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Overweight Relatives Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 18:51:53 Id:14063f No. 55159 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone here have any stories that might invoke them having a fat relative, or a friend with a fat relative. Whether it be a mom, sister, cousin, aunt, stepmom, stepsister, mother in law or sister in law. Feel free to share anything you have from childhood or recent events.
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Had a fat aunt (by marriage) who I was in love with so hard as a kid. Probably my first exposure to fat women. Saw her pretty often and even told her I loved her one day lol. She lost so much weight and it’s such a tragedy. She’s really skinny now but I do like to look at old pictures of her. Also got a pretty chubby hot second cousin. I don’t see her often but she has gained some real weight over the years. Look at her social media now and then.
>>59990 >I do like to look at old pictures of her. Come one, share it with us anon.
My godmother's very fat and her daughters, who are about 20 years older than I, had weight fluctuations over the years, sometimes they get really fat, lose most of the weight, then something happens and they end up rebouding even fatter than before, one of them became a lawyer, married and had a kid, the other stayed at her mother's house most of her life so far, they're in their 40s at this point, the one that didn't get a husband started babysitting and even started a online cake shop, which obviously enough, made her weight skyrocket, but I have good memories with both of them, there was this time were we went to the mall together to get McDonalds and go to the theater, it was a fun time, they both have black hair and pale skin, one has brown eyes, the other has green eyes, they are wearing black most of the time, so I guess you could say that visiting them from time to time was another factor into why I'm into this type of woman
>>60017 This isn't really related to this thread but you reminded me of it. My godmother isn't very fat (at least not to guys like us) but she is a bit chubby and very curvaceous. When I was growing up her body type was basically like Mal Malloy or a "Venus" hentai character. Big tits, wide hips, thick thighs, etc. I wasn't horny for her per se but I definitely found her body type very appealing. She has a daughter who is very attractive but much slimmer. She showed me her pussy once when I was 12 and she was 16, and it was the first time I ever saw one. Me and her brother were playing in the pool while she was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool reading a book. He left the pool for some reason, so it was just me in the pool and her sitting by the pool. She looked at me, pulled her bikini to one side to show me her vagina and smirked at me. I kind of just stared at her like a deer in the headlights. Then he came back to the pool and that was the end of that. She and I have never acknowledged or discussed this in the 16 years since it happened.
>>59765 >Now she was FAT, I'm guessing around 500 pounds< >I looked up her Insta and she's about the same. Maybe I should say hi or something.< Contact her and see what the possibilities are. Do it for her, I'm sure she'll appreciate it, and do it for you. Keep us updated 👍

Real Life Social Consequences Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 03:24:20 Id:a8f8cd No. 55530 [Reply]
I (Male 19) know this is in the territory because of how people see this stuff. I need to preface that I have never formally admitted to anything regarding this fetish but my friends and family have been observant to the women I had been bringing around the past couple years. They all happen to have been 200 and above so it’s pretty obvious. I’ve been a ridicule before and I used to not care. People would point it out and I would just deny, plausibly deniability is wonderful. Now the ante has been upped and now people are call me a “degenerate who blows up women to kill them”. Now people are starting to to spread that around and avoid me. Even my family have been asking me why my last two gfs were above 200 pounds and that “I know you can do better so there must be a reason you like to date them.” I don’t know I’ve been called a degenerate on the internet a lot but now that it’s becoming a part of my real life I don’t know what to do. I just like fat women but I just want to keep my head down and not get singled out for it. I just needed to rant somewhere.
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>>55530 I think >>55541 is based. Also if you treat everyone like human beings. and exists people who like tall women or black people. I also admire female beauty in all its forms and there must be chemistry. >I'm terrible at meeting women that I like >I was an inceel (crashed My brain) and an idiot with some women. My main doubt Anons: will it affect that I have an ig with fat models of all kinds, and the same amount of pages of history, politics, science, news, etc. >Should I delete ig? >Sometimes I like to leave my number to chubby classmates or work or the street. >I've thought about someone similar to OP. Also: OP if you're not a harmful stalker and you can have real conversations with who you like and others. There you will see your true friends or you can move. You live in Fattyland🇺🇸 I liked a thin little "white pretty" punk woman. She had rings like picture.
I wonder what the consequences are in France or Italy.
>>57792 can't imagine france is very forgiving lol
>>57733 Its slang over here for mocking someone
Idk. If you are dating a fat 5 and you could date a skinny 6 people will think you’ve over estimated how much of a loser you are. On the flip side, if you can pull a hot normie chick, date her publicly for a minute and make sure the losers know you could fuck their girlfriend if you don’t have a fat fetish. The real problem here is you sound like a loser. Being a tall and in shape man makes it clear why you’re dating a fat chick and it raises her status more than it losers his. You sound like a loser whose gf makes him look like a mega-loser.

