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Next SweetDreamCoffee Thread Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 16:42:07 Id:2c53be No. 244010 >>247318
Another thread coming and going does not entitle utter morons to forget their manners. Same rule as last time: no incessant begging.
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>>244204 Ignore this one Sweet made a typo error
New page and she's almost immobile !>>244036
>>244387 this comic has been really promising
>>244387 >>244388 Only one page left unfortunately, it's been a fun ride at least.
Marylin from Bigcuties inspired this comic that’s for sure
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>>245599 Also just to let you know, the dragon maid one came first.
>>245599 So? Hardly shocking
>>245627 Just pointing out the fact it was either plagiarised or traced.
>>245629 Who the fuck cares anyway? They aren't similar, like at all
>>245629 All you pointed out is that you have double digit IQ. It’s pretty clearly not traced especially when coffee clearly can draw a lot at a fast paced where there would be zero reason to “trace” a random panel. Also the idea that a back shot of giant fat woman ass would counts as “plagiarized” is so fucking stupid I’m going to save you the embarrassment of not calling every synonym of “retard” under the sun.
>>245599 >>245622 BWS fanboys being dumb as usual.
>>245631 No they definatley are. I'm not saying sdc usually traces or plagerises art, but the pose and shape is pretty much the exact same. I cant be fucked to argue with you all about what counts as art theft but its at best inspired and at worst traced.
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Like I love her comics but regardless this is still worth pointing out.
If a patron could ask SDC about this I'd appreciate it! Yall shouldn't be paying for stolen art.
>>245679 We get it but we are past this already let it go if you want take it up with artist on Twitter or discord or whatever >>245599
>>245679 Next thing guy's going to claim BWS traced Belt-Buster.
>>245686 Nigga why do you keep bringing up BWS
>>245686 And that's clearly not traced its just a ass shot. The image I bought up is almost one to one.
>>245688 Because his anti-fans infest this site and like letting their complaining and fault-finding trickle into other artists' thread. Nobody believes you, believes you're right, or gives a fuck. Let it go already.
>>245692 How am I being a anti fan? I never said her art was bad, its just that page is very similar, and is more than likely at some level related to that dragon maid picture. I love sdc and I'm going to continue following the comic's, but I can still admit these are similar.
>>245688 BWS is probably the best artist rn and his fan base is genuinely retarded, so it's always a fun topic of conversation
>>245679 >body shape is different >lines are different >fat distribution is different >the Elma pic doesnt even have her belly at all in frame I could go on, but you dug yourself a hole that you’re too autistic to realize you just made a stupid comparison and now desperately trying to convince yourself that you had something. Drop it, take the L before you embarrass yourself more. Like fuck Liz’s thigh is just a fucking curve line down to the knee. Get your eyes checked because having your head up your own ass leads to pink eye you know?
>>245693 Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is a pattern. If you're going to fault-find, don't decide to annoy everyone else on 'once' and start calling SDC a tracer. Also, as someone who can't make art at all without tracing (I don't make art beyond what's personal, so don't go looking), the fact that the pose only matches the silhouette but not enough to be a 1-for-1 trace would be incredibly distracting if I had to trace over that. There's no way SDC could've traced that and come out with something that doesn't align at all.
>>245679 In any case, the best you have to go on is the pose, because NONE of the lines are traced. If it took you that much effort to overlay those two pictures, and NONE of the lines still don't match despite the overlay being in the perfect spot, then you have nothing. It's not a trace, it's just the pose being 'similar' and not even exact. So just stop already instead of trying to convince yourself and the rest of us that you had something.
>>245695 And I don't think it's a one to one trace and even if it was you could pretty easily just use a morph tool to change the shape. SDC could have also added things to better suit liz's design or personal improvement's. Back when I was shit(er) artist I traced a few pieces and I very rarely did it one to one, infact alot of other notable artists who have got caught tracing haven't either. (And before I get shit about admitting to tracing I never made money, I took everything down and my art page was extremely small.) Like I said I believe these are definitely related to each other let it be inspiration or plagiarism, but to what level I don't know so just come to your own opinions but I can say without a doubt these are related and the dragon maid picture is atleast inspiration. SDC is a talented artist but in my opinion this feels a bit plagiarised and crosses the line past inspiration.
