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Unpopular Feederism/Gaining opinions Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 19:05:12 Id:e157bb No. 53318
What are some hot takes and unpopular opinions you guys have about fat fetishism?
>>53318 Probably more hot takes but unpopular, but here we go: >HAES/fat acceptance is bullshit >this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards, autists, or otherwise people with mental deficiencies >most of the girls posted on this site are butterfaces or are straight up ugly in the face (especially the ssbbws). There are only a few legitimate facially attractive women in this space like candii, jenni, and jasminexoxo for example >skinny faces on bbws are FAR superior to the typical fat face (think tianastummy) >chubby women and smaller bbws are generally more attractive than ssbbw blobs >pear shaped bodies shit on apple shaped bodies
Ik this is a very arguable opinion on this site, but I honestly think most irl fat women are unattractive, and I greatly prefer fat art/hentai. Like there is exceptions and all, but most of the models posted here got ugly faces and flat asses
>>53321 Agreed 100%. This is why I keep this a fetish. It’s the fantasy aspect of it that gets me hard, but in reality, the vast majority of them are actually pretty gross and unattractive. Fat women irl are meant for hooking up at best, but they aren’t worth dating seriously.
Fat women who try to be independent are lying to themselves. Simple as that.
>>53320 all of this but i gotta say i think the deflated look is hot
lol all of the many "unpopular opinion" threads on /gen/ (that you should have replied to instead of making a new one btw) are just "fat faces bad" "all of us are autists" "HAES is a lie" "reeeeee black guys" and "Candii Kayn is the only hot fat woman to have ever existed"
>>53330 Can you genuinely please fucking kill yourself
>>53338 never before a troon like you
>>53330 >>this fetish tends to attract niggers. I like em big, I like em chunky.
Like 1% of models have this fetish. 9% are okay with themselves. 90% hate being fat. HAES people are playing an addict’s denial head game. Being fat is absolutely bad for you and a pretty bad decision if you generally have any reason to stay engaged in life. You can get chubby or even mildly fat and normal. For morbid obesity (I’ll use the medical definition of 100 pounds overweight), it’s basically guaranteed you have a mental issue, are a slob, or have depression. Away from the glimmer of the computer, 99% of these models, even the hottest ones, are NOT a catch.
>>53345 But depression and laziness just make them easier to manage
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I think blueberry fetish content is dogshit. I also dislike burping content as well.
> I hate that porn has ruined the community and every feedist space is a cesspool. > I'am part of the problem I know. > I want to start an entirely new community without porn which I know is stupid and won't work. >I hate how much gluttony and degeneracy is tied into this even if I understand why. >I hate how toxic and hostile this community is > I hate that I'm even saying this because nothing I said is unique.
>>53353 The scene needs porn because these women need to advertise themselves. It’s not that porn is ruining the scene, it’s that these women don’t follow up on the expectations they’ve set.
The depression and lack of self control is what’s hot about this fetish.
>>53360 I disagree but you do you .
>>53359 mfw the fetish community has fetish content
>>53392 What I’m saying is that our girls should see content as a way of getting themselves a man. Not many other options when you’re the size of Adeline, and the sooner they figure that out, the better for us.
Drinking straight up butter/oil is the grossest shit ever. I rather see a fatty get the life fucked out of her than see her scarf down a buffet. I liked Mochii better when she looked 6 months pregnant and not like a diseased bag of lard. Reiina's husband has more game than all of the people who bitch and moan about him looking like a rat/weasel.
>>53401 Ngl I agree on the first one. It's also fucking nasty when they straight up eat fucking lard with a spoon.
Fatter does not necessarily mean sexier. For example, Adeline and Ash. While I can appreciate how fat they both got, their content went downhill at the same time. It’s way sexier to see a fat girl who’s able to move around, dance and act all seductive, etc. I like that Adeline is losing a bit and is more mobile. That’s way more attractive to me.
>>53320 >>this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards, autists, or otherwise people with mental deficiencies Holy shit, this! Even on this site there's been a noticeable brain drain for the past 5 years or so.
>>53318 Messy/sloppy eating videos are F-tier content. ESPECIALLY if involves melted chocolate anything. Might as well call it coprophagia on training wheels.
>>53407 Imo I don't think people not liking messy eating videos is unpopular. I actually am one of those who loves messy eating videos, as long as it's not boring. I'm a bit iffy on chocolate tho since it looks like they rubbing themselves in shit
I dont really like art/hentai of characters eating. I only like to it if they're eating something sweet like cake or ice cream.
Fat to Fatter > Thin to Fat Morphs suck. RL or GTFO. Celebrity/anime/videogame WG fanfic/art sucks as well. Feedists aren't more autistic/stupid than anyone else, but the ones who spend 9 hours a day on sites like this are. So it's kind of a self-selecting thing. Of course HAES, SA, etc is delusional nonsense, but it makes fat girls fatter so STFU. The shit your Joe Rogan-infected YouTube algorithm is feeding you has no place on a fetish site. Cold/popular take: There are 100s of models who play around with the fetish and like 5 who get it. These are not the hottest models.
>>53419 I disagree with anime/videogame fetish art/fanfic. Though I do gotta agree that celebrity fetish content is fucking awful. I hate morphs too
The ridiculous amount of cope from right-wing guys with this fetish trying to convince themselves that they're not a "degenerate," even though the rest of the extremely online right hates fat women. "It's okay as long as the male partner is fit! Fat on a woman means fertility, which is trad!" Sorry bro, to them it will always be a disgusting fetish that makes you no different from a fag or tranny. Just accept that you're a pervert instead of taking it out on us.
I honestly find it a big turnoff when models dress up as pigs or cows
The fart epidemic in porn the last couple years is fucking ridiculous. Are that many of you degenerates really into it??
>>53429 pig dress up doesn't do it for me bc it's always messy-eating centered but anything cowprint is my bread and butter, absolutely love it
>>53434 Same here. Love me a good cow cosplay and breeding fantasy, but no noises overly furry cosplay etc. And hate pig play and/or messy eating. You stay away with your disgusting pig noises and pig snout/ears etc.. Messy eating also is a big no no for me. If things get naturally a tiny bit messy when eating some fastfood I don't mind at all, but stop rubbing cream on your body, which is supposed to go into your mouth. Only thing I enjoy about pig play is eating on all fours if it's not overly messy.
I love fat chicks and I’ve only ever dated big girls. My wife is over 300lbs. You all are weird for getting off to girls eating, smothering themselves with food, burping/farting, chugging heavy cream, actively logging weight gain etc. There’s a lot of sexy things about a fat girls body, huge tits, big belly and ass, squishy/softness, the jiggling… why do you need to see a woman eat to get off? I will never understand it, I enjoy every single aspect of fat fetishism but feeding is weirdo shit. I know you all know that you are weirdos, I’m not trying to put you down, but I just genuinely do not get it at all. I would much rather get off to porn of a woman undressing, masturbating, or getting fucked.
>>53440 >>brags about having a 300lb wife >> oblivious to the fact that most users here are single and questions the content they jerk off too I mean I can blow your wife's back out if you think me jerking off to a chugging video is weird.
>>53318 Lukewarm take: some people are feeders because they love fat women, some people are feeders because they hate fat women, and it’s always obvious who is who.
>>53441 Being single doesn’t explain the context of this fetish, and I don’t think any of you would grow out of it if you weren’t single. You all would probably try talking your girlfriends into becoming feedees the moment you’re comfortable enough to do so, and many users claim that they have. You don’t have to be insecure about it, Who cares? Liking fat chicks in the first place is not considered normal and it never stopped me, taking it to the next level and jerking off to weight gain is even less normal but you all are here anyways. This is the unpopular opinion thread and I am here to share mine, but you can all go back to posting about how you hate black dudes or whatever.
>>53440 > why do you need to see a woman eat to get off? See fat women eat, try on clothes they’ve outgrown, break furniture and get stuck. It’s called a disgust/humiliation kink. Ontologically, it’s often some kind of repressed shame over sexual impulses, or unresolved trauma, or explosive kundalini energy, that gets converted into sexual ID energy that seeks to dehumanize and humiliate our sexual partners.
>>53431 No, very few guys are into it. Models just do it all the time because they 1) don't understand the fetish at all, 2) even if they do, they're too LAZY to do things that we actually want to see, and 3) they just copy other girls, they don't actually try to do what they think will make the most money.
>>53440 I’m normally a disciplined person who can’t stand and is frankly kind of disgusted by short-sighted decision making. So for me I’m sure it has something to do with repressed hedonism. “You’re obese already and there you go reaching for a donut.” I’m not into feederism like as in me feeding it to them, but watching this process go on as an observer is seriously one of my favorite things. Same with the outgrown clothes, it’s a reckoning with consequences.
>>53451 > I’m normally a disciplined person This is it. Half of the men with fat fetishes are gym rats with body dysmorphia. These women are greedy, lazy gluttons. (As are most women, just they subvert their food cravings into consuming Real Housewives and online shopping). That’s it. Women are gross, lazy, gluttons who can’t help but dodge work and consume more than they should. It’s kinda sexy, and women’s selfish greediness is probably evolution looking out for creating the next generation.
>>53458 My guess is that it's mostly guys who feel physically inadequate themselves, rightfully so or not (dysmorphia): too fat, too thin, too short, just plain ugly, etc and their self-loathing is transferred into their sexual desires. At least that's my excuse.
I genuinely like nearly everything when it comes to this fetish, but the number 1 rhing for me is burping for some reason. I just get off more easily when a fat girl burps, just find that really hot.
>>53471 if she slaps her belly or squishes her boobs together then I'm not lasting much longer, also side angles or top-down angles, also also when they jiggle their belly with a shirt on so you see it make the fabric ripple, also also also that thing they do sometimes where they lift both their boobs up and you can see where their belly fat really starts. okay im done now
>>53321 > flat asses Because most of them are snowniggers.
In general, I think these women need to be more grateful.
