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What is considered the best overall weight gain comic to date?
>>237980 Revenge is the only correct answer. Also that Totally spies comic by Azumonfire is cool too.
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>>237980 Anything habutton After school has my vote
>>237980 Habutton's comics if you like straight. Sweetdreamcoffee's stuff if you like lesbians.
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>>232200 any idea who drew this?
>>240064 Whos the artist of this sequence?
>>240203 @PreSiArt
>>240279 You missed a part of the Totally Spies sequence.
lazy holidays anyone by roundersofter?
there was a short comic of two girls with one wearing glasses and the other having a ponytail and the ponytail girl make the glasses girl fat. it was black and white and had a unique style
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anyone got Glutonny Comeback by g0d07?
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>>243538 "Hey Jasmine, what did you do, did you get a haircut or something?"
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>>245142 Who is the artist?
>>245142 Get this weight loss garbage outta here.
>>245142 What the fuck is this coffin of Andy and leyley shit I see before my very eyes?
>>245144 I think squarewave29
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>>245485 hope theres a part 2 in the future
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From fat to really fucking fat.
>>246015 artist?
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>>246048 Ray Norr
