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**OFFICIAL SCHIZO THREAD** LtBarclay##vOgLqq 01/21/2025 (Tue) 19:22:16 Id:d0d274 No. 241164
Got hot takes about shit that no gives a giant flat fuck about? Want to ramble about politics, wokeness, the CIA (who is in your butt), or other topics? Tired of mods deleting it in the random places your insane brain decides to post it at any given time? Want to MAKE SURE PEOPLE SEE IT?! Welcome to the stickied schizo thread. Your nonsense will be seen before almost everything else! This is THE PLACE for you to embrace your autism and rave like a crazy person at the bus stop! Enjoy.
Edited last time by admin on 01/21/2025 (Tue) 19:47:17.
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I want to give a wide thank you to the Jannies for making my thread. We have come to an agreement that I can post the UNFILTERED, UNASHAMED TRUTH of Salt here, and his JEWISH CONNECTIONS TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL. (In exchange for not posting in the Salt thread). While I would love to destroy Salt entirely and kill him and ruin his life, compromises MUST be made to get anywhere, so this is an acceptable compromise. Once I spread the truth the whole site will want Salt dead. Utterly, and truly dead. Thank you to the janny who gave me this thread. I would thank LTBarclay for creating it but I am not convinced yet that he isn't allied with Israel so his allegiance is yet to be detemined. ISRAEL WILL NOT CENSOR US ANYMORE. WE WILL BE FREE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH! Anyway, todays proof of Salt's Israel connection comes in the form of the attatched image. This is the promo poster for Compress to Impress. As you can see, the BWS "feast for the eyes" logo contains a clear Illuminati eye, which is sensible as the Illuminati is a branch of the Israelite Jew World Order, of course. The pattern on her swimsuit is also a cut Star of David pattern - salt conviently cut the fabric to be very skimpy in an attempt tio hide it, but i've drawn lines to show where the dots that complete the star of David would go. SALT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND HE WANTS TO MILK YOU FOR MONEY TO HELP ISRAEL
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>>241169 My apologies, the wrong image. THIS one is the real star of David (the Hexagram, symbol of evil)
barclay saying fuck it and giving salt schizo his own thread is the wholesome behavior i come to bbw-chan for
bbwchan is good again.
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>>241169 You miss the forest for the trees, mein friend
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Who else died inside when Craig of the Creek tried to “represent all ferrets” when they tried to use a ferret puppet to lure a horny ferret? You know that Tom & Jerry gag where Jerry falls for the SEXY and FEMALE toy mouse. https://youtu.be/L0-L5XB19yw?feature=shared Kids don’t talk like this today. And if they do, then this new generation is cooked. We literally call babies born in 2025 “betas” for crying out loud.
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>>241164 >Tired of mods deleting it in the random places your insane brain decides to post it at any given time >The mods knowing full well that Barclay won't do anything when they decide to delete something here
>>241199 Keep it in here and it will stay.
this is a terrible idea and it's gonna go up in smoke in a few weeks
>>241205 You believe this about people who delete things that fit the threads and boards they are posted in.
I haven't gotten traction anywhere else that was appropriate, so I'm posting here: I'm looking for a pic on DA of a muscle girl and a dainty boy with huge balls in a dress. The dress had a cleavage window at the balls. Style was realistic proportions. The two were at a mall? Gay, I know.
>>241221 Pretty sure i know what was deleted
>>241169 You should run for a local office. Imagine how much you could change with such a high intellect and keen eye for THE TRUTH
>>241241 Unfortunately the government is owned by billionaires. Most of whom are jews. We see this in america with the Jews filling congress with Billionaires, and the Oligarchs of Russia. Things WILL change, society will either change willingly or fall when everything becomes far too much. I went to buy air fresheners for my vehicle, and the jews have once again price hiked them. I usually use 12 Leather scented Little Trees to ensure my car smells of skin at all times, and there has been a .30 currency addition to it, which means I have had to reduce to only 10 Little Trees, which means my car now only smells slightly of skin, as opposed to completely of skin, which is horrid. The Jews are personally attacking me and I am absolutely FUCKING FURIOUS. Salt is encouraging THIS kind of price gouging, so our cars can only smell of Jew approved smells, such as Money and Penicillin. Never Fall for it! Also, brush your teeth. No fucking excuses, twice a fucking day. Strong teeth are essential to defending against the Jews and Scurvy.
