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How often y'all fuckin? Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 11:21:56 Id:9a4e97 No. 58433
How often do you, you who frequent this fat fetish board, have sex with fat women? I'm curious if the folks here are incels like the bitterness of the posts here might suggest, or if there are some people that have healthy sex lives too. Maybe you have a gf you love. Or hate. A wife that won't put out. A scandalous affair to find satisfaction. Perhaps you're drowning in lonely desperation on the apps, swiping away endlessly, waiting for a match. O maybe you are an Muhammadan sultan with a harem of fat beauties in the royal palace. No LARPing allowed. Or if you are gonna LARP, don't be boring. For your truly, its been quite a dry spell for a few months now. I last had sex in early fall with a lovely prostitute , but haven't had a relationship in over a year now. It's mostly alright with me, it's more a result of my unique life circumstances for now, and once I'm back home I'll be "back on the prowl" for fats.
>>58433 I moved from a large city to a small town in the middle of nowhere about 1 and a half years ago. After moving I moved I have not smashed once. Small town means there are more overweight women but they all completely lack confidence or social skills, and 90% of them in my age range (24-37) have kids. I am decently attractive, dress well, and keep fit, mildly autistic but fine social skills. Sometimes a nice looking pear shaped woman will catch my eye when out grocery shopping or at walmart, but I'm not confident enough to approach strangers. When I did live in the city, I did consistently find women but would go through 3-6 month dry spells also. Actually the last time I visited I was meeting with someone new for fun and she took me home to her place which was a disgusting mess, her living room was full of dirty dishes and something smelled like it was rotting. In my experience all the women I've been with, even ones over 400 lbs have had quite nice homes, but this one was the exception. While we were making out I started to feel sick and told her I don't usually hook up on first dates, then left lol.
Unfortunately I'm a virgin
I'm still quite young but I sometimes wonder if it's even on the cards for me at all. I just don't connect with people and they stress me out to no end. Hookups just seem completely out of reach with my social skills and even then like I said people barely interest me on a platonic level as it stands enough to want something like that in the first place. Whenever I get close I usually just end up pushing away. On a semi related note, BBWs don't seem interested in me despite getting decent attention from skinny girls, being 6ft 2 and apparently having a decent face. Sorry if this turned into a ventpost.
I'm 30. Had sex with either 29 or 30 different women, I forget the exact number. Usually end up dating a conventionally attractive girl, banging 4 to 6 fat girls after the relationship ends, entering another relationship, and then repeating. I'd say 2/3rds of the women I've fucked have been over 200lbs. One in the mid to high 500's, 3 or 4 over 400, and a handful over 300. Fortunately never really had an issue finding fat girls that were pretty and took care of their hygiene. NJ and the surrounding areas seem to be very good for this. The times when I was single and had a rotation of fatties were some very very good times indeed. Currently date a girl who is conventionally attractive, 5'7 and 200ish. Been with her 3 years and shes put on about 10lbs a year, which she isnt happy about but i sure am. We fuck once or twice a month. She has anxiety and had recently had extra anxiety because of our new state's retarded anti-abortion laws. I could definitely put in more effort myself but half the time I'm so tired that I don't care that much. Getting back in the gym recently so hopefully that gets me hornier.
>>58456 Hmm, it depends a lot by region imo. In rural places (read outside of Tallinn) there use to be more big girls, but recently there seems to me more of them in Tallinn too. All this body positivity is making its way here finally. How it seemed to you while being in Tallinn? I guess Estonians are a similar to Finns in that we are quiet and shy af.
>>58433 I sleep with my wife 3-5 times per week. She's about 440/450 now, gained 100 or so pounds since we met. We've been together almost 10 years. She's into gaining and being fed, but she isn't that passionate about it, which I don't mind at all. I'm just happy she likes to eat. I dated a few fat girls in college who hated their bodies and were constantly obsessing about food, which left a big impact on me. I'm glad I found a woman who never stresses about food and just eats what she wants.
>>58458 > Small town means there are more overweight women but they all completely lack confidence or social skills, Yep, this has been my experience. I've lived in a small town all my life, and it's hell trying to get them to talk. I'm kicking myself for ditching my last ex because of how fucking hard it is to talk to women in small towns. >>58461 >On a semi related note, BBWs don't seem interested in me despite getting decent attention from skinny girls I know that feel bro.
