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Goth Girls Thread Anonymous 07/22/2023 (Sat) 04:43:03 Id:e831cb No. 161537
Post Beeg Goths.
(154.34 KB 1200x1200 FY4DYu8XkAM30-u.jpg)
(528.05 KB 1000x1532 E00IKyaXEAQkezv.jpg)
(115.57 KB 1000x1200 FthtdGKWYAE-EG5.jpg)
(56.93 KB 680x601 FzazrvraMAAYbFT.jpg)
(64.70 KB 768x1024 FTseBI3UUAAXhFJ (1).jpg)
I seem to recall most goth girls being wideloads back in highschool, the ones that weren't were too damn lanky.
>>163356 Not sure why but the big titty goth gf thing was quite false back then. Like you said, most were either bone skinny or chubby/fat w/ bottom heavy dumptrucks with wide loads, not titty. Seems they either starved or indulge in darkness and food; no in-between. Guess Elvira lied with the two big pumpkins but I've only ever seen one goth with big funbags.
>>163651 Speaking of Elvira the dark mistress, did she get her own fair share of fat arts?
(235.36 KB 1855x2085 F24eNoYXkAAIYA9.jpg)
(516.29 KB 2133x2143 F24eOZUWsAEv0sv.jpg)
(148.35 KB 1945x1762 Enr78ICWEAYcDag.png)
(496.35 KB 3000x3500 E660NIJWQAA-Hu2.jpg)
>>161537 >>163751 Omega based
(2.13 MB 3650x4550 charrll.png)
>>163539 Why is the femboy still up? Supposed to be a female only board.
>>163751 >>163761 >>163795 Not how this board works. Femboys go to either the /ee/ or /bhm/ boards, they don't belong here.
(432.10 KB 1200x1645 triana.jpg)
(1.80 MB 3000x3000 1679260551989[1].png)
>>164201 Surprised anyone remembers the Venture Bros.
Does anyone have the pair of drawings of the fat mall goth in front of a hot topic? I remember she had bright green hair and was fatter in one of them.
i can't believe all you snowflakes were so triggered by a cock you couldn't even see. enjoy your safespace i guess.
>>164276 You're still a desperate faggot if you're into fuckboys, this isn't reddit where you can sperg out all what you want.
>>164242 >First image Posting the other parts of the Carol weight gain drive.
(4.96 MB 6991x4921 Carol Drive (Part 6) (Clean).png)
One more Carol for good measure.
(304.09 KB 620x974 Marc.png)
(2.81 MB 3508x2480 morticia1.png)
>>164160 Who drew the second image?
>>164160 Artist for the 4th image?
(312.27 KB 1600x2000 FpHYrgpWcAAp32T.jfif)
(46.98 KB 800x572 E2C_-hwUUAAVmKR.jpg)
(528.60 KB 4096x3631 E11wTH5WUAEZx5A.jpg)
>>165548 What's the name of the artist of the 4th image?
(3.59 MB 2396x4696 1645206234138.png)
she clearly overenjoyed herself, and now she's gotta size up at Hot Topic.
(1.06 MB 3300x3300 Strong drinks weak tables.jpg)
(417.13 KB 1983x2922 year round.jpg)
(1.05 MB 1884x2011 Try it.jpg)
(1.71 MB 3239x3408 Girl at the rock show .jpg)
This thread deserves more love.
(395.59 KB 2578x2677 media_FUCryt8UYAAlaFm.jpg)
(110.74 KB 1071x1006 FYohR7SWAAA6oFt.png)
(132.83 KB 1071x1006 FYohSZkXgAMjTU9.png)
>>167828 Bela Lugosi's dead
>>167831 She wears a dress like a body bag everyday
>>167832 can't forget woot's oc
>>167831 Sauce on that 5th one?
>>167831 Sauce on that 5th one?
>>167862 That looks like LordAltros' work to me
(223.11 KB 1463x2048 050_E4mw-pCXMAoxI11.jpg)
(350.53 KB 1260x2048 109_EwokVNNWYAE9yvI.jpg)
>>167862 All I know is that the OC belonged to a dude who went by "miistko" on twitter. I don't know if he drew it though.
>>167833 Isn't that the girl from that goth girl simulator game on steam? Why tf did they use a fetish artist's OC in a game?
>>167940 Because one of the three people who made that game goes by "Woot" online, and he is the fetish artist who that OC belongs to. He literally drew new stuff for this game. This was partially his project. THE CALL WAS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.
>>167997 Based dev. Shocked there isn't more fetish game a on steam bar that.
(184.93 KB 2048x1639 FwHpWQPWcAAPETN.jfif)
(276.14 KB 2130x2039 F44buqKaMAEEoY9.jfif)
(576.29 KB 2048x2048 FbxY8ByaAAAQBhG.jfif)
(89.65 KB 800x1379 F51BMBPWgAAlHDf.jfif)
(164.91 KB 361x759 F1C-t5mXwAEYob8.png)
(702.91 KB 3129x3500 F5n5uqfWcAA6HuL.jfif)
(701.52 KB 3129x3500 F5n5ureWMAExN7B.jfif)
(298.83 KB 1722x1977 How deep.jpg)
Anyone have Fall from Goth by weightcomicguy?
