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Command received... re-initializing... LtBarclay##vOgLqq 03/12/2025 (Wed) 23:56:17 Id:9d0594 No. 61806 [Reply]
Hello explorers. It is a (somewhat) glorious day. For the past few months, I have been coaxing the machine spirit of the array out of it's archaic head-required Auto-It frankenstein script that was used from 2016-2018 into a modern, headless python script. That is not to say it has been modernized: quite the contrary. This is about as old school as you can possibly be in 2025 but here it is: BBWChan's original homegrown IRC-based archive-and-retrieval system: back online for the first time since April 2018. Basic connection and usage is show in the video. Now. A few caveats. For the first few weeks, the array is NOT sharing it's main database. Instead, it will be sharing the "PURGE" database. After I finished re-coding, I took a look at what the array had accumulated over it's runtime, and identified about 512GB of content that I simply do not care to share/store anymore. We're talking smallfats that I simply don't respect, models who never got off the ground, models who transitioned to onlyfans and now coomer.su covers their content, objectively ugly models, content which was only transiently related to fat (pregnant, tits, expansion, etc), models who have died, models whose content was filmed in the 260p cell-phone era, models whose content is boring and shows little to no development over time, etc etc. The list goes on. I have attached the purge database so that you can check to see if there is anything in there you'd actually be interested enough in to bother connecting to IRC in this day and age, but, after a few weeks of testing this new system, this purge content will be completely deleted, and the main database 2.5TB of primo content will be re-shared. Secondly, if you've been around along enough to even remember the array (you are old now), you might remember that eventually part of the reason it shut down was abuse. It was never meant to be a way to get everything from a specific model, just a way to check out a file or two, fill in a missing piece of a personal collection, or see what other people were interested in: yet abuse persisted. This version has multiple levels of anti-abuse protection, and currently does not require registration on the IRC server to use (so you can easily connect with any web, mobile, or desktop client and use it right away). However, I will be monitoring, and if I see abuse, I will institute that requirement. As of now, all users are allowed 5GB per day in requests (though you can of course download other people's requests without limits with "recent"), from a conservative and may be adjusted total of 512GB/day allowed to be uploaded to litterbox (so that hopefully we can continue to use litterbox as the backend as it allows command line uploads without an account). What better way to test the new script, and give these files, which someone took the time to share at some point and I took the time to store for some reason, a proper sendoff, than announce the array's relaunch out of the blue on a random Wednesday afternoon, sharing the worst of the content available so that it doesn't get overwhelmed. Have fun, let me know if there's any improvement that can be made from a user experience point of view.
Edited last time by admin on 03/13/2025 (Thu) 01:21:09.
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Does previewing content using the "preview" command use up data? Does doing so too many times count as abuse? Or is the amount of data necessary negligible enough to be a non-factor?

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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992 [Reply] [Last]
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
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>>61880 Nope, you wanted you pet schizo from Kiwi farms, you and preg chan has to deal with it

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ATTN: VPN & PROXY USERS LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/11/2024 (Tue) 14:51:49 Id:251685 No. 50611 [Reply] [Last]
We have tried and failed to stop the CP spam with all our current tools, so more strict enforcement is being applied. This thread is for VPN users affected by the current ban on VPN posting which will (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for a long time at this point. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which is EXEMPT from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD (8 CHARACTERS MAX) when you make the post (click the 'More' link under the captcha). If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block when used elsewhere on the site in the password field when posting. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation. These requests are manually approved by me, LtBarclay, and only me. If you want to speed your approval along, make sure to link to a few posts you've made on other boards with your password request. Otherwise, your approval may take 24-96 hours.
Edited last time by admin on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 12:09:53.
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>>61597 its not working. i dont remember back then if changed the PW when i did this post or the initial one. i now tried a different post and would like to have a re-confirmation. i mostly lurk in a thread with some posting though too.