>>53461 It’s not even necessarily a body vs body thing, just general hedonism vs control. Discipline in most aspects of life (fitness, finance, mental discipline, etc) vs a body that is a physical marker of living the average mentally flaccid American consumer lifestyle and some repressed desire to live vicariously through that
>>53447 And you see… this kind of thing I fundamentally don’t like about feederism. You’re willfully degrading a woman for your own pleasure. You’re actively making her health worse at the expense of your horniness. If you meet a girl and she’s already fat, well, that’s just who she is. But if you meet a girl (regardless of size) and actively make her fatter… you are ruining her standard of living for your own pleasure. And yes, I can see how someone might get off to that— there has to be a certain amount of devotion, or just desperation, that a woman must feel to ruin her health for you. And there’s also the aspect of control, knowing that the fatter she gets the more dependent she will be on you. It all just feels like it comes from a deep place of disrespect towards women. Like, if a 200 pound girl becomes 300 pounds passively just due to her lifestyle, I can get off to that. I can appreciate that she’s bigger. But if she gains a hundred pounds because I’ve actively persuaded or forced her to do so… that really bothers me. Outside of the basic structure of monogamy, I just would never want to remove a woman’s autonomy. Obviously two consenting adults can do whatever they want, I’m not going to stop any of you, but yeah I just can’t get down with it.
>>53516 > You’re willfully degrading a woman for your own pleasure. I think they degraded themselves buddy. No bodys “forcing” anyone to do anything. These women are adults who are capable of making their own decisions without some 5’7” simp’s paternal attitude. You just sound like a neurotic jealous incel.
>>53516 Are you done clutching your pearls?
I guess this is more of a thing for people into ssbbws and may or may not be in a relationship with one, but shit, literally, is disgusting. How are people turned on by the fact that a woman got so fat she can't even clean themselves, and they get off by cleaning the shit off them? No matter the method whether it's wiping or hosing with water, it's nasty.
>>53535 Not my fault some of these women are too stupid to figure out bidets or assistive tools. Don’t put this on all of them just because some flyover state mouth-breather is too lazy to clean herself up.
>>53536 When wild animals can clean themselves more often and effectively, then you know it's a shame for these women.
>>53535 > shit, literally, is disgusting. How are people turned on by the fact that a woman got so fat she can't even clean themselves, and they get off by cleaning the shit off them? People literally eat feces. I don’t think it’s so horrible to get my girl so fat she shits from her shower chair onto a XL WeeWee pad before I rinse her off. It’s a testament to our connection and love. It’s a beautiful act of trusting love and care. I hope you could be so lucky to have a woman gain for you and be caring enough to keep her cleaned and well fed.
>>53539 One last round of flapping and stimming before the school year, huh?
>>53516 did it ever occur that those women are consenting adults who often or not do that to themselves. Now sure I don't like degradation or humiliation at all but I reckon I could find a woman willing to explore my interests and then you know communicate boundaries and find a nice middle ground you know like rational adults, here it the thing you didn't have to say any of this, no one cares either way.
>>53489 "White bitches have no butt and no chest" -Ice Cube, 1991
>>53328 You'll always be single and a virgin, incel
>>53611 You look at them trying to get around and tell me they can do it alone.
>>53539 >shits from her shower chair onto a XL WeeWee pad Is she a dog? But why do this instead of wafflestomp? Your trash man must hate you.
>>53677 >>But why do this instead of wafflestomp? A plumber costs a whole lot more than a trash collector.
>>53677 >>53678 Also shit doesn't dissolve down the drain. There's a reason why you're supposed to get your septic tank pumped every 5 or so years.
Nah big disagree, call me fucked up but the biggest I was with needed help sometimes and if be rock fucking hard. Couldn’t shower or bathe without me helping or she’d be winded and covered in sweat.
Adding another one along the same lines of what I posted: Emotional eating is the hottest part of this whole thing. Happy? Celebrate with food, Sad? Binge eat infront of the TV or scrolling. Easiest way to pack 100lbs on a girl is to find an emotional eater.
Middle aged fatties > young'uns
>>53690 Can confirm. Easily how my wife put on her latest 50
>>53690 Counterpoint: Grazers can be totally unaware of how much they're packing away. They only count meals, which are small.
>>53772 Grazing for sure. My current gf is the first fatty I've been with who is this much of a grazer, where she usually turns down seconds at a meal because she's too full, but it truly seems like she doesn't go an hour without some kind of snack or at least like a thick sugary Starbucks style drink. And she has definitely plumped up a little bit just in the few months I've known her.
I think 95%+ of the models/content in these spheres suck, most women are too big, look like fridges with all the weight in their upper body, no curves or shape, have ugly faces, etc. 250lbs is the absolute max for me with closer to 200 being optimal. Makes me hate this fetish even more.
>>53345 also you can clock really quickly the people who absolutely aren't into it and are just here because the lack the restraint or the ability to commit to turning their lives around and getting back into shape
>>53405 Fucking THANK YOU, I've always held the opinion different women look better at different sizes and that there is absolutely a such thing as 'too big"
>>53600 there's something extremely depressing but also immensely funny about a woman getting fat but it not giving her a larger bust/bigger ass, it's like the ultimate biological fuck you
>>53421 My main issue about /bbwdraw/ is that it's always the new flavor of the month shonen jump or whatever Tencent shit out for their cattle plus those crappy potato shaped cartoons for hipsters. And that was before Ai, so yeah, rock bottom feeders are ahead of their time.
>>54041 I hate saxxon, and fuck debulover.
ass-centered SSBBWs >>>> belly-centered SSBBWs
>>54101 For sure. Apple shaped bodies are disgusting
>>54112 Depends on to what extent.
>>54112 >Apple shaped bodies are disgusting Damn >>54116 This anon is right. Depends on to what extent. Because there are so e very hot apple shaped women.
>>54121 Honestly, the only way an apple shaped lady is attractive is if she’s so fucking fat she still has a fatter ass and bigger tits than 90%+ of women.
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>>53471 Something about it is just really sexy, maybe because of intrinsically "not lady-like" it is but something about big girls just abruptly belting out the loudest, most gutteral, belches and then trying to play it off is really really sexy, as far as I'm concerned, FeedistDani, HelaBBW, CakedupKayla, and SSBBW SAbrina are great at this
>>54135 Based
>>54135 Yeah. This is a fine looking fat trans person, but it looks nothing like a sexy fat woman.
>>54135 Trumps got a fatter ass than this ball of a mid-grade Midwestern.
>>54169 you are genuinely stupid as fuck
>>54135 >today's menu: Butt >has no ass Really makes you think
>>54193 Look I get it. It's a caveat and all, but there are some apples with some nice asses
>>54170 You do know Trump wears adult diapers right? Even during his Celebrity Apprentice days they had to pause filming to change his ass.
>>54254 Ask a Zionist if they support Trump. It’s crazy these favors scream “huh Holocaust” while trying to start pogroms against non-white legal immigrants. Only people eating cats and dogs are Jews eating their cheap Chinese food on Christmas.
Belly button piercings = instant diamonds, especially if her blubber gradually "swallows" it the more she gains.
I really, REALLY like when the women in this fetish are more domineering and have an aura of control. Think people like inkiighost. I dunno, feels nice when someone has the reins through their own hedonism, and mentally (or physically) pins you down and dominates you. I guess this also lends itself towards liking a lot of vore content, despite not inherently liking it. I also really enjoy really guttural belches, especially when followed with slapping their belly in satisfaction.
>>54602 Sasha has been leaning into a more domme hedonist persona lately and it's hitting so hard.
How taboo and repulsive fat girls are in society. Thinking about their fat struggles, how they are ruining their bodies with food addictions, and how disgusting, pathetic and mentally fucked up fat girls they are in general (like when they hit morbid obesity) is one of the best parts
>>54116 The first to come to mind for apple shape that I hate is this. Where there is so much belly with a lack of fat every else on her body. It makes me glad that she is skinny now.
>>54602 >I also really enjoy really guttural belches, especially when followed with slapping their belly in satisfaction Hear hear! Love the combo of deep rumbles and belly jiggles.
Weigh in/measurement videos are so boring. I know people like the “stats” but to me it’s just whatever, regardless if they’re telling the truth. Even social media updates like “gained 5 lbs this weekend!” oh you gained 5 lbs? Well the human body fluctuates in weight between like 2 to 5 pounds a day.
>>54619 Yikes. Looks like my ex. Kept thinking that eventually her gaining would move some of that fat down into her legs and ass, but nope.
>>54649 I mostly agree. The exception is if they make a good "fat talk" out of it, but few models are capable of that.
I hate stretch marks.
>>54699 I love them.
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>>54699 Wow that’s crazy, explain
>>53318 I'll just dump mine. >People who actively engage in the Fat Fetish community in the sense that they have a public presence on fetish sites like Feabie, Fantasy Feeder, or SnapChat and go to BBW-Bashes or any of Heather's Parties IRL are about just as crazy as furries you would expect to find at an event like RainFurrest. >Just because someone is fat does not make her a BBW/SSBBW the second B is important. >There is a really serious problem with grooming in the fat fetish community, especially with some men and in other cases women like heather trying to get fat women to engage in either modeling or gaining in exchange for a rather shallow form of gratification. Only to end up being used for someone's own disgusting pleasure, its kind of like how transgenders will groom lonely or impressionable young men and teenagers to get them to become trans and eventually undergo reassignment surgery for the sake of getting validation from others to fill the void of loneliness. >Death feeders are retarded and usually scum.
>>53320 >this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards, autists, or otherwise people with mental deficiencies I have been pretty aware of the fact that this "community" or at least the online art spaces have always been full of autistic people, which its self can kind of bring out both the smartest and most retarded in us. Although as of late, I can't tell if the brain drain in the last 5 years is from brain-rot from too much porn, gen-alpha being given a joke of education because of COVID, or the massive influx of Indian men on the internet. I swear to god, I will try to find a video of a model I like on stufferdb, or Youtube and I filter by newest first and there is a reasonable chance of a Pajeet proposing to the woman in the video, even though she clearly did not consent to having that video uploaded.
>>54714 I find them unsightly and think they detract from an otherwise amazing belly/body. I much prefer girls with "cleaner," unblemished bellies, or those with minimal or less obvious stretch marks like Candii, LMBB, Katie Cummings, Alena Love, etc. The only notable exception right now for me is Tiana because her gain and body shape is just too hot to not love. An unfortunate casualty to this preference for me is Blondiee18, which is a real shame, because her fit, popular cheerleader to fat piggy transformation is usually right up my alley, but the stretch marks all over her body kind of ruin the picture for me. She's still great, but considerably less so for me than if she didn't have them. It's kind of similar to girls with awful belly tattoos like Satanthiic. I can look past it if the content is good, but if it isn't my thing or it's just a bad video, I can't. They aren't a total deal breaker for me on their own unless they're really deep and red and there are too many of them that ruin an otherwise perfect belly. Idk, long story short, I just like it way better when they have good skin that they take care of.
