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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Unhealty boys U53rdv 07/02/2023 (Sun) 07:38:20 No. 6420 [Reply]
Images of unhealthy fatties can be art or content of people whatever is related to the health issues
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>>9167 Seeing that people are sharing their tag, I'll share mine too: explo911
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I'm looking for it but can't find it. šŸ˜æ
since people already posted theirs anyone who wants to tease/poke fun at an unhealthy fatty can add me on discord (mooboi444)
>>14216 >>14256 Hoping to see more of these posted or a new thread is made with them again

StuffedDweeb 10/26/2024 (Sat) 08:58:25 No. 12924 [Reply]
They're twitter is gone. And despite me saving a lot of them. I'm feeling sunken that there could've been posts that I didn't know existed. And videos I wished to download if they weren't a locked account https://youtu.be/vaLmCstOie4?si=QswrXiqPvBcsgPPW https://youtu.be/RA8WS27KvTs?si=pl-KY6myFElqA_VY
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>>13823 Do you also happen to have an archive of your youtube videos and other videos, at least any with you burping and farting?
Do you have anywhere to chat? Was gonna reach out on Tumblr but you said you might delete it
I do have a discord that is listed on my tumblr page BUT! I'm not really active there. I'll make sure to post any other contact accounts i make on my tumblr or in this thread though!!!
Really wish they would stop deleting their accounts, it's really annoying
Does anyone have anything from either two gofiles saved that they could reup?

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Turning in to a fat femboy Lardi šŸ’• 11/18/2024 (Mon) 14:39:06 No. 13138 [Reply]
Iā€™ve always loved being fat, but gaining has been a on and off thing for a while. One day i was curious to see how i would feel like wearing thongs and bras and oh boy, it felt amazing. So amazing in fact, iā€™ve started to chase becoming fatter and fatter so that i can fill out the bras and make my belly test the limits of thong strech. Who wouldā€™ve knew that being a fat fembot would feeel this good? šŸ¤­šŸ’•
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Hereā€™s a short clip which i took after eating my night snack. This was before i got hungey again at 3am and decided to order from mcdonalds šŸ¤­ Sorry for the poor quality, i didnā€™t release this in my social medias but figured that you guys would like it. Had to upload it to gofile since couldnā€™t add it as a webm https://gofile.io/d/C828Bt
Wait what where did the fat pad thread go?
>>13949 Youā€™re looking super cute with that belly x3 Are you planning on doing of?
>>14051 Havenā€™t been planning doing onlyfans yet. Iā€™ve only had couple of people paying for custom videos on twitter. If the demand increases, it will be definitely in mind little bit more ;)
Yo, I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for a gainer trying to bypass having a fast metabolism that burns calories fast

Is there more art them? 12/21/2024 (Sat) 05:45:16 No. 13669 [Reply]
I want more art of that artiest!
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no clue who the artist is tho rip
I remember their name is figamortis!!
Turns out their old username were tropical_fig and pineapple_rumm!!
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Here's art of their character his name is "Woody"

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Big Belly Boyfriend - Comfort Audios (Lost) Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 22:32:38 No. 14243 [Reply]
https://youtu.be/n_VcXftQx6c Anyone got more of this guyā€™s videos before they were taken down? Thereā€™s only two reuploads as of nowā€¦ specifically looking for the thanksgiving one but iā€™ll take what I can get

