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My girlfriend wore a blue tracksuit for me Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 15:02:08 Id:af03a8 No. 59324 [Reply]
Berryfag shit first off, I’d post it in /inf but there’s not a thread to post this under and I really need to brag :) Basically ended up telling my girlfriend about my blueberry kink, and to my complete shock (after I had told her more about it) she said she’d be willing to wear a tracksuit if I bought it, put makeup on her nose, etc. Long story short I bought her one and good lord. I’ve never felt more turned on in my life. We fucked last night while she was wearing the top and I maybe??? Lasted a minute??? It was too much for me man. Best part is right before I nut she went, “Anon…I feel funny…” and just fried my brain. So ye :) again sorry for anyone who don’t fuck with this but I fear I need to brag and again again /inf doesn’t have a place I could put this so…yea :)))
Lucky man, have you discussed her doing a bloat for you with the rest of the blueberry stuff on?
>>59327 I’ve mentioned to her how you can do irl inflation with air or water and she said that maybe down the road a bit she’d be willing to. She constantly teases me about wanting me to see her belly swell or bloated tho now that she knows about it lmao so I’m more than happy with what I have now

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College Advice/Stories related to Feederism Anonymous 09/01/2023 (Fri) 06:37:45 Id:413443 No. 34717 [Reply] [Last]
Just wondering if any college students past or present have had any experiences related to feedism while they were in school. And where would be the best classes/places to find possible big girls around a campus.
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>>55446 North Korea mf, wtf.
>>55446 we can laugh all we want at our NKorean brother but 2 things are certain 1. he is a big shot in his country - given he has internet and 2. he is in dire need of bbw material as most people there are starving and skinny as fuck here a nice photo to keep you company to ease the pain of existing in a shitty regime without bbws
>>55446 Can’t really take that from someone in North Korea to be real
>>34717 lot of bigness down south. walking around campus is awesome because you'll see thin blonde sorority girls but also massive, southern chicks who are over 300 at such a young age. contrast galore
>>57848 Very true

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Let's hear your BBW/SSBBW butthole stories Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 05:12:07 Id:b2d792 No. 25359 [Reply] [Last]
Any good or bad experiences with eating BBW/SSBBW ass? Anything goes as long as it has to do with assholes. Try to keep the scat shit to a minimum. Brap stories are fine. I'll share a few if this subject garners interest.
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>>49326 A woman in my rotation is about 500 lbs and she uses a portable bidet, she's mostly clean but she can smell in doggy style half the time. The other one is 280 and she smells like gourmet when she doesn't shower. I wish I was living with her in the pandemic so I can see how much it would build up as a slob. I would say the cutoff point is 300 before things get really conventionally gross for the average ssbbw.
>>54438 Since getting banned from 4chan I've been missing out on seeing specimens like this in their natural habitat. But it's nice to be reminded of the good times. Bless your heart, you weird mutant. I wish I could place you in a human-sized zoo enclosure shaped to look like a house so I could observe you.
>>59107 >getting banned from 4chan Three-day vacation?
>>59107 OP here. Um what?

Motivational posters Anonymous 01/10/2025 (Fri) 01:34:20 Id:b4279d No. 58790 [Reply]
(Self explanatory)
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I find the other kind of motivation hotter.
>>58804 Damn this woman has some huge hips! Nah expand those portion sizes. What an ad.
>>58810 It was on the NYC subway years ago, I did a huge double take when I first saw it — didn’t want to get off the train lol. Months later there was an article about it in The NY Times. The model is EDM singer Beth Sacks, who was paid $300 and didn’t really know what it was for. She had some regrets over it, being the poster girl for overeating = fat. She’s way bigger now, fwiw if you check out her socials.
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General WG advice thread Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:19:44 Id:2f8e04 No. 53633 [Reply]
A thread for tips and tricks to more efficiently pile pounds onto yourself or your feedee. Recipes, things to look out for at the store, strategies, whatever, just drop it here
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>>56216 i think (sadly) it's a trade off that just comes with this but some moderate physical activity probably wouldn't hurt.
>>53633 Massive amounts of butter and cream
Here's something I found out trying to min-max gaining. Not only are peanut butter pretzels the ultimate snackfood (only $6 at walmart for a tub of 3220 calories, saltiness balances the sweetness, doesn't need to be refridgerated), you can make them even more dense. If you mix sour cream and salsa con queso jars, you can make a dip to raise it up to 5k calories for a total of $11, you basically make them into DIY Combos. For reference, 2 Little Caesars pizzas would cost $12 for pickup and only be worth 4k calories.
>>56216 You could always do what I do when my heating systems is over pressurized and “bleed” off a little from the top.
>>59179 Get a load of the 1800's doctor over here lmao

