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Drama/gossip/rumors/shit talk/town square 4.0 Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 20:00:56 Id:e177d6 No. 55694 >>58064
Last one bumplocked. Have at it, boys and girls.
Sadie is retiring but is she leaving the scene altogether?
>>55719 Sadie's really hard to read IMO, I wouldn't be surprised either way. Girl just marches to the beat of her own drum. She's been posting on various fat reddit pages under the name SadieSpecial for a little while now but it's mostly just selfies and complimenting other fat girls.
>>55719 I have to imagine this has at least a little to do with Heather’s announcement that she’s mulling a comeback. Maybe she just has an itch to get in from of the camera again, but it’s really difficult to imagine BigCuties is pulling any profit with the state of their roster. I know she reads these boards so let me be clear: Heather, I’m ready to subscribe. I’ve been waiting for some real deal immobility content for years.
What's the problem with that schizo in the /bbwdraw/ better-with-salt thread? What did Salt do to attract such a weirdo? I can't bear to read his posts about jews and jannies anymore, shit's cringe as fuck.
>>55737 I think you have it backwards; Heather is considering modeling again because Sadie is leaving and I imagine others in the BigCuties roster are considering leaving. Jazz is going full born-again Christian on her socials, which I can only imagine is heralding a quick departure. Gigi has an OnlyFans that I'm sure she's trying to pivot to but hasn't yet for some reason. The only ones I'm confident aren't considering leaving that are Eve (works for BC), Steph (has a history with Heather), and Beccabae (would have absolutely done so by now). Honestly, Heather would have an easier time convincing budding models to work for her. Pic related - there's fatties who could be nudged nto this line of work with the right guidance.
>>55765 Nah the second Steph finishes her contractual obligations she is outta there. Rumor has it they really had to overextend to lure her back into modeling and I have never really gotten the impression she enjoys showing off on camera And I disagree with the “budding models” thing because OF is an option. Why work for Heather when you can just do your own thing at your own pace and keep more of the money
>>55783 Hate to break it to you bud, but I'm a close friend of Steph. She's not going anywhere unless she gets a clear signal that BigCuties is going down. She's shy on camera but she's come out of her shell somewhat over the past few years. Her "contractual obligations" work for the pace she's able to get sets out. And that's what I'm saying - these girls are only considering OF because there's literally no outreach at BigCuties. If Heather or someone close to her can recruit I'm sure they could make a case for the traditional paysite model better than any of us could, but it's likely that OF would still be the better option.
>>55761 Either an incredibly persistent psycho determined to ruin BWS’s image for some perceived slight against him, an especially brain-damaged troll lurking the forum or (my favorite theory) BWS himself though that one is more of a joke.
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this site is deader than dead
>>55799 I am so fucking disappointed in BigCuties for doing this. You may as well admit no one wants to model for you.
>>55784 It doesn't matter how much outreach they do at BC even when they do get new models they don't stick around long because there are so many problems and it holds them back so much compared to OF. It doesn't take long for new models to realize it. The only reason Gigi has stayed is because it's not her top priority. I don't know what she has going on in life besides modeling, job or school or someone supporting her, but modeling hasn't been #1. I know for any new girls that want to make real money or that need to support themselves it's not sustainable or worth it to stick with BC.
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>>55799 >BigCuties is putting out AI sets to save on the costs of hiring actual BBWs I hate this planet.
>>55799 What the actual fuck.
Whats the deal with MSFB’s cat crushing? Anyone got the video?
>>55799 tbf it's BC Bonanza, which is notorious for one-off models and much lower quality content than the main site. Still not a good sign especially with Sadie recently announcing her retirement
>>55799 The cult of Kek will hear about this. Obliterance will not be tolerated.
>>55819 Overblown and wrongly placed blame on Roxxie.
>>55825 Also who the fuck asks for the video? If you're trolling you're not supposed to look like the scum of the earth wanting to see an animal die.
>>55827 I don’t know how this bullshit is still a thing. Now Roxxies the culprit when for years this was a rumour in the NYC/New England scene involving other models.
>>55819 her WHAT
>>55825 Roxxie choked out a cat to death with her bare hands in front of everyone. We all saw it. There were 10+ witnesses. She had this wicked look in her eyes like she was getting off on it, it was truly sadistic. She was crouched down on the ground, hunched over like an evil troll while she pushed all her weight down on the poor innocent creature, the whole time with a wild grin on her face. It was horrifying. We were yelling, screaming, begging her to stop but she was just too heavy no one could move her or get her to budge at all. We really tried to save that animal's life, but she was just too fat. I won't get into the details of watching that poor cat move on to the next life... but it's an image that will never leave my mind, ever. I was traumatized that day. I don't know whose cat it was, or why this rumor got twisted into her sitting on it by accident, but that's not what happened. I know what I saw. Roxxie is truly a monster.
>>55799 this is genuinely disgraceful but part of me thinks it’s hilarious how similar the AI girl looks to the actual human big cuties after heather finishes obsessively air brushing and photoshopping out all their imperfections
>>55885 True. I didn't read the caption when I first saw the pic and my immediate thought was damn they went a little too nuts with the photoshop on this one.
>>55876 does this is real?
>>55894 Yes, does this is indeed
>The BWS schizo has resorted to spamming the thread with a tl;dr copypasta and images from a Warioware game How low is he willing to go?