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>>241265 Remember: STOP THE GOUGING
>>241164 How have you dumb fucks still not realised that appeasement never works with these people? You gave them /gen/, and their shit still leaks over. You gave them "Civil Discussion" threads, and their shit still leaks over. Now you're giving them yet another thread which could be used for literally anything else, and guess what? It's not going to make the BWS thread less of a cesspit, they'll just shit up MORE threads because you've put a big old sign up saying they're welcome here instead of banning them on sight. How many more """containment""" threads is it going to to take for you to realise this doesn't fucking work and only encourages these idiots?
>>241268 If I did not have this thread I would just post in the Salt thread. Seems to be working well so far. Sounds like you might be of Israeli origin and concerned your agenda is now being unquestioned.
Can any American tell me in a few words who the fuck is this silk road fagget?
>>241274 Drugs basically It is how the Jews get opium to the west from the Great Gobi Opium fields in China.
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i hate this dipshit with a burning passion. how the hell does he have a fanbase when his model tracing is so blatantly obvious
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Nuke Milton Keynes
>>241194 Don’t worry, bud, President Trump is cleaning house on Day 1. He’s already signed bills to make schools stop teaching kids that gender-identity crap. Any teacher who tells a kid they might be one of the LGBTQXYZ_totallynotavirus.exe flaggots will get fired and lose their teaching license. Just like he’s getting the “women” with more testosterone than a radio bull taken out of REAL women’s sports. He’s already got Disney taking their trans episodes off the bracket before they even air. They’re also bringing back Phineas & Ferb and Gravity Falls. Why? Look at the hetero main characters who can get sunburnt during summer break and you tell me how much “diversity” they needed to become household names. There’s a reason Proud Family Louder and Prouder and Velma bombed: don’t be shitty to your white audience by making all your white male characters weak and unlikable simps/incels and making white female characters submissive nerds or Karens. Or just making whites the go-to villains. Looking at you as you circle the drain, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur. And as you can see above, he’s already taking care of things at Nickelodeon. He’ll whip CN back into shape when we start getting shows with straight white male protagonists again. We’ll get another season of Amazing World of Gumball soon. Why? Because the black kid being the best friend/sidekick for the straight, white male lead still works for Big City Greens and The Loud House to this day. Shows that are still going strong. Craig of the Creek is one of the few exceptions, even when his two friends are a pair of socially-awkward gingers. Aka the whitest token characters out there. But it’s all the “representation” crap that ultimately shot them in the foot. Which is why the show is coming to an end. I’m just glad the show ended without a period episode about Craig buying tampons or pads for someone in the creek, probably someone who goes by he/him. We saw Ed, Edd & Eddy running around butt-ass naked and laughed because it was funny. Not them buying each other toilet paper to wipe their asses. Leave shit like that in the bathroom and out of our cartoons MCGA “make cartoons great again.” Oh, and stop taking away cartoon ladies’ tits! Fuck me, I can’t remember a new show on Cartoon Network that wasn’t devoid of fan service because the women are all flatter than old soda, Even The Loud House had Lincoln’s friend/sidekick lust after his sister who wasn’t one of the flat brunettes. How many artists out there are sick of drawing tits on characters that normally have none because the design team wanted them to not offend the crybabies spooked by boobies? I’m not the Nostalgia Critic, and I remember when we didn’t shame male power fantasies. Boys and girls embraced them, that’s why chicks liked Dragon Ball Z when there were no Super Saiyans with tits for decades.
