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This shit Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 11:04:36 Id:3e7797 No. 57409
I’m sure many of us who are online enough to know about this place are used to seeing these images in comment sections and forums dogging on guys who like big girls. I noticed a surprising uptake in frequency over the last couple of years. How do we feel about them? Because they turn me on :/
>>57409 >OP is jacking it to wojaks We truly live in a nightmare world.
Unrelated but the girl looks like an ex I had last year down to the wallpaper and oversized black tshirts she would have on any time we piped. She was unfortunately diagnosed with multiple personality disorders later on and made the relationship a living hell. Refusal to take accountability for her actions and behavior, completely ineffective and cruel to herself, total reliance on outside forces to live her life for her and so on. So actually let me derail this thread I made and turn it into a crazy fat exes thread. This is now a crazy fat ex thread. Crazy fat ex stories?
>>57410 I’m not jacking it to them, they just turn me on. I pull up models afterwards. Jerk >:(
>>57412 Lol, sorry guy, you know how it is here.
>>57411 Man, I could tell you a lot. I'm not even sure where to start. I'll start with this one girl I met on Tinder about 3 years ago. We went on 3 dates. She told me a bunch of fucked up shit. I got scared & turned off by the things she said. I broke it off as a result. She got super butthurt that I broke it off and accused me of just using her for sex. That pattern has happened a lot with me. Here are some of the things she told me: - She was severely bullied at school growing up and physically abused by her mother (whom she introduced me to after telling me this). - This isn't a "thing she told me", but when I went to take a shower at her place, the shower was faulty so I took a bit longer than I normally would. Her mother bashed down the bathroom door while I was in the shower and shouted at me for taking too long. Also the house was filthy and smelled like wet dogs. - Her mother would strip nude in front of the family when experiencing a menopausal hot flush (I did not witness this but I believe it) - She was a Celtic neo-pagan and claimed to be part of some kind of "Wicker Man"-esque cult where they took mushrooms and prayed to the old gods at bonfires in the woods at night. - One night while out with her girlfriends, she got very drunk and randomly punched one of them in the face hard enough to break her nose. By her own admission, she didn't know why she did it. She got lucky and narrowly avoided the other girl pressing charges, but she lost all of her female friends as a result of this episode. - Her only friends were two (ostensibly) gay men with whom she would "platonically cuddle" regularly. - She claimed to have been needle spiked (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Needle_spiking) at raves on several different occasions. This was at the height of the needle spiking craze in the media at the time. - Her previous relationship had been with a man old enough to be her father (or my father for that matter) who was cheating on his wife with her. - I suggested going to the aquarium for a date. She declined because she claimed that one of the workers there was stalking her. - She claimed to have attempted suicide 3 times. Serious attempts that landed her in the hospital each time. Overdosing on sleeping pills if I recall correctly. That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
>>57422 This is pretty much the average level of mental health for all these girls. If you're gona get with a SSBBW, be prepared to hear (and deal with) some insane shit.
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>>57425 I hate to be the one crying over old exes but I swear to God I had a fat AF girlfriend that not only was incredibly attractive but also completely mentally stable, even high status. Genuinely heartbroken if I want another one like that I'd have to settle down for someone skinny, semi-chubby at a maximum.
>> hoes come dime dozen virgin dick.
>>57409 Men judging other men for liking fat women is 100% good for us.
>>57409 >How do we feel about them? Envious. I hope to one day be the wojak in those memes. Only I'll be happy instead disgusted in myself.
I like them. They're quite often eerily accurate to my own experience, which makes me think that the whoever is drawing these is very familiar with these situations.
>>57422 > when I went to take a shower at her place, the shower was faulty so I took a bit longer than I normally would. God I hate women who shit in the toilet. At least glob it up in toilet paper if it’s older and clumped.
>>57456 How so!
>>57463 Thats how I feel too. Except I want the girl to not be miserable, or nuts, or miserable and nuts
>>57436 Well anon, how’d you fuck this up? This is a safe space.
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honestly, I want to find such a girl and just hug her
>>57642 Lol at the fish pic. I was fatfished once. Was great.
>>57425 I mean, almost every absurdly fat woman I've dated has had a little bit wrong with her mentally, but most have been in pretty tolerable, if not normal, living situations. Hell, one girl in the mid 500's had a good job, nice apartment by the water, lived on her own, no mental baggage. But that dude's post is fucking nuts. The most I've really seen with these girls just stems from poor relationships with their parents, not living in a house of fucking lunatics and getting physical with people.
>>57409 The psychedelic tapestry in #3 did make me chuckle since it really captures the shithole apartment vibe of so many models that aren’t overtly filming in their parents house or a hotel.
>>57646 I am the dude who made that post. She was 5'3" and 230lbs, so not even absurdly big (at least by our standards). But for what it's worth she had previously been 270lbs at her peak, long before we met. Ironically the two proper SSBBWs I've dated both had nice/normal living situations. The house was quite big but like I said very dirty. You might've assumed that it was just her and her mom, but her dad and brother lived in the house too. Her dad was actually a very well paid lawyer so I don't know why the house was such a dump. He seemed very quiet, like he was totally pussy whipped by his wife. The mom was fat herself but was constantly on her daughter's case about losing weight.
