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Project Moon Thread 2 11/25/2023 (Sat) 04:11:01 Id:9e8653 No. 178816
For the chubby ladies of the city since last thread ran out of room for them...
(456.90 KB 1696x2048 1000820085.jpg)
(119.21 KB 358x358 image_2024-09-29_013351844.png)
does anyone know the source of this image or have the full version of this image?
>>222033 I don’t know the source but here’s the full image anyway
(376.99 KB 1536x2048 GZOhI-wWgAAy_Wa.jpeg)
>>222033 >>223045 https://x.com/kan_sais/status/1788411978417054008?lang=th
>>223373 who made this?
>>223466 @Mister_M3764427 on Twitter
>>179953 Now for me to ask for some sauce myself, who drew that excellent Geburah and Binah pic there as well as the rest of the images on this board of a similar style?
(2.49 MB 3151x4096 GYhq8bAXUAA2gow.jpg)
>>223521 @yeggsart Good luck
>>207629 Anyone know the source for these?
(351.71 KB 1000x1000 Untitled5_20231207113500.png)
Ishmael is ONE heck of a Jewish name, OY VEY!
(749.12 KB 4096x4069 GZkpvzoXoAIfgGZ.jpeg)
>>224085 After checking again, I have reason to believe that the original artist deleted this set I tried reverse image searching and going through my archive and found nothing
>>224185 >>224186 >>224189 Ugh...here comes another fucking schizo, I guess they liven up these boards at least
I'd rather have it struggling than be bombarded with retardation >>224193
>>224186 >>224189 >>224193 Bro is speaking in Abnormality and EGO classification
>>224270 "Get that damn retard off the board"?
>>224737 Thank you Sinclair
(1.45 MB 2031x2763 outis 1.png)
(965.32 KB 970x1500 s9m638koub1e1.png)
(67.96 KB 1228x1218 GQc7n5EXoAAgtr0.jpg)
(77.97 KB 1228x1010 F3m942oXoAASpD6.jpg)
(584.68 KB 1810x2048 Fy-budeXsAAEoEc.jpeg)
(2.58 MB 5154x4237 Outis.png)
(1.67 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1019.jpg)
(1.67 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1019.jpg)
I'll do oyu a favor and post the files without the bluesky crunching since I drew them
(1.69 MB 2849x2825 IMG_1020.jpg)
(180.03 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9540.jpeg)
(183.53 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9542.jpeg)
(181.65 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9543.jpeg)
(174.62 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9544.jpeg)
(173.56 KB 1014x1424 IMG_9570.jpeg)
(9.96 MB 761x1069 IMG_9572.gif)
(243.32 KB 1536x2048 IMG_9611.jpeg)
(120.58 KB 1000x1000 IMG_9612.jpeg)
(120.99 KB 1000x1000 IMG_9613.jpeg)
(92.24 KB 828x519 IMG_1251.jpeg)
(116.80 KB 828x761 IMG_1252.jpeg)
(118.09 KB 828x1006 IMG_1253.jpeg)
(117.63 KB 828x1006 IMG_1254.jpeg)
(99.33 KB 828x1135 IMG_1255.jpeg)
(2.76 MB 1610x2095 Melting love wkout 1.jpg)
(2.62 MB 2323x1514 Melting love wkout 2.jpg)
(4.78 MB 2553x1654 Melting love wkout 3.jpg)
(1.97 MB 1225x1427 Melting love wkout 4.jpg)
(4.19 MB 3457x1276 Melting love wkout 5.jpg)
Fat Sancho https://www.deviantart.com/drunk-butterfly/art/Sancho-the-Housewife-1156420777
(96.90 KB 827x742 IMG_1397.jpeg)
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(113.77 KB 828x1057 IMG_1478.jpeg)
