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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992 [Reply]
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
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>>51161 Appreciate you Barclay

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ATTN: VPN & PROXY USERS LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/11/2024 (Tue) 14:51:49 Id:251685 No. 50611 [Reply]
We have tried and failed to stop the CP spam with all our current tools, so more strict enforcement is being applied. This thread is for VPN users affected by the current ban on VPN posting which will (hopefully) put an end to the CP/spam problems that have plagued the site for a long time at this point. *Please read the entirety of this post before replying.* If you use a VPN and want to regain the ability to post, you may post in this thread (which will be exempt from the VPN block) with a brief explanation/justification and SET A PASSWORD IN THE PASSWORD FIELD (8 CHARECTERS MAX) when you make the post (click the 'More' link under the captcha). If approved, this password will be whitelisted and allow you to bypass the VPN block when used elsewhere on the site in the password field when posting. There are no specific requirements for password complexity, but obviously retarded passwords like "password" will be denied. Any misused passwords are subject to revocation. These requests are manually approved by me, LtBarclay, and only me. If you want to speed your approval along, make sure to link to a few posts you've made on other boards with your password request.
Edited last time by admin on 06/11/2024 (Tue) 17:44:35.
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Seems like my IP is blocked too. It says the reason was doxxing but I have never doxxed anyone. (OLDER ASN BANS HAVE BEEN CLEARED, PLEASE CONFIRM)
Edited last time by admin on 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:36:15.

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 10/18/2023 (Wed) 14:22:57 Id:e65076 No. 37826 [Reply]
In the interest of making it as easy as possible to donate if an anon so chooses, here is our compiled list of donation addresses. BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25 ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f DOGE: DHdYXQ5oHCpHMoFMGvQaJr2uqUYGtmRsdu USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f (Recommended for stability of price) XMR: 49AzPqBeuts7djeGZoeTvyV1ArasqNEBvSLarwNts7GxWK6DWuTCDJUXscXFRXYs7LPTURk5ZFkwWAbiyaUFtMZBRRRwXRs (Recommended for ultra privacy conscious anons)

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KassTheBlastIsPassed Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 00:22:51 Id:7b2b9e No. 51135 [Reply]
Apparently KassTheBlast died a couple hours ago. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8vLQfNAAFl/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C8u35SPS4TW/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C8uxxc_JNRf/
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>>51167 which one? >>51165 she might get that if she took a day to not just post AI generated slop on her IG stories
Lots of drugs laced with fentanyl in the NoLa area....
>>51198 this was my first thought, especially coupled with someone who likely has pretty severe sleep apnea. PE makes sense too though, lots of traveling and sitting for someone who's already at risk
>>51135 Anyone know what happened?
>>51203 According to Stefan aka crazy German guy aka her ex boyfriend, her boyfriend found her dead in her hotel room yesterday morning and nobody knows anything else. He also claims that he had now involvement in anything that might have lead up to this and says that she left his house back in February of 2022 in good health after they broke up and anything that happened to her health and weight after that was up to her and her knew social circle and new bf. I mean the good health part is kind of bs, as she already gained some with him/probably bc. of him and left at a healthy 500lbs. What however is true is that she was way more mobile back then. Honestly I'm curious if her family is trying to get her death investigated and if they even would try to find a "real" reason upon seeing that the decreased 29 year old was over 600lbs at the time of her death.