>>245698 Fine, you've said it; multiple times, in fact. Now can you shut up already? Go bug SDC on her DA page if you're so adamant about it. Stop trying to get people to agree with you here, because it ain't fucking working.
>>245699 Aslong as people don't entirely dismiss it I'll drop it.
>>245700 "Disagreeing" and "dismissing" are two different things. You've already gotten enough hostile engagement from bringing this up that it's well beyond dismissal. Be done already.
>>245701 Do you think there at some level related?
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>>245707 So your completely writing off the possibility that it could atleast be inspiration.
>>245708 This conversation is too long to be a write-off. Fucking stop already. I'm saying no; everyone's saying no. You're not being ignored. Fucking stop, PLEASE.
>>245709 Exactly. Now let us commence ignoring.
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>>245599 I don't think girls this size can have many different poses. I doubt it's even inspired. It's just an ass shot, the angle is different, it's more side on, it has different parts in view. At this point tracing would be more work then drawing new. I bet you can find a ton more girls from different artists who have similar, poses because this is just what a fat ass looks like. If anything, it means they both understand how whales look.
>>245727 It's the exact same thing. The pose. The angle. The way the boobs stick out. The way the ass looks. The arms are a bit smaller but have the same pose. The only thing that's different is her stomach is bigger and the head, other than that it's the exact same thing.
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Like I get there's not a infinite amount of poses but come on man.
>>245734 Frankly I couldn't care less if the guy traces everything as long as it looks good and I can jack off. Fuck off with your wannabe artist critique. Take your complaints straight over to them directly nobody here cares.
>>245734 this is such a non issue please shut the fuck up. go to the schizo thread if ur gonna keep doubling down on ts
>>245737 >>245738 I see why people spaz out when they have criticisms. The dude a small complaint and wasn't an asshole about it and you two went out your way to be dicks instead of just saying "Yeah" or not going anything and moving on.
>>245734 Kek the buttcrack line gives it away.
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>>245599 >>245698 >>245734 First off, just to sanity check it myself, no amount of me stretching the image makes things line up right. Drag it to the head, drag it to the boob, drag it to the arm, drag it to the left side to line up the back, drag it to the buttcrack. You can get a rough starting line up on 1 feature with some warping, then from there start playing with it further and any amount of what you do you quickly will see it can't work with multiple lines at once. You'd need to separate the top and bottom half at least, if not multiple more iterations of cutting it up, because proportions are so off in the X and Y axis. As in, she's both taller and wider at vastly different proportions in different areas. There is no one warp fix here that makes it work. So performing a trace like this would be a Frankenstein piece by piece deal if one really wanted to do it. Second, as others mentioned, the bigger girls get the less poses there are to use. Sitting at this size, like what, forward, 3/4 front, side, 3/4 back, back. So we have a 3/4 back pose - they absolutely will all look more or less the same when at a same-ish, very large size. Third, think about who you're accusing. Our entire scene has about 5 artists who regularly draw comic pages, maybe 10 tops who ever has historically. Alice is one of those 5 few who operate at a production speed and release schedule of multiple comic pages a week. As others have said, for a talented artist, it takes longer to trace than to draw something fresh. Like, how long would it take to flip through the trace bank and find that perfect pose for the next scene? Just why, if you can draw it yourself anyways? And lastly, Alice's long term standing is another huge reason why the accusation can be shot down before even checking into it. 5 years of drawing and you think they wouldn't have been caught far earlier? Look at your own history and explanation for tracing, you traced earlier on and eventually stopped? So you think an incredibly recent page has a trace in it but the prior 5 years of their work just didn't? Like, Alice just suddenly forgot how to draw and needed to trace BWS all of a sudden? Use your brain. >>245740 Everyone would prob be nicer to them if they weren't so confidently wrong. Tracing is a HUGE accusation to make, you had better be right when you make it. And the snippy follow-ups with nothing more to add but "BUT I'M RIIIIGHT" isn't helping their case either. Or admitting they've traced themselves, so of-course they'd know a tracer when they see one! It's seriously pathetic. >>245750 Nope, buttcrack isn't even close. I resized and contorted the BWS piece to match as closely as possible, traced the SDC buttcrack line with a bright red brush to make it stand out. Layered the BWS transparently and you can see for yourself the brown line in Salt's piece vs. SDC's piece in red. Look at these 2 shots, I move it around to try to match more and somewhere else the line is way off now. It's even wavy, what manipulation can we do to make even this single butt-crack line work out? And then take note of the rest of the SDC girl, it's not just her head different in size. Arm, belly, everything is way out of scale compared to just this buttcrack's lining when matched. Why? Because of the slope the SDC piece has, the girl is leaning forward at the upper body only, not the butt, ever so slightly completely skewing the angle and making the scale of none of the lines matchable. This is all to say, this is 1000% not a trace.