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Summoning Successful. Mission accomplished. All stretch goals complete. LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:51:13 Id:416174 No. 56560 [Reply]
See attached. We are funded. As promised, I will begin arcane rituals to revive the array as funding is more than secured. Thank you again to all donators. What a thanksgiving miracle. Stay tuned and rejoice.
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>>58705 Funding secured. When will the dev squad start on the MVP of multithreading posts and AI content moderation? We got a lot of work to do this quarter.

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 10/18/2023 (Wed) 14:22:57 Id:e65076 No. 37826 [Reply]
In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

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Are most inflation people just fucking retarded? Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 16:02:25 Id:ade59c No. 61916 [Reply]
Genuinely, I've never come across any other crowd so obtuse and cripplingly autistic until I find myself in an inflation-based Discord server. People are typing like they're fucking 12. Everyone has the same basic ass sense of humor and music/film tastes. I don't wanna see another glowing red eyes Shrek in 2025 or read about how they wanna inflate some obscure Transformers character. They make my 13 year old self seem like an absolute charisma magnet.
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>>61916 Hard to say, the adult characters I get as Kisame are from H-Anime or Anime. I forgot Transformers, Shrek and even Pokemon exist. I play GTA San Andreas now. I just do breast expansion, monster, and pregnancy, and that's it.
>>61923 Ignore the tryhard. Adults always want to play military, cop, firemen. This is why the manosphere is a laughing stock. It is the feeling of a middle aged man like P Diddy
>>61916 I mean what did you honestly expect from a niche fetish discord server? Did you expect to interact with normal people?
I don't know, my manager doesn't consider Cross Crescent. Guys who waste money on 1.4k PC aren't considered adults, neither guys who play Warhammer. Do you see why we don't have this conversation? Real adults support the Donald, not educator, sociologist.
>>61935 He's the ronery male

Lack of new SSBBW/USSBBW on the scene Anonymous 12/23/2024 (Mon) 16:06:38 Id:9fe990 No. 58199 [Reply]
Is it just me? Or has there really been no notable new SSBBW or USSBBW over the past few years? Just feel like it's been the same handful of girls representing that weight class for like the last 5 years or so. We need some new blood!
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>>60343 Personally I think that SSBBWs tend not to age well aesthetically, but this "reproductive window" argument is retarded. It's redundant when you're talking about women who are this obese. Even "only" 300lb women often have fertility issues. That just gets worse the heavier they get; 500lb+ women almost invariably have major fertility issues. Jae had to get a C-section because she was too fat to give birth to her second kid. Purplewings suffered like a dozen miscarriages because she was so fat, which is why she retired and lost weight to have kids. The only 500lb+ model I can think of who had kids without any problems is Reenaye, and she's definitely an outlier. (side note: I still think it's hilarious that Sponson is their father) There's a very good reason so many models retire and lose weight to have kids.
>>60346 > Captain Wife-a-hoe over here thinks USBBWs are breeding stock with their endocrine system preventing periods So, based on this retards logic if you date SSBBWs you should find women age 50+ as attractive as fat women in their prime? You simps will jump on any grenade to protect m’lady.
>>60364 Exactly, it’s porn. I don’t want to impregnate her, I just don’t find old women attractive. Same with men, not my thing, and it’s probably not natural either since sex/reproduction ARE linked.
I just found this thread. What I’m about to say I said on the unpopular opinion thread I think, but to paraphrase: Yeah. The legendary ssbbw of the 2000s/2010s are either gone or fell off. Bombshells are gone. Jenni’s comeback keeps getting teased but keeps on not happening. Same with Diva now too. Viva La Valerie is still big but just doesn’t do content anymore. Asshley fell off. Mercedes models are either gone or behind absurd prices that no one wants to spend. Boberry and Plump Princess Courtney, 2 GOATs, are middle aged now, and Courtney fell off hard. Sadie is approaching that age and also kinda fell off a while ago. To make matters worse, it just does not seem like there is a new “class” of ssbbw to replace or join the legends that previously occupied the space. Jenni, Courtney, Val, Asshley were the big booty ssbbw icons of the late 2000s/early 2010s, then Boberry, Sadie, Roxxie, Jae kinda took over that scene. Now? Crickets.
>>61331 Someone acknowledge this great comment

