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cambro.tv sucks Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 18:08:31 Id:adc9b8 No. 54578 [Reply]
>make an account and post some bomb ass vids you can't find anywhere else >btw vids take literal weeks to finish processing >100s of people with either clips downloaded from bbwchan or empty profiles add me >ask each of them if they have something to trade that's of equal value to what I uploaded >get less than 5 trades out of it that were nonetheless pretty good basically it's a shitfest where people gatekeep content they got from free elsewhere 1 good vid I got: https://mab.to/t/ncKitqc1PPv/eu1 https://www.cambro.tv/members/1112351/
>>54578 >basically it's a shitfest where people gatekeep content they got from free elsewhere That's because one guy gatekeeps, so if you want his private content, you have to have private your content too. Public? He'll just view it and ignore your request. Same shit happens on thisvid
>>54578 >>bitches about people gatekeeping content. >>does the exact same thing and expecting equal of value trades. Fuck off lol. The only legit complaint is the video processing for the site takes too long

I have an important question to ask Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 00:54:46 Id:831820 No. 47834 [Reply]
So...there's a likely chance that my state government is going to sign an age verification bill. Putting aside the VPN advice for a moment, if you happen to live in a state that was affected by this, what were some of the websites you were able to access without having to bypass anything? From what I gathered from other people, some were able to access adult websites that weren't based in the US. Plus so far, I didn't hear any word about other rule 34/hentai sites being affected by this either. Mind you, that last part doesn't make any sense but I wasn't sure if the IP just gets blocked. I just want to know what to expect once this is inevitably mandated.
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That being said, I have been keeping track of the Free Speech Coalition and their efforts in stamping out the bills. Turns out a couple weeks ago, they were granted permission by the supreme court to make their case against Paxton. Now if my judicial knowledge is correct, it's possible that if the FSC were to win this, then it could set a precedent for all the other states going forward. Thought it will probably be a while before we hear anything about it. Here's their statement: https://www.freespeechcoalition.com/blog/supreme-court-grants-cert
Only 1 day before Pornhub blocks their access in my state. No telling what's gonna happen to all the other sites, but if it's somehow still easy to access smaller ones without the need of using a VPN, then the lawmakers haven't really banned anything. All they did was essentially made it tedious.
>>54575 Coming from someone who lives somewhere with the age verification thing, all the feedism websites work fine. The only websites I’ve been stopped by are PornHub and LoyalFans. I think spankbang or xvideos has it too Of course, if you’re over the age of 18 this is not an issue. Since I don’t like traditional porn I have rarely ever seen it anyways
>>54583 As far as booru sites are concerned, rule34.xxx is planning on making a backup site just in case and e621 is only blocked in NC. I haven't heard anything else about EHentai, Rule34Video, or any other Booru sites getting blocked.
>>54589 Porn is blocked in NC cause it's costing the GOP their chances. We can't have Lt. Gov Black Nazi having access to terabytes of hard core porn with the power of MLK Jr flowing thru his fat body.

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Question about ssl Xg 09/20/2024 (Fri) 17:09:30 Id:93078a No. 54441 [Reply]
Phew, i figure because this place knows more about computers than I do, I can get some answers. I'm using android and google chrome to browse the internet. Not a power user. No buying/banking/social media just browsing. About a month or two ago random websites like kemono or spankbang were being marked as "insecure." Ok whatever. Then all the pictures at ehentai. Not the site, the pictures. Again...nbd. Then wikipedia, and a bunch of sites that are tech related...ok...not good. So i do everything. Automatic date/time, clear cache, re-install chrome and update...and I lose all my bookmarks...fuck. Fed up, I'm THIS close to factory reset when I ask something important...why does pornhub work and not spankbang? So I decided to check both their ssl certificates Spankbang uses "let's encrypt" but not pornhub. So I check wikipedia, and all the tech sites...same thing.

