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Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:15:44 Id:d5f92e No. 31020
Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
>>50525 Sounds like you're already dating tbh
>>50639 Definitely not dating, we don't do anything intimate or romantic. Literally all we do is hang out and go see movies. I've been to her house before, but it was only for events where her family's invited friends before. >>50637 I probably don't notice, I have some sort of extreme social ineptitude bordering on Asperger's. At this point though I'm sort of happy about that though, because if I actually do recognize that she's aware of me and is into it I would be seriously fucked. She's essentially the embodiment of the feminine chaos energy that destroys civilizations.
>>50646 I'm hanging out with her again on Thursday, if anything happens I'll let you guys know. At the rate she's going she might have her shirt roll up while she walks around or something.
>>50525 What red flags, just asking out of curiosity
My wife this vacation She's turned into a sweets and treats eating machine for some reason Like really a lot.. So hot to see She just can't resist after I bought some stuff and I keep getting new treats since it's gone so fast ^^ And the bed in this place is really suffering under her 400 lbs, so much creaking I'm trying not to be hard all day xD
>>50889 She complaining about how full she is and yet still filling up that gut?
>>50901 Actually yes She's not a gainer or feedee, so that's special Also things like I should stop eating shit, I'm sure I've gained a ton this vacation and similar stuff Great to see, as she's not always like that ;) Her double belly does definetely look bigger too, after she's lost a bit, but didn't really manage to keep it much below 400.. Now she's definetely back at where she was She has those things it takes to be really fat Especially for German standards
>>50912 I wonder how her wardrobe will fare with these extra pounds, she sounds lovely!
>>50913 She complained that her shirts are kinda shorter and end a little higher on her belly (still fit tho) That's true and you see little more backfat now since there's a little less room.. She should stay within that size tho, there's not a lot of clothes after size 64, or 32 in us size, at all in standard online stores over here It usually ends there ^^
>be me >go into dollar store >see's girl, early 20's >wearing bikini top on small tiddies >huge belly >spilling out with deep innie >like full term pregnancy >jean shorts are ready to pop a button >largeish ass >hot af >notices other girl >maybe 2 or 3 years younger >modestly dressed >big belly poking out from shirt and pants >realize they're sisters >mfw I got a live before and after A diffrent time in a target I saw this short latina woman. She had a massive ass and tits with a size to small tracksuit. Her belly was massive, like obvious full term pregnancy but with like 30-40 pounds of fat added on it. I would jave loved to get a good long look at her.
>>49970 Yesterday I saw her and yeah her belly has gotten big. As I said she used to be skinny so seeing her with a round middle that sticks out as far as her fat tits is very new. Her tits looked huge while her ass has been widening. I think she’s put on another 20-30 pounds this year bc she was not this chunky last year. And she doesn’t work out ever so I think it’s possible she just keeps getting bigger. It’s been wild to see over the months.
Had an interesting experience myself recently. I have known this girl for quite a while. Cute but very thin vegetarian, about 5'7 and 130lbs. She is cute but had not looked at her romantically before, don't realy know why. Last few months we started flirted more and recently went on a date. Somehow, we had talked about how she forgets to eat or forgets to have breakfast and I have started telling her she needs to eat and it has become a thing we talk about quite often. Then finally, about a week ago, she had a busy day in which she was eating A LOT. And I mean breakfast, heavy pastries, chips, snacks, cake, etc. Ofcourse I loved it, so everytime she said something she had eaten I said she did good haha. In the evening I jokingly called her "Fat ass" in some conversation and she full on replies "Yeah and whose fault is that". Liking the way this conversation was going I replied "Me. And I worked very hard for that", and she just laughed hahaha. She then said she was just thinking of also eating some cheese and asked me how "we" were feeling about that. At the end of the night she said her belly was hurting and I told her she should rub it, to which she replied "Come over then". Which was still quite direct for how close we were at that point. I will not lie. It is only a small beginning, and her being a vegi, being thin and forgetting to eat does not imply she is likely to get fat, but this experience did get me hard as fuck.
>>51402 She's a perfect feedee bro. She likes eating for you
>>51402 Even if she doesn't get fat, don't fumble the ball with her bro. No woman would do that to a "friend".
So this just happened a few minutes ago. I was filling up at a gas station. This girl comes walking out of the store. Pretty short, probably about 5'2" or less, but she's got this huge, absolutely MASSIVE belly tucked into her shorts. Like, the type of belly so huge that it'll be etched in my memory forever. She gets in the passenger side of her (presumably) boyfriend/husband's car, and the car sinks when she gets in. Soon as the car drives off, the woman at the pump behind me looks at me is disbelief and loudly exclaims "DID YOU SEE THE SIZE OF THE FUCKING GUT ON THAT GIRL!?!?"
