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Honkai Impact 3rd thread 01/27/2023 (Fri) 23:57:58 Id:d93e12 No. 137953
Thread for fat HI3 girls
(2.82 MB 1164x1620 10-BronyaMirrorFrontBlush.png)
(2.71 MB 1114x1642 10-BronyaMirrorBackBlush.png)
(2.59 MB 1122x1642 05-SeeleBurp.png)
(2.72 MB 1122x1642 05-SeeleClaws.png)
(2.69 MB 1122x1642 05-SeeleBurp (1).png)
(342.66 KB 1602x1056 E4xdN4NXMAA0CHd.jpg)
(635.94 KB 697x1168 Fat seele.png)
(877.34 KB 1102x1391 202212281041.png)
(1.21 MB 1538x1574 제레 03.png)
(1.49 MB 1538x1574 제레 04.png)
(1.50 MB 1538x1574 제레 05.png)
(782.57 KB 1142x1644 제레 06.png)
(864.10 KB 1142x1644 제레 07.png)
(856.25 KB 1142x1644 제레 08.png)
(2.06 MB 3200x1440 Kiana White Comet Blob.png)
VILL-V of seele Is there another fat side to me?
(226.72 KB 2048x1921 FYP4_eDVsAERx8K.jpeg)
(247.92 KB 2048x1921 FYP4srgUsAApFL_.jpeg)
>>139614 Who’s the artist
>>140577 The answer is late, but. It's a file on the phone, but the author doesn't know who it is It's just that I like the fat side of the fat side.
>>142038 What the hell are you talking about? Just speak with proper English
>>137982 source?
>>144139 Orristerioso
(1.57 MB 2048x1590 IMG_0503.jpg)
>>149958 Source?
Honestly wanting more Aponia fat art eventually, hope some comes out.
(618.83 KB 2812x4008 FuJoy0-XsAArgR-.jpg)
Should we include star rail characters here? Or should a different thread be made for them?
>>151309 Yeah, I don’t see why another thread would be necessary considering how little Honkai fat art exists
(9.56 MB 3300x5100 seelebronya.jpg)
(226.76 KB 2000x2000 20230607_220942.jpg)
(5.20 MB 5500x4000 Aponia.png)
(363.11 KB 1707x2048 20230612_151942.jpg)
(287.56 KB 1707x2048 20230612_151948.jpg)
(307.33 KB 1707x2048 20230612_151944.jpg)
(254.98 KB 1707x2048 20230612_151946.jpg)
>>156466 Who is the artists
>>157477 Biggerthanwhales
(2.30 MB 3700x3500 Stelle.png)
(2.66 MB 3942x1711 Untitled185_20230712102815.png)
>>160403 artist?
>>160437 Securitymem
(3.99 MB 1680x2240 kafka_by_educabezon_dg2rhrh.png)
>>160801 higher quality
(80.47 KB 902x1032 20230727_220257.jpg)
(93.66 KB 916x872 IMG_4194.jpeg)
(313.54 KB 3500x4000 20230804_113848.jpg)
>>163221 This is really good! Who's the artist?
>>163280 sweetdreamcoffee
(46.57 KB 550x680 F3aVbOTaoAA8f4j.webp)
we need more star rail fats
(845.16 KB 3600x2700 S-SW.png)
(293.45 KB 1622x2048 F4fOjI3bQAA45l_.jpg)
(5.91 MB 6000x8000 dib477.png)
(81.48 KB 827x1082 IMG_5275.jpeg)
(78.98 KB 1077x742 IMG_5276.jpeg)
(1.16 MB 827x1140 IMG_5274.png)
(3.19 MB 6000x8000 dib536.jpg)
(5.32 MB 3200x2400 final_1.png)
(197.66 KB 2200x1650 F7Npy-oWcAALg0g.jpg)
This one is just masterful
(103.24 KB 1200x1011 F7mqf-7aQAA_UKO.jpeg)
Does anyone have any Kafka stuff? I’ve found a couple here and there but nothing that absolutely went crazy over
(1.01 MB 1937x2382 silver_wolf_bloated.jpg)
(150.68 KB 1280x1494 silver_wolf_fatter.jpg)
Anybody got anymore fat silver wolf pics ?