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>>54444 Check them.
>>54441 Are you on an ancient version of android or chrome? Root signing certificates do change and if you don’t keep your OS and browser updated, then your device will think webpages have illegitimate certificates because it doesn’t recognize the signing certs. That’s the most likely cause.

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Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 23:35:22 Id:851845 No. 47183 [Reply] [Last]
hey i’m an 18 year old CIS !!!! girl and i’m really fucking thick with watermelon tits and a fat ass and round belly n thick soft thighs n looking for a cute guy to talk to. under 26 only preferably a chronically online cool aspie guy (like me) not a fed or glowie just an imageboard degen regular that was introduced to this site by a degenerate friend. fair warning i am fucked up and mentally ill but i’m chill and i’m cool i like a lot of things, breakcore, shoegaze, vidya, film/kino, drugs, psychology, chemistry, pharmacology, philosophy, neuroscience, breaking bad, mr robot, better call saul, i would go on but i don’t care enough body count is 1 if you care about that stuff my tag is momwaifu on d@scord if you’re interested
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What was this thread for again?
>>54266 Bro stfu. It's not that serious. There's one rule for posting online (and this applies everywhere): don't post your face unless you can deal with the consequences. No Channers are gonna track you down based on floorboards or whatever. That's a trumped up myth based on one incident of mass trolling by a massive board of people all working together to harass an already publicly known figure. Gtfo with your fake-ass pretentious screed about how tortured you are. Most people are just normal, trying to get through their lives. This site is no different. 99% of posters here are just normal people with a fat fetish who don't wanna pay for porn TL;DR Calm down
>>54250 He's not a good person. He's totally deluded. Don't post your face, but this guy is the definition of a White Knight with his weird "protect women at all costs" fantasy. He's more a creep than anyone else in this thread
I wanna Fetten dis bitch 2 500000000000 ponds
>>54488 Projecting much,

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German Police investigate after left wing politician was called fat online. Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 02:56:38 Id:7d44b5 No. 53851 [Reply] [Last]
German officials attempted to start a criminal investigation into a Gab social media user who allegedly called a left-wing female politician "fat," but the platform refused to comply with the German authorities' invasive demands to uncover the person's identity. Germany has become the hate speech police, having some of the strictest laws in the world concerning social media posts. The agenda was accelerated after The Network Enforcement Act was signed into law in 2017. It requires social media companies to promptly remove illegal content, including hate speech, defamation, and incitement to violence. Germany alleged the post attacking the politician's weight and posting a graphic meme was a violation of its laws on insults. Say what you will about America, but at least we don't have batshit speech laws.
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>>54240 Voter turnout is going to be low this season for the left. If Trump losses, it's mostly due to pure chance of the government shutting down. Democrats like MAGA cause they run the government just like how the Taliban runs Afghanistan with efficiency. MAGA just hates Old Man Cheney rebelling against president stepdad. Ukraine has Trump staff working for them too.
It's rather telling that Democrats are complaining the great MAGA king isn't entertaining them and he could be on the decline, so now the left will have to fight Russia, China, and Hamas by themselves
I will quit being Kisame17 since I have an identity as a city boy. This will be my last time posting here
>>54233 Centrist..LOL
>>54513 I am not sure centrist exist considering Modi supporters at Nassau Coliseum. I am too sick to do anything

