/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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Plus Sized Femboys Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 07:09:57 No. 4328
A thread dedicated to chubby femboys to blob femboys
Literate horny dude obsessed with fat femboys and playing one. If you ever wanna hornychat about fat gluttonous pretty boys, feel free to add me on Discord at gluttonavery.
(225.93 KB 2048x1395 sVNkSNiDJR0.jpg)
(108.19 KB 1200x1457 veWgxWWKJTo.jpg)
(89.64 KB 827x598 6Zz2E85nlWk.jpg)
(93.65 KB 1005x1318 EkIiw2zC864.jpg)
(171.17 KB 751x1063 xhiPqwjztfQ.jpg)
(65.78 KB 718x900 1TYMLa_DAFo.jpg)
I so wish I had my own fat femboy to love and feed~
(38.60 KB 499x499 Px2DbZ6FVUM.jpg)
(57.61 KB 769x1039 PMVsgDHesGE.jpg)
(57.84 KB 828x757 eI7rgdjtjr4.jpg)
(69.06 KB 827x534 SU4aW4rIYRo.jpg)
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(95.36 KB 1200x857 FlVaitKXkAE06Ui.jpg)
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(253.11 KB 1864x2184 FBrrdDcXIAgSWcc.jpg)
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(571.27 KB 2500x3500 E4HaYXxXMAImIxw.jpg)
>>9354 Source ??
(247.14 KB 671x900 79959648_p0_master1200.jpg)
We need more Bridget in here
Upload more please
Literally my goals wtf 😭🙏
(545.76 KB 3382x2899 20240408_184714.jpg)
Add me on Discord to ramble about fat, feminine boys! I need an outlet for this brainrot! Username "enjou2x"
>>9792 Try not to dial the wrong number dummy
>>9793 Nah it's correct
>>9794 Chnaged it today. Try.
(334.90 KB 1600x1300 20240408_185903.jpg)
>>9795 I can add you instead if it ain't workin'.
>>9780 The fourth photo is incredible
(128.37 KB 900x756 534.jpg)
(152.15 KB 800x1131 2343.jpg)
(663.30 KB 600x824 887.png)
(84.26 KB 600x946 6565.jpg)
Countess Eve on Deviantart did some great work, then dropped off the face of the earth
>>9827 Fake coolers not allowed
>>9827 This shit is so fucking ugly.
(352.98 KB 2048x1955 Tumblr_l_529860381409735.jpg)
Can someone send the femboy plss
(315.61 KB 3500x3000 tb_arts.png)
>>9378 Artist is Gammanaut/Gammagamma
Who is the artist/sauce?
I'm not a femboy myself, but if any frboy is interested, I'm on discord, it's Benisnoticeme. I'm both a feedee and a freder tbh.
>>11009 Sorry, for all the crap, I'm.a bit drunk l. Sorry
>>10871 anyone?
gosh this thread makes me want to become an overweight femboy
I bet you'd look sexy. Need encouragement?
>>11868 >>11868 Maybe it’s something I really want to do but I’m not committed or confident yet
Anyone got the uncensored alt for this?
Anyone know any good irl chubby or fat femboy accounts or models?
I wish someone would do this to me
(314.85 KB 2029x2048 Elmm-JdWoAI2_qI.jpg)
(195.43 KB 1761x2157 F8I1HA0WYAAMCxM.jpg)
(187.17 KB 2354x3000 FR2vsuFWYAMTvls.jpg)
(972.29 KB 1780x1742 image0.png)
(1.39 MB 1400x1000 38534318.png)
>>13893 Fatstolfo, my beloved
(720.69 KB 1950x1097 IMG_3602.png)
(29.92 KB 750x422 Evc4SueXAAAKITY.jpg)
(11.33 KB 264x191 images (62).jpeg)
Would it be too much to beg for some envy love from fma? inflation is my main but I do dabble in some bbm as long as it's super cute! Seriously he needs more art
(406.46 KB 1962x1425 20241104_100655.jpg)
(632.25 KB 2048x2048 Tumblr_l_36218700331786.jpg)
(83.23 KB 648x241 Profile.PNG)
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(74.73 KB 1405x1177 FQzeV4zXEAopkGn.jpg)
I just discovered this artist Chomblerone like two months ago and not only has their Twitter account been torched, but I can't seem to find any alts that indicate they didn't just give up outright. Any chance someone archived their stuff?
>>14544 i've got these
(164.92 KB 1300x1100 zXOd_wh_5hE.jpg)
(351.98 KB 2000x1459 A2saqlRC1UA.jpg)
(355.52 KB 2000x1459 H0SsCvKuQkQ.jpg)
(671.82 KB 2000x1351 p4Trh-RrgeY.jpg)
(669.37 KB 2000x1351 Lo75RFe_gxU.jpg)
(747.14 KB 2000x1351 4PFK2n6_arI.jpg)
(262.70 KB 1182x1896 3Qmgr0GWO0c.jpg)
(391.89 KB 1488x2160 RkjqY9wcEFw.jpg)
(395.28 KB 1560x1950 0KepnHriOcI.jpg)
(442.77 KB 1560x1950 LTcdhoaeFLo.jpg)
(527.81 KB 1670x1847 Tsny0Z1RkPY.jpg)
(526.54 KB 1670x1847 YfU6AiJ94vI.jpg)
Damn, I want to touch a real fat femboy......
(131.43 KB 1405x1177 cYs38rhsgyA.jpg)
(141.48 KB 1297x1345 j63NLDQ46is.jpg)
(216.24 KB 2048x1869 aiTUbhecNQQ.jpg)
(157.42 KB 1280x994 tB33Fxcr4xA.jpg)
(170.36 KB 920x1150 6WALzYO4tRg.jpg)
(321.68 KB 1417x2160 q2TgD84QSt8.jpg)
I just want to nuzzle their bellies.....