>>54715 > how transgenders will groom lonely or impressionable young men and teenagers to get them to become trans and eventually undergo reassignment surgery for the sake of getting validation from others to fill the void of loneliness I hate this. I also hate it when they eat cats and dogs while sacrificing peoples children to the pizza gods. God— our schizoids are getting more retarded.
>>54722 >I hate things that are true. To think that I am the schizo here.
>>54722 >>54725 I command thee to give each other head
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>>53320 >>this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards, autists, or otherwise people with mental deficiencies Yes, it does. I made graphs to show what I mean. On the intelligence scale, most of these women are one to two standard deviations below average intelligence, and when you interact with them in person you realize they are debilitatingly, prohibitively stupid. Seriously, take an IQ test online and imagine someone like Kayla Paulini/Kaybearcutie95, or ItsMarieBabes, or BubblyBooty taking one. You'll instantly see what I mean. As for us, the average man has below average empathy, and the average feeder has even less empathy than that. I dated a model for years, I've seen ALL the messages and bullshit men do and say to women, trust me men are pretty much all sociopaths lol. We are deriving sexual pleasure from other people reducing their lifespans.... it's low empathy behavior. Not all feedees are stupid, and not all feeders are sociopaths, but yes it is generally true that this fetish attracts low IQ and mentally disordered people
>>54728 You totally proved the autist factor.
>>54728 Is this satire or autism? > I've seen ALL the messages and bullshit men do and say to women, trust me men are pretty much all sociopaths lol. Women and simps wrongly assume that coomers messaging them are repressive of the general population of men. The vast majority of people online are retarded/autistic/schizophrenic, in all communities. Men who use women for pussy tend to be less empathetic than average. (This is true for players and porn consumers). It’s also true that most models and simps aren’t any more empathetic (think about how you talk about incels, that’s how incels talk about sex workers). Feeders, sugar babies and normies can all be superficial people users…it’s just fear mongering to paint feeders as super villains when in reality these men are simping pretty hard for trailer park trash and are doting partners and caregivers. Which is why most fat women are dumb. Both are commonly caused by poverty. Women with a fat fetish who choose to be fat aren’t necessarily dumber than average, many are smarter and just kink aware. There is no fat fetish community, it’s just terminally online people who have very little in common. It attracts the dumbest, ugliest, most self centered losers the real world has rejected. The real world is full of fat people fucking, plenty of those fat women fucking normal men who prefer fat women.
>>54730 I had a feeling this would trigger low empathy men, as you tend to be the most sensitive of basically all people
>>53320 >HAES/fat acceptance is bullshit How they've manifested on social media is bullshit but both started as necessary and legit. HAES was about getting the medical industry to stop hyperfocusing on weight and look at overall health instead. Fat acceptance was about people trying not to hate their bodies so they wouldn't be compelled to abuse them. Somehow these morphed into "I'm 500 lbs and dying but they have nothing to do with each other" and "It's totally fine to be 500 lbs and if you tell me 'No' it's a hate crime." >this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards, autists, or otherwise people with mental deficiencies This post probably proves the autist part but every FA I know is intelligent and well-educated, and more than not accomplished in business or the arts. I have an above average IQ, have run my own fairly successful business for 30 years, and I've never been treated for mental illness. It's a fetish like any other — attracts all kinds. This is just self-hating bullshit, and says way more about who hangs out on chan sites than FAs or feeders. >most of the girls posted on this site are butterfaces or are straight up ugly in the face (especially the ssbbws). There are only a few legitimate facially attractive women in this space like candii, jenni, and jasminexoxo for example Just looked at the first pages of /bbw and /ssbbw and every model is conventionally attractive (except the fat part). >skinny faces on bbws are FAR superior to the typical fat face (think tianastummy) Subjective. There are attractive fat and thin faces, and unattractive ones. >chubby women and smaller bbws are generally more attractive than ssbbw blobs Conventionally speaking, but then if you're talking about most men, thin/slightly curvy women are generally more attractive than chubby women or smaller bbws. Again, you hate yourself. That's okay but stop projecting. >pear shaped bodies shit on apple shaped bodies Subjective though you're probably in the majority. >>54330 Most Jews support Harris (around 85%), and most Jews are Zionists. Thing is you don't know what "Zionist" actually means, because you're a herd animal who learned about Israel from memes.
>>53320 >>54732 Okay, just realized this is the "unpopular opinions" thread and I'm shitting on these opinions as if they were just posted out of the blue. Sorry about that.
>>54733 Retard lmao
>>54733 you’re also straight up wrong about everything you said about fat acceptance and HAES lmao. one, fat acceptance is a sham that was started by an average sized dude who got horny around fat chicks and wanted to see more of them. see: NAAFA/Bill Fabrey. two, it’s literally impossible for a doctor to hyperfocus on obesity. obesity is a fatal fucking disease (part of why it’s so hot). if you’re a fat fuck and your doctor doesn’t make so much of a peep about your ass being 300+ lbs of lard during a single 30 minute appointment, that’s tantamount to malpractice. HAES people are a bunch of delusional fucking cunts and would have way more productive doctors appointments if they just sat down and told their physician off the bat “i know im a land whale and thats by choice. i dont want to lose weight because it makes my dick hard/my husbands dick hard/im lazy and im ok with losing years of life because of it. i understand that everything im about to complain about will never be optimally controlled as long as im manuel oribe/tess holliday maxxing and thats ok. lets talk about the options i do have.”
>>53447 thank you for clearing that out.
>>53318 what I hate about this community is American's obsessions with race and politics. Every thread has someone that says something about black or whites. Dude who cares about skin color? everyone is different regardless of skin color. About politics, the US is not a democracy and continuing believing this while you ONLY have 2 choices to choose from every fucking time is just mind boggling to me. Just please, ffs stop this race/politics nonsense. At least here.
>>54752 There's a lot of religious liberals who spent their college years partying and clubbing in LA talking about race to make up for their slacking off. Most of them from Baptist and Catholic backgrounds who think Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift became the devil, but are stuck in the Carolinas or Virginia. Most of the race talks come from HCBUs who believe they are a sermon man on a mission, but that might fade with religious folks going to Trump for his fiery sermon on the pulpit. Harris is popular with the prosperity gospel crowd. Most religious folks used to be construction workers, now they're bankers and removed Satan to no scare their liberal folk.
I don't know much about politics because Time Warner went peak Warner and now charging $4 to access CNN, just like how Disney threatened to starve cable guys out of ESPN if they didn't access plus because liberal news is losing money. I am assuming Trump is winning because Kamala is charging $10 million to chat to her supporters, most of whom are students with no money and faculty on a mortgage. So the 2 points could be false as people don't read the times, the post, or watch SNL.
>>54752 I do apologize for talking politics but the highway department and the transportation doesn't like the hard intellectual fat people from the colleges cause those fatties almost always want to expand government past the 5pm hour or work the night crew like a monarch.
>>54745 I made pretty clear I'm not a HAES of BoPo fundamentalist, but you're illiterate or cursed with crippling ADHD so you saw a few words and splooged out a bunch of reactive schiz. Your word for the day is "Nuance." >NAAFA started by an average sized dude So what? Being an FA, married to a fat woman like he was, should be a prime motivator to fight for fat rights. >it’s literally impossible for a doctor to hyperfocus on obesity It's not about not mentioning excess weight; it's about being so blinded by excess weight the doctor misses other factors. There are 1,000s of accounts of symptoms being missed because the doc takes one look at a fat patient, says "Lose weight" and sends them home to get sicker, and in some cases, die. >obesity is a fatal disease It's a major factor in many illnesses but no one dies of obesity specifically. Plenty of people with a 32 BMI or higher who live to a ripe old age. Just that I wouldn't bet that way, which is why BMI is used for groups of people and not individuals. >>54752 Sorry but race is a big deal here. The country was founded on mass genocide and built on what might be the largest, longest human rights tragedies in history. We've only been free from legal apartheid for barely over 60 years and the aftereffects are still very much with us. That said, most of the N-word sploogers, MAGAs, and UltraWoke herd animals are just here because their dads didn't pay attention to them. I.E., they're trying to get a rise out of people.
>>54761 I don't have information to verify your claims because entertainment as a business is not profitable in current times. The news would have to go back to airing at theaters before a movie, or go full Jack Warner and treat film as a business with cowboy, detective and superhero serials. Journalism takes three months to develop, but that's not enough for our coke snorting fast paced world.