>>55930 mental illness of the highest caliber
>>55943 Mods will say "Just report it and move on" Nigga, I reported it hours ago. Whatever philosophy Barclay is using to moderate this site is not fucking working.
I’m really dissatisfied with the quality of the internet these days. My peoples are well aware how good all can be.
Much of 4chan recently seemed like intentionally suppressive spam. To no ones surprise it correlates with how 20,000 Levantine kids recently were murdered because the rest of the world was suppressed, prevented from being able to effectively solve problems and protect them. Places like 4chan could’ve easily prevented such problems back a decade ago when the website was full of diverse true community.
It’s disturbing and suspicious that no one has yet simply replaced 4chan with a similar website or an exact copy. I feel people have made the perfect alternatives. Yet I worry about sus intentional stifled flow of information about migrating to the true alternative. I wonder about solutions. Power to things like Discord.com speeding word about accessing the true internet.
>>55953 Spammer from irrelevant country trying to be relevant. How poetic.
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>>55953 >He's back
>>55956 Holy shit, get a hobby man. This is pathetic.
>>55894 >>55876 Roxxie did not sit on a cat. That’s almost certainly true. One of the New England models, perhaps MSFB, probably did sit on a young kitty about a decade ago. There are old tweets and other digital artifacts.
Did we every get a reason as to why this schizop hates BWS
>>55720 Following up on this, she posted "stay tuned" with regards to her next move. Would love to see her content take a raunchier turn but I wouldn't hold my breath.
>>55720 I'm guessing Sadie has had a falling out with Heather and that's the reason she's leaving the site, if this was over money or wanting to make different content she would've left years ago, I'm thinking she's reached the point where she can't handle being as big as she is and needs to slim down and Heather can't or won't cover for her hence why Sadie is calling it quits.
>>56301 Genuinely plausible, Sadie never gave off the impression that she LIKES being fat. She likes the attention obviously, but being with BigCuties there's an expectation that you're going to gain weight and frankly Sadie doesn't seem comfortable with the idea of being 600lbs. Which is absolutely what she'd be hurdling towards. I think tofu put it in her head she can do the same boring crap on her own without pigging out to immobility. At least this way she keeps a bigger cut after expenses. Don't expect anything more adventurous - if BoBerry's VIP site is any indicator, it's going to be bland with hints of good stuff. Heather just doesn't have any pull now. Once BoBerry left that was the beginning of the end. I know she's considering going back to modeling but she hasn't put out content in years, and even before that it was an update once a year. She couldn't even adhere to her own schedule.
I am sorry but the idea of fucking Sadie pulling a Boberry sounds profoundly boring to me. Boberry at least understands her sex appeal and is willing to be a bit of a tease (I’m not saying the content is good, of course). Sadie’s got the personality of a doorknob.
>>56301 Also this site has forever had this weird image of Heather as this evil headmistress who forces her girls to gain extreme amounts of weight, when the fact of the matter is most of them are depressed food addicts or genetic misfires who would have just kept blowing up anyway. She’s employed MULTIPLE smallfats who never gained any meaningful weight and Marilyn still models there despite losing a good chunk of weight years ago and never regaining it. I know Big Cuties has heavy feedist leanings and she probably encourages every model to do stuffing and eating sets but acting like Heather has direct dominion over how fat her models get is some dork bbwchanner coombrain nonsense.
What’s the latest on Jae? Is she actually making content again?
>>56320 Yeah someone posted two vids from her "SexPanther" (whatever the fuck that even is) on /ssbbw and it's somehow already her worst content. The videos didn't even have sound.
>>56322 >Also this site has forever had this weird image of Heather as this evil headmistress who forces her girls to gain extreme amounts of weight great new content idea!
I asked some big questions about Jenni B on the previous gossip thread but that was around the time it went inactive due to this one. If someone could answer them for me and link her new Chan thread (her previous thread also went under. Can’t even be viewed now) I’d appreciate it. I can mention them later here again if needed
>>56603 Panties covering her ass didn’t help. That’s my worst pet peeve for ssbbw videos. Idk whether these models are clueless about it or just trolling us. And on the sound topic and since I just mentioned Jenni B, that brings me to one of her best videos not having sound. I don’t have it handy but it’s one where her ass is right in front of the camera and she violently bounces on the seat for over a minute. Such a hot video yet no sound is a weird choice. Sound is also part of what made her last 2019 video before her 3 year hiatus her weirdest video yet. Did anyone else notice these?
>>56610 > That’s my worst pet peeve for ssbbw videos Pet Peeve? Didn’t Roxxie squash him?
>>56611 Nigga we can see you >>55965 No one's laughing but your dumb ass
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From who, where, when is the pic from, and what is its context? Gives me hookup vibes but idk for sure
>>56711 This looks fairly innocent but I have similar questions about those pics and vids of Asshley having a threesome that leaked directly on bbwchan a few years ago
>>56711 >>56714 Doesn’t necessarily look innocent to me. Imagine if this leads to a sex tape. I mean, the pic looks like something that would lead to a tape or at least nudes. The irony of if a model who did official hardcore content actually has hardcore content floating around somewhere out there…
>>56762 *who never did official hardcore content
>>56762 A woman lying on a bed fully clothed doesn't look innocent to you, and you go on to insist this leads to a sex tape. Go. Outside.
>>56764 Yeah I understand this thread doesn’t have a lot of action so far but this is the biggest non story any bbwchan drama thread has had possibly ever
>>56711 Her ass is disgustingly flat
Definitely think Spanx is going for 700lbs before the end of 2025. She's asking for scooter money and looking to be settling in for an immobile future. Already over 655lbs. Wouldn't sleep on Spanx.