Advice needed: Relationship or dive into the fetish Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 23:20:08 Id:1a4675 No. 58720 [Reply]
Need some advice from those that have been in similar situations. I'm in my early 30s been with my gf for nearly 2 yrs, she's gained like 20kg taking her up to ~300lbs while we've been together. She's just decided to go on weight loss meds and wants to get down to like 200lbs, for her health and cause she doesn't like how she looks. I'm super torn, I want to support her and help her lose weight and have a future with her like marriage and kids and buy a house, but the other part of me wants to end it and fully embrace this fetish and fuck really big women and even end up dating a feedee and helping her gain weight. I wasted the majority of my 20s dating skinny women and have only fucked 2 fat women (inclufing my gf) but none have been into the fetish. my gf lets me grab her belly when we fuck and we have played around with whipped cream a bit, so I kind of get that outlet for the fetish, but I find myself still wanting more. I'm feeling old though and think this is my opportunity to have a family and kids, and if I go chase feedees I'm giving that up. I'm in Australia so the feedee scence is a bit average but may have an opportunity to move to the USA for work which would make finding feedees a bit easier. Any advice? Pic for attention and the type of woman I'd love to be with haha
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>>59096 Same, man. However at this point I'm not even worried about trying to have sex with a 4 to 5 hundred lb woman, as long as she's slightly chubby, ranging from the 160 to 300 range (I wouldn't mind having it with a heavier woman though, if given the opportunity) it could feel like pure bliss, I'm in my mid 20s and about to graduate, I want to get on the grind and have this experience at least until I'm in my early 30s
>>59106 200 to 300 range I've had and that's much more ideal in terms of a partner. But I'd still like to bag and absolute unit, like Roxxie or Plump Princess sized just to see what it's like.
>>58780 Yeah, it's one of those things which is true but which you'll never believe until you find out for yourself. I prefer sex with 200-250lb women. And I prefer dating them for lifestyle reasons - hiking, travel etc. are still realistic/uncomplicated, weight-related health/longevity problems far rarer. But if I'd never had sex with 350lb+ women, I never could have gotten over the fantasy.
>>59132 What about experiencing 350+ helped you get over the fantasy? Like was it satisfying but not something you feel like you HAD to have again?
>>59133 In my experience when they get to a certain size its just not as fun. This is when WHERE the fat goes matters. Sex with a 250 pound woman with fat ass and big tits is better than with a 350 pound woman. ESPECIALLY if that 350 pounder has a small chest or butt. They just dont have the stamina for good sex and its a little more like fucking a passive object. When they're a bit smaller they can actually fuck YOU too instead of just kind of laying there wheezing like a pathetic hog. You also may grow to resent them for demanding princess treatment when theyre kind of repulsive to fuck. Its the equivalent of simp ass women who fuck their unwashed boyfriend who lasts for 5 minutes and doesnt give head then expects her to be his Mom/bangmaid. Shit gets old fast and you realize you have more self respect than that and deserve more.

VR Content Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 22:34:07 Id:bc55ee No. 58364 [Reply]
Does anyone have any VR content? Some Lexxxi Luxe VR : https://gofile.io/d/9fo8pq
Good thing i got a meta quest lmao
>>58364 > https://gofile.io/d/9fo8pq https://gofile.io/d/fa68ae6d-169c-4ba0-a9bb-454833c3eced
>>59163 > > https://gofile.io/d/9fo8pq It's in private mode

