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Elf-san wa Yaserarenai/Plus-Sized Elf Anonymous 07/14/2024 (Sun) 03:09:22 Id:f8a575 No. 210510 [Reply] [Last]
The adventures of the french fry elf shall continue!
377 posts and 313 images omitted.
>>246270 Would've been funnier if she looked 100% like some Grown Adult Midget lady that everyone assumed was a child. That's like little people humour 101. Goonery is incapable of true humour.
>>246270 I don't get why people try so hard to hold fantasy to realities standards. He doesn't even do anything with Kobo and when she does appear, she's stuck as a baby gag for fucking Oga. I don't think any character is wasted as much as Kobo.
>>245083 How much you guys willing to drop on this
>>246415 I do enjoy her getting paired up with Gonda for shenanigans. They bounce off each other well, plus I'm pretty sure it's a subtle The Hobbit joke.
Does anyone have the chapter number of the manga?

Cyberpunk 2077 Thread Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 21:21:06 Id:95d4cc No. 243014 [Reply]
Base game and Edgerunners
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i love this bitch so much, i want a short bratty alt punk girl with dyed hair and lots of energy & pigtails.
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Fairy Tail anonymous 04/14/2022 (Thu) 08:55:05 Id:f8c708 No. 89004 [Reply] [Last]
post images that are related to Fairy Tail
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Erza pinup by Grimphantom
Chubby Brandish by Axel-Rosered
Cropped Edit to just have turnaround
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Holly molly... Thank you Salt

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Fat Elegg (and other Gacha Girls) Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 11:12:43 Id:ea25f2 No. 196421 [Reply] [Last]
A thread primarily focused on fat art of Elegg from NIKKE, but also for any other Gacha waifus from any other series you can think of.
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Why not Dan da Dan 12/04/2024 (Wed) 19:07:21 Id:0ae75c No. 233435 [Reply]
thought it would be cool
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>>233437 So all anime?
>>233437 Show about a straight couple = gay?
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New DC thread Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:59:02 Id:5e0ffe No. 176960 [Reply] [Last]
saaaay the line bart last thread bumplocked..
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(359.69 KB 825x947 Screenshot_20250213_104703.jpg)
>>245025 Eu posso desenhar seu pai com uma betoneira de 15p litros enfiada no rabo (ligada)
Piece by Chillguydraws/FrostBiteBoi (Plus Slight Edit)
>>240035 Anyone got the final rest of the pages from his Discord?

fat Yu-gi-oh girls Anonymous 09/18/2023 (Mon) 03:58:48 Id:59316f No. 170016 [Reply] [Last]
The old thread is gone, so I started it again. Please post art of fat Yu-Gi-Oh girls.
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Resident evil Resident evil 03/14/2023 (Tue) 05:34:39 Id:639ffe No. 145279 [Reply] [Last]
Resident evil
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>>242161 Vore doesn't belong here, try asking in /alt/
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New Pew
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>>246522 >>212142 dies fucking ada she says excella gionne going to crazy
>>246915 Fuck off already, stinky retard

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Hisano-X Thread 01/27/2025 (Mon) 03:29:58 Id:80c694 No. 241966 [Reply]
Here's a new thread for hisano, so many comics have been added lately and i want to give awareness to the artist again so you guys can see his comics & other art again.
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>>246805 Latest two VNs they did use AI art https://hisano-x.itch.io/
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Here's the rest, sorry. First time posting on this site lol
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>>246900 Is this up to date? I'm trying to know if the last page is the latest one.
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>>246902 I just got them like last week so yea they're updated, here's the last image too for some reason captcha wouldn't let me post it. This page is 152, I think the first one I sent was 134

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Urusei Yatsura thread Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 03:12:34 Id:4a25fe No. 218774 [Reply] [Last]
Need more retro fats
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Happy Setsubun!
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Watamote - Tomoko Kuroki thread Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:04:18 Id:426696 No. 238331 [Reply] [Last]
It may be kind of niche, but it would be nice to see how much art of it exists.
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>>246444 Tomoko does crack
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>>246593 This is great, who made it?

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>>241349 Amen to that.
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Kemono Friends (Not Kemono Party) Anonymous 08/17/2023 (Thu) 05:44:17 Id:1b5843 No. 165345 [Reply] [Last]
kemono party thread: https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/165240.html last kemono friends thread: https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/718.html again this is not for the site “kemono party.” it’s for “kemono friends,” the intellectual property and its fats from all the seasons and games, none are off the table. source of the thumbnail tsuchinoko is fuji_shino_tw, could not find the serval sequence’s.
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Konosuba Anonymous 10/09/2023 (Mon) 22:59:34 Id:366396 No. 172723 [Reply] [Last]
Here we go again
72 posts and 108 images omitted.
2nd page is supposed to already be out around 8 hours ago, kemono only has this first page
Can someone get that Megumin art Jeetdoh made?
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>>244500 Here's pages 2 and 3 (page 3 was uploaded on the 17th)
(8.34 MB 3908x5495 Konosuba comic page 3.png)
>>246747 Found it, but it’s not in full HD

SpyXFamily Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 20:43:25 Id:2c24b0 No. 203327 [Reply] [Last]
Last one bump locked so here’s a new one for all the fat Yor’s and hefty handlers out there.
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