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BBWchan improvement thread Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:14:00 Id:27dfd1 No. 41857 [Reply] [Last]
Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
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I can't believe I forgot one of 4chan's most soulful mechanics: the post timer. Requesting you guys implement a visible 60s timer. Before you hit post, or reply as it's called here, it'll show a countdown. When you hit reply it'll post once the timer's up. Post a post. Wait 60 seconds. Post a post.
>>51281 /dis/ussion general. Every board gets one except for /bbw/ which gets many.
>>51379 I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users >>53463 Ok. And yeah this world needs more chan websites. So many other chan websites should've been made by now. And 4chan should’ve helped that growth. 4chan seems stifled and constricted. Most true channers have left. 4chan was set to develop a perfect world, but then 4chan was invaded. Undo the invasion, continue growing the worlds souls.
>>53465 Chan sites need something to set them apart otherwise normies will flock to the biggest example of its kind. Chat client? Disharmony. Short videos? Tiktok. BBWchan can be the 4chan of fat. And also other tangential stuff. >I don’t feel that’s necessary yet until the website gets more users It's necessary to make new users get the impression we're exactly like the big scary 4chan except its geared towards their secret big degeneracy.
>>41857 The admins should do more to permaban all transphobe filth and post their IP addresses for us to have fun with

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Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 13:14:01 Id:c1741e No. 53986 [Reply]
Ozempic is a hell of a drug
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>>53988 Part of me thinks (hopes) that there'll be serious long term side effects and it won't be used for weight loss. It seems too good to be true for weight loss and people will cycle having periods of being fat and then not as fat so maybe there's still some hope
>>53986 Not gonna lie, he looks like a cancer patient.
A lot of people get really sick from GLP peptides. My wife ended up in the hospital after a few months, and she gained all the weight back plus some. I think women in particular have a harder time with them because they tend to have more gallbladder problems than men. But for sure if you dont make any serious lifestyle changes that are permenant you will gain it all back.
destroying your internals organs for years for the sake of a social media "gotcha" moment is utterly the most retarded thing I've seen on the internet.
>>53986 Head is literally egg shaped. Newcado looks like a cult leader.

Brainstorm a Coomer alt Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 16:25:43 Id:eda41e No. 54315 [Reply]
So coomer getting fixed I don't think is gonna happen any time soon, so let's brainstorm. I found: https://fmhy.net/nsfwpiracy#leak-sites Also there's: https://thotporn.tv/ There's Bunkr, and we used to have that purple open file sharing site back in the day where everybody dumped new content. Maybe we could find a new default for our onlyfans needs.
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>>54365 We share pirated content tf you think this place is, if u paid for all the onlyfans u need tf are you here for then get out
>>54370 >We share pirated content You barely even do this. I see more bullshit and spam than actual content sharing. Fuck off with that.
>>54319 there's no 'we'. nothing happened after you posted your idea, you're overestimating generosity in the population if you think more than a few people will take time to download content from OF, upload it and do so regularly. Coomer streamlined this whole processs and served the interest of both the public and the subscriber who could access the content he paid for after the subscription. BTW OP The Netherlands is in the top 20 of countries with the higest GDP per capita and you're clamoring for free porn, just sayin`.
>>54370 What I’m hearing is that we need to really hone down and define our problem statement and associated user stories. As a consumer of fat lady porn I want a platform where we can share pirated content. As a buyer of a onlyfans I want to upload data automatically given my access. As a coomer I need to be able to democratically access these content via a shared interface supporting multiple concurrent users. This is a good first draft that can be wordsmithed later but for the time being can be used to guild development activities.
As long as content is shared through DMs, then you can't do anything about it. That's one of the main reasons Coomer ended up dying.

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christianity Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 00:32:47 Id:934f9d No. 46627 [Reply] [Last]
I don't expect there to be many Christians here but perhaps some people with knowledge or views on it So I was raised Christian, I left it on the backburner for some years but I recently started taking it seriously again. The strongest convictions I have is that we have been created and that supernaturally influenced events happen (miracles, "coincidences"). but i'm struggling with its views on sexuality, lusting doesn't really feel bad in the same way fantasizing about murder would for example and it has a strong biological imperative. I'd say monogamous relationships have a biological imperative as well, we start getting possessive if we like someone and infants need a provider and a caregiver. But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot?, it justs gives me a happy feel like nice architecture or a sick painting. I'm starting to think the majority of Christian men who say they've sinned, lusted a bit and started self-flagellated themselves for it, none of their trials and tribulations have been really grand, to be honest most Christians are a bit boring. i'm not in a relationshit and virgin for what it's worth. And when I think about how I had a classmate in primary school who was attracted to a boy It's hard to say with conviction that homosexuality is unnatural.

