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Touhou Thread 3 Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 17:42:12 Id:2c894e No. 200592
Last thread bumplocked, time for more fat Patchy
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>>207647 sauce?
>>224214 Dude, go outside and get a fucking life
>>224231 Fuck off, this isn't reddit. Go interact with fellow retarded Touhou fans or something
>>224251 >R*pe You can say rape on bbw-chan.
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>>224313 Can the admin ban this autistic nigga? We really will be better off without him
>>224315 True, but his unfathomable retardation makes me laugh.
>>224251 If that rattled you then you have no business here. Kindly go back to reddit, you fucking loser.
>>224315 >>224315 Ironic because some 2hu fans are autistic
>>224249 Then what's better about YOU kind of touhou fans?!?
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>>224148 KoobyKarasu on twitter Or KoobyBooby for his alt account
>>224634 It's always this motherfucking DimentedChaos idiot who gets commissions from him...
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>>224651 literally why would you call them an idiot
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First person to implement weight gain into EraTohoTW will be a god. You can already use cheats to make all the girls fat in EraTohoK, but TW is more cozy
>>225648 What is EratohoTW?
>>225663 A Japanese text-based life sim with ongoing translation and some modding capability. Your custom player character gets Gapped into Gensokyo with timestop powers. Romance and sex 2hus.
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>>226800 any idea where the colored sloshing parsee picture came from? good collection of parcheesies by the way, she's a cute
>>226803 sorry I dont have any clue where they came from, I just found them in warosu.jp
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>>226803 The colored sloshing Parsee was (indirectly) me. I was really horny years ago and did a terrible coloring using the shitty AI sketch coloring program (remember that?), and it triggered someone on /d/ so much that he colored it from scratch himself https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/8484874/#8554889
>>226807 >>226820 i see i see, still, thanks for sharing and it's cool to see that sketch being colored, parsee stuff is hard to come by
>>226846 slnchyt is a huge hit or miss due to the shapes personally but i was aware of them beforehand, only saw one parsee in boorus by nerizou and it was a good set of images, i still stand that she's drawn infrequently overall
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Did someone say Parsee?
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Some art of donk that I found
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pc-98 be upon ye
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I wish there was more of these two...
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Which touhou character fits being fat?
>>234657 Yuyuko or Patchouli for sure
>>234661 Ringo and letty fits but if it weren’t those I’d say Okina matara
>>234661 Outside of everyone that's mentioned so far, there's a case for Yukari given how much she sleeps and Zun even mentioned in one of his drunk streams that she smells like bad hygiene so there's a case for her being a slob. Rumia also comes to mind, although I'd rather see a fat of the the osana reimu version of her than her canonical appearance. Surely that must exist somewhere if one of the first posts in the thread has fat Rin Satsuki. >>221331 Anyone got more Yuuka?
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>>235693 >>234665 Also suika is a good candidate since I could see her get fat by being an alcoholic and not doing much exercise
>>235693 Yo who drew that? I absolutely love Suika and want to know who the artist.
>>235695 Sorry but I don’t have the artist
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Was surprised I found the first one on the main touhou subreddit of all places given a Chub2hu sub technically exists, but rather unactive so maybe it wasn't all to surprising after all. (Pretty good quality arts up there though at least).
Nothing as peaked this body type. Need flandre drawn like this so badly
