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Ask a moderator LtBarclay##vOgLqq 06/24/2024 (Mon) 15:28:29 Id:6e054a No. 50992
With some of the fire of the constant CP and spam dying down after the VPN-ban, I've noticed that questions about moderation are leaking into the password-whitelist thread, which isn't ideal. So, got a question for the dudes who run this site? Wondering why something got deleted? Curious about something lynxchan related? Want clarifications on rules? Ask your questions here.
>>50992 Do you or any of the mods have a formal response to that one Germanon that wants to revamp this whole site to operate more like 4chan?
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>>50994 >formal response to that one Germanon that wants to revamp this whole site I'm not sure a "formal" response is warranted, but here's where I stand. We aren't 4chan. We aren't trying to be 4chan. We don't want / can't support the same traffic as 4chan. Our board separation has been the way it's been, with very few changes, for a long time. I do not see one hyper-focused-on-consolidation anon actually convincing anyone on the mod team that boards need to leave / change / be combined / etc. His focus on improving the site is interesting, if misguided. To be perfectly honest, the changes he is gunning for are the perfect template for a NEW site, not grounds for changing up an existing one. He seems to have a very clear, concise picture in his head of how he would like the site to look / operate / be organized, and chans are easy to spin up. I am surprised he hasn't just done it by now.
Great to see that the spam is going down. I am wondering if we reached the end of it or if there is still some left?
Thanks for implementing the new VPN filter, Lieutenant, and thanks as always for your service. It's very refreshing to open /gen/ and NOT see thread after thread derailed with schizoposts.
Would you consider bringing back the trans board? I never agreed with your decision to remove it because your justification for removing it and /bhm/ was that you could find that content elsewhere, with /bhm/ that was true but that wasn't true with the trans board. I understand it that it wasn't the most active board on the website but it had a decent community and was filled with people posting original content of themselves.
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>>51005 Some small amount will always get through, but it would seem the ra pe / C.P posters were all on VPN, and haven't bothered to request a password to bypass the block or dared to post from their real IPs. So while it's still early, I'd say it's been a smashing success. It's not a 100% perfect solution, but it has prevented 99% of the worst shit from coming in. >>51014 It's a been awhile, but I think my specific words were "people looking for this type of content would be better served elsewhere", which I understand is semantics, but it does serve a distinction. There ARE dedicated places the trans community can post themselves, with tight enough moderation that it doesn't become a lightning rod. In 2024, unfortunately, trans content is still controversial. You have people literally come out of the woodwork to denigrate the people who post and consume that content. You have anti-trans activists from other sites come to raid. It's just not worth it from a moderation perspective to expose yourself to that kind of nonsense for such a small userbase.Though, of course, if our giga-chad anon who essentially bought the site another year of life said to me "Hey man, bring it back", I'd be inclined to do it, simply because you don't bite the hand the feeds.
Edited last time by admin on 06/25/2024 (Tue) 11:10:07.
>>51026 Perfect. Glad to hear that. Great job. Also, do you know why would someone post that garbage here? Would it be to take the site down? It's just a bbw imageboard that shares bbw content. I don't know why would someone want to take that down that way
>take that down that way refering to the bbw chan site
Is there a way of getting around "R9K prevented your message from being posted"?
>>50992 Well, Someone just littered on my community thread for >>>/bbfurries under the idenity of d47727 and even called me the n-word. >>>/bbfurries/66888
>>51052 What shall you do?
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>>51056 It’s crazy how the n word stays up but any criticism of Netanyahu is censured with an iron fist.
>>51059 Netanyahu is doing a perfectly good job shifting Europe and the US hard right. I chalk it up more to Arabs seething so hard that mods have to crack down.
>>51059 You mean, N***er?
My question is why do you continue to allow threads like Reiina and Mochii to be remade over and over again when you know the threads end up turning into excessive spam, shitposting and larping?
