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Seeing hot stuff right in front of you SECOND EDITION Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 16:15:44 Id:d5f92e No. 31020 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got stuffed. Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild? Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
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>>57447 I pray she becomes hopelessly addicted to food
>>57447 hope she blows up right before your eyes
>>57460 >>57943 Her fiancé got her a 3 pound bar of chocolate yesterday, I really hope she devours it while she’s so stressed. Her engagement is the x-factor that makes me really hopeful she’ll finally let go
Company holiday party where some related organizations were also present. Someone from another company we do a lot of work with was easily the fattest one there, probably like 5’5” and a little over 300. Bad face, nice body. She proceeded to get the drunkest out of everyone by a significant degree, and her colleagues from her company had to take care of her. There was something extremely hot about getting a peek at a fat stranger’s excessive intake on an occasion when it was “ok” to indulge - the visible morbid obesity, the plates of sliders and stuff from over at the buffet constantly going down the hatch, and then to cap it all off, completely overshooting it on free booze.
Anyone see any gains from people during the holidays?

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Looking for Advice Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 06:33:23 Id:c56bba No. 55083 [Reply] [Last]
I’ve been trying for months to find a big girl to date and I’ve had 0 success. I’m 5’10, in decent shape, and have been told by many I’m a good looking guy. But I’m almost 30 now, and I can’t find any ssbbw women who are near my age and single, even though I’m trying different dating apps and keeping an eye out when I’m out in public. I had a rough time in my 20s getting my life off the ground and because of that I haven’t dated in forever. When I was in my teens and early twenties the only girls around who were interested in me were skinny as hell and are to this day my only experience with dating. Now I’m finally in a good spot and looking to try dating women that actually fit my preferences, but it feels like the pool is completely dry. I really don’t know what to do at this point. Any advice?
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>>55083 Believe it or not i had some luck on wooplus
Autism? OCD? Are people lying to you and you’re just ugly or no fun? There’s no excuse for not fucking fat chicks, just hit them up for sex and see where it goes. Don’t try to come at them all gentlemanly, they’re not those kind of ladies, they’re fat and used to being fuck meat for dudes who pull.
>>57548 I disagree with this entirely. I do find that being more of a gentleman results in better outcomes
>>57980 > find that being more of a gentleman results in better outcomes Found the John. Try being gentlemanly with your pocketbook closed bitch boy. Sad truth is that’s the game these days, you’re no hero for trying to force the game to be played by your personal moral code.
I know I’m kinda late to this, but WooPlus really isn’t as bad as people say it is. Just be really upfront in your bio that ur into feeding (but not in a weird way), and the girls on the app who actually have a fat fetish and aren’t just obese women who got shadowbanned on tinder will match you (provided you’re reasonably good looking). Remember, fat girls don’t get a lot of action, and fat girls with this fetish get even less action from someone with the mutual interest. The only reason why models like Lana and Layla get laid is because they’re models and basically invite over their Coomer fans to make sex tapes, most fat chicks who get off on being fat don’t have that so just try to appeal to them. (This has worked for me multiple times)

Feedism Hidden Gems Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 23:11:18 Id:031c27 No. 58045 [Reply]
What are some feedism hidden gems for you? For me, the progressively worsening stamina resulting in subtle constant heavy breathing
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>>58148 To add on to the hands and feet thing. When a girl gets so fat her wrists disappear and there’s a visual line where it should be. Also upper arms that hang over the elbow drive me crazy. Sillysoftie on tumblr is a prime example
Mine hums when she eats, sometimes. I’m starting to come around to it. Something about her getting lost in the act of eating.
>>58146 This. Fattest girl I ever got with was 495 and short, and I was amazed by how muscular her thighs were underneath all the fat. Carrying that much blubber around makes every day into leg day.
Knee issues. Yeah yeah clutch your pearls, but if you’re trying to grow a girl and something keeps her from being more active and independent, that’s a good way to do it.
>>58146 A number of years ago my wife, who weighed 250ish at the time, went to the gym and had a personal trainer who was genuinely surprised at how much strength my wife had in her legs. She is 5 ft tall and lugged herself around for years. So yeah, her legs are strong. I imagine she could probably do more now at 310.