>>56792 I feel like people are only sleeping on spanx beluga because she's lazy about putting out content. Mostly because she's just so busy being fat as fuck haha. She's legit excited about getting scooter though like she's the real deal. And she puts out sex tapes and shit which like almost no one that size does
Like, spanx has videos where she's legit just getting off to just watching people fry food. She also does underwater jiggle videos which is pretty rare as well. Her fat chat vids are special too. Lots of girls in this community are way underrated and I'm not sure why. Spanx has an ass you can hide your entire head inside so it's not likes she's just all belly
>>56764 Ass up, shirt untucked, and the fact that this wasn’t a pic from one of her sets in the first place leads doesn’t make the pic seem innocent. Obviously it’s legal but I mean it’s probably a pic when sex happened shortly after. However nowhere in that comment your replied to was there a confirmation that sex actually happened. >>56791 Which makes me think the pic is very old but there is a chance it could be new. Maybe she has lost weight since her last updates, but more than likely this was before she gained a lot more weight and was in the earlier stages of her Ssbbw modeling journey
>>56792 >>56800 It's cause of the trashy tattoos and the C-section scar on her belly. Thats why people sleep on her. But yeah never posting doesn't really help either lol
>>56805 Is that not the typical WLS scar? Asshley has one too and we know she got WLS before her BigCuties debut. Spanx used to model under the name Blake Monarch for RedHotPhatGirls or whatever that old site was called, disappeared for several years and resurfaced even bigger and has obviously gotten crazy huge since then. She probably wouldn't ever acknowledge it but I always assumed she'd had WLS between modeling stints but I cannot remember if she had the scar as Blake Monarch.
>>56805 It's not a C section scar, but it IS a scar that frankly turned me off when it was fresh. Since it's faded and she's gaining like a girl possessed, I'm getting back into her.
So who other than Reenaye can we credibly say faked their weight gain? I know Reenaye was outed publicly but her “700 pound” weigh in was posted recently and it’s there are so many sketchy camera cuts you’d have to be nuts to think it was legit. I get that there’s a fantasy element to this stuff that is being sold to us and I’m not angry about the idea of it, mostly just curious lol
>>56826 The only other ones I know who have faked their size have been Ivy Davenport, BBBXXL, Lailani, and Lauren Lush
>>56852 I mean Lailani is the most obvious case of it, period, but nobody really gives a fuck because she hasn't been relevant in years and can't even really be called out on it because of the language barrier. I put Ivy in the same category as her old pal Reenaye, tbh, as a purveyor of extreme fantasy where some exaggeration is a feature, not a bug. She's been around a long time and is really blobby with zero muscle definition so I'm inclined to believe she's over 500 pounds but beyond that I'd be skeptical. Not sure if she ever claimed 600 and beyond so maybe I'm in the wrong there. Lauren and BBB I have no thoughts on, except BBB is borderline illiterate and probably can't read a scale.
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How high would you guys guess Lailani's weight to be at her peak (2013?)?
>>56867 She's tallish so 450? IMO guessing weight by pics or video is a sucker's game. There's a weird paradox where up to a certain size, say healthy-thin to plump, the camera adds weight. While at some point, what we call SSBBW, they actually look smaller. The biggest woman I've been with was 5'4" and 375 and IRL she seemed massive — turned heads wherever we went. But in pics of her alone, without a thinner person for scale, she didn't look -that- big, at least compared to most of the models on /ssbbw.
What girls fuck for money? I gotta know.
>>56916 There is basically no concrete proof that anyone of note does but I am sure there are some instances of girls that offered “sessions” where if you play your cards right… But again, just a guess.
>>56867 >>56885 400ish. Tallness adds a lot but she was no way she was much heavier than that imo.
I'll put some cards on the table re: sessions and paying for sex. I've never done either but I have two anecdotes related to the topic, one personal and one secondhand. When I was in my early 20s I was living in southern New Hampshire and saw that a model who was relatively local to me, Xujtta, was offering sessions with BigCutie Bonnie who was visiting from England. I found Xujtta pretty gross (she looks like she smells like piss, can't explain it) but was a big fan of Bonnie's and figured I'd look into it because I was that deadly combination of bored and horny. I corresponded with Jen/Xujtta who was extremely professional and courteous. She laid out all the ground rules - I'd pay 300 an hour and supply all the food if I wanted to feed them, there would be no cameras unless I signed some forms, squashing, belly play and worship were all on the table but there would be zero sexual contact and my clothes would stay on, but I was free to use her bathroom if I needed to finish at any time. I booked a two hour session with them, Jen even CC'd Bonnie who emailed saying she was So ExCiTeD (nice touch, admittedly) but I ended up cancelling because I decided spending upwards of 750+ dollars to get sat on by two fat women, one of whom I didn't even like, wasn't worth it for my broke ass. But that's a little glimpse into what session booking is like, at least. Would be interested to hear stories from dudes who have actually gone through with it! Now, on the other hand... before I was into fat women, I came up in the breast expansion/big tits fetish community - do we have any BEArchive users here? I spent a lot of time on that forum in my teens and early twenties and still peruse it every so often. Maybe some of you know Chelsea Charms, the model and exotic dancer who had the world's biggest breast implants and toured the country performing in strip joints and doing private dances and sessions for most of the 2000s right up until the pandemic. BEArchive guys will tell you Chelsea had pretty strict rules for private dances but, yes, play your cards right and you might get something extra. I remember one guy claiming she was "full service" when he booked her. Chelsea has since retired and gotten her implants removed but did a series of Q&A videos where she alludes to having seen celebrities, athletes, and politicians for private dances, which to me implies she retired with enough money to live comfortably - basically, what I'm trying to say is, if someone of her fame and status was available for full service, I wouldn't rule it out that it happens in this community too. But of course I am just speculating.
