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How does one fight off all the black dudes taking all the fat women? Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 15:44:57 Id:7b4dca No. 56659
First off, I should preface this by saying that I genuinely have no issue with black guys, it's just that they seem to be gobbling up so many (ss)bbws. I'm just curious to know how I can get the edge over them and bag a bitch for myself We have all heard the stereotype of black guys going for fat white women but where did this actually come from? When it's a white guy with a fat woman it's seem as a fetish but when it's a black dude its seen as him "moving up the social ladder". I'm not from the US so this is just an assumption from what I have been able to gather so far but I would like to go there for a while as it seems to be the place to be to find big women. I wanna come prepped before I eventually go there. If this stereotype has some truth to it and that black dudes who date fat white women often do so just to “level up” and not because they actually find them very attractive, it seems like a waste for that woman to be with someone who doesn’t find her attractive and is only with her for climbing the social ladder. I understand that there are many black lads here who don’t have this mindset and actually like bigger women, but for the rest that I mentioned, is there any truth to this? Also, what makes black men so appealing to big women? Obviously, there is a stereotype of their “bigger members” but it would seem odd to me if it was purely down to fetishisation of black men for that reason that that couple would be together. Are they both then just fetishising each other for different reasons? You could just say “what if they both just like each other and its none of the things you mentioned”. That could very well be true but it seems this particular paring of obese white women and black dudes is too common for it to be merely a coincidence And lastly, how do you defeat them? My country doesn’t have these deep-seated racial issues that the US does so I don’t know how all of this works. From what I gathered, when I arrive in the US I can apply for my white privilege card and basically pull it out whenever something doesn’t go my way. So, I’m assuming if I just pull up to a happily married interracial mixed race couple, I can just show my white privilege card and take her away, is this how it works? Or apparently if I approach fat women who are in the water at the beach black men can’t get to them? I also heard that if I hold up a job application it helps ward off the dark forces. Let me know if any of these methods are effective
Black guy here. Personally, fat women are a fantasy for me, and are good for pumping and dumping if you happen to get with one. However, I would never seriously date one, especially as a muscular and in shape guy as I don't find the vast majority of them attractive in real life, at least not to the point of having something long term with them As far as why the stereotypes of black guys dating fat women exists >>56680 is right on the money
>>56777 Fat white women who date black men are often just as bigoted or not as the rest of them. Usually these women can’t pull white Chad and are happy to overlook him being the wrong race to get as many markers of masculinity as they can: tall, muscular, sociable, dominant, successful, etc. Def big emphasis on men who are able to defend themselves physically but they’d settle for Carleton if he dated fat women (he doesn’t).
>>56775 > How in the name of God did you pick that up from my post God you’re a whiny bitch. You can’t pull what you want and you made a post complaining that “the other” men are taking all the women. Incel.me still exists if you’re biggest problem is random men cucking you.
>>56783 >God you're a whiny bitch and your mum is a slag. Tell her oil up and then afterwards I'm coming for your juicy cheeks 🥵
>>56824 Ok. Go ahead and rape a grandma if you’re not too liquors up mick.
>>56782 >black men >successful anon...
>>56840 Are we talking about fat white trailer park trash women? There’s def plenty of black men with more going on than some inbred alcoholic wife beating unemployed loser living in his fat moms double wide. Also plenty of the fat Beckie’s I see on Facebook are married to college educated black men. Fat white women are a status symbol for successful black men. If that makes you seethe maybe go get a GED and see if the Tyson chicken processing plan will hire you full time at 7.50$ an hour.
>>56850 Broken buck
>>56836 Not rape if it's consensual and knowing your bop mother she's down to get it from anyone. I'll give her my lucky charm
>>56850 Those plants have average salary of 20 an hour Why on earth people feel need to shit talk factory work is beyond me
>>56982 Simple, immigrants are now working the supply lines that aren't controlled by unions in the states. These 24k yearly workers take the bus, drive a pickup, and keep retail afloat.
>>56982 To be fair I told the drunken Irish buffoon to get enough education to score factory work. As it is no one’s employing toothless inbred Catholics even once they sober up. Dudes probably got 7 kids and a shoeless blackeyed wife at home to feed and he’s at the bar talking shit about minorities.
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I hear you're a racist now, anon.
>>57047 I don’t think it’s racist to call the Irish a bunch of alcoholics (that’s genetics) or call them dumb/lazy (economics). Are facts racist? It’s certainly a fact that they’re barely human sheep fuckers clinging to superstition and some ancient religion because it lets the men act like cavemen and reproduce like rabbits without taking care of his family. It’s no surprise women don’t want them. There’s a reason their fellow Brit’s tried to starve them to death a few times but the Irish are smart and instead ate their children.