Politics Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 23:58:10 Id:fa9c26 No. 59857 [Reply]
If Jews want to surrender to true goodness, then the Jews will have to surrender the churches and the rest of their other hate mongering evil fake-religions crap and surrender the economic suppression. Being cancerous does not protect them, it only makes things worse. The jews problems core is the belief that being a cancer is a safety & power, and that’s kinda what their religion is about. They will have to never bother the Philistinas again, especially staying away from the Philistinas water supply. Jews will have to stop being invasive in every way, including economically. Did you know that most people are just vibing and aren’t invasive whatsoever? It’s not difficult. Most people see the world as a garden of all potential, not something condemnable and temporary before charging off to some afterlife entirely different world of pure racism. Most peoples souls are here on the current world and don’t see the world as like a toy. Plenty of people are stateless people and are perfectly happy, it is clearly not a smart choice for the world to ever accept the existence of Israel. Civic nationalism naturally happens when people let true community thrive instead of cults. Ever noticed all the crucifixes? Respecting boundaries is an entire thing. Respecting peoples economies, religions, turf, and vibes…. is all encompassing. Pushing others down instead of being able to read~the~room and respect the vibe~democracy….. is always a mistake. Sort yourselves. I hear the democracy of vibes screaming at y’all 24/7 because y’all have yet to relent to what truly matters to people. Like clearly y’all expend a crazy amount of effort harming the world and your only excuse is fear. It would be so strange if French and Deutsch mortally insisted on replacing eachothers community centers with deranged zombie cults about worshiping the monarchy of eachothers opponent. Do you think people in Paris need dominating buildings about religiously worshipping Deutsch monarchy instead of having a community center? No? Then fuck off. Also I really hate how y’all backstabbed the Yankees and Soviets, respects to the unique soul and good will that y’all lied about respecting.
I thought Deadpool & Wolverine was pretty good :)
I'm a racist but free Palestine 🇵🇸
>>59883 I’m a racist, but I don’t take sides. I hope Jews and Palestinians kill eachother. Judaism and Islam are cancer
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>>59857 Dragon Knight > Ryuki
>>59857 hello resident schizoposter lost me at “democracy of vibes,” I recommend a lengthy course of marvel movies and goyslop

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OF Review Thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 17:09:40 Id:6cc9bc No. 57746 [Reply]
There used to be an onlyfans review thread here that I really enjoyed. Starting this up again. Looking for reviews of current/active OF models
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I got Tess Holliday's OF and it sucks. Not too surprising, I know lots of people think she's crazy, disengenuous, and a grifter, but she's also hot as fuck. Swing and a miss, $11.11 down the drain.
>>59768 i saw that page, looked like it was fake. how much content was on it?
BabyGotHipz - 8/10 - gorgeous SSBBW, definitely has an Appalachian look which is endearing AlexandrafromNYC - 6/10 only because she doesn't post as much. Perfect SSBBW Latina body, pretty face GlazedAbby - 5/10 - she's cute but kinda annoying, pushes for additional paid content pretty hard
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>>60065 Man it's not great lol. Currently, she's got 13 pictures only on her main page, that are mostly at Instagram-level qualities (some even almost direct reposts iirc) When you check her additional paid content, she's trying to flog single risque photos for $10 or even this one, two pics of lingere, for $30. I bought it because I do find Tess hot, but now know just how burned I am.
Squish-baby. Called this chick out for not posting in over 6-8 weeks. Put a msg on picture she posted that was old. Blocked on OF and Feabie.

