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Drawing Improvement General BBWChan Edition Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 04:24:01 Id:a05f8f No. 236337
dig/ Inspired edition Post what you're working on, ask questions, give critique, resources, etc. Do not hesitate to show your work, failure is the best teacher and better to be aware than not. Just do your best to help yourself and fellow artist bring more girls of varying sizes into the world. Welcome: New and seasoned artists looking for advice, critique and support. When giving criticism, please, give actual criticism not just "LOL LOOMIS." If you can't think of anything very constructive try being specific with something you like or hate about a drawing. NOT welcome: Bad faith critique or 'crabs' (bringing others down with you). Resources: Check the wiki on 4chan's /ic/ or search 'dig/' in the trash threads. (More resources and links there) Recommended Video Creators: Tyler Edlin, Proko, Sinix, Scott Robertson, Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint), Aaron Blaise, Vilpu (Anatomy). >Where should I start? Above all else, make sure you have fun drawing, learning the fundamentals are important, but it will not be a fast process to creating girls all kinds of sizes you can get your rocks off to. For a starting artist, follow along the steps of learning art in general with some of these resources: The exercises in either "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Additionally, you can try the first few lessons of https://drawabox.com/ for building up muscle memory. Note that for fat art in particular, a better understanding of form, perspective, and anatomy will be much more important than normal. Note: Mention anything you wish to be added to the op or any changes you wish for the future.
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>>241062 I have a problem with "inbreeding", where i started at practicing abstracted forms in my mind for the past 3 years and after time the initial form is forgotten like dozen mental xerox copies. Eventually the noise and abstraction becomes a blackbox, which grew larger with my autophilic reference habits. Basically always draw more real fundamental shit and avoid self reference or I'll become frank miller.
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been wanting to practice drawing for a while, I've always been crap at it (probably because I was so embarrassed that I never pushed myself to practice) I'm including the first of what I hope to be daily practice drawings (plus a sketch I did of the Silver Surfer with seriously wonky arms, lmao) I've also attached the image I used for reference. Annoyingly, I seem to have drawn her thinner somehow.
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Painted Rei
>>241178 Really nice job!
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>>240866 Thanks for the advice! I appreciate the honesty and kind words. I do agree that facial features are something I've always been a little awkward about, I feel like a bad face can very easily ruin a drawing so I'm often too afraid to do anything experimental with it. You're right about the small mouths in some drawings for sure lol. I went ahead and fixed this one up a bit for comparison and you're totally right, I always thought this piece was decent but couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with it - you definitely helped lol.
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>>240947 Okay So i did the Skeleton first and manage to work out the chin a bit better. Line work could be much better, Also Hands are always a little off to me.
>>241335 I'd suggest working on making your lines more confident. I struggle with this too (see my work a couple posts above) I feel like my lines aren't gonna come out right, so I draw them little by little, but it ends up looking all scratchy. But if you work past that fear and just draw your lines in one go, I promise it looks a lot better.
>>241220 Thanks bro!
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any tips, advice or feedback for a fellow fat enjoyer?
>>241269 That looks much better! Thanks!
>>241580 You’ve got a pretty distinct style there, fun stuff. Biggest thing I can point out though is her arms; yeah her huge gut is going to make them look a bit smaller, but if she let her arms hang at her side they wouldn’t even reach her waist. Usually arms are long enough to reach around to your thighs in length, so just be careful when bending them that you don’t end up drawing them all T rex short.
>>241580 Nice art! Are you open for requests? Also, what’s your discord account?
>>241666 .nikoltine. >>241591 thanks i'll keep that in mind for future drawings
>>241580 Oh shit Nikoltine, love your stuff on dA.
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>>241580 Might just be me, but what catches my eye the most is how the face looks disconnected from the rest of the character. The features inside are drawn with same line thickness as the (cross)hatching, while every other line in the image has considerably more thickness. This makes the face look like it was made by a different artist going for a more cal-art type of art style. I'd give the lines inside the face a little more volume to balance it out. I'd also recommend learning to draw your lines in single, clean strokes, instead of doing chicken scratches.
