/bbwdraw/ - BBW Drawn

Deviantart, 3D, scribbles

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**OFFICIAL SCHIZO THREAD** LtBarclay##vOgLqq 01/21/2025 (Tue) 19:22:16 Id:d0d274 No. 241164 [Reply] [Last]
Got hot takes about shit that no gives a giant flat fuck about? Want to ramble about politics, wokeness, the CIA (who is in your butt), or other topics? Tired of mods deleting it in the random places your insane brain decides to post it at any given time? Want to MAKE SURE PEOPLE SEE IT?! Welcome to the stickied schizo thread. Your nonsense will be seen before almost everything else! This is THE PLACE for you to embrace your autism and rave like a crazy person at the bus stop! Enjoy.
Edited last time by admin on 01/21/2025 (Tue) 19:47:17.
139 posts and 32 images omitted.
>>244104 sorry i live too far away also why crab when brick

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LtBarclay##vOgLqq 01/20/2020 (Mon) 01:39:56 Id:1a9ff1 No. 489 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for the name of the artist from a picture you found? ASK HERE!
398 posts and 287 images omitted.
I need help to find an artist, he had a Twitter and DeviantArt account that I can't find, his art was around some oc slime girls with different colors, he often did wg drives with them, last thing I saw was a drive where all the girls where on a casino

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:05:37 Id:86db69 No. 230132 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:38:55.

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RULEZ Scruffy##RKWJ52 02/23/2020 (Sun) 00:45:18 Id:7faf05 No. 4240 [Reply]
No furry. Anthro content goes on >>>/bbfurries/ Monstergirls are fine, but no muzzles or non-human faces. If you're not sure, post it there instead of here. No inflation Inflation goes on >>>/inf/ This can be tricky, since sometimes fat looks inflated and vice-versa, but please try to sort to the best of your ability. No slob/icky Alternative or extreme female content goes on >>>/bbwalt/ This includes slob (brap-posting), vore, muscle, etc. No male Go here >>>/bhm/ If an artist has a dedicated thread and they draw things besides just fat girls, posting their other art is okay but please use spoilers for those kinds of posts. If you are confused by a link, it's probably base64. Base64 encoding is no longer necessary.
Edited last time by BananaMan on 04/23/2022 (Sat) 03:41:32.

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Fat lesbians Fat Lesbians 02/09/2025 (Sun) 15:21:42 Id:ea118b No. 244324 [Reply]
Reviving this because I want the fat Yuri thread to have a second chance

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Needy Girl Overdose / Needy Streamer Overload Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 20:24:02 Id:961c60 No. 240319 [Reply]
why is there little to none fat art of Ame or K-Angel?
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Orristerioso is probably the biggest producer of NGO fats so your best bet is him
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>>240322 You dont know of what you speak
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Goth Girls Thread Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 04:43:03 Id:e831cb No. 161537 [Reply] [Last]
Post Beeg Goths.
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>>236575 Who's the artist?
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Ive only seen like 3 posts with goths and like 2 with semi goths, do images not exist or do most of yall not know what a goth is??? Thank you to those that posted real goths
>>244316 people are alergic to using the word "alt" and just use goth as a catch-all i suppose

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 22:20:49 Id:1da7f8 No. 217005 [Reply] [Last]
Banna Galactic Thread III
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Y'know the actual Banna Galactic comic has been inactive for like 8 years, should we maybe start calling these Expandapanda threads?
>>238208 >>217005 Anyone have that comic with female Shepard and Liara?
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I'm looking for some of the Princess Peach images that got made. So far i have two and i'm precisely looking for one where she is in an immobile state ¿Does anyone have it?
>>243997 >>243503 I'm going to be nice and just tell you to please shut up. If there are new pages, someone will post them in time, I promise you.
>>243855 i'm seconding this, and i'm also looking for the Sailor Mars comic, if anyone has it (picture unrelated

BWS Thread Better With Salt 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:31:30 Id:0c4612 No. 243224 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread same fat girls
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>>244237 Genius level paneling. I can't wait for this girdle to explode
>>244237 her entire body shrunk after she put it on. her legs and boobs got smaller too
>>244282 Get your fucking eyes checked. Any change to her figure (besides her belly obviously) is negligible.
You guys worry too much, it's more than obvious that Salt is going to make use of her shapewear barely fitting her. We're going to have some bursting incident for sure, perhaps combined with her becoming embarrassed, due to it happening in public.