>>56930 I don't have anything to add re: sessions and paying for sex (unless you want to hear a story about a stripper who wasn't fat) but I too was a BEArchive user. In my case I was on there when I was still in my early teens; BE is something I grew out of before I was even an adult. Nowadays I find it childish and am always baffled at how people can get off on things which are impossible IRL. But maybe I'm being an asshole there.
>>56931 You would. Do you think the paying for sex contributed to all the other problems in your life and complaints you make around the Chan? In every thread you contribute to you sound persistently bitter about having no juice and being unable to pull the women you think you deserve. Maybe if you did less pay to play winning you wouldn’t have outranked your skill level.
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Don't really know of a better place to put this and wouldn't want to waste a thread over on /ssbbw. Anyways: Letaskelsie just posted this on her IG story. Possible comeback?
>>56960 I thought she was a government employee?
>>56960 I wonder why the 4% are following her.
>>56962 Tbh I think these are just the small fraction of honest people. Like yeah 96% of people want for her to get back to making content, but how many would actually buy her content?
>>56960 Posted it on her thread, thankfully it didn't autosage and die off by now. I'm guessing she's probably desperate for attention since her latest breakup, which is unfortunate but oh well the cycle continues >>56961 She's not a government employee per se, she works for a nonprofit that specializes in employment advancement. But either that's changed or maybe she thinks she can get away with it. >>56963 Probably friends of hers too, but this might be the reason: honest fans who don't have two nickels to their name. Frankly if she makes content I'm not hesitating this time; I'm subbing on day 1 and backing up what I can.
>>56930 I've sessioned with Amazon Amanda 4 times now and would highly recommend if you're interested in a squashing/fetish session. I mainly did squashing/facesitting each session, but each time was a great experience. Communication was easy and smooth, she is very charismatic and fun. Bigger in person doesn't even describe the first time you see her, just daunting and overpowering. Her calves alone are bigger than my thighs, and the amount of muscle in her lower half is extraordinary. She's the only person I've done sessions with but they've all been great experiences.
>>56931 I had a session with Leighton Rose and she was great. She's friendly and willing to do pretty much anything in bed within reason. I didn't last a full hour, but still well worth it.
>>56964 She could get away with it better this time if she simply uses a name for content that is not literally her legal name.
>>56965 You reminded me I actually had an interaction with Amanda a few years ago, on Tinder, of all places. I super liked her for shits and giggles, assuming she was on there for session purposes, and she matched me immediately. Said she was in my area for sessions and was booked solid but that I could always reach out on her site and socials for future bookings. She seemed extremely polite and approachable. What have you paid for her services if you don't mind me asking?
>>56992 $400/hour
>>56981 Would love to hear more about this if you’re comfortable sharing.
more manic Jae stuff being posted over in /ssbbw/. not on TikTok so I can’t confirm how bad it really is but can’t say I’m surprised Reenaye meanwhile is trying to move to France??
>>57064 >Reenaye meanwhile is trying to move to France?? The heart wants what the heart wants but I wonder if she knows what she's in for. In my experience France one of the most fat-phobic countries in Europe. I've been 5x and I'm not sure I ever saw a woman over 300 pounds outside of the main tourist areas of Paris, much less 500. Not that USBBWs have it easy here socially, but she should be prepared for absolutely no discretion when it comes to opinions on her size. My plumpish wife caught plenty of attitude when we were there. Though the attitudes are the least of it... Much of the infrastructure is not disabled-friendly by EU standards, and Rennaye seems to be all but scooter-bound these days. Not to mention everything is built way smaller than the US in general, from bathrooms to elevators to supermarket aisles. I'm a midsized American man (5'10", 190) from NYC and found a lot of spaces cramped. Assuming hubby's own chateau can accommodate her, I hope she's prepared to never leave it.
>>57064 Reenaye is at a cross roads with her life it seems. She finally is pushing out the (I expect) last of her content and ready to retire. She doesn't have anyone else in her life locally she can trust since she loves to burn bridges but can't stop (20 year friendship thrown away being one). She is going to learn how difficult France is. I have never been but studied France for years and they are incredibly fatphobic and rude over there to fat people. Her being an ssbbw is not going to help her case unless she never leaves the house (doubtful). If she claims Asylum and gives up her US citizenship good luck finding a replacement country. She could always try Canada if this marriage doesn't work out.
>>57110 >>57143 She’s really old. The issue is the gen-z fat content creators suck and the millenial and gen-x ones have held on far longer than they should have and being a internet whore is their entire identity and social network. Idk whose cranking their hog to 40+ year old women with decades of better content.
>>57146 I’d say there’s still value in taking on a woman like her. I agree about these women knowing nothing else but this scene, but isn’t that to our advantage? Anyone outside of the community would have probably just sprung for WLS, where these girls just want a nice guy to take them in. Where else in 2024 can you find such a streamlined dynamic for a relationship?