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>>51040 >Also, do you know why would someone post that garbage here? Would it be to take the site down? Perhaps it is to try to take us down, however, during our research we found this same kind of thing on multiple chan sites. It may just be a giant botnet that can be "pointed" at a certain site or sites, or it may be actual individuals teaming up to do it all at once across multiple sites. I'm really not sure. Regardless, CP has been the deathknell for many sites unable to stop it, so whether it is intentionally to try to take the site down or these bad actors are legitimately advertising this sick shit anywhere that doesn't have some kind of registration to post, the result will usually be the same for sites that can't figure out a way to stop it. I'm glad that it looks like our solution is working (crosses fingers). >>51043 >way of getting around "R9K prevented your message from being posted" R9K de-duplication efforts are important for keeping the site slim and tidy for backups, however, it is a simple sha256 match. Any change whatsoever to the file, whether it be to the metadata or the image itself, will bypass the check. What board was this on? Most boards only have R9K enabled in-thread, so you would only get blocked posting the same image within the same thread. >>51052 >called me the n-word This is such low-level, typical chan behavior I'm surprised you even bring it up. If this truly got under your skin, I'm not sure what you're doing here. >>51075 >why do you continue to allow threads like Reiina and Mochii to be remade over and over again Allow? What, do you want them added to a DNP list and kill them on sight? You want me to strap into Cerebro and stop people as they are about to create a thread?
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>>50994 Seconding. I would love to know more about the handsome, educated, and metropolitan anonymous poster working overseas known as "Germanon" and his controversial ideas. >>50996 Who says anything about supporting the same traffic as 4chan? If I remember correctly, and I have memory of an dashing elephant I dare say!, the idea was first proposed in a now unalived thread for a new instance of the website once the servers failed. Again. Oh, do the servers go all to pot. Crickey! By the way did you know that Germany has a law requiring a website owner to fucking doxx himself? >>51090 Keep the site slim and tidy? Blimey, isn't that what the metropolitan, educated, and handsome fire-eating bloke was trying to say all along?! I am gobsmacked. Maybe the loquacious noble gas known as "Germanon" wanted to aid us all along and we've been beastly gobby to him.
>>51090 for those two threads specifically (and probably boberry), delete every post that isn't a link to content. Yes I'm serious. Otherwise they will inevitable devolve into bullshit. It happens every single time. Unrelated: Barclay, idk if you play vidya, but have you seen Space Marine 2? It looks so sick.
>>51090 >Perhaps it is to try to take us down, however, during our research we found this same kind of thing on multiple chan sites That is crazy. I hope they get caught >I'm glad that it looks like our solution is working (crosses fingers) Same here, crossing fingers that it works on the long term. It is insane that they are only using a vpn or a couple of routes of vpns. They will get caught unless they are honey pots
>>51090 >>You want me to strap into Cerebro and stop people as they are about to create a thread? Don't bullshit me man, you know how bad those threads get when some idiot decides to sacrifice another thread just to continue spouting regurgitative spam. I come here to pirate porn, not watch some retards argue for 400 comments before the whole thread ends up bumplocked Hell you can't pirate anything new as it is since commer is useless and the people who double pay rarely share, so explain to me why does Reiina thread #5 exists? If I wanted old content I can go on literally any other site and not even bother with the timed "uploads" here.
At this point I hope the site dies, and a new site emerges underground.
>>51113 We would just run into the same problem as before...
>>51126 We would just run into the same problem as before... Unless you followed that daring anon's controversial request to subsume some boards into more generalized boards. 6 subforums? Golly, that's less than half of what we're currently sporting!
>>51126 >>We would just run into the same problem as before... You mean the slow response time to major issues, using the most logical solution as a last resort, and having their finger up their asses while shifting the blame to having busy schedules instead of actually getting people who have the free time to moderate?
Hello, today I received a ban from posting for allegedly dozing even though I’ve never dozed anyone in my life. Not sure how this mistake could have happed, I was trying to upload content in the bbw board and received the message. Please help.
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>>51138 Doxxing*** I don’t know how a check is done on these bans it must have been a mistake, as i never would do that.
