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Where tf these virus links coming from? Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 03:40:20 Id:52fa4b No. 52607 [Reply]
I just wanted to point it out since I see it more often recently. Do we now have to deal with potential viruses like we had to deal with the CP posts?
No, use a better browser that you can throw an extension on like u-block origin. If you're using stock chrome or edge browsers you're asking for it. On a mobile there's not much to be done with gofile, but you get used to it, you just swipe off the annoying opening tab. If the link looks dodge, don't use it, if it's not man, WeTransfer or gofile move on.
*not MAB. Typo

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Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:42:21 Id:5818f2 No. 50439 [Reply]
What is the strangest thing that you've done to satisfy your fat fetish?
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>>50599 This story is hilarious lol, thanks for sharing. I wish I had a better story to tell, but here goes. This isn't a "weird thing I did for the fetish" story so much as a "weird/awkward hookup" story, which is why your story reminded me of it. This happened just before covid, literally like the week before the pandemic was all over the news and the lockdown came. I met a BBW on Tinder. Kinda mid face but a really nice big gut. Almost the platonic ideal of a fat bimbo in terms of aesthetic; she looked like a hybrid of Shar and Layla. In the course of texting before meeting IRL, we agreed ahead of time that we would just have a one night stand. Also during that preliminary texting phase she sent me a few lewd pics and pics of herself eating, which was nice. So we meet up for a drink and it goes well enough. I go in for a kiss - I was expecting to make out, but she literally just gives me a quick peck on the lips- and she says "let's go back to mine to fuck". Turns out she lives in college dorms on campus nearby - that is not actually too common in Ireland (in Dublin at least), those rooms would be very highly sought after by students. Anyway we get to the entrance to the dorm building and there's a turnstile (not waist-high but full body height, with a fence with sharp spikes all around). She says bringing me in is a big no-no (no surprise there). She has to scan her student ID and the thing only turns around enough to admit one person, so the two of us have to squeeze in at the same time - obviously that was fun, squeezing against her fat like that - but it was a tight squeeze, and I actually thought it would get stuck. We sneak up to her dorm room and it's tiny. Just a shoebox room with a desk, bed and bathroom. More like one of those fancy Swedish prison cells than an actual living space. The bed is hilariously tiny; I'm a tall dude and my legs hang off it, and it's narrow enough (and she's wide enough) that the two of us can barely fit on it together. I go to the bathroom to freshen up, and I come out and see her lying on the bed wearing nothing but a babydoll, striking a "paint me like one of your French girls" pose. She says "I think I'm just gonna go to bed". I say okay and start unbuttoning my shirt. She says "no, I mean I'm literally just gonna go to sleep". I'm pretty confused. I say "do you want me to leave?" She says "up to you". It's late so I suggest just cuddling a bit and going to sleep, to which she agrees. So we get to cuddling in this stupid tiny bed. After about 20 minutes, we start hearing a couple in the dorm next door fucking quite loudly. I guess she must be jealous, because she says "I've changed my mind, let's fuck". I say "Are you sure?" and she says yes, several times. So we get to fucking, and it's the worst sex I've ever had. She just lies there like a dead fish the entire time. I couldn't even cum, it was that bad. We go back to cuddling and I somehow manage to fall asleep in that tiny-ass bed. I wake up early in the morning (it was like 6AM if I recall correctly) and she pretty much kicks me out. As I'm leaving, she does her "sexy" pose on the bed again. And that was that.
I let a fat women peg me pretty hard.
sims 4 and mods
>>50711 Sounds like a very bad fever dream Lmao
consuming "good" furry inflation porn cuz theres only a finite amount of "good" inflation porn

Verbose question to the community Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 15:46:16 Id:412478 No. 52695 [Reply]
Howdy fellow degenerates. Wanted to get your thoughts as I re-enter the dating pool; following the end of a decade plus relationship. During the course of my time with my bbw ex, I definitely came to terms with my preference for fatter women. (To the extents where she ended up teetering into ssbbw terrain, and I would say I probably enter into "feeder" realms too.) Mind you, both prior to that relationship; and in a couple of the one-off engagements I've had since, I also was with "regular" size women. I say this, because I'm still far from an old man, and I know I'm more suited for monogamy than casual hookups. That said, aside from my issues; which I took time to work on, part of what affected things with my ex was her love/hate relationship with her weight, which impacted her self-esteem and libido, plus some semi and unrelated mental health issues. What's your advice/takes on the prospects of finding (and having a fulfilling relationship with) a fatter woman; ideally one who'd enjoy getting further plumped up as time went on? Given I'm not looking to repeat the mistakes of the past, how to I find a relationship where the inevitable drama life throws at all of us doesn't manifest in my partner resenting herself, her body, and me? (I don't believe I'm a callous, unkind, or inconsiderate) Or should I put some degree of sexual fulfillment to the side in the hopes that a "smaller" woman might not present the same problems? (I'm not naive enough to think anyone is without baggage or gets out of life unscathed)