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>>46627 I just want to say that when it comes to Christians being sexual, it really depends on the region and as well as the denomination of Christianity. I grew up with as a Catholic Latino (most Latino people are Catholic in general). I always rembered my father and uncles making sexual jokes. Also most of my friends were also "Catholic", and they would always talk about other girl's asses and tits. Meanwhile, most White protestants would overreact when they hear people mention sex.
>>53317 Cause they are not puritanical like most protestant faiths.
>>53354 Catholics are incels and loudmouths
>>53361 no u
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>>53111 God loves you, whether you like it or not

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More candid ssbbw 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:13:08 Id:e50299 No. 51045 [Reply]
I dont know if there is a well known place but I think the hottest fat chicks are always ones in public with fat sticking out. I can never find good candid photos though (a bit biased though bc Im just tring to find fat mexicans)
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>>51456 Well that's an instant 100% hard on if i ever saw that in public
>>51456 So hot
>>51456 Damn thats hot. Keleti?

Lipedema Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 01:03:52 Id:40fe28 No. 53291 [Reply]
How does one even find a girl with lipedema? It's only prevalent in about 10 percent of women, and even then...it takes a long while to progress to stage 4 when they become true behemoths. are there any signs to look for to know if a girl is in the early stages? Is it something that only happens to fat girls?
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Pronounced pear shape — thin on top, thick on bottom but not athletic. Lots of dimples and cellulite on her thighs and ass. Cankles. It doesn't only affect fat women, but it's more obvious with fat women because it's a fat disorder and fat women carry more fat. That said, stage 3+ lipedema is no picnic, as there can be a lot of pain, fatigue, and mobility issues. So your dream behemoth might not let you near her a lot of the time and she's not gonna be a lot of fun outside the bedroom either.
>>53291 Just don't, lipedema fat is completely different to normal fat, its diseased and feels lumpy and hard. If you try to squish her thigh it'll feel solid and just hurt her.
>>53291 There's women shaped like this on the app Wooplus. I fucked one similar to the first pic but goddammit was she the whiniest, most self-loathing depressed bitch I ever put up with to smash
>>53291 Even when they are not big, they often have relatively large legs and relatively small boobs
>>54432 It’s nothing like fat. You can’t grab it, it doesn’t jiggle right, it’s horrible for sex…pretty much why the most BS models have it PP, JJ etc. women who will never do hardcore because they don’t have feminine fertility fat built for fucking but instead her fat ass is a painful tumor of fluid filled disease.

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Bragging Thread Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 03:25:04 Id:589fc0 No. 52200 [Reply]
OK guys, I know there's lots of you here that have fattened up women. Time to brag. Starting weight, current weight, methods, and how long did it take?
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>>54331 Don’t shoot yourself in the foot though, anon: often those anti-depressants are good for causing weight gain. ;-)
>>54332 Ehh 10 years ago yes but most anti depressants have the opposite effect now a days.
>>54332 If you think antidepressants cause weight gain wait till you see what manic depression does. Binge mania and depressed snacking.
>>54328 So…revenge porn?
>>54339 Wow. Something tells me she’s not the deranged one in the relationship lol

