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Boberry: Project 2025 Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 13:19:14 Id:55be83 No. 58839 [Reply] [Last]
Last fred hit the bump limit, here's a new fred. Assuming it lasts until the new year, I hope you all have a special, loving Christmas with your family or other loved ones. Fill it with laughter, peace and precious memories. I hope that 2025 brings you bright new adventures, opportunities, and that each of you are able to stick firmly to your resolutions. Whatever you want to achieve, remember, it's NOT too late to start! Doesn't seem like there's any NEW content to share, but here's a much-requested reup of the measurements: https://mab.to/t/cGfX9QOsAuC/us2 [Expires in 3 days] So long!
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>>61850 Here it is. I also tried running the newer above video through an upscaler. idk if it really looks much better but here it is. https://gofile.io/d/aiT3Yr
You are a legend my man!
>>61858 damm it's gone already 😭
>>61858 Can we get a reup?

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How often y'all fuckin? Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 11:21:56 Id:9a4e97 No. 58433 [Reply] [Last]
How often do you, you who frequent this fat fetish board, have sex with fat women? I'm curious if the folks here are incels like the bitterness of the posts here might suggest, or if there are some people that have healthy sex lives too. Maybe you have a gf you love. Or hate. A wife that won't put out. A scandalous affair to find satisfaction. Perhaps you're drowning in lonely desperation on the apps, swiping away endlessly, waiting for a match. O maybe you are an Muhammadan sultan with a harem of fat beauties in the royal palace. No LARPing allowed. Or if you are gonna LARP, don't be boring. For your truly, its been quite a dry spell for a few months now. I last had sex in early fall with a lovely prostitute , but haven't had a relationship in over a year now. It's mostly alright with me, it's more a result of my unique life circumstances for now, and once I'm back home I'll be "back on the prowl" for fats.
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>>61663 > >But I never fell into that incel shit. Why would I want to commiserate with a bunch of guys obsessed with being losers? Never give into the loser mentality. >I don't even help guys that fall into the incel/MGTOW stuff. They're removing themselves from the competition. Objectively this is his problem tho. He’s sitting here thinking all he needed to do was go out more often in his 20s and he’d get laid but he can’t even get his depressed, desperate, mega obese GF to fuck him often enough to not get dumped. He’s 100% broke, ugly, short and not making any efforts in the gym or wardrobe to be a competitive dude who *could* pull a woman who wasn’t some depressed hoe looking for a retirement home.
>>61634 > The biggest detriment to modern men is that they do not put themselves into positions to get laid. Go to events, concerts, talk to people, dance, drink, take classes, join clubs. I think you have it backwards. Those places are for men who are *already getting women’s attention* to cash in. More at bats isn’t gonna do more than let you strike out more often if you aren’t already doing everything you can to help attractive— dude you can’t even hit the ball off a tee. Trying harder isn’t going to make women suddenly thirst for a substandard man, it’s just gonna make you broke, frustrated and sad.
>>61634 Ozempic is such a fucking curse
>>61702 So are SSRIs. They absolutely destroy female sex drive and give them a numb clit. Check your date’s medicine cabinet as soon as possible and make sure she’s not on antidepressants. It’s just not worth it.
>>61634 As someone that got divorced from their own BBW wife of many years and am starting over in 30s The sooner you get out and start fresh, the better you will feel. You met her before, you know so much more now. Don't stay in anything because it's comfortable and safe. You only hurt yourself in the end. End it, don't give in or compromise; your happiness is not up for debate.

Transitioning to Obesity Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 06:15:43 Id:85e9d0 No. 61665 [Reply]
I have noticed more transgender gainers popping up in the last couple of years when there used to be hardly any around. Some of these gainers have put on significant amounts of weight. Has anyone else noticed this?
It feels like trans people say they have a fat fetish to gain a bit of weight until they feel like they sufficiently pass and then stop gaining weight
When biological women reach a certain point of obesity, they lose their feminine features. Tits, ass and hips just become part of the blob. Which if you are trying to pass as a man -- an enormous man, albeit -- that helps. See J Aprileo for example. If you put baggy sweat pants and a hoodie on Adeline, from the neck down you wouldn't be sure what gender you were looking at.
Female hormones direct fat deposition to tits and ass. Male hormones build muscle. We just living in a society of fat, soft middle managers thinking they pass as men for driving a $60k ford truck.
>>61666 Maybe some but I have seen a couple that have been dedicated enough to start from high 100lbs or low 200lbs and gain all the way to over 400lbs.
I have noticed more transgender gainers popping up on Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr. I don't look into it because I'm not attracted to them.