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>>52695 Get into the best shape you can. Be a fun person who enjoys a little pot and beer/wine and can cook. Date nerdy women who are struggling with diet culture but don’t have the best self esteem yet. You should try to be in great shape and not be a neurotic loser.

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JP Based Plus Sized "Escort" Service Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 15:41:09 Id:e76754 No. 52226 [Reply]
About a year or so ago I made a discovery on Twitter of these guys just following JP based BBWs out of the blue. They actually followed me back when I followed their locations(which they have more than one of). Seems to be an escort chain that specializes in titfucking and facesitting with plus sized women. I was just curious to see if anyone here knew more or had actually used their services. A lot of the girls seem to be cool with foreigners too(at least based on Google translate, which is all I have to go off of)
Can you post a link???
>>52265 https://bb-w.net/sp/top.php Forgot. Whoops
I'll probably use this at some point within the next month or two tbh. I've been planning on using the service before, but it'll be a first for me to use delivery health and each time I've planned somehow I have been delivered natural bbw experiences just by chance which I'm not complaining about. When I do I'll report back Usually though with delivery health services like this afaik it's illegal to sell sex explicitly but there's a legal loophole that the client and seller "fall in love" during the act so sex is fairly common. エッチ良いですか?or something along those lines is a signal. Idk haven't done it myself yet.
Do health delivery services like this accept female clients? Totally not asking for a friend.

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models who actually love the game (feedism) and have amazing origin story videos or family reactions Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:12:16 Id:42f622 No. 52310 [Reply]
as an autistic weirdo, hearing genuine feedees who’ve been skinny in the past talk about how they developed the kink and slowly (or quickly) gained weight over the years, understanding their kink, realizing what they liked, how others reacted etc. is really hot to me. some feedees like chiquita, couchqueen, mochii, and layla are some people who i feel make these talking videos and or express their (obviously) insane obsession with getting fatter the best without overplaying it for more views. pic related too if you know her.
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>>52395 Nah she's def into it, she had a video up at some point where it looked and sounded like she orgasmed or something from eating while fingering her belly button I sincerely think she's into this, and what makes it wild is she is a doctor (if I remember right) so she knows exactly what will happen if she continues doing it to herself (probably why she tried to stop, but "relapsed" because she loves it too much)
>>52458 Yeah I think CouchQueen has literally said before that she's doing it because she's very submissive and will basically do whatever her boyfriend wants If they ever break up, she will disappear
Surprised no one's mentioned growingellex
>>52562 It makes sense, gainging weight for your partner is the ultimate form of submission. It's going to affect negatively every aspect of your life as well as shortening it. It's wearing your submissive nature like a skin 24/7
>>52579 Talked to her the first time she joined Tumblr. Seriously "seemed" into it. However, she is just lonely and wants to connect with someone as a FWB. Watch out, if you ask her how she's doing you'll be blocked immediately. Terrible at communication and will randomly hit up your inbox apologizing for not getting back but she could use a few dollars for food. See where I'm getting at...

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potential nut suggestion Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:00:16 Id:049fc2 No. 52596 [Reply]
so the Olympics is going on now, and i had no idea there was a nice place to view some athletic/semi athletic fatties meet Women's 78+ Judo pic is this year's gold medalist, Beatriz Souza from Wikipedia just putting it out there

Who dis and thoughts on models running PG accounts Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 02:40:08 Id:6b49e7 No. 52485 [Reply]
Who is this ? I’ve seen her on here before but this is her family friendly account, had a link tree but doesn’t link to any porn content/ OF. I’ve noticed other super fatties do this, are they really dumb enough to think nobody will find them ? I got suggested her account by the tiktok algorithm, who do you think likes your content ?
>>52485 On Onlyfans is it Ganjafreak, on TikTok Beschwarma or something. She is from New Jersey.