>>54761 Sounds like your beef is with Ted Turner and Pat Robertson, the southern gentleman who transformed Atlanta and Arlington into media capitals outside the NY-LA area, or Jerry Jones who made Dallas into a football town to heal from the trauma of the Kennedy killings. Sure the south has New Orleans and Tennessee, but they didn't turn into Hollywood of the south
>>54761 not sure how me saying “you’re straight up wrong” translated to me calling you a fundamentalist in your brain. you said HAES/the fat acceptance movement were “about” X things and they are not about X things. i agree, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with the NAAFA guy wanting his fat wife to feel sexier, but that doesn’t mean fat acceptance was ever about “people trying not to hate their bodies so they wouldn't be compelled to abuse them.” early NAAFA meetings were literally part runway shows where fat women could model clothes on a makeshift runway at their local harrah’s casino. if fat acceptance wasn’t about a straight guy and his cock then maybe there would have been fat dudes in those runway shows. if you wanted to play devils advocate for fat acceptance, you should’ve done more research first and reversed your timeline. the modern version is actually way less fetishy and way more generalized than its initial iteration. and kek please… fat rights? there are unique disadvantages to being fat, but being disadvantaged by modifiable factors does not merit appropriating the linguistics of “human rights” discourse (reserved for unmodifiable factors or extremely-difficult-to-modify factors such as race, sex, socioeconomic class at birth, generational poverty). lastly, let me explain how medicine works to you, because medicine has more of that word “nuance” than you realize. doctors dont send 1000s of fat people home to die. what actually happens is something like this: patient is 450 pounds and complaining of joint pain without recent trauma or specific incident of injury. get xrays regardless because nobody outside of your persecutory fantasyland is denied a basic workup due to obesity. xrays are negative. their joint pain is unilateral, non-acute, located in the knee, without fevers or other systemic signs. if it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck. they’re not getting a costly and time-intensive workup for DVT, septic arthritis, or autoimmune arthropathies. they’re going home with instructions to lose weight and take NSAIDs and maybe a physical therapy prescription because their morbid obesity is a raging independent risk factor for osteoarthritis. sure, in the eternally-victimized fat person’s world, this supermorbidly obese patient definitely has lupus and the doctors should have pulled out all the serum testing at visit #1. they are going to present to the emergency department one year later with frank nephrotic syndrome thanks to undiagnosed lupus nephritis and their kidneys will be dead and they will end up on hemodialysis because doctor #1 did what any physician with critical thinking skills would do and didn’t order testing that truly was not indicated at the time. i won’t claim this never happens because i haven’t talked to all the dead fat people in the world, but if fat people got all the medical testing that they thought they were entitled to because HAES tells them that obesity isn’t an independent risk factor for any disease (and you are also apparently under this impression), your take home pay would suddenly drop by a substantial amount thanks to a steep rise in your social security tax. but if you’re okay with that, by all means die on that hill. do you want to try arguing that smoking is healthy, since smoking doesn’t kill you? it doesn’t. obstructive lung disease caused by the destruction of alveolar tissue and chronic inflammation of the bronchi kills you. lung cancer kills you. but smoking? nah, smoking is fine.
>>54764 The left is losing because the medical industry want nothing to do with the celebrities. Obamacare worked cause fat people had to pay a fine for not having insurance to cover the costs. In other words, the artists are pricing themselves out of the city cause they're advocating for gentrification.
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>>54764 >>54765 what the fuck are you people talking about
>>54766 The university hospital system wants nothing to do with FurAffinity or Chris-Chan cause all that money goes into art instead of paying the medical bill
>>54764 >not sure how me saying “you’re straight up wrong” translated to me calling you a fundamentalist in your brain. *I* used the word fundamentalist because I was trying to indicate how these issues are about... nuance. That offended you for some reason, and I assumed you didn’t actually read my post because your response was so off-base. But it turns out you just had a horrendous, baseless take you didn’t bother to back up. Now you have, and it’s worse. Go back to the original comment I replied to: “HAES/fat acceptance is bullshit.” I don’t think it’s all bullshit, though aspects of it are definitely bullshit. I believe I made that point, but you hate fat people and FAs so you projected that onto me and that comment. >you said HAES/the fat acceptance movement were “about” X things and they are not about X things. Your dismissal of HAES/fat acceptance is entirely based on NAAFA, which all but ceased to exist 40ish years ago. They were the OG HAES/SA folks but there have been many facets since, as you acknowledge. So why hyper focus on NAAFA? It’s like criticizing US policy toward Russia by only referencing the 1880s. > that doesn’t mean fat acceptance was ever about “people trying not to hate their bodies so they wouldn't be compelled to abuse them.” It absolutely was. You just have a weird, narrow, angry, outsider’s view of it. I’ve had conversations/debates with a boldfaced name in the HAES/SA movement where those exact words were said. She represents one of many facets of “fat acceptance,” and a lot of those people don’t agree with each other. Yes, I could have elaborated upon/explained that it wasn’t an all-encompassing, linear path from “people trying not to hate their bodies so they wouldn't be compelled to abuse them” to the social media-stoked insanity we both disagree with. But that post was long enough already. I assumed some slack would be given but then this is bbw-chan, my bad. >early NAAFA meetings were literally part runway shows where fat women could model clothes on a makeshift runway at their local harrah’s casino. if fat acceptance wasn’t about a straight guy and his cock then maybe there would have been fat dudes in those runway shows. Do you live on earth? Straight women are overwhelmingly the main consumers of fashion, and I’ve never known a straight man — of any size — compelled to walk a runway or put on a fashion show in the first place. FYI, churches and charities have them all the time. They mostly involve women. They’re not for fetishists. I swear you’re coming off like the closeted politician who goes nutso against gay rights to overcompensate. >fat rights? there are unique disadvantages to being fat, but being disadvantaged by modifiable factors does not merit appropriating the linguistics of “human rights” discourse I tend to agree, though on top of medical discrimination (more on that below) employment discrimination against fat people is definitely a thing, and exclusion from other public spaces that are not allowed to discriminate against protected classes. I mean, I’ve gone to a hip restaurant with a thin male friend and was treated one way, then went there with a GF and was all but refused service. You can find millions of examples of this. Trade “fat” for “black” and it’s very much a human rights issue. But… > (reserved for unmodifiable factors or extremely-difficult-to-modify factors such as race, sex, socioeconomic class at birth, generational poverty) …if you come back and say “well you can be skinny if you really want” I’ll raise you a “you can not be poor.” More proof you actually don’t know any fat people in a real way. >lastly, let me explain how medicine works to you, because medicine has more of that word “nuance” than you realize. doctors dont send 1000s of fat people home to die. They do though, and not just fat people. Don’t put doctors or any medical professionals on a pedestal because of a piece of parchment. They’re prone to greed, prejudice and miscalculation like anyone else. >nobody outside of your persecutory fantasyland is denied a basic workup due to obesity. Never said this, but go ahead and have the argument you want rather than the one you’ve got. >if it talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck In these cases (knee pain, autoimmune issues), yes, you’re correct. I’m not gonna come up with hypotheticals or anecdotal info, but if you’re interested it’s highly Googleable. Are many of those stories exactly what you describe — self-victimization hysteria? Yes. All of them? No. But fat prejudice among doctors is a thing. The AMA itself admitted it, and there’s been a huge push to remediate. >obesity isn’t an independent risk factor for any disease (and you are also apparently under this impression) Didn’t say this; I actually said that it can kill you. Twice. You said it was a “fatal fucking disease” in the context of deifying the medical industry, and then choosing your own adventure by claiming I said doctors should never mention weight. >do you want to try arguing that smoking is healthy. Again, stick to what I wrote. Not what you think I represent. >eternally-victimized fat person’s world Seriously bro — why the fuck are you here? Clearly you hate fat people, and, based on your takedown of Bill Fabrey, FAs too. We’re all a little self-hating with this fetish, rightfully so, but JFC you’re off the charts. Like, you dropped hints you’re into the humiliation/fat hate side of things (“That’s why it’s so hot!”) — and I can get with that too — but then why engage in a serious argument? Keep it between you, /ssbbw, and the tissue box.
Here’s one: Heather and BigCuties did a lot of damage to people’s perception of what fat women actually look like because of their hyper aggressive airbrushing/photoshopping of their models’ skin imperfections
>>54770 Mary boberry’s ass without the photoshops almost made me lose interest in SSBBW. I don’t get how the models have worse looking asses than random trail park trash I’m fucking.
>>53320 >HAES/fat acceptance is bullshit Patently false. The issue is much more nuanced than what your typical diet-wellness influencer can explain in a series of Instagram or TikTok soundbites. >this fetish tends to attract low IQ retards Stopped reading after this. Every accusation is a confession, etc. >>54769 >The AMA itself admitted it, and there’s been a huge push to remediate. To hammer home your point: the AMA literally had to put out a press release telling doctors to stop using BMI as their sole metric for diagnosing obesity last year.
>>54788 >Patently false. The issue is much more nuanced than what your typical diet-wellness influencer can explain in a series of Instagram or TikTok soundbites. You're just saying that because you jack off to fatties lol. Think with your large head, not your small one. Be logical. >Stopped reading after this. Every accusation is a confession, etc. Strike a nerve?
>>54799 >>54799 >Strike a nerve? Don't flatter yourself. You're a seething, self-loathing FA telling us not to think with our small heads. If you don't realize what a self-own that is... lol Thankfully I'd bet my life your toxicity is almost entirely online, that you're a passive, shit-eating marshmallow IRL.
>>54771 Pics? I guess I’ve never seen her ass unedited.
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>>54946 Sounds like you're having another autistic meltdown anon. Maybe you should get that checked out. Imagine getting this buttmad over someone having a negative opinion of fatties and their loser whiteknights, whilst projecting at the same time. Just lmaoing at your life.
>>54799 >Strike a nerve? No it just reflects an unserious attitude when approaching this topic, or any topic really. Anyone who whines about IQ/Bell Curve type shit usually isn't interested in good faith discussion.
>>53318 Stuffing videos are a waste of time and money when they do nothing but sit there and eat
>>54962 If she eats enough food without jump cuts that's enough for me, just the spectacle of seeing someone eat an absolute shit ton of food trumps the boredom if the amount is enough.
>>54962 Honestly, true. Unless there's some good fat chat, I just skip to the belly play at the end. Tiana's car stuffings can have some hot moments, but otherwise, it's just her rambling and eating for ~20 minutes, and I'm not going to waste my time sitting there waiting to find out if she says anything of substance. If there's no fat chat or belly play, the video is an abject waste of time and should not be sold for a profit.
>>54962 Seriously, who the hell is paying for that shit? Its clearly enough people that its the MAJORITY OF CONTENT produced by models? Its tantamount to jacking off to a video of a girl watching TV, fully clothed, and maybe she pulls the top of a G-string slightly of her jeans at the end. How are the standards this low?
>>54951 >writes" "...someone having a negative opinion of fatties..." >is a regular visitor to a site called "bbw-chan" >my face may be stuck from cringing so hard Keep going — please. Your projection can already be seen on the surface of the moon; let's shoot for Mars.
>>54981 You type like a redditor. Sounds like that site is more your speed.
>Most of the tastes in this site are stuck 20 years in the past and have actively refused to move forward with the times. >The anti-hardcore pornography sentiment will kill the community around the fetish >A model doing fart porn or scat instantly kills any interest I have with them >The women who solely focus on feederism and being fat are ugly cunts and have weird shaped bodies except for like 10% >There needs to be acceptance in the BBW community of people just liking fat girls without any extra slop >Pear Shapes are best
A lot of models miss the second “B” in BBW. There are some real DOGS out there that rely on men’s fat fetishes carrying their appeal.