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Unpopular Feederism/Gaining opinions Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 19:05:12 Id:e157bb No. 53318 [Reply] [Last]
What are some hot takes and unpopular opinions you guys have about fat fetishism?
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>>61140 no way im getting "yikes incel"d by porn addicted incels for posting an unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread HAHAHAHA >>61146 It's true and anyone who has actually been with one IRL can concur, yet the actual incels here will rage at us because they project their porn ideals onto the women they will never experience
>>60668 That weird fuck who is on every video talking about stomach growling ?
I need to air this out somewhere and it probably won't matter at all if you aren't an active discord user or trying to join any servers based on this on fetish, but there are too many men. Any server I go into based around this fetish unless it's a bigger one is full of men sending belly pics or trans women. Like holy fuck man, i get it. You should be able to post your tummy too. But where are the women?
>>61676 >where are the women? No offence but I feel like this question is a little bit naĂŻve. Any online space devoted to a kink is always going to be a complete and utter sausage fest. The few (if any) women are almost entirely there only to sell content. This might be controversial but I think there just aren't that many women in the world into feederism vs the number of men who are into it. I think in most cases it is something that women either only do for money or only do to please their partner (or both). And even if a woman is genuinely into it, why would she show off in discord servers unless she has an exhibitionistic streak as well (assuming she's not just selling content)? Or, even if she's not showing off, why would she be looking for a bf on discord, when women very rarely need to resort to doing that (even if they're fat)?
>>61693 I just want to see girl tummy.

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Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 14:05:06 Id:c08725 No. 61680 [Reply]
Google Reverse Image Search was replaced by Google Lens. What's the best replacement?
I use duplichecker’s reverse image search, which pulls from 6/7 different engines to choose from. Yandex is the most reliable to me. If you use Duplichecker, should be the 3rd one down.

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Reiina sharing Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 02:32:11 Id:416a44 No. 60149 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread is gone, was wondering if anyone could share their collection of reiina vids since old links always die Here's what I have already:https://gofile.io/d/AVR3wI
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>>61588 She sure enchants me.. if someone can look like a morph in real life more power to her. Perfect timeline would be if she further “enchants” her tits and ass, and THEN gains (a modest 30-40 pounds)
>>61585 For you? Sure! Me? I will notice if something is off. I always take what a model says with a grain of salt. In Reiina's case: I don't believe her at all. >>61586 >everyone else does it! So? Doesn't make it any less funny. >Nothing about the women you fap to on here is 'authentic'—be serious. I can see you're talking about authenticity in the sense of feederism in general. To that I say: the prospect of making money is better than the act of feederism. People can and will do anything to make a quick buck. Like I said, I like authentically fat bodies - no augmentations. Reiina's body at her fattest was mostly authentic, her breasts and face were as real as plastic. The rest of her body was nice. Of course I'm shallow! Good lord, was that not obvious? You are dense.
>>61620 >So? Doesn't make it any less funny. Yeah and everyone's laughing. >Reiina's body at her fattest was mostly authentic, her breasts and face were as real as plastic. Incoherent. Separate yourself from this fetish for a second. Someone's body isn't more or less 'authentic' because it's fat, regardless as to whether they've had work done or not. It's weird that you're so fixated on this 'authenticity' or whatever—as if you're projecting that 'body is a temple' mindset onto fat women specifically.
>>61623 I’m fixated on body authenticity because that’s what I prefer in my porn. If that wasn’t obvious. If a woman gets cosmetic surgery like reconfiguring a face, breast implants, bbl, etc. then I do consider it fake (piercing and tattoos not included). My mindset in porn isn’t “body is a temple” it’s “is it worth fapping to?”
I see Reiinapop is still living rent-free in people's minds, for better and worse, dooming any thread about her in any board to becoming a pissing contest amongst reasonable people, mildly interested people, and a handful of haters who will NOT let other people enjoy her content.

