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Deviantart, 3D, scribbles

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(110.77 KB 1297x1580 GCZ4zTrXAAAqZzs.jpeg)
Fat Pokégirls 11 Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 13:24:01 Id:34f47f No. 241111
Last thread bumplocked
(8.83 MB 3512x2299 hex.png)
and so it begins again...
>>241116 I NEED MELONY
(7.29 MB 6000x4700 Regalo.png)
mery Krisma
(18.60 KB 650x474 Leaf.png)
(18.27 KB 650x474 Lass.png)
(19.06 KB 650x474 Swimmer Girl.png)
(18.56 KB 650x474 Psychic Girl.png)
(18.70 KB 650x474 Misty.png)
Sending down the current amount of sprites made, there will be more new ones some point soon
(18.80 KB 650x474 Team Rocket Grunt Girl.png)
(17.12 KB 650x474 Picknicker.png)
(18.79 KB 650x474 Beauty.png)
(18.07 KB 650x474 Cooltrainer Girl.png)
(18.58 KB 650x474 Crush Girl.png)
(17.43 KB 650x474 Breeder.png)
(19.15 KB 650x474 Channeler.png)
(17.95 KB 650x474 Tuber Girl.png)
(21.34 KB 650x474 Twins.png)
(19.22 KB 650x474 Aroma Lady.png)
(113.38 KB 1529x1500 WelderHayabusartSketches.jpg)
(100.92 KB 1086x1399 WelderKappass.jpg)
(233.22 KB 1906x2048 WelderHayabusart.jpg)
(2.28 MB 2269x2471 WelderBWS.png)
(3.40 MB 2000x2240 Welder.png)
welder my beloved
>>241240 that aint even a pokegirl
(106.33 KB 717x1000 189299_in_1000x1000.jpg)
Anyone know of an old piece of art? It was a fat misty walking and it depicted her suspenders snapping. I can’t remember the artist and it was from quite some time ago (2000s I think)
(390.88 KB 2278x2480 IMG_7971.jpeg)
(785.69 KB 2139x2480 IMG_7973.jpeg)
(931.16 KB 185x253 1546644572998.gif)
What 3 trainer classes would you make a group with to go on a fattening adventuring around the world of Pokemon with? >>241263 A retort that's also a perfect reaction image for the situation.
(7.46 MB 3429x2542 melonyalt.png)
(2.05 MB 3000x2000 Monthly+poll+12+winner.png)
Does anyone have this butty butter art? It's from 2024-12-07
>>241355 Is it greedy to politely ask if you have the lingerine one too?
(4.33 MB 5116x2816 melony-min.png)
>>241380 Not really
(79.92 KB 1000x800 SketchJuly2023+P1-min.jpg)
(185.70 KB 1300x1000 SketchesFeb2024V1-min.jpg)
(975.35 KB 4600x3500 CynthandMoelonyV2-min.jpg)
(2.44 MB 2480x3508 melony (1)-min.png)
(1.59 MB 6000x3500 56-1-min.png)
(590.93 KB 3500x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo266-min.png)
>>241464 Ah, i didnt know they were background bits, still fantastic.
(1.75 MB 1920x1920 IMG_0986.jpeg)
(2.13 MB 1920x2432 IMG_0987.jpeg)
(2.33 MB 4254x1600 IMG_0988.jpeg)
More mommy melony!
(345.05 KB 1665x1822 acbcd6f1b81ba99a.jpg)
Someone has the sequence of nessa being force feeding by alcremie?
(493.28 KB 1419x2417 IMG_20250128_210843.jpg)
(492.25 KB 2539x1232 Blimp PokeGirls by Axel Rosered.jpg)
(620.79 KB 3500x4092 Melony by Educabezon.jpg)
>>241521 Damn, a fat Viola art. Wish she was fattened up more.
(95.07 KB 1280x960 IMG_1100.jpeg)
(2.19 MB 5200x3000 IMG_1103.png)
>>242668 why is it in spanish, lol? Couldn't you just upscale the original and post it here instead?
(4.98 MB 3508x2480 126656445_p0.jpg)
>>242783 Here's the original + another Sabrina.
Asking once again fot Alcremie feeding content
(1.83 MB 3140x1664 IMG_1136.png)
(3.30 MB 5000x3000 IMG_1143.png)
(1.25 MB 2328x1857 IMG_1149.png)
(4.09 MB 7000x4000 IMG_1152.png)
(568.64 KB 2884x1450 1000000704.png)
(1.64 MB 3749x2341 1000000702.png)
(1.45 MB 3749x2341 1000000703.png)
(1.39 MB 1024x1024 1738511432560734.png)
(520.20 KB 1100x1000 105163409_p0.jpg)
(173.32 KB 903x1281 Melony pt1.jpg)
(256.74 KB 1069x1281 Melony pt2.jpg)
(449.44 KB 1394x1281 Melony pt3.jpg)
(624.41 KB 2805x3137 A Sizeable Match.jpg)
>>243037 Hex maniac is a blessing
(4.00 MB 1690x2570 1715995302164.png)
>>234762 Did Dark ever finish this pic like he did with the adult gym leader one? From Sketch alone this one had potential to surpass the finished gym leader one, if only because it won't have that hideous adult Marnie design. >>234767 Not an old picture at all. Made at the same time as the gym leader collage sketch. Dook is lying that he supposedly cares about "only drawing adults"/"aging up". >>218071 Hypocritical because Dook rebranded his style and redesigned some of his fav characters just to escape the closeted lolicon allegations, only to still be drawing pokemon school-age girls anyway. Most glaring hypocritical part is how he specifically made the aged up Marnie design so he "Wouldn't be drawing a minor", and yet he goes ahead and draws her original design anyway in secret. But hey, to be expected from a fetish artist who's "Asexual". >>238430 Not Kemono. It's from Bluesky. Because, if it wasn't already obvious, he's one of THOSE types.
