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MHA: Plus (Sized) Ultra! 05/09/2024 (Thu) 22:57:47 Id:fa8669 No. 201235 [Reply] [Last]
Last one hit a limit Link to Old Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/144157.html
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>>245835 1w3ntt0d13 on DA, should find the rest from there
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>>245837 Thank you!
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Drawing Improvement General BBWChan Edition Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 04:24:01 Id:a05f8f No. 236337 [Reply] [Last]
dig/ Inspired edition Post what you're working on, ask questions, give critique, resources, etc. Do not hesitate to show your work, failure is the best teacher and better to be aware than not. Just do your best to help yourself and fellow artist bring more girls of varying sizes into the world. Welcome: New and seasoned artists looking for advice, critique and support. When giving criticism, please, give actual criticism not just "LOL LOOMIS." If you can't think of anything very constructive try being specific with something you like or hate about a drawing. NOT welcome: Bad faith critique or 'crabs' (bringing others down with you). Resources: Check the wiki on 4chan's /ic/ or search 'dig/' in the trash threads. (More resources and links there) Recommended Video Creators: Tyler Edlin, Proko, Sinix, Scott Robertson, Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint), Aaron Blaise, Vilpu (Anatomy). >Where should I start? Above all else, make sure you have fun drawing, learning the fundamentals are important, but it will not be a fast process to creating girls all kinds of sizes you can get your rocks off to.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Posting my recent stuff. Unless mods say otherwise, since what point is there for an alt draw thread version, spoilered one with pregfat. >>244677 Looks good! What are some things you're looking for in particular? Can't think of much to mention atm. >>244869 Nice, could use a little more contrast, it's a little hard to see when scanned to digital like this. But hard to say from what you see irl. >>245164 Catbox ain't loading for me. But the still pic looks pretty good! Might be fun to play with angles/perspective, could really elevate this scene. >>244890 I think you need to work on lines further. These messy, varied lines can work for a bit, but our brain autofills the line that'd work best. I'm not saying this second, but you should try to limit how many line's your using, it'll show your strengths/errors a lot more clearly. >>245404 Neat pose. Though the light source could be a little more distinct with the highlights. A little hard to tell if it weren't for the shadows showing it'd be on the right.
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hey im back, i just recently made this for the draw thread.
>>245570 >What are some things you're looking for in particular Rendering I think
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>>246091 Really flat my nigga, I would really suggest studying fundamentals before drawing fat girls.

>>245765 I'm horny as fuck to the core everytime I see that phat booty. My dick start singing
>>245768 Fr. Out of curiosity, when do we see her get ploughed in bed
New page pls update
Oh no, not again
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Fine, I guess I'll supply it this time

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Splatoon 4: Stay Fat! 09/24/2024 (Tue) 15:33:43 Id:2938a6 No. 221306 [Reply] [Last]
Last one fell off so here’s a new one
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>>244752 Got a source for this one?
>>244761 Kinkofthel on bluesky
does anyone have that two part of off pearl, marina, callie and marie, but callie is inflated and pearl is less fat? Second part being a prequel of blob callie with a tube above her.
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Metroid thread Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 01:46:54 Id:647d6d No. 160340 [Reply] [Last]
Or rather the Samus thread, because this isn't the furry board
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DavielwFries thread Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 08:52:30 Id:7fe779 No. 226041 [Reply] [Last]
I don't know what happened to the last one that was up so here's a reupload
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>>244602 >DavielwFries thread >Asks for source Are you perchance retarded?
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Ekusupanshon 07/24/2024 (Wed) 01:39:04 Id:f74740 No. 211818 [Reply] [Last]
post ekusupanshon stuff here
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>>241793 Request it on that board yourself you fucking ESL fuck.
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anyone got the new page?
I swear my simping for Leafa makes me just want the Leafa sketch...

