>find out about Buyuden
>there's a plot point where a female character goes from skinny to plump and stays that way till the end of the series
>look it up, she's actually attractive
>prepare myself for Japs fucking it up somehow
>as expected, it disappoints me almost immediately
>the very next chapter after the three year timeskip shows her as a bAdAsS wHaMaN who's just as nimble and fast as she always was despite being half-blind and gaining around 40-50 pounds, easily beats a guy who's a foot taller than her
Filthy fucking japniggers and their feminist faggotry. Their extreme phobia of weight gain makes zero sense when you consider that these retards unironically believe that it's only about appearance and has no effect on one's physical abilities and all of the excess weight can be lost with almost no effort. Can't wait for their kind to go extinct from low birth rates and importing third worlders.