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Saxxon Thread: Mucho Texto Edition Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 01:55:45 Id:c74d2f No. 236152 [Reply] [Last]
Prev. Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/200678.html Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/IepXlIpA#BVRvOQ0SNgJMUbWwCCd1pg Alright, last thread got bumplocked, now we got a new one yall know the deal, just post saxxon art
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>>245580 What is this from cause Ive never seen it
>>245934 probably a private comm
(1.19 MB 1258x1202 Yukako_color.png)
>>245603 Yukako Yamagishi got deleted off of my deviantart because the admins are prudes
so is the big man still awol/dead again?
>>246249 Nah he is probably still recovering and doing some commissions that one guy likes to buy a lot don't remember his name.

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General Translation Thread II Anonymous 01/08/2025 (Wed) 17:39:56 Id:7468c7 No. 239130 [Reply] [Last]
Picking off the previous thread with the chubby girlfriend story.
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>>244887 any update on this? I'm the one who shared it
>>246132 >>246133 >>246134 >>246135 >>246136 >>246137 >>246138 >>246139 Where's the fats? Not seeing any in this comic.
>>246195 Starting with page 16 of my third post there's a chubby demon girl with horns that used to be tough and skinny.
>>246204 You anorexic and don't know what skinny looks like?

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Next Pixiveo Thread Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 00:50:46 Id:8aa632 No. 243736 [Reply] [Last]
The last one died abruptly, so new rule: no dumbass 'anti-fan' nonsense. If you can't talk about the art without completely flaming the creator with nothing new to say, then SHUT UP. Actual criticisms are fine, but don't be a stupid toddler about it and waste space saying things a toddler would say, especially by spamming it. The mods know what to look for.
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>>246103 Yes, the storytelling is astoundingly dull, but I think it works well with the blandness of the art, characters and layout. The dullness is a selling point, not a flaw.
>>244822 The experience of reading this comic
>>246223 Would it of killed him to make the bottom panel big enough so we can see all 3 of their bellies?
>>246233 Seriously why not draw a few burgers unwrapped, shouldn't they look appetizing or interesting enough for a full panel?, It looks like a bunch of bread dough.

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Evangelion 2.0 you can (not) undo the fat Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 19:56:43 Id:fe0098 No. 78760 [Reply] [Last]
the other one disappeared so bringing it back
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>>91885 Who drew the 2nd and 3rd piece?
>>244578 old murdelli art from like 2006. Havent followed him for a long time.
>>244580 Damn that's some good shit, especially for something from 2006
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6 months between these pics lol
>>244529 Good lord, I hope he does at least one more Asuka shot after this.

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F&H Thread V9 Zephyr 12/31/2024 (Tue) 22:06:55 Id:17bd28 No. 237867 [Reply] [Last]
The first new thread of 2025 dedicated to the works of Fusa & Ha Button. Here is what I have of these two great artists. Hope you guys enjoy em. https://gofile.io/d/WMehMn Finally figured out how to use gofile. So this time around, you all can take your own sweet time in downloading the files. There are still some links active in the previous thread here >>212850. Do check em out asap b4 the thread is gone. Most of them too are also available on the site mentioned below. https://e-hentai.org And as usual, do report the death fetishers that describe the crazed fantasies regarding Fusa's and Ha Button's characters. Same goes for those who are getting worked up on why Ayano or Sage-chan are still not immobile. Keep in mind not to use more than 2 posts for uploading or reupping images. Try to use links (not encoded) liked the one above and allowed by the global rules for big posts. No one likes a post fag. This also means no repetitive posts for new pages or for informing that a new page has come. You will be reported for spamming. And finally here are the sites where the authors upload their works along with the pages on kemono. Hope the Pixiv importer starts working again. Thank God, Ha Button has a patreon. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3943162