>>245754 And I don't think it's a trace. I think its possible it could be, and certain things could have been losely traced to get the angle right or it could have been traced and then expanded on to better suit liz's shape. But the fact the angle and pose are the exact same and the shape is almost the same makes it feel like it's atleast inspired. Like I said I don't think it's a exact trace, even if it is one I just don't think there's a very likely chance its not inspired with how similar they are. I'm trying to leave the fact it could be traced as a possibility but I doubt its exact, I just think it's a bit to similar and it feels a bit plagiarised because things like the angle and pose weren't changed so it leads to it just looking the same even if it wasn't. But to be honest I'm just repeating myself at this point so I'll drop it, just think about what I'm saying.
>>245764 Okay, then say that. You turned down the post above that had a pretty friggen same pose as "just an ass shot" but it's more or less similar enough to potentially be inspired from the same BWS piece. Straight up, SDC could 100% be inspired, even dropped the BWS pic into their canvas to look at it as they drew what they did. It's a totally different thing, and a thousand times more likely. The gap of difference is the grand canyon; The master who can replicate vs. the novice who is stealing line for line. At that point, it's more of a "WOAH, I have got to have some of that too" that artists absolutely do, do. I want an Akira bike slide in my anime too! Then 0.01% of their work is 1-for-1 inspired from something else and nobody cares because 99% of it is original and their own work. Which will inspire other peoples work down the line too. It's a give and take thing. Every artist has a references folder, full of other peoples work. It goes back to the reputation thing, maybe this instance is closer than one might like if this really was a specific reference from BWS that SDC looked at and then mindlessly replicated. But then we still won't just jump to think its a trace or plagiarism as much as it's more than likely two artists working in similar areas did the same thing. If you come back with like, 5 more examples of "feels really same-y", then there's a real convo to have here about being unoriginal, uninspired, etc. But even then, still very far off from plagiarism, tracing, etc. Glad we could clear that up!
>>245776 Bro is right but where does he find the time and motivation to argue with this guy
can yall stfu with the pointless arguments and just post the newest art
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wish the artist showed the weight gain more as sequences instead of time skips
>>245819 When you do that it just drags on for far long and things like revenge, log myu and that kip comic are all examples of this. >>245776 >You turned down the post above that had a pretty friggen same pose as "just an ass shot" but it's more or less similar enough to potentially be inspired from the same BWS piece. I dismissed it because its more distinct. My main issue is the fact everything apart from the head position, bigger stomach/ larger size in general is the same and that in my personal opinion of what counts as art theft this goes a bit to far and it feels plagiarised and not just inspiration. (I also think there's a !CHANCE! it could be partially traced.) The fact the pose and angle are different in that belt buster pic clears it in my mind. Also am I missing something? none of the images that have been brought up have been drawn by BWS so what are you all on about lol.
>>245819 >>245823 >When you do that it just drags on for far long and things like revenge, log myu and that kip comic are all examples of this. That's what Doughnation Dependency is going to be.
>>245599 Late to the party, but I just wanted to say that that Elma ain't even BWS lmao, It's What-You-Deserved
This is the dumbest conversation I've ever read
>>245869 I know right, a bunch of dumbass's.
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sorry to bring back the subject but THIS IS NOT A BWS piece. the artist is WYD
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>>246856 Well I think its over and I'm excited to see the next weight jump , assuming there is one.
>>246859 I hope it is not so much, I like to see her fat.
>>246860 No we need big jumps, for what was teased at the end of Never Enough Bites. I don't want SDC to drag this out.
>>246867 nah hes gonna make a short story in this short story lmao
I will guess, that her carerakes watching will discover most restaurants are out of food. Then she goes to one in the original comic. Next, she sees waitresses rushing to bring food to this woman. Hopefully, the artist makes her not too big, but more fat in the face and a slob. I don't want scenes with the caretaker feeding her shales for the next three months.