Became a BHM and sex is hard now/ general BHM experience thread Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 20:20:32 Id:3904bf No. 58353 [Reply]
So I'm a feedee who's met a girl feeder. She's crazy but my kind of crazy, love her to death and we've been going strong for a few years now. She' put on maybe 80lbs on me and it's been quite an adjustment. Like it would come in bursts, I'd put on maybe 10-20lbs in a month, plateau for a few months and then it would creep back on again, so I've been obese for a while but it also simultaneously just blorps on me out of nowhere, and every time I have these bursts there's something new to get used to. >not seeing my own cock when I look down even when bending over >standing or walking for hours simply just sucks hard >reaching my back or ass >getting used to sleeping with neck/chest/collar blubber pushing on me All things I've gotten used to. Sleep apnea sucks but eh, a cpap machine basically helps me ignore that problem. What I'm struggling with now is sex. We still get off but it's very hard for me to perform. She's even fatter than I am, so reaching inside blind is an effort, and frankly my stamina sucks. Now those are fixiable, and I don't even need to lose weight to do that, just hitting the gym for energy and flexibility would help. What I'm REALLY struggling with though is my cock. It's so much more difficult to get hard, stay hard, and not lose it. When my muscles get exhausted from just regular positions, I lose my boner. But sometimes even when I'm horny, It'll just go down. I'll still be aroused in my head and even feel that stirring in my loins but my dick just taps out. I think a part of it is my dick juat doesn't feel anything as much as it used to. Like everything's just a smidge more numb. Perhaps this is a bloodflow problem? Maybe exercise can help me there but I'm worried this is just a fat problem. Like, this feels independant of the fact I also can't touch the base of my shaft nearly as easily anymore. I have to basically lay down and spread my legs like a fat girl trying to let a cock in to reach my deep base, otherwise digging into my fupa to grab the bottom quickley becomes too tiring for both me and my girl. She's even lent me her wand before, and it feels good and fun but kind of same issue, things start to feel a little numb and it just goes down. Honestly it's kind of really cute how buried I am, me and my love get off to how effeminite it looks and sounds to go from having a cock to basically a fat pad burying it inside some crotch hole. Really, a lot of weight gain stuff is super hot on paper but when my fat ass is tired or my muscles feel sore it also just drains my head and makes getting off to it hard. I don't regret getting fat though I feel like I've gone past the stopping point (a lesson for any prospecting gainers out there, set goal weights, if you lossey goosey say "oh Ill just stop when it stops feeling right", you're fucked because once you've gone too far it will both feel like it but also never far enough. Your body has gotten used to your diet (quantity or quality) and you will have to seriously convince yourself to stop to actually maintain or make progress losing.), but it's still fun both conceptually and in practice, but I just wish the practice worked as smooth as it did before I gained. Am I fucked and have an ultimatum (to pull back on my fetish or deal with the weakened numbing) or is there a solution that lets me stay this way and still perform? Also I notice a lack of bhm discussion and personal gaining talk here, so I want to open the floor to anyone else seeking feedback and advice. I sure don't mind sharing more about my morbidly obese experience.
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Thanks for sharing OP. I can't really give any advice for you but that was hot to read. If you don't mind me perving on you more, could you tell us more about what life as a BHM is like? Any interesting stories about experiences with you and your partner as you got fatter? Also, have you thought about using ED medication for your problem?
I am kind of in the same boat as you! i have been with my gf, who is a feeder, for the last 3 years. and in that time i have put on a considerable amount of fat. i have also an issue with staying hard. but as much as i hate working out, i have started going to the gym just once a week to see if that maybe helps, although i am not looking to lose any weight
>>58439 ED can be a lot of things, not just hormones. I felt down about being a bit feminized and spoken down to and guess what, communicating with your feeder can really help. I talked it over with her and she explained how she saw me as more manly than ever in no small part because of the size I am now. We set some limits too about when certain language can be used and what soft and hard limits we have and with whom.
>>58442 haha any opt out of not working out i would gladly take! my gf is also not bothered by me not staying hard, as she also knows that it probably has to do with the weightgain part, we have talked about it a lot.
>>58353 Have you talked with your doctor about the potential ED? Even if you don't have access to one, there's telehealth sites like Ro that can prescribe viagara generics for a fraction of the cost. You can even choose between pills and gummies, or slow acting vs fast acting meds so you can time your shots. The potential downsides is that puts pressure on your cardiovascular system, which will only get worse as you get bigger, and won't make your dick any longer to compensate for your fat pad, among others. Cardio may be able to fix this to a degree, but eventually you will hit the wall as your weight climbs. As for myself, I acquired this taste when my last gf was into mutual and we got into roleplay, but things went south for a lot of logistics reasons and she broke up with me. I'm a bit of an average joe with 22BMI, but I've been toying with a test gain to 30BMI to see if I can become bottom heavy. Hopefully with a bit of looksmaxxing I can hit my prime so girls can find me more approachable. One thing I did notice is the olive oil article, which suggests that 2 oz of extra virgin olive oil per day will reduce VAT and increase the subcutaneous, recomposing the body. Hypothetically, this would mean less pressure on the organs and less inflammation, but even women get the "boob pressure" effect as their chest fat makes it harder to sleep. Likewise, if sleep apnea is caused by the double chin, more drastic effects will be needed to take fat from the bad spots to focus it more on the good spots to maximize the pleasure. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7601817/

