Lost my virginity shortly before I turned 26. I had a really tough time due to growing up in a small conservative town as a minority who lived with my parents through college, covid, and still with them until recently. Studying engineering with literally no girls in class didn't help. I had plenty of opportunities to be with women in college though, but I was always too afraid to do it. The times that I did, I either failed horribly or the woman tried to humiliate me.
But I never fell into that incel shit. Why would I want to commiserate with a bunch of guys obsessed with being losers? Never give into the loser mentality. The biggest detriment to modern men is that they do not put themselves into positions to get laid. Go to events, concerts, talk to people, dance, drink, take classes, join clubs. Maybe even if you don't get laid, you'll find a friend who will help you get laid, or find a higher paying job that will help you get laid. Looking back, I just wish younger me would have tried more socially. And have more self respect.
Once I hit mid 20s, things just clicked more, I knew better from my past mistakes, and women gave me more time of day. I wasn't a broke college student either. Anyway, been with the same girl ever since losing my virginity who I met on an app. When we met, she was 6 ft and probably a little under 300 lb. Built exactly like Riley Parker, but with slightly bigger breasts. For a few months, our sex life was amazing. There's something absolutely amazing about seeing a fat women without clothes on, and how much fatter and better they look with clothes off. She also has an IUD, so I've realized you get sent to heaven every time you creampie fat girl pussy. She let me do whatever I wanted.
After about 4 months, our sex life dwindled to about once every two weeks. After a year, probably once a month if that. When I tried to talk about it, conversations never really went anywhere. No matter what I "fixed" (including low T that was affecting performance), it just felt like the goal posts got moved. There was always another excuse. In actuality, I think she was frustrated with me (my life was kind of a mess when I met her, but isn't anymore) but more importantly I don't think she even really cares much about sex due to past trauma and being on SSRIs. She was so sexual in the beginning, so I feel like I got rope-a-doped. But I also think I became too accommodating over time. Once she felt like I committed, she put a lot less effort in. Whatever the reason is for our sex life dying, I don't even think she is able to admit it to herself.
To add insult to injury, she's been on Ozempic for maybe about a year, and shed probably 70 lbs at this point. She's still soft, but she has no ass anymore. I'm happy for her from a health and human perspective (and she clearly hated being fat and insecure about it), but I don't really even care about fucking her anymore. I find skinny women attractive in addition to fat girls, but there's something about women who have lost weight, and my fat fetish has grown more intense as I've gotten older.
I have resolved to end this relationship, because staying just sucks too much. People grow apart, yada yada. I'm about to be 28, have a good career, finally have my own place, just moved closer to a metropolitan area, so surely I can find someone to fuck me. I also discovered my dick is pretty big. But yeah, the prospect of being on those apps again really sucks, and I'm a little unsure how to meet people as I approach 30. Just going to try to get in the gym a bit more and try to go out and meet people.