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girl I jacked it to died from gastric bypass Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 12:56:22 Id:545f03 No. 59878 [Reply]
I kind of knew her but never interacted, she was fat AF. Saw on the news a couple days ago she died after a failed bariatric surgery. Now I feel weird, maybe if I came onto her she'd never have to go through the operation and she'd still be alive. Also unsure how to feel about keeping a folder of her fb pictures now that she's dead. Can any anon relate? Pic attached, she was only 27.
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>>60329 I agree. Would have saved the family a bundle on an extra large coffin and a shit-ton of embalming fluid. Plus, when she's too rotten to fuck you can cut her up and burn her up in a woodstove. She could probably heat your house for a week.
>>60330 I like your wood stove idea. Especially if she was Jewish.
>>60329 >>60330 >>60331 I see that you are unfamiliar with the post ID system.
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>>60339 I knew - just felt like fucking around.

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Need relationship advice Anonymous 01/10/2025 (Fri) 10:43:46 Id:e68096 No. 58797 [Reply]
Been in a relationship with my gf for some months now. We came together with some good chemistry but with one big issue, she's really thin. I let her know early on I had an attraction to fat and it was a big thing for me, and she seemed cool with it. She's really not into any of it lately and seems to have sorta grown to hate when I show love to her belly which in turn has kinda killed my attraction to her but she doesn't want me to leave and begged for me to stay after we nearly broke up. What should I do?
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OP here with a bit of an update. Recently I think she's becoming more aware of what gets me going. She complained a few days back that she was underweight and wanted to gain more. She keeps "jokingly" moaning after eating something good, and has recently been eating a shit ton of food, just today she ate some ice cream cake, chips, some pie, bunch of slim jims, and some other shit and has been drinking sugary slop (way above her calorie limit as she's so short). Can't help but be more turned on recently, wish us luck everyone!
>>58797 break up, fuck that shit. i've been in the same position a few times and i am 25 now. i can wholeheartedly say that i am lucky to not have kids with one of them and do not have a marriage. that shit will eat you alive. unless you can somehow manage to never watch this porn again and devote your life to christ. you will always have this need in your brain. don't waste your time, if you were truly in love with her you wouldn't need to ask this. its good that you did, it shows you care but this will just drag you down and drag her down in the end.
>>60291 oh my bad i didn't see this, that is good to hear.
>>60291 God bless, bro. If she's happy to play along on top of everything else, she's a catch. Odds are on your side that she'll chub up a bit over time regardless, especially if you're (tactfully) encouraging it. She might not ever be the land whale of your dreams, but if she can turn you on and this relationship ends up being the one for you guys, it'll be for the best.
>>60291 Confirm to her that you like these new changes. It doesn't have to be explicit. Just make sure she cums when stuffed and she'll be locked in.