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Feedist Unpopular Opinions Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 02:06:36 Id:a8b48e No. 52065 [Reply]
A little vent thread to express opinions that would get you kicked from feabie, lynched on tumblr, or blocked on twitter. While some people look great at any weight there is definitely a point for most people where being fat doesnt enhance their looks at all. It becomes a corruption fetish past that point. A lot of feedists go too far with themselves.
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>>52349 I honestly fw video collabs between bbw models where they’re laughing and joking with each other. There’s a worry in the back of my head that they secretly don’t like being fat, so seeing them genuinely happy is always nice
90% of all models don't care about the audio in their videos and it fucking sucks! there's always some kind of fuck-up, everyone records in a room with extreme echo or it's really dull and quiet, both make it really, really awkward to watch. not to mention the amount of "cameramen" who just grunt and breathe into the mic. fucking gross, dude. every fucking model always uses the lowest quality sound effects too. it's such a minor thing but it just pisses me off so much. audio is super important to videos and it's absolutely ridiculous how badly so many people fuck it up.
I don’t find Aliss Bonython attractive. There’s a rash of fairly featureless white chicks with PCOS. It’s not an attractive body type, it doesn’t signal fertility and she looks really meh with no makeup on.
>>52250 Who’s the lady in the pic?
>>52566 lovelyjademay on OF One of my favourites at the moment ngl

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What was the last thing you nutted to? Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 01:47:54 Id:6a83f3 No. 51449 [Reply]
pic related
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last one i swear
>>51714 I thought I was the only one doing this trick. I also have a fake woman account on feabie and was able to use it to get random gullible fat women to share me their bellies. I act like those stupid alt feeder girls and just say dumb shit like "let's share a tum for a tum ^_^" and just send a random skinny woman's stomach and 90% of the time I get a sexy ass bbw belly pic and dirty talk. I'm also mentally ill
>>52418 Here are all the pics I have of this set. Dalea was so hot. https://gofile.io/d/GeEMaq
Translation: Have you ever tried a diet?
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Fetishistic existentialism Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 00:13:42 Id:3ec031 No. 51572 [Reply]
Do any of the rest of you take the time to at least appreciate that our fixation exists in reality? In the before times, only those in the position of wealth or royalty could even have a partner of considerable size. There’s women out there in line at McDonald’s with curves finer than the most coveted concubines of a kings’ court, just out there for all to appreciate. For all the shit furries get, I do spare a thought for the fact that they have to settle for someone in a costume. Yes they pretend they’re the characters they portray, yet ultimately it remains a facsimile of their desire, able to be held in hand but still leaving something to be desired.
The fact that my fetish exists in reality makes it worse.
I have two responses to this: On one hand, I am glad I have a fetish that actually exists IRL. However I do find it a bit frustrating how rare attractive BBWs seem to be IRL, at least where I live. Hell, even when I visited the US recently, I didn't see very many. I think this perception probably stems from watching too much fat porn, but still. I consider myself lucky to have dated a few BBWs. I also consider myself lucky that I'm not fixated on weight gain - don't get me wrong, I do find it hot, but I don't *need* it to get off. I think my romantic life would be even more frustrating if I did. (In other words, of course weight gain exists IRL, but I think actually finding a feedee would be nigh-impossible) My second point is less specific to fat fetishism, but still tangentially related: I don't really understand how people can have fetishes for things that don't exist IRL. Furries are one example (as you said), but there are many others. Things like giantesses, vore, inflation, even things completely unrelated to fat, like hypnosis etc. Honestly, I find such things cringeworthy, but I'm trying not to judge. How frustrating would it be to only be able to get aroused by something that's completely impossible in the real world? Did people have these sorts of fixations before the invention of the internet? It baffles me.
>>51572 Nah. Literally so many people I know have the fear of their wife/gf getting fat or getting “fatfished” on Tinder or only matching with fatties. It’s nice to never have to worry about that. If you choose to date thin people and deny yourself what you like due to societal pressure, that’s your own fault for missing out
Yeah it’s kind of clutch that there are people who like fat girls and girls who like getting fat now that you mention it
Regarding OPs topic of furries: Gene editing is not particularly difficult. It is a matter of channeling power to such topics. CRISPR etc CRISPR can easily cause immortality. So many animals live over 300 years. Such as Arctic Sharks and Turtles. Cheers to my worlds wealth being directed to sanity.