Should I give WooPlus a shot Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 06:41:26 Id:cc1d31 No. 39795 [Reply] [Last]
20m Hey, I just got out of a limerence spell (she thought I was cute but she was taken, and I didn't want to poach). It's taken me a while to work on my self confidence and attachment issues, but I think I want a go at some dating again. I didn't really date much at all, beyond a brief dalliance in HS that was annulled by the pandemic, but I think I'm at the point in my life where I'd like to give it a go, for real. Now, I'm primarily into bigger women (shocking, I know), but I'd like to think I have fairly high standards. I tend to fall for girls with an artist's mentality; who don't really follow the herd but not to the point where they're stuck up. Having that kind of emotional connection is really important for me, and one of the reasons I've been hesitant to try big dating apps like Tinder besides confidence issues is due to how basic so many people seem to be on them. Does WooPlus have a similar problem, or can I expect sparks? Also I'm in Vancouver so I kind've wanted to ask if there's any activity on there (particularly in or around my age group) in the first place, if anyone knows.
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I'm still new to dating apps/hook up culture. Well telling a girl you're only looking for a short term or casual relationship lead to her automatically losing interest in me?
>>40019 Download Revolut, use a disposable card. Also I take it there’s no one with WooPlus experience from Northern Ireland here? Wouldn’t mind trying it out, but couldn’t think of anything worse than someone that knows me seeing me on it lmao
>>51131 >Wouldn’t mind trying it out, but couldn’t think of anything worse than someone that knows me seeing me on it lmao You know what, I used to feel the same way, but one day I said, fuck it, everyone already knows what I like, and if people I used to know say in Highschool and whatever want to talk about, good for them. Sometimes, you just have to not give a fuck.
>>51131 Not NI but ROI here (obviously), if that counts? I tried Wooplus a few years ago and it was utter shite. I don't know if it's any better now. I also tried Feabie and it was also shite. Just very few Irish women on it. Although FWIW the last woman I dated was on Feabie. I didn't meet her there (I don't even have an account anymore), she just told me she had an account. She also told me she had a lot of guys sending her messages on there (even while we were dating), which I found amusing
>>48083 Lol, and women say men are shallow

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Japan with a fat fetish is a struggle Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 11:11:24 Id:3dd310 No. 50043 [Reply]
I find myself in Japan, at a bit of a crossroads in life. I'm an American, but also have Japanese citizenship, and I'm currently long term traveling but I'm thinking of living here at least for a few years because it's a great country and a far more civilized place than the US in a lot of ways. Trouble is, no fucking fat girls. I've seen a few fatties in the cities, and a few inaka fats but it's slim pickings for sure. Part of me thinks it's ridiculous to have this conundrum about this since it's a fun country, and not a lifelong commitment, but fuck I'm horny and want some bbw action. Any 日本人 FAs? How do you cope? Are there fatties to be found, and where? Best thing I found was a bbw "health delivery service" site in found in most big cities, so there definitely is a market for it here.
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>>50432 Her recent posts was a crazy read. She is too fat to masturbate so she now has one of those dildo machines, she mentions how since she doesn't have to move she doesn't get tired doing it. She also posted how she used it for 6 hours which is crazy.
>>50785 It's fake like she is real and she is fat but she isn't as fat as she says and not as horns and desperate
>>50090 Based, good luck king
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The number of chubby gacha girls is increasing steadily... Nippon is rising...
I'm in Sapporo now and just anecdotally, I've seen more young chubby/bbw girls here than anywhere else in Japan. Not sure if that's reflected in reality, but it might be the place for FAs. Maybe the long winters makes the population need to plump up and hibernate to survive winter.

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Drama / gossip / rumors / shit talk / town square v3.0 Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 20:43:40 Id:b382a9 No. 48256 [Reply] [Last]
Simply not /gen/ without this thread active Guess the big ticket item to start with is Jae's very public exit from the scene. I'm on the side of wishing her well but I can't say I didn't see it coming. I know there's speculation that Roxxie may also be on her way out but there's been no real indication of this from her other than a lull in her content output.
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>>51133 I assume 95% of it is kayfabe. But like with pro wrestling, there are models who are good at it and those who aren't.
>>51159 Two or three years ago somebody in one of these threads said "Kellie Kay keeps fat fetish kayfabe like she's Bret fucking Hart" and it completely altered the way I think about this stuff.
>>51050 I saw on tumblr she said she adopted a bunch of cats and they're like puking all over her apartment or something? Mentally unstable women are addicted to cats. And usually, mentally unstable fat women keep making porn. I'm predicting she'll be like Jae and continually "quit" or "take breaks" but over the long run, it'll end up having been a pretty consistent career.
>>51162 Idk. She just uploaded something online with visible shit smear on her foot. She’s probably trolling us.
>>51164 Pics or it didn't happen