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>>51094 >Who says anything about supporting the same traffic as 4chan? If MY memory serves, you were advertising us on 4chan to help us "grow". As far as "slim and tidy", I meant from a file duplication standpoint, not the amount of boards or threads. I know you've still got a real hard-on for sweeping changes, but as I've said before, until we make a major switch with lynxchan (either going kohlchan's route or otherwise), we aren't going to make any huge revisions on the boards. >>51095 >those two threads specifically (and probably boberry), delete every post that isn't a link to content. Yes I'm serious. Most people would say you could just hide the threads if you know what you're going to see in them will bother you. Mods have enough to deal with without having to hover over certain threads and delete all non-content. At that point it might as well be DNP. Unless I see other mods come out and say these models are lightning rods and just shouldn't be posted, I'm not going to tell them to nitpick each and every spergy reaction on those threads. It's a chan. We'll try to keep schizos and politics out of where they don't belong, but we aren't going to be the thought police. >>51111 >you know how bad those threads get when some idiot decides to sacrifice another thread Old thread death is a natural part of a chan's ecosystem. So are iteration of old threads and re-upping old content. Not sure what you're getting at. It sounds like you want a telegram channel, not a chan. >>51132 >slow response time to major issues, using the most logical solution as a last resort, and having their finger up their asses while shifting the blame to having busy schedules instead of actually getting people who have the free time to moderate I'll admit the "solution" to the CP and rape spam came about much too slowly, but I think you vastly overestimate how much free time anyone over 30 with a normal life has to dedicate to moderating and researching solutions for a pirate porn site. For free. If we were a big private company with stocks and money coming in, you're damn right we'd be doing a better job of things. As is, literally one person in the entire world cares enough about this site to pay for it's costs. So really think about that when you think there's just a ton of people willing to work the fields for free. >>51138 >>51139 Now that we have a decent VPN filtering system set up, I have cleared most if not all of the older ASN bans out, including 7922. Some of these were definitely made incorrectly as they had no end-date, and ASN bans just like IP bans, should always be a temporary thing to react to a specific problem, not a blanket forever ban.
Edited last time by admin on 06/28/2024 (Fri) 14:30:32.
>>51161 >>but I think you vastly overestimate how much free time anyone over 30 with a normal life has to dedicate to moderating and researching solutions for a pirate porn site. For free. FFS no one's asking you people to work a 8 hour shift. There you go again acting like it's a chore to spend not even an hour a day looking through the forums. Newsflash bud, not everyone is a 30 something with no free time. Also the CP and spam is almost non existent so again, you're not on 24/7 alert. It's like Im talking to a wall half the time. Nothing but excuses from you.
>>51161 Appreciate you Barclay
What gives mods the right to just shut down and delete hundreds of messages? And how do you justify doing so? I am thinking specifically of the discussion on Kass' death on the SSBBW board.
>>51216 Shut down threads
>>51216 the "right"? Because they are mods on a porn site. That simple. Was I happy to have my own comments re Kass deleted, esp after I made sure to be respectful? Nope. Did I have a right to have my comments stay up? Nope.
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>>51161 Why would we need to switch to Lynxchan, "going Kohlchan's route or otherwise" end quote, when we, that means you, can make one final save file of the whole website and restart the image board with 6 boards times 150 threads times 300 posts? No need for Kohl-y Lynxes. Please consider the fire-eating bloke's daring idea, luv. >advertize If MY memory serves me right, fatty and thiccc NSFW is only a miniscule percentage of overall 4chan traffic. And as >>51222 (checked) stated we, that means you, are hosting a website for porn. Porn boards are frequented by rule followers, despite everything the Interwebs have told you. >>51170 Cut the tea sipper some slack and I'm not saying that because the daring fire-eater knows a Barclay in real life.
>>51234 >>Cut the tea sipper some slack and I'm not saying that because the daring fire-eater knows a Barclay in real life. That's what got this site messed up in the first place. It's unnecessary to put a fire under his ass just to get him to react to problems. And he's too damn stubborn to reach out for help. Pregchan even offered him assistance regarding the spam/CP and he still did nothing for the longest time.