Feel like the women who actively particiapte in this shit are a lot more retarded than a male consumers. You got to be highly mentally deficient to show your face while posting so humiliating stuff whiling basically killing yourself. Also there is basicially no reason to waste time on being with someone who is 300lbs+, disadventages weight out(lol) the advantages
Also, the general idea of being fat and lazy and having no control is so much hotter how the women actually look.
>>55047 I gotta wonder, what percent of employers are gonna pass on any woman that’s had an OF (easy to find with PimEyes) much less fat fetish life ruining content. I gotta wonder what it’s like knowing your kids are their classmates will be able to find your porn.
>>55051 "Yo momma's so fat she has a thread on /ssbbw/!"
I love heavyset women sexually and aesthetically but I don’t like the idea of intentionally fattening someone up. I’d much prefer if someone were already big, because I would feel like I was forcing them to become someone they’re not if I tried to push a feeder/feedee lifestyle.
>>55249 > I would feel like I was forcing them to become someone they’re not if I tried to push a feeder/feedee lifestyle. The decadence is the best part. Gotta ruin these normie hoes.
The melting look ussbbws get after losing weight is very nice. I like when they've got that fat girl smell in their folds.
The bonus to ssbbw’s is the dependency. Past a point, they need help, and some of them are smart enough to know that.
>>55889 > The bonus to ssbbw’s is the dependency. On so many levels. My lil girls like 4’11” and near 300 pounds.
>>55899 They’re not as lippy once they need help getting out of a seat. It’s kinda cute.
>>55921 > They’re not as lippy Never was a problem. “Spoil the rod” advice never did us wrong.
>>55925 >“Spoil the rod” As a typo/malaprop, this is hilarious. If it was intentional, it's hilarious.
Some of these girls are just gonna be ugly at any weight. You get more to work with, but some still look busted. The sooner we start being more open about this, the sooner these girls can reassess and grasp where they stand,
Models wearing a cow and pig costumes for their messy stuffing videos. They're just so boring!
Ssbbw are like luxury items, in that some guys can’t afford them. Hook ups are cheap. I’m talking those of us who date/marry them. We can’t be that mad about their hygiene. Some literally can’t reach parts of themselves without help. Not saying I want mine mired in filth, more like they need some grace. Knee problems are a blessing in disguise. Ties them down like pregnancy would, but you’re not stuck with an eighteen year commitment. Who cares if these women lie about what the scale says. Reenaye may not be as heavy as she claims, but she’s still fat as fuck. Wouldn’t turn down a chance to raw Ivy just because she rounded up from her last weigh-in. Bitching about this is like claiming that you only date tens when the last pussy you saw was the one you were pushed out of.
>>56920 I can mostly agree with you except for the fake weigh in stuff. Like why be dishonest about it...? To me it's only ok if you make it clear and mark the video as fantasy stuff, but that's not what I'm into. Same goes for fake kcal wg shakes and stuff. Another thing are fake feedes...either you are/were one or not. Just admit that your not actively gaining (anymore?) rather than lying to clueless men online and scamming them with sponsored stuffings and shit.
>>56936 > To me it's only ok if you make it clear and mark the video as fantasy Most of us aren’t children and can view our media with your nanny state censorship. I’d bet you also want the content labeled as mature only and have a warning screen before playing any porn. Only warning the man should be putting on porn is if it’s trans passing as a lady.
>>56937 That's not it at all... I do understand that many things in porn and more specifically on this fetish are our fantasies. So whenever a 200lbs model starts talking about how much she would love to be immobile I can get behind that. Also the fake weigh ins nicht ne easy to spot for some (including me) but they still suck. Better give it to us straight.
>>56952 Big authoritarian energy from you Germany 👀 Just let people make art without your Zionazi state throwing them in detention over blog posts.
>>56920 >Who cares if these women lie about what the scale says. Exactly. It's porn, and porn is fantasy, whatever the fetish. Even for the real feedees it's a job and we're their customers. If you think it's more then that then it's on you.
>>53318 A bbw/ssbbw wearing loungewear (leggings, sweatpants, pjs) is sexier than wearing a bikini/lingere/bra&panties. >>53353 I'd like to know how you'd organize a community based on a kink without porn being in the equation somewhere.
>>56967 Amen. If she was my feedee, I’d be more upset about lying. As is, they’re just being the spectacle we want them to be
Adding my own thoughts >Fat acceptance is stupid, being fat is *almost* always a choice so don't be upset when you're too fat for a chair, or clothing companies don't want 4xl women in their clothes. >Too many women are here only to sell "content" and that's fine but kick them out of community based pages and groups it gets annoying. Bloated thin girls whoring themselves for a single cheeseburger combo is pathetic because they thought it would be easy money. >Pig snouts are the worst thing in vids, they make them look ridiculous it's not sexy. >Normal eating videos are boring. I absolutely love slob and such but that's just MY preference. >The most popular bbwart is exactly the same stuff, flat potatoes shaped women. >SSBBW is great but some people are so porn rot they can't enjoy a chubby girl. >The kind of body where fat only goes to the stomach leading you to have skinny legs and a belly to your knees is the worst kind of fat. >Chips are the worst stuffing food on camera, it just doesn't do it for me. >Fat acceptance somehow makes for the ugliest of fat chicks. The dyed hair, piercings and tattoos makes a fat woman look ridiculous >Mobility scooters, diapers and walking aides is when it finally goes too far. >India having access to the internet was a bad idea. For feederism and in general. >Making a woman fat from your own cooking > fast food stuffings. >I don't think skinny women are unattractive just because I have a fat fetish. And some people I'm this kink can't comprehend you can like more than one thing. >Fat on a face is based, I love round soft cheeks and double chins, it's only when they begin to look inhuman is when it becomes terrible >Lastly, Ebony bbw/ssbbw models are way too underrated. They are goldmines
Most opinions in this thread aren't unpopular.
>>56015 Have they tried cosplaying as fictional cows and/or pigs?
A lot of women mask their findom fetish with a feederism fetish, making feeders pay their food and beg for money online.
The girl cannibal nations are more incredulous than Jews.
> someone forgot they got their ass ate out on their birthday for a hour. But it's all good lol
My nations have been ceding so much to the girls who eat people. Ever since we ditched the Jew males. The girls who are cannibals have told our people in various ways that the girls now see potential in our peoples. We will create extremer feminism than ever!
>>53750 I second this
3 unpopular opinions that probably generate a host of others. Having a weight gain fetish and actually partaking in it DOES effect others, and something isn't magically morally neutral just because it only effects you. I don't care if you're going to gain weight, just don't act like you're in some kind of moral safe space where no one's eligible to criticize you because "it doesn't effect anyone". >Excess spending on food causes financial problems (bad enough alone, far worse if you have any acquaintances at all) >Damage to your health & lack of fitness prevents you from being able to interact with others in various ways Second, which also has some connection to the first, anyone too much into the fetish is not only a turnoff sexually, but also a turnoff relationally, as in "I wouldn't like this person". Everyone wants to say that the way they view the world isn't changed at all by their sexual proclivities, but not only is there no way for them to confirm that to anyone else, it's just typically untrue. Note that I said "too much into the fetish" for these examples >Economically struggling due to excess spending on food and health >"The world is so fucking unfair, the government is against me, fuck the system, no proper healthcare I'm gonna die" etc. >Person is obsessed with their weight and wants to feel their stomach hang, thighs rub, etc. >Awkwardly bringing up weight in conversations, or - if hiding it from others - always struggles to navigate conversations with weight as a topic >Neglects the way other people see them, possibly demanding that they turn a blind eye to it and/or even see it as some kind of a positive somehow, or - if hiding it from others - dismissive of acquaintances concerns over their health, harming relationships, ruining personal image >In relationships, makes the focus of the relationship and all sexual behaviour surround their weight; love measured by weight and food Third, being positive about the fetish is fucking weird. I get it, I've had the fetish for the last ~15 years of my life. Call it "self-loathing" all you want. People want to pretend it's a positive that they're into weight gain, "I have more options", "I'm not that strict with my girlfriend and she likes that", "I don't feel any need to criticize someone for their weight, verbally or internally"; honestly, I think the same, in a sense. I've never shied away from bigger girls and they've been more open to talking to me as a result, sometimes I even think it's made me a better friend. But at the same time, I cannot stand anyone who actually actively gains weight, and flaunts it publicly, or to some kind of audience, without any hint of shame - or even worse, reveling in the shame. This isn't me saying "You should be ashamed of yourself and constantly depressed about having the fetish"; first off, there's an obvious -out- of this, which is to just not be so lust-indulgent that you make your fetish integral to your personality and to who you are as a person. More importantly, though, it's a matter of balance. Being chubby is completely fine, being fat even is fine. But someone who is so lacking in control that they'd willingly destroy around +25% of their mobility for the sake of their lust gives me the impression that they've made their fetish far too integral to their personhood, and that they're shortsighted about life; or, worse still, that they're someone who has absolutely no reason to live, save for their fetish and for satisfying their lust.
>>57689 On that note: Consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want but there are some fetishes that are toxic and should be kept in the fantasy realm. I believe feedism qualifies, as the potential for manipulation and exploitation with feedism is too big to sign off on it. Think about it: a feedee by definition damages their health as part of submission to their feeder, and at a certain point this is irreversible. This is not the same as being a tradwife or full-time BDSM sub. I've had a feeder fetish since childhood but I've never acted on it, except in the most subtle of ways (like buying extra snacks and such for partners as "treats"). I have spent money on feedee media where I knew were damaging themselves, for which I do feel some guilt. Even liking an instagram post or YT video of a death feedee feels wrong to me. It's passive but I'm still an enabler. Until proven otherwise I guess I should assume these models are doing so on their own free will, but sometimes I get a strong feeling they're being manipulated or exploited. I was a fan of old school USBBW model Teighlor for years before she ultimately came out and said she'd been exploited by a feedee boyfriend, upon whom she was physically and financially dependent. Weight-related health problems killed her a couple years later.
>>57799 Your point about the irreversible health consequences sets feedism apart from other dynamics like BDSM or tradwife lifestyles, where the physical risks are often more controlled or mitigated by safe practices. When a kink or fetish begins to blur the line between fantasy and harm, you really have to ask hard questions about consent, autonomy, and the long-term impact on everyone involved.