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 17:50:26 Id:66b11b No. 46824 [Reply] [Last]
Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit. Mods wrote that I'm banned because "You're a retard" just for everyone to know the type of people who are running this website.
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>>51146 I am so fucking disappointed in his performance.
>>51146 I guess it's shitty for you guys living there, but everyone else in the world is going to feast on 4 years of top entertaiment.
>>51158 Dems are calling Biden to stand down, a strategy that would hand Trump the presidency. Give the left a few weeks, they will stop wetting the bed.
>>51158 Fuck it, let Biden win through a landslide so he can sink down the whole country and finally stop the imperialism that everyone is crying about. Thus making the GOP a punching bag while every americunt wonders what went wrong and ignore that democracy is nothing but a sugarcoated tyranny until the end of times, my home country is the prime example of that, the only difference is that we have to deal with liberals to even bigger weeping lefties who cuddle up with criminals.
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Neuron Activation Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 04:25:00 Id:42f8a1 No. 48916 [Reply] [Last]
Images that activate my neurons
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christianity Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 00:32:47 Id:934f9d No. 46627 [Reply] [Last]
I don't expect there to be many Christians here but perhaps some people with knowledge or views on it So I was raised Christian, I left it on the backburner for some years but I recently started taking it seriously again. The strongest convictions I have is that we have been created and that supernaturally influenced events happen (miracles, "coincidences"). but i'm struggling with its views on sexuality, lusting doesn't really feel bad in the same way fantasizing about murder would for example and it has a strong biological imperative. I'd say monogamous relationships have a biological imperative as well, we start getting possessive if we like someone and infants need a provider and a caregiver. But who exactly am I hurting by looking at women I consider hot?, it justs gives me a happy feel like nice architecture or a sick painting. I'm starting to think the majority of Christian men who say they've sinned, lusted a bit and started self-flagellated themselves for it, none of their trials and tribulations have been really grand, to be honest most Christians are a bit boring. i'm not in a relationshit and virgin for what it's worth. And when I think about how I had a classmate in primary school who was attracted to a boy It's hard to say with conviction that homosexuality is unnatural.

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>>51084 Agreed Swede.
>>51049 EH one that isn't worn however the beads are more likely to come from the Jews AFAIK Chotkis are older than the rosary. The Fathers are not infaliable on their own they can make mistakes. Augustine is a bit weird. He's a former sex addict with
>>51049 unless you mean fuentes the faggot, I don't about anything bad as a movement in the church other than rad trads. Faithful trads are fine. I mean my best friend and I argue whether saint Joseph was assumed into heaved after his death is but we are still buddies. He is married and has 7 kids. My other friend has NINE He is a high school math teacher
>>51058 You need more than just to believe that heresy; He set up the Church for a reason.
>>51182 With sex issues

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How to pull older BBWs Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:33:45 Id:429369 No. 50997 [Reply]
I'm in my mid 20s and have been finding myself increasingly more attracted to older bbws (30s to 50s). How do I as a younger guy go about seducing them for a hookup or fwb situation? Where do I even start to look?
Literally just talk to them and don't be weird. Start with an opener about their outfit or a question about where they are. If they aren't open to talking to you you'll know. You're in your mid-20s and the best years for these women are behind them. As long as you put effort into your appearance, you'll do fine.
Go on the apps with your age range. If you’re at all attractive it will be easy. Aim for single moms. We know they fuck and probably don’t have a lot of free time for real dating.
frequent semi-ritzy bars and happy hours at thse bars. basically go to to oppositie of sports bars college party bars. also frequent tourist trap type areas. BBws always have jobs in these areas
>>51169 I don't go to many bars. Any terms I should look trying to find ones near me?