>>57172 They want a nice guy but they're not going to be nice ladies. That's the catch. Why would a kind man put up with it? A man who just sees her as a fucktoy will put up with a rancid personality, but nice men won't see them that way and will get tired of not having the kindness and care reciprocated.
>>57110 >>57143 This is all assuming if the guy she's hooked up with stays with her which I don't see happening at all
>>57176 Women that big are expensive. Think exotic pets but moreso. And they talk.
>>57182 I don't even think it's about the money, they've been together for four years and he hasn't popped the question or made the effort to move to the US, Reenaye might love this guy but it looks like from his perspective she's just side pussy for him and I have feeling Reenaye is in for a very rude awakening if she moves to France. Something else to consider too, is she might be able to move to France but her kids are another story because depending on the custody situation her ex-husband could tell no about the kids going with her and there isn't anything she can do to stop it, as the father he has the right to see his children unless she has sole custody or he's lost his parental rights some how.
>>57188 Depends on the state and specific rulings in the divorce.
>>57146 >Idk whose cranking their hog to 40+ year old women with decades of better content. Me... I'm a fan and continue to pay for her c4s stuff. IMO she still puts out a quality product and the weight kayfab doesn't bother me. She's among the most plugged in to the FA/feeder brain vs. attractiveness, no matter how dykey her haircut.
>>57206 Got it. Gay guys.
>>57146 Lo, no matter what the conversation is some incel will find a way to say he hates women. "Hmm, my input on Reenaye moving to France is that... Gen z women suck and millenials/gen x are whores."
>>57209 >“Everyone is an incel. Men should be forced by the govt to pay post-reproductive women for sex work.”
>>57209 "More gravy Incelus?" "No mom — you're a whore and gravy is gay! Women are cunts and anyone who likes them is gay! Everything is gay! I'm gay!" "Incelus, did you just...?" "GAY WHORE GAY WHORE GAY GAY GAY!!!"
>>57209 1) People buy old woman porn 2) Post it to a fetish board that isn’t geriatric focused. 3) People discuss why we’re looking at wrinkly old elephant skin 4) Everyone is an incel
>>57064 She’s allegedly doing content again and opened up one of those SextPanther things
Besides logistics, I’m curious what were/are good reasons why popular Ssbbw models never collabed with each other, rarely collabed, or took so long to? For example, Sadie and Boberry are 2 of the most popular models and both were with BC for a long time yet a collab of them took over 10 years after they entered the scene to happen. Boberry wasn’t even part of BC at that point. In another example, Jenni Bombshell and Viva La Valerie were a popular request for a collab over a decade ago but that never happened, even though both collabed with Brie Brown who was part of a different site from either of them. Always thought it was weird they collabed with her considering she was a hardcore legend but they never touched hardcore
>>57332 I mean a lot of it boils down to logistics like you said. In the case of Brie, Jenni, Val, these were all grown ass women with jobs and lives, not 22 year old onlyfans thots with no real responsibilities who can travel to collab much more freely. On Boberry and Sadie, it’s been theorized that Bo wasn’t really as open to collabs as other girls (some people think this feeds into the mean girl persona you hear rumblings about). As for why it came out after she left BC I have always guessed it was shot while she was still with them and it got stuck in the content pipeline for a long time.
What the fuck is going down with Kaybearcutie? She has completely come unglued and lost her damn mind. Like, her thread is a mess rn, and I went and looked at LL’s and it is clear that Kayla is having a full meltdown. She used to be kind of hot, but she isn’t hot enough to justify the level of crazy she has going on. Plus, her face looks busted now that she has gained. Body is still dope af, but she’s been looking ROUGH.
>>57336 Who wants collabs? It’s never good content. Just two women sitting around doing nothing. Just stand up, show the good and dance or put on clothes or something. But these cartoon crossovers are woof.
>>57355 Colabs with skinny girls are the best though. Bring back petite vs plump
>>57355 >>Just two women sitting around doing nothing Or worse, laughing obnoxiously while slowly picking at food. Or even worse, rambling through completely made up scenarios that no one has any interest in whatsoever, like 75% of Ivy's collabs and 100% of Summer's collabs
>>57348 The model world is full of drama. The fact Kayla went as far to get a polygraph test done to clear her name should show you she wants this drama over with. I trust her, now the other models are on Team Lauren Lush so you be the judge of that.
>>57355 I actually agree with this, tbh. There's a lot of bad collabs where the novelty of seeing two notable models dries up almost immediately. The Boberry/Sadie one was literal years in the making and just a tremendous disappointment. Not that there haven't been good ones, of course. Ash and Kellie Kay got crazy fat together during their collab period and Jae and Brianna did some of the best fat girl-on-girl you'll ever see. I agree I want more skinny girl on fat girl stuff which only LisaLou seems to be doing lately.
>>57332 >>57336 I noticed Jenni usually collabed with models who weren’t blonde, weren’t much taller than her, didn’t have better butts. Perhaps she saw those things in Valerie and didn’t want the collab. Maybe she thought the height difference would be too distracting. Val is above 6 feet tall apparently. >>57355 Collabs can be good. Look at the Bombshell collabs. The bedroom fun videos look pretty good but they are somehow missing even after all this time. Weird. >>57367 I wonder if anyone has mentioned to Boberry or Sadie how bad their collab was. If so I wonder what the reaction/response was
>>57367 Dumplin has some decent contrast vids with some skinny blonde chick from when she first started putting out content
>>57348 Too many simps support her regardless of anything and are buying her content no matter how high the price or poor the quality. There are people who are buying all these horrible $30 videos where all she does is sit fully clothed in her car and eat, otherwise she wouldn't keep making them. In that kind of echo chamber there won't be any constructive criticism, only support for bad behavior.