I'm not the best typing on a phone. I don't want liz’s caretaker feeding and giving her shakes for the next 2 months, that would be repetitive and boring. Instead SDC should focus on different foods and how much bigger her appetite is compared to the other girls.
>>246928 Facts
Just have the character gain weight in all different ways. that's what everyone wants
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>>246859 >>246860 of course there is going to be more weight jumps she is clearly meant to end up close to immobile if not then likely close to immobile
>>247095 This comic is great and far better than The Taster. You have an irresistible narcissistic psychopath being a hot as fuck lesbian feeder. She is unstoppable. And then you have Kayla, a closet glutton which lost the moment she failed Sophia's plans. And also slow buildup and Kayla lossing her resolve step by step and emphasis on interpersonal dynamics. Love this shit
>>244010 Im just here for the Alex return
>>247285 >You have an irresistible narcissistic psychopath being a hot as fuck lesbian feeder. She is unstoppable. And then you have Kayla, a closet glutton which lost the moment she failed Sophia's plans. And also slow buildup and Kayla lossing her resolve step by step and emphasis on interpersonal dynamics. Love this shit The girls are part of why Doughnation Dependency sucks. Neither of them are likable, and we're already 5 months in with it still being in the goddamn setup phase. At the pace it's going, it's going to take longer then either Pixiveo or Kip's comics, and I'd like to not be a fossil by the time any semblance of payoff starts to happen. Slow burn comics suck.
>>247285 Yeah but its fucking boring. It'll take to long to be over and it'll be to long to binge, so I personally don't care for it. and the mc is ugly and looks like a packy.
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>>247342 Am I the only who finds this page looking a bit weird?
Too damn slow,I don’t know about anyonelse but I’m tired of waiting months for a comic to progress.
>>247342 We very rarely see these characters nude and the only oc I think we've seen nude thus far is Alex so it's good to see.
>>247342 the chubby chin is slowly starting to form.
I will admit the nudity is welcomed sight and contrast of her nips is on point
>>247335 I can't string enough words together to explain how frustrating and customer-unfriendly slow burn comics are. Not to mention SDC's character templates are (with exceptions of course) insanely generic and forgettable for many months now.
>>247512 >I can't string enough words together to explain how frustrating and customer-unfriendly slow burn comics are. Nigga the pages are free on deveintart. If you want to skip ahead then that's entirely on the patron, and if you aren't content with the service you can always pirate it like everybody else here.
>>247518 How many pages are left?
>>247272 Which page and comic is this from?
I think the story and pace are great!
>>247518 This is her best comic out right now Characters, pacing, and gain are all perfect
>>247518 her shirt honestly ruins this page. SDC needs to do nude stuff more
>>247536 Her name is Katie and artist said she'll draw her more after the comic
Her face compared to the others looks fat! This comic is short sweet and peak
What does Erica mean when she says she has ice cream in her hair? Is she dumb and shes mistaking like the soap with ice cream or what's the joke supposed to be? What is the implication of ice cream being in your hair?
>>247626 She probably fell asleep with sticky fingers touching her hair bro
>>247539 Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that. It would be a huge improvement if we could see those mammoth milkers.
>>247518 hope the next page is her being tube fed
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That ass pic is well done
shit the next couple of pages are just gonna be filler with her just trying on clothes...
She'll probably stop at a food court too
>>247518 Where does her everything begin and her everything else end?
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>>248037 This time I didn't see it coming
>>248037 God damn I wish this comic was more frequent, thanks for posting
>>248037 Damn why the comic with the more interesting plot only gets a page per week???
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>>248366 Time to make our weight estimates. I'd say around 310 lbs.
>>248366 She seems to be pretty ignorant or dumb to not realize she's gotten that fat. This whole comic just feels like some porno with a thinly veiled script as an excuse to set up the action like the sexy pizza delivery guy stumbling upon horny sexy ladies
>>248037 Story > Sexy >>248366 Sexy < Story
>>248415 What you're saying is they should 69 each other. Wonder how much that commission would cost.
>>248618 I think we are getting an extra page Ya'll she's just to perfect!
>>248618 god why is SDC allergic to showing nipples
>>248620 Because bitch is a female and they hate seeing nipples or 100% naked bodies in general
>>248620 You're full of shit. Look here. >>247342
>>248620 Go back to the bws thread you whiney loser.