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Secretly Fattening My Wife Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:09:58 Id:d549f6 No. 56513 [Reply]
So a few months ago, my wife glomed on to some protein shake and has been drinking it every day since. I found they made a powder and told her "yea I can make this cheaper just using the powder." She bought in, and slowly I started swapping it with straight up Serious Mass weight gain powder and heavy cream. I created a recipe that mimics one of her favorite Starbucks drinks, and she just sucks it down. I do 400ml of heavy cream a half scoop of that Serious Mass 1tbsp of espresso powder and 4-5 tbsp of chocolate syrup I'm about to start mixing appetite enhancers into it too. I got some Feast Mode pills and the flavor is kinda mild, so I think the rest of the drink will mask it. The shake is just shy of 2000 calories per drink, and at her height/weight, she's getting almost all the calories she needs for the day before she even gets to the office. She has been in a plateau for over a year, but now I can clearly see the results. She's chesty, but now her belly goes past her boobs, and she has a certified fupa now. She was right at 200 when we started dating, and she's over 320 now. When we were still dating, she worried about how much weight she was gaining as she had put on 40lbs in a year. One night, we were in a drive-through at one of her favorite places right next to my house and she placed a huge order. I asked her, "well, you say you are worried, but that's a big order, what are you gonna do after you move in with me and you can eat this all the time?" Her answer: "get fatter."
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>>59764 Not exactly weight gain, but cabergoline lowers prolactin drastically, For men it's used by porn stars to shorten refractory period. The con is that it by extension promotes dopaminergic behaviors/addictions. In your girl's case if she enjoys eating and fucking she'll become a binge eating nympho maniac that will Balloon up in no time as she'll be chasing that high. Do your research, however. >>59859 Doesn't that crush the sex drive in women which defeats the purpose
>>59859 Kills labido. If I have a fatty, I am fucking her.
>>59860 >>59865 Different guy here but not all of them do, and not all of the ones that are known for doing that to most people will affect all people the same way. For example, I've been on prozac and effexor before and had zero issues keeping it up, and the one I'm on currently, viibryd, is specifically noted for both functioning differently from the usual SSRIs and not fucking up sexual functions like they sometimes do. However, it ALSO doesn't have any effect on weight, be it gain or loss, so that's a whole other can of worms. You'd have to carefully research which antidepressants cause weight gain without fucking up sex drive/function, but then again, I'd argue that taking antidepressants purely for weight gain purposes if you don't need them at all for neurochemical rebalancing is a fucking stupid idea and likely pretty dangerous as well. And if you DO need them for your mental health, the process of getting things lined out so you have ones that actually get your head straight and your energy levels up to par is such a goddamn mess and takes so long usually that sex and whether or not you're fat are the least of your concerns until it's all sorted out. Short version: Not all antidepressants kill your sex drive, both because of different kinds and how different people are affected. Also, don't take them for weight gain purposes, it's hard enough to get them right just for the intended mental heatlh effects as it is.
>>56513 It sounds like your secret's been out for a while; you should probably be more upfront about what you're doing at this point. There ain't no way she didn't notice the 400ml of heavy cream; that shit's thicker than anything you can get at Starbucks.
>>60104 big dog, you put ice in before you blend it up, and it's no thicker than a regular protein shake. Hell, her little pre-packaged soy-based ones are thicker than the ones I make

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Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 16:11:14 Id:a228e1 No. 59932 [Reply]
If you’re a female feedee in the Arizonan area message me at brandoncarson0796 on discord. I would love to become someone’s personal feeder :)
Mf is looking for females on a chan board. You oughta be the highest degree of autistic
>>59932 Hi honey I'm a 400 lb gorgeous blonde so ready to be fed while you tell me all about Arizonan.
Is mtf ok?
>>60297 OP isn't gay.
>>60297 OP here, yes!

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🇨🇴👀🇨🇴👀🇨🇴👀 DocOpp 02/02/2025 (Sun) 18:06:47 Id:238a8b No. 60281 [Reply]
LISTEN. Yall mofos need to go to Colombia (Cartagena). There's a whole damn Brigade of BEAUTIFUL ass bitchs out here and cheap AFFFF like 50-100 USD for an hour and they are NOT lazy AF like American chicks.
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I might have seen 3-4 actual BBWs. Not many out there but they definitely have tons that are thick AFFFFFF
I been to Europe, Asia, and Canada... Europe and Canada have A LOT of beautiful women that love Americans especially black dudes from America so they will fuck with you because they want to and they will cook for you and take you out etc... Asia is more prostitutes but a balance of prostitutes and regular chicks. DON'T let the passport bros fool you. The chicks in Colombia (I can only speak for cartagena but I'm sure it applies through the country) they are either hookers or looking for a green card or both. If ya'll just trying to clap cheeks FINE ASS cheeks... the most expensive thing is your plane ticket. I felt super safe, hotel was really nice but affordable but the Airbnbs was affordable too. Food was affordable and ubers was MAD cheap. 6-9 usd during peak hours. Get your passport and get away from the BS for a few days
>>60284 not knocking it but 95% of passport bros are sex addicts with no game in the states…. if i had to fly to a foreign country to fuck bitches who look like girls at my local walmart i’d shoot my self in the face…
>>60285 So I definitely agree with some of what you're saying. Personally I'm a duse that just likes to travel and while I'm traveling I enjoy the perks of women loving american/black men. Passport bros are dudes that get no pussy so they HAVE to go places where chicks are desperate or thirsty. About colombia... NAHHHH these chicks do NOT look like average neighborhood chicks. If so let me know what neighborhood you in so I can move lol
>>60285 Facts!

Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 23:31:32 Id:007c86 No. 59556 [Reply]
who's the fattest ever porn star? (girl)
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Eliza Allure, I suppose
If we are only counting girls who did hardcore sex scenes here are a couple that come to mind: SSBBWApplebomb at 570lbs LadyBrads at 500lbs Kasstheblast at ~600lbs (R.I.P) Fatmisst (700+lbs at peak) Reenaye Starr (maybe 600+lbs?) Jae at 600+lbs Teighlor (R.I.P) Probably forgot a whole bunch
>>60127 Reenaye is notorious for exaggerating her weight but I think she probably is or was 600lbs, or 500 at the very least
>>60134 Renayee is likely not even close to 550 but her angles makes her look much bigger Source- Ivy leak text
>>60124 No fucking way. Not even close. Teighlor was like 700lbs.

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biggest feedee ever Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 21:55:05 Id:a3453e No. 58086 [Reply]
Who are some of the biggest SSBBW / USSBBW creators out there? I think the largest ever recorded probably wouldve been vanilla hippo a her heaviest
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>>58219 Are her leaked videos on StufferDB?
Not leaked, she released them
>>58181 Let's do a seance!
I'm starting to think Echo was a generational SSBBW talent. She seems to be the only one with a voracious appetite and an otaku lifestyle which means she's ok with being immobile. Adeline has the appetite but is too interested in having a "normal" lifestyle to be immobile.
>>58219 This by far it's Vanilla takes the cake. Goes on a weight loss show and sneaks in food to her hospital bed and gains and insane amount of 100+lbs of weight without anyone noticing, crazy! Got put on an emergency surgery routine from that. So either smart or not done intentionally, I'll take the later. Had hope she would hit 1000lbs but from her Q and A she did not want that.

