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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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SuperXlChubBoy Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 04:16:40 No. 3322
The place to put up pics/GIFs/videos of this incredible 768-1060 lb. mountain of meat
>>14384 can't download it mate
He has grown even larger and has an overwhelming belly. He no longer seems to be able to squeeze his sides... And he is turning on the fan even though it is winter, as if he is hot. He seems to be out of breath and I think I should put him in the pool to give him more strength..!
>>14384 Could you please enable download on the video? I'm unable to download it unless you give permission to.
>>14390 >>14392 Anon probably did it on purpose, but I have an idea: Open up whatever screen recording software you have available Put the video on full-screen Then record said video and send over the new recording over to go-file so everyone else can download it.
What happened to his penis and balls? Their completely gone and it just look like a belly button. How does he go to the bathroom and have sex now?
(94.40 KB 600x600 6dd.png)
>>14398 >How does he have sex now? My brother in Christ, this is a bedbound man weighing in excess of a half a ton. There is no earthly way he has had sex in a LONG time and it there's no way that's a concern of his. As for bathroom stuff? Has to be bedpans by this point. Genuinely surprised he's not making use of a catheter. Goodness knows with those feet he can't be walking.
Sure... how do you urinate...? There is no way he can do it alone... Maybe a caregiver could accompany him? If so, I envy him...
>>14398 I don’t think he could’ve ever had sex. His dick has been buried since at least when he started making vids at 21, but it’s probably been buried a lot longer than that. I think it’d be hot if someone could dig it out of his fat and show that he actually has a dick.
>>14384 >He looks in rough condition. He doesn't have much time. Yes., I wonder if he's back in hospital; I noticed he hasn't logged on to Grommr in 25 days
Lately he doesn't even pretend to be playing games or anything, as if he's in pain......can't he afford to look at his phone...?
>>14384 Dude enable downloads or upload it to a different site.
https://replay.dropbox.com/share/j58cYtgmXDRYRWFv Sorry for that. You can download now
>>14406 What’s his grommr?
There is not much going on. Go on Hansis page and search for Luke in his friendlist, thats how I found him there, but too lazy to look him up (forgot my login).
Let the wealth be shared https://gofile.io/d/TXqNbs
>>14418 Thank you for sharing it.
I wonder how long it's been since he had an orgasm. He can't reach it at all. We should try and make that happen for him somehow.
>>14413 https://www.grommr.com/Member/Details/superxlchubboy
Where's that magical feeder that would take this majestic blob under their care? Makes me sad that he's given up so much to be this big and still on his own.
>>14418 Im not sure I can exactly comprehend how horrific this actually is
>>14469 Just a guy who has been yo-yoing over 1000 fucking pounds since he was 21 - Back over 1000lbs spilling out of his hospital bed gorging on whip cream wobbling until his heart finally pops. Nothing too crazy
>>14469 Please explain. I want to hear your ibterpretation on this.
Every human being has the right to do with their body what they want. At least in most civilized places around the globe. Cover yourself up in tattoos? Go ahead; but dont complain about negative effects like finding a job. Starve yourself to death? Its an acknowledged desease, but as long as you dont seek help actively you are free to go. You can freely choose what your body should be like, but also you are responsible for the negative consequences. So, if Luke wants to blow up to 1200lbs, let him do it
If he was into girls I’d be there in a heart beat. I wonder if he’d go into cardiac arrest due to not having his cock played with in like ten years or more?
>>14478 Hey, so, I'm almost 500 pounds...wanna like, do that to me?
Come to think of it, SXLCB sounds a lot like him... I wonder if he might be a model...?
>>14418 Does anyone know, is he now in Humboldt or Saskatoon?
>>14478 Im also a fatty ! Care to chat ? What platform do you use ?
I used to talk to him on Whastapp like 10 years ago, he got mad once because I called him piggy and blocked me hahaha
>>14494 Dont be a creep
>>14478 Same, I'm a female fat admirer. Though I feel conflicted because I get so disturbed in like a "body horror" type of way when I see him. It is completely crazy to me that someone can get to this size (sxlcb, vanilla hobbit, some folks on 600lb life). And when I see him, I think about how he must have no shame?? I'm so curious about what his family thinks and all the people around him. And what he thinks, does he want to get better? In my opinion, there's still hope for him to live somewhat normal life.
>>14189 Man's starting to look like an everything bagel
>>14504 Truthfully, I think they've given up. And they have every reason to. They tried getting him help, he ended up losing enough to get out of the hospital, he kept the company of men like Hansi who want to see him further enabled to immobility, and now he's confined to a small room and lives on his bed. I love the guy, I wish we could see more, but damn if this isn't how it was always going to play out.
>>14506 He needs to block Hansi and cut that predator out of his life. I sent a couple messages to Notorious PIG on OnlyFans a while back, I told him I'm so glad he's off that Hansis site since the guy creeps me out so much. I also told him I have a friend who just got started on ssbhm onlyfans/twitter/feabie and Hansi messaged him to try and get him on his clips4sale. He basically told my friend that he takes a cut of the money, but he won't be providing any receipts because he doesn't want anyone to get taxed or something? So who knows how much profit Hansi's actually taking from these disabled addicts. Seems so sketchy. (not to mention he still makes money off of the ones who have died and sells "in memoriam compilations") Anyways Notorious PIG agreed and said I wasn't far off and that he's the worst! Lmao we need to find a way to rescue SXLCB.
>>14494 Humboldt?
>>14521 Humboldt, Saskatchewan. I recognized the street on the south side of the hospital in Humboldt in the video where Hansi is trying to get him into the back of a VW hatchback.
>>14525 Doubt they'd try to move someone that obese if they didn't have to. Would hope taxpayers aren't footing the bill for a fat fuck like that who keeps getting fatter.
>>14530 I'd imagine he's been on SAID (Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability) for a while, which probably covers most to all of his care facility costs. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/family-and-social-support/people-with-disabilities/income-support-for-people-with-disabilities https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/api/v1/products/69228/formats/76951/download https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/health/accessing-health-care-services/care-at-home-and-outside-the-hospital/special-care-homes
Let him eat himself to death. He has attempted to lose weight before many times and failed. Food is what makes him happy. And the bright side is we learn more about the human body. Give him everything until his time ends
>>14533 I'm convinced his attempts at weight loss is partially his fetish based off his posts and partially going through the motions when he lived with family
>>14533 This!!!!
>>14533 Hansis, is he about to lose his feet?
I'm only a quarter of his size but I need to get as big as that blob boy so fucking bad I want to be drowning in my own lard
>>14540 I'm not Hansi. I've known Luke for a long time. Very long-term crush
>>14564 Don't out the poor guy. I've never come across someone with feet in that state.
(3.14 MB 4215x1640 Untitled3_20250307163934.png)
How here would hug this cat
>>14571 feet are seriously scaring me I want him to lose weight because I want his feet to go back to normal. 😭 in the latest Hansi c4s post it says he's trying to gain his mobility back, but I can't imagine it's comfortable to walk on feet like that 😭 poor guyyyy ugg
Why doesnt he have a live stream. I would watch that blob expand even further every day for hours. Gosh he is making me so horny
>>14591 probably because Hansi hasn't figured out a way to profit from it
>>14591 Send him a message and ask.