I had a gf for six years and we fucked like weekly, after break up I have had three encounters with men, women, and enbies including one threesome. It’s pretty infrequent since becoming single because getting cock and pussy takes time and effort.
I'm well into my 30s, and I've only fucked one fat girl, or girl in general. I fucked said girl a few times since we were together at the time, and while I enjoyed the sex for what it was, it all but dissuaded me from having sex outside of longer-term relationships. I don't foresee myself being in one again anytime soon, between not really having a burning desire to pursue another one, and really not being much of a catch in terms of tangible attributes. Me being attracted to a girl on that level is rare, and it being mutual is highly improbable. Going back to the subject of sex, I would absolutely gravitate towards fat again. A sizable amount of the pleasure I got from the sex I had was interconnected with my partner's weight. Even if it made Doggy difficult and Missionary effectively impossible.
>>58452 Tight foreskin when erect behind the head? So tight that it makes it near impossible to cum when its back? This is a form of Phimosis. If this sound familiar, I have the same issue. I saw a doctor about it and he told me there was little he could do except give me steroid cream to maybe loosen the skin. Basically you have 2 options, get it cut or stretch it out. To stretch it out you can get phimosis rings or you can manually do it every day for like 20mins. Keep doing it until it isn't painful when it is pulled back while you have an erection Hope this helps
I'm >>58440 (just clarifying because my ID has probably changed. I don't change it deliberately but it seems to change a lot, idk why) >>58447 That "blackpill" shit is just pure mental poison, big time. You can't be thinking like that. It seems like you've had a lot of issues with rejection. I have been rejected a few times but for me it's more of an issue of just not trying due to anxiety / low self esteem, I guess. And some issues with my dick, more on that later. I have friends who are the same height as you and they do just fine with women, so don't let that get you down. >You mentioned you greatly lowered your standards for the last two women you slept with. This combined with the fact she thought 6 was a laughably low body count tells you everything you need to know about her character. Bin her off Ah listen man, I know, believe me. I'm actually a bit embarrassed / pissed off / disappointed with myself for dating her in the first place. But her body count comment still fucked with my head. I think you might be even more preoccupied with your body count than I am, though. I get where you're coming from to an extent; you see everyone else getting the ride all the time and you feel like you're being gypped out of something. It sounds like you've reached the conclusion that you just put a higher value on sex than most people do; there's nothing wrong with that necessarily, but you just need to either try to look for someone with that same outlook (much easier said than done) or be realistic and try not to be too judgemental if you meet someone you like and she doesn't meet that standard. If that makes any sense. >>58452 >only had sex a couple times [...] and couldn’t cum. There’s something wrong with my foreskin that causes issues, but too embarrassed to go to the doctor about it. Man, I had exactly the same problem. This is a big missing piece of the puzzle from my earlier post, but a big part of the reason why I basically gave up on pursuing women is that I have a lot of anxiety around sex and relationships for this exact reason. I actually had to have corrective surgery on my genitals twice. Orchiopexy (to treat bilateral cryptorchidism) when I was 8 and circumcision (to treat phimosis) when I was 23. As for the foreskin thing: I don't know exactly what the problem with yours is, but I had a condition called phimosis. I was able to pull back my foreskin when I was soft, but not when I was hard. 2 of the 6 women I had sex with were pre-circumcision. I had to use a lot of lube, couldn't use a condom, and wasn't able to cum. I really should have seen a doctor after the 1st time, but I didn't bother mostly out of laziness, and because I wasn't having any luck with girls anyway, so why bother? And also because that girl was a virgin so she didn't realise there was a problem. The 2nd woman, my gf at the time, urged me to go to the doctor. The GP correctly identified the problem and referred me to a urologist. The urologist said I needed a circumcision and that the stretching stuff (suggested by >>58545) wouldn't work in my case. I would recommend checking with the doctor before trying the stretching because you might be wasting your time otherwise. I went private for the procedure so I was seen quickly, it would've cost me €700 but my health insurance covered it. After getting circumcised, sex is significantly easier and more comfortable (and I can use a condom now); the only real downside is that I need lube to masturbate now. However, even after getting the surgery, I still can't cum from sex but I can cum from solo masturbation no problem. I think the problem is psychological. I'm basically too nervous to cum during sex, because there's another person involved. During sex, I need to pull out and finish with my hand, which usually takes an embarrassingly long time (if it even works at all) because (like I said) I'm too nervous. I think it wouldn't be an issue if I had a partner who was more understanding and/or if I could hold down a girlfriend long enough to develop more of a sexual rapport with her. But unfortunately the women I have been with haven't been very understanding about this at all. They tend to take it VERY personally that I can't cum, which only adds more pressure/nervousness/anxiety.