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For men who like good fat 450+ woman Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 16:31:54 Id:0275a2 No. 58470 [Reply]
M//21 Don’t you ever feel weird about liking women so big. I do but I love Jackie, Jae, Lisalou. I like the way their bellies hang and ass looks. I feel wrong though liking it. To me it’s morally wrong to make your girlfriend gain until she can’t walk anymore or play with her pussy. But the thought of my girl being 550 just makes me wanna fuck idk man it’s a two way street. My question is how do you live with it
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>>58765 Gonna have to argue that Tinder or pretty much any other app has given me a much higher success rate than Feabie. Like, even to the point that I'd message a girl on Feabie and hardly get a response, but message her elsewhere and get a great conversation or even meet up.
>>58765 > Try Feabie. As long as you’re not a dickhead, you’ll have a competitive advantage over a lot of the other dudes on there, which will make you look even better by comparison. Are you a faggot, a woman or a virgin? Literally every woman on feabie complains about fucking the same handful of dickheads they pass around. Be tall, be muscular, have money and be ready to lay down some solidly oversized pipe if you want a competitive advantage over other men. But being a supplicant bitch isn’t gonna make women drop their panties.
>>58765 Be prepared to sort through all the scammers and women on Feabie who immediately ask you for food money before even asking your name
i find the rest of everything else is equally as absurd as well the issue i have is that i would like a similar level of acceptance for my personality; i’m sensitive. somebody that i legitimately care for and who legitimately cares for me, kind of helps bridge that gap sometimes
>>58778 Gay comment and reeks of projection. There's a huge difference between being a "supplicant bitch" and respectfully hitting on a girl. Have you ever used Feabie? One look at my local competition and realized I had a huge advantage already just by being young. 6ft, a job, and a good personality is literally all you need to hook up with a local fatty. Not sure where you're looking from, but most of the big chicks in MA don't "pass around" the same men, and if they have a bad time they usually try to exile the dude because they have nothing better to do. >>58816 I understand brother. Many of these feabie women are also broken in some capacity and I've found the younger, slimmer (<400), and sometimes uglier ones are the best for conversation or connection. Find local people you can connect with, build something, and see where it goes! That's the only way you're gonna solve your problem.

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Never underestimate your own stupidity Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 07:51:59 Id:38b69e No. 55418 [Reply]
Hi all, I am 35 years old. I have been into BBWs since I was 0. I have a clear memory of the 1989 earthquake. My mom's friend was over, and she was quite obese for that time. I remember her an my mom just came in from the pool. She wasn't wearing a bikini, but it was a swimsuit that showed her belly. Once everything started shaking, this massive woman also starting shaking. Everywhere. My crotch tingled and I remembered thinking the feeling was similar to when I would hold crawl up the side of my crib by grasping the panel with my legs. I was absolutely mesmerized. My mom was freaking out. I remember she blocked the fat friend trying to keep me safe. I started crying. But then her fat friend fell over and her belly popped out of her swimming bottoms. Immediately, I was happy again. I was laughing with joy, and I got as close as I could to her to to get as much of a view as I could. It was glorious and my first sexual experience. Anyway, I tell that story to make something clear: I like fat women. The bigger the better. Always have, always will. Earlier this month, I was reading something about food addiction and a lightbulb turned on in my head: there are 12 step meetup groups for food addicts. I started off with an online meeting, and it was cool. I saw some very fat women cry and talk about crazy shit, like hiding a pie that their husband found and threw away and eating it from the garbage as soon as he left. Tonight, I went in person. I told them that I binge and purge and made up some stories. Afterwards, while talking to one massive fatty, I faked some tears and got a hug. I know she felt the boner in my pants, and she pulled away quickly. After that, she kept glancing at me all through the night. I could smell her arousal. Anyway, this took me 35 years to figure out. Food addicts anonymous has serious fatties that are hopelessly addicted to food. Go some time, and thank me later! https://www.foodaddicts.org/find-a-meeting
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>>57700 update: have been chatting with some chicks in the OA community. What a game changer. theyre hopelessly fat and addicted to food
>>55418 >1989 earthquake> Sup fellow bay area buddy
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What's to stop a non-obese person from faking a food addiction and attending OA meetings? I assume binge and purge types are welcome. You'd probably hear some really hot stories.
>>58111 Yes, the first person to notice someone's bulimia is usually their dentist. The purging can keep you relatively normal weight, but it's tough on the teeth.
>>55418 this is so weird and obviously a lie, no one can remember much of anything before around 4 years old, nobody wants to hear about your fake 0 year old larping