>>57799 Not everyone has to indulge into this to the extreme though. A ton of girls just dip their toes into it, gain a little weight then maintain or end up losing it. Not every feeder wants to turn their partner into a USSBBW and not every feedee wants that. I do agree that manipulation or coercion can be a factor for some of these women and that is truly disturbing, but manipulation and coercion happen in lots of shitty relationships not just feeder/feedee ones. At the end of the day you have to trust that an adult is going to behave like an adult and take care of their own business and not be manipulated by a partner and if they are too weak or insecure to say no well...sucks for them but what can you do?
Black women consistently have the best apple and pear fat distributions.
>>58201 OUGH
>>58203 Holy peak, Batman
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>>58204 true
>>58205 Could you imagine the Hood Rat tattoo shop that had to draw on them cheeks? My god
>>58201 Based
>>58201 Okay but most black women are ugly so the trade off isn't really worth it in the end
>>58281 It’s pretty well agreed that white women are typically the most ugly, with notable exceptions. Inbreeding is a bitch, so is a crappy diet and sedentary culture.
>>58288 Black women' faces are interchangeable with black men's 90% percent of the time
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>>58305 Consanguineous marriage is illegal in Ireland but travellers (our equivalent of gypsies basically) are notorious for doing it anyway. That statistic for Pakistan is insane. I remember hearing that Pakistani immigrants (including 2nd/3rd generation) in the UK are notorious for consanguineous marriage as well; this statistic would seem to support that.
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>>58288 >crappy diet and sedentary culture
>>58314 Vivek the Hindu complained that American worships fat jock over tech bro culture. It set off a shit storm that resulted in the far right getting kicked out of Twitter.
>>53516 This is the kind of thing that people fundamentally don't understand about kinks like this. My girlfriend is a feedee who is into being degraded. She's super fat, likes to be a disgusting hog in bed, and we both get off talking about how fat and useless I'm going to make her. Outside of the bedroom however I am helping her lose weight and encourage her to not be trapped in bed under a prison of her own flesh
>>53318 Unpopular opinion on this fetish? um...sure thing: "There's a limit."
>>58288 "Everyone agrees" out loud but porn preferences and beauty standards say otherwise. Porn-wise, try to find a dark-skinned female in the list of top adult performers. In terms of beauty standards, in nearly every nonwhite country on earth lighter skin is more desirable than darker. The most visibile female media figures and celebrities in mixed-race countries like Brazil are light-skinned, if not wholly European heritage. As for inbreeding, the US, UK and much of the Commonwealth, France, and Germany are among the most heterogenous countries on Earth. In the Middle East, East Asia, or most African countries and the population shares far more DNA than not.
>>58342 >Porn-wise, try to find a dark-skinned female in the list of top adult performers. Get some data literacy than talk to me you inbred troglodyte. I’m talking on a population level and you’re citing anecdotes sourced from the countries largest ethnic group. Preferences are demand, not supply, go to a bunch spot in Hoboken and verify for yourself how rare a bangable white chick is. Tom Brady might be the best football player but white dudes are punching below their weight class as a population numb nuts. On average white women are butt ugly, have you even seen the Midwest, south or New England?
>>58347 I'll see your Hoboken brunch crowd and raise you Jersey Gardens Mall. That clientele is mostly nonwhite and while the women are fatter than in Hoboken, the fuckable are few. And you mentioned diets — no one eats more garbage than Latinos and African Americans, and the health stats prove it. People hook up mostly based on circumstances and availability. I'm saying if you want to see what people actually WANT — desirability — check online. The women on the front page of pornhub look a lot more like that Hoboken brunch crowd than any other demographic, just saying.
>>58352 Most of white womens appeal comes from the luxury goods status they confer. White women are like boats. The happiest two days in a man’s life is the first time he gets a white girlfriend, only topped by the day he dumps her ass. White women are notoriously unattractive and generally poorly wife materials too.
>>58357 If black women made such perfect wives then why are so many of them single mothers with children that end up uneducated and in jail?
>>58358 Way to deflect from the fact that some mental ill Becky with PCOS who shits in the tub isn’t the catch you SIMPs think she is. Fat white women are easily to most disgusting fat women. There’s something rotten in our culture that produces some phenomenally mid grade blubber balls.
>>58360 repeat this sentence out loud to someone you love and let them get you the help you need bro
>>58361 I did. My wife said I should be more forgiving to those greasy haired white women as they were “basically raised by wolves”, even the suburban ones, apparently loving parents that don’t force eating disorders and mental illness in pursuit of Beckydom contributes towards the racial gap leaving so many white women poorly groomed and improperly socialized.
>>58358 Conservatives cutting sex ed, and defunding public education wherever possible. No reproductive health or access to abortions + no education (can't get jobs good enough to support a family) means lots of families that can't support themselves in a very expensive society with no social safety nets. Racists, like you, will always blame the people around them instead of the system that created the conditions they exist within in the first place.
>>58374 And you'll always blame "the system" because it's easier to play victim and make excuses then admit to your own flaws and fix them
>>58362 Then they go on tiktok and diagnose themselves with autism and ADHD. Like no, you've just never tried at life and you suck at it lol.
>>58375 You would last about 5 seconds as a person in black skin with this country before you had a panic attack and shot yourself. Seriously, just do it now and get it over with. Fucking pathetic white inbred genes ass loser. You whites are so weak and whiny. Go back to gooning to incest racial cuck porn and whining on twitter about how the libs aren't triggered that trump won again. You're an embarrasment to your line.
>>58201 Black women have the best portions in general, as someone who loves big tits, bellies, AND asses.
>>58376 > diagnose themselves with autism and ADHD. Like no, you've just never tried at life and you suck at it lol. Every white dude from my sports teams who went to college is married to a chick from another race right now. Being around basic white women is just draining.
>>58391 Fixed it >>Being around liberal white women is just draining.<<
>>58397 >liberal white women Because suburban church ladies, soccer moms and MAGAtards that treat politics like a sport played on Facebook are soooooo nice to be around. Simp harder bitch. No one wants your dried up Beckie’s who got railed by every member of Sigma Chi when she was in undergrad no matter which retard she voted for.
>>58404 Kisame here, MAGA won because people wanted sports jock over the yogi. Liberalism lost because people wanted overtime, time in a half.
I thought this thread was about feederism, and not whatever political race war bs is going on rn. Or maybe that's the unpopular opinion here.
>>58417 Unfortunately for all of us, this is /gen/ Every thread will devolve into culture war and schizo/bot posting no matter what.
>>58428 The IDF has been using us as a training ground for their worst AI atrocities for some time now.
AI is going to destroy what's left of society but in the meantime save those of us with politically incorrect/legit harmful fetishes, like feedism.
>>53516 That is what makes it hot... Date a girl with thigh gap, fatten her up. Dump her for being too fat. Yoyo girls are the best.
i feel like feeding somebody is a very intimate relationship thing and i have conflicted feelings about it sometimes. i still remember the first time when one of my partners got out strawberries and cream and not being that into it and kind of needing to process things for a little bit
There's something really unfeminine about enormous guts on SSBBW I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe because huge ass, hips, and tits are already seen as feminine, but when a fat girl has a disproportionately huge gut or beer belly it makes me think of a middle aged alcoholic man and it's such a turn off.
>>58822 See, I’m one of those weirdos who thinks an orbular rotund tum is the highlight of a BBW/SSBBW. Getting your fingers in there and manhandling it and shit. The thought of getting in bed and just grabbing onto that spare tire during sex drives me crazy. Then again, I do acknowledge I’m probably in the minority of this fetish regarding that.
>>58828 > I’m one of those weirdos who thinks an orbular rotund tum is the highlight Not that weird orbtaculars are some of the most popular body types on this site.
>>53318 Maybe this carries more credibility since this is coming from a fat chick, but... Being fat by itself isn't hot. Women also need to have a good shape WITH the fat to be hot. Ie. not with bizarre features like giant back tits with no ass, legs that are leg-shaped and which don't look like a walrus that fell down a mountain, etc. I feel like this is mostly down to genetics. And if some woman wants to look like a melting ogre, that's up to her. But there are features that look better on fat women, just like with other people generally. For example, with arms if they're one big segment on the upper arm and look like big hams instead of being an amorphous mass of rolls. Am I wrong?
>>58836 How the fuck does that relate to anything in the thread? Take your meds you fucking schizo.
>>58835 You're not wrong, it's precisely why pear-shaped models continue to dominate the market. You'll always have your oddities with extreme features and size queens that are just so huge they'll keep their fans at any shape, but by and large if you don't have a fat ass & thighs, you might as well consider doing fetish work to appeal to a different market.
>>58835 No, you're not wrong. Fat can't do much of anything to paper over unfortunate genetics. On the other hand, if a woman's body is already showing off how well it can put weight in head-turning places at a normal BMI, then of course she'll look even better if she gains a hundred pounds.
It's so sad when someone has a glow down after gaining, when they start attractive and become ugly. At that point i don't understand why they continue gaining.
>>58837 Lady, if you're gona post on the chan, you gotta ignore the bots and the trolls (and the AI troll bots). You're not wrong about the genetics thing though
>>58358 Well idk what you mean by that black women are the most statistically educated group in America
Call me a degenerate! Say, no yell, from the rafters that I'm as crazy as they come. But my unpopular opinion would be: It'd be amazing to find or get a woman fat enough to the point their fupa & pussy hangs down low enough, so much so, you could use it like a onahole (pardon my french) or "fleshlight" ...for those who don't speak french.
>>58835 You're wrong in that even though you probably speak for the majority, "hot" is subjective and there are plenty of guys who like melting ogres. Go over to /ssbbw and you'll see what I mean. A lot of people here forget that in NormieWorld even being into women 50 lbs overweight is niche, and that's assuming ideal feminine fat distribution.
Is there anyone else here who finds slim girls attractive as well as big girls? If you do, this question is directed at you. Are there physical features you find attractive on slim girls, but not big girls, or vice versa? For me: - Body hair. I find any kind of body hair whatsoever on a big girl off-putting but I don't mind if a slim girl has a bush. - Hair (as in the hair on her head). I don't like short hair on big girls at all, but I don't mind it on slim girls. - Plastic surgery. I don't mind if a slim or curvy girl has had a bit of work done. In fact, sometimes it can be kind of hot. But I find it usually looks bad on big girls, whether you're talking about face or body.
