/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:01:16 No. 13095 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.

SuperXlChubBoy Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 04:16:40 No. 3322 [Reply] [Last]
The place to put up pics/GIFs/videos of this incredible 768-1060 lb. mountain of meat
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>>14217 Discoloured diabetic legs, clogged arteries, immobile and hooked up to an oxygen tank ... he just turned 32. How many good years are there to come?
If they are gaining weight, they should at least change to foods that contain more vitamins, etc.... If they are showing early symptoms, they should at least change the foods they consume.... Or is it simply a buildup of body skin grime....
>>13340 I feel just the same way about this. I really do... For almost my entire life I've been fantasizing about becoming this huge... I wish, I just wish I could also do this to myself... but it's impossible to lead a double life when you can't just take off your fetish, all while your loved ones are forced to watch you eat yourself to death.
>>14223 Many obese men have these dark crusted legs - leg arteries are the first to clogg up ... yeah, the warning signs are there. But will he change his diet because of this?
>>14220 could you share it? please

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Discord Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 21:24:08 No. 8669 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for male fats and male fat enjoyers to share their discord accounts/servers
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>>14112 Sure, I'm merricsands
drumbr1_13637 on Discord Anybody want to fatten me up? VERY into burping.
Hi! I’m a 25 year old feedee from Poland who started his gaining journey last year, going from 60kg (132lbs) to 90kg (198lbs). My goal is to reach 150kg (330lbs) in the future. I’m looking for encouragement, motivation, and support to help me along the way. I’m open to both online and IRL interactions. Discord: kamillef
>>14162 How much do you weigh?
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Lost BHM art Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 13:28:18 No. 7776 [Reply] [Last]
THE POLISH FREAK IS BACK Y'ALL!!! Anyways uuhhhh like the title says, it's a thread about asking/looking/ and finding lost BHM art that is no longer online for example. Me first: Does anyone have a better version of this art by Tpoodle/D0gD0tC0m and their other stuff that got deleted by them?
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Omg the bulge...
Does literally nobody have Stevie Foxx's deleted shit? I've seen a solid 4 people ask and get jackshit of a response.
Does anyone have the full sequence? It's 9 images, and I can't find the whole thing :(
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>>14204 I've only got this portion saved so this is all I have
>>14226 I think there's 2 more missing but all I've found

Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 20:58:41 No. 8082 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have any deleted artwork from peachbellies/marshmallofluff?
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all what i found
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Anybody have more of their Steve art?
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remember that video she made with Russell on YouTube? It was some slob audio edit they did and I wish I could have access to it again.

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1seniorm FitFat 09/12/2022 (Mon) 09:39:50 No. 3224 [Reply]
hey guys I was just wondering of any of you ever heard of the former gainer 1seniorm on youtube, and if so is there anyway you could give me his deleted/private videos
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>>14185 Is that video footage?
there footage of it but i cant find it anywhere it wasnt in the list of downloaded videos if i recall
I wonder if he has anymore hidden videos
Certainly makes me wonder why he doesn't want to get naked... Most gainers take their clothes off and shoot... Or is it because of YouTube restrictions?
oh im pretty sure its cuz he uses padding, which is really impressive padding if thats the case

Unhealty boys U53rdv 07/02/2023 (Sun) 07:38:20 No. 6420 [Reply]
Images of unhealthy fatties can be art or content of people whatever is related to the health issues
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>>9165 How’s your progress going man?
>>9167 Seeing that people are sharing their tag, I'll share mine too: explo911
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I'm looking for it but can't find it. 😿
since people already posted theirs anyone who wants to tease/poke fun at an unhealthy fatty can add me on discord (mooboi444)

Who's this superchu Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 10:08:27 No. 12827 [Reply]
What's his name? He was on grommr but deleted his account. Do you have any more pics/video, please share.
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>>12827 Apparently he dies due to a complication with diabetes?
Oh my god... you're kidding, right?
>>12827 his name is Maxwell Santiago, he passed away from complications with his diabetes at 23, I didn’t know he had a grommr account that got deleted “probably by his family” is there anything around the web of him that wasn’t on his twitter
We need to find a way to gain weight while maintaining our health in the future... If there was a clinical trial or something, I would cooperate... I wonder if any university would be willing to do it?
Does anyone have any more content from him? It's almost impossible to find anything of him outside of twitter