Need help ID'ing but didn't save pic Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 00:11:48 Id:308a43 No. 58289 [Reply]
Ok first off, YES I know there is an ID thread but everyone there posts a pic when they're asking for ID. Also most of the posts there just get skimmed over and never responded to anyway So story is I followed this chick on IG for a while when I had my old account. Interacted a few times via DM but I never saved any pics of her. I deleted IG and was off it for a year before creating a new acct. Problem is I forgot her username and can't find her anywhere. The reason why I'm posting here is bc I vaguely remember a thread about her on this site. What I do remember about her... Name: I think Lissette or Lissy or some variation - Latina or of that descent but lives in Miami area - absolutely gorgeous face, wears glasses, slim waist with wide hips and an absolute dump truck of an ass - there's one picture of her that's burned in my mind, she's got her hair tied up and wearing her glasses, white tee shirt tucked in and form fitting jeans TLDR - Latina smokeshow wearing glasses, white tee and jeans but I don't have pic saved If you can help me ID her or her IG account then thank you in advance and you're the real MVP If this post breaks rules then go ahead and delete
>>58289 WW91J3JlIGEgZnVja2luZyByZXRhcmQgZm9yIHdhc3RpbmcgdGhyZWFkIHNwYWNlIGZvciB0aGlzIGR1bWIgc2hpdC4g
>>58297 bait successful
Lisette Camacho? She’s smaller than she used to be, but still top tier
>>58699 Love her but I can't get a handle on her timeline. I actually thought she was plumping up recently. Either way the jeans pic looks like a morph.

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Something for the FA geographers amongst you Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 03:44:26 Id:77bad1 No. 58750 [Reply]
https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=c09aee5d3fee41c489fdffec21cb270a A webmap application mapping US counties, tracking obesity rates versus diabetes rates. Interesting data, not immediately sure what conclusions could be gleaned from it. The obvious correlations that pop out to me, the Midwest has the highest rates of obesity with lower diabetes rates. The South has high obesity and diabetes. The Intermountain west and New England has lower rates of both, with spotty exceptions. The Southwest and CA has high diabetes, lower obesity. Womp womp. Some more obvious hypotheses - take it with a grain of salt - demographics and economics. Caucasians, especially northern Europeans, are probably better adapted to being fatter without being diabetic. Lot of them live in the Upper Midwest. It's also a more economically stable region, seeing struggle and deindustrialization, but not the generational poverty of much of the South and Appalachia. Now I figured Black populations are well suited to be obese as well, but I don't know. I think it probably comes down to generational and demographic poverty and diet more than genetics. But obviously, the south is purple here. It's hard to be too fat in Colorado, and the same with the wealth and urbane fitness culture of the Northeast probably suppresses obesity. The Cadillac desert of the southwest makes for prime fatty lifestyles in many ways, and most of this region isn't too impoverished (outside of rez lands), but I think there's probably something demographic with Hispanic population developing diabetes easier than other people groups. Agree or didagree? Any other conclusions or thoughts to be derived from this data?
Fascinating stuff here. Have heard of the midwest stories and would move out there just to properly fatten up a woman to immense size. Had a few friends tell me these women are huge, gluttonous, and growing out of their local Torrid on the daily. They carry size 5 in store plus portion sizes dwarf the south portion sizes. A really great mix when you put health perspective as a positive as well.
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Yea its pretty great come to Michigan if youre going for the upper midwest. Detroit rocks, the lakes are awesome, the upper peninsula is magical, legal weed, decently affordable, lots of good food, and may be one of the "safer" places when climate change really takes off. Normally I post shit like "Stay out of michigan it sucks here" so california faggots dont come here cause they ruined their state, but you guys are cool. I would be aite if MI became a BBW paradise.
You have it right, it's racial. There are a lot more Black people in the South than in the Midwest, but then it's dark blue in Detroit and Gary which are majority-Black cities. WV and KY, where the Midwest kinda crosses over with the South, is amazing. I knew it was fat and unhealthy in those places but wow.
>>58769 I came here to post this exact same thing, that's crazy. Are you inside my brain reading my thoughts lol

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Just watched "Three Thousand Years of Longing" … and wow, those BBW scenes! Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 16:06:02 Id:c83450 No. 58565 [Reply]
Have you seen the movie Three Thousand Years of Longing? I watched it a few days ago, and it’s really nice, but I was pleasantly surprised to see BBWs nude so clearly. Below, I’ll share the scenes where they appear.
Here's that sequence, good as it gets for hot BBWs in mainstream media: https://gofile.io/d/BO9Gl7
>>58572 u know that's kiyomi right
>>58703 No but I thought she looked familiar. I was never a fan but this kinda changed my mind lol. Wild when a fat webmodel shows up in civilian entertainment, like Patty in Jackass.

Girls of /qa/ govern this website. Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 20:43:31 Id:b6ef2d No. 58714 [Reply]
So the future is fat.

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Tech tips Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 16:04:51 Id:439881 No. 58697 [Reply]
I've seen morph videos of people expanding and am wondering what's the best program to make those types of videos?