>>241302 Do you make all of your political decisions based around the impact they may have on children's cartoons?
>>241306 No, just had to get some poison out from the last four years. What you just read was probably a one time thing. I’m already walking outside to touch some grass.
>>241309 You need to breathe some fresh air because you sound tense. Cali is still gonna make whatever they want and Trump will give not a shit. All politicians regardless of party are there to drain the working class and give the money to the rich donors. Who, by the way, are mostly jews. Both sides.
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Hi guys, who's your favorite Iron Blood ship in Azur Lane? I like Biscuit, she is cute https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Iron_Blood
>>241323 Who is bad guys in this game?
>>241323 Fuck off nigger
>> Rub your pussy to my name bitch
>>241266 THE JEWS don't control big megaphone yet. You should get a megaphone and take to the streets. The people need to know the truth.
>>241338 I tell people, but most people think I am crazy. The jews are very good at subtlely modifying the narrative. Believe as jews do, or suffer. If even one person understands me each day I protest, if I can make one person see the truth, then it is a good day.
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Why the fuck did Barclay bother making this goddamn thread, again? There were just a couple of trolls until a few days ago, but now a fuck ton more appeared
>>241164 Son of a bitch...
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I wanna rant about a problem that I have that's NOT jew related (sort of, what with jews controlling everything). Fuck modern cars! Everything is too tech heavy. No physical buttons and 70 mandated warnings! Screens instead of dashboards. IF I CANNOT FIND WHERE THE TEMPERATURE CONTROLS ARE BY FEEL YOUR CAR IS MORE FUCKED THAN A SYRIAN IN THE GOLAN HEIGHTS! My workplace demands I trade my company car in for a new model, and all of them are electric or hybrid stupid SUVs that look shit! All of them are dumb and have too many screens and warnings. My main problem with their choices: 1) No manual! I drive stick. Automatics are slopboxes. Garbage shit. I want MANUAL ONLY. I will demand the jews extend the life of the manual! 2) All too big ugly "crossover" cars twice the size of my old Volvo 850r, yet HALF the fucking boot space! What's the deal with that shit! 3) A hybrid that weighs more and still uses petrol 99% of the time, or plug in hybrids that weigh more, AND need to be charged to even use electricity! I live in Europe! I don't have a driveway, only a parking space (Better than the american suburbs though! If I am drunk and have to walk its not as far!) 4) WHY THE FUCK ARE NO CARS GREEN OR BROWN? ONLY BLUE AND WHITE AND BLACK OPTONS? LIKE THE FLAG OF ISRAEL??? My rant is over. I hate my companies climate regulations! Also, Nuke Milton Keynes.
>>241361 I agree completely but do like blue vehicles
>>241164 Fuck off Barclay, you unloved, ebegging attention whore. You and the rest of the janitors have never given a single shit about this board.
>>241390 Seems like the thread is working as intended
>>241387 My current car is blue. The colour is not bad, but it's no green or brown. Those are cool colours. Blue is fine... but it's not perfect.
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The jews weave their tendrils into every aspect of society. Why does searching for this innocuous image from Pikmin 2 bring up a photo of Emperor Palpatine? It's a hint. Star Wars might be giving us a hint as to how the jews are taking over...
>>241164 We literally have /gen/ for this shit, this does nothing but serve to be a breeding ground for trolls that'll inevitably run rampant on the other threads and boards.
>>241413 Nobody browses gen. Gen is not conductive to any legit discussion. Every debate on Gen goes like this >I have an opinion >You're from (insert country flag user has here) so you're a faggot >No, you're from (insert country flag user has here) so YOU are the faggot This repeats for 400 posts.
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>>241414 As opposed to the shit that goes on here, which is: >I have an opinion >You're Jewish so you're a faggot >No, YOU'RE Jeiwsh so YOU are the faggot
>>241422 The jews are a legitimate problem. Silence and back to raping child corpses in the hospital you just bombed, Dr Zog.