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Let's hear your BBW/SSBBW butthole stories Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 05:12:07 Id:b2d792 No. 25359 [Reply] [Last]
Any good or bad experiences with eating BBW/SSBBW ass? Anything goes as long as it has to do with assholes. Try to keep the scat shit to a minimum. Brap stories are fine. I'll share a few if this subject garners interest.
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I don't know what it is about fat bitches, but seeing one makes me want to violently eat their ass. No other body type makes me feel this way.
>>50343 I was thinking the same just now. I don't know what it is, but yeah, something about fat women with large asses just makes me want to do the same.
>>49320 Date anon following up here: over the last few months sex was good. However, I can confirm it's a matter of pheromones and I can't just sniff/eat the ass of any fat woman, at least for me. Her scent was wretched compared to my ex, and I'm talking about her natural odor after showering. Nothing alluring about it. I thought I was still lovesick over my breakup but I've casually dated others since that went nowhere and their smell by simply being beside them drove me wild. She was not a bad lay, but I know we'll be incompatible in the long run, so the dating journey continues. I think my next woman I see I'll try to get pics/videos as a thanks for the OP and this thread. >>50343 I'm in the same boat brother. I've dated thinner women in the past but I never guessed to do any kinky shit with them much less getting in their ass. But for fat bitches my mind goes wild and it's all about the booty inside and out. Human mating signals are interesting.
OP here, I've debated with myself on giving an update. Wife and I are now legally separated. The details aren't important but it's for the best. All I'll say is it had nothing to do with my smell fetish. I do miss her scent. That's the only thing. I haven't sniffed her perfect asshole in nearly a year it feels like. I've had a couple dalliances since being separated. One with a SSBBW and another a BBW. I agree with the poster above me, pheromones are very real. The SSBBWs asshole had a very minimal scent. Decent but didn't drive me crazy. Maybe she washed herself too thoroughly before we meet. The BBW does have a pretty great scent but I'm not gonna marry her because of high body count. She's purely for fun. I'm sad bros. Down bad even. I've even considered giving my estranged wife money for her panties but this would be a bad idea. I've debated with straight up propositioning her sex but again, a bad idea. The lesson here bros is marry a woman with little to no psychological issues. Save yourself the heartache.
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I'm going to do something really stupid and get someone else into this fetish Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:08:27 Id:eafa15 No. 52933 [Reply]
Can someone send the hottest weight gain animation to have so I can show it to someone and turn them on to this fetish?
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>>52998 They got rid of the autistic who can pump out pics in 3 hours per day so nothing I can do.
>>52998 DeviantArt is already cracking down on all that hyperpreg fan art to make way for AI. Pixiv is doing the same.
>>52933 Maybe try EightXL's donut machine animation if you have to go with a video, really I'd opt for a drawing or something irl instead as there's more peak in those fields
>>52933 That's not how any of this works you braindead fuckwit. They're either into fat chicks or they aren't. Your spank gifs from deviantart aren't gonna change that.
>>52933 https://www.deviantart.com/kim381/art/The-secret-ingredient-1041466448

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Post stories of the fattest women you've been with Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 01:39:12 Id:0d6d3f No. 47667 [Reply]
Guessing we're going to get some LARPers here but whatever. Here's my story: I'm fortunate to be a rich American and also probably have age on a lot of you here. I've met my fair share of SSBBWs over the years and the internet+dating apps have definitely helped more recently compared to the "old days" when your best bet was to hang out at the late night drunchie place on the "going out" street to find a sloppy gordita... Anyways, here's a list of my fattest fucks. All of these are from years ago in my single days (skinniest to fattest). Also if you're new, NEVER ask a women her weight unless you know she's into it: 5'4 305lbs (known weight), clothes size unknown All belly. Met online, hit it off, travelled to go see her. This girl was a former athlete turned death feedist, and when we really got down to it, she told me her secret fantasy was to be too fat to breath and be locked up and force fed all day (and after hanging with her I believe it). It was a little wild how she was seemingly normal half the time and the other half the only thing she could think about was being fat. Most feedees tend to get off on the sub aspect of it (as well as the fat), but she was a little different and it was all fat for her. Hard to get vag access with the size of her gut. All and all, while I like to fatten a girl up, I don't want anyone to have health issues (which she wanted). Also her fat distribution was just all belly so she wasn't for me. I look her up sometimes and it seems like she's only gained like 50lbs, so I think she just hasn't met the right feeder yet... I'm sure it's only a matter of time before one of you finds her in the wild and then she's on a TV show at 700lbs lol. 5'4 340lbs (known weight), 4x. Massive pear. Met online, lots of texting, relatively closeish. The garbage I fed this girl was insane, and she absolutely loved it. Could get vag acess from the front when she stuck her legs way up in the air. Also fucked her belly and would dirty talk about fattening her up. Her ass was massive and her thighs pretty damn large as well. Unfortunately she was an absolute nutcase and a bit of a stalker. Still, some of the feeding sessions we did were ridiculous. 5'7" almost 400 (est), 4x