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Fatten Up The Poster Above 2 08/31/2023 (Thu) 21:13:00 No. 7142 [Reply] [Last]
Fatten Up The Poster Above. (for the second time) - Keep civil. - Be fun. - Be creative.
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>>14161 I'd love to... but the only problem is that you're ALREADY a big... FAT... BLOATED... drunk. God, I can smell the alcohol from here... it's splashed across your face, your chins, your fat boy tits... all of it. And just look at your gut, hanging down past your thighs and towards your knees, looking like an apron of flab. When was the last time that you went a day without being stuffed or drunk? Or both. I bet you can't even remember, can you? Your memory must be so fuzzy. You hopeless fatass.
>>14157 Oh, of course! Energy drink sounds great. I could drink a bottles or two. It's so sweet and fizzy... I hope this is just an ordinary energy drink... By the way, I feel really hungry. Is it the "appetite stimulation" from the drink? And speaking about its effects what did you say about intestinal aid? I feel something closer to bloating...
>>14178 Hmmm... well, if you're so hungry, I don't see why you shouldn't have a bite to eat! Or more than a bite, while you're at it. Go on, there should be a cheap pizza place or something of that sort around here... Oh, and the intestinal aid? That shouldn't be anything to worry about. Just think of any bloating, and whatever might come with said bloating, as it... as it working through your system, doesn't that sound simple?
>>14174 Th- *urrrrrup* thanks, man. Ish not so baaaad, ish just *hup!* beer... 'm only on my shecond case, ish finnnne...
>>14235 Whatever you say, porker. Are those 12 packs? No, they must be 24 count, huh? No wonder your speech is slurred... mumbling drunkenly past your tubby cheeks. Just look at how your belly jiggles whenever you burp. All of that beer, boiling away in your stomach... and yet you keep going for more. I bet you'd like some burgers with that, wouldn't you, fatty?

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1seniorm FitFat 09/12/2022 (Mon) 09:39:50 No. 3224 [Reply] [Last]
hey guys I was just wondering of any of you ever heard of the former gainer 1seniorm on youtube, and if so is there anyway you could give me his deleted/private videos
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there footage of it but i cant find it anywhere it wasnt in the list of downloaded videos if i recall
I wonder if he has anymore hidden videos
Certainly makes me wonder why he doesn't want to get naked... Most gainers take their clothes off and shoot... Or is it because of YouTube restrictions?
oh im pretty sure its cuz he uses padding, which is really impressive padding if thats the case
Good padding isn't easy. It always sucks when people get insecure or try to deceive others instead of sharing their great padding work for what it really is. (Not to say that 1seniorm or whoever is actually in the videos was wasn't trying to deceive anyone, more a comment on the odd place padding sometimes takes in the gainer world.)

Who's this superchu Anonymous 10/18/2024 (Fri) 10:08:27 No. 12827 [Reply]
What's his name? He was on grommr but deleted his account. Do you have any more pics/video, please share.
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>>12827 Apparently he dies due to a complication with diabetes?
Oh my god... you're kidding, right?
>>12827 his name is Maxwell Santiago, he passed away from complications with his diabetes at 23, I didnā€™t know he had a grommr account that got deleted ā€œprobably by his familyā€ is there anything around the web of him that wasnā€™t on his twitter
We need to find a way to gain weight while maintaining our health in the future... If there was a clinical trial or something, I would cooperate... I wonder if any university would be willing to do it?
Does anyone have any more content from him? It's almost impossible to find anything of him outside of twitter

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Guy grows bigger on 9gag Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 09:21:54 No. 9913 [Reply]
Anyone else see this? So there's this guy who claims he has been growing non-stop on 9gag, showing how his belly and only his belly has been growing like crazy over a year now. (name is hippocampus_30 if you want to see the videos) It raises questions though, in videos it looks more tight than a fat belly, like he's stuffed a balloon in there. Theory in the comments is that he just has a kink for it and pretending. Thoughts?
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That's Vertigoed from Grommr. He got legit fat a few years back, but then lost most of it. These days he now pads in public / online to get off It's kind of a shame. He was hot when he was in the 230-250 range, but now he's just cringeposting
>>9992 oh shit, that's what happened to him? I mean, tbh I think padding can be hot, but uh... this ain't it chief. This is just odd. Then again, who's it hurting? -shrug-
>>9992 Not gonna lie though, i personally like this shape, how the buttons are being spread and what not. he looks ready to burst. But yeah, that said, I knew it couldnt be real in this sense.
Does anyone have any of his old youtube videos? I've been hunting for them forever. Especially the one that shows his progression.
It's really nice looking padding, regardless. Too bad he's being weird about how/where he's posting, I'd follow him for padding content.