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Dating big girls, or small girls and hope they'll gain weight? Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 17:30:42 Id:00c22c No. 50931 [Reply]
I have very little experience with dating, used various hang-ups to justify not dating up until the pandemic, but when being alone became a decision forced upon me rather than something I decided on, it made me rethink things and I ended up signing up for a bunch of dating apps at the start of last year despite still having some hang-ups. Have gone on a handful of dates, nothing that's transitioned into an actual relationship because either I or the girl decided we weren't a good match. I wanted to know if you guys exclusively date larger girls, or if you're open to dating average/skinny girls in the hopes you could broach the subject of your kinks later on and get them to gain weight? The whole idea sounds horrid to me to be honest, and I feel like I would just end up ruining things, but I do not think I'm capable of getting it up for a girl who isn't at least chubby. Still a virgin, so I don't know for sure that pure affection couldn't do it for me, I just get that sense. I live in California, and there don't seem to be a ton of larger women on these apps, and a lot of the ones who are I just don't have much in common with. I'm decent enough looking but 100% a fucking dork with limited interests. A lot of the profiles of girls that do share a lot in common with me tend to be on the super skinny side, and I just feel like things would fall apart once things got to the bedroom. I do want to make genuine connection with someone, but I'm way too horny to not value that physical intimate side of a relationship. Was hoping some other anons could share their experiences/stories.
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>>50947 Same. My last two exes both gained for me, the first one would do banana and sprite bloats and send me pics of her unbuttoned pants when she ate too much at work. The 2nd got big enough to grab handfuls of her belly but started to hate it but that was because her job required her to be fit. Girl I am seeing now already wanted to gain due to be underweight before we met. >>51083 >As I said no remotely healthy minded woman would destroy her body just to keep a guys dick hard. Have you ever met a woman? >And one of the reasons I struggle with women is because unlike you evidently I actually have standards and I'm not about to coerce a woman into fucking up her health for my own gratification. So you are a sperg then. Just say that next time.
>>51083 > And one of the reasons I struggle with women is because unlike you evidently I actually have standards and I'm not about to coerce a woman into fucking up her health for my own gratification. Ok boomer.
>>51091 > So you are a sperg then. Just say that next time. He also didn’t deny having fetal alcohol syndrome. He might be retarded as well. The rare double disability.
In my late-40s now. I dated smaller girls when I was younger, though mostly curvy, a few sizes bigger than they probably could be due to my love of large breasts. That probably did me a favour with most of my mates. '2 reasons why he loves her isn't there' type comments. Just because I started dating only 350lb+ women in my mid-20s didn't mean I wasn't attracted to anything smaller, it was just the size and fatness fulfilled me much more. I obviously come from a time when we didn't use apps and matching up mattered and I think you should dis-regard the algorithm and still chase any larger girl you are physically attracted to. Most people like going out for a drink and something to eat and watching films. You'll find common music likes too even when your general taste doesn't match. It's life. If you like fat, you like fat, there are more than enough chubby women these days. Hell, 25 years ago when I first jumped in to make conversation with a 400lb girl clearly getting comments from some young fucking asshats there were enough 300lb girls about that I chased and hooked up with after that. One thing you hadn't brought up though which needs mentioning, try and lay off the deeper side of fat fetishism when knocking one out. Don't let it become your sole fixation, it's a fantasy card they're playing that they want to be 700lb and eating pizza in bed as part of sex etc. Too much of it will rot your real life experiences up to fuck. You will likely find more than your share of fat girls who are at least contended with being fat because you think they are fucking beautiful. It's life. Get out and date women, it's what you do to learn the lessons that get you to the one that rocks your world.
>>51020 These gfs were across san diego, SF, and portland, and nah, I'm not fat Maybe I'm just extremely lucky, I don't think you should think this is a reflection of yourself, because yeah, it's one the biggest insecurities that exists in society. To elaborate: First offered to gain in the first few months, and was chill with the fetish but she had huge body issues, gained maybe 50 lbs over the 6 years unintentionally, but she worked out constantly to try not to be fat. Eventually discovered keto, lost it all and left me for someone way cooler. Second had an ex that constantly pressured her to lose weight, then I gave her a free pass and she let herself gain from 160-263 in our 4 years. She got really into fat fetishism halfway through and always squished herself and thought about how fat she was when she fapped. Third has an ex anorexic that originally had a thinspo blog. She initially wasn't into the kink but warmed up to it HARD. Would nonchalantly talk about hitting 200 (from 160) and seeing how she feels about 220 from there. Would say during sex, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? WHY IS THIS SO HOT?" and our sex talk revolved around that shit. She even said completely outside of sex or any horny situation, "...I wish you'd be more assertive in fattening me up." would say shit like, "i can't wait to be literal soft serve in your bed. Broke up because she was kinda fucked in the head. Hilarious and sweet person, but could go into these hysterical cry/anger fits for hours if something set her off. Current girlfriend is also ex anorexic, like, some really rough shit. She does struggle with insecurity sometimes, but she has fun with it, explores it as a way to heal, gets turned on by it during sex, and jokes about it as she's my "DIY chubby girl burgis-pilled, squishmaxxer" she's gone from 110-145 in the past 2 years and when i told her my ex was around 160, she laughed and said, "rookie numbers" All that being said, none of them were ever scared off by the kink, and all of them were willing to engage in at least some extent. As long as they love you, and know you love them a lot of girls are pretty open-minded