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>246085 Reminder: I'm talking just about the 4th panel here. Now can we stop with the toxic back and forth please? Jesus.
>>244299 I gotta see at least one more page, but after seeing his other work, he seems to have a habit of zooming in close at their absolute largest and then ending it there. I feel like it's done now, he always stops at a certain size too.
>>246159 they did talk about the reunion at the end of the last page. so maybe...
Anyone have a reup of the full archive?
>>242815 I swear this is the slowest comic writer ever bro

Mecha anime weight gain - SRW (Super Rotund Women) Edition Anonymous 12/19/2022 (Mon) 10:32:59 Id:7adda9 No. 131139 [Reply] [Last]
Post fat women from Gundam, Macross, Gurren Lagann, Code Geass, etc. Evangelion has a separate thread thread: https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/78760.html
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Drew my girl <3
>>244592 YO THE BIG O MENTION, god I wish their was more art of her (or any for the show)
>>244979 cute!
>>238896 Does anyone know who painted this picture?
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Anyone got the full image/s?

Gutshin Impact Thread - 3.0 12/07/2024 (Sat) 23:00:10 Id:e956d0 No. 233999 [Reply] [Last]
Last one is bumped. Time to start it off with the best girl.
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にも / b45ui on X
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Source is chubnugget1 on X
>>246227 WHYD IT POST OUT OF ORDER 😭 I thought I uploaded them correctly...

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Fat lesbians Fat Lesbians 02/09/2025 (Sun) 15:21:42 Id:ea118b No. 244324 [Reply]
Reviving this because I want the fat Yuri thread to have a second chance
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>>245411 >Complaining about mixing languages in a means of communication where people constantly mix and use words from different languages because it sounds better or they have a lack of the word in their own language >On a site populated by people who no one ever hears call anime "cartoon" >In a thread that is almost all Asian characters >For something people overwhelmingly go to the Asians for fuel to fatten up
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Ya know since we got an announcement for an anime, hopefully we get some of that green yuri manga fat art
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My people have returned

BBW/SSBBW stuckage Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 01:22:18 Id:da364e No. 236941 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to big girls in tight places
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yeah yeah I see the rule now, if i could remove it i would

Monogatari Series Monogatari Series Fats 04/08/2020 (Wed) 01:13:22 Id:8c6f15 No. 7757 [Reply] [Last]
For Monogatari fats!
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>>243284 >>243285 Uhh...dude, just go to the drawing improvement thread
Here's a old Axel-Rosered drawing I found
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Anonymous 06/17/2023 (Sat) 23:39:52 Id:2aaf4d No. 157263 [Reply] [Last]
Overwatch 2
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(508.25 KB 1280x1378 mei by Pewbutt.png)
Here's a color edit I did of one of Pewbutt's older works, partly as an excuse for practicing basic shading but also because I wanna fuck fat Mei so damn bad.
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>>246168 The signature litterally says Kafekafei...
>>246213 Aw Damn, my apologies. They just have such similar art styles to me!

Friday Night Funkin’ Thread 5 Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 09:58:09 Id:dabe75 No. 200237 [Reply] [Last]
Last one got bumplocked, so here’s the fifth thread
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idk if the second one is AI but i love it she's so chunky aaaaaaaa
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>>246114 Artists?

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Ray Norr Thread Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 20:24:09 Id:2062e7 No. 245805 [Reply]
Ray Norr is a certified classic with very little representation here imo. Feel free to post old or new stuff of whatever variety
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>>245887 On Patreon, he said he's currently not available for commissions, unfortunately. Too bad... That girl would look good with an extra 200+ lbs.
(1.62 MB 2480x3508 1000020691.png)
Killer comic.
All of his faces are garbage, leave it to a dog-eater to fuck up the most important part of a woman.
>>246066 Chokes on my dubs faggots, even satan acknowledges that ray norr is slop

WG sequence thread Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:09:23 Id:80d5ef No. 227614 [Reply] [Last]
Post sequences of chicks getting fatter. Could be solo or with feeder(s).
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>>245485 hope theres a part 2 in the future
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From fat to really fucking fat.
>>246015 artist?
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>>246048 Ray Norr