(190.00 KB 2048x1707 20231021_160644.jpg)
(181.83 KB 2048x1707 20231021_160646.jpg)
(202.06 KB 2048x1707 20231021_160648.jpg)
(193.41 KB 2048x1707 20231021_160650.jpg)
>>173757 Possibly better art than this utter crap
(469.85 KB 3000x3000 F85g-ySXYAEkA4Z.jpg)
>>174312 dayum, source? BTW returns nothing
>>174350 biggerthanwhales
(218.56 KB 2048x1603 StarR- Topaz mishaps.jpg)
>>175119 Damn, this looks nice!! know where this guy post his arts?
>>175131 https://www.deviantart.com/ekusupanshon
(7.10 MB 6491x4402 tingyun.jpg)
>>174321 Any source available for this?
Any jingliu fats?
>>176105 Sir, this is a Honkai thread
(748.17 KB 1765x2475 IMG_7176.jpeg)
(490.05 KB 1957x2048 IMG_6845.jpeg)
(1.48 MB 4304x4500 IMG_6314.jpeg)
(1.19 MB 3000x4000 IMG_7208.jpeg)
(3.65 MB 3000x4000 IMG_7209.jpeg)
(170.22 KB 2048x1536 20231121_151248.jpg)
(3.82 MB 3600x2700 IMG_6934.png)
(2.99 MB 3600x2700 IMG_6935.png)
Being in Debt is so worth it to get punished by Topaz
(4.50 MB 3500x4960 IMG_7712.png)
>>171519 Is this inflation or fat I can’t tell tbh.
>>180434 Inflation
(159.24 KB 827x1137 IMG_7821.jpeg)
The queen is getting drawn ! Finally !
(1.83 MB 2400x3750 M5 - Himeko.png)
(405.37 KB 3493x2497 GC-urhQaYAAgJJI.jpg)
(1.78 MB 2190x2318 20240113_190638.jpg)
(3.09 MB 3286x2318 20240113_190628.jpg)
(8.96 MB 2987x3422 edendrunk1.png)
(9.07 MB 2987x3422 edendrunk2a.png)
(8.94 MB 2987x3422 edendrunk3.png)
(94.59 KB 827x1064 IMG_8783.jpeg)
(150.26 KB 827x1200 IMG_8786.jpeg)
(190.15 KB 1084x1228 IMG_2913.jpeg)
(387.38 KB 1581x1952 IMG_2914.jpeg)
(203.59 KB 1536x2048 20240305_160001.jpg)
>>192017 This is really nice! Would you happen to know the source?
(197.87 KB 1741x2048 20240309_003633.jpg)
(201.56 KB 2048x1725 20240309_003726.jpg)
(323.89 KB 1934x2048 20240309_003735.jpg)
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(365.93 KB 3373x4096 20240309_000723.jpg)
(537.23 KB 3646x3850 20240308_235648.jpg)
(619.38 KB 3646x3850 20240308_235651.jpg)
(573.39 KB 3046x3850 20240308_235657.jpg)
(800.99 KB 3698x3850 20240308_235702.jpg)
(250.44 KB 4096x2886 20240308_235709.jpg)
(362.62 KB 720x964 Screenshot_20240309_005410.jpg)
>>192017 https://x.com/7sUFYFhySFsdKN0?t=83Zi61GhjpjZ_7Ssyq53FA&s=09
>>192462 artist please
>>192464 artist please
>>192464 artist please
So any non Star Rail fat art?
>>192484 "im going to type artist pls 3 times and spam it instead of using reverse image search" 🤓
>>192482 ok the artist Elysia and Kafka one is: SuperDeadAly is in twitter (the kafka sketch i found it on Kemono party the artist goes by the name "Shedrawsome"). The Stelle, Asta and Herta one i drawed by SliriX in twitter, but she has other account that goes by Rislosh. And the Topaz one is drawed by: BiggerThanWhale also in twitter And just in case the Ksfka in Bunny suit is drawed by: ButtyButter in twitter and deviantart (also registed in kemono party). I hope i helped you. Have a good night random internet person
(227.06 KB 2048x1713 20240309_223806.jpg)
(81.06 KB 750x717 IMG_7242.jpeg)
Source is PurringPastry on Deviantart
>>192541 thank you You are a good man.