(90.29 KB 1280x859 FSrI70fXsAAgjee.jpg)
Does anyone happen to have this in better quality? It's on Deviantart but they disabled the download button.
Wake me up when there's good fat art of Ryme (the gym leader, not the city) :'(
(995.71 KB 1440x1200 58_Flannery.jpg)
(1005.97 KB 1200x1440 12_Irida.jpg)
(1007.98 KB 1440x1200 73_Irida+2.jpg)
this thread needs rika
>>243267 i must agree
>>244097 Preach.
>>243037 Artist?
(113.98 KB 278x240 EECIrUSXkAAPskV.png)
>>244121 grindaviking/grindagoat on twitter/bluesky
(3.64 MB 1500x1536 IMG_1410.png)
(6.58 MB 2376x3148 IMG_1408.png)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10815101/8/Pokemon-Serena-weight-gain-story This fanfic it's very basic but I feel like I could give some good fanart scenarios.
>>244491 Goated, legendary story. That was an absolute favorite of mine 11 years ago (holy shit) Here's another favorite of mine from the same guy https://www.deviantart.com/iceblazethequick/art/Dawn-Weight-Gain-Story-Request-623598567
Anything of the villainous teams?
(294.64 KB 1554x1942 GjctSgHWIAAADKg.jpeg)
(82.62 KB 850x618 IMG_1542.jpeg)
(314.73 KB 2048x2018 Fn7VWJLX0AI050A.jpeg)
Source for this?
>>244859 I THINK it's from that one "Kreatlikecake" guy?
>>244919 Yeah looks like his signature
>>241321 Sightseer to instigate, Ace Trainer 5 to be upbeat but concerned, Psychic to carry things and say silly things about it giving her energy Or just all 3 furisode girls
>>245203 it happens when you're an og in the fat art community, i thought i'd already seen all of saxxon's art (even the obscure commissions) but then i saw there's a preggo pic by him in the alt pregfat thread 💀
not sure how a reply i made in the axel thread ended up in the pokemon one but here we are
brought to you by whatever blessed soul updated lewdsona kemono so i could get the one and only image i wanted from it (it's rika)
taking a break from posting pics of my wife to instead post a pic of a little known underdog character known as cynthia for a change
>>246597 Source for the second image?
(355.26 KB 1460x1910 lusamine.png)
(186.00 KB 269x380 IMG_20250227_115844.jpg)
I wonder how is the Hex Maniac guy rn.
(479.00 KB 4096x3381 FBhQhS_X0AA7_Cf.jpg)
(102.38 KB 800x1100 GQNs-NVWcAA-Bo6.jpg)
>>247075 still alive and about to be eating almost as good as my wife real soon
(590.01 KB 828x877 20250228_125415.jpg)
they said the age of hex maniac would never come again
(36.05 KB 720x275 4d73v0.jpg)
>another thousand years of Hex I just want some Taunie...
>>247356 as the #0 hex maniac representative worldwide, i extend my condolences friend
>>241116 Sauce on 2nd pic?
>>247511 I believe that was drawn by TDookus.
(77.52 KB 1250x900 IMG_1935.jpeg)
(60.07 KB 850x1200 1739255248946273.jpg)
(86.00 KB 1152x864 -VFznVgxL.jpg)
(42.21 KB 1024x621 OLOzqVgxu.jpg)
(52.18 KB 1024x729 uWzNnygxu.jpg)
(48.05 KB 1024x531 x8ctvVgxu.jpg)
Anyone know if there's a better version of these.
(17.97 KB 650x474 Lady.png)
(18.38 KB 650x474 Pokemon Ranger Girl.png)
(17.13 KB 650x474 Painter.png)
(21.61 KB 650x474 Sis and Bro.png)
(24.01 KB 650x474 Crush Kin.png)
(21.95 KB 650x474 Cool Couple.png)
Some new trainer sprites after a long time of nothing, as well as including the previous trainers that also exist in doubles classes because they exist and can be replaced. 6 trainers left I believe then onto overworld and the rest of Leaf
more Z-A wife 👍
(2.97 MB 4800x3000 124011444_p0.png)
(496.53 KB 4096x2816 DZFaiOfU8AA9K2p.jpg)
(325.58 KB 3300x3300 DZFajGkVQAA0JiK.jpg)
I'm 2 a fan of Chonky Hex Maniacs
>>247869 then i hereby induct you into the order of hex simps with the power granted unto me by my vitrual wife, arceus bless
I think tere was an aimation with May where she raids a fridge and got a huge belly... does someone has it?