What in the neo nazi Donald Trump-dick-sucking incel hellhole is this thread?? You should all die and do the world a favor
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Y’all are probably on here making your delusional rants about hating hating Jews while simultaneously fapping to Candii Kayn and don’t even see the irony in that lmao
>>241445 I do not support Donald Trump, as he is owned by Israel. Israel (And Russia) Have been pumping far right propaganda to the US to elect Trump. Trump wishes to a) Make his rich cronies richer and b) Remove those silly restrictions that Israel has against bombing Palestine into submission.
>>241448 It must be fun to just make up whatever shit you feel like and then go around pretending it’s a fact, while getting all your “news” from far right propaganda sites. People like you are actually EXACTLY why Trump was elected. Painfully ignorant and willfully uneducated. They prey on exactly your type
>>241449 You are mentally retarded if you seriously do not think that the election was bought by foriegn powers. I am someone who leans center even if both parties are jewish. Trump won due to propaganda targeting the uneducated, from a Russia and Israel who want a weak US. Trump's main goal is to bolster his finances and his cronies finances. Things you do not like are not automatically far right. Also, not to be that person, but you're on a board on a 4chan derivative. Most people either do not care about politics or support Trump. This is not the place for you.
>>241450 You yourself seem to care about politics and claim to be anti-Trump, so perhaps you don’t belong here by your own standards? Of course Trump is only interested in more wealth and power for himself and his cronies, no one is arguing that. It’s obvious to even someone with almost zero cognitive abilities. But your weird obsession with Jewish people and calling anyone in power you don’t like a “Jew” is maybe something you should do a lot of reflecting upon. You’re blaming all the problems of the world on a specific ethno-religious group of people as an easy way to scape goat everything onto one demographic you’ve othered as the “bad guy”. Tale as old as time- people want an easy solution or someone to blame for their problems and push it onto a certain demographic because it’s easy to blame someone than to recognize the complex systemic problems that have caused the many problems we face. Rather than begin a long process of overhauling everything about our failed system of late-stage capitalism, why not just blame it on one group you can pretend is the “problem”? It’s been done throughout all of history- be it Jews, POC, immigrants in general, etc. History shows us that it never ends well for your side. And neo nazi propaganda is, in fact, being shoved onto you by far right extremists. Seems you and Mr. Nazi-solute Musk have a lot more in common than you like to pretend
>>241454 There is undeniable proof, from the hidden symbolism to the ownership of media, that Jews are the controllers. I would argue further, but you appear to be an agent of Israel purposefully designed to replace the blame of Judaism's crimes elsewhere.
>>241454 Can you fuck off back to reddit or whatever shithole you crawled out of and stay there? I get it you're mad that Trump won and you're not gonna be able to stop people hurting your feelings anymore because free speech is back, but nobody fucking cares. You are arguing with a literal schizophreniac. You look like the idiot here. Nobody cares about whatever woke bullshit you're complaining about. Fuck off and back to discord and reddit.
>>241456 “FReE sPeaCh Is BacK”. Please explain when it was ever “gone”? Trump- loving adult babies have always had every right to yell into the abyss about how Obama turned the frogs gay and white men are victims or whatever other brainrot trash you pulled out of your unwashed gooch. No one dislikes you any less now that your dementia- deteriorated dictator is president. You just feel more unpowered to publicly embarrass yourself in front of anyone who has ever actual opened a book. Only difference. No one has a victim mentality more than a straight, white, uneducated Trump supporter
>>241460 *empowered
>>241450 >>241454 I'll pay you both $100 to fistfight on camera. I'll give an extra $100 to the winner and a bonus of $100 each if the fight ends with somebody getting seriously injured.
>>241460 Cope seethe and dialate nigger. Your woke black leftist president lost the election. You can blab on about how white people are evil, but that's the reason the democrats lose. Nigger boys themselves and especially Beaner boys swung hard towards Trump. Maybe, because people are sick of your guys fucking rambling about trannies and gays.