(31.12 KB 554x554 doomfat.png)
(634.54 KB 2743x4057 FqaEeYmWYAMXGzC.jpg)
reviving this thread with one of my all time favourite pics
(193.51 KB 1288x2048 20230930_104001.jpg)
bump for more barcode wrist fatties
>>167906 Is there anymore art of the girl in the fishnets ? She's hot!
(633.30 KB 4096x2627 GAT5HsIW8AAr6Ve.jpg)
(1.03 MB 4096x4079 GBVthVvWIAASdDX.jpg)
(31.12 KB 554x554 doomfat.png)
(130.20 KB 1280x1294 2gfjrj.jpg)
>>175057 nothing is more unattractive than fucking lisp talking why do so many creators do this shit? its fuckin horrid
(287.49 KB 1280x1728 url(1).jpg)
>>161537 Scary girl my beloved goth.
(492.31 KB 2048x2048 IMG_0545.jpeg)
(633.82 KB 2048x2048 IMG_0547.jpeg)
(630.74 KB 2048x2048 IMG_0546.jpeg)
Needs more goth face sitting... Wanna sniff fat goth but nigga!
>>183010 I lol’d at /nightwaddle/.
>>183421 Fucking real.
(281.17 KB 662x719 F40MnIwbkAAPObU.png)
>>165509 The artist is Dullvivid
>>167943 foamy the squirrel mentioned
(1.02 MB 3300x2400 GOIQ5aaXcAAal9X.jpg)
(816.44 KB 2500x2500 wide_yuria_by_yegloman_dce5hrm.png)
(2.02 MB 3052x4096 20240612_172220.jpg)
(114.21 KB 1370x1174 GIflfC9aIAAJT7z.jfif)
(400.24 KB 2000x2000 GQGbIjRaQAETTmw.jfif)
>>161537 I don't have anything to contribute right this second, but absolute peak thread here, how have we not had a goth thread before?
>>212379 You say that like this hasn't been here for a year
>>212379 Its been here forever its just mostly a dead thread
(6.95 MB 3224x2324 Vie_Booty.png)
>>175057 People need to get the memo that wears black =|= goth. This girl and her fucking stupid lisp don't qualify
(177.14 KB 566x711 Captura de pantalla (729).png)
(958.74 KB 2048x2048 IMG_7440.jpeg)
(961.70 KB 2048x2048 IMG_6801.jpeg)
>>206760 Source?
(314.60 KB 1766x2048 GU_TQ-aXEAMuWNe.jpg)
(2.73 MB 3822x3948 13 sin título2.png)
(2.83 MB 3191x4000 13 sin título7.png)
(3.13 MB 4000x3435 13 sin título4.png)
(2.92 MB 3820x3859 13 sin título5.png)
(2.90 MB 4000x3665 13 sin título6.png)
(1.25 MB 3563x3541 IMG_9604.jpeg)
(347.35 KB 2303x3044 IMG_9712.jpeg)
>>175057 I have been trying to remember the name of this artist/character for *months* please help.
>>222909 Her name is Lara, she's an oc from an artist named DullVivid
(495.47 KB 2700x3000 IMG_9761.jpeg)
>>223412 Sources for this?
>>223413 @NuumaticDA on twitter
>>167831 Need a source for the last drawing, and >>167832 The 4th one here Looks like the same artist but reverse image search didn't help.
(440.10 KB 757x650 IMG_20240914_090218.png)
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(549.52 KB 2000x2500 20240903_190711.jpg)
>>223461 Think its HellOnEarthIII, though he doesnt really do bbw stuff like at all, its a shame really
>>223462 Source on 2nd to 4th?
>>223803 Freshman Diaries by KageyRagey It's on e-hentai
(104.69 KB 1123x712 IMG_8239.jpeg)
>>226537 They look pretty stuffed from all that eating. Hope they don't get sick.
(206.36 KB 680x1080 Gwen's Goth Gut.png)
(311.25 KB 2048x1904 IMG_0314.png)
(1.30 MB 4081x3508 IMG_0313.png)
(1.05 MB 2885x4096 IMG_0315.jpeg)
some goths since its halloween!
(196.74 KB 1657x2048 IMG_4270.jpeg)
(872.66 KB 2048x2048 IMG_4137.jpeg)
(718.60 KB 2048x2048 IMG_4138.jpeg)
(548.21 KB 2048x2048 IMG_4139.jpeg)
>>233095 You're a bitch.
(54.97 KB 852x938 JPEG image.jpeg)
Found this on 4chan and holy moly I’m in love
>>236938 >does not fear death (as evident by her choices) That’s such a good line lmao
(2.98 MB 3508x2480 lucillencassalt.png)
>>236575 lewd alt……
(226.92 KB 1687x2000 IMG_1852.jpeg)
>>236575 Who's the artist?
(189.43 KB 1240x1754 FTl8i74XsAABlyg.jpg)
(447.50 KB 2592x2568 FVMGTCZXEAEfERA.jpg)
(566.23 KB 2230x2580 FXsUeWRaQAASS7n.jpg)
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(293.25 KB 1280x1812 IMG_5424.jpeg)
Ive only seen like 3 posts with goths and like 2 with semi goths, do images not exist or do most of yall not know what a goth is??? Thank you to those that posted real goths
>>244316 people are alergic to using the word "alt" and just use goth as a catch-all i suppose
does shinobu count?