(1.06 MB 422x480 May_fridge1693184690014288.gif)
>>247963 I gotcha dawg
>>248013 Oh my goodness, THANK YOU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
light wife dump for today, but a wife dump nonetheless
>>247738 wtf is wrong with you
there really should be more of Lacey considering she has an Alcremie on her team and is obsessed with cuteness. or any of Amarys for that matter
what better way to celebrate international women's day than to post the greatest fictional woman of them all?
(486.22 KB 1977x1478 image-10.png)
Was playing sun and decided that the ace trainer needed some plumping up. (If I knew how to mod 3ds games, this would 100% become a mod)
>>248390 nice woman,but now it will be Dragon Ball day
>>248826 gen 5 ace trainer is still the best waifu behind cynthia, gardenia and maylene (and maybe hex maniac too ig...)
(621.76 KB 1080x1140 Nemona_DudeNamedA10_053104_X.jpg)
Just found this dude on twitter: https://x.com/DudeNamedA10?t=HinbXxGVmjFCpEfcInhwQg&s=09
>>248826 What did you use for this?
>>248896 Used models resource to get the model since I don't know how to extract models myself And then used Maya to edit the model, and Photoshop to edit the texture.
(102.07 KB 717x585 q9w0di.png)
(150.96 KB 2344x1580 1632843534372 (1).png)
(122.34 KB 595x842 20210928_194109.jpg)
(881.81 KB 2114x2662 20210928_195058.jpg)
(435.55 KB 780x1107 1693191736008264_1.png)
(2.43 KB 500x512 FNmdgSsWQAkAr1G.png)
>>248844 Nice to see another gen 5 ace trainer truther in the wild. Definitely my favorite girl in pokemon imo.
(2.87 MB 4720x4648 Penny gordaa.png)
It's interesting to see my drawings here, thanks! Here's this one I did a while back.
>>248944 This might be weird but can you draw her dressed as a sandwich please?
>>248949 as a sandwich?, What would that be like?
>>248944 Ideal Penny shape and size right there.
>>248845 I hunger for more Nemona. Great find!
(751.65 KB 2200x3200 IMG_5465.jpeg)
>>249057 Same here. Definitely need more of our favorite tomboy.
>>248962 Her in a sandwich costume to reference how she got koraidon tamed
>>248903 Who drew the first one? Art style looks cute
(76.33 KB 717x585 Ace Trainer.png)
(139.17 KB 1372x1448 1684606203744323.jpg)
(835.87 KB 2589x2525 20211002_014814.jpg)
(311.92 KB 2075x1907 ntm50l.png)
>>248903 >>249252 >>248844 Very based. I always loved the design of Gen 5 Ace Trainer, glad I'm not the only one who really likes her. I also quite liked the ORAS one.
Anyone got both parts of this art?
(473.40 KB 4096x1379 IMG_2293.jpeg)
(486.50 KB 4096x1379 IMG_2294.jpeg)
anyone have this? https://saxxon.e-junkie.com/product/1546404/Super-Effective-Weight-Gain
>>249880 It's saxxon you nigger, get back to your containment thread.
>>249721 Art may be mediocre, but I'm a gal who loves blobs
Love maniacalfork's art of May. Anyone got any got fats of Kris?
>>249924 you have the one of her being forcefed by courtney?
(275.50 KB 1882x1558 E405glRUUAMp0iH.jpg)
>>249939 You mean this one? I prefer the vore version, tbh, but I'm not going to post that here, for obvious reasons. I could keep posting Fork's work to this thread all day, though.
thedookus, buried in their twitter >>246742
(214.43 KB 1242x930 IMG-20250323-WA0013.jpg)
(911.66 KB 2462x3216 128515825_p0.png)
Liko by ロジョLEA
>>250767 What kind of fool do you take me for? That is literally AI slop.
>>250882 Its just upscale with IA, the clean version will be avaible until the 31
This is just the screenshot form the Stream
why cant we just get a good cynthia wg comic?
this might be a long shot but does anyone have the old LLuxury series of all the protag girls? they got deleted from DA years ago and I've always wanted to see them again
(177.82 KB 902x808 IMG_4089.jpeg)
(1.43 MB 1326x1232 IMG_4114.png)
>>251007 thank you!
>>24894 Could anyone who has more Penny/Noa art share it?
(806.79 KB 1024x898 May3.png)
(128.42 KB 1024x952 Roxie.jpg)
(698.99 KB 1024x757 Kahili.png)
(954.14 KB 1024x1091 Lillie.png)
(948.23 KB 1024x734 NurseJoy.png)
(3.26 MB 1980x1828 TeamSkull.png)
>>250976 >>251006 >>251007 Still one missing - Emerald May. Here she is, plus a few other old LLuxury Pokegirl pics to fill out the post.

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