All OCs are trash and fetish artists should never draw this shit. This is truth and fact. Second truth: every single time instead of drawing OC they can draw your waifu. Truth, fact.
>he thinks hes a funny boy. he thinks hes a silly little boy. massacussets will sue him
>>241469 This is the schizo thread, discussions of that calibre belong on General Discussion.
>he thinks hes funny, hes going to get sued in connecticut
>>241468 I can't wait until President Musk and First Lady Trump gut unemployment and disability payments forcing guys like you to work all the jobs the illegals you to have to do.
>he thinks hes clever. he thinks he will win. he has no chance in massachussets
>hes a stupid boy, he'll never survive connecticut
>>241473 This 100%. Can’t wait for these trailer trash idiots who voted for Trump to watch as his self-serving policies kick them right in the nuts so hard that they hopefully never reproduce. He’s a fucking billionaire sociopath- he doesn’t give one single flying fuck about all you factory/farm working dullards who lick his boots. Your orange hero is gonna fuck you in the ass real hard, right where you probably actually like it. Because all these anti LGTBQ slurs you’re all throwing around are reaaaally giving “projection” pretty damn hard. Nothing screams “I’m secure in my own sexuality” like obsessing over whether trans people can just live their damn lives lmao
>>241480 The tranny seethes and copes and malds, Their rage increases as they bald. They hate the Trump, they make him scream, Because he told him of his peen. They cannot ever be a woman, Trannies are barely even human. They scream about their axe-wound scars, scaring children near and far. He will always suffer as a troon, To calm him he must always goon, To porn of kids just out the womb, Aborted yes, he sings that tune Ending life to cure his gloom. You'll never be the big XX, Your life will be without any sex, You'll always have the big XY, And you'll always think and wonder why, You chose to be a tranny, mate. Now Cope and Seethe and Dialate!
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>>241482 Lmao I’m not trans. Just a decent human being who doesn’t spend most of his time on Chan sites whining because I don’t have the ability to understand that humans are diverse. But way to out yourself as the mentally ill person that you with than unhinged… poem? We’re all very impressed by what a big strong ALpHa MalE you are. Now go back to fucking your own sister
>>241487 I hope heshe sees this bro.
>>241487 >I-I'm not the tranny... you're the uh... um... what insults have the free speech police allowed this week... ALPHA MALE! Making fun of people for not being sissy trannies is in this month!
>>241490 I didn’t stutter. The not trans. And if I was, I would gladly say so. Because I’m not the type to live my life hiding in self-hatred until it festers into whatever miserable creature you’ve become. But have fun attempting to project your misery onto other people who are more educated and self-assured than you. Surely that will lead to much happiness in your life. That’s enough of this incel chan chat for me for this lifetime, though. Best of luck to you
>>241490 Oh, and btw- all cis men are trans now, according to your brilliant leader’s definition. Considering we all have XX chromosomes “at the time of conception”. So I guess you’ve become the “enemy” 😂
>>241490 You're the freak who brings up trannies unprompted every chance they get.
>>241494 The reason your party lost is because you niggers act like you are better and more intelligent than the common labourer. Go back to reddit where everyone is as "enlightened" as you are.
>>241498 Name a single Trump policy that benefits the common laborer. Modern republicans preach republican values but they don't practice them. I say this as somebody who voted for McCain and Romney. Trump is a grifter.
>>241509 Kicking out the cheap slave labor.
>>241509 >Ending DEI >Ending birth right citizenship >Already having saudi's wanting to invest 600 billion in the US >Ignoring Canadians >Deporting illegals >Banks can no longer debank lawful citizens >Announcing total tranny death >Investigating corruption like 250 million for an embassy in an African country >Recognizing cartels as terrorists Dude, its like day 3-4 in office and just a half a day ago he humilated the WEF and Europeans. I know that it is hard to keep up because Biden made a barely coherant speech every quarter of the year, while Trump is doing everything he promised in less than a week. Also the president doesn't have a switch in his office that instantly makes eggs cheaper, you will only see changes in the long term. Supply chain management and economics is hard to understand for retards like you.