>>248618 This might be the biggest she's ever drawn. Love it
>>248618 >>248655 You're likely right. Its nice to see that they're getting more comfortable with drawing immobile characters. They're going to have to draw more immobility with how the taster comic is going to end
This bodes well for the other comics. SDC artwork has improved immensely
>>248669 they just need to fix the issue of making comics too long
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>>248891 she doesnt look 252 to me
>>248895 That's what ReiinaPop looked like at 252, so I'd say it's on the mark.
>>248891 We all know she ends up a blob so it's all good she's not planning on stopping anytime soon ya'll and i think she's trying to take her time with her gains unlike Alex who blew up fast in the begin of Jomb
>>248895 She's like 5 ft nothing so the number is a bit deflated.
>>248931 oh ok
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>>249401 why she got like a metalic shine on her belly?
>>249401 hope this leads to another sequence in the car where she eats so muchthat her belly covers the wheel and she gets stuck
>>249401 I keep noticing that shine on her belly. Is SDC too scared to draw proper stretch marks? They look like stretch marks in the shine to me.
>>249425 nah cant be stretch marks, maybe that the belly is oily?
>>249401 While the story may be incredibly basic ("girl eatta big food good") what with the fetish being the sole focus of the plot, the saving grace is that the main character is pretty cute. It's also uncomplicated and cleaner as a result, even if it's just little more than an elaborate stuffing sequence. SDC may not be the greatest storyteller out there but in terms of knowing what she likes, fetish-wise, she at least delivers on that front.
A girl who likes food doesn't order a tray of bacon. Only an addict goes that far. SDC is leading up to her biggest glutton yet
>>249410 It’s because she’s an eating machine. Hehehehe
>>249490 I hope she sticks to this format more tbh, but maybe she should speed up the weight gain or make it more impactful?
>>249410 sweaty probably
>>249425 That's what I was thinking. Looks like stretch marks.
>>249664 looks a bit weird tbh. Generally not a fan of stretch marks cuz artist make it look disquisting
>>249671 Stretch marks in fat artwork almost always look awful yes, and I think a large part of that comes down to it clashing hard with the anime art style that most artists use. But I think the bigger problem with it here in SDC's art is that the highlights aren't even in the right place. They're being used for the purpose of showing stretch marks, not to show the form of the belly, which is kind of the entire point of lighting.
>>249718 yeah some angles make the belly look weird where it looks smaller than it should be
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>>250556 bruh what's up with that belly shine
Your still on that bro
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>>250556 Typo error
>>250559 Some artists like it. It's a stylistic choice. Who cares.
>>250637 aight
>>250575 I thought maybe someone had an answer by now
>>250631 I wish the sequnces would show her gaining more weight than just 1mm of a bigger belly
>>250632 Where lol
>>250665 The middle text bro it say is the instead of is she Sweet made a typo error ad this isn't the first time
>>250670 She's done this before rushing text and the people who keep talking about the shine can take up with the artist don't really give a fuck just want to see this girl turn into a blob !
>>250672 I wanna see her bigger but I feel like its going really slowly. I want to se an actual impact from her eating sessions and not just her belly glowing a bit red
>>250685 alex for example in just 11 pages at the start of the just one more bite comic went from normal to cant get out of bed compared to this comic where its been over 30 pages and still nowhere close to alex
>>250686 I agree that this comic isn't paced the best, but bro, just because one comic has a fast rate of gain doesn't mean every other comic needs to match it exactly.
>>250706 its just the kind of pace I like for comics. I just don't want this to end up as another 200 page comic that's filled with filler half the time. If there's a page of just two characters talking thats an immediate skip for me sry
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>>251027 honestly the only difference I see is a more rounder chin
>>251027 How do you all think she stacks up compared to the other oc? I think she's better than Christina and the maid but I think the others art better.
>>251036 i don't see a double chin anymore, it was apparently in some panels before though.
>>251067 Anywhere* sorry for the mispelling.
>>251039 she's hot, but feel like she's boring. She's just "the nice one" What I want to see is a girl get heavily addicted and just wants to do nothing else but eat food and get fatter. Crawl on the floor just to reach her food, beg for me ect. and not just "oh my goodness I see that my clothes have shrunken in the wash"
>>251131 *beg for more food ect.
>>251139 what?
are there gonna be any more pages of the delinquent girlfriend?
>>251160 Yeah this coming April or this Sunday

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