The other day I posted a serious question about dealing with SSBBW smell and asking for help in dealing with it. Why was it deleted?>>50992
>>51234 He gave you an answer and that's the end of it - it's so easy to be on the outside looking in when you've been touting the same idea for months at this point. He's not interested in trying your proposal. Let it go and make your own imageboard if you're this dedicated to seeing this vision come to life. Pestering him isn't going to change his mind. If it turns out to be better you can serve Barclay crow on a silver platter yourself.
>>51234 Well, me and my fourth-form chums think it would be quite corking if you'd sign over your bbwchan well to the local piracy and shitposting concern.
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>>51253 I like the way Snrub thinks.
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>>51170 >FFS no one's asking you people to work a 8 hour shift. >Also the CP and spam is almost non existent so again, you're not on 24/7 alert. IT IS NOW. You really have no idea what's been happening the past 6 months do you? 8 hour shifts sometimes weren't even enough to fight wave after wave of that shit. It was truly hell, at all hours of the night. >It's like Im talking to a wall half the time. With people like you that really just wanna dig into us and criticize our work ethic even as we are making strides in the right direction, I feel the same way. >>51173 Thanks man. It's people like you that make this bearable. >>51216 >What gives mods the right to just shut down and delete hundreds of messages? And how do you justify doing so? In this specific instance, two things came into play. One, a few of the mods are absolute sticklers for the rules. That means when a thread turns from mostly content to mostly discussion, it will get locked or moved to /gen/. Secondly, when a person dies, people tend to say a lot of things that are just... not in good taste let's say. It's not a good look. >>51234 >No need for Kohl-y Lynxes You're wrong on that front. So here's the thing. The guy who makes lynxchan, makes the backend and the front-end (PenumbraLynx) we use. The back-end is mostly stable, configurable, etc. The front-end is a hot mess. Every chan who uses lynxchan eventually hires a developer to make a better front-end. See mewchan, kohlchan, etc. The default front-end NEEDS to be expanded to be useful long-term. I'm not a good enough JS developer to do that. It took me over a month to modify a small script from pregchan to implement the VPN ban, and that was with chatgpt's help! Kohlchan, on the other hand, has the brightest german chan engineers on the planet keeping the kohlchan front-end up to date with amazing features and bugfixes. There is no need to develop our own either, as they (mostly) open-sourced it. If we're going to stay on the Lynxchan back-end, we need to eventually move to a stable and modern front-end, and since mewchan died Kohlchan is the only game in town, to my knowledge. >>51250 Not sure the post in question. Link it from a.architect.coffee and maybe the mod who did it will chime in.
>>51258 >IT IS NOW. You really have no idea what's been happening the past 6 months do you? Yeah, you procrastinating and having your head in the sand instead of cracking down like people have been screaming at you to do. The VPN bans was one of the first suggestions given and you straight up ignored it. >>With people like you that really just wanna dig into us and criticize our work ethic even as we are making strides in the right direction, I feel the same way. How about being more transparent next time instead of showing up once in a blue moon while give some fake "don't worry guys, we're on it" speech. You can handle tolerate deleting CP all day yet can't bear a couple of mean words? Be more vocal regarding updates and issues to the site and then you'll get more respect. You never learned from last year with your attempt of drawing funds to keep the site up. You're the site owner, BE MORE OPEN.
>>51264 Kisame here. I have no idea what you assholes want. Why don't you go dilate? It's been peaceful the past six months. Not everyday needs to be an episode of COPs
>>50992 Thoughts on all the bumping and necroposting? I've been appreciative of the clean up the mods have been helping out with, but I always worry that I'm going to get myself suspended for spam because of just how many of those kind of posts there can be to report at times.
>>51235 >>51264 Cut him some slack. Europeans are like that, in my and /int/'s experience. >>51251 It'll be over a year until I get back home. You know, where I left my hardware. >>51258 >Kohlchan, on the other hand, has the brightest german chan engineers on the planet keeping the kohlchan front-end up to date with amazing features and bugfixes. This must be a new development since I moved. I stand freshly informed.
>>51270 Until we get an archive or you manage to force them to use a reduced number of threads? It won't go away. The best way to go about things is make "bump" turn a post into a sage post. PS: I love the word filter for Discord. Report my post? Chef's kiss.