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What denomination are you? Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 04:07:21 Id:a7db2a No. 57042 [Reply]
What specific boxes of this fetish and surrounding kinks are checked for you? For me, I am primarily into comparisons of when a woman goes from fit to fat. I also love stuffing and immobility/extremely unrealistic sizes. I also love curvy women in general and enjoy both ass and breast expansion content. Vore does nothing for me, and I’m not the biggest fan of belly only expansion. I am very curious where the overlap is for everyone. For me, the general progression was breast expansion -> stuffing -> weight gain -> ass expansion as I delved deeper and explored more.
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I’m into fat, muscly athletes. That body shape where they have big arms, big legs, big hips, and big bellies but smaller breasts, like an apple/pear mix. There’s nothing hotter than a woman who looks lowkey pregnant/inflated but is benching 350. Dating one right now - she comes home from the gym, eats a whole pizza and then burps very loudly for me all night long. Fucking perfect.
>>57529 apple/pear mix is perfection, but so hard to find IRL
Short: body contrast, eating, trying to do XYZ normal human thing and struggling, enabling partners, self delusion. It's a mix. Long: Gluttony, sloth, entitlement and being physically unfit drive me nuts. When a woman acts dainty, feminine or like a princess/expects that treatment but weighs as much as 3, it's wildly hot to me, especially if they're sort of a dull mouth-breather. I think the contrast of femininity or this sort of hyper-traditional femininity I'm describing with their ill-maintained figure somehow makes them more feminine and appealing. Unfortunately that combination of personality traits is probably the very worst you could ask for in a long-term partner, but this is just fantasy or wank territory for me and similar pleasures along those lines can be found in less exaggeratedly degenerate women. Fat deposits on the limbs and unwieldy spots like the neck, arms, hands and upper back/shoulder blades. Obviously, the gut too. When a pretty woman gets fat or obese and her shape doesn't follow a sort of 'traditional' contour (e.g., Boberry is something of an example of still having a 'traditional' shape despite her size). I love the way a naturally beautiful face looks when it's swaddled in a thick, bulging donut that wraps around their head and neck. Lazy, weak, obese arms and useless manicured hands good for nothing but reaching for food, a phone or just swinging limply while they waddle. Physical unfitness and the general habitual shortcuts obese women take- Asking someone else to do something so they don't have to move, only reaching or moving their forearms and not the cumbersome, heavy upper arms, leaning and sitting whenever possible, the little poorly-disguised gasps for air in between sentences when they're out of breath, or even just had spoken too much in one go. No matter how body positive they may be, they almost invariably still will try to hide some of the more embarrassing side effects of their weight and feign normalcy in these various situations. The more you look for it, the more you'll see big women (and just fat people generally) making use of this "obese playbook" of sorts, consciously or not, and it's an adorable little show for me every time. Every time a big woman habitually pulls an article of clothing back into her desired position, all of those other things... It makes me want to dick them down, pamper them and enable every last naughty little habit that got them so porky. I love the idea that women this huge were an impossibility or at least rarity as little as 50 years ago and now they're everywhere. The concept of the obesity epidemic as a whole is something I could nut over.
In terms of body shape, I’m a weirdo who likes it when a lot of the fat is concentrated around the belly. Idk the look is just very appealing and it looks incredibly grabbable and ready to play with. What shape would you call that?
I wrote something similar to >>58171 up to the word limit over the month but I'm debating to post it or not.

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how fat is fat enough to start posting here? Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 05:49:07 Id:df57b0 No. 57588 [Reply]
so look, maybe this is a dumb question but... Since the beginning of this year I've put on quite a bit of weight (i think so, anyway) and well, i would love to post some pics here but i dont think im really fat enough yet for anyone to really give a shit if that makes sense. I started out just a bit underweight, and now i am slightly overweight for my height. My gain is particularly noticeable because my belly got most of the lbs, im talking like 38in waist on an absolutely empty stomach. Was not reeeally an intentional gain, but it turns me on so uh, i kept stuffing myself and i dont think I'm ready to stop yet. Anyway, does that sound like content that anyone would be interested in?
>>57588 I would love to see it
>>57588 please let us know if you do end up posting
give it a shot and we’ll let you know. Seriously though there are plenty of chubby people on /bbw, I guarantee you’ll be fine. It’s only a few spergs that gatekeep whether someone should be in /ssbbw or not.