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This was back in early 2020 around February. I met this chick off of Hinge who was about 6’0”, around the 500 pound range. Went out with a group of her friends out at some bar/table top place out in Pittsburgh. After we all hung out we back to her place and she asks what I want to do. We start making out and taking off clothes but she says she won’t fuck on the first date. So I end up laying down on the edge of the bed and she gets down on the ground on her knees and begins giving me one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever received. I ended up cumming in her mouth, swallows every drop and gets back up. Says she needs to work early but wants to hang out again. I end up ghosting her because it wasn’t worth the drive anymore and I found someone closer.
>>54290 I’m 5’7” 160lbs at the time too which is why I was on the edge. I was really hoping for 69ing.
>>54221 >>54284 >>54289 This is probably my hottest one. Late 2019 I shot my shot with a local Feabie girl I'd been crushing on for a while but had never really made a move on. I know she tried her hand at modeling briefly but I'm not sure if her content is available out there anymore. I basically slid in her DMs and said hey I know we've talked here and there but I think you're cool and I'd really love to buy you dinner. She... took that a little differently than I intended and sent me her PayPal name. I was bored and horny, story of my fucking life, so I played along and sent her more than enough for a big takeout order and told her to enjoy. Next day I sent her a follow up message asking if she'd prefer me to personally deliver her next meal. By some miracle, it worked. She obliged and we met at her place a week later; she was such a hog. 5'7", 450 pounds of pure fucking FAT head to toe. Soft, pillowy arms with that classic cutoff at the elbow that hung so low (these are crazy to touch in real life if you've never had the opportunity), a simply delicious double belly with hints of a third roll poking out beneath her (relatively) tiny, cute tits, and a plump, wide ass and set of hips that she could barely avoid bumping into everything as she moved around her apartment. I ordered a massive spread of pizzas, subs, sides, desserts, and sodas and was stunned at the amount she could put away - she ate fairly slowly but did not stop consuming the entire time I was there, five or six hours give or take. I remember standing over her, hand feeding her a piece of pepperoni pizza while she sat on the couch making blowjob eyes at me and fellas, nothing has ever made me harder. We retreated to the bedroom and she pushed me onto her bed and mounted me - the 460 pound girl from my previous story also got on top of me at one point but this girl was just different - the sheer heaviness of her absolutely flattened me and when she laid down to make out I thought I was going to suffocate. The foreplay and sex were outstanding despite our personal chemistry not being fully there. I was having self confidence/shyness issues and couldn't tell if she really wanted me or if I was just available and willing to be a bit of a simp, lol. I fed her mozzarella sticks while rubbing her clit and she moaned "please, make me fatter" so I told her when I was done with her they'd have to knock the walls down to haul her fat ass out of her bedroom. Eventually I hit it raw from the back and sprayed a huge load all over her butt and back rolls. Afterwards we laid in bed goofing off for a while and I could tell for whatever reason she thought I was a little bit of a dumbass - not that she was wrong. We exchanged pleasantries and dumb memes via text for a couple weeks after and made plans to hang out again that never materialized and we both started dating people more seriously about two months later if my memory is correct. - Pandemic hits and the relationship I had gotten into fell apart, when on a bit of a dry spell for about a year and started perusing the dating apps again in 2021. I linked up with a brunette BOMBSHELL on Tinder, on the taller side and 400+ pounds (she never confirmed but I told her I was 190ish and she said she thought she was more than twice my size), round and wiiiide and extremely bottom heavy - not necessarily pear shaped though. She was shy, mousy, sort of a town librarian or cute secretary vibe about her, but she had a sexy, seductive