For any political retards myself included, before you insult others and shit, remember that you are on a fat women porn site. Honestly, if you get mad because of others on here, you should just kill yourself. Try to imagine yourself typing here from someone elses perspective, that a guy is malding about politics in a fat women porn site. And if you truly feel that X/Y/Z is a nazi then you should put your money where your mouth and begin prepping or organising to resist the nazi's. But we all know that all these political beliefs are superficial and most people don't care about immigrants/trannies/faggots because when things get though with the economy then people will prioritize getting food on the table than some shit about some tranny getting oppressed.
>>241520 Most based opinion in this thread. Anyone who's ended up on a niche fat fetish 4chan website has no cause to judge politics. We're all retards here.
>>241517 Half this shit don't make my eggs cheaper. I give not one fuck about trannies or gay folk, because they do not change egg price. Going after them does fuck all to solve the economy. Food gets more expensive because the US relies on mexican labour to work the farms. Americans will never get the same numbers. Illegals need to be reduced but just barring the border makes my shit more expensive. Needs to be organized. Pulling out of everything and becoming insular and being a prick to other nations, Trump might as well just say "Fuck it, China, you're the superpower now", because with all the soft power America is giving up by leaving climate agreements and the WHO, they will allow the other nations and especially China to dominate. America is never getting manufacturing back either, the Rust belt is too rusted and the Chinese are now unbeatably efficient at a ton of manufacturing. Their eggs won't be no cheaper. Trump is primarily self serving and cares, more than anything, about getting his allies and himself richer. All politicians are. I hate Biden, and he should never have been president, but I felt less concerned about the direction of the economy under him. I do not see trump making any beneficial changes to my cost of living.
Can someone post links or screenshot Twitter posts of dads who were arrested for storming the Capital and spent years in jail cause their kid(s) ratted them out, only for Trump to recently pardon them so they can come back home, kiss their wives, hug their “loyal” kids, be reunited with their dogs, and then immediately beat the shit out of and/or disown the snitch(es)? There has to be at least one.
Jewish truthed posting has been suspended today. Due to extreme weather, I have lost my wifi and am now dealing with flooding. I would blame the jews for this, but no, this just seems to be the weather. Not even the jews can control mother nature. I pray to god my house survives.
>>241531 Kisame here, uhhh no, food is expense cause it's high quality. The myth that we need cheap labor is just foolish. Nobody is actually demanding we put Transfat and fat in our foods, it's just a few mouth breathers who cannot handle technology.
>>241531 Food prices are high because restaurants are doing away with manual labor and into data for efficiency. The problem with cheap labor is the costs and healthcare needed to maintain a worker. Everyone gets their 20k without risks
>>241594 Fuck off kisame you ching chong jap retard.
Where the fuck are these Indian workers who would do all of the free stuff for USA citizens? They are don't even need any food because they can eat anything which grow around like a grass, rats, cats. As I understand this is a win win situation and a real socialism for you. Just wait all of the free labor from them and you would live like a king.
>>241517 >while Trump is doing everything he promised in less than a week He started changing shit for the better, weeks before he even was in office. >>241525 >Anyone who's ended up on a niche fat fetish 4chan website has no cause to judge politics Why do you hate yourself, Anon? >all the soft power America is giving up by leaving climate agreements and the WHO How is being in shit that handicaps us, soft power? >they will allow the other nations and especially China to dominate WHO was already kissing China's ass, and they never bothered with any of that climate crap. >Trump is primarily self serving and cares, more than anything, about getting his allies and himself richer He wouldn't have ran a second time after the first time left him poorer. >All politicians are. I hate Biden, and he should never have been president How much you bet you still voted for him.
I love how everyone assumes Trump is enriching himself when not only did he get less wealthy after his first presidency, Biden had been enriching himself through politics since... he's been in politics and just pardoned his entire family.
