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Guess I'll start the thread off with a little something
>>230109 The other thread for this artist is still here. >>227897
>>230162 The other thread hit post limit. The little red X next to the thread tells you that if you hover over it. * The more you know *
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Hot off the press, emphasis on the hot
>>231525 I've been having a complete shitter of a day so it's nice to come home to a new page. Thank you.
They have the last page of Expanding Evocations
Subreddit for SuperSnackSized https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperSnackSized/
>>231689 I'm hoping so hard that they release the alternate ending. This one is so underwhelming and contradicts the direction the entire rest of the comic went.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I managed to buy the patreon for this thread for a month, so you just have to say new page and I will upload it.
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>>232027 Just make sure to update the kemono whenever they post, thanks
>>232027 Thank you for your sacrifice. Some day we will repay you.
Hey, does anyone know if there's a new color page?
Hey, tomorrow the creator will upload the page, right? So I can be ready tomorrow because I'm going to be a little busy.
>>232068 I thought that kemono is dead?
>>232480 It's been back up for a couple weeks now at least.
Page 254 is out
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Boom as I promised you
BTW, Kemono hasn't been fixed yet. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/38213090
>>232547 Been stuck on feeding Cass forever, can we get back to it just being Lexi getting fed?
Well, most likely she is still there.
>>232561 At the very least it looks like this is the last page of Cass's stuffing.
>>232670 Highly doubt that, seems like the point of the story now is to make her as fat as lex.
>>231708 What's the alternate ending??
Pay attention to pages 109 to 120, maybe it will give us a clue of what is coming next.
>>232721 The other voting option, which was making her immobile
>>232547 Thank you king
>>232723 Where you at king it’s Friday
Nothing has come out yet, maybe tomorrow the new page will come out
>>233849 Opps my bad hold on right here.
New pague is out King
(1.55 MB 2480x3508 Revenge Page 255 - 1.png)
Fantastic! Would someone be able to get in and update the Kemono for this artist?
Hello good afternoon, can someone publish the new color page and the rest please?
Is anyone able to update the Kemono? It's been up and running for a while.
>>235048 I can't find this artist on e-hentai or kemono
>>235080 They go by Annonnxyz on Kemono party.
New pague is out King
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Sorry for delay folks, enjoy
>>235203 Cass ate more... She's going to be the fat one again.
The other isnt full tho...
>>235203 So hot that Cass is still such a ravenous fatty who has a big appetite
>>235203 Size difference is the hottest thing ever and the slim charcater has a nice design and personality, peak
It just crossed my mind. Didn't Lex make that fattening shake for the cheerleaders a few pages before the girl shows up? Did Cass just drink it? Or is it still waiting somewhere in the kitchen?
>>235641 Sara's definitely going to drink it.
>>235641 Would be hot if Cass reaches the same weight as lex or bigger than her after drinking it.
King, the new page is out
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>>236079 Goodnight Sweet Princess
>>236079 Oh God they killer her. Only option now is to eat the body
Supersnacksized took the holiday off, they'll be back next year with new pages. If the concept that artists are people who need to take time off every now and again is foreign to you, sorry if it's too much to handle.
happy Saturday, did a new page drop this week?
>>236079 >first death of series was the womanlette Incredible plot twist Dark plot twist bros… we won!
Yo where is the new page
>>238438 Probably on their Patreon I'd imagine
No shit
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Revenge Page 258
>>238793 When this comic is over I'd say it'd be a good read but it's REALLY dragging on. Thanks for uploading this by the way!
>>238794 >>238793 man even the creator is phoning it in hard, look at the faces and backgrounds.. half of it is copy pasted
Wish he would move on to fattening up the cheerleading squad and wrap this thing up
Y’all got a lot of complaints for shit you’re not paying for.
>>238866 Ser, this is bbw chan-- no greater hive of unwashed and unemployed sociopaths that couldn't make an educated guess at what a titty feels like.
>>238793 Nah she about to go drink the hunger potion or whatever in the kitchen one of them bout to get fat asf, make them three really fat, let the mom get a bit more, then do whatever was supposed to happen with the Stacey bitch and cheerleaders and that’s it y’all complain too much, this comic ain’t 10% as bad and how long that log Myu pixiveo shit is Mf that shit going on some 5, maybe 6 years 600 pages.. ridiculous Be thankful
Having complaints doesn't make someone ungrateful. As you said, this is free on the internet. If someone has issues, nothing is stopping them from speaking about it.