>>59177 Slim girls are just superior to fat girls in every way when it comes to something long term
>>59180 I'm now in middle age, and have been in relationships with normal-sized, fat and super-fat women. While I am most attracted to the super-fat, they are not good relationship partners. Once the honeymoon phase wears off it becomes like caring for a disabled person. I'd much rather be with a regular-sized (preferably a bit chubby) person who can actually be a life partner, and then just jerk off to fatties.
My unpopular opinion is that society tricked us into liking big butts. We shouldn’t like butts in general because of shit, but we do anyway. It’s honestly an addiction like drugs, alcohol, porn, etc and the big booty women also have screws loose for promoting such a thing yet they are secretly laughing at the suckers who are attracted to the butts. The women think those men are fools
That's how you feel. Dont speak for everyone.
(59.44 KB 919x720 AIDS.jpg)
Here's my two cents: Having this kink is a bit miserable when you're in a life situation where you know damn well that your chances of getting a fat girl to be with are practically 0% (mental health issues, never leaving the house, living with family by necessity who are VERY vocal about hating how fat women are getting nowadays, not having anything good to offer a prospective partner in a relationship in terms of being an interesting/fun person, etc.), and you have no real prospects of leaving said situation anytime soon. Granted, internet access and porn help alleviate that emptiness quite a bit, but you can only trick your brain so much for so long before it goes "right, homie, we both know these images you're looking at and the hands you're stroking your dick with aren't actually an obese woman, who the hell are we kidding here?", and the sadness creeps back in again like morning fog from the ocean rolling inland. It feels like I'll never get to actually be with any woman, much less a big one, and that's not exactly doing wonders for my mood. I'm already on some pretty heavy antidepressants as well for brain chemical shit, apparently this crap cuts like a knife through even those, despite not hurting my dick function at all.
>>59844 >society tricked us into liking big butts. Society didn't trick me at all. I discovered my interest in booty all by myself thank you very much: > A flat chested chubby girl transferred to our school. > Not really interested her. She's an ironing board > "Anon did you get a look a the ugly chubby girl lol!" > Gym Class > "Anon, she's going to join your group. Please show her how we do warm ups." > Don't really want to do it. > It's her turn > She's starts to run. Watch her to make sure she's doin-Holy fuck, she has a big ass. I really like looking at it. > Can't stop starring at her ass. It's so damn big, and every stride it jiggles like she's moving a fucking ocean. > Seriously want to go full Moses and part those cheeks like the red sea Society goes on about Boobs all the damn time, in fact it was considered normal to like boobs. When I tried mentioning Big Asses to legit anyone, they were always "ewww anon big asses are for gross fat chicks!". If anything society has TRICKED YOU into like boobs. Boobs are for babies anyways. Legit haven't give a fuck about them since that day in gym class.
>>59849 >>59861 Congrats. Yall like poop dispensers. Do yourself a favor and at least try to escape the butt matrix
>>59870 >butt matrix Can't. The gravity well caused by their mass makes it impossible to reach escape velocity. Besides, I've already invested too much time in becoming an ass farmer who minds his own business plowing the ass farm. Okay real unpopular opinion time: Boberry is ugly and over rated, and people who like her have shit taste.
>>59889 She’s absolutely overrated but what makes you think she’s ugly?
>>59934 I'm not into yicking anyone's yum, and I like plenty of models who aren't classically pretty, but this is about unpopular opinions and I agree with 59889. Pre cosmetic surgery her face was like a block and she had no lips. She's since blown them up with the most fake-looking filler I've ever seen. O/A she now has a plastic Kardashian look, which for me is a bigger turn-off than straight ugly.
>>59861 For me boobs are like sprinkles on an ice cream cone. Nice to have but not at all crucial. FWIW boob vs butt love seems cultural. I'm no anthropologist but it seems societies where boobs are bigger, like the UK, are more into them. Meanwhile Brazil, where boobs are small, is totally butt-oriented. I'd argue that in the last 30 years as the US has become less Northern European and more Latin/everywhere else, our obsession has switched from boobs to butts.
>>60055 Don't take my post too super seriously, I was just being funny to a degree. I like a more rounded look: Nice big ass, but also a nice belly with a bit of an apron. Not sure if culture plays into it. I'm white, the girl who awakened this in me is white, and until the immigration thing happened here, I could count on one hand the number of non-white people I saw before I turned 21.
>>59851 You gotta move out man. If you're non-white or one of the mentally strong whites, get some exercise get that blood moving, and make a long term plan to move out and live on your own. Whatever it takes. You gota be independent to pull in the hoes. If you're an average (weak) white, practice that Sieg Heil and enlist. It'll get you out of the house and around a bunch of guys who are either gay and don't care if you bang fatties, or are also into fatties themselves.
> low IQ retards You can just say Joel C., everyone that's ever watched fat fetish content on YT knows exactly who you're talking about
Mine is I hate tattoos, yet every decent looking fat chicks seems to have this second craving to tattoo themselves the fuck up and pierce everything - or worse, do that first then stretch them out with weight gain.
>>59851 My man, this kink isn't the thing making you miserable. What's making you miserable is that the life you created for yourself is fucking retarded as shit. You don't have any skills or interests or hobbies or sense of humor or survival instincts or curiosity or even a little spark in your eye or any reason at all a woman would want to spend a single moment with you. Fix yourself. Learn how to paint, play an instrument, skateboard, crossword puzzle, fucking anything man just god damn do something with your life besides goon out on bbwchan all day long crying about not having friends because you've got jack shit to offer anybody
>>60756 Adding to this, if you can't get a friend you aren't ready to get a girlfriend. If men don't even want to be with you why the fuck would a woman be interested? It's like trying to climb a mountain when you're too weak to even walk up a hill. Build yourself up. Go through the stages of sucking at something, being kinda okay at it and maybe eventually becoming good. Give yourself a reason to actually like yourself.
>>60771 This shit is the secret to life in general
>>60771 Nah man. Life’s too short for that kinda bullshit. I was in a similar place that you were. I got a tattoo, found a doc who’d prescribe me T no problem, grew my hair and beard out— legitimately everything changed. I’m literally banging different divorced women and single moms every week, compared to my 20s it’s a godsend. Seriously just find a tattoo parlor and get some impulse ink to knock a little attitude loose.
>>60771 I get the sentiment, but this isn't very true at all though. I've always struggled making guy friends, but never had any issue finding girls to date, or girls to be friends with. When guys I do make friends with ask what my secret is, and I ask to see their dating profile and see it's bare as fuck and I say you need to write more and show you're emotionally intelligent and then show them what my dating profile looks like that gets matches, they almost always just call me a faggot and to stop trolling them. Most dudes are just a lost cause. More pussy for me I guess...
>>60779 Life is too short to get good? Fag.
>>60785 You’re calling me gay for saying that doing a bunch of bitch shit like hobbies to achieve self actualization? Dude, gay as shit. Just get a decent job and don’t look like a loser. It’s that easy to be neck deep in pussy. No need for years of emotional labor and other female coded activities.
>>60793 I don't know man being able to nollie switch 180 off a 3 stair or being able to play the piano blindfolded is pretty kick ass. But if you want to live out life as a doe eyed cow playing live service games all day, go right ahead. Your inner world must be terribly boring to be trapped in all day.
>>60742 Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. I suppose one of my unpopular opinions is that 99.99% of tattoos on 99.99% of models range from aesthetically pleasing to easy to look over. Even most of the "worst" tattoos aren't so distracting and poorly made as to make a model look ugly alone. The only exception is Satanthiic's fucking toy story tattoo though. On someone who already looks like she's on enough drugs to make El Chapo overdose, the tattoo takes her from "hard to look at" to "hard to even think about".
>>60838 > Hatred of tattoos seems like an incredibly popular opinion on bbwchan, enough to be called standard fare. Autism central. I got a tattoo and I’ve been getting more alt fat butt than a gender inclusive toilet in Brooklyn.
>>60838 >>60842 there are some truly bad ones out there (ADELINE, woof) but yeah this site's attitude about tattoos is pathetically boomerish.
Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places but the all star world class pawgs/bbw pawgs from pre 2020 to even just a couple years ago aren’t great anymore. They fell off so hard and it does not seem like there is a great “class” to fill their places. The ones I’m talking about who fell off are Jexkaa, Autumn Nelson, Chelsea Higley, SouthernLindz, Mal Malloy, Olivia Jensen, Dani Pumpkinz, FullxMoon. Even the ssbbw game, again I might be looking in the wrong places but it looks like the best got their start around 10-20 years ago, fell off, and another “class” hasn’t really risen up to take their spots, from what I can tell. Bombshells are gone. Boberry and Plump Princess Courtney are middle aged and Courtney fell off. Sadie is approaching that age and her post BC content has been divisive at best. Mercedes models peaked like 10 years ago and that’s if you could even get lucky to see their content because apparently no one else wants to spend $40+ on their vids. Maybe we were spoiled having those women occupy the same space in 2010s, but where is the group that has that “it” factor for this decade?
>>60912 Kim K reversed her BBL and all the brain dead basic ass hot pear shaped fat bitches realized they wanted something else all of a sudden.
>>60929 I think you’re right. With all the names I mentioned for pawgs/bbw pawgs, it does seem like the huge fat asses are going out of style, and the smaller more “athletic” looking butts are making a comeback. Do you think it’s applicable for the ssbbw too? See with the pawgs/bbws, it’s more weight loss that contributed to them “falling off”, but with the ssbbws it’s more about age and other factors. The ssbbws have gained weight but their content has become worse, although it depends on the model. Or, in some cases, the content got better, but then the models go on long hiatuses and/or outright disappear
>>59180 I am not attracted to slim/athletic women at all but I love curvy and chubby women. Most women who stay active can get decently chubby without it affecting their quality of life at all. This is why I do not get the hate towards models like GGG who got very visibly fat, very horny from it but got her shit together and is fit and toned now. She’s too thin for my taste but I’m happy for her. Nadia is too thin for me now too. Reina still looks chubby and looks proper fat from the hips down but is active and fit, that’s my sweet spot, I hope she never loses weight again. It seems like the smart thing to not take years off your life being super obese if you’re lucky enough to get back in shape easily. I don’t get why it’s not more common for models who are into gaining weight to get as big as they can and then go back to a more manageable size. Seems better than what happened with Mochii where her health problems are keeping her from making content at all.