>>57367 Funnily enough the Lisa/roxxie content was pretty good. Cool to see Rox do girl-girl for the first time ever even if it was just making out
>>57348 I remember hearing that she had an on-again-off-again relationship with Dr Now's son for years. Is that true?
>>57375 > Funnily enough the Lisa/roxxie content was pretty good Surprised they got over the cat fiasco and Twitter doxxing.
>>57370 Anyone have any of this?
Onlkrissy87 leaving social media and only doing PG-only vlog style content on onlyfans... :( Any guesses on what brought that change..?
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>>57469 forgot to add
>>57470 Her YouTube ended up changing from promoting her content to couples mukbang. I don't see much buzz around someone who can't even update her socials properly and sell exciting content. Likely the buzz wore off and financially this wasn't a good boost anymore.
>>56805 Her tats and also her horrible white trash clown makeup. She's got a decent underlying face in the occasional candid Tiktoks where she's not wearing it, and if she learned to give herself a normal understated set of brows and eyeliner it would make her a lot cuter.
>>57480 Are we really surprised? If you're not making content consistently, you're going to fall off. I can't imagine anyone sticking around for this PG style OF content - it reeks of narcissism. Like we want to know the thoughts of a 550lb valley girl. We got what we wanted out of her. Time to move on.
>>56916 >>56917 One of the last times we heard from Lexxxi Luxe her and Cotton Candi were going on tour to do sessions that were very explicitly “we’ll do stuff to you” coded. I respect how upfront they were about it
Is bbwunniemia from Curvage a real person?
>>55694 Any word or update on Casey lately? I know she deleted all social media and her accounts on Curvage and OF after announcing she was in a relationship/starting a family and people doxxed her. I assume she's done?
Fuck I think Joynado (Joy Hill) might have passed away. Can anyone confirm?
>>58093 She did. Her husband posted so on IG.
>>58096 Unbelievably trashy of kellykay to tag her sponsored brand in the post about her dead friend lmao
>>58112 Relax, I'm sure it automatically switched to the tag when she typed it in.
>>58112 This big time attention getter and likely wanted the brand to make a statement on it. What a shock and another lost...
>>58095 If Chris is up for it, he is about to his pick of sympathy SSBBW poon.
>>58096 >>58095 Sad, I’d heard she was sick but didn’t realize it was cancer. Always thought she was one of the cooler girls in the Feabie in-crowd.
>>58116 Bias alert, someone gets defensive about the word trashy (hint it's you). Just go back to recording your jan 6 freedom fighers anthem you inbred braindead hillbilly. Why the fuck would she be mentioning the brand, AT ALL, in a post about her dead friend? Because she's trashy. You can take the girl out of ohio, but you can't take the ohio out of the girl. Though in this case, the girl also stayed in ohio.
>>58159 >Why the fuck would she be mentioning the brand Because that's how they met...? If I met a friend while working at Microsoft, and they died, I might mention "Microsoft" in writing my eulogy. Like I said, relax. Your hate boner for her is interfering with your common sense. Though Ohio sucks so that part is justified.
I was cleaning out old links and went to PassionBBW's instagram for the first time in forever since she left the scene.. looks like her husband transitioned.
>>58177 She's been trans widowed?
>>58168 Dude. I've jerked to kelly kay countless times. I have a regular boner, not a hate boner. It's just OBJECTIVELY trashy to tag a brand in a memorial post, under any circumstances. There's no reasonable explanation for it.
>>58177 Top lol
>>58178 Seems like shes’s going along for the ride
>>58179 It’s trashy to do a lot of things the models do. Its trashy to fuck your freind s husbands, It’s trashy to shit in the tub, it’s trashy to sit on a cat, it’s trashy to sell freaky nudes online for money
>>56320 What a shock that this exact scenario is playing out. Her OF is already on coomer and it's even worse content than her BigCuties stuff.
>>59531 It was obvious to anyone this was a misguided cash grab. She genuinely doesn't understand her own appeal but is more than willing to charge $6 here and $8 for just regular activities on top of the sub price. Someone needs to sit her down and tell her if she wants to think of herself as a model, she needs to do more than just fat girl things. I read on this site that Jenni Bombshell thought of herself as a model that just happens to be fat and frankly, that seems to be what Sadie is going for. And I thought Jenni's content was boring too.
>>59536 Yeah there’s some misguided Jenni worship going around this place lately. You have to do more than just be fat and stand there.
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This is a real experience citation on a prominent model’s LinkedIn résumé/profile that got leaked in another thread. I’m not gonna say who, but this is really fucking funny. >Hint; it isn’t Beccabae
>>59689 Adeline. That reads like a white women with a psych degree trying to get a PM job bossing around India ad-tech workers
>>59692 Correct.
>>59693 Yeah, idk, this worked for the last 10 years brilliantly because gender quotas and all made any team of brownskinned tech workers need a lady on the team and no white woman ever did any actual work they all got away with “designed and executed strategy”…no you didn’t and prove what you did. Not sure if daddy Trumps forcing companies to hire BA degree ladies to boss around the MS H1b holders.