What Happens When Ozempic-like Drugs are Cheap and Ubiquitous? Edtar 09/03/2024 (Tue) 17:34:35 Id:e91443 No. 53862 [Reply] [Last]
What is the future of being a FA? Are we doomed to extinction, AI porn or ultra-expensive "models". What happens to all the wonderful fatties as these weight loss drugs improve and get cheaper and easy to get. Should we start bombing the pharmaceutical companies now???
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>>60105 It's possible. Though ultimately whether US purchases Greenland will come down to a referendum by Greenland, it's in their constitution. Applying pressure to US by Denmark as a deterrent is reasonable.
>>59796 Looking at it like that, wouldn't it also be easier to indulge in the fetish because "I can always loose it with Ozempic if I change my mind"
>>53862 I look for Jenni stuff every day and I’m upset that I didn’t find this till 6 months later smh. Damn great gif, but why use it of all gifs or pics you could have used? I don’t see the relation between Jenni (especially Jenni twerking, if you can even call that twerking) and ozempic like drugs
What makes me sad about Ozempic is how unpopular being chubby is. Being obese is one thing but having thick thighs and a fat butt is very feminine yet they all aspire to be THIN THIN THIN and hollywood actors being on it don't help because women are very susceptible to trends. I wish it was fashionable, that is all. Or that women actually liked having some fat instead of coping I'm finding myself rooting for the fast food industry. They're trying to battle the appetite-supressing effects of ozempic
>>61330 Yeah why was Jenni gif used?

Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 03:07:31 Id:bb856f No. 59517 [Reply]
Today I learned the word "belly" evolved from the word "bag." https://www.etymonline.com/word/belly So now I understand why people call it pouch sometimes.
>>59517 I have never in my 21 years of life never heard someone call a belly a "pouch"
>>59526 I think OP meant "paunch"
must be common turn of phrase, bolg in Gaelic also means both stomach and bag
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>>61884 >mfw an American noticed this but I didn't
Are we supposed to give a fuck?