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Fattest bellies you've seen in public Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 15:18:55 Id:b6ce2d No. 44648 [Reply]
We've had threads on here before about the fattest women we've seen in public. Let's get specific and talk about the women we've seen in public who have huge bellies. Mine happened back when I was in college. I had just finished my last class of the day and was heading to the library to meet one of my friends. First thing I notice when I enter the library is this girl who's on her way out. Dirty blonde hair, about 5'5" or 5'6", a seemingly stocky build with fat arms. Then she turns towards me and I notice a tremendously huge gut. It hung almost to her knees, and was so big that she had to wear an oversize shirt because she couldn't tuck it into her pants. I only saw her for a brief moment, and it was years ago so maybe my memory is tricking me into thinking she was bigger than she really was, but it left me with a mental image that I still have to this day
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>>48225 Any guess how heavy your stepsister was when she fell on you? Situations like these are like a fantasy of mine.
>>48270 Yeah. Easily 300+. Scariest ten minutes ever waiting for her two brothers to move her up off me. They basically sat around playing the Xbox their dad got them, and moving her from chair to chair. We all had to wait on her and my mom hand and foot. They shared a bathroom with one of those showers with no tub and had me remove the floor drain. Totally must have been a sight on those monthly trips to costcos freezer section.
2 months ago i was doing my business and saw a girl in her mid 20s with a gigantic belly, but a real gigantic one, to compare that would be halfway between brianna and vanilla hippo and i felt quite bad for her, she was struggling every step because of the weight and when you walk with some gigantic mass of fat in front of your thighs and knees you literally have to push them at each step, aside from all that she had some remarkably great clothes for her size, usually the super obese i see aren't well clothed, usually because it's hard to find or just they don't care about that
>>48305 saw a girl like this near the bus stop once. she had a friend who was chubby, and seemed to be hanging out with a chubby guy. they all looked like discord moderators though.
Manage to see some really giant one: semi-round but hunging much lower then knees. 500+ for sure. Surprisingly but she carried it really well, while walking along with her chubby friend.

How To Morph Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 22:06:33 Id:43abfd No. 50867 [Reply]
Hey yall I wanna get into photoshop and I was wondering how do some of yall morph photos? Is there an easy way to do it? Ik this isn't everyone's up of tea but it's fun to fantasize. Pic of Tianastummy by BosephJose on DA for an example.
Super easy. Just put it into an AI image bot and ask it to make her fatter. Fiddle with the settings to get what you want. If you need to use a overlay app to add her face back in that might be the hardest part.
>>50868 But AI is really hit or miss when it comes to morphs, with things such as lighting being off, and overall just looks kinda generic
>>50877 You just need to get better at prompt engineering. I got a certificate from a program in GenAI, you should consider it.
>>50868 I see. Know what AI program works best?
>>51127 You know nothing John snow

Chubby Video game characters hair 06/27/2024 (Thu) 18:29:42 Id:b4b3c0 No. 51130 [Reply]
What characters represent bbws in gaming media? Vtubers ? some Visual novels? show your favorites.
