I'm going mad looking for a specific video and wonder if I've only hallucinated it. Any help based off of my shite memory:
It's a 3d overwatch animation. The girl (possibly D.va) arrives at a hanger, D.vas mech is sitting on a platform in the middle. It has undergone changes/upgrades that turns out to be some sort of onboard AI? It detects she's underweight or some shit and 2 feeding tubes start pumping her full (from both ends?) causing her to grow larger within the mech. She's then suspended outside it and grown even more. Then there might have been some vore stuff with another of the OW girls getting fed to the first one, then they outgrow/fill the room.
Honestly I remember it so fucking vividly but can't find it for shit. It was recent and all, within the last year or so. Any hints are appreciated.