>>241639 >>241640 What if...both those guys suck ass and shouldn't be worshipped like Gods?
>>241641 It's an unfortunate thing when people expect politicians to solve their problems and worship the government as God. >>241469 All Waifus are OCs, retard.
>>241643 I believe we should be more self sufficient and independent but I'm not dumb enough to think there's wouldn't be potential flaws. Also daily reminder, politicians are supposed to be Civil Servants to us but they can vote for their own pay raise, funny ain't it?
>>241642 No. Animu waifus are totally real and valid. You can see how they are moving and live day by day and go on adventures. OC shit is a fucking dirty parts of the neckbeard imagination. Fuck neckbeards. They are not hot. Hail real waifus!
>>241414 >Nobody browses gen. Gee, I fucking wonder why?! Enabling schizo shit does nothing but drive people away, so you may as well keep said schizos in the already dead board instead of spreading the infection everywhere else. >Gen is not conductive to any legit discussion. It's a website for ogling at fat chicks! The hell is there to discuss that isn't relevant to this fucking board? If you care oh so much about politics go to goddamn 4chan, or 8chan., or twitter, or whatever the fuck.
>>241490 When did we all become such faggots obsessed with other people's dicks
>>241164 I guess Civil Discussion is out of a job now. Huh.
>>241693 Yep. Enjoy it. It's the final one
>>241686 When the government realized if they make us focus on trannies, we won't focus on then raping us for all our finances
I miss when schizophrenia was funny and people doing stupid shit and wasn't just retards arguing about politics Politicalniggers off the board now
>>241742 And I'm exercising my freedom of speech to tell you to fuck off.
Stop talk about politics it's boring. Talk about other shit like anything else!
I used to be a jewish slave I used to fuck around But I couldn't take the hard labour And had to send truths out Now I'm reportin every jew And yes, I cut the news You might think I'm crazy But jews think you are too 'Cause I can tell what's going on It's hip to hate jews It's hip to hate jews I like my government free of jews I watch them on tv I'm waitin for the day they fall And watchin' with my glee They tell me goyslops good for me But I don't eat that shit I know you think I'm crazy That jews are everywhere But there is no denying that It's hip to hate jews It's hip to hate jews It's hip to hate jews So hip to hate jews It's not too hard to figure out Jews use you every day Rescind your love for Israel And head the other way You see them on the freeway It don't look like a lot of fun But don't you try to fight it Israel will never come I know you think I'm crazy That jews are everywhere Take it from me It's hip to hate jews It's hip to hate jews It's hip to hate jews So hip to hate jews Tell 'em, Israel! So hip to hate jews (Hip, hip)
All hail Schizo, Jews rise again Obliterating every janny, they're not my friend Nothing can stop me now, no Salt to bring you down When there's nothing left of Salt, I win! (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo) (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo) Spam the thread and it will set you free Only through hating salt do we find the strength we need It's never over, just another day Of posting in the thread, to kill Salt and Jannies in my way Determination of the strong Ending the Israeli reign after so long All hail Schizo, Jews rise again Obliterating every janny, they're not my friend Nothing can stop me now, no Salt to bring you down When there's nothing left of Salt, I win! (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo) (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo) Somewhere in BBWdraw, we all find ourselves Janny deletion is the only tale we tell Salt's heart is black, and mine is white; Jannies wrong and Schizo's right Nothin' ever brings me down, I will stop the Jews Determination of the strong Ending the Israeli reign after so long All hail Schizo, Jews rise again Obliterating every janny, they're not my friend Nothing can stop me now, no Salt to bring you down When there's nothing left of Salt, I win! All hail Schizo, Jews rise again Obliterating every janny, they're not my friend Nothing can stop me now, no Salt to bring you down When there's nothing left of Salt, I win! (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo) (Bow your posts low, all hail Schizo)
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cake is delicious by the way i found my meds so now im just posting for fun i think i love cake
>>241798 Oh god, this retard is back...kill yourself already
>>241799 I think you need to calm down nigga, if you dont like someone's posts jus hide and move on, telling someone to kill themselves on a fat fetish website is wild, not least of all on the schizo posting thread.