>>59689 She owned a smoke shop at one point, why on Earth isn't she putting that instead? Instead she's putting all her eggs in one basket that no one is going to follow up on her self-employment experience. I get that being in your 30s with no real paper trail is concerned, but Jesus. Not to mention, she has to compete with people younger than her with more tangible experience and accreditation, that also are at most half her size. I just don't see what this is going to accomplish. Maybe a gig at betterhelp?
>>59689 >>Hint; it isn’t Beccabae Coulda fooled me. I can't think of any other long-standing model (other than >>59692) that looks like they don't have an actual job and are "young" enough to be pursuing a career.
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>>59705 Replace Both 'Scrolled on Instagram' categories with 'Checked BBW-Chan and Feabie daily' and I think you're golden
>>59705 >>59689 >plus-size communities Fat Admirers...?
>>59536 Jenni can still move around well enough for being an ssbbw in her 50s. Sadie has been pushing immobility in her 30s. Seems like she does more feedee content than Jenni who barely did any on camera eating and when she did it wasn’t at all sexual >>59552 She gets a pass because she has one of the greatest asses of all time but she did alot more than just stand there. I feel like people who complain about fat women’s content being boring either want the fat women to do hardcore, talk dirty, or be a feedee or play into the fat pushing immobility angle. If the ssbbw don’t do any of that, their content is considered boring by yall. Smh. Where is the “misguided Jenni worship” around here lately?
>>59689 I honestly give her a lot of credit for being able to transcribe "I gained 300 pounds and made porn about it" into LinkedIn jargon/technobabble. Assuming she had some kind of ChatGPT type help with it.
>>59774 I know everyone thinks she's dumb or whatever because she put on a bunch of weight for the sake of this fetish. I used to talk to her pretty much all the time, and she's really intelligent and super cool. I've talked to normies who aren't niche internet famous with way worse attitudes. The fame has not gone to her head at all. Great taste in music as well. I hope she's doing good.
>>59819 That's the thing - she's not dumb. There's plenty of ditzy models around her size or getting close to it, and there's women mentioned in this thread already who have the same level of education and higher and they're *pleasant*, but the jury is out on if they're intelligent. The thing is, the LinkedIn experience thing is laughable because we know the whole story. It could conceivably fool a recruiter who doesn't know better (even if there's too much jargon to be believeable) but we know she's trying to dress up fetish modeling as something else. She's technically self-employed but I'm curious to see how she justifies it when held up to scrutiny.
>>59823 >>59819 She’s smart for a white woman. It’s not like she’s going to ever produce more value in the world than she’s consumed or even the caused damage.
>>59823 She speaks v e r y s l o w l y which is why people think she’s dumb imo
>>59906 Amanda is my bitch. Fuck off.
>>58112 The fat white chick dating two black dudes is trashy you say?
"The incident reportedly occurred in early January in the city of Detroit. Demoss claims that when the Lyft driver pulled up in his Mercedes-Benz sedan he immediately locked his doors and rejected her based on her weight. The driver told Demoss that she would not fit in his car to which she responded with can fit in this car." He followed with "Believe me, you can't." The driver apologized for the issue, saying his tires wouldn't be able to handle the weight. He told Demoss that he would cancel the ride and ensured she would get a refund, suggesting that she may need an Uber XL." Latest update I've seen from her in a while and it's a wild Instagram post with her in it.
>>59949 Isn't Lyft the go to for fat black women who don't like taking the bus or subway?
>>59949 Did no one teach this dumb heifer about Arbitration Clauses? As soon as she signed up to use the service, she waived away her right to take them to court. She also better shut up before she gets blacklisted from getting rides lol. No one's going to want to tow this loud mouth whale around and fuck up their score and suspensions.
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Any idea who this former big cutie is who lost weight and is making vids bashing feedism now? I thought of Britt but i couldn't find anything recent from her
>>59952 bro if i was uber driving and a girl like dank demoss was my pax i'd be trying to get her number and a date the entire time
but yeah arbitration fucks both the customer and the driver lol
>>59954 Trysta? Only former Big Cutie to become a skinny recently unless Asshley?
>>59996 As far as the Bigcuties who've dropped all the weight you have Sami, Nova, and Verona, so I think it's one of them, Asshley and Trysta both had a good experiences working for Heather and even though they've lost a lot of weight I wouldn't call either one "thin".
Does anyone know what's going on with or what happened to Beccabae? She just randomly retired from BC but is still active ish online.
>>59954 Are we certain the model in question was a former bigcutie? From the syntax of this post, and their responses in the comments, I'm getting the feeling this person isn't the most reliable source for exact information. It reads either like someone stupid or a girl, neither of whom would be guaranteed to know for absolute certain if a model was or was not a bigcutie. Like, I could easily see some random girl seeing a post from skinny model bashing feedism, and her just assuming the model used to be a bigcutie.
>>60074 She broke up with her boyfriend of like 10+ years and was living with Brianna in Indiana. She’s since moved back to Oregon, originally with her parents but she quickly found a new bf.
>>60135 I'm almost certain I remember hearing Nova was antagonistic about the whole experience after she quit.
>>60136 So she's just done now?
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CurvyGothGF just came back from another long hiatus (this time she was gone for a year). Her previous hiatus was because she got doxxed; I don't know what the reason for this most recent hiatus was. Doesn't look like she's gained any weight but she has some new tattoos. Does anyone know if she's still with that really fat German guy? If you're not up on the lore: She started out as an FFA (going so far as to move across the world to marry and live with a guy she met online just because he was so fat) and ended up unintentionally gaining a bunch of relationship weight. She decided to capitalise on this and ostensibly became a feedee. I'm wondering if they're still together because if they are, I find it odd that she's still the same size.