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What is your favorite kind of content? Anonymous 03/06/2025 (Thu) 21:54:31 Id:414375 No. 61478 [Reply]
Eating videos, before-and-afters, clothing try-ons, belly button fucking, exercise, weigh-ins, etc. Which categories get your dick hard?
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>>61478 I think the only one of these that doesn't do much for me is belly button fucking. I don't mind it, but for me it's one of those things that's a lot more fun to actually do than to watch. Same for squashing videos. I absolutely love getting squashed/sat on IRL but I don't find it very exciting to watch. >>61514 Also seconding this. In a similar vein, I love seeing them destroy furniture (beds or chairs), especially when it's unintentional.
excercise fails that lead to them just giving up and stuffing their fat face
I like watching them do everyday shit — cook, clean, shop. Just walking around in tight clothes, lingerie or a bathing suit. I also like quality fat talk.
>>61519 You're not alone. I also love giantess SSBBW content of which there is way too little.
i like when the woman is morbidly obscenely obese and waddling around in public :))))

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Who here has approached a fat chick in public? Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 17:50:33 Id:70d14b No. 57366 [Reply]
I'm just curious how many posters here have actually approached a bbw in public and asked them for a date/hook up? Where you successful and how did she respond?
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I can't flirt with fat chicks (or hold a conversation in general) because I fail 2 fundamental steps: Actually caring about that person/whatever they're talking about And I'm take everything too seriously
I used to do that. Will probably do that after becoming single again. Success rate is lower than I wanted to, but higher than you might think. I've met my ex wife this way (on a unique moment when we both happened to be without a car and both attempted to use public transportation). We had a really pleasant marriage which lasted four years. Hew peak weight was around 410-420 lbs. We moved on, but we loved our time together, have huge respect and occasionally chat on the phone. Besides the marriage I've got the following relationships by approaching in public: 1. A tall big-assed girl. Really beautiful (yes, huge) lass. Went to the theater once or twice. She asked me to help her restore sd card files and I did. There was some seriously religious media on there. At the time it was more disturbing to me than finding crime footage. I did not yet knew that strongly religious chicks are actually crazy. So I slowly faded away, stopped chatting and moved on. 2. A perfectly round not tall belly girl. A total gem with a lovely face. Got into relationships with, sex was perfect despite her barely doing anything. Loved her juices. Dealbreaker was her obsession with kids (she worked daycare because she loved kids that much, any kids) and different priorities at the time. I've encountered her contact years later, but did not pursue relationships again. At our first run she was 26, I was 21. When we crodssed paths once again I was 33. She's still looks great though. Her weight doesn't seem to change though, circa 320-350 I'd say. 3. A nice chick with wonderful figure (with belly, ass, fat limbs and smaller tits), fantastic white skin, black hair and one of the nicest scents I've encountered. We got into some sort of relationships where I cared for her and we talked a lot, she helped me by finding clients for my business. Somehow we never got intimate and till this day I dunno why. She also could outdrink a sailor and sang karaoke like an opera singer. Those are 4 I've met purely in public, literally on the street. I did not include those I've studied with, worked with or encountered at some actual places like coffee spots, malls, restaurants, etc.

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>>61224 Thanks for sharing your story. I'm only 20 and freshman at university and i'm kinda new to asking out girls in public. Tried it twice this year but to no avail. With the first one i went on a date, she was gorgeous, short, big ass, big thighs, little bit of belly. But there was no spark. The second one just declined my invitation to a cup of coffee. The second one happened yesterday and I was kinda sad because of it, but reading your story kinda helped me, thanks.
Dropping my story to my fellow soldiers. I despite many trials and tribulations usually get success as big ladies and I seem to have a mutual like for each other. Even when I was younger my admirers were larger than Me. Recently, I've used my confidence and channeled it into something good as I've noticed that I look better than I perceive myself. Most of the time it's the cadence you approach with. Keep your back straight and you're head held high and it will payoff. The first time I did this was with a friend of a friend. She had long red hair and dorky glasses with undefined legs and a turkey neck, I didn't know her that well, and asked if she liked to get to know me better, and promptly added her on social. She's definitely insecure which Is sad because it's a pattern with my old partners (never eats infront of me etc) a lot of the people around us take the mick and its sad to see, just reassure her to keep her head down. She's smitten by me but we both agree that she need to work on herself because it wouldn't be a healthy relationship. A couple weeks ago I cold approached the girl at the bus-stop she didn't have much weight on her stomach but most was on-top and behind, she owns it too, just approached with a simple "excuse me. Sorry to interrupt but I saw you around and thought you were pretty and wondering " she cut me off and explained she had a boyfriend. But wouldn't mind having one of my socials. To chat and that she admired my confidence. Confidence is the true carrier. For the people who feel ugly, own that shit. Comb your hair wear nice clothes carry yourself and you will fit in like a glove with the girl you desire the most. Your confidence will trick people into being attractive.
Yeah I approached a fat chick yesterday at a block party and she took the cigarette out of my mouth and threw it on the ground. (She was really drunk and mad at me for misgendering her friend, I hate trannies)

