another glowing red eyes Shrek in 2025 or read about how they wanna inflate some obscure Transformers character. They make my 13 year old self seem like an absolute charisma magnet.
>>61916 >People are typing like they're fucking 12 >Everyone has the same basic ass sense of humor and music/film tastes. >They make my 13 year old self seem like an absolute charisma magnet. You just described any Twitter ""oomfie"". How coincidental they're all weird sex freaks, huh?
>>61916 Hard to say, the adult characters I get as Kisame are from H-Anime or Anime. I forgot Transformers, Shrek and even Pokemon exist. I play GTA San Andreas now. I just do breast expansion, monster, and pregnancy, and that's it.
>>61923 Ignore the tryhard. Adults always want to play military, cop, firemen. This is why the manosphere is a laughing stock. It is the feeling of a middle aged man like P Diddy
>>61916 I mean what did you honestly expect from a niche fetish discord server? Did you expect to interact with normal people?
I don't know, my manager doesn't consider Cross Crescent. Guys who waste money on 1.4k PC aren't considered adults, neither guys who play Warhammer. Do you see why we don't have this conversation? Real adults support the Donald, not educator, sociologist.
>>61935 He's the ronery male
I don't know why the manosphere and the sociologist are obsessed at converting gamers to their cause. Nobody wants to give the crazies their own platform cause they lose money.
