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1seniorm FitFat 09/12/2022 (Mon) 09:39:50 No. 3224 >>3967
hey guys I was just wondering of any of you ever heard of the former gainer 1seniorm on youtube, and if so is there anyway you could give me his deleted/private videos
does anyone atleast know where i can find some videos of his or what happened to him?
heres some more pics of him~
>>3224 This guy was padding the whole time. I remember years ago he had other videos, which included shirtless guys. Well at one point someone on grommr said it was his videos that were being used. The guy just has a good padding and stuffs his mouth with something like cotton balls. People have tried to call him out in the comments but those comments get deleted and banned. People still believe this 10+ years later
Oh really?? that's impressive for padding if thats the case, now do you know where i can find any of videos that were privated? i miss seeing them
tbh im really desperate to find all his videos lol
This like the only video avalable i could find https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x31u1fh
I cant promise anything, but check the thread by tomorrow. I might have a good chunk of his videos saved on a hard drive, I just need some time to get around it.
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>>3997 here it is https://mab.to/t/qyHhr2ft9fV that's all I have of him
thank you! this means a lot<3
weird question but is there anyway to contact him?
hey those downloads arent working, can you reupload them please?
Could you reupload the link please
bump, hope there's more vids of him
I have all his videos, I can upload them somewhere to share
oh hell yea! do you want my email or something? ive been looking for all his videos for ages
I uploaded it on mediafire. Heres link if doesnt work I can try dropbox or anywhere else like mega.nz https://www.mediafire.com/folder/1ulv1psvj5287/1seniorm
thanks man
god he is so hot, idc if it's a fake suit
thats the funny thing, he was big, not as big in video so last I spoke to him he was fat and obese but not as big in video. But made me wonder after he sent my belly play video (this was sent in old account tht got terminated), why have apdding, u were already big so why? Hes still hot though
i gotta say the padding is really impressive
I wonder what he looked like without the shirt on
if there's any other stuff of him, please let me know
why did he even delete his stuff? is he anywhere around?
Omg this little thread is so niche, so specific, so amazing. I feel like I found a needle in a haystack. I’ve been looking high and low, far and wide for this gorgeous man. The way he went from super fit and gorgeous to even more sexy with his big, soft, round, jiggly belly and perky tits at an evergrowing pace. I’m so glad I found these videos!!! Thank you for uploading them. Has anyone found out more about who he is, where he’s at? I would love to know if he’s in the gay community. What I wouldn’t give to just be able to say hello to him. He’s beautiful 😍
Apparently this link is a video of him talking about his weight gain. The video is marked as private. Anyone have access to it or have it saved somewhere? https://youtu.be/KaqwJQfINvU
is this guy even around or has a discord or any social of sorts???
Hey guys was curious if anyone had any updates on this man? Find any new pics or videos? I’d love to know who he is and what he looks like now
is he still fat???
is he active anywhere else or under a new name?
>>9639 It was first documented in 2019. Explains the outburst so it is her. Hmm make sense now. He wasnt like that before.
what do you mean?
are there any pics or videos without his shirt?
I wonder what the reason is for the sudden decision to go private?
from what I've heard it had something to do with people trashing on him for using padding
Any update on this man? He’s gotta be somewhere
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>>14185 Is that video footage?
there footage of it but i cant find it anywhere it wasnt in the list of downloaded videos if i recall
I wonder if he has anymore hidden videos
Certainly makes me wonder why he doesn't want to get naked... Most gainers take their clothes off and shoot... Or is it because of YouTube restrictions?
oh im pretty sure its cuz he uses padding, which is really impressive padding if thats the case
Good padding isn't easy. It always sucks when people get insecure or try to deceive others instead of sharing their great padding work for what it really is. (Not to say that 1seniorm or whoever is actually in the videos was wasn't trying to deceive anyone, more a comment on the odd place padding sometimes takes in the gainer world.)

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