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Final Fantasy/Square Enix thread Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 08:17:45 Id:3bd8a9 No. 232489
How about we keep it up this time eh?
(364.97 KB 778x1500 alisaie_sketch1.png)
(254.40 KB 1861x1203 IMG_2660.jpeg)
(114.38 KB 925x1234 IMG_2661.jpeg)
(106.37 KB 1224x1476 IMG_2662.jpeg)
(185.03 KB 1375x1286 IMG_2663.jpeg)
(586.82 KB 1044x1155 IMG_2659.png)
(82.80 KB 739x1086 GKO2U8PbkAAhaSt.jpg)
someone has this in better quality?
(1.08 MB 1600x1086 devantcommish.png)
(1.08 MB 1200x1680 Obese Aeris.jpg)
(126.27 KB 1647x1051 Tifa Big Body Hottest Moment.jpg)
Requesting y'all's best FF6 content.
(459.84 KB 1067x1200 68456808_p0_master1200.jpg)
(442.50 KB 1200x638 103293342_p0_master1200.jpg)
(479.77 KB 943x1200 117164725_p0_master1200.jpg)
>>237594 A game who's girls I wish got more content. And it might be my 2d bias, but FF6 still has a better story than FF7, even after FF7 got tons of rewrites
(140.55 KB 800x616 terra_by_newstuff4u-dd3j2mi.png)
(894.64 KB 1500x1230 140993292688.jpg)
(1004.09 KB 1500x1113 140993294348.jpg)
(28.90 KB 600x350 129142907949.png)
(379.57 KB 1024x768 12781735698.jpg)
(81.92 KB 657x529 X_Zone_Miscast_Redux.jpg)
>>237604 >>237605 >>237606 >>237607 >>237608 These are awesome, thank you so much!
(184.37 KB 1163x865 Terra_Celes.jpg)
(235.00 KB 1163x865 131890312434.jpg)
(362.01 KB 807x1155 Terra_by_GAIN_OVER.jpg)
>>237934 I remember this one. It's old enough that "animeexpansion" would have still been "Anime Fat Acceptance and Weight Gain" or AFAWG. (Yes. That was the site's original name. If you can believe it there was a time when it was even more weaponized cringe than its final form.) It's definitely pre-2007, because they are calling the spell "X-Zone", which was the original localized name from the 1994 Ted Woolsly translation. The 2007 GBA port had a more accurate translation where that spell was named "Banish." yes im fun at parties
>>237958 You're close, it was originally called "Pokemon and Anime Weight Gain" This was before PAWG became a word in the urban dictionary. Although, I think I remember seeing this on a yahoo group page back in the olden days first. Back in the pioneer days of the internets
(741.98 KB 1096x1200 41485713_p1.jpg)
(87.05 KB 800x580 126096566349.jpg)
>>237961 Oh shit that's right lmfao. I completely forgot about that <_< On topic: I need to find those Paetreon drawings Gain Over did of Celes. I know I have it somewhere on my backup HDD
Nice to know I'm not the only oldhead still around.
(3.13 MB 1968x3008 TerraBranford.png)
(897.54 KB 1481x2095 CelesColorSketch.png)
>>237976 Big same. Also, I found it as well as the high res version of the Terra he did.
>>237979 Who made this
Since you guys are talking about it, how do you guys see each of the FFVIgirls filling out as they fatten up? >>237961 >before PAWG became a word in the urban dictionary Most of the internet today wasn't even around back when the site was just a gallery.
>>237958 >It's definitely pre-2007, because they are calling the spell "X-Zone", which was the original localized name from the 1994 Ted Woolsly translation. The 2007 GBA port had a more accurate translation where that spell was named "Banish." It's possible that they never played the GBA version or just went with the name they remembered because it was more comfortable for them. >>237970 >I need to find those Paetreon drawings Gain Over did of Celes. I know I have it somewhere on my backup HDD I think they're lost otherwise so it'd be much appreciated! >>238041 Celes gives me definite hourglass vibes. I like to think of Terra as more of a pear but that might be personal bias.
>>238041 >FFVIgirls filling out as they fatten up? Terra would be more belly focused, at low weights she'd look like she's pregnant before it starts to get too flabby. Celes would be an hourglass, to further her discourse that she's not some Opera house Floozie. Relm would just get a massive fat ass, one so large not even her poofy pants could hide it.
>>238080 >I think they're lost otherwise so it'd be much appreciated! I posted them already. See: >>237995
>>238412 The belly shape on that first one is amazing, sauce?
(109.81 KB 1000x1273 GKWYnP1XAAAUwgg (rowdyruff69).jpg)
>>238412 >>238464 VallaVV is the artist.
(4.19 MB 4273x3238 67563567.png)
>>232862 >>243643 It’s right here.
>>242497 Where did this one get posted at?
So, is there any Fat Art of Ryne or Gaia out there and if so, why haven't I found it yet?
>>244518 There's a line about Ryne being around the twins' ages (about 17), and since XIV refuses to let characters grow up that sets her in underage territory for the average person. None of this is outright stated and the usual guesswork but. That's the reason why, probably
>>244530 Just below the United States. Just above Japan's. God damn it Square Enix.
>>244530 First of all, who gives a shit, and second of all, when has the characters being underage (in this case barely) ever stopped the fetish artists from drawing them?
(1.53 MB 5439x1781 dRirLNAg.png)
>>244518 Hot off the presses.
(6.79 MB 5000x4674 2.png)
>>244539 did kafei draw this? if theres any alts please post them.
(1.56 MB 5439x1781 k1swEvYw.png)
(2.25 MB 5439x1781 23vuPhnA.png)
(2.22 MB 5439x1781 wQyqSl0Q.png)
(317.99 KB 2048x671 yuLRpQ1m.jpg)
>>244577 sorry to bug but have you got that last one in higher quality?
(772.82 KB 3718x2290 GIsANCEW0AAsz0S (2).jpg)
(171.46 KB 828x1280 1519523330.milkybody_2b_pear.jpg)
(1.14 MB 4096x2731 Fdx_bC_X0AAhwqN (1).jpg)
(1.21 MB 4096x2731 Fdx_b8-XgAEc6He.jpg)