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How does one fight off all the black dudes taking all the fat women? Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 15:44:57 Id:7b4dca No. 56659 [Reply] [Last]
First off, I should preface this by saying that I genuinely have no issue with black guys, it's just that they seem to be gobbling up so many (ss)bbws. I'm just curious to know how I can get the edge over them and bag a bitch for myself We have all heard the stereotype of black guys going for fat white women but where did this actually come from? When it's a white guy with a fat woman it's seem as a fetish but when it's a black dude its seen as him "moving up the social ladder". I'm not from the US so this is just an assumption from what I have been able to gather so far but I would like to go there for a while as it seems to be the place to be to find big women. I wanna come prepped before I eventually go there. If this stereotype has some truth to it and that black dudes who date fat white women often do so just to “level up” and not because they actually find them very attractive, it seems like a waste for that woman to be with someone who doesn’t find her attractive and is only with her for climbing the social ladder. I understand that there are many black lads here who don’t have this mindset and actually like bigger women, but for the rest that I mentioned, is there any truth to this? Also, what makes black men so appealing to big women? Obviously, there is a stereotype of their “bigger members” but it would seem odd to me if it was purely down to fetishisation of black men for that reason that that couple would be together. Are they both then just fetishising each other for different reasons? You could just say “what if they both just like each other and its none of the things you mentioned”. That could very well be true but it seems this particular paring of obese white women and black dudes is too common for it to be merely a coincidence And lastly, how do you defeat them? My country doesn’t have these deep-seated racial issues that the US does so I don’t know how all of this works. From what I gathered, when I arrive in the US I can apply for my white privilege card and basically pull it out whenever something doesn’t go my way. So, I’m assuming if I just pull up to a happily married interracial mixed race couple, I can just show my white privilege card and take her away, is this how it works? Or apparently if I approach fat women who are in the water at the beach black men can’t get to them? I also heard that if I hold up a job application it helps ward off the dark forces. Let me know if any of these methods are effective
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>>59941 Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I have heard of this phenomenon before but didn't realise there was a word for it. Now that I think about it, it must be one of the oldest tricks in the book for criminals.
>>59914 I am down the street from you and years of my working in the community --- best experience of my life --- and just like anyone, everyone has their hopes and fears and preferences and there are some really fantastic women and occasionally they may be interested --- which surprised me bc I had old ideas of what people were like and wanted and felt my race was a liability --- if you're talking some fantasy like an exotic thrill to sex with that's one thing --- but if this is something you want and you can humanize yourself and the other and are interested in a relationship, then church would be the place to hang out --- food food and food is important especially for important occasions where there is even more food and it tends to be all delicious and not light on the calories. If you can go with the lifestyle and also enjoying the spiritual element -- it can be a great and wonderful society --- welcome home --- and yes there will be plenty of big women --- it can be a beautiful thing, but not for everyone.
i managed to pull a fatty and we have been together a few years and she gets dms from black guys every once in a while. im lucky shes not into black dudes because id be fucked. one guy we both knew a while back has dmed her multiple times over the years, almost like he is forgetting I exist. she gets hit on and asked out while in public and more likely than not its a black dude. black guys have impeccable taste in women (im talking about fat women in general) but damn they do not give a fuck if she is in a relationship. they are desperate to fuck and most of the time the women dont even like them back, the ones who end up fucking the desperate ones are just as desperate as them. you really dont want a desperate woman anyways. i have honestly met more fat bitches who like white dudes than I have met fat bitches who like black guys. from what i can recall, every fat woman i have known ended up with a white guy. i even knew fat black girls who were with white guys. i live in the southeast united states where we have tons of black dudes but the fatties still fuck with the white guys. thats not me trying to be racist either, i have just noticed that while black guys love fat women, the fat women dont usually love them back. i can pull fatties and not worry about black dudes.
I took my girl out to a festival in Atlanta a few months back and had two older black guys hit on her in front of me! One said something like, "Damn, how did you get with such a fine woman?" I'm not the jealous type and she's very shy, so it's whatever.
>>56659 Having a job and no warrants helps lmao. The fuck kind of question even is that, have you seen niggers? Seriously bros, all you have to do is have self-respect and confidence, along with no tolerance for bullshit, and bitches will flock to you. It sucks that op has no game, but you can use his sad experience as motivation to be better than him by scoring the wide woman of your dreams.

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Need feedee gf in Texas Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 23:03:45 Id:e1d732 No. 60070 [Reply]

Issues being with fat women Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 10:10:28 Id:472636 No. 59146 [Reply]
What are the main issues you face dating/being in a relationship with a fat woman? My girlfriend is 5' 8" and about 300 lbs. She snores like a freight train and I literally can never get a full night of sleep.
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>>59161 Fun fact: bidets are mandatory in all houses in a town called Zamora in Spain.
>>59146 My girl is around 5’5” and nearing 400 and snores like a truck. It may be hard to fall asleep to but it never wakes me up. She got this little mouth guard thing that helped a lot. >>59155 Fuck a bidet. My girl can barely reach her ass she is so fat and she is bad at wiping. Damnit if I don’t still lick that shit hole clean every time. >>59169 I do agree with this one. I drive a truck. Her mom has this little car that that she barely fits in. Honestly, her mom is fat too and barely fits either. I usually end up in the back seat or driving because their bellies don’t really fit behind the wheel. Not a comfy ride for them. Only issue with my truck is watching her struggle to get in. She has plenty of room though. I have nice seats in the truck too so she is comfortable on road trips.
>>59988 >My girl is around 5’5” and nearing 400 and snores like a truck. She probably has sleep apnea. I'd get that checked.
Come on man, you gotta clean that ass out
This is difficult because most of the things that are "issues" turn me on and I wouldn't have them different. I think I'm with you that the main thing is difficulty sleeping, but it's less because she snores and more because our mattress has to be very firm for her. We've tried this different ways and one of us is always uncomfortable. We're ultimately going to have to go for one of those beds with different firmness on either side.