Bit o' humor on X https://x.com/Enezator/status/1893626861219168690
I genuinely think there is something wrong with us. It doesn't matter if it's the men or if it's the women who are into this and even some of the one's who aren't into it it's obvious there's something's not quite right. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of autism, even for the internet, that just congregates into liking fat chicks. And even amongst the women who are into it, I feel like there's generally more spergs than what's normal for the population complete with their particular autistic fixations. Then there are those who blow up to 500+ pounds despite not being into it and like yeah I doubt it's someone who really likes food and more likely someone who emotionally eats to feel better about themselves or have some other messed up relationship with food, we're not talking normal people here. This goes back to what was mentioned here. >>60912 Most women who are mentally normal leave the scene or aren't involved in it in the first place. They're there to get money that's it, once they lose enough weight they no longer have to deal with autistic fat fetishists. Ozempic is around so if they got the money they'll lose the weight. So now you have the women who are still around and aging while the rest have left.There's too much spergery now a days to deal with the scene so it will always drive people away unless they too also happen to have a screw loose as well. I'm not necessarily saying it's bad that we have a screw or two loose but it would explain how people keep get driven away because of the worst actors.
>>61016 >Then there are those who blow up to 500+ pounds despite not being into it and like yeah I doubt it's someone who really likes food and more likely someone who emotionally eats to feel better about themselves or have some other messed up relationship with food, we're not talking normal people here. You like them because their gluttony and coping mechanisms led them to being a pleasing size and proportion to you. I like them because their unhinged lack of self control, easy access to unhealthy food options, stressed conditions, and possibly neglectful upbringing that fostered terrible food habits that led them to those monstrous size and will only sink them further in this fat hole they've dug for themselves. We are not the same. But I will never claim to have the moral high ground. My God.
More unpopular for BBW-Chan specifically rather than the community at large, but it's very concerning to see the vitriol directed towards models who lose weight. I'm not talking someone who's 400lbs slimming down to the low 300s or even 200's, while they're well within their right to do that I also *get* that they've probably lost their appeal. But I was looking through the Fat miss T thread where someone who was over the 700's slimmed down to what, 677? Still absolutely fucking massive by any reasonable metric, and people are acting that this is a betrayal. I hate to remind you guys, but this fetish isn't healthy. Especially in the USSBBW territory. I'm not above finding it hot when the women are 600+ but Jesus Christ almighty, when they decide to lose the weight the response should be a bit more understanding. Especially when they've already released hundreds of photos and videos... many of which we've stolen lol. To general people, guys with fat fetishes are viewed as weird, controlling and manipulative. They place their sexual desires over the health of the women that they like. Shit like this makes me remember that isn't a totally unfounded view.
>>61032 >Still absolutely fucking massive by any reasonable metric, and people are acting that this is a betrayal. >the response should be a bit more understanding. Especially when they've already released hundreds of photos and videos... many of which we've stolen lol. This place being a community is such a mistake sometimes. The entitlement is off the goddamn charts for content we had no intention of buying, and afterwards we feel slighted when a model does anything other than gain weight for our enjoyment but not our money. You want her back up to 700lbs? Buy her dinner. Buy her content. Send her a gift card. But don't be surprised if she and others decide to lose weight when the money starts drying up, because when it's all over they only have what's left of their health with them. Same goes with any model - rarely any are looking just to cash in and drop the weight if they've been around for a while already. They know this is probably the easiest money they'll ever make being this huge, but if there's no money there's no incentive to stay that big. I know this goes counter to the board but it's in the right thread for it. Buy content and give back to the place and people who have filled out your library.
>>61037 > This place being a community is such a mistake sometimes. The entitlement is off the goddamn charts for content we had no intention of buying, and afterwards we feel slighted when a model does anything other than gain weight for our enjoyment but not our money. Flip side. This shit being a market is a mistake. How can a company like onlyfans and c4s not be facing lawsuits for enabling self destruction and literally self harm in the form of a slow motion snuff film that’s appreciated by mentally ill people who shouldn’t be leaning into this disease.
>>61040 Man, this shit being a market is only a brick in the wall of self-harm porn. I'm not justifying it and I'm not gunna self-flagellate over it. I will say it definitely has a broader dialogue to explore than other content we'd be perusing. For one, everyone needs to eat, but not everyone needs to eat 8K calories in one sitting. Meanwhile no one needs to cut and scar themselves. Both of these types of activities can be recorded, sold, and purchased for our enjoyment. Shit's fucked.
>>61042 It’s one thing to pay for your porn. It’s another thing to provide ministry enticement to mentally ill women willing to eat themselves into an early grave to afford rent.
>>61040 If C4S and Onlyfans started policing content they deemed harmful to women then only the most vanilla style porn would succeed, so they're incentivize to not moderate too much. Just go for the obvious rule breaking shit. They're probably more concerned with ensuring the girls on their website haven't been trafficked or pressured into performing. I think for a them to crack down on Fat Fetish content specifically they'd have to see a case of someone who undeniably died because of this fetish, as in with out a shadow of a doubt they would have lived if it were not for them creating content for this kink. There have been models who have passed early sure, but those are attributed to generic health issues that can affect someone of their size, not specifically because they choose to do ssbbw kink stuff. After all many fatter people who aren't trying to gain suffer from these, and others seem to lack these problems at all and can live (comparatively) normal lives... though if I had to guess these ones probably do put a bit of effort into looking their health to some extent. I don't like the generalised sentiment that the women who actively gain for this fetish are mentally ill, I have spoken to very down to earth and self-realised women who absolutely rock this kink and are 100% genuine about it. But you can tell when they're *just* into it for validation, the kink is a means to an end to feel wanted and I think people, both the gainers and admirers need to be more vigilant in noticing when that's the case. It's tricky, because on one hand you don't want to remove something that might be providing a self confidence boost to someone who may not have even felt wanted before... but at the same time it's not good for them long term, right? Probably a bit heavier than this thread is used to, but it has been something I've been mulling over. Just remember that the fetish doesn't end after you've cum, you can turn the video off but these girls can't turn being fat off.
>>61065 I agree, I know this isn’t every model but a lot of them choose to either gain weight or actively stay fat for this content being fully aware of the risks and trade off it involves both in sacrificing their health either for a short or long period of time, and the damage it probably does to a person’s resume over time and ability to find work and be treated with respect outside the fetish. Unpopular opinion but I understand why some models pull out when that trade off no longer is worth the sacrifice, I think we would do the same in that circumstance. Even if someone would be fat regardless of if they make content or not, it doesn’t seem worth the judgment and abuse they get from the rest of the world (just look at some SSBBW’s comment sections on instagram) and from their own “fans” too.
>>61065 > If C4S and Onlyfans started policing content they deemed harmful to women then only the most vanilla style porn would succeed What a slippery slope you made up to feel correct sir. > I don't like the generalised sentiment that the women who actively gain for this fetish are mentally ill, I have spoken to very down to earth and self-realised women who absolutely rock this kink and are 100% genuine about it. Wow you bought the fantasy they were selling you. Lucky we got you to do this research for us. > the kink is a means to an end to feel wanted and I think people, both the gainers and admirers need to be more vigilant in noticing when that's the case. Dude. We were all rooting for Adeline to eat herself to death.
>>61068 >Dude. We were all rooting for Adeline to eat herself to death. Fucking *thank you*. Everyone was rabid when she ate herself 100+ pounds fatter over the course of a year *while 600 fucking pounds*. These retards only come in here and moralfag when they want to sound smart or simp for models.
>>61107 I remember when BoBerry was with BigCuties and we were getting weigh-ins pretty regularly. It felt like NASA watching the moon landing when she hit 600lbs. Likewise, the Challenger explosion when she posted that update over Covid where it looked like she lost 80lbs. We fucking love it when someone is gaining weight. Moralfags can get fucked.
Similar things have probably been said in this thread but liking fat bitches is a fucking curse. I tried dating a fat chick and it sucked. She had bad hygiene despite appearing well put together, so I imagine that most fat girls have similar issues. It's also embarrassing being seen out in public with them, even by total strangers. Being a skinny or even normal built guy walking around with a land whale just makes you look like a perverted freak. And pursuing any long term relationship with them would be retarded, because you would eventually have to introduce her to everyone you know, and you would be dooming your bloodline to fail by spawning them from a fat lazy idiot who probably has other massive character flaws. I say "other" character flaws, because yes, being fat is a reflection of poor character. Despite what you may have deluded yourself into believing from the copious amounts of FA porn you watch, the average fat woman isn't fat because she gets turned on by it; she is fat because she has low impulse control, addictive tendencies, and an external locust of control. Even if she is a feeder and became fat on purpose, centering your life around a fetish is troon-tier degeneracy, and should be viewed with even more disgust than the fat person who became obese unintentionally. Being attracted to fat bitches is a curse. Luckily I'm also attracted to thin women, but if I could take a pill that would make me feel disgust towards fat women like a normal person, I would.
>>61134 On the contrary, anyone who can get to 500-600+ pounds and still have normal blood pressure and no diabetes... for any length of time... is a genetic anomaly with superior genes. Not everyone in their family is fat for the most part, they come from a line of long lived people most people just die long before they get to that point because they don't have the moxy
>>61134 seek help, you post like a misogynist serial killer
>>61140 What did he say that was untrue? Obese women tend to be fucked up. They’re dirty, smelly social outcasts. Usually suffering from some kinda of retardation like autism that makes them compulsively shove the least nutritious food down their throats. If it’s not some retarded form of autism it’s food addiction, depression and other things that speak towards a weak character and poor morals.
>>61146 ope, got another one
>>61134 Good, leave more fat chicks for us.
>>61140 no way im getting "yikes incel"d by porn addicted incels for posting an unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread HAHAHAHA >>61146 It's true and anyone who has actually been with one IRL can concur, yet the actual incels here will rage at us because they project their porn ideals onto the women they will never experience
>>60668 That weird fuck who is on every video talking about stomach growling ?