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Been working on some bigger projects. But Here's what I just finished! But I'm hopefully going to start making a whole lot more stuff in the future and faster. Definitely want to make this a larger part and hopefully something that I could turn into more of a job. A bit out of the blue, but does anyone have any guides for making a pov piece? Got a big idea I want to try soon.
>>241941 I don't like the face but very good development
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Its not much but I wanted to drew her for sometime. how's it lookin?
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>>243287 oh and her boa form too
Excuse me, Any Idea or references for draw bbw/ssbbw being lifted for someone else?
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>>244495 Best I can do is this
>>241580 Nice art. Are you going be open for requests again soon.
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Been wanting to draw bellies for a while now, finally getting into doing it.
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Faces are much easier now, legs chould stand to better, but this reference helped me get a better grasp on fat distribution, it's furry if you really care so I spoiled it. Also I to make cleaner lines.
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Made a blender 3D blob getting huge. I know the skin tone is weird and there's a lack of animation, but tell me what you think: https://files.catbox.moe/ekjob0.mp4 (file too large for bbwchan)
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Trying to get better at rendering, really like how the highlights came out! Also shout out to the guy who told me to do fatter tails, been trying to do that more.
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Posting my recent stuff. Unless mods say otherwise, since what point is there for an alt draw thread version, spoilered one with pregfat. >>244677 Looks good! What are some things you're looking for in particular? Can't think of much to mention atm. >>244869 Nice, could use a little more contrast, it's a little hard to see when scanned to digital like this. But hard to say from what you see irl. >>245164 Catbox ain't loading for me. But the still pic looks pretty good! Might be fun to play with angles/perspective, could really elevate this scene. >>244890 I think you need to work on lines further. These messy, varied lines can work for a bit, but our brain autofills the line that'd work best. I'm not saying this second, but you should try to limit how many line's your using, it'll show your strengths/errors a lot more clearly. >>245404 Neat pose. Though the light source could be a little more distinct with the highlights. A little hard to tell if it weren't for the shadows showing it'd be on the right.
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hey im back, i just recently made this for the draw thread.
>>245570 >What are some things you're looking for in particular Rendering I think
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>>246091 Really flat my nigga, I would really suggest studying fundamentals before drawing fat girls.
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Still trying to adapt to digital. Yes I know the wings are shit...
>>246691 not really just lack of details, overall keep up the good work
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>>247395 Based engineering paper
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Can't wait to do this everyday for the next few months, trying to grind out the fundamentals.
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The drawing I made - I've never drawn before, and this is the first time I've picked up a graphic pen - turned out, in my opinion, extremely crappy.
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>>245570 Thanks, I gave more attention to keeping clean lines. How is it?
>>247480 and what about doing that but in actual drawing instead of just random geometrical shapes?
>>247763 Bit condescending. Explain.
>>247772 You can draw all the random shapes you want, but if you don't know HOW they are used in a drawing it's pointless.
>>247775 I know this. It was just me doodling.
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Arm practice probably should’ve posted it here first
>>247763 That's how you build muscle memory and visual library, don retardo. Do you even know anything about drawing?
>>247480 I work as an artist and I never did anything like this in my life. If you want to draw a girl learn exactly how to draw a girl. Use book like a Hampton one to understand fundamentals and then anything about manga style shapes and proportions if you want to draw a manga style. If you struggle with any shape you can change them to the spherical shapes instead of drawing a shit you are struggle with. I draw for a lot of years and if I struggle with some anatomical shit I just would make a more easy construction which is in the end would describe the same muscle and translate to the same result, instead of doing 999999999 dumb doodles.
>>247830 >Do you know anything about drawing >>247832 >I work as an artist and I never did anything like this in my life. >>247830 Do you?
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>>247832 I've been a pro artist for years and I can say you're full of shit if you think drawing simple forms doesn't help. Hell, you brought up Hampton, and that book tells you to practice simple forms in perspective. I bet your art looks like ass if you make fun of people for trying to learn fundamentals.
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How to draw fat bitches? I know about “Morpho Fat and Skin Folds Anatomy for Artists,” but I wonder if there are more materials about fat women?