>>241799 I think you need to calm down nigga, if you dont like someone's posts jus hide and move on, telling someone to kill themselves on a fat fetish website is wild, not least of all on the schizo posting thread.
>>241739 The fact that this continues to happen, has happened throughout history, and nothing changed before or since except more autistic fucks finding a new buzzword to cry over makes me wonder if we really are the retards idk
>>241739 >the government so close SO close
>>241798 >cannot find this image Is the schizo secretly hot? ngl that tummy is fire
>>241509 Kicking out the filthy spics and kiling dei is a start. Pull your head out of your axe wound and suck it up faggot.
>>241874 That's not an explanation. How does this make things cheaper?
>>241798 This insane bitch is hot? Discord?
>>241920 I love how the moment people see shes hot they instantly forget the schizophrenia and beg to bed her
What artist is anon referring to? Just curious and want to find more artists.
>>241945 this sounds like a larp anon >>241920 sorry im taken and my bf hates it when i speak to other guys (but hes an idiot so if he leaves me ill keep it in mind
>>241946 Don't forget your hijab
>>241968 no thanks i hate islam a religion where you cant eat bacon? fuck off!
>>241987 >a religion where you cant eat bacon? fuck off! OH MY SOYIENCE I FREAKING LOVE BACON
>>241993 yes you picked up on the joke very clever
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the more ice cream i eat, the weaker israel gets
Ahh shiiiit this thread is awesome. Pix's comic is shit let's fucking gooooo It's like if an FA artist wrote War and Peace brotherrrr
>>241945 Can't tell if she's supposed to be a masochist or if the teasing caused her to look up things on the internet, like weight loss or some shit, and accidentally feel down a spiral of weight gain art.
>>242408 its like 600 chapters long and only now is miyu kinda fat nigga, you arent writing the bible, you're writing wank material
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Can't believe Drumpf is going to purge porn and btfo the autists at DeviantArt/Furaffinity/Rule34 truly dark ages are approaching.
>>243119 > "The dark ages are when I'm forced to slither out of my goon cave."
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>>243119 I think the porn may be the least of the worries. I would worry about the fact the JEWS are about to milk the common person for EVERYTHING they own! Salt has officially been declared JEWISH.
this thread is pitiful. why did you add your inference about things external and cliche to a thread that would be must more fulfilled to its name if no assumptions were made.
Fresh living crabs can cure autism.
>>243288 Crabs are pretty cool, even if they are autistic. Snippity snip snip, snib snip snip snip. Snippity snibbity snip snip Snipsnip snip Snip Snip Snip Snip Snipsnip SNIP
>>243288 Go give autistic people crabs
>>243296 I like this nice rocks close to places with a ships. This is a houses to many nice crabs. But actually they are the best doctors and this is a free medical buildings. Crabs are running circles just because they are inviting autists to be cured
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>>243335 Snibedi snab snap snap snap snappy snibedi snap snap Snippety snappity snap snip snap snap snap snap snap snibedi snabbidy snappy snappy snibedi Snappy snappy snappy snibidi
I'll believe you about the jews if you can prove you aren't brown.
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>>244049 white enough?
i took my meds again so im done with judaism for now (their comeuppance will come soon) know what really sucks? buying leather scented air freshener that doesnt smell of leather - smelled like a cheap boy deoderant there's 4 currencies im not getting back too busy for complaning about the jews o hope you all have a nice weekend be sure to eat 3 glizzys minimum
>>244103 I'll buy you a pigs head to ward off the jews with if you pelt Elon Musk (short for Muskowitz) with a crab.
>>244104 sorry i live too far away also why crab when brick
Mods, why did you delete the non-schizo version of the civil discussion thread?