>>51615 “BOY DID I EVER” Honestly I love other people’s honest incredulity to fat
>>51615 I can only imagine how big it was for someone to just say that out loud to a complete stranger
Reviving this thread with a short tale. I was doing grocery shopping when I saw a fat 20-something Latina woman. Medium length straight black hair, with a beige skin-tight tank top and black shorts. She looked to be around 5'9" or 5'10", and maybe in the upper 300lbs. Total bombshell, with fat pretty evenly proportioned everywhere. I have to stop myself from staring, then come walks her slightly shorter, skinny BF. My jaw practically dropped to the floor with the sheer size difference between them. Made even crazier that they were in the dairy aisle and she picked out a gallon of milk and chocolate syrup. Not even making this shit up. I for real had myself questioning "Is he one of us??"
was waiting to board a plane on friday and two 20-something girls come huffing and puffing up to the line, one nice and chunky (5'6"ish and ~200) and the other pretty massive (5'4"ish and ~350 with a nice meaty ass that protruded like a shelf) i looked over and saw the smaller one's bag was stuffed with two full-size bag of chips as i heard the fatter one say something like "it was so stupid that i got this huge sandwich, and even more stupid that i'm definitely gonna eat it lol" i let them step in front of me as i was in the last boarding class and was taking a lot of glances at the ~350-pounder's backside as we waited to board :) i was very sad when i saw them flop down in two seats about 10 rows ahead of me, i think they must have bought a third bc no one else was in the row and the bigger gal was absolutely spilling out of her seat i was really hoping i'd end up smushed between them
>>52703 This is a "don't meet your heroes" moment. It would've been hours of blue-balled torture if they didn't make you change your seat, because it's likely you would not have physically fit in that space.
>>52970 >blue-balled torture During the flight, sure. Afterwards it'd be a great memory for the spank bank. >tfw was seated next to a lady with a giga-wide ass one time.
I’ve always found being around Dixi girls impresses
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Just remembered one from high school. Summer break one year I worked for the school district basically being a gofer moving shit around for them - mostly driving books between sites, replacing old edition sets with new sets, classrooms needing to get shuffled, etc. When I wasn't doing random errands I had a little nook in the district office with a desk to come back to and a computer to hang out at do any other menial crap. One day they said someone from district IT would be by to install something on my machine. This huge lady showed up - about 40, brunette but kinda graying. Kind of like missfatbooty looks now that she's getting older. I said hi and yielded my seat. She plopped down and I pretended to hang to the side (kind of like in this photo), ask her about what she was doing, pretending to look across at the monitor but actually looking at her stomach and seated ass the whole time. At one point I opened a file cabinet to the side to take out a drink. I also had some snacks in there and she pointed at a box of goldfish crackers and straight up asked me "can I have some of those?" I happily obliged. I remember thinking it was stereotypically hilarious so I sort of worked it into a conversation with others after she left, like "anyone else want any? I was sharing them with XXX earlier." All the adult employees were like "wait - what?" and got this look of disgusted amusement like it was so pathetic that in her 10 minutes of being at my computer the fat IT lady opportunistically scored free food from a high school kid.
>>52970 I’m a frequent flyer on Southwest, which you would think provides the highest likelihood of sitting nest to a fat person, because: - They have the most fat-friendly seating policies, so a lot of fat people prefer them - You can choose your seat when you board, so you can straight up choose to sit next to a fat person if the seat is free Yet, in 100+ flights, it’s never really worked out. Maybe once or twice, but no one to write home about. And now they’re changing their seating policies, so the window is closing.
>>53384 What are they changing? Legit the only reason my wife and I fly with them…she takes up 1 1/2 seats easily. One time the flight was full and I had to sit with half her ass on me, which was hot but I thought I was going to die close to the end of the flight.
I posted once before but just had a new one… I knew this girl in school, like 15 years ago. Recently moved back to my hometown after a decade away and holy shit she’s huge. I think she’s 5’ and has to be well over 300lbs. It’s not exactly how I thought the weight would end up on her. She was pear shape with a huge ass before but now her ass is big, her thighs are big, but her belly is the roundest thing I’ve ever seen. Its round and wide and her massive tits rest on top of it. She wore sandals but was literally waddling when she walked. I was able to see her up close and her neck and face is just covered in fat. Literally the hottest shit I’ve ever seen.