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Quick ways to hide SSBBWs when wife comes home Happily Married 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:13:12 Id:750792 No. 57559 [Reply]
Hey everyone, I love SSBBWs but my wife is skinny. I set up some cameras with conputer vision and we share our GPS locations, but sometimes she arrives sooner than I expect. The problem with SSBBWs is they are slow to move and hard to conceal. I need some quick and effective way to hide these women from my wife when she's on her way. The SSBBWs are large and heavy, so they can't leave through the back and jump the fence. Hiding them is difficult because they tend to breathe heavily, which is both audible and visible. I have some time to react when I get the alert, but not much. I usually have sex with the SSBBWs in our bedroom, which is on the first floor, but usually the first place my wife goes to when she gets home. Last time I lucked out because my wife did not park in the garage because I had all of our Christmas stuff out, so I just pushed the fat woman into our garage. She was mad because it was cold, but I told her she could have whatever she wanted in our outdoor freezer and use our Mr. Heater to stay warm. It was too close for comfort! My wife was about to go in the garage, and I had to stop her and say I had a Christmas gift out there for her. She said she could just keep her eyes closed, but I said I would get whatever she needed. It all worked out, but it was way too close for comfort. Does anyone have any creative ideas or tips on how to quickly and effectively hide or dispose of a large woman? Any advice is much appreciated!
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>>58104 I also have a wife as well and have been happily married for over a decade, so try again, weirdo.
>>58101 >>58104 >>58106 >>58136 >>58137 >>bbwchan users having an earnest argument over who among them is the most normal and well-adjusted pillar of society to all of you. i love this site so much! i love you so much! never stop being this entertaining please.
>>58145 You've got me there lmfao
>I was having sex with three immobile SSBBWs when my wife came home so I had to push them out the window onto a trampoline I had set up for this very contingency but one of them bounced through my neighbor's window and squashed his cat and now he's going to sue me. >Uh, why were you cheating on your wife, bro? >I cheated on my wife to save our marriage. >Take that shit to a hotel, idiot. >I've had sex with a fat woman too! You guys are too much.
>>57559 Just have her sit on the ground and throw a wrinkled grey blanket around her so it looks like a big boulder, like Frodo and Sam did in lord of the rings 3 extended edition. She'll never know the difference. She'll ask, why is there a big boulder in our room? Just gaslight her and say it's always been there, what are you talking about. The only thing is you have to tell the SSBBW to hold her breath the whole time, and not shart out explosive diarrhea cause your wife might smell it.

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Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 22:52:56 Id:db609d No. 35100 [Reply] [Last]
Stuff that isn't porn but you've treated it as such, weight loss videos etc.
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>>57741 Bigger crowds Easier targets
>>43069 I've done this before. absolutely epic
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> "this girl's cute, wonder if she's somewhere" > reverse image search > leads here, same image (girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair) > cool.jpg > end up reading a very well-articulated, frankly almost analytical discussion about baseball, sumo and representation of it in Japan > remember power pros, a huge baseball series in japan > i like power pros > mfw big women led me to getting back into a game series Unironically somewhat funny how this all came to be. Keep being yourselves everyone, and merry early Christmas!
>>58138 >girl in the grey shirt, short light brown hair OP? The Japanese housewife?
I apologize for not clarifying; it was the image OP had used for the banner here. My fault!