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This shit Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 11:04:36 Id:3e7797 No. 57409 [Reply]
I’m sure many of us who are online enough to know about this place are used to seeing these images in comment sections and forums dogging on guys who like big girls. I noticed a surprising uptake in frequency over the last couple of years. How do we feel about them? Because they turn me on :/
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>>60144 Damn, I guess I do feel like a whore only I ain't getting some bread afterwards and I come from a happy home >>60147 I think it's good to have a long sit down with yourself and think things through. I had to go through something similar when things were getting more serious. I think me leaving was for the best as I didn't see a future with her. I was kind of "take it or leave it" and that gave me my answer. I should be excited about my partner and want to be with her, not just feel like I am going through the motions or doing it out of obligation Thinking things through is healthy and if you come to the realisation that you do genuinely want to stay with her then it was a good thing to do and you will have less doubt in the future down the line because you ironed it out early. If you find out you shouldn't continue that's also good. You have clarity now and it's best for both of you if you cut it off now It's been quite a while since I broke things off but it's given me a lot of time to reflect. I know what I want more and I hated that feeling that both you and I described from the wojak picture. It's definitely harder but I think it might be best to hold off until I find someone I really connect with
>>60274 > Damn, I guess I do feel like a whore only I ain't getting some bread afterwards and I come from a happy home Whore isn’t literal, just that there’s an implicit transaction occurring: you giving her the time of day/boyfriend stuff to get sex. If you’ve ever know an easy lay personally you’ve seen her go from alpha fucks to dating some beta. You’re the beta in this situation, you’re not a better person than chad because “dating a person without liking them in exchange for sex” isn’t any better than laying solid pipe and getting home in time to still smoke a blunt with the boys on a Saturday night.
>>57524 Boring answer but I don't think she just found me mature enough. We were both 21, she went to a prestige study with a good nepo job on the side (not gonna doxx myself but both her parents had prominent roles in politics and business). Meanwhile I was fresh out of mandatory military service living with my parents at a dead end job. A lot of our bonding was thru "dude hobbies" like cars, progrock and history so statistically it would be much easier statistically to find another guy with said hobbies than for me to find a girl with them. Anyways I probably learned some lessons during all of that.
>>61627 I think I know who you’re talking about. I heard that despite the nonprofit work she’s a horrible white supremacist and modern worshiper of Thor based religions. Always seemed like a head case that didn’t want to be far but had no self control.
>>61641 I actually have no idea who you are talking about and it's most definitely not the same one. But you certainly got me interested. She did indeed volunteer in a charity but as far as I know have no social media presence and definitely not following any norse religions. She was a regular Lutheran Christian and as far as I'm conserned she was just normal amounts of racist. Just btw she's not anyone famous and was very down to earth, shared apartment with a friend, drove a basic car as old as herself and had nice but not flashy clothes so it's not like I felt very out of place with her but you could still tell we weren't in the same position in life.

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True Feedees Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 15:07:17 Id:7289d7 No. 61537 [Reply]
What models are the most into this fetish?
Didn’t we have this thread a couple times already?

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LARP Thread Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 00:33:50 Id:6d160c No. 58285 [Reply]
I can't be the only one who gets off to LARPing. Let's put them here since folks seem so distressed by anything that might even have a hint of LARP in it. I'll go first: I opened a restaurant of fattening food. To top it off, all women over 18 eat for free! The only catch is they cannot waste any food. So, I started out just serving normal portions, then I put some appetite boosters in the food. The ladies in my town started getting chubby, fat, and huge. I was losing a lot of money, but it was a drop in the bucket because I'm a billionaire. I ended up convincing some of them to work for me, stating that I pay $1000/hour. The catch? They gotta test all the food. I had one girl that started out at 120 pounds and now rolls around my restaurant on her scooter. She is easily 800 or 900 pounds now, constantly eating the most fattening of foods. I basically get to swim in fat. I even monitor their poops now, and their poops are fat and pee is sugar with a little bit of normal poop. They are so fat and I am so happy! My wife and her female family were already living on my fat farm, being fed constantly. Once these girls graduate from their scooter jobs to being pure fat beings, my wife and her family will get some company. For some reason, they lactate once they reach about 1600 pounds. I think it is the body trying to get rid of excess calories. Perhaps the body is smart enough to know that a human being can't possibly get that fat naturally, so they must be being fed, and perhaps it is a way to spread the wealth. The milk is basically pure fat and sugar. My solution here was to attach their tits to the machine that feeds them, so as they start to lactate, it goes right back into their body as calories. There is some efficiency loss here, but I am working on it iteratively. I really can't wait to start adding a variety to my fat farm! They are all white/Hispanic right now, because my wife is Hispanic but some of her family is white. Eventually I want to "catch 'em all" and have every race of hog! Anyway, I'm gonna go off to swim in the fat of my fat farm women, then check on the progress of my restaurant fatties. Toodles!
>>58285 I took my girlfriend, then wife, then ex-wife, then FWB from 90 pounds to over ten times her weight. In a err on my part I ask her to ride me, but then she said, "I have a better idea" she then stood up on the bed and then with all 1000 pounds of her, gave me the yokozuna splash on me (currently writing this from my hospital bed with a pencil in my mouth and a keyboard). 10/10 experience, would recommend again.
>>58285 >I am a normal, well-adjusted guy and I will eventually find a girl who actually likes me. >I will not fuck it up with anger and other mental issues and an avoidant attachment style. Did I do it right?