>>53390 Damn, sounds hot AF. Sounds like you ought to look her up
Married with kids and not willing to risk it. That aside I thought I’d be crazier about her being that big but her body really took a weird shape with the gut like that. It’s almost like she’s pregnant but she’s not, idk. Plus, my wife is thick as hell and has the nicest pussy I’ve ever tasted. She’s not as big as I’d like but she’s high 200s/low 300s and I wouldn’t trade fucking her for the world. Never been with a girl as big and flexible as her, which is why I put 3 kids in her.
So ive posted about this friend before, she was girl A in the post about the sub compact car. I recently went to the beach with her and some other friends. I mentioned that for the longest time she only wore one-piece suits. Friends, this time, despite being fatter than ever from what I can tell, she wore a two piece tube top bathing suit. The tube top fit well, and showed off just how pale and lumpy her belly is. Her hair was tied up so you could really see how the top pinched into her back rolls of pale, soft fat. I hadn't seen her with her hair up in years so I was struck by how fat the 'Buffalo hump' back of her neck/top of her back was. It jutted out, and its wild to think thats all fat. Her belly, as I mentioned before, hangs low. The bottoms of her swimsuit covered her ass, but couldn't contain her massive stomach. Just like in her one piece, the bottom of her belly stuck out of each leg hole, more so when she pulled the bottoms higher after a swim. And of course, the bottoms did nothing to keep her from jiggling with each step. What struck me was how buoyant she and her belly were. I hadn't noticed because of the one pieces before, but her belly floats almost independently from her, whilst keeping her completely afloat. She didn't have to treat water like a thin person would, she just bobs. Every wave would pull her belly upwards to where it looked like a pale inner-tube floating rather than a mass of fat. It seems like she's only been putting on more weight, as other friends have voiced astonishment and concern in private. Who knows what she'll look like in the future. She's taken to mostly wearing sundresses in the summer, likely to keep her cool and so she doesn't have to fight to keep her massive belly zipped. As I said before, she wears her pants so tight that she looks like she's got a double belly when standing, when she doesn't. Now that summer is ending it'll be interesting to see what she wears in the cold.
>>53487 Dude this and the previous story are really hot. Any chance you have anecdotes that involve clothes ripping, belching, or binge eating?
>>53487 A really good story, how big is she though, do you think?
Id reckon shes about 350 lbs, like 5' 8". Ik she wears a 3x shirt. She eats a lot, and is the type to belch without warning
Now that I've got more time on my hands ill elaborate. She's probably around 350 lbs going by her shirt size, build, and sleuthing on mybodygallery. I dont have any anecdotes about clothes ripping but she's told me about when chairs have given out under her at outdoor parties, not that she's able to last long in the desert heat. Some other small things I've noticed are that her belly spreads her legs apart when seated, and touches the chair she's sitting on. For the same reason, she walks with a belly-forward gait and distinct waddle despite having average size thighs. That said, her thighs have gotten noticeably chunky in recent years, as have her upper arms, which flap whenever she tells a story with her hands. No elbow cleavage, just large arms. She does have very fat hands though, with big dimples at her knuckles exaggerated by the amount of fat on the back of her hand and each finger-segment, or whatever they're called. She likes to rest her arms on her belly when sitting, ive noticed.
I'm going to use references for this one When i was like 14, i went to my aunt's house to stay for the holidays, around that time i was discovering my fetish for feederism and BBWs and my aunt was only reforcing it, her body was like the one on the first photo but with more ass. One day she told me that my cousins and i need to do the lunch because she was going to a job reunion. Later she comes back but it was earlier than she said. She enters the house and says "hello im here 'cause i ate something and it didn't sit me well", then she enters to the room i was in and look at her and her belly was like REALLY bloted, so bloated in fact that she was with her pants unbuttoned and her panties were showing, kinda like in the video (warning: the video is a bit loud). She told me what to do, like where the food is and what to cook but her massive and sweaty belly was distracting me. Her bloating was making her burpy so she was burping between word and i was hard af. Then she goes to her room to sleep. Then in the noon i was searching my phone charger and i couldn't find it, so i decide go to my aunt's room to see if it was there, i knew she was sleeping so i enter carefully and watch her, but the best came with the fact that she was sleeping but not like usual she was laying in her bed (like in the D.Va drawing) with no pants and her gassy belly rumbling like crazy she didn't wake so i enjoyed the view, i found my charger and i got out of her room. Later that day she woke up and was feeling better but i feeled like i was in heaven. I got many stories like these but this is my favorite, and well the other are shorter so this stands out for being longer lol.
>>53642 Dude that's your Aunt what the actual fuck
>>53646 I know, despite all i said i get that feeling of shame. Thinking in retrospect it was just me being a lonely and creep teenager
>>53646 The actual fuck is that it's a hot story and it's not like he did anything with her. You're on the wrong site if this offends you, it gets way worse.
