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Soft Tissue Simulation Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 18:22:20 Id:9906da No. 53394 [Reply]
I learned that there's an entire academic subfield called "soft tissue simulation" which tries to model how fat behaves on human bodies. Surely an autist could turn this research into incredibly realistic jiggle physics for 3D animations? Relevant papers I found: https://dancasas.github.io/docs/casas_PACMCGIT2018.pdf https://dancasas.github.io/docs/romero_Eurographics2020.pdf https://inria.hal.science/hal-02162187/file/meekyoungSIGGRAPH2017.pdf https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3610548.3618242
We need this…
Something like this has potential to be useful as reference material the way some artists already use 3D models as reference
Going off of how much money and attention your average coomer with throw at dead-eyed static 3D trash, I'd say actually trying to do good jiggle physics is pearls before swine.
>>53394 Wow this is really interesting.... definitely need this
>>53394 Thinking more on this, because I'm super intrigued. Creating realistic jiggle physics isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also about capturing the authenticity of how bodies move. With the level of detail and complexity that soft tissue simulation research offers, I can definitely see how someone with a strong tech background (and a passion for the subject) could take this and create something groundbreaking for animations, games, or even virtual reality in the fatty realm

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Petition to permaban Kilotroll Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:43:40 Id:e69762 No. 54020 [Reply]
Why was this guy unbanned to begin with? I want him gone.
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Can I get permabanned ? No seriously FUCKING BAN ME JANNIES FUCKKKKKK!
Permaban Kilotroll. #1 he crashes every thread. #2 he does it in broken english as a 3rd language. It's not original, it's not entertaining, it's not intelligent.
Kisame here, what schizos? Schizos don't exist anymore. Hyperpreg is a hated retirement community that doesn't want kids on their lawn.
>>57725 still plenty of schizos

Talk about life and stuff 2: The Return Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 22:06:42 Id:b7645e No. 48047 [Reply] [Last]
I have returned, how has everyone?
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>>55627 >fatfag is fat himself A bit of a rarity in my observation.
>>57762 What does that even mean? Are you the Killotroll?
>>48047 Great, how is everyone doing?
>>58016 Stressed man. It’s Christmas season, ive spent all my money on lunches and gas to get to interviews and taking the kids to McDonald’s when she’s working late. Idk if shes expecting anything from me and for what it’s worth “someone” left a couple gifts addressed to her under the tree after she set it up. Otherwise all I got is stress knowing we’re gonna be together 247 for a couple weeks and tbh the house is a mess, the kids just play video games and eat junk food all day and I really don’t have the energy to do much but join them and she’s not gonna be pleasant to be around knowing that’s what it’s gonna be like instead of family dinners and watching the snoopy Christmas special like she thinks we need to do every year.
At the age of 16, I grew out of hope. Folks are dying left and right. I married the first girl who wasn't a man. Everything is awful. I goon to cope, but it just makes everything even worse. I was doing better when I had an alcohol problem, but it fucked up my insides. I work in tech and everything is always a fire. Made a good living by dying, it's true. I might have to start drinking again. Or maybe phenibut.

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Bringing her home to family Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 15:14:34 Id:93cca9 No. 57606 [Reply]
Have any of you ever been in an actually serious relationship with a big girl? Curious what the experience was like with family and friends. Referring to a significantly large woman like 350+ pic unrelated
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>>57976 I'd go so far as to say that if your partner is too large to use a conventional toilet they probably should not be travelling to visit people. You'd need to be 500lbs+ to not be able to shit on a regular toilet. You've now got yourself a homebound person.
>>57975 No shit. Having your woman shit in someone's bath tub when visiting is a ridiculous concept. If shes really that big, or your family's bathroom is some 1950's broom closet, plan accordingly.
Yes, several. Both parents were really fatphobic when I was growing up so I really sweated it but it turned out they were pretty cool IRL. Though there were subtle comments and such from my mom til I put a stop to it. Stuff like bringing up diet and nutrition conversations out of the blue, suggesting "healthy" options at a restaurant, or serving my wife a notably smaller portion at dinner.
>>57993 > your family's bathroom is some 1950's broom closet, plan accordingly. Are you Midwestern? In the northeast and Europe older building than 1950 are common and the “powder rooms” and “water closets” aren’t all built for modern women.
>>57609 > plan a failover option like the tub if it’s not tenable…Unless your parents are some kind of fat phobic bigots What sort of woke bullshit is it to call someone a bigot because they don’t want their in-laws popping into any hole her ass fits over.

Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 18:29:41 Id:d6d2ab No. 57708 [Reply]
Reducing the number of males is really important for weakening the forces of badness. Girls in medieval times often murdered all gay males because girls want to get fat and often gay males basically declare war on girls and also stole food and housing that could’ve been for girls. It’s a war zone. Somewhere along the line of whether girls have something or not is a war where some males are actual opponents of the girl~species and take only via some method of attack. Typically the world is vastly majority female. Girls have often murdered male-ist forces and murdered anyone associated. Some males clearly don’t want the stories available and taught. Many a war of medieval times was relentless armies of girls going and eradicating tumourus pestilent faggy males and taking the areas back for the girl~species. Girls across the world are preventing moids from killing the vibes. Girl gangs patrol the streets and choose who has property or not.
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The internet is girls turf. And we can all sense what fags heads need to be smashed. Even in this thread a fag golem soldier walked in trying to guard this place via vibe killing as an attempt to prevent girls from being here. We take this seriously. Strange sub-humans that fear all girls. Skulking around trying to guard areas of the internet to keep areas as wastelands. Obviously the lack of fun replies clearly rears its head. What a pest. Who let em live? Death to anyone slightest associated.
>>57708 i support this sophisticated trolling attempt. have a free bump for your thread friend. also something something all males are incels check your privilege dudebros. thank you for reading this post and for supporting the thread. YOU are the community.
>>57739 Get shot fag A girl should’ve ate you and been here instead
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>>57759 eaten. a girl should have eaten you. see? that's how your mother tongue is used properly. have the best of days, hun :)
>>57708 It might be worth taking a step back and questioning the basis of these claims. For example, there’s no evidence that "girls in medieval times" systematically eradicated gay men or that societies were structured in the way this post suggests. History is complex and nuanced, and while conflicts of gender, power, and resources have always existed, framing it as an apocalyptic "war" between genders oversimplifies reality and risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

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BigCuties is nearing the end Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 08:46:02 Id:c13f94 No. 57255 [Reply]
Sadie AND Beccabae both quit BC. I'd be shocked if BC survives through 2025 at this rate I just hope Eve, Marilyn and Skylar find their way onto other platforms like OF instead of just disappearing
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>>57550 Competition, time and availability of fat girl porn. Only fans.l ate their lunch. Theres also the fact that their best models best sets are plastered all over the Internet. Really, there’s no reason to be at that site, if you like soft core porn it’s everywhere…they don’t do good death feedism so it’s not the home of feeders neither.
Bigcuties was good at finding new models and getting them into the business where as onlyfans is just post pics and videos nothing more. Bigcuties was a site that is welcoming to upcoming models they were introduced into the community and alot of them even put on weight for the fans of it weren't for bigcuties we would have the greatest of the great like Boberry, Jae, and Sasha I just hope the bbw modeling comminity will continue to grow even without bigcuties.
>>57255 Pour out a milkshake. RIP
>>57694 it was also cult-like and known to be not so welcoming to some new models

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RainyDayGlutton 07/16/2024 (Tue) 05:03:23 Id:68b7be No. 51748 [Reply]
Anyone got some videos from RainyDayGlutton?
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>>51748 where does she post?
Damn she lost weigh
>>57684 what was her biggest? where can we find her content?