>>60713 man I hope they're still together. They were so cute.
Dani Pumpkinz/Pumpkin Cakez, Princess Pawg/COA, Chelsea Higley, Mal Malloy, Jexkaa, etc how/why did these and so many other all star bbw pawgs fall off so hard?
>>60790 I mean, Jexka is clearly a drug addled loser (hard to "fall off" when you're bad at porn to begin with IMO) and Mal's middle aged with kids.
>>56916 Bumping this convo because I have been bored and horny lately and looking into this. Vivienne Rose, Julie Ginger, and Eliza Allure are on Tryst but those are the only recognizable names I've come across so far.
>>61374 I heard a bunch of sex workers and pornographers are looking to offshore their work because they’re scared Americas Theocratic nature is getting out of hand. I’m a Christian so, idgaf if we outlaw prostitution and crack down on the LGTBQ thing.
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4chan is down.
>>61405 Well then you aren't a real Christian then, just pond scum
>>61405 You're what's wrong with this species
>>61405 If your a Christian why are you here ?
>>61405 sex workers and pornographers are absolutely the type of people to expect fascist panic overreactions from. the less of them here involved in our elections the better
>>61500 Maybe it’s because they are the first ones to be targeted by laws that censor their existence, because so few will defend them or be upset when they are affected despite most of the USA consuming porn in some form. Ex. SESTA/FOSTA. Restricting their expression online is just a way for gov to get their foot in the door and censor everyone else too, because at first it only targets sex workers nobody bats an eye. The first amendment is good actually, censorship is bad regardless of how you feel about porn.
Anyone see Ivy's new teaser photo with Summer Marshmallow? I swear Summer looks huge next to her. I haven't seen anything from Ivy since the circus video with Nadya. Did Ivy lose a bunch of weight??
>>61875 Yes, and I thought the same, though it could be the angle and Ivy's particular fat distribution.
>>61899 I'm not sure if Ivy has lost weight but she does look less rough here then she does on her clip4sale
Is /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ even interested in sex? Most of the posts and content over there has been trending exclusively towards weight gain and feedism, with some mild softcore stuff sprinkled from time to time, but on average there's glaring lack of hardcore content.
>>61943 What’s the deal with the protests in your own backyard? I hear the govt loyalist ultramarines are killing elite soccer hooligan deathsquads who allied themselves with the rebel retiree contingent.
>>61944 literal nothingburger, two weeks everyone will forget about it 'till the next event comes about, as long as the Consumer Price Index remains within the 1-5% ranges, every shit like this is just slop and doomposting for the doomscrollers. I could go a little bit more in depth, but long story short, the opposition made a fool of themselves by letting hooligans take the streets. Even the boomers at the meat store today laugh about the 'retiree's that flip cars'.
>>61943 Chan culture in general attracts a lot of dudes who are insecure about their sexuality and can't fathom the idea of seeing a nude man or a dick on screen. There is also a lack of quality hardcore out there right now, IMO, but maybe there is and it's just not on my radar. >>61899 She looks smaller here but that could absolutely be the angle, lighting, or the outfit she's wearing. I would not be surprised if she's letting herself size down a bit though. She's been in the game a long time.
Anyone know the lore of MSFB and the kitty kats? I’ve heard it referred a fair amount. I’m kinda a fur centric feeder fetish 😻
>>62010 There is an urban legend going around that an SSBBW model accidentally sat on a small animal and crushed it to death. You will often see people claiming that MSFB sat on a kitten. Sometimes it's a different model or a different animal; for example I've seen people claiming that Kellie Kay sat on a guinea pig. Trolls post these stories here somewhat frequently. Personally I think it's all bullshit.
Curious, but why does anything with Curvage Casey get deleted? Did shit just get that bad for her, or are the mods just trying to avoid some legal shit?
>>62027 > an SSBBW model accidentally sat on a small animal and crushed it to death. You will often see people claiming that MSFB sat on a kitten. I could see it as sad as it is. That’s sad to hear if not for the felines at least for the models.
Someone recently has said Jenni Bombshell lost 300lbs. I said pics or it didn’t happen. Someone else recently said she’s gained weight, making her bigger than what she was a few years ago. Which is true? Why did she choose to leave at the worst time?
>>62431 Island of tropic diseases. Always the hurricanes blowing, always the population growing.
>>62329 As soon as a model quits Curvage, their content gets taken down. After 30 days any video of said model that hasn't been downloaded is deleted off the server, even if you paid for it and it's in your library.
https://www.instagram.com/stories/anapaulaonselen/3596771754258340042?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=Y2F5OXc5OHBnazdw She was asked when she’d do Only Fans and she responds but in Spanish. Does anyone know what she said for her answer to the OF question?
>>62027 It's just a really bad troll job that got out of hand. I think any time someone asks about it, it's just the same guy under a different IP address tbh.
>>62493 Total troll job by paid agitators. No way a morbidly obese model would have the mobility or speed to have sat a kitty; those things are fast and agile. 9 lives.
>>62493 On feabie and there was a guy notorious for going into women's DMs and asking them to sit on animals. Someone spoke about it in the same way here. I'm almost convinced it's the same guy reviving the rumour

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