Coomer Download Failure 12/19/2024 (Thu) 04:02:33 Id:004a56 No. 58056 [Reply]
Is Coomer working for everyone else? Download times are even slower than the usual crawl, have to manually resume downloads because they just stop on their own and sometimes midway through files just stop downloading altogether. It's happening across multiple devices and multiple internet connections so the website's the problem, so I was wondering if there's any way to circumvent these issues and how people on here are doing it.
The website itself is working fine Downloads or videos don't work that great from time to time Stops at a few seconds or low percentage a lot Sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't really

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Perfect Pears Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 20:16:21 Id:c58dd3 No. 58082 [Reply]
Who are some *current* favorite pear shaped creators? I'm familiar with the OG greats.. but am looking for something new and frankly, younger (in 20s). There's a ton on insta and tiktok but they dont necessarily make this kind of content
I prefer MILFs but for me Snowangelcake is by far the best of the young'uns. Total package including personality. (actually bigger now but I love this pic) https://www.instagram.com/snowangellcake/
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My vote goes to PrincessPear. Hasn't made feederism content (yet) and seems to be more of a partier than lazy but looking back in the last year she clearly has gained over 100lbs.
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Buhle Dhlamini

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Fantasy Feeder charges Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 22:10:20 Id:0db2a8 No. 58088 [Reply]
Does anyone know what Fantasy Feeder shows up as on your CC statement? There's a few stories i want to purchase, but don't want to alarm the wife Lol
Pay the $3 vig for a pre-paid Visa at CVS or Walgreens.
It isn't worth it, trust me. As a former site user these people put some stories behind a paywall and most are straight garbage. FF is trash now a days anyway with plenty of scammers. You don't want to get scammed from a book too.

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Biggest Loser Porn Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 20:51:15 Id:a69822 No. 58084 [Reply]
Growing up, biggest loser was like the perfect porn for me. Fatties struggling to work out, being screamed at for being fat by the trainers, humiliated on camera. i fucking loved it. Who were some of the biggest loser greats for you? This woman here was probably my favorite ever, sucks she got thin
I was already an adult but this was the first great fatsploitation reality show I remember. The first few episodes of each season were the best, of course, with all these alarmingly out of shape fatties struggling to move. Anyway my fave was Suzy Preston, pear-shaped cutie. Here's her before, after, and after-after. (These are the best "befores" I can find though they don't do her justice. Used to have a pic of her in spandex but it's gone.) Fun fact: The dude is her husband, he was the season winner and she was the runner-up. They both regained after the show but apparently he lost the weight again.
>>58108 That woman is skinny even in the before. Find better taste I know the biggest loser has huge fatties
>>58114 Be the change you want to see and post a worthy one, rather than the no-effort mediocrity you are.

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Achievement unlocked Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 19:57:58 Id:4dd2ea No. 53432 [Reply]
Guys, I got her too big for the toilet and now’s she’s shitting in my tub. Seriously, what do I do?
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>>53432 does anyone know the source for this photo?
>>57796 >>58065 I think it’s clear
>>57796 >>58065 Now do you have anything constructive to add to the convo or did you just come to gawk at my wife? Say it with your chest.
>>53432 God damn, she's beautiful, well done to both you.
>>58065 SSBBWSupersoft i think

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OF DRM Bypass Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 17:30:48 Id:253cb7 No. 58069 [Reply]
has anyone found a reliable workaround for when girls have the DRM setting on onlyfans?

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Looking to make someone immobile Test subjects 10/16/2024 (Wed) 07:41:18 Id:6dfd3b No. 55388 [Reply]
So I’ve been doing research for the longest and with the funds I’ve decided, fuck it. I’m into the deepest part of death feederism, that being said I’m looking for someone up for the job of being plumped and extreme, anyone interested?
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>>56546 Can’t say for sure. She had medical paperwork with weight listed at 460 at one point. But that was when she could get into a wheelchair, probably another 80 pounds by the end.
>>55388 Well, anon, you didn't specify male or female, but if you want to try something, I'm a guy, just shy of 300 pounds, 6'3" so lots of room to grow, living on the west coast. I made a sock discord account a bit ago, if you wanna chat. I'll be out and about most of the day so please be patient. >handle: momfoundthecumdrawer
>>55388 OP, did you ever find anyone? I hope you keep us updated!
>>55388 i have to wonder if anyone has ever successfull,y INTENTIONALLY made someone immobile. Like start to finish
>>58042 Fairly certain that USSBBWSupersoft is on the verge of being immobile and her feeder having a lot to do with it. Seems like she's really into it. Gina/ARealFG from back in the day got super close from her husband fattening her up. She got health problems and started losing weight though. Then she passed away. Honestly, real, true immobility from just eating is rare. Generally there has to be an injury or illness that keeps them from getting out of bed for an extended period, and by the time they recover, their muscles have atrophied and they are too fat to attempt to buuld them back up. Heather from BigCuties is completely immobile and over 600 lbs but that is because she got Covid and almost died from it. BigCutieSteph appears to be on the way to becoming immobile, but she appears to have be doing it without a feeder.