side, which I discovered when she sent me dozens of nudes and professional boudoir self-empowerment photos of her in lacy lingerie. She wore those butt cage panties that hugged her curves immaculately. We meet a few weeks later - she lived fairly far away - and I still remember her panting and wheezing and getting red in the face from walking down the hall of my apartment complex. We did have sex but it was a tad vanilla - the next time we hung out I tried to be open with her about fat fetish stuff and it just kind of bounced off her. Like she didn't understand belly play or the idea of feedism at all - I tried bringing that along slowly, letting her think it was just whipped cream and strawberries. Eventually I started thinking she was kind of dumb and boring - a shame because she was easily the hottest fat girl I'd ever been with at the time - and just throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck. We did get into a nice dom/sub dynamic that did it for her where I stopped using her name altogether and just called her "good girl", which eventually became "big girl". One day she turned back during doggy while I was pulling her hair and goes "I'm such a big girl, sir" which instantly erased any thoughts I'd had about dumping her. In fact it was her who kind of ended it, mostly for distance reasons according to her but I was upfront that I was getting what I wanted from her and if she wasn't I wouldn't bother her anymore. We did, of course, hook up at least once more after that and drunk texted each other a few times and even matched on Tinder again a year or so later but nothing ever came of it. She'd really gotten into fat activism and in multiple pics was wearing that one "fat bitch" shirt that every girl over 200 pounds has. Not seeing her again is one of my few regrets to share with y'all because I remember it looked like she'd been getting bigger. I don't think I could have made a full-blown feedee out of her but I should have tried harder.
>>54221 >>54284 >>54289 >>54360 Last post and this one will be shorter - seriously hope at least a couple you enjoyed reading about my exploits and I apologize for taking up so much space in here. Another Tinder girl, circa summer 2022. She was married and had started rapidly evolving sexually during the pandemic while her husband was struggling with personal and mental health issues. He wasn't interested in sex anymore, period, while she was realizing she wanted more partners - open, poly, whatever - and had a dominant side to her that she needed to express. We met for dinner and drinks and made out in the parking lot against my car like a couple of horny teens. She was tall, maybe 5'10" or 5'11", blonde with a big round chubby face behind enormous hipster glasses; her body was thick with a sort of denser, more muscly fat. She was big bellied and still has the largest breasts I've ever gotten to feel - we never really talked about weight or fat fetishism but I imagine she was well over 300 pounds, maybe 350 at most. She made my dick absolute diamonds just from being in the same room as me but unfortunately we weren't sexually compatible at all - she was really pushing the domme/mistress thing which I do think is deeply hot but it was my first time acting as a submissive and I couldn't really get into the groove. Felt like I was faking it. She put me on all fours and spanked me which did next to nothing, and she later insisted I was perfect for pegging which is not something I ever really want or need, lol. When we had sex her face, neck, and shoulder fat would pile up in such crazy fashion that I didn't think she could breathe. Her marriage eventually got messier - it was clear to me that her being the only one enjoying an open relationship would cause issues for them eventually - and we stopped seeing each other but I hope she's doing well. Really cool girl despite our differences. - To close I will mention two less remarkable ones - during the late pandemic stages I was hooking up with a literal next door neighbor, a chubby never-married 50 year old who was the most uncomplicated "just come over and dick me down" woman I think I will ever meet. I also made out and exchanged numbers with a former (current at the time) BigCutie at a party in my earlier 20s and we had lunch a couple times afterwards but didn't really click. Shrug.
>>54363 Thanks for sharing. I love reading this kind of stories.
