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Sailor Moon thread Anonymous 03/23/2023 (Thu) 20:18:52 Id:3a2c05 No. 146840
In the name of the Moon, she'll eat your desert!
>>213725 I mean...female artists can be pretty good too, but most of their art is just shitty tumblr-tier stuff. They don't actually put that much effort into it either
>>213729 I'm not saying women suck at drawing. It's just that the vast majority of fat fetish artist (and just the fat fetish community in general) is made up of men
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(6.85 MB 3000x4200 Moonlight Snack P31.png)
>>187416 >>188717 >>188704 >>213725 Why not just try commissioning artists to draw them?
(7.22 MB 3000x4200 Moonlight Snack P32.png)
>>199396 Here’s a remake to the second photo.
>>216246 That looks great! Did you do it anon or someone else?
>>216253 Someone else did this I was looking for something and found this.
(6.70 MB 3000x4200 Moonlight Snack P33.png)
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>>217367 >>219111 >>221014 >>221015 >>222011 >>223493 Where did you get the yummysinpie comic? Can you tell me where I can get the dungeons and fatties one? Please?
I’m subscribed that is how I have them.
>>223516 Can you send me the images of Dungeons and Fatties on Google Drive please?
Yummysinpie post another part of the comic can someone post it here? Pls
(8.04 MB 3000x4200 IMG_7333.png)
(7.47 MB 3000x4200 IMG_7334.png)
Please can you turn the pages of dungeons and Fatties into yummysinpie's thread? please🙏
Alright, check there later the comic has ended yet btw.
>>225513 hasn’t ended*
>>225513 >>225514 I really appreciate it. I can only say thank you. You are a hero to me.
>>229507 I'm sorry for being someone who asks a lot, I would like to be able to pay it but none of my cards are accepted and it's super difficult to get dollars in my country, I understand, I hadn't realized that I changed my name, I got an error and the message wasn't sent because of the poor Internet signal I have in my city, I'm really sorry 😞 I would like to apologize in yummysinpie's thread but it kept getting deleted, I don't know if you're the same one who sent the yummysinpie images but just in case I apologize here
(1.18 MB 1024x1024 venus 2.png)
>>148719 Source on these two?
>>231531 Still waiting
>>231531 It says who the artist is on the first picture, you goddamn overdue abortion. Bottom-right corner, look at it! >>233475 Trying to be a snippy little cunt when you can't even read.
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>>237896 Fuck off already, go to the right board
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More pléyade more
Sotra is more please more
Sorry Again is more please more
More sailors bbw please
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