/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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SITE UPDATE: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 19:01:16 No. 13095 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.

Fat Boyfriend (FNF) Anonymous 10/21/2021 (Thu) 04:18:50 Id:5f5c82 No. 984 [Reply] [Last]
It's a crime that there isn't a lot of fat art of the beep bop boy.
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>>14561 not sure why this is in the bf thread, but who’s the artist of this one?
>>14570 https://bsky.app/profile/h0ll0wd33n.bsky.social
>>12627 sauce?
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Funkinflation AU

SuperXlChubBoy Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 04:16:40 No. 3322 [Reply] [Last]
The place to put up pics/GIFs/videos of this incredible 768-1060 lb. mountain of meat
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>>14571 feet are seriously scaring me I want him to lose weight because I want his feet to go back to normal. 😭 in the latest Hansi c4s post it says he's trying to gain his mobility back, but I can't imagine it's comfortable to walk on feet like that 😭 poor guyyyy ugg
Why doesnt he have a live stream. I would watch that blob expand even further every day for hours. Gosh he is making me so horny
>>14591 probably because Hansi hasn't figured out a way to profit from it
>>14591 Send him a message and ask.

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Fat Youtubers 2: Extra Large Edition Giichi 06/07/2024 (Fri) 01:43:22 No. 10815 [Reply] [Last]
Due to recent events, the Fat Youtubers Thread has been nuked from existence due to increasing sensitivity and worries in fat scenarios involving characters and people of younger age. Due to this new law in place, this thread will be exclusively included people of legal age. While it is disappointing to see the thread go, if you have any archives of the original images before they were purged, feel free to repost them here. As for me, I'll be here checking this place here and there for any Youtuber Sonas to try out and fatten up so if there's a PNGtuber or a sona in general you want to see fattened up, send a request.
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>>14582 Looks like he's about to blow up
>>14369 I'm also wanting m80marc
>>14588 Like I said I didn't exactly find what I'm supposed to draw, if you wish for me to do so you're gonna have to send a reference of him
>>14590 I guess this could be some good reference maybe
>>14580 What about some really fat LS Mark or Just Stop?

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few pics of myself silvashreq8 03/03/2025 (Mon) 02:31:26 No. 14518 [Reply]
hiii, i started stuffing myself and gained some weight, so here are some pics of me to see what do yall think, probabbly gonna be posting more later
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thank uu, gonna post more pics later :3 heres another pics of my tummyy
>>14518 more pics
Oops forgot to upload the pics lol
Love how your body looks so far!
You look so skinny still you need to eat way more. Nice stretch marks though.

Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 14:39:56 No. 14529 [Reply]
ok so does anyone here have more drawings from an artist named "cosmic-cravings"? I don't know what happened but he isn't active anywhere but I found some arts on some reposted tumblr pages, but if anyone had any more to share would be appreciated
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>>14565 oooh ok tyy
>>14566 https://gofile.io/d/lkIXnv He is genuinely one of my favorite fat boy artists. Glad to see his work going around!
>>14567 yeah, I'm so sad I discovered him too late :(
A google search tells me they changed names crepeuscular https://x.com/crepeuscular?s=09
>>14574 oh my I actually know them, no way ty

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Hello everyone I'm 25 and a little over 280lbs but I'd really like to triple my weight as fast as possible
>>14585 Also to add I just moved to Oregon if anyone is in my area that would be awesome
You could try drinking mass gainer with heavy cream or half and half every day. Adds a ton of calories

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Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 00:48:06 No. 14577 [Reply]
This piggy wanted exposing… he wants everyone to know how big and disgusting he has gotten and how his only goal in life is to grow and to please… please humiliate him and make him feel worthless

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Boyfriend to death wg/inflation thread Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 23:06:03 No. 14575 [Reply]
A place for all btd goodness. I know there's some inflatable and fatty potential in this dark and twisted nsfw horror live novel. Sadly I'm not finding anything. Is it just that niche? Either Way I need some blobs and balloons of these guys, Especially ren! Criminal a foxkin as cute as him got crap in fetish art!

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/bhm/ art sharing thread Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 21:54:00 No. 5615 [Reply] [Last]
a place to share art you've drawn of fat boys of any size. don't be shy! please keep it civil.
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>>14303 I love this art! Are you by any chance open for a request and you have a discord account?
>>14275 These all are really good n fun to see I won't lie
>>13473 do you have any socials??? T_T i LOVE ur art
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I'm an aspiring amateur artist.
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big boy sequence

Buried dick in fat pad Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 14:46:16 No. 1781 [Reply] [Last]
I have this fetish since a long time. If you have content like this you can post it here. I'll start : https://twitter.com/HobbitVanilla/status/1431098940947058694?t=TDRMkwisAgfzNJSHUaAhBQ&s=19
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Such a shame the vanillahobbit c00mer hasn't been updated in years :(
>>14327 wow.. Anyone got the vid???
>>14435 Third that! Anyone?
Just need a vid of someone pulling back their fat pad to reveal smth

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Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 17:37:42 No. 4472 [Reply]
Dragon Ball Z/GT/Super Thread.
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>>6276 oof <3 wish he'd done a sequel with him even bigger and hard as a rock :3
>>12526 17 and 18 mutual is the best!
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Plus Sized Femboys Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 07:09:57 No. 4328 [Reply] [Last]
A thread dedicated to chubby femboys to blob femboys
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I just discovered this artist Chomblerone like two months ago and not only has their Twitter account been torched, but I can't seem to find any alts that indicate they didn't just give up outright. Any chance someone archived their stuff?
>>14544 i've got these
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Damn, I want to touch a real fat femboy......
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I just want to nuzzle their bellies.....

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Thicc Femboy IRL Thread Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 22:54:46 No. 14015 [Reply]
Thread for real life femboys with huge asses
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Can't forget Bootystar
Where Is everyone?
>>14015 playboyzach and pawbcayden are the only ones that come to mind.
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Micah is the best example I can think of.
>>14551 oh wow, where can I find him?

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Discord Anonymous 01/17/2024 (Wed) 21:24:08 No. 8669 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for male fats and male fat enjoyers to share their discord accounts/servers
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>>14162 How much do you weigh?
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does anyone have discord servers/links?
Hi I'm a Czech feedee , 21M ,300 pounds. Looking for encourager/feeder. I love being fat shamed. I'm fine with either male or female, Won't get much into details here moldcarpet
>>14517 Oh wow. Czech feedees are pretty rare I added you.