Unattractive female body types Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 22:20:42 Id:aa4a61 No. 45777 [Reply] [Last]
Hello. Where I live women are either flat(at most musquito bites) and look very fragile or humongously fat. The catch with the fat ones is that at most they have B cup boobs(talking about girls upwards of 350lbs) and don't gain weight in feminine places(boobs, thighs, butt or hips). How would you deal with this if you were in my shoes and could not move away from where you live?
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If you can’t find what you want where you are at, then move to a place where you can make it happen would be the first step. A big part of life is being fulfilled in life, and settling doesn’t allow you to be fulfilled in most cases. Also, I don’t know you but I will state the obvious that you should be approaching women and putting yourself out there; the only way you get the woman you want is to initiate the process by approaching her and engage her in conversation.
>>47531 Europe is not a country.
>>52330 North America is my city.
SUPER weird to learn that Lithuanian is full of obese women. Every woman I met there was tall and skinny.
>>52346 like I've said in >>47035, we are full of old obese women, not young obese women. For example, even according to eurostat, the absolute majority of our women under 40 are think or at least very lightly overweight, but not obese. However, when you see the statistics on >40 year old women, then the situation is opposite - most of the old women are overweight due to sedentary lifestyle, traditional food being very carb and calory heavy and so on.

Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:48:51 Id:61d711 No. 52126 [Reply]
Hello esteemed colleagues. I'm trying to worldbuild a realistic fat setting and I want to crunch some numbers on what a more obese America could look like. Unfortunately, most population studies on obesity usually cap out at a BMI of 45, which would correspond to a weight of less than 300 pounds for women. I need statistics on the number of 400, 500, 600, 700, etc. pound individuals that exist in America (so a BMI of around 100 or more). Do any of you know where I can find this?
>>52126 If so only thing that comes to mind would be some support of anonymous health insurance data/data from doctors pffices, containing info about height, weight, BMI and age of a patient. But that would be probably not easy to get ahold of; unless you're a medical researcher maybe...? And many people stop seeing their doctor at this weight, so that's another major problem... Anyways, what exactly are you trying to achieve with the data?
>>52128 Well I want to create a realistic number of super fat individuals for my setting but I need the current number in order to do that.
>>52126 I tried to do something similar a while back. When first dating my wife I wanted to know how many girls her size were out there, as it turned me on to think I was dating someone like 99.99999% fatter than everyone else. Got nowhere unfortunately. Like you said they group everyone who’s “morbidly obese” together, and even bell graphs top out at 45 of 50 bmi max. Will be curious if you find something.
NHANES is a good start. I think the data format is somewhat unusual, but I was able to access it using R and some NHANES library. Would love to be able to access the UK Biobank too, but that's closed off. Issue with both of these is that presumably especially fat people don't sign typically sign up.

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Documentaries Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 13:31:24 Id:11c4a3 No. 52321 [Reply]
Heyy, as I couldn't find the old documentary thread I decided to start a new one. Recently found this Russian reality TV show about big girls trying to loose weight. So think biggest looser but with only (mostly young) women. Most of them are not really my type but some are very cute shy ones. https://youtu.be/_FHVMedB_bI

Feederism University Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 19:05:47 Id:b0e64e No. 52334 [Reply]
Discuss the growth&development of sensual energy. An economy is a soul, an immensely multidimensional energy, a will, a love, infinite multiverses of absolutes and abstracts. Likewise is feederism and sexuality. I dare say that the energy of sexuality in our universe can be improved.
My peoples universities develop infinite dimensions of love/growth/innovation/progress. Some of the most humble developments are the most useful. Society is a meme. Making good memes makes a good society. I am also curious about the ever refinement of forums and the ever increasing abundance of forums. Greece has so many offline forums that are like graffiti walls. Sometimes these walls branch sensual topics to unexplored universes.
Albania has many vast society centers where people just loiter around and make friends and anything happens. Like a community center or university without a theme of topics. I admire that. We can do anything with themes of topic also. Such as developing universities of feederism where feederism etc is analytically discussed consistently by masses in a progressive developmental way. And we can even develop a society that caters to ever increasing standards of sensual energy.

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Blimp at the the Olympics Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 17:18:15 Id:8cb1a5 No. 52277 [Reply]
Best part of the opening ceremony in Paris yesterday was the Last Supper vignette (that's French!) during the fashion show on a bridge. Star attraction in the middle was a rotund beauty who looked like she was enjoying her roll - I mean role.
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>>52277 https://www.instagram.com/barbarabutch/?hl=en looks like she's a popular drag dj over there. what it has to do with the olympics is beyond me.
i noticed this too... she looks so soft . excellent taste anon
>>52302 France is still a conservative country.
>>52304 Drag Queens aren't popular. France is cracking down on the sex worker culture. It's just shifting away from Frenchman and teen to more Americanized thanks for Macron and the EU
>>52304 >>52302 She's fat, gay, Jewish, and French from Paris. She's a stereotype of the globohomo