should I give up? Immobilejack 03/14/2025 (Fri) 13:00:58 Id:52321b No. 61900 [Reply]
To put this in context, my name is Brandon, I'm 20 years old, and I live in Costa Rica. I've been looking for a feeder since I was 16. Yes, I know it's unethical. But still, during these four years, I've been looking for a feeder to help me gain weight to the point of immobility. From Tinder, Bumble, Badoo, from grommr, Feeder Fantasy, to feabie, even here on bbwchan, Snapchat, Discord, and previously on Amino. I've searched everywhere as if my life depended on them. I even gained 20 kilos just to prove that I'm a capable feedee, a demonstration that was for a feeder who blocked me after seeing my change in two months. I live in multidimensional poverty because I was born in Costa Rica, but I do my best. I am a pear-shaped boy. I am young, I give my body limits that other cowards wouldn't, I am intelligent to the extent possible. I was even the one who made the pure "feederism" proposal that can be found on /gen. Every day is hell for me, I search non-stop offering the best of the best and everyone gets a feeder except me... I've already counted 726 rejections on a list and that's even though I started that list just 2 years ago out of 4 total. Should I give up? I'm tired and mathematically it's impossible for me to get a feeder. Whoever wants to determine it using Brier or bell curve methods so you can see how impossible it is for me to get a close feeder, I can do the calculations without a problem! The worst thing is that I don't care a bit about the distance... I just want a feeder... so, should I give up?
>>61900 Are you gay or straight? If you're straight, I would just give up. Or at the very least just try to find a gf IRL who likes fat guys and doesn't care if you get bigger. Which is a lot easier said than done. If you're gay, it will be a lot easier, but still not easy. Just try to find a bf IRL who likes fat guys and doesn't care if you get bigger. All this online stuff is a waste of time. At best you will only find people who just want to exploit you and will move on after they've got what they want (nudes etc).
You don’t seem like an idiot. You live in an unstable country whose economy is based on liberal Americans going on an eco-vacation. The fat days are numbered. Put what autistic energy and time you have into learning a lot about computer systems… maybe you can get a job or student visa and live your best fat life but maybe it’ll be the only reason you can afford food. I’m sorry we’re about the destroy the globohomoist economy but it will help us own the libs and that’s worth it to me.
>>61919 I know this is a shitpost but america deciding to give away their superpower status to China to own the libs is the funniest shit ever
Well, yes, I am autistic, haha, and believe me, I try. I work in an office-based microbiology lab, I study criminology, I have a medical innovation certificate, I am a certified voice actor and announcer, I love science and knowledge in general. It's really hard, I do my best, and I swear. I was kicked out of the house when I was 17, and in a year I went from being homeless to at least being able to survive... but I really want a feeder, and I don't want to leave my country.
>>61926 Well, I feel giving up life so young over a sexual dream seems a bit silly coming from my background, but honestly just don't focus on the feederism stuff too much or make it dependant on your life since it will bring you down. This is clearly a cry for some connection you yearn for, which everyone yearns for but can't just simply get. It's a quest for love. You have to be patient and focus on what you can do for a feedee can come along. You can't just die wanting something without really trying or putting your effort into it. Most people online are going to be gooners who won't treat you as human so you have to also consider that TL:DR just get fat man and wait for a mate to come along and enjoy it, don't depend on other people to do it, because you will look dependent & nobody likes that. idk become a nonchalant superchub and tease the gooners

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Lauren Lush Dan 07/24/2024 (Wed) 04:50:14 Id:b72a08 No. 52072 [Reply] [Last]
Is anyone else super disappointed and grossed out with how much weight Lauren Lush has lost? She looks like an empty ball sack now or a deflated balloon. So gross… not only that I also heard she put down Kaybearcutie95 for actually gaining weight and was fat shaming her! lauren lush was a scammer fake from the start.
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>>61843 Kayla we all watched you get spanked with a cake on a playground by your baby daddy who trashed your reputation on a public Facebook account. Glass houses.
>>60881 You posted 21 times in this thread. You seem pretty invested
i wish the mods on curvage would stop approving videos from women actively losing weight like nadya and lauren lush
>>61895 I wish the same thing

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Anonymous 03/13/2025 (Thu) 02:19:14 Id:f2faa6 No. 61814 [Reply]
Support BBW's from your home country not American BBW's
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>>61896 The band is the English speaking world that hasn’t been over run by Indian and Muslim invaders. Mainland Europe is lost unless Putin can rein them in like he did those Uighur islamoterrorists. Next step is devaluing USD so people in Canada and Mexico can afford to import what we make in America and reward the MAKERS for a change instead of letting mid level project managers buy everything from China because Mao keeps his currency value low forcing so Pooh’s sweatshop economy can undermine American factory workers. Then cut off the lefts supply of migrant labor for cleaning and put the unemployed to work on the farms. Tariffs help get us there but the days of outsourcing the American dream to some hostile third world communist empire is numbered.
>>61906 Trump doesn't believe in that. He's stuck in the 80s and wants to be a celebrity president like Reagan. Anything more is just pure myth making
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>>61906 Trump is a Ferengi. People who like material goods are preferable to weedman ideas.
>>61888 The US are nothing more than war mongers I'd be happy if the US stop sticking its big Jewish nose in our affairs. And if we need defending from anyone it would the US since they don't have any ture allies just whatever is convenient for the deep state at the time. And have fun staring to death after your currency is worthless and you can't buy or produce anything
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>>61914 Enjoy working 996 for Winnie the Pooh faggot. Bend the knee or they’re gonna break you’re drunken inbred backs.