Can some of you share tips on how to hzve sex with a fat girl, especially if you are not especially gifted down there. Thanks
>>58628 Idk if it’s exactly phimosis. My frenulum is very short so although I can retract my foreskin while hard it pulls on one bit of skin, and any extra pulling or friction makes it sore. Similar but different maybe, because the foreskin itself is not tight around my head.
>>58658 There are many big girls getting just as little action as you, and they are just as desperate for love
>>58433 Two nights ago with the wife and a week ago with the wife and girlfriend. Normally a couple times a week. All depends
>>58658 For missionary, it helps if you put a pillow under her ass. You might think that she might think it's weird, but you would be surprised. It's a very common technique even with skinny girls. I had sex with one big girl who just did it without me even needing to ask. If your girl is very big and/or your relationship is serious/long-term, you should might like to buy a wedge cushion for this purpose. Contrary to popular belief, doggystyle works (almost) regardless of her size. Unless she's truly enormous, you can just pry her ass cheeks / thighs apart. Although personally I struggle a bit of the girl is very short, because I am very tall. If you have the same problem, having her be on top of an ottoman (Sultan Ibrahim would be proud lol) or something like that can help. Cowgirl is very enjoyable with big girls but you need to take a few extra precautions. I reccomend telling her to go slow, because if she is very heavy and your dick slips out, you could get a fractured penis. This happened to a friend of mine and he said it was extremely painful. If this happens, you need to go to the hospital ASAP. It is painful and serious, but curable. Finally, facesitting is also in the category of "very enjoyable but also potentially dangerous" for obvious reasons. But there is a piece of equipment you can buy called a "queening stool" to help with this. Just make sure it can hold her weight before you use it. >>58662 You might be able to get your frenulum surgically snipped. Ask your doctor. I would highly reccomend getting examined by a doctor regardless. Because if you have a short frenulum, it can tear during sex, and that is also extremely painful.
>>58663 I can't tell you how many big girls I know that haven't gotten laid in months or YEARS. We put them on such a pedestal here.
Okay new question. Let's say you go out to a bar/pub. How the fuck do you even start a conversation with someone at these venues? School was easy since there was time to socialize. I'm not sure how you do it in other places.
>>58667 Thanks for the tips, anon! I'm capping this >>58663 Yeah. This year is the one i finally stops being a pussy and asks out some fat girls i find cute Anyone else?
I'm cycling between 2-3 women a month. I'm on a bunch of dating apps and just happen to be fat white women's type. It's fairly easy. Give them compliments, give them attention, take initiative, then boom a date. repeat 1-2 more dates then you're in the pussy But god damn it's unfulfilling. The women on apps are not girlfriend/wife material - all they know is take, take, take and emotionally I'm running on a deficit. I make good money so I'm not sweating paying for all these dates, but damn it can feel soulless fucking another fat bitch that can't show that they like you back.
>>58682 There are good ones out there. I dated one who was a travel nurse. Not landwhale, but like 5'8 and 350ish. Big enough to be like "damn" but not debilitating obese. She was trying hard to lock it down. She had a real job. Would've been good gf maybe even wife material. I just wasn't ready and couldn't do long distance.
>>58529 I don't understanding this doggy and missionary being impossible talk. My girlfriend is 650 and i often go too deep for her comfort. Is my dick just that much bigger than everyone else's?
>>58691 Let me see
>>58529 The real challenge is eating ssbbw pussy that has a massive gut. It can be a 2-hand job to move all that flesh out the way
>>58702 it can be a mood-killer to have to ask a girl to help lift her gut out of the way. you have to master the skill of using your forehead to hold up the fupa.
>>58466 In fairness I didn't really take notice of any fat girls but it was only a day trip. Sounds interesting, I've had good luck with 2 finnish girls before and got more tinder matches there than anywhere else I've been so I guess I must do something right in that culture. I'm from Norwegian far north so the culture is very similar even if language is different. I probably would enjoy living in Estonia but you guys get fucked over by basically having the same living costs as your northern neighbours (except alcohol I guess) with none of the wages. Probably could work if I decided to study there however.