>>57656 > The mom was fat herself but was constantly on her daughter's case about losing weight. that seems to be a pretty common trend
>>57428 Second image where they are sitting on the couch just speaks to me so accurately. I see myself so much in this picture its not even funny Everything from the used condom, the posters on the wall to the blank stare and the overall pathetic feeling of the whole picture. It just encapsulates the moment so well. Anyone else feel this way or been in the same situation?
>>60077 Unfortunately I agree. I've felt exactly like wojak in the picture after sleeping with 80% of the girls I've dated, I guess quite depressing when you put it that way, but I just get a feeling of discomfort and that not everythings right. Almost as if the natural instinct is to bail and just have some time alone. I recognise they are not someone I want to spend my life with, but at the same time I really enjoy their company and don't want to be alone so I don't want to break off things, but I'm also loyal and won't pursue anything new as long as I'm with them even though I know it won't last forever. However I always put my foot down before they want to make things official.
>>60077 >>60079 Idk what you guys are talking about. I have a 400 lb girlfriend and it’s incredible. Not just sexually. Im not very fat but I also love to eat food, and she will not hesitate to buy food for herself and me. She doesn’t even usually ask me to pay for food. She also knows how to cook. When I walk around with her, other fatties stop and look at me, almost like they see me with a fatty and they know that I love fat women, including them. Makes me feel wanted by the women I like. My girl isn’t even very lazy. She still likes to go out and enjoy life but will still come home and eat and nap. I can’t think of many things that make her different from a skinny girl friend.
>>60118 This isn't about weight for me. I just have way too high standards for my own good when it comes to other criterias. I've had the exact same feeling about smaller girls.
>>60079 What you described is like word for word what happened me last "relationship" >>60118 It's not about being ashamed of your partner being that certain size it just wasn't the right connection for me and that image speaks to my experiences some times. It just seems like both were just lonely and looking to fill a void when the woman wants it to be true and the guy just wonders "what am I doing?" Especially where I am from there isn't too many bbws around so when you find one you sometimes tend to latch on regardless of other things or connection because they are so rare. Only to realise that you are just filling a void and maybe hurting another person in the process who maybe wanted something more I honestly wish I didn't have this "fetish" or "preference." I can't help what I am attracted to because this limits my options greatly. You meet some really cool women and it's frustrating to not be attracted to them sexually. Sure I could try but I don't want to hurt anyone if I find out down the line that it just won't work
>>60077 >>60079 >>60129 A lot of what you’re describing is feeling like a whore. To be honest, these types of women are used to casual/easy sex, but normal guys just smash and move on. You guys feel what she feels in those situations. If a woman’s not worth boyfriend treatment, you’re gonna feel kinda icky giving it to her to get sex.
>>60144 I dont think you're wrong in your analysis. Fuck, I really need to break things off with this girl I'm currently seeing before thing get more serious. We went for a few drinks at this new bar in town last night, and this gorgeous girl in her mid 20's who was easily pushing 400 pounds kept eyeing us and smiling at me. Of course maybe she thought I was attractive, maybe she just liked that a skinny guy like me was out with a big girl buying her drinks, or she was just drunk and happy, who knows. Nevertheless, drop dead gorgeous girl I wouldn't have hesitated a second to approach if I had been out with friends instead. Of course you can be married to the sexiest girl alive and still feel things like this, that's just how humans work but it definitely feels shitty when you are in a relationship you know won't last. At least I know I will think about the girl I saw for weeks to come.
>>60144 Damn, I guess I do feel like a whore only I ain't getting some bread afterwards and I come from a happy home >>60147 I think it's good to have a long sit down with yourself and think things through. I had to go through something similar when things were getting more serious. I think me leaving was for the best as I didn't see a future with her. I was kind of "take it or leave it" and that gave me my answer. I should be excited about my partner and want to be with her, not just feel like I am going through the motions or doing it out of obligation Thinking things through is healthy and if you come to the realisation that you do genuinely want to stay with her then it was a good thing to do and you will have less doubt in the future down the line because you ironed it out early. If you find out you shouldn't continue that's also good. You have clarity now and it's best for both of you if you cut it off now It's been quite a while since I broke things off but it's given me a lot of time to reflect. I know what I want more and I hated that feeling that both you and I described from the wojak picture. It's definitely harder but I think it might be best to hold off until I find someone I really connect with
>>60274 > Damn, I guess I do feel like a whore only I ain't getting some bread afterwards and I come from a happy home Whore isn’t literal, just that there’s an implicit transaction occurring: you giving her the time of day/boyfriend stuff to get sex. If you’ve ever know an easy lay personally you’ve seen her go from alpha fucks to dating some beta. You’re the beta in this situation, you’re not a better person than chad because “dating a person without liking them in exchange for sex” isn’t any better than laying solid pipe and getting home in time to still smoke a blunt with the boys on a Saturday night.