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Muscular women Anonymous 02/24/2025 (Mon) 15:38:46 Id:7db70f No. 60983 [Reply]
I've been a fat fetishist for roughly half my life but over the last year or so I cannot get enough of huge muscular women. It's like a switch flipped in my head like "oh yeah, guess this is my thing now". I lean toward the hyper jacked amazonian types who still maintain a lot of their femininity - like Vladislava Galagan (pictured), Shannon Seeley, Maria Wattel, Blakelee Ortega, Ranya Dally, etc. I think I am just a fan of extreme proportions/size and it's manifesting in many ways after years of consuming mostly the same types of fat porn. Anybody else?
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>>61892 >>61891 Bullshit. The half of Canada that wants freedom guns is conservative as fuck, they’d probably use those guns to enslave the Indians who took over our connivence stores and IT departments.
>>61894 Trump will only win cause voters don't like Ford's LARPing as Trump
I was really enjoying this thread before it got derailed by politics.
>>61909 Kisame here politics is infesting the expansion community in the states and on Bluesky. This is what happens when you get rid of schizos who just want to make cartoons while promoting yes.men.
>>61909 I think it's ilikpaie since he loves humping the Donald's leg and tramp stamping MAGA. Joe Sixpack like me are too busy sleeping, eating and working than listening to the Manosphere

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Biggest girls you fucked Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 14:29:13 Id:b8e7ba No. 61181 [Reply]
Mine personally was probably 5'9 450. Sexy asf. Kinda built like Brianna with an ass. Latina. I was 18 at the time
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>>61215 You lucky mf! You got proof? I need to find ssbbw with that same build and who actually like to workout. Plus she’s very pretty. Why she hate white guys? I mean I already knew she prefers black dudes because she was hanging out with that one dude that hung out with other OF bbws/ssbbws, and big booty white women are usually bound for black guys these days, but I didn’t realize she hated white guys
Hinge rando, a big sloppy 5'9 450-460ish, built like Ladybrads. Also nailed FupaTrooper at the peak of her slutty Feabie days but I know I'm not the only guy on here who can say that haha
>>61400 How did you even pull it off? Dating site? Cold approaches?
>>61539 Cold approaches - if they have a web presence, shoot your shot and be normal and engaging. If it's in person, there's more nuance to it but it's the same deal. Just don't come on too hard. It also helps to bury the lede if you're into more depraved shit. Don't sabotage yourself.
155 kg, 160 cm. She havent heard about feederism before we met, but obv were huge glutton. Pared with praise and attention fetishes it was best sexual relationship in my life. She was comically eager to do anything for me to like her more, we were talking allot about her gaining more than 200kg and she was all to it. Glad we parted our ways.

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Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 19:29:22 Id:f69a5c No. 61701 [Reply]
I'm in my mid 20s and I've developed a bit of a fondness for BBW in the mid 30-50 age range. I would love to sleep with one, but have no idea where to start. Besides that I want to here your guys experiences with older BBW. How did you meet? Did you get along well? Did you hookup with or even date one? Etc.
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Bro don’t listen to that guy. I’m 24 and been seeing a late 30s bbw off feabie. Not into older women but she’s hot so gave her a crack and she’s been more fun than bbws I’ve met my age.
>>61724 I've heard feabie is pretty awful now. How'd you manage to get a girl on there?
>>61743 Step 1: don’t be a faggot Step 2: don’t be a bitch Literally everyone gets laid on feabie outside of the autistic suburbanites writing frustrated screeds from their leased tesla.
>>61743 Like shooting fish in a barrel. Getting more ass than a toilet m.
>>61815 That kinda sounds like BS. The male to female ratio on there makes that seem impossible lol.