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Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 23:05:00 Id:819847 No. 61565 [Reply]
We’re in an epidemic lol. Good for them, but bbw models becoming “thin” is becoming worryingly common for some reason.
>>61565 the second pic of reina is a morph, she isn’t really that thin. Everywhere she says she misses being fat and never talks shit about her body at her peak. I can’t speak for every gainer who loses weight but reina is a fat feedee trapped in a skinny girl body, if it was hard for her to lose weight she would still be huge because of how much she loves to eat. Hope she eventually gets bigger again.
Jokaphotos is one of the sexiest BBWs right now but, if she succeeds, she will simply become another average big titted girl, though her tits will be deflated. I find it ironic how she frames her ozempic abuse as "health" while she is on the verge of dying.
Out with the old in with the new. I've been in this fetish for too long to be crying over models who lose weight and leave. There's always a new fatty popping up anyways. Ozempic's a blessing in disguise since it's weeding out the fake gainers.
>>61568 Lol all that pain and agony to look like a generic egirl with bigger boobs
>>61565 >>becoming becoming Becoming

Hottest BBW's aged 18-22 Anonymous 04/15/2023 (Sat) 09:46:15 Id:f35724 No. 28636 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have some good suggestion for BBW's and SSBBW's on the younger end of the scale? I'm 19 myself and I want some variation from the ladies on /ssbbw/ that are closer to my mum in age than myself.
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@Laurenburynlard on Feabie. Literally just announced she’s taking a break due to no feeders/ lovers, which is quite sad. But nonetheless, she’s only 19, and 318lbs at 5’8. What a fucking fatty.
>>60778 She's had reddit at somepoint, and her dms were pretty open on there but her account would always get deleted. Maybe she's had one recently idk. But I think it's a lot harder in the U.K to be in the scene as a lot of people tend to hide their preference compared to the U.S because of the obesity rates over there.
>>60794 UK and US have almost the same obesity rate nowadays so think you need a better excuse for not being open.
>>60802 no I'm pretty open with my admiration.
>>60778 Idk why it's funny to me that a break is happening simply cause she can't find a partner. You think there would be someone interested, fetish wise or not

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Feabie update? Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 08:42:44 Id:bef816 No. 60801 [Reply]
Anybody still on this site? Is it still toxic? is it still an echo chamber? Are there still scammers? Any updates from the void will be appriciated
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>>61334 I never once said I was pro-Russian.
>>61486 Sorry it sounded like you were because you talked like the bots and cult members who jump onboard with whatever our Fearless Leader says. “Z is a dictator and ‘we’ve always been at allied with Eurasia’ sorta thing”. It’s fucking retarded and an insult to my granddaddies who fought a land war to liberate that land and then bodied the USSR into economic surrender. Now these faggot LARPing as hardasses are trying to sell our military and intelligence to Putin.
Anyone actually paying money to meet girls on feabie is an actual low-life looser, it doesnt count if you paid for it. Its literally not that hard to get laid with chicks there, just dont be creepy, dont talk about the fetish first thing, and you'll eventually get a nice experience from it
>>61550 Do you write this because you're tired of living in the biggest whorehouse in Europe or what?
>>61575 Too busy checking myself into a mental institution. It was fun being Kisame, but I have to leave

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Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 03:12:43 Id:a8b29a No. 60397 [Reply]
Do any trans people have a butt that size?
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>>60397 Eat up
>>60397 I do
>>60397 With enough cake I can
Looking for answers also source for the goon photography