Shonen Jump General Anonymous 05/22/2023 (Mon) 01:59:56 Id:ca2dd1 No. 154261 [Reply] [Last]
Post your fat Nobaras, your fat Shinobu's, your fat fat Rukia's and any fatty wank from Shonen jump, Shonen+, and etc
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We need more Black Clover fat arts
>>242426 Agreed, it's full of great girls to fatten.
>>244270 Fairy Tail isn't from the Jump.

Friday Night Funkin’ Thread 5 Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 09:58:09 Id:dabe75 No. 200237 [Reply] [Last]
Last one got bumplocked, so here’s the fifth thread
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>>243805 @dumbbellylover on Twitter/X
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Spoiled for nude and fart
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>>242109 Here’s a picture for reference
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Zelda thread Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 07:06:15 Id:8052e4 No. 244289 [Reply]
It’s been a while so thought of making one. Looks like you guys know the drill.
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>>244289 that the zelda threads don't last, should tell you that this one isn't going to last either, go to the nintendo thread and post your stuff.

Paid Content Thread 34 Zephyr 12/13/2024 (Fri) 06:25:39 Id:b00c9b No. 235025 [Reply] [Last]
Sup everyone. Here is another Paid Content Thread. The last of 2024 and the first of a good 2025. Here is a another announcement of the rules of the thread for all those who has just recently joined us. 1. Don't be a post fag. This thread is for everyone to post their wares. Try to use a maximum of 2 posts for uploads. If your upload requires more than 2 posts, better use a transfer link that is not banned by Global Rules. Also hotlinks are disabled so don't go insane with the encryption unless it's absolutely necessary. 2. Don't be a beggar. We get it. Kemono is still broken af rn. But it ain't an excuse to keep on begging for the same thing relentlessly without a break or for begging in general. You will be reported if you do so. 3. No requests for updating Kemono pages. Can't believe I have to repeat this again for then nth time. But yeah, I think at this point we have made it clear that WE ARE NOT THE KEMONO THREAD. We are here only to get works hidden behind paywalls which Kemono and the other sites below don't have atm or are unable to get. As said before, it will be considered begging or spamming if you make requests to add accounts to Kemono or update Kemono pages. 4. Don't be a dick/moral fag.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

153 posts and 141 images omitted.
Can someone make a Kemono page of this Patreon account? Sooftly has made great stuff on twitter and just started their patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Sooftly
>>244141 Someone already did. The problem though is that not all of his posts were imported for some reason
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Did anyone have this? https://toro.fanbox.cc/posts/9052988
O mighty anon who paid their fav artists. Fanbox seems to be working again in kemono. May I interest you to these 2 great artist? They exist in kemono but haven't been updated for at least a year. Onehaunt https://onehaunt.fanbox.cc/ https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/22258194 Dobemaru https://dobemaru.fanbox.cc/ https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/20090779 Attached are examples of each artist's work Please give them a look and hopefully update their kemono page
Oh oops, I totally missed rule 3, sorry didn't meant to break the rule

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Resident evil Resident evil 03/14/2023 (Tue) 05:34:39 Id:639ffe No. 145279 [Reply] [Last]
Resident evil
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Does anybody have the one where lady dimestrichu with her two girls that was made by xmasterdavid?
Wold anyone mind retrieving this comic from PolakPeasant
>>242161 Vore doesn't belong here, try asking in /alt/
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New Pew

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Rick and Morty girls 02/09/2025 (Sun) 10:33:21 Id:46b2ac No. 244305 [Reply]
Post any fat Rick and Morty girls here
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