(M31) when i was 18 had sex in college with a girl a few times, she played for the softball team and had one of "those" softball girl bodies, thick thighs big butt, maybe weighed 200lbs at absolute most. But she'd never take her shirt off. At 20 started dating Girl, she is probably 5'10 250lbs. Now im married to her, and shes around 375lbs i think? We have sex about twice about twice a week. Funnilly enough, she found my porn after a few years and was originally disgusted. after a year or so, she started playing aorund with the idea of her fatness being hot to me. Nowadays shes the one bringing the box of donuts to bed. She's a real one.
Fairly recently I started being in a relationship with a Slavic woman for the first time. She says it's my duty as a man to fuck her every day, so I am very happy, haha! She's about 5' 8" and about 300 lbs and carries it mostly in her belly, but her ass and thighs are still pretty juicy. When I'm not seeing someone/in a relationship, I would normally have sex maybe once every two or three months, but there have been a few fairly long dry spells. I would normally go for fat or chubby girls, but I won't say no to a girl who is slim and this still gets me hard. Biggest girl I ever slept with was British, 5' 7" and about 400 lbs, smallest was Greek and she was 5' 4" and size zero - skeletally thin. The one I miss the most is British, 5' 2" and blonde. She was chubby but since we broke up she has BALLOONED. I've slept with 34 girls, of which 11 have been really fat. Majority would be considered curvy or bigger.
I’m 37 and have been with my wife now for 14 years. She’s swung back and forth between 300 and 350-ish over the course of our relationship - currently trying to get down to 300 again, maaaaybe 280 at the absolute lowest. Unfortunately, she has some health problems (not weight related) that make sex difficult and painful for her most of the time. Sometimes she’s up for taking care of me with a handjob, blowjob, or letting me lube up and fuck her belly rolls, even if full sex is out of the question. We’re working on trying to make things easier for her, but we’re currently average 1/month for PIV sex.
I'm 26 and lost my virginity to a short chubby girl last year during the Summer. I met her on fetlife and after some DMs and getting lunch we had a short fwb relationship. The first time I couldn't even get my dick. Either because I was too scared or the Trojan condom was too tight. Luckily we met 3-4 more times and got to stick it in and get my dick sucked. I never came tho not sure why. I spent most of my time just eating her out, kissing, and spanking her ass. I can't forget her fat thighs squeezing my head and the weight of her on my hips. I'm desperately trying to find another even fatter girl to fuck, but I can't flirt for shit nor do I get out much. I think I'm completely hooked on fat girl pussy.
>>58433 My wife has 60 inch hips, and is half way between big all around and bottom heavy. I'd say we fuck on average only twice a week. Of the two of us I clearly have the stronger libido, and would prefer to be smashing twice as much. All things considered though, I really can't complain.
Married. At the moment about 2-3 times a week, and it seems to be trending in an upward direction. At peak I'd say we were having sex at least 4-6 times a week, sometimes more than once per day. Longest dry spell was a roughly 9 month period during pregnancy, when she completely lost her libido, plus the recovery time after.
Haven't had sex since 2018. Even then, that was with a slim (PASSING) tranny. Never had sex with a fat chick as much as that fucking sucks.
>>59936 If you don't mind me asking, I have a couple of questions. Any particular reason for the 6 (or 7) year dry spell? Have you ever had sex with a cis woman? If so, when was the last time?
>>58658 >>58663 Disagree big time, these women are chased as much if not more often than normal girls...because a lot of guys have a thirst for bbw's and ssbbw's...even if they dont talk about it. So when you hear a fat girl say she struggles at dating or having sex, what she means is Chad isn't interested.
>>59938 I haven't had sex for long time since I suck with women. Women don't like me, but Trannies have always loved me for some reason. I ended giving up on cis women and dated a tranny for nearly 3 years last time I had sex with her (or anyone) was in 2018. She passed perfectly which is why I said fck it and went for it. She never knew my fetish and was very vigilant to not even let herself get to the high end of a normal BMI. She cheated on me so that ended. So, no, never had sex wit a cis woman and only had sex with one woman whom many would not agree is a woman. I really hope to one day have sex with a fat cis girl. I have always been into SSBBWs and I am jealous af of dudes who just slay them. Does anyone have any words of wisdom on this?