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Different ideas of "Plus Size", FA vs Normie men Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 14:41:06 Id:fcf77b No. 56085 [Reply]
Interesting occurrence happened while I was out earlier grabbing a drink with some male co-workers, street drinking and some people watching. The topic of girls we're attracted to came up, and I brought up that I was into plus sized girls, which was met with great surprise - though not hostile. Though later, one of the guys kept asking about nearby girls who walked by asking "like her, yeah?" and they were all fsr too skinny for me, and I think just objectively not fat. Just had maybe some muscle on their legs or a round face. Now, I do live in Japan, so I get that the standard for fat or chubby is a bit different than elsewhere. But it really was discouraging that the conceivable notion for these "normie" people of what an attractive fat girl could be was just so so skinny.
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>>56212 I often joked about having women's sumo, and calling it BBWrestling.
>>56085 Funny how definitions of fat vary so much depending on where you live. I also think that when people say plus size they picture people like Ashley Graham ... not proper hogs
>>56168 Yeah it feels so weird seeing a character advertised as “gah dayum look at dis hunka pork” and they’re like just slightly broader than the norm I have wanted to write and design bigger female characters in the past informed by but ultimately outside of the fetish and it always feels really awkward having to explain their size
>>57660 Heavy set and thicc often refers more to bone structure than soft tissue. Plenty of people think it refers to women with peasant builds for thick bones, broad shoulders and powerful muscle attachments. Plenty of people mean to say they want a skinny women without the male bone structure.
>>57661 The second part about people wanting "skinny women without the male bone structure" kind of makes me laugh because it highlights how some folks try to split hairs on their preferences. At the end of the day, it feels like these terms just end up being vague shorthand for "not traditionally thin," but the specifics are all over the place. It’s all a reminder of how subjective attraction is and how much language struggles to keep up with those nuances.

Fatty Must Haves Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 21:46:18 Id:a11d85 No. 57557 [Reply]
What are you fat girl must haves? For me 1) transformation of some kind, basically a progressive visable gain 2) double belly 3) ideally 250+
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>>57598 I concur with most of these except the following >pedicure as long as her nails aren't gross idgaf if she just clips them with a clippers and calls it a day >dressing modestly I agree with "decent sense of style" but idgaf if she dresses a bit slutty, I kinda like that ngl >Christian fuck no, I don't want a girl who's religious at all >family oriented ehhhhh. last girl I dated wanted kids ASAP and that put me off. I'd prefer she doesn't want kids at all. for me kids are a "maybe some day eventually" type of thing. I'd be fine if she felt that way too, but women just don't think about it like that (biological clock etc). in my experience they usually either really want them or really don't, there's not much in between >only social drinker as long as she's not a full blown alcoholic idgaf. I would probably find it hard to date someone who doesn't drink at all ngl (t. irishman) >drugs weed is fine. coke and opiates are both big dealbreakers. mdma and psychedelics are tolerable but I'd prefer just weed >vaping I vape so idgaf if she does, but I agree about smoking cigarettes. socially smoking when she's drunk is tolerable (as long as she brushes her teeth before we fuck) but I'd prefer no cigarettes at all
>>57604 >>57619 Happy to see my opinions kind of line up with some other Anons. Just here to clarify some things: 1. Fat girls who happen to be tall are a weak spot of mine, but I get that they are arre so it's in no way a deal breaker if she's shorter than me. 2. Pedicure from time to time like fingernails is nice, but not totally required all the time. On this note: Can't stand overly long acrylic nails. 3. Dressing modestly is only for certain occasions. So she should be able to dress both modestly and sexy depending on the setting. 4. Catholic is kind of a must for me. Hence why I want to also start a family. Also wouldn't want the mother of kids be someone like Jae who's to fat to walk around the house properly... 5. About drinking Theoretically being part German (living in a wine region in southern Germany) polish and Irish I should be drinking lots of Wine, Beer, Vodka and Guinness, but I drink very rarely if at all. So I'd prefer if she was the same. But a beer or a glass of wine from time to time is more than fine. 6. Drugs are still a no go for me. Especially psychedelic substances. Weed is also off the table for me or she would have to give that up to continue dating me.
Personally, I want my girlfriend to weigh at least 200 kg. If she had a big belly or an ass and maybe a few chins, she would be just a bomb. I have nothing against drinking alcohol, although I have never drunk or smoked in my life. I am generally against the use of psychotropic substances, because I want her to always be sober. It is desirable that she be a little lazy, but sometimes she wanted to go somewhere. I don't care about religious, the most important thing is not radical
>>57620 I concur with just about all of this
>>58001 These days I’ll settle for most any fat lady that doesn’t currently have a penis.

Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 01:33:42 Id:e87e24 No. 55369 [Reply]
I wonder what true Deutsch want the internet to become.
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>>55373 What makes you think so? And what makes you think I would agree? What makes you think you are anything of my world? I’m not going to give you that statement.
>>55374 Ain’t no way we got the ancient fey trickster on the fetish forum
why is this relevant to this site?
>>57698 >>57698 >>57698 Have sex. Dilate
>>57714 i do, often

What is the sweet spot of weight vs health? Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 16:05:32 Id:2476e0 No. 54333 [Reply]
I think many of us have observed enough SSBBW models to see them go too far to the point of lack of updates, lack of movement, and finally health issues requiring WLS. What's everyone's opinion/experience on where the "sweet spot" is when it comes to weight? The range where a woman is just the right level of maximum fatness, but before the health tolls affect enough day-to-day functions to be a problem. Obviously it varies dependent on some factors like height, age and how they are built, but it seems to me like 450-550 lbs seems to be that zone. Some have still been fairly active with no issues between 550 and 600, but after that the issues begin. Examples that come to mind are Heather, Juicy Jackie, Sasha, BoBerry, Violet James, Adeline, Pleasantly Plump, Echo. When any of them did pass 550 or 600 we started to see a major decline in activity and health issues. Before that they were fat as hell and still active.
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>>57029 You also have to take into account that of all the models over 600lbs, BoBerry is the LEAST likely to disclose any sort of issues she may or may not be having. Not that I think she's a ticking time bomb or she's not as active as she purports to be; we see she's active enough to enjoy international vacations and with all of the high-end food posts she doesn't just sit around eating McDonald's. But health play and morbidity chat? That's never been her style. I would say the first time she shows any crack at how unhealthy she is, aside from mobility struggles, will be the last time she shows that side of her. She wants to give off this impression of being glamorous like an influencer, and insulin shots are anything but.
sweat spot is 1800 ponds lmao
>>54382 Agree on this. I was always favorable of 300s but have realized 200-250 really seems to be the most sustainable sweet spot
The only real answer here is that it depends on age (and height, a lot of people seem to be putting hard weight numbers on it instead of relating it to bmi or body fat percentage which is just... sure, retards). Sadly if you want to maintain health you will need to be less fat as you get older. Someone can handle being close to Tara's age 18 weight when they're just 20 years old (she's even fatter now, of course, she's at a weight where no one is okay). It won't destroy your knees in just a few months to have a BMI of 100, and your organs are still regenerating too quickly to impact you. By 25 your body will be breaking down from that much weight, unless you do a LOT of muscle-building. If you assume a relatively sedentary life, you will have major issues unless you're down to a BMI of like 80 by then. The BMI that your body can handle without destroying itself will pretty much go down by 10 every 5 years after that until you go under 40. Anyone can more or less handle a BMI of 39, lots of healthy & active grandmas do that shit, people drastically overestimate how large the cutoff for "morbidly obese" is. For reference, on a 5'2" woman, a BMI of 39.9 is just 218 pounds. If you wanna live to 80, that's pretty much where you have to cap off by age 55. A BMI of 50 at age 50 is pretty manageable, especially if you grew up fat. But any extra strain on your organs takes an increased toll on you as you get older.
>>57632 i think some of it is genetic too