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Edit Thread - Male Edition Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 16:32:47 No. 12799 [Reply]
This is the Edit Thread for Male Expansion stuff. Nude edit, slob edit, blueberry/fruit edit, body inflation edit, weight gain and screencap edit. You can also post a female expansion to edit these pics.
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Requesting to edit him to leaking blueberry juice on nipples
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I fixed the cum into a cherry juice.
Does anyone edit this? >>12800
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Can someone edit out the guy in the back?
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Does anyone make a color edit for this?

Immobile guys Anonymous 02/16/2022 (Wed) 02:30:10 Id:0bacf1 No. 662 [Reply] [Last]
Post pictures and videos of real life immobile guys. Starting this thread with a Superxlchubboy video: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWE5UU0c1WFNIVjJRMnM9
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>>13998 Unfortunately a lot of it has to do with genetics. Anything you read online about certain diets leading to certain types of fat gain is pseudoscience at best. That said, in my annacdotal experience visceral fat tends to go first when you lose weight. One way to make sure your body has more subcutaneous fat then visceral fat is to cycle gaining weight and losing weight. Basically gain a bunch, lose a little, repeat. This is why people who have been overweight their entire lives tend to have more subcutaneous fat, while people who gain as they age tend to have more viceral.
Lately I've been reading a lot of texts and experiences of morbidly obese (sometimes immobile and barely mobile) men in places like the subreddit SuperMorbidlyObese, ig accounts, weight loss accounts and Facebook posts and I've been really intrigued into reading stuff like that. Does anyone know where I can read interesting info about immobile men or men close to that due to their weight? Or at least realistic fake stories or books. I've been so horny lately that I've even been reading some journals about bariatric doctors because you can find some gems that can leave you shocked. Anyway, it would be good if anyone could share some stuff like that.
>>14066 You and I seem to be on the same page...!
>>14066 Cally Parker a bariatric nurse used to post hot stuff on tumblr.
>>13038 He did not weigh 1200 pounds in that picture.

hansis superchubs Anon 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:56:53 No. 13311 [Reply]
I havent seen a thread here for this yet, so here it is! upload/share whatever you got! i have a bunch of superxlchub vids on my pc, so once I can, i will share!
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dutchchub pleeeeease
>>13311 OP still in the way to his pc lmao.
Does anyone have a video of James or Snrolaxking?
Does anyone know what happened to LIGuy37? Hansi published videos starring him some years ago but I've never seen anything of him again. He looked so large and unhealthy with his discoloured hanging belly ...
I'm just missing those videos, if anyone has them, you can write to my email [email protected] and we can exchange for the entire collection I have and also other obese men

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Thread for the men of delicious in dungeon Delicious in dungeon 05/05/2024 (Sun) 11:29:05 No. 10224 [Reply]
Thereā€™s a thread on bbwdraw, surely there should be one here too
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>>12497 mutual is the best
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>>12981 even sexier in color
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Xenoblade ano 06/16/2022 (Thu) 22:09:56 No. 2424 [Reply]
most fats of the Xenoblade bois are found on twitter
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Yes, I know this is a shitpost, however I am desperate for content.
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puakgumaigang's bits Anonymous 02/23/2024 (Fri) 10:46:49 No. 9178 [Reply]
hate to be a beggar but does anyone have any of the stuff they have taken down?
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They also seem to have stuff on their kofi if anyone has access https://ko-fi.com/saplemu/gallery
>>9223 holy shit,,, the wine bottle sequence is so hot,,,,,, giwtwm
holy shit that's hot
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>>9178 https://x.com/puakgumaigang?lang=en&mx=2