Not all of us complain, to me he seems like a master of drawing, the story began with a revenge that is now trapped in enjoyment, hahaha for me it is great and I think it is the best and it kills me the anxiety of waiting for each new chapter
I'm enjoying it so far but I want them to head back to class or something for more reactions to their size. It is dragging, but like someone said I can't complain bc I'm not paying lol
>>239325 I don't even think school is realistic for her any more. She's to laboured to be able to travel from class to class, and is to big to the point she'd need about 3/4 chairs and take up a considerable amount of the room, I also doubt she could go that long without food.
Page out
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Revenge Page 259
>>239638 Too fat to kiss XD
>>239638 >when worlds collide booba…
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Revenge Page 260
>>240547 It's likely the skinny girl is gonna get fat.
>>240944 The implication currently is more that the mom is going to get fatter, what with Skinny pushing cookies on her. Granted, the idea that any girl in this is going to stay skinny is not something I'd bet on.
>>100 executive orders getting signed today.
>>240944 She said she was stuffed after eating a single slice of pizza. She's clearly designed for size difference anyway.
Does anybody have the newer coloured pages for the kemono?
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Revenge Page 261
I think Cass and Lex are gonna have to quit school soon, if they're gonna gain weight for the rest of their lives. And I hope they didn't forget about getting revenge on Stacey and the other by giving them the potion Cass once gave Lex.
we need lex force fed again at this big size
>>241710 Damn look at that back fat and bra size to scale
>>241710 That would ruin the bra on a normal woman, fastest way to snap a bra without scissors. Which lets face it would be hot to see, but no way in hell this works for fat chicks irl.
New page guys
Where the hell is the next page!?
>>242951 Fuck off asshole, wait for the patron to post it instead of demanding shit.
>>242967 There's a guy that literally asked people to do this. Post is right here: >>232027
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Revenge Page 262
>>242984 Writing "Where the hell is the next page?!" Isent exactly a respectful way of handling things, but you wouldent know you antisocial porn addicted fuck.
>>243154 What is this, a page for ants? It's literally 600 pixels wide, dude.
>>243213 Yeah, can someone re-upload it with a better quality?
(1.69 MB 2480x3508 Revenge Page262.png)
Revenge Page 262 (reupload)
(2.60 MB 2480x3508 Revenge+Page263.png)
New page
>>245345 Someone already commented about that, it got deleted even though there was someone who subscribed and told people to post when a new page is up so they could see it.
>>245381 Talk about Déjà Vu am I right?
It's just that they have to be patient, obviously they didn't release it as soon as it came out, most likely they uploaded it 1 to 3 days after publication and even 1 week for it to be 2 new pages.
so is this officially the slowest comic on bbwchan? They've been in this same stuffing session for like a year now LMAO
I think that title belongs to the comic over at the hisano thread.
>>245405 Oh yeah, tell me about it.
>>245398 >>245405 Hell no Pixiveos Log Myu is the slowest most ridiculous comic out there. Something like 600-700 pages, all back and forward bs filler, and the bitch isn’t even fat yet.. delusional.
>>245435 Lets agree in that we all eat shit, whole community comics are some fucking leeching scheme
>>245435 I think you're forgetting Kip's One Serving Choice. The shit's locked in a never-ending cycle of cuckoldry.
>>245398 Nah Kip's and Pix's comic is 100% slower, and Belt Buster's even if his comic is slowburn done well Hell if this comic went faster Lex would be a bed bound useless blob by now lol, and there isnt much plot to go about with that.
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Revenge Page 264
>>245741 Thank you!
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>>245741 Decided to color this part of the page
>>245765 I'm horny as fuck to the core everytime I see that phat booty. My dick start singing
>>245768 Fr. Out of curiosity, when do we see her get ploughed in bed
New page pls update
Oh no, not again
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Fine, I guess I'll supply it this time
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>>246115 Arms too fat to lift, that's hot as hell
Someone hace the Mage 6th page? Isn't in kemono
>>247108 Aw man, seems like these last couple pages have been teasing fat Sara, and that's weirdly sad to me. I love the size contrast between her and the other two girls and I'm a huge sucker for a teeny tiny devious feeder.