New DC thread Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:59:02 Id:5e0ffe No. 176960 [Reply] [Last]
saaaay the line bart last thread bumplocked..
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Piece by Chillguydraws/FrostBiteBoi (Plus Slight Edit)
>>240035 Anyone got the final rest of the pages from his Discord?
>>244018 >>246005 >>246007 This board is for fat women, not these normie posts.
>>246055 >>245042 KKKKKKKK VSFD

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(Yet Another) Vocaloid Thread Anonymous 08/09/2022 (Tue) 16:28:57 Id:e06dec No. 105834 [Reply] [Last]
When was the last time we had a vocaloid thread? I forgor 💀
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shoutout to Adiposesaleswoman for being one of the very VERY few people who drew a fat GUMI
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Oh my...
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I felt inspired by whoever made the gumi edit, and tried to make a haku one by splicing and tracing. It was kinda fun so I kept going.
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Idol Master Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 19:29:19 Id:85e314 No. 145210 [Reply] [Last]
A thread to revel in your love of pochamasu. Question of the day; with Kanako, Ranko, Takane, and Riamu eating up all the fat, who're the few you've personally wanted to see fattened up and what kind of bodytype do you think they'd end up with?
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Time to revive this thread
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Which Idol would most likely cause mass weight gain, within their ranks, with whatever method they need?
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I wonder if in a world where the idol business's pillars is an idols ability to eat and gain weight; would they go through strength training and breathing exercises to help make them able to sing and dance perfectly while gulping down feasts even as their packed guts are being roughly swung back and forth, to get the audience even more invested in the concert even even more pumped from the loud gurgles of their guts churning away at their massive loads and constant sloshing being heard over the idols singing. Will the higher up idols have streaming sessions every other week where people send them food they'll stuff themselves with as the idol does her best to get through whatever hobby of hers that she's streaming while also having to stay aware of the size of her expanding gut and her surroundings, so that she doesn't end up messing anything up.
>>244164 >Which Idol would most likely cause mass weight gain Minako Satake is literally a feeder, so her.
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>>244164 Everyone getting fat off of Oikawa's titty milk.

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Girls und Panzer 12/04/2024 (Wed) 11:43:31 Id:51e619 No. 233365 [Reply]
There hasn’t been a GuP thread for a while, share what you have here!
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anyone got the sauce for the yukari pic?
>>233365 Sauce on the first pic?
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Fairy Tail anonymous 04/14/2022 (Thu) 08:55:05 Id:f8c708 No. 89004 [Reply] [Last]
post images that are related to Fairy Tail
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>>245757 I'd actually really love it if somebody could post every single one of Better-With-Salt's Erza images. I think he's drawn her like half a dozen times, at least, and they're all good. I have one or two, I don't have all of them.
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Erza pinup by Grimphantom
Chubby Brandish by Axel-Rosered
Cropped Edit to just have turnaround

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Fate/Type-Moon Thread 2 Fate/Type-Moon Thread 2 09/26/2022 (Mon) 19:04:57 Id:1cc3f4 No. 114589 [Reply] [Last]
Last one locked up. Save up stuff from there while you can before it's gone.
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>>243722 I doubt that's the case. That picture was a black and white commission that someone from the Coloring Thread added color to, so maybe that's the part that weirds you out.
>>244519 I’m saying that because the Boudicca is the same shape and pose as the Jill valentine they did.
>>244583 IIRC it was someone's sketch reward, so maybe that's just what the requester wanted.
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Johanna’s lovey dovey love handles

Weight Gain General 2 Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:21:23 Id:8f9c93 No. 240226 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread for those characters and series with too few fattenings to justify of a standalone thread.
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>>245712 $205 well spent, I'm sure
>>245901 yes, I've already thought about this kind of stuff, I want to do different situations so I don't always do the same shit.
>>245938 I agree, especially in the beginning it's the best way not to make yourself known, so I'll stick with well-known characters at first.
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>>242561 Midnitemorty. https://x.com/MidniteMorty

Size Difference Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:13:33 Id:a68fd8 No. 206261 [Reply] [Last]
Big, massive girls, with thin significant other making her look so much fatter by contrast. 'Cause that makes it so fucking hot
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>>242169 It's HONI-SAN on https://twitter.com/lowproteinhighf
>>242351 Where can I find more of the second and third one, those are very nice
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