Does being into BBWs/being an FA make me a bad person? Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 04:54:48 Id:39c4fc No. 55809 [Reply]
I know this question is probably stupid or soy as fuck but I’ve really been thinking about it a lot lately. I’m somewhat open about my interests with some internet friends that don’t really mind, but I can’t shake the feeling that it makes me a bad person somehow. I hear a lot about the health concerns that come from being at a larger size and I don’t really like the idea of making feeder/feedee stuff into an actual lifestyle. There’s just a lot of stuff about the fetish I overthink and the self-loathing that comes with that is really starting to fuck with me. Does my fetish make me a bad person? How far would I have to go before it does? Is this whole line of questioning retarded of me? I wanna know.
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Feels good someone said this out loud. The answer is “no”, as long as you understand what it’s like to be fat in this culture and put your significant other’s experience first. I’ve been in multiple long term relationships with women who are at least 300ish and it’s a hard life for them in some ways. They’re made to feel “fucked up” by having to constantly watch weight loss ads, clothing is a pain in the ass, and friends and relatives are always judging/prodding/suggesting weight loss. My current GF wants to go on Ozempic. Biggest boner killer of my life but guess what? Her happiness in life is more important than my coomer ass desire for her to look as round and wide as possible. Just be good to whoever you’re fucking/cranking your hog to and help them have a good life and you’re fine.
>>57526 >Just be good to whoever you’re fucking/cranking your hog to and help them have a good life and you’re fine. truer words have never been said
>>57526 I like where you're coming from, seems genuine Look into the studies that have been coming out about ozempic, particularly the one showing heart muscle loss as a side effect. Could help discourage her or at least sway her to look into diet/exercise as a different weight loss option
>>57955 At the end of the day this is retarded and gay. As a man, understand women WILL exspext you to earn money to pay for their lifestyle. This stress results in about 10 years lost life expectancy for those men. Just accept that the world exists as a constant state of battle, predators hunting other predators. Relationships aren’t made of victims and abusers, the only reason victims stay in relationships is because they’re receiving more value as a mooch than they could earn for themselves.
>>57977 Where did you get that? Married people live longer than unmarried people on average with men being the ones that get the most benefit in terms of longevity.

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Fat Amateurs Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 19:30:16 Id:fa122a No. 57618 [Reply]
Who are some of your favorite fat amateurs out there? I tend to favor the girls who are less popular, just feels more real. Anyone have any current favorites?
Who is that?
>>57641 Looks like PearBooty88
>>57644 >PearBooty88 Yes, you're correct. Apologies for not sharing source with OP

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 15:21:40 Id:2d2c0c No. 57974 [Reply]
Respects to girl nations increasing percentages of control over the internet

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OZEMPIC: the scourge Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:38:49 Id:cf2524 No. 56809 [Reply]
Maybe i'm alarmist but i'm genuinely concerned that ozempic's going to make fat girls an endangered species in the US/Canada. Everything I hear seems to suggest: >15%+ loss in body weight after a year of taking it, worlds better than any other drug that helps with weight loss >a lot of unexpected benefits besides diabetes control and weight loss >still expensive, but cost has already lowered 40% since introduction to US markets, with promises of getting cheaper over time I thought it was the best time in history to be into fat girls, since obesity is the least stigmatized in the US it's ever been, but is the sun setting on our empire..? granted i'm a loser but i'm only just starting to become romantically/sexually active and this keeps me up at night a little. this is like if a breakthrough medication hit the streets to make tomboys girlier or busty girls flatter or ditzy girls smarter
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>>57245 I agree fat men are disgusting as shit. Ozempic fuckimg sucks, one of my favorite plus size models is using it and losing weight. I thought body positivity was loving your body at every size, not losing weight losing their sexiness. Fuck all these weight loss shit I hope there is some weird monkey paw affect. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8N2Ny7f/
I think it's a fad. If anything it'll give some good re-gains to enjoy for years to come
>>57484 I don't care. Is hyperpreg going to let me buy art?
>>57487 i'm not following?
If ozempic does get popular and cheaper, it's gonna enable bitches to act even more like fat pigs because they will see it as a lifeline if they gain a bunch. Some will then get on it but drop it due to routine, side effects, or cost. Ozempic for weight loss will likely not be covered by insurance unless a bitch gets really fat