>>192544 Artist? (I know there’s a watermark name but I can’t tell who it is…)
>>193468 Is BiggeThanWhale. You can find it in twitter and deviantart
(147.15 KB 1280x1460 IMG_1724.jpeg)
(1.83 MB 2400x3750 M5 - Himeko.png)
(2.12 MB 3660x3590 StarR- herta's body plotting.png)
(9.72 MB 7200x8301 mar24 single natasha.jpg)
(6.61 MB 2824x3396 IMG_9999.png)
(1.99 MB 1582x3262 IMG_0008.png)
(3.36 MB 3320x3660 IMG_0004.png)
>>195467 Who’s the artist for the Natasha here? Looks good 👍
>>195473 Soft service
(224.40 KB 1707x2048 20240331_112148.jpg)
(363.11 KB 1707x2048 20240331_112203.jpg)
(181.83 KB 2048x1707 20240331_112300.jpg)
>>195479 Thx you! I appreciate it.
(3.89 MB 3402x4000 Kafka .png)
(1.22 MB 2092x1854 Kafka 2 - part 1.png)
(1.50 MB 1836x1854 Kafka 2 - part 2.png)
(2.58 MB 2712x2000 Kafka 2 - part 3 1.png)
(3.94 MB 4932x2000 Kafka 2 - part 4 2.png)
(18.24 KB 606x409 1712645392372.jpeg)
Amusingly enough, I found this on Hoyolab.
(304.39 KB 1656x2048 IMG_5867.jpeg)
(255.67 KB 1536x2048 IMG_5868.jpeg)
>>197870 Love the sparkle art! Any chance to know who made this??
(237.77 KB 1536x2048 IMG_5919.jpeg)
>>197885 The Sparkle arts were done by the same person who made the Firefly art a little bit back which I’ve linked their profile here https://x.com/7sufyfhysfsdkn0?s=21&t=f0R5NTqtEWmfrQRsK9eygA Also here a new Sparkle from them which they just posted.
>>197888 Cool! I appreciate the help, I’m loving their sparkle arts, it is cute
(802.70 KB 1334x1894 sparkle.jpeg)
(368.65 KB 2560x4096 IMG_0364.jpeg)
(391.81 KB 4000x3500 20240501_164855.jpg)
>>199984 Artist?
(1.09 MB 1200x1440 03_Silver_fix.jpg)
(348.09 KB 1924x2282 GMiGHf4aEAAyxXL.jpg)
>>200117 Source?
(191.33 KB 2048x931 IMG_8190.jpeg)
>>201209 Mei-senpaiii~
(1.59 MB 3440x3382 IMG_6008.jpeg)
(961.50 KB 1650x2550 IMG_6613.png)
(124.31 KB 2648x3000 IMG_0623.png)
>>200363 Roundersofter, you can find them on Deviantart but the art piece of silver wolf is behind their pateron
(256.11 KB 1761x1072 IMG_8264.jpeg)
Who have this one?
(694.81 KB 1920x1440 firefly.jpeg)
(74.56 KB 2048x1216 IMG_4515.png)
>>202006 who's the author
(45.54 KB 1202x1432 IMG_0634.png)
(90.02 KB 1394x1593 IMG_0635.png)
(57.99 KB 2139x1559 IMG_0636.png)
(642.74 KB 2673x1808 IMG_0637.jpeg)
>>202125 Expo-A2om-Mass
(600.16 KB 1920x1440 IMG_6951.jpeg)
(4.99 MB 3526x4093 U1ymBtnDH9blmkV7PL4pnxuY.jpeg)
>>202984 Artist?
(1.62 MB 3600x2600 IMG_7417.png)
Robin my beloved
(5.04 MB 3517x4093 hQXhDZrAFmyeJsPkHkAulfh1.jpeg)
(946.42 KB 1200x1440 15_Kafka.jpg)
>>204052 This looks really good! You know who made it??
>>204147 made by Roundersofter
(434.10 KB 4096x1861 GM63V3DW0AEb6FD.jpg)
Haven't seen any fat art of her yet
(1.85 MB 2043x2464 IMG_3049.png)
(2.30 MB 2043x2464 IMG_3051.png)
(2.21 MB 2043x2464 IMG_3052.png)
(2.53 MB 2043x2464 IMG_3053.png)
Thank god for orris
>>202006 >>202125 Artist is Exponentialmass on twitter Patreon is Expo-A2om-Mass Kemono hasn't been updated in a long time
(3.83 MB 3200x2400 final_nude_1.png)
(162.88 KB 1175x1201 IMG_7793.jpeg)
(2.61 MB 2120x2068 IMG_1026.png)
(981.86 KB 1924x1539 IMG_2696.jpeg)
(1.08 MB 1490x1844 IMG_3004.jpeg)
(196.92 KB 2048x1189 20240610_225634.jpg)
(282.45 KB 2048x1609 20240610_225627.jpg)
(254.31 KB 1739x2048 20240610_225845.jpg)
(201.19 KB 1739x2048 20240610_225849.jpg)
(306.91 KB 1808x2326 GPzouHhWkAEKKkW.jpg)
>>205969 Who made the fu xhan and qingque drawings?