>>247161 Weirdly, I feel the same. It's some of the best size difference I've seen recently and I'd really dislike if she were to get fat in the comic, even if I wouldn't mind a single page "alternative universe" of her looking fat, maybe a dream sequence one-shot or something.
>>247108 This is what people in the writing world call subtle foreshadowing
>>247199 Yeah I think there have been some AU drawings of exactly that on the patreon, and I do think it's cute! I won't be devastated if this is the route Sara goes, but I'm hoping that this doesn't happen lol
>>247249 Personally I wouldn't like it. Fat Sara's proportions are a bit to exaggerated for my taste, and its nice to have a skinny feeder to contrast with the fat one.
This story lost the plot a long time ago. Goth girl was secretly fattening cheerleader. Then changed to: Goth girl falls for cheerleader and they gain together. 0 conflict. 0 tension. This story is going no where fast.
>>247378 You're not even wrong, hell the story is even named "Revenge" but can we really say Cass got that if Lex is happy now? also I know there's the rest of the cheer squad but they haven't had appearances in forever and the Lex's Father subplot has been dropped too.
>>247388 get better b8 bro
Yo guys, can someone pls upload the new magic club page pls
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Magic club page 7? Pls
New pag
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Revenge Page 267
>>248203 it was already a hassle gettin that pair on XD
in case y'all are curious about her weight (the tool is kinda unreliable though so take it with a grain of salt) Also, i guessed her height would be 5'2" bc of a scene n which she's lying on her bed, but i find that kinda hard to believe tbh... i think she should be like 6ft more or less. I think 6ft and 650-700 lbs is what i think she would weigh imo
>>248284 whats that app/page? just curious :)
>>248942 https://www.miluoxie.com/character-weight
Probably a long shot, but does anyone have a folder of all the revenge pages in colour? Be very appreciated
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Magic Club Page 8
>>249242 Ty for the drop Is revenge on break?
New Pagés revenge and Magic club
>>250089 Bro what
>>250089 wise words
>>249267 No? It's pretty much releasing on the same schedule it always has.
Thanks, but don't you have the page with text please?
Yeah, and could you please tell the order of the magic club new pages?
>>250138 You should have posted the new page with text so we can understand what's happening. Why didn't you do that in first place?
You guys are a piece of ungrateful shit, you should be kissing the guy's feet that is willing to post all the content for free and still you have the balls to complain, whoever it is the guy posting all those pages should send you guys to fuck yourself and eat shit.
>>250354 Read what I have to say here. I'm grateful for this guy to post the latest page but, I want to what's happening in this story because that's what a comic is. Don't ever tell that I'm ungrateful.
>>250357 Then start thanking, and being respectful with the guy sharing the content for free, do you really think that that guy is gonna keep sharing the pages for free if you keep giving the responses you gave to him? whatever what you wanna or not know is not that guy problem.
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Here is the page with text. Be grateful you cheap perverts
>>250365 I'm sorry that you think I'm ungrateful. I want to say thank you for the new page you sent to this thread.
>>250365 Glory to you and your house
>>250138 are you the artist posting youre own comic pages?
>>250365 Thanks for posting Ever since that Stuffing where lex and cass confess there love for each other the art has gotten alot lazier and I feel bad for the people who pay for this.
>>250365 i love this little freak
>>250365 Do you have another with higher quality?
>>250365 I smell a bigger Sara.
Come on, guys, we're going to have a discussion because the person who turned the page didn't post the text. Remember, this is a thread about turning pages, not just insults. And yes, I'm talking to the person who sent the last page. No one insulted you. You were politely asked to turn the real one, and you took it very badly. So, I'm going again. Please turn the new page.
>>250753 Can we all be thankful for the stuff others post that we should normally pay for instead of being toxic and complain about everything?
Well, the truth is I've tried to buy it but every time I do it I get an error, I don't know why.
>>250756 Exactly, from now on we're grateful to those who publish Revenge pages. This way, we can avoid toxic conflicts and bad behavior.
I actually cancelled my subscription and I had to go into my emails to get it, they locked me out of the posts that I paid to see lmao
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>>250971 Thanks for the page 👍

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