>>56659 it's not all that real of an issue anyway but insofar as it is more common I'd say it's mostly because black guys are more likely to earnestly show they're attracted to a fat woman. if you really are finding that all the fat white women are taken by black men, though, the solution is simple: date a fat black woman instead
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>>57049 >'I'm not Racist!' >Immediately says racist, completely unfounded, batshit insane things haven't seen this much anti-cath racism since the 1920s
>>57083 Americans think Trump is going to destroy the economy with his tariffs by making Oreos expensive. I rather take Trump over Biden's "I save Americans 2 cents on the dollar, raise property taxes" pitch.
>>57084 Property taxes aren't determined at the federal level bud.
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>>57089 I don't care about the economy. That's just a myth made up by Columbia U, Wharton UPenn, and Stern School and Harvard. Salesperson like me make 24k as a salary. At best you're asking people to mass produced elite soldiers the same way Zeon makes Char clones. Much like how Tariffs aren't going to cause space migration, Canada and Mexico whining isn't going to do anything. Property Taxes are now decided by Elon Musk, who wants to abolish the IRS just so you can have more money. You better hope Newsome becomes president in 2028 to restore order.
>>57083 Newsome is the closest to making Irish Catholics look cool and restoring order after American Catholics fused politics and sports to elect the Donald. Thank goodness Matt Walsh types don't have OJ levels of charisma
>>57049 Nice bait but you still are not disputing the fact that your mum is a complete and utter slag so my point still stands 😂
>>56659 For every nasty fat white woman there's a sweet fat black woman with better distribution, better hygiene, better style, and better personality. Black woman white man marriages have the lowest divorce rates. Black women have insaaanely high obesity rates. Look for a black nerd, goth, or artist girl they're criminally slept on here.
>>56689 Yes. 1,000,000 IQ take right here I know I already made my own comment saying the same but I just want to support this. It's not universal but Black women are slept on especially millenial/gen Z African immigrants.
>>56719 Bro its crazy like you can be balding at 30 and not even in shape as long as you have the accent and a bit of gab you can PULL
>>57163 > Nice bait The only bait here is your Lolita niece, fucking Catholic kid diddlers.
>>57183 The only diddler here is you lad 😂
>>57180 You bald miserable niggers
>>56659 lol I just found this thread. I sincerely mean it when I say thank you for making it. I haven’t even read the comments yet but the issue is true. If she’s curvy fat or even just has a fat ass, there’s a damn good chance she’s with, has been, or will be with black dudes. Like wtf, white dudes are at a big disadvantage and ethnic dudes even way more so. It seems like ethnic dudes’ chances are so fucking slim the only thicc fat women they’ll have chance with is latinas and that’s pretty much only for latinos. Seems asian dudes have no chance unfortunately
>>56704 >Asian women hit the wall faster... at 30 What universe are you in? I'm glad I'm not in it, either way
>>57534 so much truth to all of this
>>56659 So you're saying that by stuffing my face and making myself into more of a fat cow, I have a bigger chance of getting filled with black dick? I see this as a double win.
I'm black. Pls teach me how to get the fat white women cause none seem interested in me :(
>>59750 First you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women
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>>59752 The strong must protect the sweet
>>59750 Are you interested in breeding thicc BBW trans sluts?
>>59750 Find the dirtiest, most welfare fat slut you can find, drive them around and give them weed, treat them like shit so they have some drama to always bitch about and theyll stick to you like glue brother.
>>56659 As someone who lives in a area with a lot of Black people, its not very often that I see a Black guy with a White girl. Plus whenever I do, the guy is either a yuppie or basically real-life Uncle Ruckus. So yeah, I don't know where tf the stereotype of them liking big white women came from. Though however, there's definitely a ton a Black men who love fat Black women. Whenever I walk down the street in my neighborhood, I see dudes with girls that are like atleast 200 pounds heavier than them. Hell, Black women have higher obesity rates than Black men in the US by like 10%
>>59791 I've dated a couple bbw to ssbbw pear shaped blonde white girls and both of them told me they got a shit ton of messages/likes from black guys on dating apps. It almost confused them because that is not who they wanted to date It could be argued that black guys are into fat white women but a much smaller percentage of fat white women are into black guys
>>59791 Where are you at? Do you think a skinny white guy could get with one of these huge black women?