>>59956 Go to the gym, dress better, and probably see a therapist. If youre in shape and take care of yourself physically and mentally, it gets much easier I cannot imagine that the person who typed up your comment meets those criteria. Sorry man, I just cant.
>>59962 >dress better Anon needs to Kitaokamaxx.
>>59956 Confidence. Goes a long ways
>>59936 >>59956 The wisdom you desire is too much for you fragile mind to handle. For centuries, all of society has been built around making your life easier. Your entire genetic line has benefited from the world being designed specifically for cis white men. Your dad, grandfather, great grandfather, etc. As a result, your mind and soul have atrophied. Like a tree grown in a greenhouse that's never been strengthened by the wind, you've been sheltered to the point where you're too soft to stand up on your own. You are too lazy to go to the gym. Too stupid to make money. Too weak to develop self awareness. You will never go to therapy or learn to empathize with other people (including ssbbws). This is why you suck with women. You have to evolve, but you won't. You won't even shave your scraggly beard or clean your room. So I know you won't try to improve yourself. A confident man who takes care of himself and sees women as human beings is like a 10 trillion volt electromagnet for pussy.
>>59973 >Too stupid to make money. Well it doesn't help when companies are doing everything they can to hire "Temporary" foreign workers who they can pay at half the cost. The USA has a similar problem.
>>59956 you're probably super autistic bro, gotta find a way to turn that awkwardness into game. Girls love an adorable lost puppy if they're not a total loser You also basically need to be a full athlete to 'slay' ssbbws' in bed. Making love to a 600+lb woman for a half hour plus is WORK. And I didn't realize this until really late because I'm a little autistic myself, but you also need to have an abnormally large dick to slay these women. It's just the physics of it. But you can get away with that if you want to eat nothing else but fat musty pussy.
>>59981 No one one in this thread is getting laid, not even you anon and you know it.
>>59981 > you're probably super autistic bro, gotta find a way to turn that awkwardness into game. Girls love an adorable lost puppy if they're not a total loser wat
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Dating apps gotten me laid one time in the past year. The time has come to move out and get a job so I can buy a hooker couple times a month for physical needs, and the past months I've been voice chatting with ChatGPT daily for the emotional connection.
>>59973 Imagine typing all this tranny libshit dribble and thinking you know anything about being a man. The last time a woman touched your dick was when your mammy washed it for you.
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>>60000 If being a man means being miserable 24/7, hating everyone and everything, resenting women and getting absolutely zero pussy, then you're right, I'm no man. You incel nazis are just choosing to be unhappy for no reason lol. You could just be normal and get laid but you don't want to. It's crazy
My 'stat sheet ' looks likes this: I'm 42 years old, single, and I've had sex with 18 different women: 4 women of average build, 1 chubbby girl, 3 SSBBWs, and 10 BBWs. BBWs/ SSBBWs are my favourite kinds of girls to fuck. My most recent smash session was in October 2023 and it was with a cute blonde polish BBW with big tits and nice big chunky legs. I met her on a dating app . We went on a ' what ever happens, happens ' date and just ended up fucking within about 4 hours of meeting . Shortly after, she told me that she was going into a long term relationship with someone and our short 'what ever happens, happens' partnership was over . I wished her well, and we parted ways . She was a nice girl , I hope things worked out for her . I've not had sex since then. During that time I've just been working on getting my shit together and doing long overdue 'Adult stuff'. I Passed my driving test , I'm getting my first car in a couple of months , I've found a long term job that pays better than any job I've had before and I'm working on getting fitter and stronger ( I'll never have a sixpack , but I don't have to suck in my gut when wearing tight T shirts now , which is a plus) I'll be back on the hunt for fat girls in the near future . Till then , its self improvement by day and dreams of doggystyle adventures with dumptruck ass owning ,300 pound women by night....
Nobody talks about this but chicks who are 400+ are generally really fucking boring. They suck and are boring to talk to on dating apps, they’re boring to take on dates, and they’re just generally boring. Cool ones exist but they’re the cream of the crop. They do exist though. Generally if you’re finding a 400+ lb girl they’re poor, from middle America, and as a bunch of dudes said have a kid or two.