Many years ago on my morning subway commute to work I had an incredibly hot girl with an enormously oversized belly (body like pic rel) end up standing right in front of me, facing me, as I sat along the side on the car. She was wearing some kind of shirt that had a strap under her boobs to pull the fabric in tight there and it got wider and loose below that. I dont know if the goal was too make her belly look smaller but it did the opposite. It looked like a thin sheet draped over a globe. You could see the exact contours of her entire belly, including belly button indent and the lose fabric meant fat jiggling with zero restraint. The front of her belly was very close to actually hitting me in the face and we were both there for a solid 30 minutes. 30+ minutes of this basketball sized ball of fat jiggling wildly right in my face. I just pretended to look at my phone and watched it in my peripheral for the entire time. It took all the willpower in the world to get my dick under control when I had to get off the train.
>>53642 Don't hesitate to write down more of it. If they are short then just post them together. >>53646 And? Aunt-Nephew is pretty mild. If it was his sister I would be somewhat upset, but would still like it.
So I just remember as I was looking at the stories here. This happened in high school when I was a senior or junior. >be me >in weight training >my teacher decided to have all of us do yoga >choose our spots to stretch >chubby ginger goes in front of me >decided to move back or somewhere so no one thinks I’m a creep >we do the stretches >we did the one exercise where you sit and have your torso touch the floor >try my best not to look >her ass literally in front >black guys behind me tell me to ask her to be formal >I told them I don’t think I can and apologize >after class I reflect >mfw
Once my ex-girlfriend invited me to her cousin's birthday, she decided to go with a very tight dress that made her look very sexy, the day passed as always at family gatherings, then everyone sits at the table, and she opens a beer. I was worried she was going to get drunk, she says "no problem, I'll be fine" then she opens another beer, and another, and another, I saw her dress was getting tight and she was having a hard time burping, then she says "ugh, I can't take it anymore" and She pulls up her dress, pulls down her short leggins and lets go of her huge belly, she burps loudly and continues drinking. I was shocked to see her like that, because her family was there i was holding back the urge to grab her big belly that continued to grow with every drink. Later we left, she was very drunk and had a hard time getting up, her swollen belly was not helping her, we arrived at her house and were alone, that was the moment to enjoy her big and gassy softness. Let the images help you visualize the situation.
I have one from an absolute age ago when I was interviewing for jobs straight out of uni. I applied for one at Mars (of Snickers, M&Ms, etc. fame) and got through to the interview, which was in a fairly non-descript office / industrial complex in Slough. I and the other interviewees were being chaperoned around the office and introduced to some of the recent-ish graduate hires from years gone by. Someone asked why there were bowls of chocolate bars on the ends of every row of desks, and apparently they just get constantly refilled and left around the office for people to eat. What I do remember vividly is some girl at one of the desks saying "you'll gain the 'Mars stone' in the first few months of working here, everybody does". And lord knows if she wasn't pleasantly chubby herself.
>>48417 It's me again, in the same city I moved in in March, but in a different bus. I've been dating (and fucking) a girl over the last 3 weeks. As you can expect she is rather fat. Most of her fat stacks in a rather balanced way, giving her a build that is similar to a renaissance painting fat woman, with a huge ass, chubby arms and legs, big tits, and some belly fat. Yesterday we took the bus together and stood facing eachother across the walkway. A guy, probably drunk, offered her his seat, probably implying she was pregnant. That was the first time we talked about her "size", outside of me congratulating her feminine assets. I was hard all night long.
>>53647 Was your aunt hot
>>54156 I mean, yeah
>>53642 I'd be interested in more stories like this
>>54248 I already posted another story >>53873
I saw my cousin for the first time in two years at a birthday party and god damn. She has blown up. She used to be thin when she was like 19-20 years old but she got really fat after getting pregnant. Like at least 250 pounds. But her weight has been stagnant for like 10 years, but wow it seems she has been letting go. I guess hitting 30 did it in for her. She looks like she's at least 300 pounds, probably more. Her arm has gotten a small roll in it. Her face and chin look so fat these days. Her thighs looked fucking huge in her jeans and you could see her huge vbo. She went for seconds on dinner and dessert and was out of breath the whole time while she was standing. She is getting close to ssbbw size, it's crazy to see. Her parents were both 350+ pounds at one point so I'm hoping she ends up surpassing them. I shouldn't say this but i really want to see her at 400+
>>54343 Just say u from Alabama bro
>>54345 No need to be weird