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Hi bbwchan, I'm fat as fuck Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 20:10:54 No. 14136 [Reply]
Being in college has made me gain so many points /bhm/. I've become such a fat fuck and I wanted you to see what it's done to my belly. Do you like it? ;)
That belly looks absolutely brilliant, definitely has potential
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Thank you :) here's another photo for everyone to enjoy.
Add me on Discord biojoestar_99986
Here's a video of me playing with my fat :) I love feeling how soft my belly is and how big it's getting. Don't you all agree? https://gofile.io/d/3LfpET

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Skinny Girl x SSBHM Sex Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 01:36:42 No. 5565 [Reply]
Looking for videos of skinny girls fucking SSBHMs. These pics and videos are from some reddit account years ago.
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Love seeing my content around
>>13864 that would be awesome
Found her on coomer She seems to be a true chubby chaser https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/imabbybrooke
Need! https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/25451726/cake-stuffing-bj-fucking-multi-angle
Just find this guy any content? https://www.tumblr.com/biggieandsweets

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Guy grows bigger on 9gag Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 09:21:54 No. 9913 [Reply]
Anyone else see this? So there's this guy who claims he has been growing non-stop on 9gag, showing how his belly and only his belly has been growing like crazy over a year now. (name is hippocampus_30 if you want to see the videos) It raises questions though, in videos it looks more tight than a fat belly, like he's stuffed a balloon in there. Theory in the comments is that he just has a kink for it and pretending. Thoughts?
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That's Vertigoed from Grommr. He got legit fat a few years back, but then lost most of it. These days he now pads in public / online to get off It's kind of a shame. He was hot when he was in the 230-250 range, but now he's just cringeposting
>>9992 oh shit, that's what happened to him? I mean, tbh I think padding can be hot, but uh... this ain't it chief. This is just odd. Then again, who's it hurting? -shrug-
>>9992 Not gonna lie though, i personally like this shape, how the buttons are being spread and what not. he looks ready to burst. But yeah, that said, I knew it couldnt be real in this sense.
Does anyone have any of his old youtube videos? I've been hunting for them forever. Especially the one that shows his progression.
It's really nice looking padding, regardless. Too bad he's being weird about how/where he's posting, I'd follow him for padding content.

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Fat Youtubers 2: Extra Large Edition Giichi 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:43:22 No. 10815 [Reply] [Last]
Due to recent events, the Fat Youtubers Thread has been nuked from existence due to increasing sensitivity and worries in fat scenarios involving characters and people of younger age. Due to this new law in place, this thread will be exclusively included people of legal age. While it is disappointing to see the thread go, if you have any archives of the original images before they were purged, feel free to repost them here. As for me, I'll be here checking this place here and there for any Youtuber Sonas to try out and fatten up so if there's a PNGtuber or a sona in general you want to see fattened up, send a request.
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Someone needs to fatten up Vicfis' femboy demon
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Edit Thread - Male Edition Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 16:32:47 No. 12799 [Reply]
This is the Edit Thread for Male Expansion stuff. Nude edit, slob edit, blueberry/fruit edit, body inflation edit, weight gain and screencap edit. You can also post a female expansion to edit these pics.
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Requesting to edit him to leaking blueberry juice on nipples
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I fixed the cum into a cherry juice.
Does anyone edit this? >>12800
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Can someone edit out the guy in the back?
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Does anyone make a color edit for this?

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Fatty Danganronpa Males Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 03:19:59 No. 13194 [Reply]
Post for your favorite blubber boys, ultimate fatty men, etc. 18+ Only!
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In honor of New Years and Hajime's birthday, I found more stuff of him!
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Buried dick in fat pad Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 14:46:16 No. 1781 [Reply] [Last]
I have this fetish since a long time. If you have content like this you can post it here. I'll start : https://twitter.com/HobbitVanilla/status/1431098940947058694?t=TDRMkwisAgfzNJSHUaAhBQ&s=19
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>>14049 Where did you find this? I can’t find his content anywhere
>>14075 onlyfans.com/coquito_papiii
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I am only 335 lbs and already gone lol.
>>2695 Want more videos like thsi