>>59834 Yes they will fuck a white guy but you're better off looking for a big black girl who isn't from the trenches of the hood otherwise you're gonna find that the conversation is really dry and awkward because you have literally nothing in common with the woman
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There's nothing to "fight off", if they end up going with black guys it's because they find them attractive to begin with, and they were going to pick those men over alternatives regardless of whatever else is going on. Same way skinny women don't need to "fight off" the fatties to get our attention, because they weren't gonna get it to begin with (ignoring the guys who go for both), and how lesbians and gay guys don't exactly have to worry about completely-straight people "stealing" other homosexual folks from them for obvious reasons. If anything, you could see it as bullet dodged of sorts; If you dislike black guys that much, then the fact that a woman picked one over you means that you know she's 100% not your type and never would be, and you can move on immediately to try with someone else who's more attuned to your interests. Why that would be such an issue to you, hell if I know, but I've heard of weirder and pettier reasons before. Also, pro tip: Racial, national and especially ethnonational rhetoric is a giant waste of time and energy you're better off not burning precious hours of your life focusing on. You could put the time and energy from fixating on that shit into things that'll do you far more good, from learning new skills and languages, to working out so you can lift increasingly-fat women, to actually going out and finding a big white girl who'll want to be with you instead of someone else of a same or different ethnicity. Hell, even just beating your meat to fatties like it owes you money is still better for you and less self-destructive than going down this rabbit hole of nonsense and self-hatred, trust me, been there and done that.
>>59834 Well where I live is in South LA. But most Black women here don't fuck with White men unless said woman is a yuppie. Plus it can be risky trying to hook up with a woman here, since you got to worry about shit like setup hoes and crackheads. You maybe can try to date a big Latina instead since we also got a lot of them here, but there's still a lot of the same problems.
>>59914 What are "setup hoes"?
>>59931 A setup is basically when they get a girl to woo you and pretend to be into you. Then said girl will ask to go out with them, only for them to take you somewhere to get "set up" (getting jumped, rob, etc). It's a common way of hurting or robbing people, though it's mostly used by gang members.
>>59941 Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I have heard of this phenomenon before but didn't realise there was a word for it. Now that I think about it, it must be one of the oldest tricks in the book for criminals.
>>59914 I am down the street from you and years of my working in the community --- best experience of my life --- and just like anyone, everyone has their hopes and fears and preferences and there are some really fantastic women and occasionally they may be interested --- which surprised me bc I had old ideas of what people were like and wanted and felt my race was a liability --- if you're talking some fantasy like an exotic thrill to sex with that's one thing --- but if this is something you want and you can humanize yourself and the other and are interested in a relationship, then church would be the place to hang out --- food food and food is important especially for important occasions where there is even more food and it tends to be all delicious and not light on the calories. If you can go with the lifestyle and also enjoying the spiritual element -- it can be a great and wonderful society --- welcome home --- and yes there will be plenty of big women --- it can be a beautiful thing, but not for everyone.
>>59914 Los Angeles or Louisiana?
i managed to pull a fatty and we have been together a few years and she gets dms from black guys every once in a while. im lucky shes not into black dudes because id be fucked. one guy we both knew a while back has dmed her multiple times over the years, almost like he is forgetting I exist. she gets hit on and asked out while in public and more likely than not its a black dude. black guys have impeccable taste in women (im talking about fat women in general) but damn they do not give a fuck if she is in a relationship. they are desperate to fuck and most of the time the women dont even like them back, the ones who end up fucking the desperate ones are just as desperate as them. you really dont want a desperate woman anyways. i have honestly met more fat bitches who like white dudes than I have met fat bitches who like black guys. from what i can recall, every fat woman i have known ended up with a white guy. i even knew fat black girls who were with white guys. i live in the southeast united states where we have tons of black dudes but the fatties still fuck with the white guys. thats not me trying to be racist either, i have just noticed that while black guys love fat women, the fat women dont usually love them back. i can pull fatties and not worry about black dudes.
I took my girl out to a festival in Atlanta a few months back and had two older black guys hit on her in front of me! One said something like, "Damn, how did you get with such a fine woman?" I'm not the jealous type and she's very shy, so it's whatever.
>>56659 Having a job and no warrants helps lmao. The fuck kind of question even is that, have you seen niggers? Seriously bros, all you have to do is have self-respect and confidence, along with no tolerance for bullshit, and bitches will flock to you. It sucks that op has no game, but you can use his sad experience as motivation to be better than him by scoring the wide woman of your dreams.