(275.92 KB 1738x2200 20240611_172905.jpg)
>>206010 Those draws were made by Itaohs, but there on twitter an there is called Taquitoroyale.
>>205999 A pretty soft kiss and also who is the artist.
>>205999 Peak drawing ❤️
(137.07 KB 1115x717 IMG_1176.jpeg)
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(1.77 MB 2600x2000 IMG_1332.png)
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(689.14 KB 1600x1200 IMG_1338.png)
>>206997 Sauce?
>>206996 Hyper stuffing goes to >>>/bbwalt/
>>206998 ExponentialMass
(645.78 KB 2508x3434 GQiGS-KakAQ8gp0.png)
(279.96 KB 1628x1705 IMG_1379.jpeg)
>>207337 >>207151 Who are the artist of these two, can you give a name pls
(245.11 KB 1536x2048 IMG_8574.jpeg)
(584.31 KB 2480x3507 20240625_225330.jpg)
First is @b45ui ,second is @7sUFYFhySFsdKN0 , both on twitter
>>207351 Forgot to reply to comment
(628.77 KB 2800x1800 Black Swan.png)
(422.23 KB 2800x1800 Robin.png)
(726.71 KB 2800x1800 March 7th.png)
(753.35 KB 2800x1800 Kiana Kaslana.png)
(340.51 KB 1884x1884 GRFIHT-XsAAYgpc.jpg)
(912.23 KB 1544x1962 GRF5P5mbYAAmeC_.jpg)
(3.69 MB 3000x1810 x05-SeeleAll.png)
(3.53 MB 1782x2924 x24-bronyabn.png)
(594.62 KB 791x1184 x24-bronyabnex.png)
(1.58 MB 1570x1383 x24-bronyabnmirroralt.png)
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(329.27 KB 2048x1818 IMG_8759.jpeg)
(381.95 KB 1901x1941 IMG_8760.png)
I bunch of march 7th I found.. enjoy
(1.08 MB 2426x2039 IMG_9502.png)
(1.88 MB 2508x3541 IMG_9503.png)
(1.76 MB 2508x3434 IMG_9504.png)
(2.65 MB 2508x3541 IMG_9501.png)
(479.98 KB 453x569 IMG_4063.png)
imo this might be one of my favorite Axel pics
(726.25 KB 4096x2608 GRgW1hQWEAIC5q3.jfif)
bend bender gives the occasional gold nugget
(1.85 MB 4550x3510 M13 - Firefly.png)
(1.06 MB 1874x1495 IMG_3242.jpeg)
(139.85 KB 1175x1201 20240807_111105.jpg)
(326.61 KB 780x802 IMG_4224.png)
(231.79 KB 841x806 IMG_4223.png)
(113.84 KB 1244x842 IMG_4222.jpeg)
(264.77 KB 781x711 IMG_4215.png)
(122.84 KB 1536x2048 1723465213620.jpg)
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(299.15 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8607.jpeg)
(331.64 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8609.jpeg)
(322.28 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8608.jpeg)
Hope BiggerThanWhale will draw seele weight gain 4th part soon
(285.03 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8606.jpeg)
(299.15 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8607.jpeg)
(322.28 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8608.jpeg)
(331.64 KB 2048x1716 IMG_8609.jpeg)
Hope BiggerThanWhale will draw seele weight gain 4th part soon
>>216195 I just notice that i post for 2nd time (The server was disconnect me) Sorry for that
Done by OokamiBluesAgain
>>217762 I would like the link to the artist please. Also here is a HI3 fic i found: https://www.deviantart.com/mothlotep/art/A-Very-Heavy-Impact-974046904
(5.92 MB 3072x3072 5comision.png)
The artist name is: PandoraCoffe
(852.00 KB 2793x3000 IMG_2988.jpeg)
>>217918 I love Firefly, but when the fuck is this normie gonna draw something more than one same size