Throwing away relationship to fuck feedees? Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 03:49:18 Id:d94368 No. 54779 [Reply] [Last]
Has anyone broken up with their gf/wife to go all in fucking feedees and embracing the fetish and was it worth it? I'm currently dating a fat girl probably low 300lbs but she hates being fat and is actively trying to lose weight. She doesn't mind having her belly played with during sex but always tries to cover up and hates the way she looks when out in public. I'm conflicted do I give up a relationship with someone that is pretty fat and the sex is good to actual find feedees and embrace feeding and making someone fattter or just stick it out?
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>>55393 Wise words. When I've been out of relationships I would casually date the biggest girls I could find on the UK bbw websites and the reality is, most of them have issues, or are trailer park/rough as fuck individuals (or usually both). In my opinion, there really aren't that many feedees out there, they're just content that someone has shown an interest in them and their self-esteem is usually low enough that they can deliver what a feeder would expect in return, they:be accepted being fat by way of necessity, a poor diet of crap food because it's cheap and what they can afford.. Dating someone who is your type who you are sexually attracted to and you get along with aside from attraction is pretty much key. Any FA or a fat fetish has it in their heads they want a 600lbs girl but the reality is completely different. As this guy says, a 375lbs wife who is hot as fuck in your eyes is pretty much perfect. More than fat enough to get your kinks and usually mobile enough that day to day life is only mildly affected. And yes, when you tell and show your partner she's hot as fuck whilst being medically double her ideal weight is absolute key. I can't say my wife loves being 350lbs, but she isn't doing much about it until she gets heavier and drops to 300-320, but she has no problem jumping on top of me or having me touch her literally anywhere naked when in bed. >>55149 If this isn't a LARP, well done on Paula having the confidence in herself to quash Anna on trying a bit of body shaming and bullying. Next time, ensure you're the person who is jumping to her defense. I had an altercation with an ex who wouldn't let go. Got a pint of lager poured over my head for no other reason than splitting up with her and being seen with a comparatively bigger girl than her 4 months later on. We grew apart, it's not like she got dumped by me.
>>55396 This is my reason for not wanting to breakup with a fat gf even though she isn't a feedee. She has a decent job, smart, funny, just doesn't like being fat but lets me play with her fat. All the feedees I've spoken to on Feabie seem to have crap jobs are pretty boring, their redeeming feature is they are fat af and not ashamed about being fat. But also this is probably an act and they aren't super confident being fat. Should have fucked feedees when I was younger at uni instead of dating skinny girls.
>>55413 I think you've answered your own question here. The fact is, your partner is gonna struggle with her weight all her life and will likely lose to 250 before going back up again. Just be positive about her body and she'll gradually not care as much when she knows you're so into her. And without sounding presumptious, lay off the 500lbs + superfat porn a little. It distorts your brain to fuck. I dated a 500lbs girl in my youth and to be honest, as much as you get off on the fat, the rest of the relationship went sour so quick I really should have finished it far sooner. I've slept with a few 400+ aswell and it's eventually the same deal. You gotta have deep pockets to date a superfat. It really isn't all it's cracked up to be. Stick with your gf, she sounds like a keeper.
>>54779 I think it's hard to find the perfect dynamic that is worth throwing it all away for. Much of this stays fantasy for us because not much of it is actually accessible IRL
>>54987 >And honestly, as hot as having sex with very fat women is, I prefer smallfats overall. I've realised that the types of bodies I like in porn don't really map to what I like in real sexual encounters. Which should not be surprising, but I think feedist porn is particularly prone to escalation of this sort. Agreed