Cruel twist of fate Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 16:28:56 Id:dff308 No. 55881 [Reply]
Does anybody have the issue that they attract the opposite of their type? >be me, into bbws and ssbbws. >with friend whos taste is pretty standard. >out for drinks on saturday, in the smoking garden when a skinny blonde girl approached me, she was exactly my friends type. >asks for a light then starts up small talk with me. >her friend approaches, pear bbw about 250, exactly my type, starts talking to my friend. >my friend starts trying to talk to the skinny girl, i try to talk to the bbw. >no luck for either of us. >they ask us if we want to go back into the club with them. >start dancing, again both of us try and switch partners. >no luck again. >end of the night we just go on home. This has happened on multiple ocassions, the one guy in the group who actually likes bbws ends up attracting the skinny girl, while the guys with normal tastes attract the hamplanets. Has anybody else had issues with this?
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>>58077 Too fat ? You’re on the wrong board.
>>58337 If fat chicks wont date you but thin ones will it’s usually a problem of you being built like a twink. It sounds like the money is good but your dick doesn’t measure up to what a fat bitch needs.
>>58338 Eh. Not too fat overall, but just too fat at that height. Too fat and too short. It was physically difficult, uncomfortable and unpleasant to fuck her. My femurs were just too much longer than hers, it was like a greyhound trying to fuck an obese bulldog. Didn't help that my dick was too thick as well.
It's a hilarious twist of fate, I swear. I've had this happen with a lot of fat women that I first met in-person. All throughout high school, only rail-thin girls liked me, and same with my early time in college. I did finally meet my first serious girlfriend in college who was a little over 200lbs. She just mentally... broke one day, and I'm fairly certain she started cheating on me with any man who gave her the time of day. I always put my all into being the best partner possible for her, so I was genuinely so confused as to why it ended so poorly. She eventually reached out years later to apologize, and blamed the fact that she was never comfortable being with me; since I was the most conventionally attractive person she had dated, she always felt like she was being judged, and said she always felt like an ogre next to me in public. She even hated our body contrast, it made her self-confidence plummet... so she was actively trying to sabotage the relationship instead of addressing her own body image issues and paranoia. I've had that same projection/explanation given to me by other fat women I fancied IRL; they thought I was almost taking the piss by romantically pursuing them. That said, I've never once had a problem with a women I first met on the internet first. Places like Feabie, Fantasy Feeder, and Tumblr (a true FA mecca, RIP) meant that there was zero doubt about my intent, I was here to meet the big behemoth bitches. Lol It sucks and it shouldn't be this way, but many fat women who actively hate that they're fat will self-sabotage or resign themselves to a certain quality of partner to avoid getting hurt. Maybe, in a lot of these cases, they believe you're too good for them and choose to reject you before you have the chance to do the same. That said, maybe try meeting a fat lady online in a safe space where they can know that without a doubt, you're looking for what they bring to the table? That's been my only solution.
2 or 3 years ago I matched with this kinda cute 280 pound girl at a dating app, lives a few hours away from me and we both live with our parents so we never really end up meeting, not that she seems super interested either. I'm obviously into her but she always responds in a neutral way. At one point she's in my city for a doctors appointment and we agree to meet for lunch, but once I'm outside she tells me she got too nervous and had to cancel. Flash forward she's started on the 'zempic and is down to about 90 kilo and suddenly she's all flirty with me and sends revealing pics all the time. Probably has something to do with confidence but I was very obviously into her when she was big too. I'm quite upset because now I'm not interested in her anymore.
